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Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

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Development of thermostable amylase enzyme from Bacillus cereus for

potential antibiofilm activity
Ramalingam Vaikundamoorthy a,1, Rajaram Rajendran a,⇑,1, Ananth Selvaraju b, Kaviyarasan Moorthy b,
Santhanam Perumal b
DNA Barcoding and Marine Genomics Laboratory, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Marine Planktonology and Aquaculture Laboratory, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The marine bacterial strain Bacillus cereus was used to produce amylase enzyme and has excellent alkali-
Received 6 December 2017 stable and thermostable enzymatic activity. The combined effects of pH, temperature and incubation
Revised 5 February 2018 time on amylase activity were studied using response surface methodology. The amylase enzyme activity
Accepted 10 February 2018
was also determined in the presence of various metal ions, chelating agents, detergents and the results
Available online 12 February 2018
showed that the maximum enzyme activity was observed in the presence of calcium chloride (96.1%),
EDTA (63.4%) and surf excel (90.6%). The amylase enzyme exhibited excellent antibiofilm activity against
marine derived biofilm forming bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in microtiter
Bacillus cereus
Thermostable amylase enzyme
plate assay and congo red assay. Light and confocal laser scanning microscopic (CLSM) analysis were also
Optimization used to confirm the potential biofilm activity of amylase enzyme. The CLSM analysis showed the inhibi-
Antibiofilm activity tion of complete biofilm formation on amylase enzyme treated glass surface. Further in vivo toxicity anal-
In vivo toxicity ysis of amylase enzyme was determined against marine organisms Dioithona rigida and Artemia salina.
The results showed that there is no morphological changes were observed due to the minimal toxicity
of amylase enzyme. Overall these findings suggested that marine bacterial derived amylase enzyme could
be developed as potential antibiofilm agent.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ever, Bacillus sp. produces a large variety of extracellular enzymes

such as amylases, proteases, and lipases which have significant
Amylase enzyme is one of the most important industrial industrial importance [5]. The amylases produced by different
enzymes which hold the supreme market share of enzyme sales Bacillus species vary not only in their types (saccharifying or lique-
with major applications in starch industry, baking, analytical fying) but also in the varying range of pH and temperature [6]. The
chemistry, detergents, textile desizing, medicine, pulp and paper bacterial source of the enzyme is usually either from Bacillus amy-
industries [1]. These amylase enzymes originate from different loliquefaciens or Bacillus licheniformis, the latter now being of
sources like plants, animals and microorganisms; among them, greater industrial importance [7].
microbial amylases are the most produced and used in industries The optimal production of a microbial enzyme and its growth
due to their high productivity and thermostability [2]. Because of depends on the nature of strain involved as well as various envi-
the industrial importance of amylase, there is ongoing interest in ronmental parameters such as dissolved oxygen, agitation, temper-
the isolation of new bacterial strains producing amylase that suit- ature, pH, substrate and nutrients [8]. Although production of
able for new industrial applications [3]. amylase has been implemented on agricultural and industrial
Studies on bacterial amylase in developing countries are con- wastes and its co-products such as starch materials to solve pollu-
centrating mainly on Bacillus sp. probably because of simple nature tion problems and obtain a low cost medium [9]. Moreover, the
and cheaper nutritional requirements of these organisms [4]. How- rice husk, wheat bran and starchy potato wastes were used as
low-cost carbon substrates for amylase activity by B. subtilis [10].
However, the optimum conditions to produce the enzyme or
⇑ Corresponding author at: DNA Barcoding and Marine Genomics Laboratory,
metabolite are not always the same as that for growth [11]. There-
Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024,
Tamil Nadu, India. fore, statistical and experimental factorial designs combined with
E-mail address: (R. Rajendran). Response Surface Methodology (RSM) could have much impact
These authors contributed equally to this work.
0045-2068/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 495

on experimental designs which tests one factor at a time and time was recovered by centrifugation at 13,000g for 20 min. at 4 °C and
consuming as it requires many experiments [8]. resuspended in 100 mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 7) [18].
On other hand, amylase enzymes have potential applications Further 1 mg/ml concentration of enzyme was dialyzed with molec-
other than industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical, clinical ular weight cut-off of 30 kDa. The concentrated enzyme solution
applications etc. Recently a-amylase enzyme has been found as a was precipitated by drop-wise addition of two volumes of chilled
good antibiofilm agent against biofilm forming clinical pathogens absolute ethanol. The precipitate was recovered in 100 mM phos-
Vibrio cholera, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa [12]. Biofilms are less sus- phate buffer solution (pH 7) and dialyzed overnight against the
ceptible to host inflammatory and immune responses and have same buffer at 4 °C.
higher antibiotic resistance than free-living planktonic cells [13].
Production of new antibiofilm agents against biofilms requires an 2.3. SDS page
understanding of bacterial biofilm-specific functional characters.
Several studies have been initiated to clarify the complicated The molecular weight of the crude and partially purified amy-
mechanisms underlying biofilm development and many aspects lase was estimated using sodium dodecyl sulphate-
of these mechanisms are still poorly understood [14]. There are polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Protein concentra-
very less studies were reported that the antibiofilm activity of tion was determined according to Lowry’s method with bovine
amylase enzyme with inadequate methods including but limited serum albumin as standard. The purified enzyme (1 mg) was loaded
with spectrometric and agar plate method. In the present study, onto 1 mm thick 10% polyacrylamide gel together with molecular
we dealt with optimization and characterization of amylase size markers. The relative molecular mass of amylase was deter-
enzyme produced by Bacillus cereus isolated from deep sea water mined by comparing with known standard molecular weight
sample. Further, the potential antibiofilm efficiency of amylase markers (97.4–29.0 kDa). After completion of electrophoresis, the
enzyme against marine biofilm forming bacteria and its toxicity protein gel was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250.
against marine copepod Dioithona rigida and brine shrimp Artemia
salina was evaluated. 2.4. Enzyme assay

2. Materials and methods The activity of the amylase enzyme was assayed by adding 0.5
ml of the enzyme to 0.5 ml soluble starch (1% v/v) in 100 mM
2.1. Isolation and identification of microorganisms glycine-NaOH buffer at pH 10.5 and incubated at 37 °C for 60
min. The 10 ml of 0.1 N HCl was added to stop the reaction and
The deep seawater samples were collected from Indian Ocean A540 was measured [2] in double beam spectrophotometer (Shi-
Equator region (1°0. 1370 N 82°59.9040 E) at 1000 m depth during madzu model 1800). The amount of reducing sugars released dur-
the onboard cruise of Sagar Kanya 289 (SK 289, NCAOR, Goa, India). ing the starch hydrolysis was measured and using the glucose
One ml of water sample was taken and transferred to an Erlen- standard curve. A unit of enzyme activity was defined as the
meyer’s flask containing 9 ml of sterile 50% seawater and the sam- amount of enzyme required to release 1 mmol of sugar reduced
ple suspension was further diluted up to 10 folds. One ml of the per minute under enzyme assay conditions by dinitrosalicylic acid
diluted suspension was spread over the surface of nutrient agar (DNS) method.
medium prepared in 50% seawater to enhance the isolation of
microorganisms. The colonies found on the plates were transferred 2.5. Effects of pH and temperature on activity and stability
onto agar plates and incubated at 28 °C. The colonies were
observed from the second day and purified by repeated streak on The enzyme activity at different temperature was determined
agar plates. The purified colonies were stored at 80 °C in nutrient by incubating the enzyme with glycine-NaOH buffer between 40
broth containing 30% glycerol. For taxonomic identification, the and 100 °C for 30 min [19]. The effect of different pH on amylase
isolates were subjected to a series of morphology characterization activity was carried out by assessing the enzyme in citrate-
[15] and biochemical tests [16] such as indole test, nitrate reduc- phosphate buffer (pH 4–6), Sodium-phosphate buffer (pH 6.5–8),
tion, Voges-Proskauer (VP), and degradation of starch, The Glycine-NaOH buffer (pH 8.5–10.5) and Borax-NaOH buffer (pH
amylase-producing bacterial colonies were selected after flooding 11–13) for 20 min [20]. The stability of the enzyme at different
the plates with iodine solution. The strain (88DSB10) produced temperature was determined by incubating the enzyme between
the high level of amylase enzyme was selected for further experi- 50 °C and 100 °C and for the measurement of pH stability, the
ments. Further, the isolated strain was identified by amplification enzyme was pre-incubated at 37 °C for 8 h [21–23].
of 16S rDNA and sequencing, the sequences were submitted to
NCBI database. The sequences were aligned using ClustalX 2.0 soft- 2.6. Optimization of amylase activity
ware and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using neighbor
joining method (Mega 6.0 software) with bootstrap confidence of To study the effect of four main variables such as starch, pH,
1000 replicates. temperature and NaCl on enzyme activity was obtained through
optimization; based on five levels (2, 1, 0, +1, +2) a second-
2.2. Production and partial purification of amylase enzyme order quadratic model was used [24]. The design consisted of 30
experiments with four factorial points, four axial points to make
The selected strain (88DSB10) was cultivated in minimal med- a central composite design and five center points for replication
ium (M9) containing 10% NaCl and 1% soluble starch and pH of in order to determine the experimental error. The enzyme activity
the medium was adjusted to 10.5 after autoclaving with 10% Na2- under the optimized conditions was obtained from the Central
CO3. Cultures were grown for 20 h at 37 °C with shaking at 200g. Composite Design (CCD). Design Expert 7.1.5 (State-Ease, MN,
After the removal of cells by centrifugation at 10,000g for 20 min. USA) was used for regression analysis and plotting the response
at 4 °C and the supernatant was used for further work [17]. Previ- surface.
ously chilled (20 °C) ethanol was added dropwise to the clear A reduced cubic polynomial model was calculated to estimate
supernatant for continuous stirring to the final concentration of the response of the dependent variable for the production of amy-
75% and the solution was stored at 20 °C for 24 h. The precipitate lase enzyme and its activity.
496 R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

Y ¼ b0 þ b1 A þ b2 B þ b3 C þ b4 D þ b12 AB þ b13 AC þ b14 AD þ b23 BC enzyme to determine the activity of amylase enzyme against bio-
2 2 3 4 film formation.
þ b24 BD þ b34 CD þ b11 A þ b22 B þ b33 C þ b44 D

In this equation, Y is the predicted response, A, B, C and D are inde- 2.10. Light microscopic analysis
pendent variables, b0 is a constant term, b1, b2, b3 and b4 are linear
effects, b11 b22 b33 and b44 are squared effects, and b12, b13, b14, b23, The effect of amylase enzyme against biofilm formation of P.
b24 and b34 are interaction terms. aeruginosa and S. aureus on glass surfaces was tested as described
earlier [27]. Biofilm formation was visualized using a bright field
2.7. Effect of metal ions and chelating agent microscope under 40 magnification and images were captured
using a digital camera attached with to microscope.
The effect of metal ions on amylase enzymatic activity was
determined by adding 5 mM of each metal ion solutions to enzyme 2.11. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) analysis
using standard enzyme assay. The activity of amylase was deter-
mined against metals ions (magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, The effect of amylase enzyme on the 3-D architecture of P.
copper sulphate, cadmium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium aeruginosa and S. aureus biofilm was observed using CLSM (CLSM,
chloride, manganese sulphate and zinc chloride) and chelating LSM 710, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The test cultures were grown
agents (EDTA and 2-mercaptoetanol). The enzyme was incubated on glass surfaces as mentioned above. After washing with PBS and
with inhibitors for 15 min. at 37 °C and performing the activity staining with 0.01% acridine orange, biofilms were observed under
in the presence of same inhibitor concentration at the optimum the CLSM. A 488 nm Ar laser and a 500–640 nm bandpass emission
temperature for 60 min [25]. The activity of the sample without
metal ions and chelating agents was considered as 100%.

2.8. Evaluation of enzyme for use in detergent formulation

The effect of different detergents on amylase enzymatic activity

was determined by assaying the enzyme (1 mg/ml) with detergent
solution and incubated at 50 °C for 60 min. Before, the detergents
like Surf excel, Rin, Ariel and Tide were diluted in double distilled
water to a final concentration of 7 mg/ml. The detergent solution
was heated at 100 °C for 15 min. to inactivate the enzymes present
in detergents. The reaction of detergents with reaction mixture
was determined by assaying under standard enzyme conditions.
The stability of amylase enzyme against different detergents was
determined by the addition of 1 mg/ml enzyme in detergent and
incubated at 50 °C for 60 min. The results were compared with
the control which was incubated without any detergent at 50 °C

2.9. Anti-biofilm activity of amylase enzyme

The biofilm forming bacteria P. aeruginosa (JQ989348) and S.

aureus (KF554244) was inoculated on the brain heart infusion agar
supplemented with 5% sucrose and congo red for the formation of
biofilm [26]. Initially, the aqueous solution of congo red was auto-
claved at 121 °C for 15 min. and the autoclaved solution was added
to pre-cooled agar medium. The biofilm forming organisms were
inoculated and incubated at 37 °C for 24–48 h. In the meantime,
congo red agar plates were also inoculated with 200 ml of amylase

KU991849 | Bacillus subtilis B-1

KY672899 | Bacillus sp. BAB-6056
KY672901 | Bacillus sp. BAB-6054
KY907008 | Bacillus sp. K-93-2
KY085971 | Bacillus thuringiensis WG20
KY085987 | Bacillus thuringiensis CMS20
KY910170 | Bacillus cereus PNA2
MG491525 | Bacillus cereus GOACSMMS10
KJ683733 | Bacillus cereus DMS/RR/88DSB10
KR132554 | Bacillus cereus GRI-SD-LC

Fig. 1. The phylogenetic tree for 16S rRNA gene sequences of Bacillus cereus Fig. 2. The molecular weight of the crude and partially purified amylase was
88DSB10 (KJ683733) isolated from deep seawater sample and the tree was estimated using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-
constructed by neighbor joining method from the Mega software (version 6.0) PAGE). Lane 1: Molecular marker; Lane 2: Crude amylase enzyme; Lane 3: Partially
with bootstrap confidence of 1000 replicates. purified amylase enzyme.
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 497

filter was used to excite and detect the stained cells and the images for Grams staining, Voges Proskauer, gelatin liquefaction, catalase
were acquired and processed using Zen 2011 software (Carl Zeiss) test, oxidase test, nitrate reduction, citrate utilization and starch
[28]. Meanwhile, the biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa and S. aur- hydrolysis and negative for indole test, methyl red rest, urease test
eus on amylase enzyme coated glass surface was also tested using and hydrogen sulfide test. Further, the comparative 16S rDNA gene
CLSM. Initially, amylase enzyme was coated on the glass surface sequence (1172 bp) analysis of 88DSB10 showed 97% homology
using magnetic coater at 5000g. Briefly, 2 ml of overnight cultures with Bacillus cereus and sequence was submitted to NCBI GenBank
of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus (cultured in LB medium) was inocu- (Accession No. KJ683733). The phylogenetic tree was constructed
lated in 6 well microtiter plate and incubated at 37 °C for 48 h. using neighbor joining method and the result confirmed that the
B. cereus has 97% similarity with its related species (Fig. 1). The
2.12. In vivo toxicity analysis crude amylase enzyme present in the supernatant of culture and
partially purified amylase enzyme was subjected to ethanol precip-
In vivo toxicity of marine bacterial derived amylase enzyme was itation. The molecular weight of amylase was 13 kDa, as estimated
determined against marine copepod D. rigida and brine shrimp by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 2).
Artemia salina. For toxicity analysis against copepod, 10 healthy
copepods were inoculated in a beaker containing 25 ml of sterile
3.1. Effect of incubation time
seawater. Mortality of copepods was monitored every day. 100
ml/5 ml of amylase enzyme was used to assess the toxicity and
The effect of incubation time in the range of 24–96 h for the
treatment was continued for 4 days. For toxicity against A. salina,
production of amylase enzyme by Bacillus cereus KJ683733 was
nauplii were hatched in 2 L plastic tank stocked at 0.5 g/l cyst in fil-
tested and the highest and lowest enzyme activity was observed
tered and autoclaved seawater with 35‰ salinity, 8–8.5 of pH and
at 24 h and 96 h respectively (Fig. 3). Initially, the activity of amy-
proper aeration. After overnight incubation for hatching, the aera-
lase enzyme was increased with the increase of incubation time up
tion was stopped, the nauplii were trapped using light and trans-
to 24 h and enzyme activity reduced at maximum incubation time
ferred to fresh filtered autoclaved seawater and were used for
(96 h). However, the variation of amylase enzyme activity between
toxicity assessment. Briefly, 10 Artemia nauplii were inoculated
into the beaker containing 25 ml of sterile seawater and proper
growth conditions (pH, salinity, temperature, etc.) were provided.
For control experiments, we used micro algae as feed for both
Dioithona rigida and Artemia salina. After treatment, the number
of live and dead animals (copepod and brine shrimp) was calcu-
lated and morphological changes were observed under an inverted
microscope (Micros, Austria). All the experiments were conducted
in triplicate and mean value of survival rate was determined.

3. Results

Totally 13 strains were isolated from deep sea water sample

and all 13 strains were incubated on starch agar plates to isolate
the colony which exhibits the high level of amylase enzyme pro-
duction. Among 13 strains, the strain 88DSB10 showing maximum
amylase enzymatic activity and was selected for further study of
optimization and production of amylase enzyme. Initially, the
selected strain was identified using various biochemical tests and
molecular techniques. The isolated strain 88DSB10 was positive

Fig. 4. a. Effect of temperature on the amylase enzyme activity and thermostability

of enzyme activity produced from Bacillus cereus. b. Effect of pH on the amylase
Fig. 3. Effect of various incubation time on activity of amylase enzyme produced enzyme activity and pH stability of enzyme activity (error bars are represents mean,
from marine bacteria Bacillus cereus (Error bars are represents mean, n = 3). n = 3).
498 R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

24 and 48 h was not significant and the enzymatic activity was sig- natants were determined. The optimum temperature of the amy-
nificantly reduced at 72 h. lase enzyme activity was determined at different temperatures
between 30 and 110 °C and the high enzyme activity was obtained
3.2. Effect of temperature at 80 °C (Fig. 4a). The activity of amylase enzyme was gradually
decreased when the temperature was increased. Meanwhile, the
To characterize these variations in amylase production and thermostability of the enzyme was determined by incubating the
activity, the effect of temperature and pH of the culture super- enzyme between 30 and 110 °C for 60 min. and results showed

a) b)

R elativ e activ ity

R elativ e activ ity


8.00 4.00

42.00 4.00 7.50 3.50

37.50 3.50 7.00 3.00

6.50 2.50
33.00 3.00 C: pH A: Starch
6.00 2.00
28.50 2.50
B: Temperature A: Starch
24.00 2.00

c) d)
79 92

73.75 85
R elativ e activ ity

R elativ e activ ity

68.5 78

63.25 71

58 64

8.00 42.00
72.00 4.00
7.50 37.50
60.00 3.50
7.00 33.00
48.00 3.00
6.50 28.50
D: Incubation time 36.00 2.50
A: Starch C: pH B: Temperature
6.00 24.00
24.00 2.00

e) f)
88 79

79.5 73.75
R elativ e activ ity

R elativ e activ ity

71 68.5

62.5 63.25

54 58

72.00 42.00 72.00 8.00

60.00 37.50 60.00 7.50
48.00 33.00 48.00 7.00
36.00 6.50
D: Incubation time 36.00 28.50
B: Temperature D: Incubation time C: pH
24.00 24.00 24.00 6.00

Fig. 5. Response surface plot showing the influence of starch, pH, temperature and incubation on amylase enzyme activity.
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 499

that amylase enzyme was highly stable at a higher temperature y ¼ 76:00  3:17A  10:05B  3:25C  1:75D þ 1:75AB  1:00AC
(100 °C) showed up to 90% of activity.
þ 0:63AD þ 2:13BC þ 1:50BD þ 1:50CD  0:32A2 þ 1:13B2
3.3. Effect of pH  1:32C2  12:45D2

In other hands, the optimum pH for amylase enzyme produc-

tion was obtained at different pH between pH 4–13. The results
where A, B, C and D are independent variables representing the
showed that the enzymatic activity was high at alkali pH (9–13)
starch, temperature, pH and incubation time respectively and y rep-
reveal amylase has broad pH activity range (Fig. 4b). The lowest
resents the amylase activity as a response variable. The ANOVA
enzymatic activity was observed at pH 4 and activity was increased
results for the quadratic model indicated to fit for the design and
with an increase of pH from 4 to 10 and slowly decreases after pH
also significant at 95% confidence level (p < 0.05). The various
10. In the interim, the pH stability of the enzyme was also tested by
parameters evaluated and the subsequent p values recommended
incubating the enzyme between pH 4–13 for 8 h and results exhib-
that starch, temperature, pH and incubation time are act as inde-
ited that enzyme was highly stable in alkali pH (10) over the period
pendent variables and having the significant effect on enzyme activ-
of time showed 83% activity.
ity. The negative coefficient for A, B, C and D (from the quadratic
equation) reveals the existence of linear effect that reduces the
3.4. Optimization of amylase activity
amylase activity. Meanwhile, the presence of positive coefficients
(AB, AD, BC, BD, CD and B2) indicates cubic interactions and also
To optimize the amylase enzyme activity, 30 experiments were
increases the amylase enzyme activity. From these results, we con-
designed using CCD by varying the concentration of starch, tem-
clude that the four variables significantly affect the amylase enzyme
perature, pH and incubation time. The results showed that the
activity individually as well as interactions. Through RSM (Fig. 5),
amylase enzyme activity of B. cereus has concurred with predicted
3% starch, 33 °C temperature, pH 7 and 48 h incubation could signif-
and experimental values and the coefficient of determination (R2)
icantly affect amylase activity and thus selected for further produc-
for enzyme activity was 0.6943. The R2 was quantitatively con-
tion, characterization and antibiofilm activity.
firmed using the correlation between experimental (0.862) and
predicted responses (0.943), is indicated a good agreement
between the experimental and predicted values for the response.
The following quadratic model equation for the response enzy-
matic activity (y) was

Fig. 6. (a) The observed activity of amylase enzyme versus the predicted activity of
amylase enzyme under the experimental conditions. (b) A plot of the internally Fig. 7. The effect of various metal ions (a) and detergents (b) on activity of amylase
predicted residuals versus the actual response. enzyme (Error bars are represents mean, n = 3).
500 R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

The cluster point for correlation between experimental and pre- 3.6. Antibiofilm activity
dicted values is fall in and around the slopping line are reveals the
selected quadratic model is effectively fit model for optimization. The biofilm forming capability of isolates was determined using
In this study, the values of operating variables represent the amy- 96 well microtiter plate assay, congo red assay and further con-
lase activity determined from acceptable variations between firmed by microscopic analysis. In order to determine the amylase
experimental and predicted values (Fig. 6a). The determination of enzyme concentration to obtain highest biofilm inhibitory effi-
normality assumption between residual and predicted responses ciency, 96 well microtiter plate assay was evaluated by varying
is another way to prove the selected quadratic model is effectively the concentration of enzyme. The results showed that 20 ml and
fit for optimization. The random scatters of residual responses 25 ml concentration of enzyme could effectively inhibit the biofilm
indicate that the variance of the experimental responses is con- formation of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus respectively (Fig. 8a). The
stant for all amylase enzyme activity (Fig. 6b). antibiofilm efficiency was further confirmed by congo red agar
method and the results showed that amylase enzyme inhibits the
synthesis of exopolysaccharides of biofilm forming bacteria that
reveals the potential antibiofilm activity of amylase enzyme
3.5. Effect of metals ions, chelating agents and detergents (Fig. 8b).

In order to study the adaption of amylase enzyme to metal

elements of the marine environment and provide fundamental 3.7. Microscopic analysis of biofilm formation
research for the application of amylase, the effects of metal ions
and other chemicals on enzyme activity were analyzed. The The amylase enzyme was most efficacious at eliminating plank-
results presented in Fig. 7a and showed that high enzyme activ- tonic populations, preventing biofilm formation and eradicating
ity was obtained in the presence of sodium chloride (94.2%) and established biofilms. The light microscopic as well as CLSM analy-
calcium chloride (96.1%). The lowest amylase activity was sis clearly shows the reduction of biofilm formation on glass sur-
observed in the presence of copper sulphate (5.7%) and moderate face upon the treatment with amylase enzyme. The light
activity was observed in the presence of rest of the metals. In microscopic analysis showed that 20 ml and 25 ml of enzyme com-
another hand, moderate enzymatic activity was observed in the pletely inhibit the biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus
presence of chelating agents such as EDTA (63.4%) and 2- respectively (Fig. 9). The CLSM 2D and 3D images confirmed the
mercaptoethanol (58.3%). Further, the amylase enzyme activity anti-biofilm activity of amylase enzyme against both P. aeruginosa
was estimated against different detergents like Surf excel, Rin, and S. aureus showing a reduction of the biomass, which was not
Ariel and Tide. The maximum and minimum enzyme activity observable in control sample (Fig. 10). Meanwhile, the 2D and 3D
were showed against Surf excel (90.6%) and Rin (28.1%) respec- rendering shows the thick mass of biofilm was adhered to the cov-
tively (Fig. 7b). erslip in untreated sample, whereas in amylase treated coverslip

a) P. aeruginosa S. aureus


Fig. 8. Antibiofilm activity of amylase enzyme against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus determined using 96 microtiter plate assay (b) and congo red assay (error bars are represents
mean, n = 3).
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 501

a) Control b) T r e at e d

P. aeruginosa

c) d)
S. aureus

Fig. 9. Light microscopic images for formation of biofilms by P. aeruginosa and S. aureus control and treated with amylase enzyme.

showed a drastic reduction in biofilm thickness and intensity cant use of microorganisms for the production of amylases is the
(Fig. 11). economical bulk production capacity and the fact that microbes
are easy to employ to produce enzymes of preferred characteristics
3.8. In vivo toxicity analysis [30]. Among the various Bacillus sp. used to produce the amylase
enzyme at the wide range of temperatures [31], Bacillus amyloliq-
The potential antibiofilm activity of marine bacterial derived uefaciens, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus
amylase enzyme was further examined in vivo toxicity against stearothermophilus are used to produce a-amylase at temperatures
marine microorganisms D. rigida and A. salina. The results showed of 37–60 °C [20,32–34]. In the present study Bacillus cereus isolated
that there is no toxicity was observed after 24 h exposure of 100 from deep sea water sample was used for the production of ther-
ml/5 ml of amylase enzyme against marine copepod D. rigida mostable amylase enzyme and used for inhibition of biofilm
(Fig. 12a). About 85% of survival of D. rigida was observed after con- formation.
tinuous exposure of amylase enzyme for 4 days and there is no The applications and performance of enzymes are disturbed by
apparent morphological changes were observed in treated copepod its microenvironment such as incubation time, temperature and
compared with control (Fig. 12b and c). In another hand, 90% of the pH could affect the surface and residual charges on the solid matrix
survival rate of A. nauplii was observed against 100 ml/5 ml of amy- [35]. In this study, the amylase enzyme activity gradually
lase enzyme treatment after 24 h (Fig. 13a). There is no significant decreased during increase the incubation time after 24 h. 72 h of
morphological changes were observed in control and enzyme trea- incubation was found to be the best incubation time for maximal
ted A. nauplii (Fig. 13b and c) is reveals that the amylase enzyme enzyme production by Bacillus cereus and further incubation time
has no toxicity against both organisms which are involved in the decreases the yield of enzyme as well as the growth of the bacteria
marine food web. [36].
The temperature and pH have the significant effect on the
4. Discussion microbial growth, enzyme production, enzyme catalysis and stabil-
ity [37]. The stability of amylase enzymes under the various
Amylase enzymes exemplify a second major group of industrial extreme conditions is highly significant and it could affect the
enzymes which are used for the degradation of numerous natural structural changes of enzyme molecule is an important aspect to
substances [29]. These enzymes can be produced from various investigate [38]. Our results showed that enzyme activity remains
sources such as plants, animals and microorganisms. The signifi- 100% at 80 °C for 30 min and there is no loss of activity after
502 R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

2D Ortho 3D Intensity

P. aeruginosa

S. aureus


Fig. 10. CLSM shows the effect of amylase enzyme on inhibition of biofilm formation on glass surface.

incubating the enzyme at 80 °C for 90 min. Previously, a-amylase Starch is the important carbon source in the liquid medium
from Bacillus subtilis showed highest enzymatic activity in the tem- available for strain growth and moreover the amount of starch in
perature range of 65–75 °C, and the optimal activity was deter- the medium plays a crucial role in the production of amylase.
mined at 70 °C. However, the activity decreased dramatically Therefore, the influence of starch on amylase production should
above 80 °C [39]. Oyeleke et al. [40] demonstrated that the maxi- be evaluated by changing the concentration of starch [42]. In con-
mum amylase enzyme was produced by Bacillus megaterium at nection to the statement, the production of amylase enzyme was
the temperature of 60 °C and the thermostability of the enzyme optimized by varying the concentrations of starch, temperature,
was at 75 °C. Among the various physical parameters, pH of the pH and incubation time and the optimized conditions for maxi-
growth medium plays a vital role by inducing morphological mum amylase production were obtained using Design Expert (Ver-
changes in the organism and in enzyme production and it also sion 7.1.5, State-Ease, MN, USA). Mahdavi et al. [44] demonstrated
serves as a valuable indicator of the initiation and end of enzyme that the optimum temperature of the amylase enzyme produced
synthesis [41]. Our results also showed that amylase enzyme has by Bacillus cereus strain was 50 °C, with a loss of activity over 70
excellent activity over the pH 10 and it also never loses its activity °C. The optimum temperature for the production of amylase
when incubating the enzyme at pH 10 for 8 h. Earlier, the amylase enzyme produced by Bacillus sp. isolated from the soil was at 90
enzyme produced from Bacillus sp. showed higher than 85% rela- °C showing 100% activity and thermostability was at 80 °C showing
tive activity in the pH range 3–10, with the optimum pH at 9 82% activity [45]. Our results showed that high amylase activity
[42]. Effect of pH was studied by incubating the enzyme substrate was obtained at 3% starch, 33 °C temperature, pH 7 and 48 h incu-
mixture in different pH (3.0–9.0) levels using the buffer and max- bation time after 30 runs of optimization using RSM. Yandri et al.
imum a-amylase activity was found at pH 7.0 [43]. [46] revealed that the ideal temperature for amylase enzyme
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 503

2D Ortho 3D Intensity

P. aeruginosa
S. aureus

Fig. 11. CLSM shows the biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus on amylase enzyme coated glass surface.

production was at 60 °C and the enzyme was stable at 70 °C show- in recent years because calcium requirement is one of the signifi-
ing 80% activity. cant problems in the starch industry for the production of amylase
The temperature and the pH are the important factors to deter- enzyme during the formation of calcium oxalate [2,49]. The amy-
mine the production of amylase enzyme from microorganisms. The lase enzyme activity was estimated in this study against different
maximum amylase enzyme production was obtained at the pH of detergents and maximum and minimum enzyme activity was
11 and the optimum pH was at 10.5. The production of amylase showed against Surf excel (90.6%) and Rin (28.1%) respectively.
enzyme was decreased when the pH was increased above 11 and Further amylase enzyme also showed moderate enzymatic activity
the pH stability of the enzyme was showing high alkali at 13 with in the presence of the chelating agent such as EDTA (63.4%) and 2-
92% activity. The similar results were shown by Burhan et al. [2]. mercaptoethanol (58.3%). The chelating agent EDTA has not inhib-
Carvalho et al. [45] demonstrate that the optimum pH for amylase ited the enzymatic activity of Bacillus sp. RM16 [50] and Alicy-
enzyme produced by Bacillus sp. at 8.5 and the pH stability was at clobacillus sp. A4 [51].
pH 11 showing 80% activity. The optimum pH for the production of In another hand, the applications of amylase enzyme were
amylase enzyme from the Halobacillus sp. MA-2 was at 8 and the determined by analyzing its antibiofilm potential against marine
stability of the enzyme was at pH 9.5 shows 80% activity [47]. microorganisms such as P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Literally, most
The enzyme activity also determined against different metal of the antimicrobial agents are unable to penetrate the biofilm due
ions and the maximum enzyme activity was showed against CaCl2 to the exopolysaccharides (EPS) which acts as a barrier that pro-
and the minimum was CuSO4 as 96% and 5% respectively. Goyal tecting the bacterial cells within the biofilm. Recently microbial
et al. [48] reported that the Ca2+ ions could bind to the enzyme enzymes have been proven as an effective antibiofilm agent for
so as to confer stability but does not interfere with the activity. degradation of EPS of microbial biofilms [52]. In the present study,
Calcium-independent amylase has received increasing attention amylase enzyme from B. cereus effectively inhibits the biofilm
504 R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506

Fig. 12. Effect of amylase enzyme (100 ml/5 ml) on marine copepod D. rigida (a) and effect of enzyme on morphological changes in control (b) and treated copepod (c) (error
bars are representing mean, n = 3; Image magnification - 40).

formation of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus as evidenced by congo red nauplii used as a model organism for assessing the toxicity of
assay, CLSM and light microscopic analysis. The mechanism of pathogenic bacteria. Since copepod and Artemia nauplii play a vital
antibiofilm activity underlies that enzymes initially weakened role in food web between phytoplankton and higher tropical ani-
the proteins, carbohydrates and lipids and then destroy the physi- mals, by analyzing the toxicity of amylase enzyme against copepod
cal structure of EPS and initiates degrading process [12]. could much help in developing amylase enzyme as potential bio-
The antibiofilm potential of amylase enzyme was further used film inhibitor.
for toxicity analysis against marine copepod D. rigida and brine
shrimp Artemia salina. There are many reports stated that copepod
could be used as appropriate toxicity testing [53–54] and many 5. Conclusion
international organizations standardized the procedure for toxicity
test in copepods [55–58]. Previously, Bielmyer et al. [59] reported In conclusion, the present study described the production and
that marine copepods are very sensitive and its survival depends purification of amylase enzyme from marine bacterium Bacillus
upon the concentration and exposure time, moreover the continu- cereus. The thermostable and pH stable amylase enzyme produc-
ous treatment may lethal to the host. In contrast, our present tion was optimized using RSM and results showed that nutrients
results showed that 100% of survival was observed after 24 h with and environmental factors could play a vital role in amylase
100 ml/5 ml amylase enzyme treatment using acute toxicity and enzyme activity. Further, the light microscopic as well as CLSM
increasing the treatment time up to 4 days could affect only 15% images clearly show the reduction of biofilm formation on covered
of survival of copepod. surface area upon treatment with amylase enzyme. Since amylase
Further, the toxicity of amylase enzyme was also determined enzyme did not affect survival and morphology of marine copepod
against Artemia nauplii and the results showed that there is no and Artemia, this amylase enzyme could be developed as effective
apparent toxicity and morphological changes were observed after biofilm inhibitor. In future, analysis the expression of gene and
continuous exposure of amylase enzyme (100 ml/ml) for 24 h. The protein in amylase enzyme treated biofilm forming bacteria could
short life cycle and reliable culture practices can make Artemia prove the novelty of amylase enzyme.
R. Vaikundamoorthy et al. / Bioorganic Chemistry 77 (2018) 494–506 505

Fig. 13. Effect of amylase enzyme (100 ml/5 ml) on A. salina (a) and effect of enzyme on morphological changes in control (b) and treated A. salina (c) (error bars are
representing mean, n = 3; Image magnification - 40).

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