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Magnetosonic rogons in electron-ion plasma

Article in Astrophysics and Space Science · January 2014

Impact Factor: 2.26 · DOI: 10.1007/s10509-013-1602-3


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6 authors, including:

Eman I. El-Awady Haider Rizvi

Port Said University Pohang University of Science and Technology


Waleed Moslem Moslem Salah Kamel El-Labany

Port Said University Damietta University


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Salah Kamel El-Labany
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Magnetosonic rogons in electron-ion

E. I. El-Awady, H. Rizvi, W. M. Moslem,

S. K. El-Labany, A. Raouf & M. Djebli

Astrophysics and Space Science

An International Journal of Astronomy,
Astrophysics and Space Science

ISSN 0004-640X
Volume 349
Number 1

Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5-10

DOI 10.1007/s10509-013-1602-3

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Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5–10
DOI 10.1007/s10509-013-1602-3


Magnetosonic rogons in electron-ion plasma

E.I. El-Awady · H. Rizvi · W.M. Moslem ·
S.K. El-Labany · A. Raouf · M. Djebli

Received: 3 July 2013 / Accepted: 10 August 2013 / Published online: 26 September 2013
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Magnetosonic rogue waves (rogons) are investi- pumping more energy to the background waves which are
gated in an electron-ion plasma by deriving the nonlinear sucked to create rogue waves with taller amplitudes.
Schrödinger (NLS) equation for low frequency limit. The
first- and second-order rogue wave solutions of the NLS Keywords Rogue waves · Magnetosonic waves
equation are obtained analytically and examined numeri-
cally. It is found that for dense plasma and stronger magnetic
field the nonlinearity decreases, which causes the rogon am- The magnetosonic wave is one of the basic low-frequency
plitude becomes shorter. However, the electron temperature modes in electron-ion (e-i) magnetized plasma (Adlam and
Allen 1958; Berezin and Karpman 1964; Kakutani and Ono
1969; Mushtaq and Shah 2005). The magnetosonic waves
play an important role in accelerating the particles, heat-
E.I. El-Awady (B) · W.M. Moslem · A. Raouf ing the plasma (Hazeltine and Mahajan 2004; Ohsawa 1985,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, 1986a, 1986b; Stasiewicz 2007; Matthaeus et al. 2005), and
Port Said 42521, Egypt
e-mail: transport of energy in laboratory, space, as well as astrophys-
ical plasmas (Bittencourt 1986). The magnetosonic wave
E.I. El-Awady
e-mail: is somewhat similar to electromagnetic wave, because the
time varying magnetic field is perpendicular to the direc-
W.M. Moslem
tion of wave propagation but parallel to the magnetostatic
field, whereas the time varying electric field is perpendicu-
W.M. Moslem
lar to both directions of propagation and the magnetostatic
field. The resorting forces in the magnetosonic wave are
H. Rizvi the fluid pressure gradient and the gradient of the com-
Department of Physics, POSTECH, Hyoja-Dong San 31, pressional stresses between the magnetic filed lines. If the
KyungBuk, Pohang, 790-784, South Korea
fluid pressure is greater than magnetic pressure then mag-
H. Rizvi netosonic wave becomes essentially an acoustic wave. On
Theoretical Plasma Physics Division, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilore, the other hand, if the magnetic field is strong and mag-
Islamabad, Pakistan netic pressure is much larger than the fluid pressure, then
phase velocity of the magnetosonic wave becomes equal to
S.K. El-Labany
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Alfvén wave velocity propagating in the perpendicular di-
New Damietta 34517, Egypt rection. During this decade, there has been much interest in
e-mail: investigating the nonlinear magnetosonic waves in plasma.
Boldyrev (1998) has investigated the magnetosonic waves
M. Djebli
Theoretical Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Physics USTHB,
propagating in a multi-ion species plasma perpendicular to
B.P. 32 Bab Ezzour, 16079 Algiers, Algeria an external magnetic field. It is found that due to the pres-
e-mail: ence of several ion species, magnetosonic mode splits into
Author's personal copy
6 Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5–10

two branches of high- and low-frequency wave modes. Hus- form: the ion and electron continuity equations are given by
sain and Mahmood (2011) have studied the nonlinear mag-
∂ni(e) ∂
netosonic waves electron-ion (e-i) plasma. They found that + (ni(e) vi(e)x ) = 0. (1)
the magnetosonic wave may evolve into a shock-like struc- ∂t ∂x
ture which may be responsible for heating the solar chromo- The x- and y-components of the ions momentum equation
sphere and the solar corona. Several authors have investi- are
gated the magnetosonic waves in different plasma systems  
∂vix ∂vix e 1
(Valiulina and Dubinov 2010, 2012; Masood et al. 2010; + vix = Ex + viy Bz , (2)
Asenjo 2012). ∂t ∂x m c
One of the most puzzling phenomenon occurring out at ∂viy ∂viy e 1
+ vix = Ey − vix Bz . (3)
sea in deep waters of the oceans is the generation of “freak ∂t ∂x m c
waves” (also referred to as rogue or giant waves), which
can arise from a relatively calm sea (Müller et al. 2005; The x- and y-components of the electrons momentum equa-
Kharif and Pelinovsky 2003; Kharif et al. 2009; Garrett and tion are
Gemmrich 2009). A number of mechanisms have been pro- e ∂ne
posed to explain their unexpected emergence. One of the es- 0 = −ene Ex − ne vey Bz − kB T , (4)
c ∂x
sential elements in many of these explanations is the idea e
that rogue waves could be related to breather-type solu- 0 = −ene Ey + ne vex Bz . (5)
tions of the underlying evolution equations (Osborne 2010;
Dysthe and Trulsen 1999; Shrira and Geogjaev 2009). Such Equations (1)–(5) are coupled through the z-component of
solutions could, in principle, describe a large wave that ap- Faraday’s law
pears from nowhere and disappears without a trace (Akhme- ∂Ey 1 ∂Bz
diev et al. 2009c), a behavior that has been reported for =− , (6)
∂x c ∂t
many known rogue wave events. One of the most direct ap-
proaches to modeling the evolution of gravity water waves and the x- and y-components of Ampere’s law
is the use of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation (Os- ∂Bz 4πe 1 ∂Ey
borne 2010; Yuen and Lake 1975; Lake et al. 1977). The = (ne vey − ni viy ) − , (7)
∂x c c ∂t
latter gives a suitable description of rogue waves, and it has
been used in different physical media see, e.g. (Akhmediev and
and Ankiewicz 1997; Ankiewicz et al. 2009; Akhmediev 1 ∂Ex
et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Chabchoub et al. 2012; Sten- 0 = 4πe(ni vix − ne vex ) − , (8)
c ∂t
flo and Marklund 2010; Eliasson and Shukla 2010; Bailung
et al. 2011; Sharma and Bailung 2013; Moslem 2011; El- where ni(e) is the ion (electron) number densities and vi(e) is
Awady and Moslem 2011; Moslem et al. 2011; Sabry et al. the ion (electron) fluid velocities. Here kB is the Boltzmann
2012). constant, m is the ion mass, T is the electron temperature,
In this Letter, we have coupled the fluid and Maxwell’s and c is the speed of light in vacuum.
equations by assuming cold ions and hot electrons. Using In order to derive the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation,
the reductive perturbation method, we derived a Korteweg- we shall apply the reductive perturbation method (Washimi
de Vries (KdV) equation which can be transformed to the and Taniuti 1966; Moslem 2000, 2006; El-Tantawy et al.
nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, for low frequency 2011). The dependent parameters are expanded as
limit, to study the first- and second-order magnetosonic ∞

rogue waves. The effects of the electron temperature, plasma A = A(0) + ε m A(m) . (9)
density, and magnetic field strength on the magnetosonic ro- m=1
gons in an e-i plasma have been discussed.
Let us consider collisionless e-i plasma with external The variables A ≡ ni(e) , Bz , and vi(e)x , while the equilib-
(0) (0)
magnetic field along the z-axis, i.e. Bext = B0
z, (
z is the unit rium state A(0) ≡ ni , B0 , and vi(e)x . We assume that the
vector along the z-axis and B0 is the strength of the ambi- streaming velocities vi(e)x = 0. The transverse velocities
ent magnetic field). We assume that the perturbed magnetic (1) (2)
in the y-axis is given by vi(e)y = ε 3/2 vα + ε 5/2 vα + · · ·
field and the external magnetic fields are aligned such that and the electric field in the x-axis Ex can be expanded as
B = (0, 0, Bz ). The perturbed electric field components lie Ex = ε 3/2 E (1) + ε 5/2 E (2) + · · · , where ε  1 is a small pa-
in the (x,y) plane so that E = (Ex , Ey , 0). Our wave propa- rameter. The independent variables can be stretched as
gating along x-axis only, therefore under these assumptions
the set of dynamic equations can be written in the following X = ε 1/2 (x − V t) and τ = ε 3/2 t, (10)
Author's personal copy
Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5–10 7

where V is a wave propagation speed (phase velocity) to ∂B (2) 4πe  (1) (1) (2) 
+ ni viy + n0 viy − n(1)
e vey − n0 vey
(1) (2)
be determined latter. Substituting Eqs. (9) and (10) into ∂X c
Eqs. (1)–(8) and collecting the lowest-order in ε of the mo- V B0 ∂vex
V ∂ (1) (1) B0 ∂vex
mentum and the continuity equations, we have − − 2 B vex + 2 = 0. (25)
c2 ∂X c ∂X c ∂τ
vix = vex
, (11) Eliminating the second-order quantities from Eqs. (19)–(25)
and using Eq. (18), we finally obtain the Korteweg-de Vries
(1) n0 (1)
ni = n(1)
e = v , (12) (KdV) equation for magnetosonic waves as
λ ix
B0 (1) ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 3ψ
B (1) = v , (13) + Aψ +B = 0, (26)
λ ix ∂τ ∂X ∂X 3
m 4πn0 mc2 ∂vix (1)
where vix ≡ ψ for simplicity,
E (1) = −V , (14)
e (4πn0 mc + B0 ) ∂X
2 2

8πn0 mc2 V 2 + B02 c2 − B02 V 2

mc 4πn0 mc2 B0
∂vix A= and
viy = −V , (15) 2V 2 (4πn0 mc2 + B02 )
e (4πn0 mc2 + B02 )
  (1) 4πm3 c4 n0 V 2
ckB T mλ2 4πn0 mc2 ∂vix B=
vey = − 1 , (16) 2e2 V 2 (4πmn0 c4 + B02 )2
eB0 V kB T (4πn0 mc + B0 )
2 2 ∂X
For low wave frequency limit, i.e. when the frequency of
and the carrier wave is much smaller than the ion plasma fre-
quency, the KdV equation could be transformed to the non-
∂B (1) 4πe   1 (1)
(1) ∂vex linear Schrödinger (NLS) equation using the following ex-
+ n0 viy − n0 vey
− 2 V B0 = 0. (17)
∂X c c ∂X pression for ψ (El-Labany et al. 2012)

From Eqs. (11)–(16) we can obtain the phase velocity of the ∞

magnetosonic wave as ψ= εn ψ (ζ, η) exp i (kX − ωτ ), (27)
n=1 =−n

B02 + 4πn0 kB T where k is the wave number (for the given magnetosonic
V= . (18)
4πn0 m + (B0 /c)2 wave length) and ω is the angular frequency. The indepen-
dent variables in Eq. (26) can be stretched as
From the next-order terms, we obtain the following relations
ζ = ε 1/2 (X + λτ ) and η = ε 3/2 τ, (28)
(1) (2) (2)
∂ni ∂n ∂ (1) (1) ∂v where λ is the envelope group velocity to be determined
−λ i + n v + n0 ix = 0, (19)
∂τ ∂X ∂X i ix ∂X later. Applying Eq. (27) and (28) into Eq. (26), for n = 1 and
(1) (2) = 1 we get ω = −Bk 3 . For n = 2 and = 1 we have λ =
(1) ∂vix ∂v (1) (1)2
+ vix − V ix 3Bk 2 . For n = 2 and = 2 yields vix,2 = (A/6Bk 2 )vix,1 .
∂τ ∂X ∂X
For n = 3 and = 0 yields vix,0 = (−A/λ)|vix,1 |2 . For
e 1 (2) e (1) (1)
− E + B0 viy −
B viy = 0, (20) n = 3 and = 1 we obtain the NLS equation as (Shukla
m c mc
et al. 2011)
eB0  (2) (2) 
∂Φ 1 ∂ 2 Φ
vex − vix + V = 0, (21) i + P + QΦ|Φ|2 = 0. (29)
mc ∂X ∂η 2 ∂ζ 2
e ∂n(2)
e ∂ (1) (1) (2)
−V + n v + n0 = 0, (22) (1)
Here, ψ1 ≡ Φ for simplicity, P = 6Bk, and Q = A2 /6Bk.
∂τ ∂X ∂X e ex ∂X
(2) The NLS Eq. (29) has a rational solution that is located
∂ne e on a nonzero background and localized both in the η and ζ
en0 E (2) + en(1)
e E
+ kB T + n0 B0 vey
∂X c directions (Peregrine 1983; Ankiewicz et al. 2009), the first-
e e order rational-like solution Φ1 can be written as
+ n0 B (1) vey
+ B0 n(1)
e vey = 0,
c c 

∂B (1) ∂B (2)
(2) P G1 + iH1 η
−V +
∂ (1) (1)
B vex + B0
= 0, (24) Φ1 = − 1 exp(iP η), (30)
∂τ ∂X ∂X ∂X Q D1
Author's personal copy
8 Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5–10

Fig. 1 The absolute of the wave

envelope profile Φ1 of the
first-order magnetosonic rogue
wave solution is depicted vs η
and ζ directions for
n0 = 1014 cm−3 , B0 = 10 G,
and T = 1.1604 × 104 K

Fig. 2 The absolute of the wave

envelope profile Φ2 of the
second-order magnetosonic
rogue wave solution is depicted
vs η and ζ directions for
n0 = 1014 cm−3 , B0 = 10 G,
and T = 1.1604 × 104 K

where G1 = 4, H1 = 8, and D1 = 1 + 4P 2 η2 + 4ζ 2 . How- D2 =
1 3 16
+ 9ζ 2 + 4ζ 4 + ζ 6 + 33(P η)2 + 36(P η)4
ever, the actual wave dynamics consist of a nonlinear super- 8 4 3
position of many simple solutions. On the other hand, we 16
should take into account the nonlinear superposition of two + (P η)6 − 24ζ 2 (P η)2 + 16ζ 2 (P η)4
rational solutions of first-order those combined into a more 
complicated doubly-localized structures with a higher am- + 16ζ 4 (P η)2 .
plitude. So, it is interesting and important to investigate the
second-order magnetosonic rogue wave solution Φ2 , as (Yan Figure 1 shows that, the rational solution (30) breathes
2010) only once and describes a single wave that appears from

nowhere and then disappears without a trace. In other words,
P G2 + iH2 η
Φ2 = 1+ exp(iP η), (31) this wave solution is able to concentrate great amount of en-
Q D2 ergy into a relatively small area in space by sucking energy
from other waves, growing to a near-vertical monster itself,
before becoming too unstable and collapsing shortly after.
3 On the other hand, theories vary depending on the condi-
G2 = − 3ζ 2 − 2ζ 4 − 9(P η)2 − 10(P η)4 − 12ζ 2 (P η)2 ,
8 tions under which these waves appear (Ruban et al. 2010;
15 Akhmediev et al. 2009c). The property of the nonlinear
H2 = + 6ζ 2 − 4ζ 4 − 2(P η)2 − 4(P η)4 − 8ζ 2 (P η)2 , system under consideration may serve as the basis for the
Author's personal copy
Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 349:5–10 9

Fig. 3 The absolute of the wave envelope profile Φ2 is depicted vs η Fig. 4 The absolute of the wave envelope profile Φ2 is depicted vs
and ζ directions for different values of n0 : (a) n0 = 1014 cm−3 (solid η and ζ directions for different values of B0 : (a) B0 = 10 G (solid
curve) and (b) n0 = 5 × 1014 cm−3 (dashed curve). Here, B0 = 10 G curve) and (b) B0 = 50 G (dashed curve). Here, n0 = 1014 cm−3 and
and T = 1.1604 × 104 K T = 1.1604 × 104 K

scientific explanation of rogue wave. The latter is usually

an envelope of a carrier wave with a wavelength smaller
than the central region of the envelope. The second-order
magnetosonic rogue waves is created due to a nonlinear
superposition of two rational solutions of the first-order,
so that the sucked energy is high and hence the pulse
has higher amplitude than the first-order case. The pro-
file of the second-order magnetosonic rogue waves is de-
picted in Fig. 2. Now, we will investigate the effects of
plasma parameters namely the plasma number density n0 ,
magnetic field strength B0 , and electron temperature T on
the second-order rogue wave amplitude by taking into ac-
count the parameters of laboratory plasma experiments, i.e.,
n0 ∼ 1014 cm−3 and T = 1.1604 × 104 K (Sahu 2010; Fig. 5 The absolute of the wave envelope profile Φ2 is depicted vs η
and ζ directions for different values of T : (a) T = 1.1604 × 104 K
Bujarbarua and Shukla 1980; Malfiet 1992; Comput 2004;
(solid curve) and (b) T = 1.1604 × 102 K (dashed curve). Here,
Karpman 1975; Swanson et al. 1964). In Fig. 3, it is found B0 = 10 G and n0 = 1014 cm−3
that the rogue wave amplitude and width decrease with the
increase of plasma number density n0 . The dependence of
the rogue wave envelope Φ2 on the magnetic field strength pumping more energy to the background waves which are
B0 is depicted in Fig. 4. It is seen that the effect of magnetic sucked to create the rogue waves with taller amplitudes. The
field strength B0 would lead to slightly reduce the nonlin- magnetosonic rogons, as reported here, may be useful for
earity, so the pulse amplitude becomes shorter. In Fig. 5 it controlling and maximizing the wave energy in the future
is seen that the increasing the electron temperature T would laboratory experiments.
lead to enhance the energy in the system that cause an in-
crease of the nonlinearity. Therefore, the pulse amplitude Acknowledgements Moslem and El-Awady acknowledge the finan-
cial support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Ger-
becomes taller which indicates that the electron temperature many) in the framework of the Research Group Linkage Programme
pumping more energy to the background waves which are funded by the respective Federal Ministry.
sucked to create the rogue waves.
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