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Technical Information

Silcarbon@ Antifoam RA300

Product description

Silcarbon@ Antifoam RA300 is a highly efficient silicone based antifoam emulsion which can

be easily dispersed with water.

Physical properties

Appearance u,hite liquid

Active matter t0%
Solid content ll.5 % * 0.5

Type of emulsifler Non - ionic

Density at25"C approx. 1.0 g/cm 3

Appearance test method : GM 0170_00

Solids content test rnethod : GM 0090 24


l0% active emulsion of a silicone antifbam compound.


'/ Addition to the aqueous system before foam occurs

Our Srlcarbon-inlbrmation is bascd upon c\tcllsivc investigations and can bc

rcgardcd as rcliablc advice. hou'cvcr rr ilhout anv obligation
Revisron status:01 0l 20ltl \y"F/,.
Silcarbon aktivkohle

Silcarbon@ Antifoam RA300. can be used to avoid foam lonnation or to destrov loarn in a

wide range of industrial applications.

Cood results are achieved in various surfactant containing systems (in non-ionic and anionic
surfactants as tvcllas in rnixtures thereof). Silcarbon@ Antifbarn RA300 can be applied at PH
values ranging fiorn approx. 3 to 13.

Typical areas ol application fbr Silcarbon@ Antifbarn RA300 include gas sweetening and
cleaners. Silcarbon@ Antilbarn RA300 can be used at temperatLlres of up to 100"C rvithout
becoming unstable. Optinturn operating tenrperatures for gas srveetening applications are 40-

Amine Gas Sweetening

,- Petroletttl retinery by-product gases *,hich are generated by various refinery processing

operations as wellas raw natural gas require rerroval of certain contaminants. prirnarily
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and occasionally carbon dioxide (CO2)
'? The removal ol H2S and CO2 by arnine gas treating ref-ers to a process that use aqueous
solutions olvarious arnines (MIrA. DIIA. MDITA. DIPA. DCA)
'r The choice of'the t1'pe of'arnine as u'ellas the arninc concentration in thc absorbent

aqueous solution have a great influence on rvhether:

o CO2 becomes as cornpletel), absorbed as H2S

. H2S is prefbrentially absorbed to CO2

F the amine gas sweetening process is based on absorption and chenrical reactiorr rvhich

is reversible at elevated temperatures which allows:

. to regenerate and recycle thc arnine fbr additional acid gas removal
. to convert the H2S-rich stripped gas strearn into elemental sulfirr (Claus Process)

Our Silcarbon-rnlirrrnation rs blscd upon e\tcltsi\c rrtrcstigltions lnd cln lrc

rcgardcd as rcliablc advicc. holcvcr rvr(hout anv obligatron /rrr\
I{cvision status: 01.01.201 lJ
Foaming Problems in Amine Units

treating unit can be attributed to contaminants generated by degradation / reaction

processes or / and by treating chernicals

might be caused by:

. undesired degradation / reaction processes
. irnpuritics carricd over b1, upstrearn relining processes
o other surf-ace-active nraterials

o f.luctLration in difl'erential pressure across the column

. high solvent (anrine) losses

r reduced operating capacity

Fouling in Amine Units

. inorganic deposits such as salts. rnetallic oxides. sulphides

r polyrners as result ol'undesired degradation processes
. suspended srnall particles

. pure silicone oil

o reduced heat transf-er

r flow resistances
o biological tbuling and corrosion

Our Silcarlmn-inlirnnrtiorr is bascd Lrpon crtcnsire invcstlgatrons and can n+

rcgardcd as rcliablc udvice. horrcvcr \\ithout an\ obligltron
llcYrsion strtus: 0l 0l ?01ll \Y"aol
Silcarbon aktivkohle

F quicf fbarn knock-dorvn an high long terrn efficiency


Silcarbon@ Antifoam RA300 can bc applied to the tbarning rnedia either in its undiluted forrn
or as prc-dilutiorr. In nrost cascs it is advantageoLrs to apply Silcarbon Antilbarn RA300 as a
pre-dilution (l : I to l: l0) in order to achieve the most econornical and exact dosagc of the

As a rcsult of the rnultitude of applications olSilcarbon@ Antifbarn RA300, it is difflcult to

give a general recorlmendation fbr the dosage of this antifbarn. Therefbre, the required addition
level should be evaluated by suitable test rnethods. Horvever, as an initial test concentration the
range of 20-100 pprn Silcarbon@ Antifbarn RA300 is recommended.

Pallet size:
I 000 kg containers

Our Silcartnn-inlbnnation is bascd upon c\tcnsrvc invcstigations and can bc .dlt\

rcgardcd as rcliablc advice. horrcvcr rlithout anr obligution
Revision status: 0l 0l 201lJ


Hazardous goods classification

In fbrmation concern i ng

' classification and labelling according to regulations for transport and lor dangerous
. protective measures fbr storage and handling
. rneasures in case of accidents and fire
. toxicity and ecological eflects
is given in our material safety data sheets.

Storage stability :

In originally sealed containers Silcarbon@ Antifoam RA300 can be stored fbr at least

rrronths. 'fhe product has to bc storcd under liost-fiec conditions.

othcr cornpanics is neithcr il rccornnrcndltion. nor docs il rnrplr thirt srnrilar products could not lt uscd.

Silcarbon Aktivkohlc (inrbl I

Miihlcnu'cg I5. 57399 Kirchhundcm. (icrmanl

l)honc:49 ?764-935 10. Irax: +49-2764t)35124
i n lirr@si lcarbon.cor'11. \\'\\'\\'.si lcarbon.conr

Our Silcarbon-inlbnnation is bascd upon cxtcnsivc invcstisations and can bc

rcgardcd as rcliablc advicc. horrcvcr \\itlloul ilrl\'ohligation frn\
Rcvision stalus: 01.01 2018 \Y.6/,

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