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Case study




Dr. Kamal Ramadan


University of Khartoum

In Partial Fulfillment for the requirement of the Degree of

B.Sc. (HON) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(Power Engineering)

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

August 2015


I declare that this report entitled “COMPUTER AIDED WIRING DESIGN,

Study Case:


is my own work except as cited in the references. The report has not been

accepted for any degree and is not being submitted concurrently in

candidature for any degree or other award.

Signature: ________________________

Name: Weam Salah Eldeen Ahmed

Date: August 2015


Estimating power demand (or simply Load Calculation), is a combination of science and
art. It’s an area of electrical engineering where there is no specific final answer.

There was very little planning of wiring installations and electrical load calculation in the
early days of electricity. But now, with supplies from the grid, very large sources of
power are introduced into all premises which use electricity, and proper planning and
design have become essential to guarantee electrical sustainability for any project.

This project aims to introduce an appropriate method to calculate the electrical loads in a
building and design its wiring using a computer software, taking into account the IEC
Standard of Wiring.

Constitutional Court new building was taken as a case study to perform the electrical
wiring design methods and standards in order to calculate the total electrical load for the
building, and then choosing the right size of circuit breakers (CB), which is going to be
connected to the transformer through an appropriate size of cables, all the decisions are
made in order to increase the reliability and sustainability of the building electrical
system. The transformer was chosen to deliver the electrical load needed by the building.

Also, a stand-by Generator has been selected to work whenever the main supply “the
transformer “is out of order.

In addition to the manual electrical design methods a simulation design is done using
SIMARIS design program that is used for equipment selection and sizing, which saves
the time consuming in search in catalogues.

Successfully, we have obtained a satisfying result from all the aspects in our calculation.
The Total electrical Load for the building was 375 kVA, with transformer rating of 500
kVA and standby generator of 500 kVA.
Also the software program results were almost the same as the manual results.


‫تقدير األحمال الكهربائية عبارة عن خليط بين العلم والفن حيث أنه يعتبر ذلك الجزء من الهندسة الكهربائية الذي‬
‫اليحتوي على إجابة نهائية محددة‪.‬‬
‫في بداية عصر الكهرباء كان يعتبر التخطيط الجيد للتوصيالت الكهربائية أمراً ثانوياً ‪ ,‬لكن اآلن مع توفر اإلمدادات‬
‫عبر الشبكة القومية للكهرباء فقد أصبحت المباني قابلة للتعرض إلى قيم عالية من الكهرباء التي تنقل عبر الشبكة‪.‬‬
‫ألجل ذلك أصبح التخطيط والتصميم الجيد لكيفية توصيل و توزيع األحمال الكهربائية للمبنى أمرا مهما لضمان‬
‫إستمرارية الطاقة الكهربائية فيه‪.‬‬

‫يهدف هذا المشروع الى تقديم طريقة علمية لتقدير حسابات األحمال الكهربائية في المباني مع األخذ في االعتبار‬
‫المقاييس العالمية لتوصيل األحمال للمباني‪ ,‬وأيضا إستخدام برامج الحاسوب المساعدة لتصميم التمديدات الكهربائية‬
‫تم إختيار مبنى المحكمة الدستورية الجديد ليكون نموذجا ً للدراسة في هذا المشروع و ذلك لتطبيق طرق و مقاييس‬
‫التمديدات الكهربائية لحساب األحمال الكلية للمبنى و استخدام نتائج هذه الحسابات في إختيار القواطع الكهربائية‬
‫المناسبة والتى سنقوم بتوصيلها للمحول الكهربائي بإستخدام كوابل كهربائية ذات مقاسات مناسبة‪ ,‬كل القرارات تم‬
‫إتخاذها لزيادة موثوقية وإستمرارية التوصيالت الكهربائية‪.‬‬

‫تم أختيار المحول الكهربائي المناسب بنا ًء على كمية األحمال التي تم حسابها‪ ,‬إضافة لذلك فقد تم إختيار مولد كهربائي‬
‫مناسب ليكون متوفراً عند إنقطاع الطاقة الكهربائية من المحول الرئيسي‪.‬‬

‫باإلضافة إلى الطرق التقليدية لتقدير األحمال الكهربائية تم أستخدام برنامج حاسوب مساعد إلختيار مقاسات المعدات‬
‫المختلفة لتوفير الوقت المهدر في البحث في الكتلوجات‪.‬‬

‫تم بحمد هللا الحصول على نتائج مرضية فيما يخص جزئية حساب األحمال الكهربائية‪ ,‬وكانت الحمولة الكلية للمبنى‬
‫‪ 573‬كيلوفولت أمبير‪ ,‬وتم إختيار محول كهربائي بقدرة ‪ 355‬كيلوفولت أمبير ومولد كهربائي بقدرة ‪ 355‬كيلوفولت‬
‫أيضا تم الحصول على نتائج تكاد تكون متشابهة بإستخدام الطرق التقليدية و برنامج الحاسوب المساعد‪.‬‬


To my parents
For their endless love, support, and encouragement

To My Teachers
Those who gave me their knowledge

To all my friends
Your friendship makes my life a wonderful experience


This project would not have been possible to accomplish without the kind
support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere
thanks to all of them.

First and foremost I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor Dr.Kamal

Ramadan for his guidance and support throughout this project and
especially for his confidence in me.
I express my heartfelt gratefulness for Eng. Abdelhameed Tarig for his
assistance and encouragement throughout the startup of the project.

Also I would like to thank DAR CONSULT Company in special way for the
assistance and help.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation and deep sense of gratitude

to my Friend and Partner: Hanaa Mohamed for choosing me to work with
her at this project, for her dedication and for her hard work throughout the
entire project.

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY............................................................................... i
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. ii
‫المستخلص‬............................................................................................................................... iii
Dedication.......................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement.............................................................................................................. v
List of Figures.................................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................x
Abbreviations..................................................................................................................... xi
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Over View…………………………………………………………………………...1
1.2 Motivation…………………………………………………………………………...1
1.3 Problem Justification………………………………………………………………...1
1.4 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………....1
1.5 Thesis Layout..............................................................................................................2
2. Literature Review………………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….3
2.2 Wiring method……………………………………………………………………….4
2.3 Electrical wiring standards…………………………………………………………..4
2.3.1 National Electrical Code (NEC)………………………………………………….5
2.3.2 International Electro technical Commission (IEC standard)……………………..5
2.3.3 British Standard (BS 7671)……………………………………………………….5
2.3.4 Local codes……………………………………………………………………….5
2.4 Electrical wiring basic equipment…………………………………………………...6
2.4.1 Power handling equipment……………………………………………………….6
2.4.2 Cables and raceways……………………………………………………………...8 Wires and cables layout……………………………………………………….8 Cable structure…………………………………………………..…………….8 Cable classification…………………………………………..………………..9 Current carrying capacity of cables………………………………………..….9 Methods of installation…………………….…………….……………………9 Cables problems………………………….……….………………………… 10 Bus ducts………………………………….….…………………………….. 10
2.4.3 Electrical protection devices…………………………………………………….11 Circuit breakers……………………………………………………………...11 Fuses……………….……………………………………….…… ……….. 11
2.4.4 Control and utilization equipment………………………………………………12 Contactors…………………………………..………………………………..12
2.5 Methods of electrical load estimation……………………………………………....12
2.5.1 Preliminary load calculation…………………………………………………….12 Space by space “functional area method”………………………..…………..12 Building area method…………………………..…………………………….13
2.5.2 “NEC” load calculation………………………………………………………….13
2.5.3 Final load calculation……………………………………………………………13

2.5.4 General notes for the all methods……………………………………………….13
2.6 Design by computer……………………………………………………………..….14
2.7 Building Management system………………………………………………...…….15
3. Electrical load calculation..............................................................................................16
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................16
3.2 Power loading of an installation…………………………………………………....16
3.2.1 Installed power (kW) ...........................................................................................16
3.2.2 Installed apparent power (kVA)...........................................................................17
3.3 Factors for Estimating Actual Maximum KVA/KW Demand .................................17
3.3.1 Factor of Maximum Utilization (Ku) ..................................................................17
3.3.2 Factor of Simultaneity (Ks) .................................................................................18 Ks for an apartment block………………………………….……………......18 Ks for distribution boards…………………………………………….……..19 Ks according to circuit function…………………………………………......20
3.4 Load Assessment ......................................................................................................20
3.4.1 Lighting load....................................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 Sockets load………………………………………………………………...…..21
3.4.3 Air-conditioning (AC) load assessment……………………………………….. 21 Fan coil unit……………………………………………………………...….21 Air handling unit…………………………………………………………….21 Chillers load……………………………………………………………… ...22
3.5 Electric lines calculations………………………………………………………….22
3.6 Load balancing…………………………………………………………………..... 23
3.7 Cable Sizing..............................................................................................................24
3.7.1 Voltage drop……………………………………………………………..… ….25
4. Methodology.................................................................................................................26
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................26
4.2 Manual Load Calculation …................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 Lighting load………………............................................................................. 26
4.2.2 Sockets load….....................................................................................................27
4.2.3 AC load…………………………………………………..…………………..…27
4.2.4 Cable selection .................................................................................................. .27
4.2.5 Distribution boards selection...............................................................................27
4.2.6 Transformer and standby generator selection……………………………..…....27
4.2.7 Final load distribution………………………………………………...……......27
4.3 Wiring design using software program……………………………………….…...27
5. Case study: constitutional court building.....................................................................29
5.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................29
5.2 Load description……………………………………………………………… …..29
5.2.1 Lighting load ……………..……………………………………………..….….29
5.2.2 Sockets load………………………………………………………..…………..30
5.2.3 AC load………………………………………………………………………...31
5.3 Load calculation……………………………….…………………………………..31
5.4 Selection of cables and distribution boards……………………………...………..37
5.5 Final load calculation………………………………………………………….......37
5.6 Transformer and standby generator selection………………………………...…...38

5.7 Load balancing for final load distribution………………………………….……39
5.8 Software design simulation results………………………………………………44
5.9 Discussion…………………………………………………………………...…...46
6. Conclusion and future work………………………………………………………...48
6.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….48
6.2 Future work……………………………………………………………………....48
Appendix A: Electrical drawing of the building………………………………………A-1
A.1 lighting…………………………………………………………………………..A-1
A.2 Sockets………………………………………………………………………......A-5
A.3 AC……………………………………………………………………………….A-9
Appendix B: Cables size Table…...…………………………………………………...B-1
Appendix C: Project documentation…...……………………………………………...C-1

List of figures
Figure 2.1: Project steps……………………………………………………………….3

Figure 3.1: Ks for an apartment block……………………………………….……..19

Figure 3.2: Star connected network…………………………………………..……..23

Figure 3.3: Cable selection…………………………………………………...…...…25

Figure 4.1: Wiring design steps……………………………………………..………26

Figure 5.1: Power distribution diagram………………………………...…………38

Figure 5.2: Power distribution diagram obtained from software program...…45

List of Tables
Table 2.1: Transformers rating kVA………………………………………………....7
Table 3.1: Ks for an apartment block………………………………………………18
Table 3.2: Ks for distribution board…………..……………………………………19
Table 3.3: Ks according to circuit function…………………………………....….20
Table 5.1: Lighting load description……………………...………………………..29
Table 5.2: Sockets load description………………………………………………...31
Table 5.3: AC load description…………………………………..……………….…31
Table 5.4: Basement load calculation………………………………………………31
Table 5.5: Ground load calculation…………………………………………...……32
Table 5.6: 1st floor load calculation…………………………………………...……34
Table 5.7: 2nd floor load calculation………………………………………………..35
Table 5.8: AC load calculation…………………………………..…………….……37
Table 5.9: Selection of cables and distribution boards………………………..…37
Table 5.10: Final load calculation…………………………………………..…..…37
Table 5.11: Basement SMDB……………………………………………………..…39
Table 5.12: Ground SMDB…………………………………………………….……40
Table 5.13: 1st floor SMDB……………………………………………………….…41
Table 5.14: 2nd SMDB……………………………………………………………..…43
Table 5.15: Software results versus manual calculation results……………….47

LV Low Voltage
MV Medium Voltage
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
CB Circuit Breaker
kW Kilo Watt
kVA Kilo Volt Ampere
I Current
P Power
Ku Utilization Factor
Ks Factor of Simultaneity
AC Air Conditioning
AHU Air Handling Unit
FCU Fan Coil Unit
CAP Cooling Capacity
COP Coefficient of performance
TOR Ton OF Refrigeration
ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
DB Distribution Board
SMDB Sub-Main Distributed board

Chapter one Introduction

Chapter One
1.1 Over view
Like fire, electricity is a very good servant, but if not properly controlled and used it can
prove to be a very dangerous master. The need for planned methods of wiring and
installation works has long been recognized, and all kinds of regulations, requirements,
recommendations, and codes of practice and so on have been issued. Some are mandatory
and can be enforced by law, whilst others are merely recommendations.

There was very little planning of wiring installations in the early days of electricity, but
now, with supplies from the grid, very large sources of power are introduced into all
premises which use electricity, and proper planning and design have become essential.

In fact, electrical load estimation is very important in the draft design (early stage of the
project); because it helps the “Head Engineer” in the arrangements for connecting the
project to the upstream network (National Grid) and choosing the best transformer and
main switchgear room for this mission. In addition to that, it helps in calculating the
initial budget for the electrical works.

1.2 Motivation
Every person wants to excel at his specialist and always pursues to perfection. And as a
beginner electrical power engineer, this is a good opportunity to integrate the knowledge
gains from the university with what the outside world (The Market) really wants.

1.3 Problem justification

Constitutional Court new building which is associated with the ministerial of cabinet has
been taken as a case study for electrical wiring design. It is a huge building which
consists of four floors. In order to have a complete project, this building with this huge
capacity must consider the electrical loads as an importance as the structural loads, to
have a well-done sustainable building from all aspects.

1.4 Objective
By using IEC standards the electrical load calculation is done to achieve these objectives:

 Choosing the right size of cables, CBs, transformer, and standby generator to be

Chapter one Introduction

 Minimize the power loss in the distribution system, and reduce the maintenance
of the equipment.
 Increase the reliability and sustainability of the building electrical system to meet
the future demands.
 How to make use of software program to get more accurate results.

1.5 Thesis Layout

This thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 (Literature review):
This chapter presents an overview of electrical installations as general.
Chapter 3 (electrical load calculation):

This chapter shows the methods used for load calculation, cables and CBs sizing, and
transformer and standby generator selection.
Chapter 4 (Methodology):

This chapter shows how the load’s equations is used in order to calculate the total load
for the Constitutional Court new building.
Chapter 5 (Case study: Constitutional court building):

This chapter presents and discusses the results obtained from the calculation, and shows
the best selection for the Cables, CBs, and the Transformer.
Chapter 6 (Conclusions and Future work):

The project is reviewed in this chapter, discussing the achieved objectives. In addition to
the further developments that can improve the final result to a professional level.
Appendix A: Electrical drawing layouts of the building.
Appendix B: Cable sizes table.
Appendix C: Project documentation done by SIMARIS software program.

Chapter two literature review

Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
A project naturally progresses from design to the actual building going through the
following stages:

Fig2.1 project steps

The electrical design is the first step of any electrical project this step has two major
concerns besides the basic knowledge of electrical engineering which are basic
knowledge of Electrical Safety and Economical Design.

Whatever type of electrical equipment is installed, it has to be connected by means of

cables and other types of conductors, and controlled by suitable switchgear. This is the
work which is undertaken by the installation engineer, and no equipment, however simple

Chapter two literature review

or elaborate, can be used with safety unless this installation work has been carried out

2.2 Wiring method

Materials for wiring interior electrical systems in buildings vary depending on:

 Intended use and amount of power demand on the circuit.

 Type of occupancy and size of the building.

 National and local regulations.

 Environment in which the wiring must operate.

Wiring systems in a single family home or duplex, for example, are simple, with
relatively low power requirements, infrequent changes to the building structure and
layout, usually with dry, moderate temperature and non-corrosive environmental
conditions. In a light commercial environment, more frequent wiring changes can be
expected, large apparatus may be installed and special conditions of heat or moisture may

Low-voltage installations are governed by a number of regulatory and advisory texts,

which may be classified as follows:

 Statutory regulations (decrees, factory acts, etc.).

 Codes of practice, regulations issued by professional institutions, job


 National and international standards for installations.

 National and international standards for products.

2.3 Electrical wiring standards

The architect uses symbols and notations to simplify the drawing and presentation of
information concerning electrical devices, appliances, and equipment.

Most symbols have a standard interpretation throughout the country as adopted by ANSI
electrical codes.

Chapter two literature review

2.3.1 National Electrical Code (NEC)

The NEC is the electrical Code standard recognized by everyone in the electrical
industry. The purpose of this Code is the practical safeguarding of persons and property
from hazards arising from the use of electricity.

The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association and is referred to as
NFPA 70. The NEC was first published in 1897. It is revised every 3 years so as to be as
up to date as possible. The NEC does not become law until adopted by official action of
the legislative body of a city, municipality, county, or state. Because of the ever-present
danger of fire or shock hazard through some failure of the electrical system, the
electrician and the electrical contractor must use listed materials and must perform all
work in accordance with recognized standards.

2.3.2 International Electro technical Commission (IEC

The leading organization (founded in 1906) for the preparation and publication of
International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technology. Has been
established by engineering experts of all countries in the world comparing their
experience at an international level. Currently the safety principals of IEC 60364 series,
IEC 61140, 60479 series, and IEC 61201 Are the fundamental of most electrical standard
in the world.

2.3.3 British Standard (BS 7671)

BS7671 (the IET Wiring Regulations) sets the standards for electrical installation in the
UK and many other countries. The IET co-publishes the Regulations with the British
Standards Institution (BSI) and is the authority on electrical installation.

The IET plays a key role in electrical installation standards and safety, and is known for
its independent and trusted voice. It manages the national committee JPEL/64 and
publishes the IET Wiring Regulations BS 7671. [1]

2.3.4 Local codes

In addition to these codes, local and state electrical codes must also be considered.

2.4 Electrical wiring basic equipment

Generally the power distribution system consists of four groups:

Chapter two literature review

2.4.1 Power handling equipment

It consists of four elements:

1- Low voltage distribution network

In cities and large towns, standardized LV distribution cables form a network
through link boxes; it is usually (11kv).
Low voltage cables are used to transmit voltage from substations and
distribute it to houses in cities.
2- Transformer
The purpose of a Transformer is to convert, i.e. transform electrical energy
from one voltage to a higher or lower voltage with a corresponding decrease
or increase in current respectively. Transformers are used in many
applications from small domestic products to electrical transition distribution
It is not intention of this document to cover all possible application for
transformer, rather those that are likely to be encountered by the building
services, therefore this section will concentrate on power transformer that are
installed to convert a supply voltage of 11 kV received from the grid to low
voltage, or to convert one low voltage to another. The capacity of a power
transformer is defined by the Full Load Power in kVA, at which the
transformer is expected to operate making due allowance for future load
Nearly all power transformers encounter in building power systems are three-
phase units. These normally have the primary winding connected as a delta
arrangement, and the secondary windings connected in a star configuration to
bring out the Neutral connection.
The size of the transformer is determined by its “Rating”, which is the product
of the voltage and current that a particular unit can handle. This rating is given
as kVA. And in order to assist in selection and sizing of power distribution
transformers, manufacturer and international standards have adopted a table of
standardized transformer rating. The typical size of power transformers found
in buildings has primary and secondary currents as defined in table 2.1

Chapter two literature review

Table 2.1: Transformers rating kVA

3- Emergency generator
It used to provide electrical energy for the emergency loads or important load
at building, the loads can be transferred to transformer by mutual transfer
switch (ATS) or manual. (ATS) is often installed where a backup generator
(emergency generator) is located, so that the generator may provide temporary
electrical power if the utility source fails.
In case of critical load such as the devices in hospital, the un-interrupted
power supply (UPS) is used, which guarantee the continuity of electrical

4- Electrical distribution panels

is a component of an electricity supply system which divides an electrical

power feed into subsidiary circuits, while providing a protective fuse or circuit
breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure. Normally, a main switch, and
in recent boards, one or more residual-current devices (RCD) or residual
current breakers with overcurrent protection (RCBO), are also incorporated.
For reasons of aesthetics and security, circuit breaker panels are often placed
in out-of-the-way closets, attics, garages, or basements, but sometimes they
are also featured as part of the aesthetic elements of a building (as an art
installation, for example) or where they can be easily accessed.
There are many types of distribution panels, such as open frame construction,
construction panels, cubicle construction, withdraw able unite, and box type

Chapter two literature review

2.4.2 Cables and raceways Wires and cables layout

 Wires layout:

The safety element is the most important element inside buildings. All conductors are
put inside conduits; these conduits may be external or underground.

The most important points that must be taking into account are:
1. Make sure that the number of conductors inside the conduit doesn’t exceed the
maximum number of conductors according to conductor section and conduit
2. Applying distance rules between conduit binding points.

Inside buildings another way of layout is used, called raceways or trunking made
from plastic or metal. Some types of raceways are underground especially in offices
and the others are built on walls.

 Cable layout:
The method using for cable layout depends on the nature of the project; in industrial
projects it’s preferable to use cable trays for better heat dissipation and faults can
easily be detected.

There are many ways for cables layout in an electrical project:

1-Using conduits.

2-Using cable trays.

3-Buried under ground. Cable structure

Consists of three major components: conductors, insulation, and protective jacket,
the makeup of individual cables varies according to application.
Cables for direct burial or for exposed installations may also include metal armor
in the form of wires spiraled around the cable.
Power cables use standard copper or aluminum conductors. Also small power
cables may use solid conductors.

Chapter two literature review Cable classification

According to rated voltage cables can be classified into:
1) High voltage cables (more than 66Kv)
2) Middle voltage cables (more than 3.3kv)
3) Low voltage cables. Current carrying capacity of cables

The current carrying capacity of any cable depends on the cable layout
method that determines the heat exchange efficiency between the cable and air. Methods of installation

Reference method A

The wall consists of an outer weatherproof skin, thermal insulation and an inner skin of
wood or wood-like material having a thermal conductance of at least 10 W/m².K. The
conduit is fixed such that it is close to, but not necessarily touching the inner skin. Heat
from the cables is assumed to escape through the inner skin only. The conduit can be of
metal or plastic.

Reference method B

The conduit is mounted on a wooden wall such that the gap between the conduit and the
surface is less than 0.3 times the conduit diameter. The conduit can be metal or plastic.
Where the conduit is fixed to a masonry wall the current-carrying capacity of the non-
sheathed or sheathed cable may be higher.

Reference method C

Cable mounted on a wooden wall so that the gap between the cable and the surface is less
than 0.3 times the cable diameter.

Where the cable is fixed to or embedded in a masonry wall the current-carrying capacity
may be higher. The term 'masonry' is taken to include brickwork, concrete, plaster and
similar (but excluding thermally insulating materials).

Chapter two literature review

Reference method D

The cable is drawn into a 100mm diameter plastic, earthenware or metallic ducts laid in
direct contact with soil having a thermal resistivity of 2.5 K.m/W and at a depth of 0.8 m.
The values given for this method are those stated in this Part of BS 7671 and are based on
conservative installation parameters. If the specific installation parameters are known,
(thermal resistance of the ground, ground ambient temperature, cable depth), reference
can be made to the cable manufacturer or the ERA 69-30 series of publications, which
may result in a smaller cable size being selected.

Reference methods E, F and G

The cable is supported such that the total heat dissipation is not impeded. Heating due to
solar radiation and other sources is to be taken into account. Care is to be taken that
natural air convection is not impeded. In practice a clearance between a cable and any
adjacent surface of at least 0.3 times the cable external diameter for multi-core cables or
1.0 times the cable diameter for single-core cables is sufficient to permit the use of
current-carrying capacities appropriate to free air conditions. Cables problems

1-Power losses (losses in conductor resistance, insulation loss, metallic sheath loss).

2-Leakage current or charging current.

3-Change in cable resistance due to skin effect and eddy currents.

4-Change in cable resistance due to heat.

5-Cables are affected by moisture. Bus ducts

Alternative to cables. An enclosed metal unit containing copper or aluminum bus bars
insulated from each other.

Bus duct types according to the isolation method between the three phases are:

a. Non-segregated duct.
b. Segregated duct.
c. Isolated duct.

Chapter two literature review

2.4.3 Electrical protection devices Circuit breakers

Circuit breaker is:

 A switching device.
 Capable of making, carrying and breaking normal or fault currents.
 Must offer short circuit current.

Circuit breaker types:

 MCB (miniature circuit breaker).

 MCCB (molded case circuit breaker).
 MPCB (motor protection circuit breaker).
 ACB (air circuit breaker)


 Rated operational voltage.

 Nominal rated current.
 Rated ultimate S/C breaking capacity (circuit breaker can break two faults of
claimed value and can make one fault of the claimed value).
 Rated service S/C making capacity (circuit breaker can break three faults of
claimed value and can make two fault of the claimed value.
 Rated short time withstand current.
 Utilization category. Fuses
A fuse is a type of over-current protective device.

Fuse types:

 Low voltage fuses.

 High voltage fuses.

Low voltage fuses can be further divided into two classes:

1-Semi-enclosed or rewireable, it is the most commonly used fuse in house wiring

Chapter two literature review

2-Totally enclosed or cartridge type. The fuse element is enclosed in a totally enclosed
container and is provided with metal contacts on both sides. These fuses are further
classified as:

 D-type.
 Link type cartridge or high rupturing capacity (HRC).

2.4.4 Control and utilization equipment

This group include all loads such as lighting, and motors, it also include switches and
sockets. Contactors
A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching a power circuit, similar
to a relay except with higher current ratings. A contactor is controlled by a circuit which
has a much lower power level than the switched circuit.

Contactors are considered main elements in control circuits, they are used to control
electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor banks, thermal evaporators, and other
electrical loads.
A contactor has three components. The contacts are the current carrying part of the
contactor. This includes power contacts, auxiliary contacts, and contact springs. The
auxiliary contacts are two types; normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).
The electromagnet (or coil) provides the driving force to close the contacts. When current
passes through the electromagnet, a magnetic field is produced, this attracts the moving
core of the contactor. The (NO) became (NC) and (NC) became (NO). [2]
2.5 Methods of electrical load estimation
1- Preliminary Load Calculation which divided to:

A) Space by space “Functional area method”.

B) Building area method.

2- National Electric Code (NEC) Load Calculation.

3- Final Load Calculation

2.5.1 Preliminary load calculation Space by space “Functional area method”

Chapter two literature review

In the Space-by-space method, the building will be divided into different spaces based on
its function, like: Office, Conference Room, Lobbies, Parking Area, Workshops, etc... Building area method

The Building area method is used for buildings which are bigger that can be handled by
the Space by Space method. It considers easier than space by space method; because here
at this method you estimate the electrical load based on the Activity, & you do this for the
whole building.

2.5.2 “NEC” load calculation

The NEC provides two dwelling service load calculation methods: Standard method : where the loads are divided to :-

 General Lighting & Receptacle.
 Small Appliance.
 Branch Circuit(s). Optional method : and here the load are divided to:-
 General Load.
 Heating & Air-Conditioning Load.
 Feeder/Service Conductors

2.5.3 Final load calculation

This method depending on where your project is located; because different figures and
procedures are used to estimate the power demand of an installation. This method
sometimes refers to it as IEC Method (International Electro technical Commission).

2.5.4 General notes for the all methods

1- Method Combination: A particular design may use one Preliminary load estimate
method or a combination from two or even three methods, and that depends on the
Engineer who is responsible for the design to gain the best possible results.

2- System Loss: A system loss of approximately 4% to 6%, based on calculated

maximum demand, should be added to the preliminary building load.

3-Load Growth: Determining the requirements for load growth for anticipated usage and
life expectancy, with particular attention to the possibility of adding heavy loads in the
form of Air-Conditioning ,electric heating, electric data processing and electronic

Chapter two literature review

communication equipment. No more than 10 % spare capacity should be considers during

the design, unless it is noted that the building will have serious growth in the future, and
in that case we should rise the margin of the spare capacity to 15-20% and that depends
on the designer and his sight to the project.

2.6 Design by computer

The designer can expect to find a number of benefits from using computers for
installation design:

(1) The speed at which calculation is carried out will clearly be much faster than with
manual methods even with use of a calculator in the hands of an experienced designer,
manual methods can take up to 20 minutes per circuit for all aspects to be properly
assessed. The computer will be able to do the work in a fraction of the time.

(2) Nearly all the work of looking at tables can be eliminated. The key facts about cable
ratings, volt drops, the fuse and earth fault loop impedance data, and even the
manufacturers’ characteristics on devices and equipment, can all be stored in the memory
of the computer. Many electrical manufacturers are able to supply product data in
computer format for the popular software packages, the disk contents being fed straight
into the computer.

(3) Repetition of calculations can easily be carried out. In settling the question of the best
location of a distribution board, or whether it would be more economical to avoid
grouping by fixing cables separately, it is possible to quickly recalculate to decide the
optimum condition. With manual methods, the work would be considerable and it is
probable that only one set of calculations would be made.

(4) Potentially the computer method will be more accurate. This is of course
fundamentally dependent upon the quality of the software, but provided this is
satisfactory, the risk of human error, present in the manual methods, is avoided. Again
speed of calculation is of advantage, as the simplified formulae sometimes used in
manual methods can be avoided. The computer will be able to use the most appropriate
and accurate method of calculation for every single circuit.

(5) Design data for the installation can be produced by computer print-out with little extra
effort. The manually produced design data sheet which may take some time to prepare
without computers, is one of the tasks that can be done more quickly. [3]

Chapter two literature review

2.7 Building Management System (BMS)

A Building Management System (BMS) or a (more recent terminology) Building
Automation System (BAS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that
controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as
ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. A BMS consists
of software and hardware; the software program, usually configured in a hierarchical
manner, can be proprietary, using such protocols as C-bus, Profibus, and so on. Vendors
are also producing BMSs that integrate using Internet protocols and open standards such
as DeviceNet, SOAP, XML, BACnet, LonWorks and Modbus.

 Illumination (lighting) control

 Electric power control

 Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC)

 Security and observation

 Access control

 Fire alarm system

 Lifts, elevators etc.

 Plumbing

 Closed-circuit television (CCTV)

 Other engineering systems

 Control Panel

 PA system

 Alarm Monitor

 Security Automation

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

Chapter 3
Electrical Load Calculation

3.1 Introduction
Whatever type of electrical equipment is installed, it has to be connected by means of
cables and other types of conductors, and controlled by suitable switchgear. This is the
work which is undertaken by the installation engineer, and no equipment, however simple
or elaborate, can be used with safety unless this installation work has been carried out
For these entire significant characteristic that can be gain from a good estimation, a lot of
methods developed in order to make sure that the calculation is most accurate as possible.

3.2 Power loading of an installation

In order to design an installation, the actual maximum load demand likely to be imposed
on the power-supply system must be assessed. To base the design simply on the
arithmetic sum of all the loads existing in the installation would be extravagantly
uneconomical, and bad engineering practice. So, we should take into account some
factors in order to improve our calculation at section 5.5 (Factors for Estimating Actual
Maximum kVA/kW Demand) and after that all existing and projected loads can be

In addition to providing basic installation-design data on individual circuits, the results

will provide a global value for the installation, from which the requirements of a supply
system (distribution network, MV/LV transformer, or generating set) can be specified.

3.2.1 Installed power (kW)

Most electrical appliances and equipment are marked to indicate their nominal power
rating (Pn).

The installed power is the sum of the nominal powers of all power-consuming devices in
the installation. This is not the power to be actually supplied in practice. This is the case
for electric motors, where the power rating refers to the output power at its driving shaft.
The input power consumption will evidently be greater Fluorescent and discharge lamps
associated with stabilizing ballasts, are other cases in which the nominal power indicated
on the lamp is less than the power consumed by the lamp and its ballast. The power
demand (kW) is necessary to choose the rated power of a generating set or battery, and

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

where the requirements of a prime mover have to be considered. For a power supply from
a LV public supply network, or through a MV/LV transformer, the significant quantity is
the apparent power in kVA.

3.2.2 Installed apparent power (kVA)

The installed apparent power is commonly assumed to be the arithmetical sum of the
kVA of individual loads. The maximum estimated kVA to be supplied however is not
equal to the total installed kVA.

The apparent-power demand of a load (which might be a single appliance) is obtained

from its nominal power rating, and the application of the (cosφ = the power factor = kW /
kVA) the apparent-power kVA demand of the load (Pa) is Power in from this value, the
full-load current Ia (A) taken by the load will be:
𝑃𝑎 ×1000
𝐼𝑎 = Equation 3.1
√3 ×𝑉
V = phase-to-phase voltage (volts) = 415 V

It may be noted that, strictly speaking, the total kVA of apparent power is not the
arithmetical sum of the calculated kVA ratings of individual loads (unless all loads are at
the same power factor). It is common practice however, to make a simple arithmetical
summation, the result of which will give a kVA value that exceeds the true value by an
acceptable “design margin”. [4]

3.3 Factors for estimating actual maximum kVA/kW demand

All individual loads are not necessarily operating at full rated nominal power nor
necessarily working at the same time. For that reason we introduce some factors to help
us in the calculation so we can get the most proper results when determining the actual
power demand. [4]

3.3.1 Factor of maximum utilization (Ku)

In normal operating condition the power consumption of a load is sometimes less than
that indicated as its nominal power rating, and this is a fairly common occurrence that
justifies the application of a Utilization Factor (Ku) in the estimation of realistic values.
This factor must be applied to each individual load, and have some standards values:
For motors = 0.75 or 0.8
For Incandescent-Lighting and Heat Loads = 1

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

For Socket-Outlet Circuits: it depends entirely on the type of the type of appliances being
supplied from the socket (in the most application usually this value is equals to 1).

3.3.2 Factor of Simultaneity (Ks)

This factor must be applied to each group of loads, and changes depending on the number
of loads in the group .The determination of this factor is the responsibility of the designer
so he can choose the right factor for the right group of loads. It requires a detailed
knowledge of the installation and the conditions in which the individual circuit are to be
Factors of Simultaneity (Ks) have three types of application:-
1- Ks for an Apartment block.
2- Ks for Distribution boards.
3- Ks according to Circuit function. Ks for an Apartment block

In the case of consumer using Electrical Heating or Cooling units, a factor of 0.8 is
recommended regardless of the number of consumer, otherwise the factor depends on the
number of consumer like it appear in Table 5.1
Table 3.1 Ks for an apartment block

Number of downstream consumer Factor of simultaneity

2 to 4 1
5 to 9 0.78
10 to 14 0.63
15 to 19 0.53
20 to 24 0.49
25 to 29 0.46
30 to 34 0.44
35 to 39 0.42
40 to 49 0.41
50 and more 0.40

And here is an example to illustrate this method:

An apartment with 5 floors and 25 consumers, distributed through the floors as shown in

Figure 3.1 with their total load at each floor and the value of Ks according to No. of
consumer taking into account, so, in order to determine the total installed load and the
apparent power supply, we do the following:
Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

The total installed is: 36+24+30+36+24=150 KVA

The estimated for the Maximum demand for the building is:
Total Power × Ks for the total building’s Consumer (25 consumer), & that’s equals to
150 × 0.46 = 69 KVA

Fig 3.1 Ks for an apartment block Ks for Distribution boards

This factor is used when a distribution board is supplying a number of circuits where
there is no indication of the manner of the circuit, so the total load is divided between
them, and that’s according to the values in Table 3.2
Table 3.2: Ks for distribution board

Number of circuits Ks
2&3 0.9
4&5 0.8
6 to 9 0.7
10 and more 0.6

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation Ks according to circuit function

Here the factor refers to how often the circuit is being operating, as an example, if I

have 5 sockets in an office there will not be all operating at the same time ” mostly”, so

Ks is going to be too small. However, the all the Lighting is operating at same time, so

Ks will be bigger than the socket. Again, this depends on the designer and how he sees
the situation (especially in industrial installation, where the values become higher than
the usual), so he can choose the most suitable Ks. And here are the (Ks) values in Table
Table 3.3: Ks according to circuit function

Circuit function Ks

Lighting 1

Heating and air conditioning 1

Sockets-outlets 0.1 to 0.2

For the most powerful motor 1

Lifts and motors For the 2nd most powerful motor 0.75

For all rest motors 0.60

3.4 Load Assessment

Most of the equipment at any installation has its nominal power at kW, and it’s easy to
convert this into kVA using:

𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑊
Power in kVA = Equation 3.2
But there are special cases when the designer faces some special load, with specific way
of calculating its nominal KVA. In this project we are interested in Lighting, Elevator,
and Air-Conditioning (AC) Loads.

3.4.1 Lighting load

- Incident lamps or spots P = 20≈ 200 watts

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

-For florescent lamps 2 x 36 watt 4 x 18 watt 2 x 55 watt

- For chandeliers P= 400≈500 watt. [5]

3.4.2 Sockets load

- Single socket 13 A
- Duplex socket 13 A
- Power socket 2000-2500VA
- Hand driver 1500VA. [5]

3.4.3 Air-Conditioning (AC) Load Assessment

Air-conditioning is one of the building mechanical services that include plumbing, fire
protection, and escalators. Air-conditioning refers to any form of cooling, heating,
ventilation or disinfection that modifies condition of air.

In this building a Central Air-Conditioning System is used in which a cooling (chilled

water) is generated in a chiller at one base location and distributed to air-handling units or
fan-coil units located throughout the building spaces. The air is cooled with secondary
media (chilled water) and is transferred through air distribution ducts.
Air-Conditioning Loads are usually the most dominate electrical load in any project.
These loads consist of:
1- Chillers
2- Water Bumps
3- Fan-Coils
4- Air Handling Unit (AHU) Fan Coil Unit

A fan coil unit (FCU) is a simple device consisting of a heating or cooling coil and fan.
The consumption power for it should be given Air Handling Unit

An air handler, or air handling unit (often abbreviated to AHU), is a device used to
condition and circulate air as part of air-conditioning system.

The consumption power may be given or calculated from the air quantity (air rate) by

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

Power in kW = Equation 3.3

ƞ ≡ Efficiency
H ≡ the head in meters

G ≡ gravity acceleration

Q ≡ air flow rate (m3/s)

P ≡ Density (for air or water) Chillers load:

The chilled water system supplies chilled water for the cooling needs of all the building’s
air-handling units (AHUs). The system includes a chilled water pump which circulates
the chilled water through the chiller’s evaporator section and through the cooling coils of
the AHUs.

Calculating the load of the chillers is done through using multiple equations, since the
AC Load using chillers system is given as a cooling load (cooling capacity “CAP”) which
it can be expressed in (kW) or in Tons of Refrigeration (TOR).
A particular air-conditioner has a dimensionless number called the Coefficient Of
Performance (COP). It is defined as the ratio of Energy Removed to Energy Consumed.
This value, usually around 4 to 8, divided into cooling capacity (preferably in kW), will
give the Electrical Power Consumption in kW of the unit when running

𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑊 = 𝐶𝑂𝑃 Equation 3.4

3.5 Electric lines calculations

After distributing lighting fixtures and sockets, it must be fed from a main panel board.
Each group of lighting fixtures or group of sockets has one line to the main panel board.

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

3.6 Load balancing

Given that the network is featuring a star connection. It’s important to achieve I1 ≈ I2 ≈ I3
to reach an IN of nearly equal zero.

Fig 3.2: Star connected network

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

Balance Check:
For any panel board, there is a balance check for three phase loads due to reducing
neutral current and unbalanced stresses on circuit breakers.
Unbalance ratio can be calculated by:
𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑−𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
𝑈𝑛𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜(%) = 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
× 100 Equation 3.5 [5]

3.7 Cable Sizing

Power cables are used to feed circuits with the required power. So, cables selection must
be according to transfer a full power to certain load, that mean the cables must transfer
the full current with no or limited voltage drop to ensure full power transfer. In order to
determine a correct individual cable size it is important to obtain or calculate an accurate
circuit design current. This may not be critical for short or lightly loaded circuits, but
becomes critical when sizing heavily loaded circuits with long cable runs of, say, over 75
m. At longer circuit lengths, voltage drop requirements can lead to cable sizes
significantly larger than the base size. In order to minimize this in calculations, an
accurate design current Ib can be calculated in order to ensure a good design.
The basic formula to obtain a design current is as follows:

𝐼= Equation 3.6
And by taking the V= 400 volts (Line voltage), and from Equation 3.6 this equation can
be written as flows:

𝐼 = 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟(𝑘𝑉𝐴) × 1.4 Equation 3.7

Having established the design current Ib, the appropriate procedure described below will
enable the designer to determine the size of the cable that will be use, the steps is:
1- Select an appropriate protective current rating (In), larger than the design current.

2- Tabulated cable size current (It) is obtained by using the protective device rating, and
correcting factors for ambient temperature (Ca) and grouping factor (Cg), as flow:
𝐼𝑡 = 𝐶 𝑛𝐶 Equation 3.8
𝑎 𝑔

3- Then, a cable with tabulated current-carrying capacity (Iz) is then selected such to
exceed the It or just above it.

Chapter 3 Electrical Load Calculation

The procedure can be depicted as in Figure 3.3.

Fig 3.3: cable selection

Sometimes, and in order to make the calculation more easily, we just can take the Full
Load Current (without Diversity Factor) and multiply this value with the factor (usually
1.25), so the protection purpose is done through taking the Full Load Current in the
calculation and the 1.25 factor is taking for the Future Loads purpose. [5]

3.7.1 Voltage drop

On completion of obtaining an installed current rating for the relevant cable size, it is
then further checked for voltage drop.

A long distance cable and its internal impedance may cause a voltage drop more than the
allowed percentage. Voltage Drop Percentage mustn’t more than 5%. Voltage drop can
be calculated from:
𝑉𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ×𝐼𝐶.𝐵 ×𝐿
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝 (%) = × 100 Equation 3.9 [5]

𝑉𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ≡ Voltage Drop for a certain cable [Obtained from cables catalogues].

𝐼𝐶.𝐵 ≡ Circuit Breaker Current.

L≡ Cables Length.

Chapter 5 Methodology

Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction
This chapter will illustrate how the information mentioned in chapter three is used to
estimate the total load and design the electrical wiring for constitutional court new
Figure 4.1 illustrates the steps of the wiring design.

Fig 4.1: wiring design steps

4.2 Manual Load calculation

At the beginning AutoCAD is used to calculate the quantity of each type of load from the
electrical drawing layouts that are shown in appendix A.

4.2.1 Lighting load

The lighting load is given in kW, so it must be multiplied by the quantity to get the total
power in kW for a specific type of light, from which the power in kVA can be calculated
using equation 3.2, and by taking the Power Factor (Cos Ø) = 0.7. [2]

Chapter 5 Methodology

4.2.2 Sockets load

The sockets load is given by its rated current, so we most convert that into power in kW
and then into power in kVA, which equals 180 VA for 13 A single socket and 360 VA
for double socket.

4.2.3 AC load
The ac load is given in mechanical kW power, which must be first converted to Ton Of
Refrigeration (TOR) by dividing it by the factor 3.517, then it converted to kVA by
multiplying it by the factor 1.8. [5]

4.2.4 Cable selection

From the determined power in kVA the design current can be calculated using equation
3.7. Then this value is multiplied by the factor 1.25 for the overcurrent protection and
future expansion, from which the cable size is determined according to the current that it
can handle the load (rating current) using table in Appendix B. The inner cables are
chosen according to reference method C, and the main cable is chosen according to
reference method F.

4.2.5 Distribution boards selection

The distribution board selection is done according to the current of the load that have
been found .Circuit breakers sizes available in the market are:
10 – 16 – 20 – 25 – 32 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 63 – 75 – 80 – 100 – 125 – 160 – 200 – 250 – 320 –
400 – 500 – 630 – 800 – 1000 – 1250 – 1600 – 2000 – 2500 – 3200 – 4000 – 5000 – 6300
Amp., from which the appropriate one is chosen.

4.2.6 Transformer and standby generator selection

The transformer and standby generator are selected according to the total load in kVA
using transformer and generator catalogs.

4.2.7 Final load distribution

In the final load distribution each group of lighting fixtures or group of sockets has one
line to the distribution panel board. The lighting load line can stand up to 1500 VA, and
the sockets load line can stand up to 2000 VA as shown in section 3.5. After that a
balance check is done using equation 3.5 to insure that the load on the three phases is
equal and there is no neutral current.

4.3 Wiring design using software program

SIMARIS design basic program is used for the wiring design .SIMARIS design basic is a
dimensioning tool for power distribution systems in commercial, industrial and

Chapter 5 Methodology

institutional buildings – from medium voltage to the wall outlet. With this tool electrical
networks can be dimensioned automatically with a minimum of manual entries
It is used for equipment selection and sizing, which saves the time-consuming research in
The single line diagram is given to the software as input with all the load expressed in the
design current. The software then selects all the cables and distribution boards sizes, it
also selects the transformer and the main circuit breaker.

Chapter Five Case Study

Chapter five
Case Study: Constitutional court
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter the constitutional court new building have been taken as a case study.

The layout drawings of the building which contain all electrical equipment information
have been used as initial data to calculate electrical load.

In addition to the manual load estimation a software program known as SIMARIS design
was used for the selection of the distribution boards, cables and transformer.
5.2 Load Description:
5.2.1 Lighting load
From electrical layout drawings of the building the lighting load description has been
obtained as illustrated in table 5.1, which gives the type of load and its total quantity in
each floor.
Table 5.1: lighting load description


Type of load Basement Ground 1st floor 2nd floor

(2×28W), 240V, IP66, 119 1 2 2
surface mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP20, 5 6 64 48
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×26W), 240V, IP44, 2 7 6 4
surface mounted compact
fluorescent downlight

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.1: lighting load description

(4×18W), 240V, IP20, 0 87 63 96

recessed mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
with aluminum louvers
(2×26W), 240V, IP20, 0 9 56 71
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×13W), 240V, IP44, 0 12 22 28
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×50W), 12V, IP20, low 0 0 42 20
voltage halogen spotlight
(1×18W), 240V, wall 0 4 6 6
mounted above mirror
tubular fluorescent lighting
(1×150W), 240V, IP20, 0 0 4 0
recessed mounted halide high
bay lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP65, 0 22 0 0
outdoor wall mounted
compact fluorescent lighting
(1×18W), 240V, IP40, indoor 2 2 3 4
mounted EXIT light
(6.6 W/m), 240V, interior 0 0 72m 35m
space fixable LED strip cove
light mounted on gypsum
decorative ceiling

5.2.2 Sockets load

Table 5.2 shows the types of sockets and its quantity in each floor.

Chapter Five Case Study

Table 5.2: sockets load description

Type of load Basement Ground 1st floor 2nd floor
Duplex UPS socket for 3 5 3 2
door access
13 A duplex UPS socket 1 23 35 41
for data
13 A single UPS socket for 3 6 5 5
13 A duplex socket for TV 1 5 3 3
13 A single socket for TV 18 45 59 96

5.2.3 AC Load
Table 5.3 shows the cooling capacity of AC load in each floor which is calculated from
electrical layout drawings of the building.
Table 5.3: AC load description

Floor Cooling capacity(kW)

Ground 98
1st floor 169
2nd floor 191
5.3 Load calculation
A) Basement
Using the manual load calculation methods and the load description tables the full load
for the basement has been calculated as shown in table 5.4.
Table 5.4: basement load calculation

Type of load Quantity Power Total full Ks Demand load

in VA load (kVA) (kVA)
(2×28W), 240V, IP66, 119 80 9.52 1 9.52
surface mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP20, 5 37.14 0.1587 1 0.1587
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.4: basement load calculation

(1×26W), 240V, IP44, 2 37.14 0.07428 1 0.07428

surface mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×18W), 240V, IP40, 2 25.7 0.051 1 0.051
indoor mounted EXIT light
Duplex UPS socket for door 3 360 1.08 0.2 0.216
13 A duplex UPS socket for 1 360 0.36 0.2 0.072
13 A single UPS socket for 3 180 0.54 0.2 0.108
13 A duplex socket for TV 1 360 0.36 0.2 0.072
13 A single socket for TV 18 180 3.24 0.2 0.648
Total 15.3839 10.9199

B) Ground
The full load for the ground has been calculated as shown in table 5.5, using the manual
load calculation methods and the load description tables.
Table 5.5: ground load calculation

Type of load Quantity Power Total full Ks Demand load

in VA load (kVA)
(2×28W), 240V, IP66, 1 80 0.08 1 0.08
surface mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP20, 6 37.14 0.222 1 0.222
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×26W), 240V, IP44, 7 37.14 0.259 1 0.259
surface mounted compact
fluorescent downlight

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.5: ground load calculation

(4×18W), 240V, IP20, 87 102.857 8.948 1 8.948

recessed mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
with aluminum louvers
(2×26W), 240V, IP20, 9 74.28 0.668 1 0.668
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×13W), 240V, IP44, 12 18.57 0.222 1 0.222
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×18W), 240V, wall 4 25.714 0.102 1 0.102
mounted above mirror
tubular fluorescent lighting
(1×26W), 240V, IP65, 22 37.14 0.817 1 0.817
outdoor wall mounted
compact fluorescent lighting
(1×18W), 240V, IP40, 2 25.714 0.051 1 0.051
indoor mounted EXIT light
Duplex UPS socket for door 5 360 1.8 0.2 0.36
13 A duplex UPS socket for 23 360 8.28 0.2 1.656
13 A single UPS socket for 6 180 1.08 0.2 0.216
13 A duplex socket for TV 5 360 1.8 0.2 0.36
13 A single socket for TV 45 180 8.1 0.2 1.62
Total - - 32.429 15.578

C) 1st floor
The full load for the 1st floor has been calculated as shown in table 5.6.

Chapter Five Case Study

Table 5.6: 1st floor load calculation

Type of load Quantity Power Total full Ks Demand load

in VA load (kVA)
(2×28W), 240V, IP66, 2 80 0.16 1 0.16
surface mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP20, 64 37.14 2.376 1 2.376
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×26W), 240V, IP44, 6 37.14 0.222 1 0.222
surface mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(4×18W), 240V, IP20, 63 102.85 6.471 1 6.471
recessed mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
with aluminum louvers
(2×26W), 240V, IP20, 56 74.28 4.159 1 4.159
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×13W), 240V, IP44, 22 18.57 0.408 1 0.408
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×50W), 12V, IP20, low 42 71.42 2.999 1 2.999
voltage halogen spotlight
(1×18W), 240V, wall 6 25.71 0.154 1 0.154
mounted above mirror
tubular fluorescent lighting
(1×150W), 240V, IP20, 4 214.28 0.857 1 0.857
recessed mounted halide
high bay lighting fixture
(1×18W), 240V, IP40, 3 25.71 0.771 1 0.771
indoor mounted EXIT light

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.6: 1st floor load calculation

(6.6 W/m), 240V, interior 72m 9.41 0.677 1 0.677

space fixable LED strip cove VA/m
light mounted on gypsum
decorative ceiling
Duplex UPS socket for door 3 360 1.08 0.2 0.216
13 A duplex UPS socket for 35 360 12.6 0.2 2.52
13 A single UPS socket for 5 180 0.9 0.2 0.18
13 A duplex socket for TV 3 360 1.08 0.2 0.216
13 A single socket for TV 59 180 10.62 0.2 2.124
Total 45.524 24.509

D) 2nd floor
The full load for the 2nd floor has been calculated as shown in table 5.7, using the manual
load calculation methods and the load description tables.
Table 5.7: 2nd floor load calculation

Type of load Quantity Power Total full Ks Demand load

in VA load (kVA)
(2×28W), 240V, IP66, 2 80 0.16 1 0.16
surface mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
(1×26W), 240V, IP20, 48 37.14 1.782 1 1.782
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×26W), 240V, IP44, 4 37.14 0.148 1 0.148
surface mounted compact
fluorescent downlight

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.7: 2nd floor load calculation

(4×18W), 240V, IP20, 96 102.85 9.873 1 9.873

recessed mounted tubular
fluorescent lighting fixture
with aluminum louvers
(2×26W), 240V, IP20, 71 74.28 5.06 1 5.06
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×13W), 240V, IP44, 28 18.57 0.519 1 0.519
recessed mounted compact
fluorescent downlight
(1×50W), 12V, IP20, low 20 71.42 1.428 1 1.428
voltage halogen spotlight
(1×18W), 240V, wall 6 25.71 0.154 1 0.154
mounted above mirror
tubular fluorescent lighting
(1×18W), 240V, IP40, 4 25.71 0.102 1 0.102
indoor mounted EXIT light
(6.6 W/m), 240V, interior 35m 9.42 0.329 1 0.329
space fixable LED strip cove
light mounted on gypsum
decorative ceiling
Duplex UPS socket for door 2 360 0.72 0.2 0.144
13 A duplex UPS socket for 41 360 14.76 0.2 2.952
13 A single UPS socket for 5 180 0.9 0.2 0.18
13 A duplex socket for TV 3 360 1.08 0.2 0.216
13 A single socket for TV 96 180 17.28 0.2 3.456
Total 54.295 26.503

E) AC load
The total AC load for all floor has been calculated as shown in table 5.8, using the
manual load calculation methods and the load description table for ac load.

Chapter Five Case Study

Table 5.8: AC load calculation

Floor Cooling TOR Power in kVA

Ground 98 27.86 50.148
1st floor 169 48.05 86.49
2nd floor 191 54.3 97.74
Total 234.378

F) Elevators
There are 3 elevators in the building each of 16 kVA

Elevator load = 3*16 = 48 kVA

5.4 Selection of cables and distribution boards

Table 5.9 below shows the selected cables and distribution-boards for the load of
Lights and sockets per floor, elevators and air conditioning.

Table 5.9: Selection of cables and distribution boards

Distribution Power in Design I×1.25 Cable SMDB

board kVA current I size(mm2) (Amp)
Basement 15.38 21.53 26.915 4 25
Ground 32.429 45.4 56.75 10 50
1st floor 45.524 63.73 79.66 16 80
2nd floor 54.295 76 95 25 80
AC 234.378 328.13 410.16 185 400
Elevator 48 67.2 84 25 80
MDB 601.984 702.485 300 630

5.5 Final load calculation

The final values of load in kVA for all floors, AC, and elevators are shown in table 5.10.
Table 5.10: Final load calculation

Distribution board Power in kVA Power in kVA plus 20%

for future demand
Basement 10.9199 13.103

Chapter Five Case Study

Continue Table 5.10: Final load calculation

Ground 15.578 18.69

1st floor 24.509 29.4108
2nd floor 26.503 31.8036
AC 234.378 234.378
Elevator 48 48
Total - 375.38

5.6 Transformer and standby generator selection

According to the total load obtained for the building, the most suitable transformer rated
that could be used is500 kVA, according to Table 2.1. Also, the most suitable Stand-
by generator that we could use is 500 kVA.

Figure 5.1 shows the final manual design results for the building, including the Cable
sizes, DB rated current, Transformer Size and the Stand-by Generator.

Fig 5.1: power distribution diagram

Chapter Five Case Study

5.7 load balancing for final load distribution

The tables below show the load balancing between the three phases for SMDBs of all

A) Basement SMDB
Table 5.11: Basement SMDB

Circuit Load Wire MCCB Three phase

number description size
Amp R Y B

R1 Lighting 2.5 16 800

Y1 Lighting 2.5 16 700

B1 Lighting 2.5 16 900

R2 Lighting 2.5 16 850

Y2 Lighting 2.5 16 800

B2 Lighting 2.5 16 700

R3 Lighting 2.5 16 750

Y3 Lighting 2.5 16 850

B3 Lighting 2.5 16 800

R4 Lighting 2.5 16 900

Y4 Lighting 2.5 16 900

B4 Lighting 2.5 16 860

R5 Sockets 3 20 370

Y5 Sockets 3 20 375

B5 Sockets 3 20 370

R6 Spare - - - - -

Y6 Spare - - - - -

B6 Spare - - - - -

Chapter Five Case Study

R7 Spare - - - - -

Y7 Spare - - - - -

B7 Spare - - - - -

R8 Spare - - - - -

Y8 Spare - - - - -

B8 Spare - - - - -

Total connected load 3670 3625 3630

B) Ground SMDB
Table 5.12: Ground SMDB

Circuit Load Wire size MCCB Three phase (VA)

number description mm2
Amp R Y B

R1 Lighting 2.5 16 900

Y1 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

B1 Lighting 2.5 16 800

R2 Lighting 2.5 16 900

Y2 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

B2 Lighting 2.5 16 1100

R3 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

Y3 Lighting 2.5 16 900

B3 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

R4 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

Y4 Lighting 2.5 16 800

B4 Lighting 2.5 16 980

R5 Sockets 3 20 1400

Chapter Five Case Study

Y5 Sockets 3 20 1410

B5 Sockets 3 20 1400

R6 Spare - - - - -

Y6 Spare - - - - -

B6 Spare - - - - -

R7 Spare - - - - -

Y7 Spare - - - - -

B7 Spare - - - - -

R8 Spare - - - - -

Y8 Spare - - - - -

B8 Spare - - - - -

Total connected load 5200 5110 5280

C) 1st floor SMDB

Table 5.13: 1st floor SMDB

Circuit Load Wire size MCCB Three phase (VA)

number description mm2
Amp R Y B

R1 Lighting 2.5 16 800

Y1 Lighting 2.5 16 900

B1 Lighting 2.5 16 800

R2 Lighting 2.5 16 900

Y2 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

B2 Lighting 2.5 16 950

R3 Lighting 2.5 16 850

Chapter Five Case Study

Y3 Lighting 2.5 16 950

B3 Lighting 2.5 16 900

R4 Lighting 2.5 16 950

Y4 Lighting 2.5 16 850

B4 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

R5 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

Y5 Lighting 2.5 16 950

B5 Lighting 2.5 16 855

R6 Lighting 2.5 16 950

Y6 Lighting 2.5 16 960

B6 Lighting 2.5 16 950

R7 Lighting 2.5 16 980

Y7 Lighting 2.5 16 800

B7 Lighting 2.5 16 960

R8 Sockets 3 20 1750

Y8 Sockets 3 20 1755

B8 Sockets 3 20 1750

R9 Spare - - - - -

Y9 Spare - - - - -

B9 Spare - - - - -

R10 Spare - - - - -

Y10 Spare - - - - -

B10 Spare - - - - -

Total connected load 8180 8165 8165

Chapter Five Case Study

D) 2nd floor SMDB

Table 5.14: 2nd floor SMDB

Circuit Load Wire size MCCB Three phase (VA)

number description mm2
Amp R Y B

R1 Lighting 2.5 16 900

Y1 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

B1 Lighting 2.5 16 955

R2 Lighting 2.5 16 810

Y2 Lighting 2.5 16 980

B2 Lighting 2.5 16 900

R3 Lighting 2.5 16 950

Y3 Lighting 2.5 16 850

B3 Lighting 2.5 16 810

R4 Lighting 2.5 16 970

Y4 Lighting 2.5 16 900

B4 Lighting 2.5 16 970

R5 Lighting 2.5 16 950

Y5 Lighting 2.5 16 950

B5 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

R6 Lighting 2.5 16 930

Y6 Lighting 2.5 16 920

B6 Lighting 2.5 16 950

R7 Lighting 2.5 16 1000

Y7 Lighting 2.5 16 930

B7 Lighting 2.5 16 930

Chapter Five Case Study

R8 Sockets 3 20 1000

Y8 Sockets 3 20 1360

B8 Sockets 3 20 1340

R9 Sockets 3 20 1300

Y9 Sockets 3 20 950

B9 Sockets 3 20 1000

R10 Spare - - - - -

Y10 Spare - - - - -

B10 Spare - - - - -

Total connected load 8810 8840 8855

E) The unbalance ratio calculations

Basement SMDB unbalance ratio = × 100 = 1%
Ground SMDB unbalance ratio = × 100 = 3.2%
1st floor SMDB unbalance ratio = × 100 = 0.18%
2nd floor SMDB unbalance ratio = × 100 = 0.5%

5.8 Software design simulation results

The power distribution diagram obtained from SIMARIS design program is shown in Fig
5.2, which illustrates cables sizes, distribution boards, and transformer rating kVA. All
other information obtained from the program are shown in the report in appendix C.

Chapter Five Case Study

Chapter Five Case Study

5.9 Discussion
The lighting loads were calculated straight ahead, since the original data came with loads
in kW, which is only needed to be converted into kVA using equation 3.2.

One of the problems that faces us is the estimating of the kVA power for the sockets
because they have been given in their rated current. Starting with the load of the single
socket 13 Amps, it was obviously to us that this value of Amps may never occurred, so,
we alter this value by taking a percentage of it. When we check the market and the well-
known value that proudly used in the calculation was 180VA. So we take this value into
our calculation and from it we obtained the corresponding electrical load.

The AC load have been given in mechanical units, we faces problem in converting this
units to electrical power. We searched for factors to convert this mechanical units and we
found the appropriate ones as mentioned in chapter four. And we successfully obtained a
satisfying and good results about the AC Loads

We did not have sufficient information about the elevator, so we assumed a standard
elevator of 16 kVA to be in our study.

In General, the calculated results of the total Loads was done using the appropriate
equations and standards. These values were used to calculate the corresponding CB, and
Cable Sizes.

When it comes to Selection of Cables, the most appropriate cables are the Copper. We
used the cooper conductor as our choosing cable type because it is cheaper than the
Aluminum and it can sustain more than it.

The problem was how to choose the right reference method. For our building the
appropriate reference method for the inner cables is reference C in which the cable is
fixed to or embedded in a masonry wall without conduit and this is a cost effective
method. And for the main cable reference method F was used because the main cable is
in free air and can carry high current due to high heat dissipation.

There are a lot of coefficients were introduced in chapter three that we did not take it into
account in our calculation, instead we toke the full rated current for the full load, in order
to simplify our calculation and also make sure of the safety factor, since the actual load
may never reach to the full load, hence the building will always be in safe and sustain
We multiply our rated current with a factor equals to 1.25, to insure the sustainability and
the reliability if the loads grow in the future.
The selected CB was chosen according to the design current in order to sustain the load
rated current, while the cables were chosen to sustain the over current that may occurred

Chapter Five Case Study

while switching and for any reason the loads were work in their full rated power. So we
choose the cable size with such a caution, because in occurrence of damage, it is easy to
replace a CB, while it’s so difficult to replace a cable.

For the final load distribution the balance check was done to ensure that the load on the
three phases is equal. And for all the sub main distribution boards the balance ratio was
less than 5%.

For the software part the results were almost identical to our manual calculations except
for a few cables and circuit breakers size as shown in the table 5.15.

Table 5.15: software results versus manual calculation results

Software Manual
results calculation
Cable size mm2 DB Amp Cable size mm2 DB Amp
Basement 10 32 4 25
Ground 10 50 10 50
1st floor 16 80 16 80
2nd floor 25 80 25 80
Elevator 16 80 25 80
AC 185 400 185 400
Main 240 630 300 630

These differences are due to the simplifications that were used in manual load
calculation, also we didn’t take the voltage drop calculation in consideration. In general
the software program has a high accuracy rather than the manual calculations.

Most of these calculations depend on the engineering sense of the engineer, because there
are a lot of factors and standards that the engineer must achieve, but only a good engineer
can have these standers and factors, but yet, using it in a compatible way with his
surrounding environment.

Chapter six Conclusion and future work

Chapter Six
Conclusion and future work

6.1 Conclusion
In this project all methods and equations needs for an appropriate good electrical load
calculation were covered.

The total electrical load of the Constitutional Court new building have been successfully
calculated and a satisfying results have been obtained, the total electrical load was 375
kVA. The right sizes of cables and CBs have been successfully selected. Hence a
transformer of 500 kVA and standby generator of 500 kVA have been selected.
Also the SIMARIS design program results were almost same as manual results.

6.2 Future work

 I recommend the engineer who is going to work in the future at a project with the
same objective to design a software program that is capable not only to choose the
right size of equipment but also the most cost effective one, taking into account
the environmental conditions of the place where the equipment will be installed,
and to choose the good brand that having a good equipment quality, also the
software program can be able to do a Finance Estimation of the electrical work.
 Earthing system design and lightning protection of the building can be done to
have a full Covered project.
 Also, I recommend the engineer to learn how to use “AUTOCAD Electric “,
which is considered the most powerful program related to Electrical Load
Calculations from the drawing aspect, because it has very powerful feature that
can guarantee to the engineer to get a well and professional drawing and plans,
and that could help him to start the project from scratch.

[1] Ray C.Mullin Phill Simmons, Electrical Wiring Residential 17th edition.
[2] Electrical installation, Jillany.Technicien Inferieur.
[3] T.A.Stubbs W.E.Steward, Modern Wiring Practice, Design and Installation. England,
[4] CIBSE Guide K, Electricity in Buildings. England: The Chartered Institution of
Building Services, 2004.
[5]Mohamed Tharwat, Basics Of Electrical Works design for projects.

Appendix A
A. Electrical drawings of the building
A.1 Lighting


A.3 AC

Appendix B
B. Cables Size Table

Appendix c
Project documentation
created with

SIMARIS design
Version: 5.0 (27-03-2009)
Subrevision: 1102

© SIEMENS AG 2009. All rights reserved.

Master data

Project name: constitutional court

Project description: new
Editor: Weam Salah Eldeen Hanaa Mohamed
Planning office:
Created at: Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Changed at: Thursday, May 28, 2015

Customer data

City: Khartoum
Customer: Ministry of cabinet


Network parameters:

Standard IEC
Attitude of Site < 1000 m

Medium Voltage
Rated voltage 20 kV
Ambient temperature 40 °C
Voltage factor c max 1.1
Voltage factor c min 1
Max./Min short-circuit power 250 / 100 MVA
Neutral System Low-resistance
Relation R1/X1 min 0.2
Conductor temperature of MV cable
on beginning of short circuit 20 °C
for disconnection 80 °C
for voltage drop 55 °C

Low Voltage
Rated voltage 415 V
System configuration TN-C
Frequency 50 Hz
Tolerable touch voltage 50 V
Ambient temperature of devices 45 °C
Voltage factor c max 1.1
Voltage factor c min 0.95
Base point of voltage drop calulation Transformer-primary terminals
Relative operating voltage at reference point 100 %
Max. permissible voltage drop in network 14 %
Conductor temperature of LV cable
on beginning of short circuit 20 °C
for disconnection 80 °C
for voltage drop 55 °C

List of devices:

Sources of feeding:


Designation Type Sn [kVA] ukr [%] Uprim Pk [kW] P0 [kW] Vector group Δu_transfor Catalog Reference
[kV]/ mer [%]
Usec [V]

Transformer 1.1A.1 GEAFOL 500 4 20/ 5 1.65 Dyn5 2.761 4GB57644CA001AA0

Output Δu_transformer [%] is independent from defined reference point for voltage drop calculation.

Medium voltage circuit breakers:

Place Designation Type In [A] Quantity

LVMD 1.1A.1 MV-CB 1.1A.1 Circuit-breaker 630 1

Circuit Breaker/Miniature circuit-breaker:

Place Designation Catalog Reference In [A] Icu/Icn [kA] Icu/Icn [kA] Release Quantit
required type / y

LVMD 1.1A.1 LV-CB 1.1A.1b 3WL11082CB311AA2 800 55 17.247 ETU25B 1

GS 1.1A.1 CB 1.1A.1a 3VL57631DC360AA0 630 45 17.247 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.1 CB 1.1A.1.1a 3VL17031DD330AA0 32 55 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.1.1 CB 1.1A.1.1.1a 3VL17031DD330AA0 32 55 9.060 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.2 CB 1.1A.1.2a 3VL27051DC330AA0 50 55 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.2.1 CB 1.1A.1.2.1a 3VL27051DC330AA0 50 55 10.945 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.3 CB 1.1A.1.3a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.3.1 CB 1.1A.1.3.1a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 10.371 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.4 CB 1.1A.1.4a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.4.1 CB 1.1A.1.4.1a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 10.020 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.5 CB 1.1A.1.5a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.5.1 CB 1.1A.1.5.1a 3VL27081DC330AA0 80 55 11.061 TM 1

LVSD 1.1A.1.6 CB 1.1A.1.6a 3VL57401DC360AA0 400 45 17.247 TM 1

L 1.1A.1.6.1 CB 1.1A.1.6.1a 3VL57401DC360AA0 400 45 16.321 TM 1

Connections and line distribution:

Cable/Conductor Medium voltage:

Designation Type/ Profile Starting point / Ib [A] Iz Material Length Isolation Installati ftot
Target point [A] [m] on type

MV-C/L 1.1A.1 N2XS2Y 12.491 Cu 10 XLPE- Air 1

3x25 LVMD 1.1A.1 193 cable
Cable/Conductor Low voltage:

Designation Type/ Profile Starting Ib [A] Iz Materia Numbe Length Isolatio Installatio ftot Δu [%] / ∑ Quantity
point / [A] l r of [m] n n type Δu [%]
Target point runs

LV-C/L e.g. NYY, 601.99 Cu 2 10 PVC70 C 1 0.147 1

1.1A.1 NYCWY, LVMD 806 2.908
NYCY, 1.1A.1

C/L 1.1A.1.1 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 21.53 Cu 1 3.8 PVC70 C 1 0.059 1

NYCWY, LVSD 57 2.967
NYCY, 1.1A.1.1

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 21.53 Cu 1 2 PVC70 C 1 0.031 1

1.1A.1.1.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.1 57 2.998
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.1.1

C/L 1.1A.1.2 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 45.4 Cu 1 1 PVC70 C 1 0.033 1

NYCWY, LVSD 57 2.941
NYCY, 1.1A.1.2

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 45.4 Cu 1 2 PVC70 C 1 0.065 1

1.1A.1.2.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.2 57 3.006
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.2.1

C/L 1.1A.1.3 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 63.73 Cu 1 3.8 PVC70 C 1 0.111 1

NYCWY, LVSD 76 3.019
NYCY, 1.1A.1.3

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 63.73 Cu 1 2 PVC70 C 1 0.058 1

1.1A.1.3.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.3 76 3.077
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.3.1

C/L 1.1A.1.4 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 76 Cu 1 7.6 PVC70 C 1 0.173 1

NYCWY, LVSD 96 3.082
NYCY, 1.1A.1.4

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 76 Cu 1 2 PVC70 C 1 0.046 1

1.1A.1.4.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.4 96 3.127
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.4.1

Designation Type/ Profile Starting Ib [A] Iz Materia Numbe Length Isolatio Installatio ftot Δu [%] / ∑ Quantity
point / [A] l r of [m] n n type Δu [%]
Target point runs

C/L 1.1A.1.5 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 67.2 Cu 1 1 PVC70 C 1 0.031 1

NYCWY, LVSD 76 2.939
NYCY, 1.1A.1.5

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 67.2 Cu 1 5 PVC70 C 1 0.154 1

1.1A.1.5.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.5 76 3.093
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.5.1

C/L 1.1A.1.6 e.g. NYY, GS 1.1A.1 328.13 Cu 1 8 PVC70 C 1 0.152 1

NYCWY, LVSD 341 3.060
NYCY, 1.1A.1.6

C/L e.g. NYY, LVSD 328.13 Cu 1 3 PVC70 C 1 0.057 1

1.1A.1.6.1 NYCWY, 1.1A.1.6 341 3.117
NYCY, L 1.1A.1.6.1


Stationary loads:

Designation Place Pn [kW] In [A] Un [V] cos φ ai Phase Type of load Quantit
connecti y

L 1.1A.1.1.1 Inner zone 12.381 21.53 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

L 1.1A.1.2.1 Inner zone 26.107 45.4 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

L 1.1A.1.3.1 Inner zone 36.647 63.73 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

L 1.1A.1.4.1 Inner zone 43.703 76 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

L 1.1A.1.5.1 Inner zone 38.643 67.2 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

L 1.1A.1.6.1 Inner zone 188.688 328.13 415 0.8 1 L1-L2-L3 inductive 1

Symbols legend:

Symbol [Unit] Description

Ai Load factor

cos φ Power factor

Ftot Derating factor

Ia/In Inrush current relation

Ib [A] Iz [A] Operating current / allowed load capacity

Icu(fuse) [kA] Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity - fuse

Icu [kA] Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity according to IEC 60947-2
Icn [kA] Rated short-circuit breaking capacity according to IEC 60898-1

Icu/Icn [kA] required the required breaking capacity of the protection device at installation location

Icw 1s [kA] Rated short-time withstand current 1s

IΔn [mA] Residual current - RCD

Ik1max Maximum single phase short-circuit current

Ik1min Minimum single phase short-circuit current

Ik3max Maximum three phase short-circuit current

Ik3min Minimum three phase short-circuit current

Ik1D [kA] single pole uninterrupted short-circuit current

Ik3D [kA] three pole uninterrupted short-circuit current

Ikmax/Ikmin Relation of maximum and minimum short-circuit current

Ikre Short-circuit current recovery factor

In [A] Nominal current

P0 [kW] No-load losses

Pk [kW] Short-circuit losses

Pmech [kW] mechan. Power

Pn [kW] Active power

R0 N [mΩ] Zero phase-sequence resistance phase-neutral conductor

R0 PE(N) [mΩ] Zero phase-sequence resistance phase-PE(N) conductor

R0/R1 Resistance relation positive / zero phase-sequence system

r1 [%] Relative value of positive phase-sequence resistance

R1 [mΩ] Positive phase-sequence resistance

Sn [kVA] Nominal apparent power

ukr [%] Short-circuit voltage

Un [V] Nominal voltage

Uprim [kV] Primary voltage

Usec [V] Secondary voltage

X0 N [mΩ] Zero phase-sequence reactance phase-neutral conductor

X0 PE(N) [mΩ] Zero phase-sequence reactance phase-PE(N) conductor

X0/X1 Reactance relation positive / zero phase-sequence system

X1 [mΩ] Positive phase-sequence reactance

xd'' [%] Subtransient reactance

Z1 max Maximum impedance in positive phase-sequence system

Z1 min Minimum impedance in positive phase-sequence system

Zs Faulted circuit impedance

Zs max Maximum faulted circuit impedance

Zs min Minimum faulted circuit impedance

voltage drop between beginning and end of a section / cumulated voltage drop from the transformer primary/
Δu [%] / ∑ Δu [%]
secondary clamps to the specified point

Η Efficiency

φ [°] Phase angle

φ1 min/max [°] Phase angle at Ik1 min/max

φ3 min/max [°] Phase angle at Ik3 min/max

Standards for computation:


Low-voltage electrical installations * 60364-1…6 384 0100 – 100...710

Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems – Calculation of currents 60909 60909 0102

Short-circuit currents – calculation of effects

60865 60865 0103
Definitions and calculation methods

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Circuit-breakers 60947-2 60947-2 0660 – 101

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies 60439 60439-1…5 0660 – 500…505

A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-

60890+C 528 S2 0660 – 507
tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

Application of cables and cords in power installations – Recommended current-

carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and 384 0298 – 4
around buildings and for flexible cables and cords

Electrical accessories – Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for

60898-1 60898-1 0641 – 11
household and similar installations – Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Alternating Current switch-fuse

62271 62271 0671 – 105

*) Special national conditions and deviations from IEC 60364-4-41: 2005 are not implemented and need to be considered!


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