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Bandello F, Battaglia Parodi M (eds): Surgical Retina.

ESASO Course Series. Basel, Karger, 2012, vol 2, pp 81–90

Diabetic Macular Edema: Cases and Diagnostics

Constantin J. Pournarasa ⭈ Jean-Antoine Pournarasb ⭈ Efstratios Mendrinosa
aVitreo-Retinal Unit, Department of Ophthalmology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, and
bVitreo-Retinal Unit, Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Abstract (BRB), which leads to increased accumulation of

Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the most common fluid within the intraretinal layers of the macu-
cause of visual impairment in patients with diabetes la. Altered vitreomacular interface may also con-
mellitus. It is characterized by the presence of increased tribute significantly to the progression of macu-
retinal thickness with or without hard exudates. The lar edema. Other factors such as hypoxia, altered
pathogenesis is complex and multifactorial. DME may blood flow, retinal ischemia, and inflammation
be focal or diffuse. Ischemia may also be present. Other are also associated with the progression of DME.
than slit-lamp biomicroscopy and stereoscopic photog- Inflammatory processes, such as increased vas-
raphy, fluorescein angiography (FA) and optical coher- cular endothelial growth factor levels, endothe-
ence tomography (OCT) are integrate part of the diag- lial dysfunction, leukocyte adhesion, decreased
nosis and follow-up of patients with DME. Combination pigment epithelium-derived factor levels, and in-
of information that is obtained by FA and OCT allows for creased protein kinase C production, that cause
appropriate management of DME. FA is useful for evalu- breakdown of the BRB and increase vascular per-
ating the severity of the dysfunction in the blood-retinal meability are upregulated within the diabetic reti-
barrier and the detection of retinal ischemia; however, it nal vasculature [1].
does not reliably quantify the degree of fluid accumula- The clinical detection and evaluation meth-
tion in the retina. OCT can detect early changes in reti- ods currently used have, until recently, been
nal thickness despite normal findings on slit-lamp bio- limited to slit-lamp biomicroscopy and stereo-
microscopy. Diffuse retinal thickening, cystoid macular scopic photography. Routine slit-lamp biomi-
edema, serous retinal detachment and vitreomacular croscopy can provide information that is useful
interface abnormalities can be seen by OCT in DME. in the clinical diagnosis of DME. However, early
Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel detection of macular thickening is hard to esti-
mate using this technique, and both slit-lamp
Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the most com- biomicroscopy and stereoscopic photography
mon cause of visual impairment in patients with are subjective and insensitive to small changes in
diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of DME is retinal thickness. Fluorescein angiography (FA)
complex and multifactorial. It occurs mainly as is useful for evaluating the severity of the dys-
a result of disruption of the blood-retinal barrier function in the BRB and the detection of retinal - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 1. CSME. Hard exudates within 500 μm of the Fig. 2. CSME. Hard exudates at the foveal zone and reti-
macular center and retinal thickening at this area. nal thickening.
Note the circinate pattern of hard exudates around the

ischemia; however, it does not reliably quanti- type 2 diabetic patients as it showed, at 9 years
fy the degree of fluid accumulation in the ret- of follow-up, a 47% reduced risk of visual loss
ina. Recently, several novel imaging techniques due to reduced incidence of macular edema
for the objective assessment of DME have been [4]. Lastly, several studies found a correlation
developed. One of the most promising of these between elevated rate of serum lipids and the
new modalities is optical coherence tomography amount of lipid exudates [5, 6]. It is strongly rec-
(OCT). ommended that in all patients with DME, maxi-
mum care should be given to normalize elevat-
ed blood glucose, lipids and decrease elevated
Epidemiology blood pressure.

The incidence of DME has been studied in the

Wisconsin Epidemiologic Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Description and Classification
Study [2, 3]. The results of this study demon-
strated a higher 4- and 10-year DME incidence DME is diagnosed stereoscopically as retinal
in diabetic patients with early onset (8.2 and thickening in the macula using fundus con-
20%, respectively) and in those with late on- tact lens biomicroscopy. The Early Treatment
set and taking insulin (8.4 and 26%, respec- Diabetic Retinopathy Study defined that the fol-
tively) compared to those not taking insulin lowing characteristics indicate clinically signifi-
(2.9 and 14%, respectively). Risk factors that cant macular edema (CSME; fig. 1, 2): (1) thick-
contribute to the progression of DME include ening of the retina (as seen either by slit lamp
increasing levels of hyperglycemia, diabetes biomicroscopy or by stereo fundus photography)
duration, severity of DR at baseline, diastolic at or within 500 μm of the center of the macula;
blood pressure, and the presence of gross pro- (2) hard exudates at or within 500 μm of the cen-
teinuria. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study ter of the macula, associated with the thickening
Group clearly demonstrated the beneficial ef- of the adjacent retina (but not residual hard ex-
fect of tight blood pressure control on DME in udates remaining after disappearance of retinal - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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a b

Fig. 3. Focal DME. a Fluorescein angiography showing leakage from microaneurysms located
within the macular center. Note the accumulation of fluorescein in a central cyst surrounding two
microaneurysms. b Corresponding macular SD-OCT shows a juxtafoveal cyst. The hyperreflective
spots at the border of the cyst represent the microaneurysms.

thickening), and (3) a zone, or zones, of retinal is refractory to laser photocoagulation in many
thickening one disc area or larger size, any part cases [9, 10].
of which is within one disc diameter of the center
of the macula [7].
Twenty-four percent of eyes with CSME and Diagnosis with Imaging Modalities
33% of eyes with center-involving CSME will
have a moderate visual loss (15 or more letters The traditional methods of evaluating macular
on the ETDRS chart) within 3 years if untreated diseases, such as slit-lamp biomicroscopy and ste-
[7, 8]. reo fundus photography, are relatively insensitive
CSME is further classified into focal or diffuse, in determining small changes in retinal thickness.
depending on the leakage pattern seen on FA. In Several additional diagnostic techniques for ocu-
focal CSME, discrete points of retinal hyperfluo- lar imaging are available.
rescence are present on the FA due to focal leak-
age of microaneurysms (fig. 3). The discrete leak- Fluorescein Angiography
ing microaneurysms are thought to cause retinal FA is a standard method used to evaluate patients
thickening. Commonly, these leaking microaneu- with DME that is sensitive for qualitative detec-
rysms are surrounded by circinate rings of hard tion of fluid leakage. Leakage on the FA does not
exudates. The exudates are lipoprotein deposits equate to clinical retinal thickening or edema
in the outer retinal layers. In diffuse DME, areas since extracellular edema requires that the rate
of diffuse leakage are noted on the FA due to in- of fluid ingress into the retina exceed the rate of
traretinal leakage from a dilated retinal capillary fluid clearance from the retina. Once a patient
bed (fig. 4). There may be associated cystoid mac- is diagnosed with CSME, an angiogram is usu-
ular edema (CME). CME results from a general- ally performed to identify the treatable leaking
ized breakdown of the inner BRB with fluid accu- lesions and to evaluate ischemic areas. Ischemic
mulation, primarily in the outer plexiform layer. maculopathy is diagnosed when capillary non-
Furthermore, focal DME is responsive to focal la- perfusion is seen on the FA (fig. 5). There is ini-
ser photocoagulation, whereas diffuse DME rep- tially a rupture of the perifoveal capillary ring
resents a more challenging clinical situation and with enlargement of the foveal avascular zone. - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 4. Diffuse DME. a Intermediate-
phase FA. There is a dilated capil-
lary bed adjacent to the optic nerve
but not any microangiopathy at the
macula. b Late-phase FA shows dif-
fuse leakage at the macular area
with accumulation of the dye within
central cysts, and optic nerve head.
The presence of diffuse leakage de-
spite the absence of sufficient mi-
crovascular abnormalities implicates
the presence of breakdown of the in-
ner BRB that can be reversible when a b
systemic risk factors are controlled.

the FA pattern when managing patients with

DME as diffuse leakage from the capillary bed
with not yet established microvascular abnor-
malities usually indicates functional changes
that are reversible when optimal control of hy-
perglycemia and increased arterial blood pres-
sure is achieved.

Optical Coherence Tomography

The historical gold standard tests for diagnosis of
Fig. 5. Ischemic diabetic maculopathy. FA shows pres- DME, such as fundus stereophotography or bio-
ence of capillary dropout at the foveal area with enlarge- microscopy, are less sensitive than OCT in the
ment and irregularity of the foveal avascular zone. detection of DME [12]. In a systematic review
of the literature that compared OCT with gold
standard tests concluded that OCT performs well
compared with the gold standard tests, and can be
This finding, which can be evaluated only by FA, used to diagnose and initiate therapy for central
usually explains a disproportionate decrease in DME [13].
visual acuity when compared to ophthalmoscop-
ic findings.
FA leakage in DME can be categorized into Optical Coherence Tomography Patterns in
three different types: (1) focal leakage: well- Diabetic Macular Edema
defined focal area of leakage from microaneu-
rysms or dilated capillaries (fig. 3); (2) diffuse Several authors have proposed classification of
leakage: presence of widespread leakage from DME based on OCT findings: diffuse retinal
intraretinal microvascular abnormalities, retinal thickening, CME, serous retinal detachment, and
capillary bed (fig. 4); (3) diffuse cystoid leakage: vitreomacular interface abnormality (VMIA).
diffuse leakage and pooling of dye in the cystic Diffuse retinal thickening is usually defined as
spaces of the macula in the late phase of the an- sponge-like swelling of the retina with a gen-
giogram (fig. 6) [11]. It is important to evaluate eralized, heterogeneous, mild hyporeflectivity - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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a b

Fig. 6. Cystoid DME. a Intermediate-phase FA. There are several microaneurysms and areas of ca-
pillary dropout outside the posterior pole. b Late-phase FA showing areas of diffuse leakage and
pooling of dye in the cystic spaces of the macula.

compared with normal retina (fig. 7). Diffuse by a hyperreflective band that is in apposition
retinal thickening is reported to be present in 88– with the inner surface of the retina at discrete
100% of eyes with DME. Diffuse retinal thicken- site(s) and elevated above the surface of the ret-
ing alone (without any features of the other pat- ina elsewhere (fig. 11). VMIAs appear to occur
terns) is present in 36–42% [14, 15]. CME was in 14–16% of eyes with DME [15, 16]. In eyes
identified by the presence of intraretinal, round with persistent DME (defined by this study as
or oval cystoid areas of low reflectivity, which at least one prior focal laser treatment), VMIAs
were typically separated by highly reflective sep- may be found in up to 52–67% on OCT [17].
tae (fig. 8). CME is typically identified in 44– OCT seems particularly relevant to the analysis
47% of eyes with DME [14, 15]. OCT seems to of the vitreomacular relationship. Indeed, OCT
be particularly useful for detecting a feature that is much more accurate than biomicroscopy in
is found in DME and that is not easily seen on determining the status of the posterior hyaloids
biomicroscopy: serous retinal detachment (fig. when it is only slightly detached from the macu-
9). This appears as a shallow elevation of the ret- lar surface. In some cases of DMO, the posteri-
ina, with an optically clear space between the or hyaloid on OCT is thick and hyperreflective;
retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), it is partially detached from the posterior pole
and a distinct outer border of the detached ret- and taut over it, but remains attached to the disc
ina. It was seen in 15% of eyes with DMO in and to the top of the raised macular surface, on
the study by Otani et al. [14]. VMIAs include which it exerts a traction, indicating an obvious
the presence of epiretinal membranes, vitreo- vitreomacular traction [18–20]. In these cases,
macular traction or both. An epiretinal mem- vitrectomy is beneficial [18, 19].
brane can be manifested on OCT by the pres- Small, hyperreflective foci have been identi-
ence of a macular pseudohole, a hyperreflective fied in patients with DME. These foci can be less
band along the inner aspect of the retina, or a than 30 μm in diameter and cannot be identified
visible hyperreflective membrane tuft or edge on fundus biomicroscopy, FA, or infrared imag-
(fig. 10). Vitreomacular traction was identified ing. They were characterized by the same amount - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 7. OCT: diffuse retinal thicke-
ning with a heterogeneous mild
hyporeflectivity compared with nor-
mal retina.

Fig. 8. SD-OCT: CME characterized

by the presence of intraretinal,
round and oval cystoid areas of low
reflectivity, separated by highly re-
flective septae.

Fig. 9. OCT: serous retinal detach-

ment in DME. There is diffuse retinal
thickening with some cystic spaces
associated with a shallow elevation
of the neuroretina, which is seen as
an optically clear space between the
retina and the RPE. - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 10. Epiretinal membrane ma-
nifested on OCT by the presence of
a hyperreflective band along the in-
ner aspect of the retina. There is as-
sociated CME and a shallow serous
retinal detachment.

Fig. 11. OCT: vitreomacular traction

in DME. Note the presence of diffuse
retinal thickening associated with a
hyperreflective band that is in appo-
sition with the inner surface of the
retina at the central area and eleva-
ted above the surface of the retina
elsewhere. Vitrectomy is indicated in
this case.

Fig. 12. OCT: hard exudate in DME.

Note the presence of a spot of high
reflectivity with low-reflective area
behind it in the outer retinal layer,
corresponding to a hard exudate.

of hyperreflectivity as the accumulated dots in an low-reflective areas behind them, and are found
area of hard exudates; thus, they may represent primarily in the outer retinal layers (fig. 12).
tiny intraretinal protein, and/or lipid deposits act- Spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) has en-
ing as precursors of hard exudates [21]. Hard exu- abled us to analyze the integrity of the outer ret-
dates are detected as spots of high reflectivity with inal layers in DME. These include the external - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 13. Combination of FA with 3-D
SD-OCT in DME. For each area of the
macula as seen in FA, there is a cor-
responding imaging on OCT at the
area that was selected to be scan-
ned. Note that OCT shows a central
cyst at the area that corresponds to
CME on FA.

limiting membrane, the photoreceptor inner seg- patients with diabetes, which can result in re-
ment (IS), the outer segment (OS), the RPE, and duced quality of life. Assessment of retinal thick-
Bruch’s membrane. First reports point towards ness is important for treatment and follow-up of
the importance of the integrity of the external patients with DME. Therefore, the need for ob-
limiting membrane, the photoreceptor IS and the jective and quantitative assessments of DME is
OS as a prognostic feature of visual improvement increasingly acknowledged. Ocular coherence to-
after treatment for DME [22]. Loss of inner reti- mography has added another quantitative dimen-
nal layers on SD-OCT is highly specific for capil- sion in the assessment of DME and could lead to
lary nonperfusion on FA [23]. In contrast to the better visual outcomes via earlier detection and
loss of retinal layers seen in areas with photoco- more targeted therapeutic approaches. It provides
agulation scars, areas of capillary nonperfusion valuable information on the retinal morphologi-
had an intact IS/OS junction. Retinal edema on cal changes associated with DME and can moni-
SD-OCT is highly variable in areas of capillary tor the response to treatment. It is particularly
nonperfusion. valuable in analyzing the vitreomacular interface
Finally, OCT can accurately and reliably quan- and in detecting localized sub-foveal serous de-
tify macular retinal thickening in both clinically tachments that are not detectable on biomicros-
significant DME and non-clinically significant copy or in FA. FA is essential for the detection of
DME [24] and can detect early changes in reti- areas of macular ischemia, allows precise localiza-
nal thickness despite normal findings on slit-lamp tion of microvascular abnormalities and defines
biomicroscopy [25]. the leakage pattern which gives valuable informa-
tion from a prognostic and therapeutic point of
view. Arguably, combination of FA with OCT is
Conclusion the state of the art in the management of DME
(fig. 13, 14).
DME is one of the most significant causes of
new blindness and severe visual impairment in - 8/17/2015 11:18:54 PM
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Fig. 14. Macular thickness OCT map and FA in DME. Note the correspondence between areas of increased retinal thick-
ness on the OCT map and areas of leakage in the fluorescein angiogram.

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Constantin J. Pournaras, MD
Department of Ophthalmology, Vitreo-Retinal Unit, Geneva University Hospitals
22 rue Alcide-Jentzer
CH-12 11 Geneva 14 (Switzerland)
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