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Diversity in Living Organisms

1. Who is the writer of the book � The origin of Species� ?

2. Give examples of monera and Protista
3. What is saprophytic nutrition?
4. What is symbiotic relationship?
5. What is the other name of cotyledons?
6. What is the phylum of jelly fish
7. What are cryptogamae?
8. What is meaning of triploblastic?
9. Nam a fish with skeleton made up of cartilage.
10. Name the reptile made up of four chambered heart.
11. Give examples of fishes which are made up of both bone and cartilage
12. How thallophyta is different from bryophyte.
13. Give two examples of hermaphrodites.
14. Name the opening through which water leaves the body cavity of sponges.
15. Name the extensions used by Amoeba for locomotion.
16. What is haemocoel?
17. Name one parasitic nematode.

1. In which the reproductive organs are hidden?

a. Cryptogamae
b. Phanerogamae
c. Gymnosperms
d. angiosperms
2. Which phylum of animals is also called flatworms?
a. Porifera
b. Coelenterata
c. Platyhelminthes
d. Nematoda
3. What is the exclusive marine phylum?
a. Echinodermata
b. Porifera
c. Cnidarians
d. Protozoa
4. The mode of nutrition in fungi
a. only saprotrophic
b. saprotrophic or parasitic
c. only parasitic
d. none of above
5. What is not possessed by bacteria?
a. membrane bound organelles
b. nucleus
c. nucleolus
d. all of these
6. What does Arthropod means?
a. bonous legs
b. cartilaginous legs
c. largest legs
d. jointed legs
7. What is not poisoning among these?
a. scorpion
b. centipede
c. spider
d. crab
8. The excretory system in annelids is consisted of tubes called?
a. flame cells
b. metanephridia
c. nephridia
d. protonephridia
9. Which sub group in plant kingdom produces flowers?
a. Angiosperms
b. fungi
c. mosses
d. ferns
10. Choose the vascular plants out of these.
a. mosses
b. liverworts
c. hornworts
d. ferns
11. In which organism flame cells form the excretory system?
a. flatworms
b. earthworms
c. insects
d. crabs
12. Which of the these are found filamentous
a. Spirogyra
b. euglena
c. chlamydomonas
d. amoeba
13. What does a bacteria lack?
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. DNA.
c. cell wall
d. cytoplasm
14. What is the mode of nutrition in bacteria?
a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic
c. autotrophic and heterotrophic
d. none of these
15. What is the phylum of Octopus?
a. Arthropoda
b. Mollusca
c. Annelida
d. cnidarian
1. a
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. d
11. a
12. a
13. a
14. c
15. b

1. Give the characteristics of flatworms, algae, round worms. Give their phylum too.
2. Give the classification of the plant kingdom?
3. Differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates
4. Give the difference between two types of symmetry that animals show.
5. What is the difference between monocots and dicots.
6. What are characteristics of Platyhelminthes, coelenterate, Echinodermata, mammals,
7. Why do most amphibians lay their eggs in water?
8. What is the meaning of cold blooded animals?
9. What is the phylum of coral? What is coral made up of?
10. How vertebrata are classified into sub groups?
11. What is the difference between aves and mammals?
12. Name the phylum which has pores
13. Give examples of pteridophyte.
14. What are angiosperms and gymnosperms?
15. Give two examples of pseudo coelomate animals.
16. Give two examples of flatworms.
17. Write a short note on Archae bacteria
18. Give brief account on Plantae kingdom.
19. Give a single term for:
a) a group related family
b) a group of related classes
20. What is meant by vernacular names?

1. What is thallus? (1mark)

2. Differentiate between flying lizard and bird (1 mark)
3. Why bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom (2marks)
4. Difference between cryptogams and phanerogams (2marks)
5. Difference between monocots and dicots (2marks)
6. Why do we keep both snake and turtle in the same class? (2marks)
7. Name the phylum of the following.
a. Jellyfish
b. Octopus
c. Ascaria
d. Spider (2marks)
8. Which do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organisms? (2marks)
9. Explain all the important characteristics of the given phyla: (2 � 3= 6 marks)
a. Platihelminthes
b. Coelenterates
c. Annelida

Improvement in Food Resources

1. Do organisms need food?
2. Why?
3. What does food provide?
4. Do you know what are the major sources of food?
5. Name the organism used in the preparation of vermicompost.
6. Name two fertilisers supplying N, P, K to crops.
7. What are the factors on which irrigation requirements depend?
8. What are the various irrigation systems adopted in India?
9. Give any two differences between micro and macro nutrients.
10. What is hybridisation in plants? Mention any two desired characters for which it is done.
11. How does the use of fertilisers improve crop production?
12. Though fertilisers increase crop production, they are to be used in limited amount. Why?

1. Using fertilizers in farming is an example of

I. No cost production
II. Low cost production
III. High cost production
IV. None of these
2. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are examples of
I. Micro-nutrients
II. Macro-nutrients
III. Fertilizers
IV. Both I and II
3. Cyperinus and Parthenium are types of
I. Diseases
II. Pesticides
III. Weeds
IV. Pathogens
4. Mullets, prawns, mussels are examples of
I. Marine fishes
II. Fresh-water fishes
III. Finned fishes
IV. Shell fish
5. What is the other name for Apis cerana indica?
I. Indian cow
II. Indian buffalo
III. Indian bee
IV. None of these
6. The management and production of fish is called
I. Pisciculture
II. Apiculture
III. Sericulture
IV. Aquaculture
7. Rohu and catla are types of
I. Freshwater fish
II. Marine water fish
III. Both I and II
IV. None of these
8. Pasturage is related to
I. Cattle
II. Fishery
III. Apiculture
IV. Sericulture
9. What is the process of growing two or more crops in a definite pattern?
I. Crop rotation
II. Inter-cropping
III. Mixed cropping
IV. Organic cropping
10. Leghorn is related to
I. Apiculture
II. Dairy farming
III. Pisciculture
IV. Poultry
1. III
2. II
3. III
4. I
5. III
6. I
7. I
8. III
9. II
10. IV

1. What are the different types of fisheries?

2. What is ‘apiculture’? Name a few products obtained from apiculture.
3. What are weeds and fertilizers?
4. What are the harmful effects of using excessive fertilizers?
5. What are the different ways of hybridisation?
6. What do you understand by organic farming?
7. Define one method of crop production ensuring high yield.
8. What are macro-nutrients?
9. Give points of difference between egg producing chicken and boiler producing chicken.
10. Name any two weeds.
11. How do efficiency of nutrients affect the crop?
12. Name two rabi and two kharif crops.

1. Name few common practices used for dairy industry. (4 marks)

2. Explain different types of fisheries. (5 marks)
3. Give any two differences between manure and fertilizers. (2 marks)
4. What are the different cropping systems? (3 marks)
5. How can weeds be controlled? (3 marks)
6. What is the difference between egg-layers and boilers? (2 marks)
7. What are manures? How are they classified? (4 marks)
8. Name any two Indian cattle. (2marks)

Natural Resources
1. Name two chemicals that are depleting ozone layer.
2. Name the types of soil.
3. State 3 methods by which free nitrogen can be converted into nitrates.
4. What is De nitrification?
5. How do fossil fuels cause air pollution?
6. In spite of breathing out carbon dioxide in a large amount and released by combsuion, the
atmosphere has mere fraction of CO2 only. Why?
7. What is water pollution? Give its causes and harmful effects?
8. State in brief the role of photosynthesis and respiration in carbon cycle in nature.
9. What is the difference between smog and fog. Give two examples effecrs of smog.
10. Explain carbon cycle.

1. The micro-organisms which helps in formation of soil is

a. Bacteria
b. Moss
c. Lichen
d. B and c
2. Burning of fossil fuels add
a. CO2, SO2, NO2, gases in air
b. C, SO2, N2, gases in air
c. CO, SO3, NO3, gases in air
d. CH4, CO2, NO2, gases in air
3. Greenhouse gases are
a. Industries
b. Rhizobium
c. Lightening
d. All of the above
4. Nitrogen fixation can be done by
a. Industries
b. Rhizobium
c. Lightening
d. All of the above
5. Atmosphere maintain the temperature of earth because
a. It contains water vapor
b. It hold air, which is bad conductor of heat
c. It reflects the heat rays
d. It absorbs the heat rays
6. Molecules of proteins contain
a. Carbon
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. All of these
7. Life cannot sustain on Mars and Venus because major component in atmosphere is
a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Nitrogen
d. Ozone
8. On moon the temperature ranges from -190° C to 110° C. This is due to
a. No water bodies present
b. Water bodies present
c. No bio geo chemical cycle
d. No atmosphere
9. Depletion of ozone molecules in the stratosphere is due to
a. Chlorine compound
b. Fluorine compound
c. Halogen compound
d. None of these
10. The life supporting zone of the earth is
a. Lithosphere
b. Hydrosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Biosphere
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. D

1. What is humus?
2. Name two elemental form of carbon.
3. What is bad ozone and good ozone?
4. What are the diseases caused by air pollution?
5. How can lichen help in indicating the pollutants in air?
6. How winds are caused and what decides the breeze to be gentle, strong wind or terrible
7. What is air pollution? How it is caused? Give any two harmful effects.
8. Explain water cycle with diagram.
9. How does oxygen occur in nature. Explain oxygen-cycle in nature.
10. Give existence of carbon.
11. Explain nitrogen cycle in detail and define all the terms involved in it.
12. Explain biosphere.

1. Define Nitrification. (1)

2. Name four factors which lead to soil formations (2)
3. What make the quality and type of soils? (2)
4. How does atmosphere help in climate control? (2)
5. What is acid rain? Give its harmful effects. (3)
6. What is greenhouse effect? Why it is named so? (3)
7. What is the importance of ozone to mankind? (3)
8. Explain the physical, chemical and biological factors which lead to the formation of soil. (4)

Why do we fall ill

1. What are vectors?
2. Name two diseases transmitted by protozoa
3. Give full form of AIDS.
4. Name the organism that causes kala azar.
5. Bacteria is a cell, antibiotics kill bacteria (cell), human body is also made of cells. How does
it affect our body?
6. How does cholera becomes epidemic?
7. Why we can�t make antiviral medicines?
8. Becoming exposed to or infected with an infectious microbe does not necessarily mean
developing noticeable symptoms.
9. If some one in your family gets infectious disease, what precautions he should take?
10. Give common methods of transmission of diseases.

1. Larynx is called
a. Voice box
b. Music box
c. Respiratory organ
d. None of these
1. The disease that affects our lungs is
b. Rabies
c. Polio
d. Tuberculosis
2. The BCG vaccine is given for the immunity against
a. Hepatitis
b. Jaundice
c. Tuberculosis
d. Malaria
3. Malaria is caused due to
a. Protozoa
b. Anopheles mosquito
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
4. Plasmodium is an example of
a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Protozoa
d. Worm
5. Diarrhea, cholera, typhoid are the diseases that have one thing in common that is
a. All of them are caused by bacteria
b. All of them is transmitted by contaminated food and water
c. All of them are cured by antibiotics
d. All of the above
6. The bacteria among the following is
a. Plasmodium
b. Trypanosome
c. Rabies virus
d. Salmonella typhi
7. HIV virus attacks one of the following cells in our body
a. Red blood cells
b. White blood cells
c. Liver cell
d. Long cell
8. The pathogens od disease are
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Protozoa
d. All of the above
9. Penicillin is a drug that can
a. Interfere in the biological pathway of bacteria
b. An antibiotic that can kill bacteria
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
10. The disease caused due to worm is
a. Tetanus
b. Rabies
c. Sleeping sickness
d. Filariasis
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. D

1. What are pathogens?

2. Name two disease spread by bacteria and by fungi each.
3. Name two air-borne diseases.
4. What are acute diseases?
5. Give difference between chronic and acute disease.
6. State two main causes of diseases.
7. Why sick person is advised to take rest?
8. Give function of antibiotic penicillin.
9. What are disease specific means of prevention?
10. What are basic conditions of good health?
11. What are three limitations for the approach to deal with infectious disease?
12. Write a short note on malaria as a disease, its symptoms and control.

The Fundamental Unit of Life

Q1. Explain the types of Plastids in brief.
Q2. Explain the functions and structure of Golgi bodies.
Q3. What is nucleoid?
Q4. What is the difference between plant cells and animal cells?
Q6. What are suicidal bags (lysosomes)?
Q7. What is the function of chromosomes?
Q8. Name the smallest cell in human body?
Q9. Which is the largest cell in human body?
Q10. Why Plant cells are are more rigid than animal cells?
Q11. Explain the process of osmosis in detail.
Q12. Draw and label diagrams of plant cell and animal cell.

1. Colourless plastids are known as

(a) Chromoplasts
(b) Chloroplasts
(c) Leucoplasts
(d) Protoplast
2. Animal cell lacking nuclei would also lack in
(a) Ribosome
(b) Lysosome
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Chromosome
3. The phenomenon by which protoplast of a cell shrinks from the wall is
(a) Osmosis
(b) Plasmolysis
(c) Diffusion
(d) Glycolysis
4. Which of the following are examples of prokaryotes?
(a) Algae
(b) Fungi
(c) Bacteria
(d) Protozoa
5. The barrier between the protoplasm and the outer environment in an animal cell is
(a) Cell wall
(b) Plasma membrane
(c) Nuclear membrane
(d) Cytoplasm
6. Ribosomes are the site of
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Protein synthesis
(d) Absorption
7. Which is the largest cell organelle present in plant cell?
(a) Nucleus
(b) Chloroplast
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Mitochondria

1. What is cell theory? Who formulated it?

2. Write the full form of DNA and ATP.
3. What is the importance of nucleus?
4. Explain the process of osmosis through an example.
5. Draw and label a Plant cell neatly.
6. Why is Plasma Membrane a selectively permeable membrane?
7. What is the function of chromosome?
8. Name the cleansing organelle in the cell.
9. How does amoeba consume food?

1. Explain the process of osmosis and give an example. (2 marks)

2. What are the functions of plastids? (3)
3. Explain the difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell (4 marks)
4. What are genes? What is the difference between genes and chromosomes? (3 marks)
5. Why are lysosomes called suicidal bags? (2 marks)
6. Draw a neat diagram of a plant cell. (4 marks)
7. Write a short note on Plasma Membrane. (3 marks)
8. Why is the inner membrane of Mitochondria folded? (2 marks)
9. Name the smallest and the longest cell in human body. (2 marks)
10. Define nucleoids. (1 mark)

1. Give four differences between bone and cartilage.
2. Give the functions of cartilage.
3. Give difference between xylem and pholem.
4. What is stomata?
5. Why does epidermal tissue have no intercellular space?
6. Name and give the function of each cell of xylem.
7. Why is blood called connective tissue?
8. State the difference between simple tissues of plants.
9. Explain the structure, function and location of nervous tissue.
10. Describe ‘epidermis’ in plants.

1. The cells of cork are dead and have a chemical in their walls that makes them impervious to
gases and water. The chemical is
(a) lignin
(b) suberin
(c) cutin
(d) wax
2. The flexibility in plants is due to a tissue called
(a) chlorenchyma
(b) parenchyma
(c) sclerenchyma
(d) collenchyma
3. The tissue present in the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands is
(a) squamous epithelium tissue
(b) glandular epithelium tissue
(c) cuboidal epithelium tissue
(d) columar epithelium tissue
4. The connective tissue that connects muscle to bone is called
(a) ligament
(b) tendon
(c) nervous tissue
(d) all of the above
5. The tissue that helps in the movement of our body are
(a) musclar tissue
(b) skeletal tissue
(c) nervous tissue
(d) all of the above
6. Sieve tubes and companion cells are present in
(a) xylem
(b) phloem
(c) cork
(d) cambium
7. The size of the stem increases in the width due to
(a) apical meristem
(b) intercalary meristem
(c) primary meristem
(d) lateral meristem
8. Cartilage and bone are types of
(a) muscular tissue
(b) connective tissue
(c) meristematic tissue
(d) epithelial tissue
9. Xylem and phloem are examples of
(a) epidermal tissue
(b) simple tissue
(c) protective tissue
(d) complex tissue
10. A tissue whose cells are capable of dividing and re-dividing is called
(a) complex tissue
(b) connective tissue
(c) permanent tissue
(d) meristematic tissue

1. What is the function of cartilage and bone?

2. What are the different types of tissues present in plants?
3. What are the different types of tissues present in animals?
4. Draw a neat labeled diagram of nervous tissue.
5. What is the function of stomata?
6. What is the role of epidermis?
7. What are complex tissues? Explain their types.
8. Define the structure of neuron.
9. What are guard cells?
10. Explain various types of blood cells.

1. Write a note on plant tissues? (5 marks)

2. What is the function of connective tissues? Explain its types. (4 marks)
3. Draw a structure of a nerve cell (neuron). (3 marks)
4. What is the region where parenchyma tissue is present? (2 marks)
5. What is the point of difference between cardiac muscle and striated muscle? (2 marks)
6. Draw a neat diagram of a smooth muscle. (3marks)
7. Where is epical tissue present? (1 mark)
8. What are the various types of an animal tissue? (5 marks)
9. Write the difference between xylem and phloem. (3 marks)
10. Write the difference between a bone and cartilage. (2 marks)

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