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se diferencie da mutid�o.

Voc� quer que seu nome seja associado com certos temas, coisas...
A imagem que estamos projetando condiz com nossos valores
Os verdadeiros 1000 f�s

Reputation management

Your personal brand should represent the value you are able to consistently deliver
to those whom you are serving.This doesn�t mean self-promotion � that you should be
creating awareness for your brand by showcasing your achievements and success
stories. Managing your personal brand requires you to be a great role model,
mentor, and / or a voice that others can depend upon.

More than that, I aim to attract new readers by offering something of value that
will hopefully engage them enough to continue reading my work.

View your personal brand as a trademark; an asset that you must protect while
continuously molding and shaping it. Your personal brand is an asset that must be
managed with the intention of helping others benefit from having a relationship
with you and / or by being associated with your work and the industry you serve.

Are you consistently living your personal brand every day?

O que voc� e sua marca tem para oferecer ao mundo, que tr�s palavras vem � mente?

essas tr�s palavras devem ser refletidas em toda a sua marca - autenticidade.
Revise-os pelo menos uma vez ao ano. - Tente faz�-los refletir em sua vida pessoal

Be accountable to someone to help keep track of your goals

Mission statement - Tr�s frase resumindo tudo:

� How do you want to be remembered?

� How do you want people to describe you?

� Who do you want to be?

� Who or what matters most to you?

� What are your deepest values?

� How would you define success in your life?

� What makes your life really worth living?

1 - Write down your roles as you now see them. Are you satisfied with the mirror
image of your life?
2 - Start a collection of notes, quotes, and ideas you may want to use as resource
material in writing your personal mission statement.
3 - Identify a project you will be facing in the near future and apply the
principle of mental creation. Write down the results you desire and what steps will
lead you to those results.
Tenha uma boa foto, e que ela reflita a sua apar�ncia real e atual.

What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

4 Board of directors - algu�m que vc admire e respeite; people who care about you,
and want you to succed; pessoas que ser�o honestas com vc.

Escolhas as redes sociais

Fa�a um site/blog

schedule to update social media

80/20 rule

management reputation - eliminar aqueles resultados. E criar toneladas de outros

resultados que v�o overshadow aqueles outros.


To succed we need a combination of marketable skills and a powerful personal image.

(there are hypothesis that Jimin's was about being an idol, Tae about his
relationship with his family, Jin with his pursuit of being in BTS)

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