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--i-J uVu

General Administration Departrnent,
Sae-hiv alay4 Gandhinagar.
Dated the 6t May,2W.

corudurtlqr NeG$2g17-17-BRT-141t$14-58039*K:-In exerise of the Po$/ers

d lndir.
conlerred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constihrtion of India and
in supersession of all the nrles made in this behalJ, the Governor of
Gufarat heneby makes the following nrleg, to provide for regul,ating
the method of Courpetitive Examinatisn mies of the Gujarat

Engineering Sernices (CiYil), (Ctass I and tr ), Guiarat State, nanely i

1. Short tide, comrnencement and application - (1) These rules

may be called the Gujarat Engineering Services (Civil), (C1ass I
srd Oass tr), Competitive Exasrination Rules, 2A77.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publlcation in
fhe Oficial C'azatte.

(3) Ttrey shali apply to the Persofls who are eligible to be

appointed to the post specified in Schedule I.

2- Definitions.- ln these, urrless the context oiherr,l'ise

(a) "Commission" means'the Gujarat Fubiic Ssvice
(bi "Examinationn means the combined competitive

exasrination for resuitment to the Posts specified in

Schedule i and indudes the Prelirninary
Exarrinatio& Main Exarrrination and Intervie$r as

referred to in rule 4;

-- 1l

(c) "Govemment,' rrlea:ls the Govemment of Gujara;

(d) "prescribed,t means prescribed by regulations
made by the Commission;
(e) "Itevious Rules,, means the ruies prevaiiing
immeciiateh' bef ore these ruies;
(1) "Schedule,' mears the fthedule appended to these

H "scheduied postsi' means the posts in the Gujarat

Engineering Services(Civi1), (CIa"s I a:rd C1ass iI), as
speciied in Scheciule I.

Holding of Exarninations.- The Comreissicrr, on

receiving the
requisifion fro* the Governmenf shal hord
a combined
competitive exarrrinadon tor seiection of cand:dates for
recn-ri.hnent to the posis specified in Scheduie

Mode of Exammation,- (1) The exarnination shali be held

three successive stages, nameLv:-

(i) Preliminar,; ExaminaCon (Objecfive TJpe

(ii) Ntain Exarn:nation (Conventionai type)
(iir) lnie*,'iew for final selection of candidates for the
ftheduied posts.
//1\ 7
\t) the yreliinii:ie-,*f Exajrdnation and the Main Exa:nl-,ation
shall be heki in such r" as specified in schedule Il.

syilabus.- The coffiniissicn shali determine the details oi

svrabus tor each subject and such syllabus shaii ix supplied to
the candrdaies aicng with the appiicafion form.

Medium of Examin rtion - The Medium of examination sha11

be Gularati for Paper I o{ Sections II and III under Schedule II,

medium for ali other papers under schedute II shail be English.

Place of Examination.- (1) The dates, the time and the places

for hoiding the examinatioru shal1 be decided by the


(2) The candidates shall attend ali the stages of Examinatioru

at their o'/rn exp€nses.
U (3) The lnterview shali be heid at the place fixed by the

Application for Examination -( 1) The who desires

to appear at the Preliminary Exaa'rination shal1 submit aa

application i:r such forin, within such tirrre limit as may be
prescribe.d b-v the Commission aiong*'ith such fee as may be
fixed by the Govemment lrom tirne to tir'e.
(2) The candidates who are declared successful bv the
Comnrission to have qualif;ed lor adrnission to the lv{ain
Examination sh.aIl appli'- again in sr:ch form. as maY be

\y prescriLed by the Cornnrission along;viih such iee as nuy be

fixed by the Governrnent from tin're to iime.

(3) The fee shali be paid in such ma:rner as rnay be prescribed

by the Commission anci fees once paid shal1 not be refunded or

held over for the subsequent examination.
(4) The request folrvithdrawaL of ihe application by the
candidate sh,allnot be entertaine<i u:rder anv circumstances.


Appointment to the post.- (1) The appointment of the

candidate to the scheduled post shall be subject to the provisions
of recruitment rules in force relating to the post.

(2) where the candidate fails to join the post, his name shali

deleted from the list of candidates recommended by* the

Commission f or appointrnent.
10. condition for Eugibiiity, - (1) The Candidate shall not be
quaiified fcr admission to the Examination urrless he is -
(a) a citizen of Lrdia, or
(b) a subject of Necai, or
{c) a subject of Bhutan, or
(C) a Person of indian orif,n *-ho has migrated from
Pakistaa, r'v{vanmar, Sri Laaka, East Alricaa countries of
Kenya, Ugancia, the Uniteci Repubiic of Taazar,ja,
Zambia, il.{alawi, Zatte, Eifuopia and Vietnarn, *ith
the intenion of permanentlv settling in lndia:

Pro.rideci &at the caniidates belonging to categories &), (c) or

(d) shall furnish a certilicate oi eligibilif'r issued by fie Government.

11. Disquali{ication for appoinfineni on grourrd of plural ma:riage. -

(1) |'Io person who,-
(u) has entered htc or contracled a marriage w{th a person
having a spouse Livhp or
(b) having a spouse livng has entered into or contracted a
marriage with arrv other perrcn shaii be eiigible for
appointrnent to the xhedured pos'is:



Provided that subject to the proyisions of any law for the time
being in force, the state C,ovemmer$ if satisfied that there
are special gror:nds for doing so, er(empt any petson from the
operation of this suh,rule.

(2) The Candidate shall declare in the application form whether

he or she as the case may be, is married and, in the case of the male
candidate whether he has more than one wives living and in the case of

a fmrale candidate whether she has ma:rried to a man who has already
another wile living.

12. Age Li:nit -The candidate for admission to the Exanrination
shali must have attained the age of 20 years and must not have
atlained the age of 35 years of the fthedule<i Pcats on the date as
Eray be speciiied in the advertrsement bv the Commission.

13. Educational quarrications. - (1) The candidate sirall cossess a

Bachelols degree in Civil Engineering or Technoiogy i::. Crvit
obtained from any of the universities estabiishec oi
incorpoiated bi- or ',he Centrai or a Siate Aci in lndia; or

\., any othei ec:.rcational instifution recognised as such or declared

to be deemed as a Un_iversiW under section 3 of the Universih
Grani-s Conrmission Act, 1956:

Plovided that the candidate who has appeared ai a degree

examination, the passing of which would render hirn educaiionaiiy
quali-{ied ior the Exam:nacon mentioned in sub- rule l_, but the .-esul: is
not declared, shaLl a-iso be eligible for adrnisslon tc the Frelu:-Linarv

(2) All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission

for appearing in the Main Examination shail be required to

produce proof oI passing the degree examination along w-ith

their appiication for the N{ain Examinaion. The canciidate who
fails to produce the proof of passing the degree examination
shail not be eiigible for admission to Mara Examination.

(3) The basic knowiedge o{ Computer Applicafion as prescribed

in the Gujarat Civil Services Cfassi{icaiion and R.ecruitcnent

(General) Rules, 1-957 as anended fro;r iime to i'ir:r.e.

{4) Adeq.uate knov,'ledge of Guiaiati and i{inci or both.

14. Order of Preference.-(1) The candidate at the time oi lnterv'iert-

shal1 indicate in his own hand wrif,.ng ihe ordei of

preierences foi the posts for which he desires to be corsiriered.

for appointttent, in such marme, as mav prexribei by ihe


Prcvideci that the pre{erence once gven b,v the caniid.ate shali
i:e ireaied. as final and no request for revision, addiio& alteration or
change in the preierence shajl be entertai:reci bv ine Cornmission or b,v

iire Government.
(2) (a) The order of preference for the posts indicated by the
candidate shal-i not con-fer any right for apooint';nent tc those Posts.

Having regard io the rank in the orde; of me:it anC the nurnber of
posts avallable, the pre{erence given b,v* the candidate shali be

corsiciered by the Government at the time of his appoinfi:nent-

ib) }\*rere the canciidaie has not given prefererrce tor any pcst, c
the canciidate ha-s given preference on11' for a iew Posts, anri the
nurnbel of posts for vzhich he has given preierence are riot
t\/ b

available to accommodate the candidate as per his preference, he

shall be allotted to any of the lemaining vacant posts after
allocation of a1i the candidates to the posts in accordance with their


(3) The appoinfment o{ the candidate to a particular post shall be

subject to the provisions of recruitnent rules in force relating to

that post.

(4) llhere the candidate fails lo join the post offered to him, his

name shall be deieted from the list of candidates recosunended b-v

* .,;
the Commission for appointrneni.

(5) !!'here the candidate has been appointed to a pariicula: post,

no request shall be entertained bv the Government for change of
appoini::reni to anotler post.
15. Conmission's decision final. - (1) No candidate shall be allowed
to appea: at the lv{airl Examinaiion unless the Commission is
satisfied tirat ca::ididate rs eiigibie in all respects and tirat he has
complied with all the requiremenls including the pa-,rment of
the requisite fees.

(2) The decrsion of ',he commission as to the elig:bilrry of t&e

\P for admissi.on to iire mdn examination shall be ftrui.

15. Reskictions tc Examination.- (1) The candidaie shall. answer ali

questions in his ornrr hand writing. However, the blind candidates

shall be ailor-ed to r:iie in the Examination with the help o{ a
scribe sui:jct ic, such i:.strucdons as may b€ issued bv.. the

Con'rmission in tlrat b€hali fuora iine to time.

(2Xa) the candidate shail not be permitted to carry with him, in the
examinalicn hall, a ceilular phone, pager or any other mobile


corncrunication device. Failing to comply with this, permission

shail considered as using unfak means in th€ examination and
action shail take against them including cancellation of

(b) the candidate sb.a11 not be allowed to use calculator in the

Prelinrina4v Examinati on :

Provided that the candidale may |e permitted tc bring and use

the simple battery oPelateC not Plogrammable pocket calculator ia
such conventional Vpe paper in rnain examilation, as may be
prescribed bv the Corrunj.ssion. But the exchange or t'a:xier oi
caiculator arnongst the cand:.daies in the examinatr'on hali shall not be '


1"1 Appearance to Main Examinatierl. - (1) The candidate who

obtaias such ntnimum quaiifyi:rg marks in ihe Prelimi:ur,v
Exam,nation, as mav be fixed by the Commission and founC
eiigibie in ar1 respect shall allowed. to aPpear in lv{ain


(2) The Com:rrission shail fix ihe quaifing sianciard Ior

Preiimi:rar]. and i\,{atn Examination {or the candidates of non-

reserved categories and separately {or candidates belonging to
resen,ed ca:egories. The candidate -'vho is qualified in the

Prelirninary Examination accordlng to the qualirying standard



18. List of order of nnerit.

- (1) After Intewiew, the candidates shall

be arranged by the Commission in the order of merit on the basis

of the aggregate marks firnily awarded to each candidate in the

Preliminary Examination , Main Examination (written) and
Interview and in that, thereafter, the Commission shall, for
the purpose of recommending candidates against unreserved
vacancies, fix a qualifying mark (hereinaiter referred to as
general qualifying standard) with reference to the number of
unreserved vacancies to be filled up. For the purpose oI
recommending Resenred Category candidates belonging to
ftheduled Castes, ftheduled Tribes and Socialiy and
Educationally Backward Classes (induding Nomadic Tribes and
Denotified Tribes) against resewed vaca:lcies, the Comrnission
may relax the general qualifying standard with reference to
of reserved vacancies to be filled up in each of these

Provided that the candidates belonging to Scheduled Casteg,

Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
(including Nomadic Tribes and Denotifiei Tribes) who have not
availed themselves of any of ihe reiaxatioru in the eligibilify or the
seiection criteria at any stage of F;<amination and. who, after taking into

account the general qualifying standards, ?!€ found fit for

recorrmendationby the Commission shall notbe recommended against
the vacancies reserved for the ftheduled castes, scheduled rribes and
socially and Educationally Bacicr,varri oasses (including Nomadic
Tribes and Denotilied Tribes) on ihe basis oI the urain examination and




(2) While corsidering the preferences, the candidates
belonging to ScheCCed Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Socially
and Educationall,v Backward Classes (including Norradic Tribes
and Denotrfied Tribes) recorrrnended against uereserved

vacancies ma,v be adjusted against reserv'ed vacancies by the


(3) The Commissio{"r lllay further low-er the quahlying stancard

to take of anv shorffall of cand.idates {or appointneni

J againsi unresen-ec ", and anv surplus c{ ca:rdidates
agai:.Lsi reserved vacancies arising out of tire provision of ttu.s


(4) There sharl oe no waiting lisi. The residr:ai vacant posts, iI

any, due io non-joi:ring of candidates (w-ho have been allotiec
the posts of ,l'l.e Gujarat Engineer!:rg Se*'ices (Civil), (C1ass i anC

Ciass ii) for anv reason, shall be ca::rieA ior*-ard to ihe next
occasion of recruit=nert"

19. Ineiigible if faiis to attend Interview. - The candj,oate, who is V

qualified for the lnterrie.*" but fads to attend it shali not be

eligible {or seleciion.

Result of examination. - (1) The Conr:nissi,on shali. publish the

result of the candidates l,ihose riames aie to be recommenCed to

the Governrnent fcr appointinent to the Scheduied Posts, shall
be arange,l according ic the crcier oi rneriis oI candidaies aiong
rvith the seat numb,ers and the iotal rrarks obtained bv each of
the candidates.

(2Xa) The result of the candidates, whose narnes are to be

recornmended to the Government for the appointrnent to the

post shal1 arrange according to the order of merits of candidates
along with seat number and the total marks obtained by each of
the candidates.

(b) The Comrnission shal1 also display on its notice board the
resuli of ulsuccessfui cand.idates containing the names, seat

number and totai rnarks obtained bv each of the candidates,

* (3) The Commission shal1, thereafter send a copy of the final

result to be published in the Ofiial Gazelb, to the Government.

n. Rechecking of marks o{ Ivlain Lxaminatiorl - (1) The candidate

who desires to have his marks of the Main Erami::radon

rechecked, may apply to the Commission alongwith such fees as

may be fixed b-v the Commjssion for each paper within a period.
oJ thirtv days fuom the ciate of deciaration of the final rezult of
ihe Main Examination.

(2) The candidate who desires to have the mark-sheet of &e
lvlaia Examination sha1l apply to the Commission a-longrvith
such fees as may be Iixed by the Conrmission within a period of

fifteen days frorn ihe date o{ declaration of the finai result.

nc Forwarding the result to Government. - The Commr-"sion, on

decla-lation oi the result, shall forw-ard to the Gov-ernment, +,ire

list of candidaies who are recorrunended for aopointrrent a-long

with necessary particuLars such as category of canciidate, his

date of birth, educational qualifications, order of preference {or
post and such other particulars as the State Govelrlment

1a No right to appointurent - The mere success in the exa-arination

shall not confer any right to appoinfirent and no candidate
be appointed tc the post ulJ.ess ihe Govemment is satisfied,
the candicate
such inquiries as may be coraidered. necessary that
is suitable in all respects for appointnrent tc the post'

lIedical examinafion. -- The card.idate appoinied on the basis of

ihe resuii of compeiitive examination shall rass a medica:
in that beh'at'
relevant refiuitinent m1es, mad.e by Gr-rvemmeni

probation period. - The candidate appohi'-d on the'pasis of 'J:ie

tot a
resuit of competitive exa:ninaiion shali be on probation
be extended
penoo of r',,ro y-ears, The period oi probation maY
rndei such ci.rcumsiances as ihe Gcv*r',nent ma'/ coirsider
necessa{i in ihis behali.

1A Training and examination' - The candidate appointed on the

s},aLl' r:ndergo such
basis o{ the result of competitive exami.:ratlon
by the
ralning and. pass such examinaiion as c''a;* be prescibeC
Col'ernraent from ti:rre to time'

Disciplinary actions' - The cand'idate *'ho is cr has been
Ceclared by the Corrunission to be gu:l* oi -

ii) obtaiing support {or fLis candidahre bv anv mea:ls;

(ri) i:-aPersonatirrg
t /v

(ii| procuring irnpersonatirg by any person;

(i") submitting fabricated d.ocuments or documents which
have been tempered with,
(") making statements which are incorrect or false or
suppressing material information;
(vi) resorting to any other irregutar or improper means in
connection with his candiciafure for the examination;
("ii) using unJair means duriag the examination;
(vin) writing irrelevant matler, inclucing absurd language
- pornographic matter in the scripts;
(i*) misbehaving i', any other roanner in the examination hail;
(*) harassing or doing bodily haffx to the stafl employed by the
Commission for the conduct o{ the Examinaticn;
(*i) attempting to comrait or as iihe case mav be, abetfing
Cocrmission of ar] or any of the acb specified
h ihe
foregoing clauses; or
(xi1) violating anv of the insFactions issued. to
the candidates
along wi'.h his adraission Certificate permitt:ng
hin"r to take
the examinadon s}a]r, in acdition to rendering
liable io criminal prosecuil.oo be liabie -
(a) to be disquarified by ihe Commission {rom rhe
exa:ninadcn for which he is a cand_idate: or

&) to be debarreci either peunanently or for a specific

seiection to ix heid by them; or
(ii) by tjre State Government from anv
empic,yment under it:
Provided that no penaity under clause (a) or dause ft)
shail be imposed except after Sving the candidate an
opportllnitv of making such representaiion in rtiting as he rnav
rvish to make in that b€half.

(c) to Ciscipli:rar,v action un,ler the approptate ru-1es iJ

he is already in Govemrnent seryice.

7? Savings. - rriot*ttlutanding arything contained in these rules,
any action initiated under the previous rules ireiore the
commencement of these ruies shall be valid tiil ii is compleied.

(see rale 2(g))
Narne o{ Posts
Class I posts

1. Execu.iive Enginee (Civi1), Class 1, in the Gujarat Engi:reenng

Under R.oads and BuilChgs Departneni, luiarat State.

7. Executive Engir.eer (Cirril), Cass i, in the Gujarat Engineering \r"

Serv'ices Under Narmada,'t#ater Resource, lYatet Supply and

Kalpsar Deparfiaent, Gujarat State.

Clags II Posts
1. Depuf Execulive Engineer (Civi1), Class I, in the Gujarat Sewices Uncier Roacis and Builalngs Departnerr.t,

Guja-rat State.

2. DepuT Executi';e Eng:.neer (Civi1), Class I, in the Gujarat

Engineeing Services Urder Narmada, lVater Resoulce, Water
Supplv and Ka-1mar Deparirrrent, Gujarat State.
aq /,,


(see ruie 4)
The Examination shar comprise cf three
zuccessive stages:
(A) Prehminary Examination (objective type)
for the seiection
of candidates for Main Examination;
(B) Main Examination (Ccnventional type); and
(c) Interview for finai selection of candidates for
Scheduled posts.

{A) helinninaryExenrin;liorr.-
The Preiiminary Exa::aination sirali consists o{
firo papers of
objective type (multiple choice questiora
and caffti a maximum
) of 500
total ma:ks as sho:+-n in section iI of this fthedule. This examination is
meant as a screening test only. The marks
ottai:eC in the FreiiminarY
Exarn:nation by the candidates, who are decla:ed qualified for
ad:rrission to the Main Exarni.rration shail not be counted fol
detem{ning iheir finar order of merit. The number
of candidaies to be
all'ow-ed to appear io the Main Examination
shall be ai:out fifteen times
the total approximate number ai vacaacies so
acvertised.. rhe
candi'cate, who is deciared quaiiiied
in the prel::r:nary Exa-mination by
the Commissioru shali only be eligible for
adraission to ihe N{ain
Lxaminatiory subject to the condition that
he is otherwise erigibie ior
ad:nussion to the Maln Examinafion-

{B) MainExaminationand.Interyiew:-
The N1ain Examinadon shar.l consist of
llc:ten Exarn:nation of
total-8C$ Marks and th,e Intenriew
of 100lv{arks.
The written examination sha1l corrsist of five PaP€$
(Conventional ry-pe), as shown in SECTION ill of this Scheduie- The
cand.idate lvho obtain such minimum qualif,l'ing marks as maY be fixed

by the commissi.on, in ihe w:ritten part of the matn exarnination, shall be

cailed for Interview. The nuinber of candiiates to be cailed {or the
lnterv-iew- shall be about the thrice the number of vacancies so


The inten-iew sha11 carry 100 marks without any minimum

quallfy'i:lg marks. The marks obtained bv the candidaies in the
Preii:r"Linar-v- Exaatinatio+ the Mdn Exami:ration and Interyiew shaii

deterarine their final ran-ling.


Scheme and subjecis foi the Prelirninar.; Exanrinatron (stage 1)

The Preliminaiy Examination shall consist of tlvo Papers as foiio"'i :-

Paper Subject lv{arks Duraton

i Pari - L General Studies, 1C0 2 hours

Pa:t - 2 Eng'rneerhg AP;i=ce. 10c

il Civil Engineering. :,1-i-) 3 hours

Total sffi Marks

1. The syllabus for tJre quescon paPer-i shali be such as may be
prescribed and ncrti-Jied by the Ccmmission'

2. The question papers sh,ali be oi the oi:iecf;ve trpe (}llultipie choice

,:,. The questicn paper ci part - 1 sha11 be -'et ir: Gujaraii and part - 2
of paper - I and Paoer - II shall be in Engiish'
I -"--
ir\ /a.

The blind candidates may o. ariowed an ex*a time of twenty

minutes for each paper.
5. The standard of the course content
of the syrlabus for part - z of
Paper - I and entire paper - U, shall be of degree level.

Scheme and Subjecb of Main
(Stage II)
The Scheme and subjects of
Main Examination shall consist
e- of the following papers:

Paper Subiect
Marks Duration

I \Ju]ararl Language
100 2 F{ours
I1 Erurr,srl Language
100 2 Hours
u a-:-:7
\_1vu F
rns.neenng - I
200 3 Hours
ry rr:--:t r!-
'eryu .f,nglneenng _ iI 200 3 Hours
- engtneenng
,,rvu _ III 200 3 Hours
- 800 Marks

i, The Standard of paper _ I

of Gujaratr Language s}.,alj b,e
equivalent to Gujarad subjects
(higher rever) o{ Twelfth sta,,darrr.
oJ the Gujarat secondary
and Fligher Secondary Education
The staadard of paper II
- sharl be equivalent to English s,:bjecis
(Lower 1eveI) of TwerJth
siand.ard of the Gujarat secondary
Higher secondary Education
Board. The standarci of pape;s
rv and v shaii br op to degree revei
of civil engineering ci the
G ujar a i T echao i o gy- Univer si ty.
3. The question papers for the main examination shall be of
c onventional (Descriptive) !vpe.
't. The syllabus and courre content for the question paper i, II and
III shall be as rnay be prescribed and notified by the Commission.
5. The Detailed s_vllabus of the su$ect shall be decided by the
6. The Blind candidates may be allowed an extra time of twenty
minutes for each paper.
7. The quesdon Papers oI Paper -I shail be in Gujaraii and
Paper - II to Y shall be in English.

SECTIOI.j-IV (atage - III)

Intgliew israze - In 100 Marks
Grand Total {stage - I + stage - I1 + stage - nD 14S0 }v{arks.

By order and in the name of the Governor o{ Gujara:,

{A. H. Mansuri)
Depulv Secretary to Governrneni.


The Secretar,'to ihe Govemor

The Prinipal Secretary to &e Crief lvlinister

The Personal Secretary' lo the lvlinjsier I lvlinister oi StateiAJl)
The Personal Secreta:y tc the Leader o{ Cppositon Pan'r

vj/ u

The Secretary, Guiarat gubordinate Sentice Selection Board,

The Secretary, Guiarat Panchayat Service Selection Board, Ahmedabad

The Accountant General Guiarat, Ahmedabad/Raikot

The Pav and Accounts Officer, Ahmedabad / Gandhinagar

The Resident Audit Officet, Gandhinagar

All Departments of Secretariat (Wittt request to send a copy of

Notilication to respective Head of theDepartnnents.)
Director General, Sardar Patel Institpte of Public Administration,

The Managet, Govemment Press, Gandhinagar... with a lequest to publish the

noti{ication in Cujarat Governrnerrt Gazette and send fraro huadred copies to
this department
The Legislative and Pariiamentary Affairs Deparia"rent, Sachivalaya,

Gandhirngar...... a requ.est to pubiish Gujarati Transiation of Notiiication

and send two hundred copies to department
Al1 Branches of General Adsdnist'ation Depa:tment

The Select file

General Administration Departmen t.

Sachivalaya, Gandhi4agar.

Dated the i4''July, 2017


Constitrrtiml NO, GS-2017-25-BRT-142014-580399-K,- ln exercise of the powers conferred by the

c:i \ndia. pr:oviso to arhcle 309 of the Constitution of lrrdia, the Governor of Gujarat hereby

makes the folloudlg ru1es furtlier to amend the Gu;arat Engrneering Services (Civil),

(Class i and Class I1), Competifive Examination Rules, 2017, namely ,-

i. Tltese mles nraS'be cal1ed the Gutaiat Engineering Services (Civil), (Class I and

CIass 111, . ornpr-htive Examir..aflcn (A.rirenci:lent; Rules, 2C17

) ,lu iire'truiarat Ilngrneering senices (civil), (class I a:rd ctass II) competitive

E.tatr-rittation Ruies, 20i7 (hereinafie4 referred to as'the said rules'), in rule 5,

for tire woqds 'arid such s,vllabus sha11 be suppiied to the candidates along witir

ihe appiicatibn for'-n', the n'ords "and such syiiabus sha1l be publisireri on the

u,ebsite of the Llommissiorr" shail be subs1rhr1,ed.

3. in tire said niles, for mle 6, the foilowing sha11 b-e substituted, namely ,-

,% "6. lts6ijsln of Examtnatiort.- The rnedium of examinahon shall be Guiarah

and EnElish for Parl-1 of Paper:-i of section-Il, Engiish forparl-z of paper-l of

Section Ii, Gujarati for Paper-I,of -cection ili ancl medium of all other papers of

Sclieaule II shall be English.'.

. irr the said rules, rn rule i 3, in sub-rule (4), for the words "Gularatt and Hindi or

both', the u,crds'Gujarutt or Hindi or both'i shail be subsfituted.

5. ln the said rules, rn mie 27 , in clause (xii) in sub-clause (b), in item (i) for the
I v.'ord 'torm". the *'ord 'fronr' shall bc subsfiluted

6. ln the said ruies, irr scheduie i. under lire hea-di:iE "Class II Fosts' in serial

numbers 1 and 2, for tire rvord artd figure 'C1ass 1', tire u'ord ar,d f:grires

'C1ass II',sha11 be sribstiiuiqci.

7 ln thc said r"rlcs, i:', s;, lieol;;c'.i ii.-'

for the *oras' "'l'his

11lurrder tite ileaililrg'1A; irlciit'tiilian'Exan1.irL3tlo1l'

examitratiili", is nieatil as e Scl"eellir',3 tesi onir' l'ile lltariis 'l'L'rlitr ":: lile

preliniitrar\ E.:.anrtr-,.rtict'r :'i :i'ie caniiaates ""r'ill are Ceilare.l ,li;riLitiri-i iot'

tc tiri: Iiarr, Erailll?.iicl I ri-i;ali ttot il.: coii:iieci fal ti'-I(1lll;lil:'1'{

iltctt'::ttai orgej Jr ll .er:l', l],e rr..i-..s "l-1:e lnarks rl.iaitrec ilr tJi,:'1..,!t3i.\
.: .

are 'deciarec qualified f'-'r :clnilssicr' ic

Examinanon :i:e calrCidate, ',','1',c

the Nlairl Exa:ruri-atiotr sirall Lre ccuirted for derertrr'::-itl:l. iii'.rr iiir-ii r)rriri tri

ilicn1.' sirall l-'c sitl'sl i huite'r

(2) (i) unrier SECTICN II, in troie i ' for tlie u-ords aird figure

'Question Paper i'. tlie n'ords and fig*res' -Question Paper I arrd

II' shail be sribstinrtec

iii) urrder SECTIO|{ Ii, fot't-tote 3 the foiLou'ing shaii be

substittrted, namelv

"3. The questioli Paper I

- l

cf Part 7 dhail be in Gujarati and

Englisir rnediutn while questior Paper I of Pari -3 airtl{

questiou Paper il shaii'ue in English rredirim "

(iii) under SICTION I], ft-rr ttoic -] tire foliou'ing shali be

substjtutqc, narnelr',-

'4 The L.)hrrd ca:'<lidatcs slrall be allcwed acidilicral tir-r:e

oi n.,n'entY ]:llrLutcs per hour for eacir pao.e r"


(iv) under SECTION 111, notc 2 sirali be deleied

/v; ttrrder SIt ili\ lll, ior l'-'ii i :rr.'tcllowtt i s:1"r; ir'-
substituted, rramel-v, -
"4. Tire si'l1abus artd course corrteitt for the questiott paper:

I to Paper - \- shall be prescribed " ,.-

tu t Cu r* r* r;),! ,'*y

\/ under SECTION IIl, for ilote 6, the foiiowing shail be substituted, namely ,-

"6. The blind.candidates shall be aliou'ed additional time ,,J


of hventv rriinutes per hor.rr for eacit paper.".

B.v order and in ilre r'ra*..of the Governor of Gu;arat,

1 A.H.Alansuri )

DepFCI Sqcretary to Government,


Tire Secretanr' to flonofable Governor

The Principai Secretary to tire Chief tr{irrj.sier,
Tire personai Secretan'to all N{inisteis i l{inislers of S.tate,

The Secretarl, to Gujarat Public Service Ccmnussion, Ahmed"abad,,

TIre Secretary to GuSarat Legrslafure Secretary, Gandhinagar.

Tlie Secretary to \rigrlance Commissron, Gandhinagr,

The Registrar, Gu.larat High Courl, Ahemedabad,

The Secretaq' to Guj ara{ Ci vii Servr c es Tnbunal. Gandlinagar.

Tlre Gujarat Subordinale Service Selection Board, Gandhtnagar.

The Accounlanl GeneraT. Gujarat, Ahmed.abad / Rajkot,

-qP Tlre AJl Deparlment of the Secretanat (With request to send a copy of the ruies
to the subordinate offices)
The Director General of Sardar Patel inshtute of Pubiic Admrnisfrahon,
TIre Resident Audit Officer, Gandhtnagar,

Government Press, Gandhinagar ( wth a request to publish the

notification in Gujarat . Government Gazefre and send 300 copies to this

.eJ.u(Si :c ;lii lisi: t.liir:.lti Trrlrs,...i,c,r ..: ]ili:..,.,t.r..,1:
Carrrilrinagar., ir,'illi a
and sencl 300 r:cpres tr-- :l-Lis deparrtricttt )

l!.ii .liil;.,:,.s
A11 BlarrclieS i}i .;t-Iie'I,'i ,\c1ntit..isil.:lt,io:.i Irr:lparirrleli]
Itlert Filr ( Ft1,'' i'

', B-'- letter


n], ''l'
Geireral Administration Department,
Sachivalal'a, Gandhinagar.
Dated the 12 rn December . 2O 18.

Constitution NO, GS-2017-33-BR.T-1420i.1-5E039:r-K,- In e-xercise of the powers coirlerred f_v- the

proviso to article 309 of tiie Constitutron of Indra, tire Gcrvernc-:r of Gujarat herelrv nrakes
'.t the following nrles further to arnend ihc' Guj.irat Enguieering Services (Civil1, (C1ass I and
Class II), Competitive Examinatioir Rn1es, 2017, nanrelv ,-

1. These rules may be ca1led tire Llu,jarat lngineering Services (Civi11, (C1ass I aird Class II),
Competitive Examinatiorr (Second Anrendment) Ru1es, 2ir 1-i.

2. In the Gr-rjarat Etrgitreering Selvrces iCivil), (C1ass I urrl L--iass. II), Conrpetitive

Examination Rrtles, 20 i 7 (hereinaiier reterred to as "ihe said mies'), in mle 1E

i. in sub nrle (1), tire r,vrrils "Frelimana4,E:.;rnliiiatioir." shail i;e deieted.

ii. lor srtb-ru1e(Z), the iurli.rr.f iil, sub-irle sirali Lre siibstitrited, nanreiv ,-
(21 "Wltile considering ihe urefereirces, iire caniliat"'s beii,rn-qiii8 tc tire
Sciieduled Castes, Scheciuied Tribes anc Sccraliv alci
\4 Bachvard Classes (iircluiling Nonladic Tribes ar',o Der-Lotifiea Trlbes)

recontnteirded against r1111"eserved va;a:rci:s ir-La.i 1-.e acllLrste.l agalnst
Fry) il
- 5s( reserved vacancies bv the Comnrissie-xr,

of higher choice in the orrler of their preference."

b_1, tiris process thel'get a post

3. Iir the said m1es, itr scheclr-rled iI,,-

(1) Under the heading '(A) Preliniinary Examination', for the words "The
marks obtained in tire Prehminary Exanrination by the candidates, who are

declared qualified for adniission to the l\lain Examiiration shal1 be cortnted for
deternrining tireir finai order of nrerit.", tire words, "this exanrination is nreant as

a screenirrg test only. The nrarks obtained in the Prehmir-iary Examination by the

candidates, who are declared qualifled for adnrission to the llatn Examination
shal1 not be coturtect for cleterminrng their final orcier of merit." shall be


(2) Urrder the heading'(B) i\lain Exanrination and interview', in para 3, for
the words, "The nrarks obtained by the candidates in the Plelinrinary

a E ",.2;-" ' . ..'-'1*:

Exanrination, tlte i\laiii Exanrination ancl Intervit'-+. shali cletc.rnrin.- therr final
ranking.", the rvords, "The nrarks obtained Lr- ilie clndidatc.s in the l.laiit
Examitratiorr ai1L1 Intervie,,r' sha11 dc'lernrine lireir iinal rankiirg.,, shaii Lre

Ey order aucl il the trar-ne of the Li-rver.l1trf of tlriiarat,

(A H ,\lansuri )
Deputy Secretary to Governmeirt

The Secretarr. to Hc-rnr.ral.1c. Gcvernor.

The Prir,cipal Secreiarr. 1,. the Chief i\liiusie r

The personal Secretar, t'. all i\li.isters i t lii.Lisiers !)i staie .

', to Gtrjer';ri LegisIatlrre Sr-cLr-:iL.; ulai-ic1hir:a.tai

Thc- Secretlir_v

r The Secrelaiv io Yi-{iieirce Corlmissitrir. Ganr-lltitr€r.

The Accountaitt Geiteral, Gr_i1arat, Airniedalracl i Rajkot,

The A11Departtuetrt of the Secretariat (\Vitir request to seirc-i a copv u.f ihe rnles
to the sulrordinate offices)
The Director Getreral ol Sardar Patel Institute of Prrlrlic Acitrriitistration
The Resident Ar.idit Officer, Gandhinagar,
Tlte i\lanager, Governtnent Press, Ganciliitragar ( with a reqnest to publish tlie
notification iir Gnjarat Govertrment Gazette aircl sencl 3OO copies to t}1ts
Tlte Legislative and Parlianrentary Affairs f)epartrnent, Sacliivalay,
Gairdltinagar. (with a reqtrest to publish Gr.rjarati Translation of Notificatiol
and send 3OO copies to this departnrent.)
Ali Branches in General Adnrinistration DepartnrentTAll offrcers
Select File. K Branch

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