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pli lll-i',t IN(il t',lllXAA1 Al'lt('t ()t t',,(rrtltr,,rt.rii\lultrv.Lty.

rlin rla,.rlr Strivnarc rare tloy'(,;r,,;i) t.rfsro['r,rntlttt,nttliunilr rlt,bazil ale livnbii
Alii c= lul.rlld MFl:lflr,1tt
r^(ll(^t 1i'.lt 1i It'.sl.ez.e. (u^o1t.i^Lel(. tirlul ytrivnar. Cra.atii cu scoytul
,lt a ,,rrvi atAL activiti)tii la clasd, r,vai ales in cursctl orelor optionale, cat si
'.1ruliurlui individual, culagerea de f'afdi5i are drept scop propu^erea u^or tenne gi
t\ ttv\ot/-e.xercit: ii care sii 'i incite 5i sd-i ajute pe elevi sd -gi insu5eascd tevrteinic 5i
rttrrrl livnba englezd, astfelincAt ace5tia sd poatd sus1i^e cu uSurintd, testul cle
vry i['icart a aytLitudinilor la clasele cu predare intensivd.
('ontcputii drept un auxiliar de lucru bun pentru fncepdtot"i , cartea respectd
()tJraw\a 5colard la nivel national gi este structuratd, pe patru sectiumi d.iferite.
; t' t' i un e a /t I''A I )l Nfi C O NI P RF-H E:l'/SlOrV
I p ro p u^e f i xarea v o c ab ul aru( ui c erut
rlr I r vwr lt incluse in progravnele claselor a ltl -a gi a lV *a, cuvv- ar f i: f au,nilia, casa,
ftv'it(rnii, anivvtalele, jucdriile, filvnele, anotirnpurile etc. Textele, de scurt?i
'livnrntitrne , sunt u5oare 5i atractive,incuralilnd" bctura. Ele cuprind d.escrieri d.e
p(r<,oe^(,, obiecte,locuri, anotivnpuri gifitvne. Exercitiib acestei sectiunipropu^
I r,.c i['rarea in(elesului textelor
5i interpretarea acestora.
A t tl I ( )l (II<ANIMAR este sectiunea ce reia elervemte de bazd ale graunaticii
livrtl,ii t'nqlcte, o,ccentul cdzAnd preponderent pe structurile sivwple, dar esemtiale
in inltkry rt.a 1i insuSi,rea corectd a acestei limbi vwoderne.
() Allit sect,ir,tne, denuvvritd sugestiv t-EllRNlNdi -i-O lllfdf-f g, este, dupd cuvt o
'.ytrtvtr 1i I it lul , ytartea tm care accentul cade pe dezvoltay"ea abilitdgilor de scriere
cttv'ecti\ a limbii engleze. Aicise propu^e elevului o panticipare atentd, gi creativd
in rrtvvtPltl.arrrt 5i redactarea umot vnini -corvrpozifii d"e tip d.escriptiv, narativ, OF CAKEI
',tttt t\ t,t^t)r' ,tri<ori , Vederi , poeZii etC.
A ytrtl ra ';rrl.iune, I t: r't; r'AL"Kt ,incurajeazd, elevii sd-gi foryveze d.eprinderi de
vttrl,irc concLii. AiuLaLii de ilustratii cu o u5oard, tentd uvvtot isticd sau d,e tabele
r'rloru( ( , :,.tctiunea propu^e cititorilor cunoagterea englezei vorbite, prin
rnlrv'vvtrtliul uuor c{ialoguri , jocuri de rol , vnini -conversafii gi t dspunsuri perso
vrrrli"rtlt' crtre sil le pervniti\ acestora o reciclare de vocabular
5i o d.evwonstratie
"t(il ii A,Eelor acuvvtulate.
('uv'trt'lcrir.a,tt\ printr o bogatd varietate d,e exercitii eleuwente inter
" rtrv ic u(ara 5i inl.e.rculturale , aceastd carte incurajeazii, pldcerea de
a citi?n limba
'n,1k'rii, dr n ri)sytunde creativ la anunniti stinauli 5i d,e a cdpdta ?ncred"ere in
rroPrii ,in vede.rea atinqerii u^or sta^dardeinalte de perforuantd.

liltl lillllllllfllilll(,0 =r,

book is detlicated to all the privvtarg level students who are willing
lilor': ('oslirr I )lA('ONLSi('t J
-') t"his
-n i;;; ;"r" English and to asses theii previouslg. acquired knowledgein !h1
tt of t^gtith Create"d vnainlg for being used i,n the.class, especiallg tool'
,,l,tio^a-l clasies, but also for ind,ilid,ual *oik, thit book is an alternative
:rlirclor-;icl : ('irnnctt lll l{'lA
,,,iv , at stirring the students' imterest in English and guides therw
in order to
:tlirclor: Arrrl (ii(iA test
lrav.n the la^giage correctlg, so that theg can easilg pass the
skill checking
'lrttot'ertlitclot': I litttu (i I I I iOl{(; I I I i
rtl (ht. end of grade 4'
rpe:r'lu: lliOl{( il llt
lllnu ( ;l
'irllcir: Vtlct'ia MOLIX)VnN ('onceived as an auxiliarg (a collection of tests) for beginners, the book is

, accord,ing to the nat-ional curriculuvvr and falls into four sectioms'
('opyliglrl ('l) I'l{liSS, 2007
rirlc tllcltlrrrilo rczcrvalo. the READjN7-12MPREHENSION sectiom suggests a lot of work on the
vo,'a,loularg includ'ed' in the curricula for grade 5 amd 4 - Mg favnilg'
vng house'
vrr,1 frie^is, togs, amivwals' filrvts, seasonrs, etc' The short and sweet texts are
wtt rrestimg. Thig encout"age reading and refer to accessible
litrrt ;;i tlistribuit clc Iiclitura CrD PRESS descriptions of people ',

1c111ciili, str'. lr:rrirchi{I Vircircscu nr. 18, sector 4 o6jects,- seasons"or The exercises in this section are plannecl
l,lttt.t.s, ^ovii. and, of the texts' When
.the interpretation
xl 0zl0157 ',,.y,ccia1g"for the covnprehemsion
a. higher degree ol
uvvtykecl, the asterisk indicates that either the question has
'1.: .1.17.37. 17
" 331 .37 .21. 337 .3'l .31 (and needs wtore attention fur a good ?\s\".n given bg the student) or
rx: .1.17..17.57 to accept
f lr,- a^sJvir ivnplies vwang possibitities (and it is advisable foT the teacher
r r rir i I : o llicc(rr)
r tv| | f eASOnAble answ e,r).
rvrv.ctlprcss. ro
A Btf OF QI<AMMAR issectlon which revises and rounds up the basic
,,lt,wtemts of the English grav v^ar' stressing the sivnple but essential
r;rril l;r C.N.l.,,COFESI' S.A. I'r,r a solid and soumd umderstanding of the language'

Another section, suggestivelg nawvd LEARNIN4 TO V'tRtTE' is as

^ the
lillt, vwentio^s - a poii *trrri the students are stivnulated to develop their
wriring skitls, This is'where students are w\ore creative - theg are asked to write
l)csclicrea CIP a Bibliotecii Nationale a Romdntei ,ltttntivelg sov e short descriptive or ^arcative texts, vvttni-covnpositions' letters'
I'(t{,1.( arcls or
My first English exam : a piece of cake! / the fourth section, LET'i TALK' stivwulates students to practise their speaking
Alicc l,orotta Mastacarr. - Bucureqti : CD PRESS, d,iiferent coloured tables and slightlg huvvrorous drawings, the
,.trilts. B,g l&lea^s of
2007 ,.t,clion locuses om spoken English via d.ialogues, role.plags, short conversations
IritlN eTtt-e73- I760-5 I-3 (v\(l p..rso^alized a^Lswers thai recgcle vocabularg and encourage students to talk
t t,v v e,ctlg.
(,hrtracterised bg a rich varie.tyt ol exercises and having an input .of cross ,,
(.ttvricu[(^r a^d criss ct,r((r,rral ele,u.ents, the book stivnulates the pleasure ol,',,
vrArlivttl l1nqlish, lhal rtl'avt,,wrrinr1 creal"ivelq to certain stivnuli
and that al'
(,rr,,^'i^,1 qi!{' rovrfi,lt'nl in ttvtlrr ltt v'r'arh hi4h stanrlards'

1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Underline the correct word.

The Food Shop r,*.1g. How many / much eggs do you eat at breakfast?
Mr. Fisher has a nice and clean shop in a small town. He is a
shopkeeper, He sells good and cheap food. Everybody goes to his a. How many / much mitk do you want?
shop. You can buy milk, butter; cheese, ham, eggs, salami, jam
and many other quality things in it. The shop is open on Tuesday, b. Are there many / much bananas in the basket?
wednesday, Thursday, Friday and saturday, but it is closed on
Sunday and Monday. c. ls there much / many butter in the fridge?
on Sunday Mr. Fisher stays at home to rest. He sometimes
goes to the park to play with his children or reads a book. In the d. There isn't many / much sugar in the jar.
evening they all watch TV or pay visits to their friends.
on Monday Mr. Fishergoesto some big farms and supermarkets e. How many / much apples a day does she eat?
to buy fresh products. He wants to have the best food in town.
2. Write sentences according to the model.
solls - vinde
r.r*. | / eat salami / cheese.
to rest - sd se odihneascb
fresh - proaspdt I eat salami. I don't eat cheese.
products - produse
He / like tea / milk.
2. Now answer the questions. He likes tea. He doesn't like milk.
a. What does Mr. Fisher setl in his shop?
b. When is Mr. Fisher's shop open? a. They / buy books / schootbags.
c. Who does he play with on Sunday?
d. When does he go shopping? * b. She / draw a fish / bear.
e. Why does he go to some big farms and supermarkets?

c. Cats / ptay with mice / dogs.

3. Correct the sentences.
Mr. Fisher has got a shop in a big town. d.
)l: Peopte can not buy milk, butter; cheese, ham, eggs, salami and
jam there.
c. The shop is closed on Wednesday and Thursday.* er.
We / read a story / poem.

My parents / go shopping at the market / at the supermarket.

)a. On Sunday, Mr. Fisher watches his chitdren in the park.
e. Mr. Fisher doesn't buy fresh produets every Monday.


complete the following text with words from the box, l. Clrcle the right answer (a. or b,).

., r{ A: 'When do you have piano classes?'

B:G)'t have piano classes on Thursday.'
b. 'l have piano classes Thursday.'

A: 'What time do you usually wake up?'

B: a. 'l usualty wake up at 7 o'ctock.'
b. 'lwake usuatly up at 7 o'clock.'
My brother usually up at 7 o'clock. He goes to A: 'When do you have [unch?'
B: a. 'l have lunch in the noon.'
to wash his face and brush teeth. then he b. 'l have lunch at noon.'
9OeS the kitchen to breakfast. After thft A: 'What do you do in the afternoon?'
B: a. 'l meet with my friends.'
he takes his schoolbag and he __ to school. The b. 'l meet my friends.'
start at eight and finish -- 12.
A: 'What are you doing now?'
At noon he comes home and he has B: a. 'l do my homework.'
with fii, b. 'l'm doing my homework.'
Then he his homework he reads, he writes and h€
A: 'Where do you go at 10 in the evening?'
learns everything because he wants to .- a good pupll, B: a. 'l go to bed.'
b. 'l go to the bed.'
In the afternoon he meets his He plays
he has fun. At seven he comes back home. 2, Use your own experience to answer these questions.

In the evening we have supper with our family. Next, w€ a. What is your favourite day of the week?

TV. At about half past nine we go to

b. What do you usuatty do during that day of the week?
Good , everybodyl
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). Ask questions to the underlined words. See the
Elephants are large mammals. They live in groups of 9 t0 , ,": .r. Mary likes tigers. ) Who likes tigers?
11 members to protect each other. People say that they are very b. Mary likes tiqers. ) What does Mary like?
intelligent and they have a very good memory,
Elephants live in Africa or in Asia, but you can see them At
the zoo. They are plant eaters (herbivores). They eat grass, leavCg R. Jt:Ltn plays votleybatt. ) Who
and fruits. They don't eat meat. They eat 15 or 16 hours every day, lr. .John ptays volteyball. ) What
When they sleep (only four or five hours), they stand. They cannot
jump, but they can sit down on their back legs, like dogs. n. 5l.!q does her homework. ) Who 7

Elephants are heavy animals with a grey body and strong legi, lr. 5he does her homework. ) What 7

They have large ears and a very long nose, It is called a trunk.
An elephant has two long teeth. Its tail is short and thin. rl. Hq drinks some mitk. ) Who
Baby elephants are very nice. They stay by their mother,s leg lr- He drinks some mitk. ) What
for a long time.
,r. The cook makes a cake. ) Who ?
rrrammals - mamifere lr. The cook makes a cake. ) What 7
to protect - ca sd se protejeze
oaclr other - unul pe altul
trtrnk - trompS ,r. fljs aunt watches a movie. ) Who
tail - coadd lr. His aunt watches a movie. ) What

2. Now answer the questions.

2. Turn the following sentences into plural.
a. What do peopte say about etephants?
b. Where do these mammals [ive?
c. How many hours do etephants feed? ls she a good girt? ) Are they good girls?
d. What are etephants [ike? .
e. Where do elephant babies stay? ,r. ls he a hardworking boy? ) ?

lr. ls her cousin a good doctor? ) 7.

Find the correct verb to fill in the blanks. r . ls his grandfather an old man? )
D' a. Etephants on two continents - Africa and Asia.* rl. ls she a happy kid? ) l(
b. People can _ elephants at the zoo. r'. ls her aunt a bad cook? )
c. Elephants att the day. i

d. They _ sit on their back [egs, [ike dogs.

The etephants' nose very tong.

Describe the animal in the picture. Use your own
words and the given words to complete the text. I.lek (
'/ ) the right answer (a. or b.) c
big black eyes , ,: A: 'What do you think about monkeys?' q
nd head ll: a. 'They are here.'
b. 'They are funny.' /
large mouth
eavy mane
A: 'What does a giraffe look like?'
strong body lJ: .r. 'lt's tatl and heavy.'
b. 'lt's nice.'
white sharp
fangs yellowish fur
A: 'Who is Roger?'
rong legs B: a. 'He's a kind boy.'
b. 'He's my best friend.'
soft paws
A: 'Do you like my new T-shirt?'
R: a. 'Oh, how interesting.'
b. 'Oh, it's great.'

My favourite lulU animal is the lion. The ls I A: 'Can I have a gtass of water?'
large mammal which lives in Africa and the North of India. It B: a.'Here you are.'
usually lives in a family group. b. 'Yes, thank you.'
The lion has got a round , two big black
and a large with white sharp A: 'How are you?'
The female's head is like a cat's head. But the male has got B: a. 'l'm very we[[, thank you.'
a nice heavy around the neck. b. 'l'm Vatentine.'
Its is strong and it is covered with yellowish ___-,
four strong _ have big and soft _____*__, [Jse youn own experience to answer these questions,
\ ftrey finish with sharp The craws rrerp *re -lion -rrin
))) fast and catch the prey. ------_. ,r. What is your favourite wild animal?
7 Lions
usually h,,^+
hunt at night. TL^.,
^+ ^i^L+ They eat^^! meat and
---r r-- ---
because they are carnivorous
Their babies are very , but when they grow, they lr. What can you say about it?
are fierce.
1. Read the following text (and the words below lt), l, furn the following sentences into plural.
Tony's Room r' ,i Hls brother's book is new.
I am Tony Wilson and Ilive in York. My house is not llls brothers' books are new.
big, but it is clean and sunny. There is a large living-room ln
house where we all meet in the evening to have supper, to talk a, llre glrl's dress is too [ong.
to watch TV.
My brother and I live in the same room. The walls of the
are yellow and the short curtains are orange. There is a brown ca ll, My cousln's room is very large.
in the middle of the room. My bed is nearthe door. My brother's
is opposite the door. There is a small night-table next to each r , llre pupil's schoolbag is not on the desk.
In front of the window there are two tables and two chalrs,
like to do our homework there. Between the two tables there ls a
box full of toys. Our wardrobe is white and it is behind the co rl. l-ler friend's dog is so funny.
desk, The CDs and the games are on a shelf above the desk.
e, Thc monkey's tail is not short.
the same - aceeagi
curtains - perdele
night-table - noptierb
full of - plin de the words in column A to the cornesponding
above - deasupra 2. Match
part in column B to make up correct and
2. Now answer the questions. nreaningful questions.
a. Where does licny [ive? A B
b. Why do they meet in the living-room? n. Are ... they write their homework every day?
c. What colour are the walts in the boys' room? *
d. What is there in the middle of their room? b. Do ... ... it cotd today?
e. Where are the boys' toys? *
r.. ls ... ... he got a new pair of shoes?
3. Correct the next sentences using the opposites
(antonyms) for the underlined words. d. Does ... ... your parents buy a computer tomorrow?

c. Can ... ... she ride the bike every Saturday?

a. The house where Tony lives is not very smatl.
b. Tony's house is dUty. f . Has ... ... they going to the cinema now?
c. The curtains in Tony's room are [ong.
d. The tabtes next to the beds are called day-tables. g. Witt ... ... he speak French?

The black wardrobe in the boys' room is behind the computer.

o @
use the given letters to guess the missing nouns in 1. Look at the picture below. Then use the words
the text below, Then write the missing words. in the box to make up short dialogues like the
examples under the picture.
we have a nice h
---_. our house has a small hall, a larga is watchlng
living-room, a long balcony, a nice k__ _and two b
is reading
My mum's favourite place is the kitchen. she likes lt
is wearlng
very much because it is new, clean and tidy. she spends
many h _ _ _ _ in the kitchen. is sitting
She likes to cook, to wash the d _, to make c
and to prepare the meals for the whole f _ _ is playlng

In the m , ffiy famiry and I have breakfast together.

-- - is eating
There is a large t in the middle of the kitchen. On the table
there are many p _ _ , tea-spoons, forks, knives, cups and are danclng
g __ _. We all sitdown atthetable and eat e___, cheese,
b _ __ _ and butter, jam or honey. We usually drink m A: 'What is strange in this picture?'
_ _ *,
t or coffee. My father never eats. He only drinks a c * _ of B: 'Oh, the fish is wearing gtasses!'
coffee with much sugar in it. B: 'What etse is strange in the picture?'
Atn__tr,Ihavel _alonebecausemyp ___are A: 'Wel[, the girt is playing with the baby's toy!'
at work. I
usually have soup, some meat with p _ _ _ _ or 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions
rice and a bowl of s (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green-
peppers, etc). Fordesertl eat i __ - c____, cakes orf a. What is your room (tiving-room) tike?
(bananas,o__ _ora __).
Inthee__ _weall haves__ together. We talk b. What do you usuatty eat for breakfast, lunch and supper?
and laugh.
1. Read the following text (and the words below it).
1. Circle the correct answer,
On the Farm Whose farm is it? lt's my .... .

I am Andrew. I live at the countryside and I

love the place, a. grandpa's. b. grandpa
We have a small farm and many domestic animals here - pigs,
cows, sheep, two horses, a dog and four cats. There are also many Whose animals are they? They're .... .

birds on our farm - hens, cocks, ducks and geese. I like to look at a. Mary b. Mary's
them when my grandmother feeds them. My sister helps grandma
when she feeds the animals, but I prefer to help my grandfather Whose is the bike? The .... .

in the garden. I can see many plants and insects and I can learn a a. boys b. boy's
lot of things from my grandpa.
My sister is ten years old. 6he likes to play with the chicks. Whose are the ducklings? My.... .

I like the baby ducks. They are called ducklings. Duckrings are a. sister's b. sisters
yellow and they have soft fluffy feathers. The ducklings follow their
mother everywhere. Do you know what they like best? They like to Whose is this pencil? lt's the ... penci[.
go to the pond and play in the water. a. teachers b. teacher's

geese - g6gte 2. Choose nouns from the boxes below to fill in the
foods - hrdneste
fluffy - pufoase next sentences.
feathers * pene
pond - iaz

2. Now answer the questions. men
a. Where does Andrew [ive? women
b. Who feeds the animals on the farm? feet
c. What can Andrew do in the garden? * teeth
d. How many sisters has Andrew got? * geese
e. What are ducklings [ike? mice
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word,
a. Everybody can see that the 's hat is too large.
a. Andrew's family has a smalt at the countryside. b. Look! The are going to the pond.
b. There are lots of_ and birds on the farm.
c. He brushes his three times a day.
c. The boy doesn't hetp _.
d. Andrew spends a lot of time with his _ in the garden.* d. The 's toys are in the box under the tabte.
e. The baby are yetlow and fluffy. e. Three are running up and down the hat[.
Circle the suitable adjective to complete the description. 1. Look at the picture below. Read the mini-
Then colour the drawing according to the description. conversation under it. Then make up similar
conversations about the animals in the picture.
All the people in my family love pets. So, everybody has
got one. My mum has a fierce / slow tortoise, my dad has an
intelligent / imporfant puppy, ffiy sister has got a blue / fluffy
cat and my brother has got a fat / thick hamster.
Can you guess my pet? Well, I've got a dirty / beautifut
parrot. I am so proud / nice of it. lts name is Roco. Roco's feathers
are white / green. It's got a silly / long tail, two long / sad
wings and an old / orange beak. Roco has got two small / clean
eyes like two small beads. They are soft / black, Each leg finishes
with four pretty / thin and sharp / happy claws.
My parrot can talk, but it says only "Hello". It is too young
/ old now. It will start talking next / last
year. Roco can also fly. It likes flying. .41,'
I think it likes music, too. When it A: 'Look! The fish is playing the viotin.'
listens to the music, it doesn't move.
B: 'So what? What's wrong?'
It is very attentive /
heavy. Maybe
A: 'We[[, fish don't PtaY the violin.'
it learns the words. It is so stupid /
clever. 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions
Roco lives in a big / ugty cage, It
a. What is your favourite domestic animal (bird)?
likes to eat tiny / funny seeds and
some special food for birds. I love my i,t
parrot very much! b. What does it took tike? What etse can you say about it?
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Usethe third person singular to change the
Nr. 28 Colentina Road sentences below according to the example'
Dear Lisa, #.W" 'l have got big btack eyes.'
Thank you for your letter and for the photos. London is a beautiful He / She has got big black eYes.
t9.w1! am so happy that you want to find out more about mysetf.
_I 'l am not as tatl as you.'
well, I am 9 and I live in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. I am an He / She is not as tatl as me.
only child - I have no brothers or sisters. Do you have any?
I am short and thin. I have got brown eyes and dark brown hair. 'l don't know the lesson.'
I like to play all day long. My hobbies are playing with dolls, tistening to He / She doesn't know the tesson.
music and riding the bike. But I have good marks at schooi. I tike g6ing
to school. My ichool is opposite my house. It takes me five minutes a. 'l live in London, the capital of Britain.'
to be in the classroom. My favourite subjects are Reading, writing,
History and Music. what are yaur favourite subjects at school? b. 'l don't like her storY. '
Sorry, my mum is calling me. I have to go.
Bye for now,
Crina c. 'l am so happy to see my old friends.'
to find out - sd afli
myself - mine insdmi d. 'l play footbatl every day.'
all day long - toatd ziua
riding the bike - mersul pe bicicletb
have to - trebuie sd e. 'l've got a new dog and I'm so happy!'
2. Now answer the questions.
a. Who is Crina writing the letter to? *
b. Where does Lisa [ive? 2. Match the questions to the suitable answers,
c. What is Crina tike?
d. How many hobbies has Crina got? Questions Answers
e. How long does it take Crina to be in her ctassroom? *
a. Has she got new skates? No, he's watching TV.
3. Put the sentences in the same order the information is
b. Can his sister ptay the violin? No, she doesn't.
given in the letter, write the number in the brackets.
c. Do they tive in New York? No, I've got a hamster.
a. "My school is five minutes away from my house.,'(_)
d. ls your father fixing the car? No, but she can sing very wet[.
b. "l live in the capital of Romania." (_)
c. "l have five favourite subjects at school." (_) e. Does Sue read comics every day? No, in Los Angetes.
d. "Thank you for the photos." (1) f. Have you got a parrot? No, she's got some otd ones.
e. "l am brown-eyed and brown-haired.,' (_)


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to 1. Match the questions to the answers.
complete the letter. Use only one word for each gap.

Nr. Flower Sfreet



I think you are holiday, too. I hope you are having Linda
a good in Romania.
We are ltaly now. _ are having a great 'Who are you?' 'l'm 9.'
holiday here. Rome is a wonderfut _! There
many interesting things here and many tourists, too. 'How otd are you?' 'Next to the park.'

In the , w€ wake up late. But soon 'What are you?' 'ln the morning.'
breakfast we start our visiting tour. Today we go _ the
Colliseum 'What grade are You?' 'l'm John.'
am so excited!
I want to tell you our hotel is fantastic. Dad and I 'When do you go to schoot?' 'At 12.'
ga _ a swim in the pool every afternoon. Then we have
'Where is your schoot?' 'l'm a pupil.'
dinner in a nice restaurant. The is delicious. The people
- but you know that I
here eat a lot of spaghetti, pizza! 'What time do you come back 'Grade 4 B.'
I eat a pizza every from school?'
This evening we are going to have walk around the city.
How are you? will you go on holiday?
2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
a. What is (are) your hobby (hobbies)?
Best wishes,

b. What is your favourite school subject?


L- 96\
t ((
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). I 1. Ask questions for the underlined words.
:t Read the example and do the same,
Healthy Food
There are many fast food restaurants in my town. Lots of drl,gg, The train leaves at 6 p.m.
people eat fast food, but I think it isn't healthy. They eat this food When does the train leave?
because it's tasty. But everybody can have a tasty meal at home.
The only problem is that buying fresh products and cooking them They come back at noon.
takes time. And people prefer to spend time doing other activities, When do thev come back?
such as watching films, meeting friends, walking in the parks etc. a. He has flying lessons on Thursdav.
I also like to do these activities, but I am very careful with my
diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables will always give me energy for the
day. I like milk, eggs, roast chicken and mashed potatoes. Fried b. We cetebrate Christmas in December.
potatoes are nice but unhealty, like all fried food. My favourite
meal is fish, And for desert I'm afraid I eat too many sweet things: c. Father watches TV in the evenine.
chocolate, candies, cakes, you know .., ,
lrealthy - sdnbtoasd d. They see movies at the weekend.
tasty - gustoasd
careful - grijuliu, grijulie
mashed - piure e. He tells lies on ApriI Fools' Day.
fried * prbjili

2. Now answer the questions. ir

t,- 2, Change the sentences according to the model.

a. What does the writer think about fast food? *..'9. The baby has a nice toy. )
The baby's toy is nice.
b. Why do people eat fast food? Grannie has got red apptes. )
Grannie's apples are red.
c. What other activities do people tike to do instead of cooking? *
d. What food witl atways give energy to the writer? a. Lucy has some fresh vegetables. )
e. Which food is unheatthy?
3. Finish the next sentences with ideas from the text. b. Our dog has a btack nose. )

Dil Fast food is not considered . . .

Peopte eat fast food because . . .
The writer think that with a tittle effort, everybody can have a . .
c. My cousin has got an interesting game. )

The writer pays a lot of attention to . . .

d. The boy has got a small fish. )
):, He likes to eat healthy food, but he is afraid that he eats . . .
e. She's got some new books.
Fill in the blanks with sentences from the box. Use 1. Make up short dialogues according to the example
only one sentence for each gap. Write the number of 6
the sentence you choose in the gap. r .t,l soup/in the pot A: 'There is some soup in the pot.' (
... soup ... teft B: 'ls there ony soup [eft?'
Oh, sorry ... A: 'Oh sorry, there isn't ony soup left.'
What a pity! ... B: 'What a pity! There is no soup at alt.'
a. ice-cream/in the tub A: 'There is
... ice-cream... left B: 'ls there [eft?'
Oh, sorry ... A: 'Oh sorry, there
What a pity! ... B: 'What a pity!

b. cakes/on the plate 'There

... cakes ... left 'Are [eft?'
Oh, sorry ... 'Oh sorry, there
What a pity! ... 'What a pity!
c. mitk/in the fridge
... mitk... left ?,
Oh, sorry ... 'oh
What a pity! ... 'What
1) He is calling John angrity.
2) They are sitting around the table. d. grapes/in the basket ,

3) He is standing. ... grapes .. . teft 7'

4) She loves it. Oh, sorry...

5) Now he is putting a hat on the snowman's head. What a pity! ...


It's two o'clock. The Browns are having lunch, .... 2)... Jessie
2. Use your own experience to answer these questions,
is playing with the spoon and the empty soup plate. She is waiting
for mum to give her some soup. ...... John doesn't. So he is
a. What is your favourite food?
late for lunch. He is playing outside. It's snowing and he's making
a snowman. His cheeks are red and he is all wet. ...... Hooray!
D It's ready! John is in a hurry because his father is angry. Mr. Brown b. What do you usually / never have for lunch?
is waving his hand. Joshua, the youngest member of
the family, is eating a slice of bread. He is waiting for
the second course because he doesn't like soup.

1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Ask questions so that the underlined words
are the answers.
Happy Birthday!
My favourite day? Well, it really is a special day for me - my Ieat apples and bananas because they are healthv.
birthday, It is the day when my family gets together. I usually invite Why do vou eat apples and bananas?
many friends to a great party. My uncle, my aunt and my cousin
come, too. They all bring nice presents for me. I am very happy Michael sleeps because he is verv tired.
when I open the presents. I get a lot of toys, sweets and clothes. Whv does ALichael sleep?
The relatives who do not come to the party send us nice
greeting cards. They all wish me "Happy Birthday!" a. He goes to the dentist's because he has problems with his teeth.
There is always a lot of food at my party. Everybody eats and
drinks. The children also listen to the music and dance. I don't
dance because I don't like it. But I say many jokes and my friends b. We travet by train because it's verv comfortabte.
laugh. We usually stay late that evening. When the party is over
everybody is tired.
c. They eat many sandwiches because thev are hungry.
gets together - se adund
relatives - rude
greeting cards - felicitdri d. She watks in the forest because it's a fine weather.
is over - este gata
tired - obosit
e. He runs because he wants to win the competition.
2. Now answer the questions.
a. What is the boy / girt tatking about? 2. Write sentences according to the model.
b. Who comes to his / her birthday party?
c. What kind of presents does the boy / girt get? * *.g. colour / car / green. ) The colour of the car is green.
d. What do chitdren do at the party? walts / room / thin. ) The walls of the room are thin.
e. When is everybody tired?.
a. buttons / jacket / smalt. )
\ 3. Fill in the blanks with an adjective from the text. b. cover / book / nice. )
c. leaves / trees / yetlow. )
The boy's / girt's day is for him / her.
He / She invites everybody to a party. d. roof / house / otd. )
c. The presents he / she gets are e. windows / classrooms / high. )
d. They att write " Birthday" on the greeting cards.
chitdren go home late that day. * 1
Replace the numbers in the letter with the words 1. Complete the following dialogue.
representing the drawings. Write them down to c
complete the letter. q
'What _ is it
Nr. 57 Decebal Street tomorrow?'
Iasi Mike
Dear Grandma and Grandpa, Sally
'I think it's Friday. And the day
I'm writing to thank you for the lovely (1) after tomorrow is
I like the musical (2) . It's very interesting
and funny. I keep it on my (3) next to the 'Is _ the 25h of August?
(4) Well, it's Lucy's
What's the weather like in your town? It's very cold here 'Oh, yes. You're right. Her birthday is _.-_* the
today. We're wearing fur coats, (5) mufflers 25th. Then we must buy _ a present,
and (6) . Right now, it's (7). How about a CD?'
There's a lot of snow on the (B on the roofs
of the (9)_ and in the streets. But children don't That's a idea. She
care. They are playing in the snow. My friends are making a likes music very
( 10) . They are putting an old (11).
on its head. Itb very funny! I'm going to join them.
-_....-.'And we can also buy her a of
chocolates and a bunch of
So, see you soon,
'But Mike, WE
Love, got enough money?'
Alice 'Of course, we

2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.

&w a. When is your birthday?

b. How do you celebrate it (what do you usuatly do on your


D k ffi
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Read the words in the chart and the example
below. Then choose one bold (black) word to
Dear Dorian, finish each sentence.
I am writing this letter to tell you more about my family. There PERSON SINGULAR PLURAL
are five members in my family. I've got two parents, a sister and a
baby brother. my mrne
My father is thirty-eight years old. He is a farmer and he works your yours
all day long. Dad is a strong man. He is tall and fat and he's got black his his
eyes and black hair. her hers
My mother is thirty-faur. She's intelligent and kind. She is dark- its its
haired and blue-eyed. She is a dodor and she likes her job very much.
My sister, Susanna, looks like mum, but she doesnT want to be e._9. Her teddy-bear is fluffy. It's hers
a doctor. She wants to be a teacher. I think she likes children very
much. Susanna is tall and thin. She's blue-eyed and black-haired. a. My computer is black. lt's -
But what can I tell you about my baby brother? He has no hair
and he cries for food every haur! That's all for now. Write back soon! b. Our boots are new. They're
BYe, c. His hamster is young. lt's
Daniel d. Their schoolbags are old. They're
all day long - toatd ziua e. Your idea is good. lt's
kind - cumsecade
dark-haired - cu pdrul negru
blue-eyed - cu ochii albagtri
2. Use "How many" and "How much" to make up
looks like - seambnh cu questions for the following answers.
e"g. I need some eggs for the pancakes. How manv eqgs do you needi
2. Now answer the questions,
a. How many members are there in Daniel's famity? a. There is some juice in the bottte.
b. How long does Daniet's father work? *
c. Who tikes the job very much?
b. Can I have some cakes, please?
d. What is Daniel's sister [ike?
e. Why does Daniel's brother cry all the time? *
c. She needs some cheese for the pie.
3. Underline the correct form of the verb according to
the information in the text. d. Buy some loaves of bread, ptease.
E a. Daniel writes / is writing a letter now.
b. Daniel's parents witl have / have got a baby.
c. The boy's father works / is working att the day. e. He wants some money.
) d. His sister is / witt be a teacher. _7
e. The baby brother is crying / cries for food.

Use the pictures around to write the appropriate 1. Match the questions to the suitable answer.
words in the blanks.
a A (

w What's the time?

Do you like oranges?

What are you doing?

My friend is.


So and so.

How are you? I don't know

balcony. Next to the house we have a garage. It's 5 sharp.
Where are you going?
It is good for two Behind it there is a
Are you tistening to me? I can't find my keys.
lovely garden with lots of _.
I spend a lot of time in my room with m When witt you come back? Nothing.

and my , but my favouri Who's coming with you? I'm fine, thanks.
place is the living-room, That is where I meet
Why are you crying? Sorry, not exactty.
my parents every afternoon, when they
lll ilu from their jobs. Father usually reads th
and listens to the news. Mummy lays 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
the and we all have dinner together.
a. How many members are there in your famity?
Then we watch , talk and laugh
together. At 10 o'clock I go to
-_ b. Who are the members of your famity and what do they look tike?
Good night, everybody!

f6rz{ 1
\w^n t
t/ \l'
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Turn the sentences into plural. Pay attention to all
the changes.
The Blue Planet
Earth is a great planet - so different and so beautiful! It's got
seven pieces of land called continents and much water - rivers, u"g. This is a nice country. )
These are nice countries.
seas and oceans, That is an interesting story. )
Those are interesting storles.
Some parts of our planet are very hot and bthers are very cold.
Africa is the hottest place on Earth. The North Pole (Antarctica) is a. This is a happy baby. )
the coldest. There is only ice at the North Pole, but animals never b. That is an otd tady. )
freeze there, And those in Africa never die because of too much )
c. This is a fresh strawberry.
sun. Earth's animals are so different and so amazing!
I don't like hot or cold daysi I like spring and autumn because d. That is a big black fly. )
it's warm, it often rains, the weather is nice and there are lots of e. That is a smatl yeltow cherry. )
fresh flowers and green trees around. What is the weather like in
your country?
2. Write questions for the following given answers.
land - pdmAnt
e.S. My friend goes to the skating-rink.
the hottest/coldest - cel mai fierbinte/friguros
lreeze - inghea!6 Where does mv friend eo?
die - mor
amazing * uimitoare They hide in the garage.
Where do thev hide?
2. Now answer the questions.
a. Why is Earth such a great planet? . a. His grandpa goes to the baker's.
b. How many continents are there on Earth?
c. Which is the hottest ptace on Earth?
d. What can you see at the North Pote? * b. Sarah travets to another country.
e. What are the writer's favourite seasons?
c. Mary's friends get off at the next station.
3. The words in italics are wrong. Write the correct
words at the end of each sentence.
a. Earth is a grate ptanet. d. On his way back, he stops at the post-office.
b. There are many sees and oceans on Earth.
c. Antarctica is the land of eves. _. e. Polar bears live at the North Pote.
) d. Anima[sinAfricadon,tdyebecauseofbeinghot.-.
e. There is a beautiful, flour at her window._.
Choose the suitable word (a. or b.) to complete the I'. Match a sentence in column A with its logical
description of the place. Write the chosen word in the conclusion in column B.
Summer is my favourite time of the year. I love going a. to the seaside A B
b. to the mountains
And I think everybody likes to spend some weeks a. here She can speak Engtish.
b. there
I usuatly go to Mamaia.
Be careful! You may fatt off.
Mamaia is a nice hotiday town in the South-East of Romania. ln
a. summer there are a lot of tourists, but a. in summer
She witt go back to the
b. winter b. in winter United States.
there are only a few. I never a. walk there in winter. He must stay in bed.
The town has got many modern hotets. They are close to the a. park
It is going to rain.
b. beach
or lie in the a. rain _
So you can swim every day. Or;
b. sun He feeds the animats three
if you want, you can choose to build a. snowmen _ or to pick up times a day.
b. sand casttes
a. seashetls _, as I do.
b. mushrooms
2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
ln the a. morning you can have a delicious meal at a a. disco
b. evening b. restaurant a. What is the weather tike in your country?
lf you are a fun-toving person, you can a. sing and dance
b. taugh and cry
b. What do you usuatly / never do on a rainy day?
a. us
b. it
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Circle the correct answer (a. b. or c.). Then
the letter in the blank.
A Spring Weekend
It's Saturday morning - a lovely spring morning without clouds m.E" We witt pay a visit to our friends in France . . c . August.
in the sky. The sun is shining brightly. The trees are in blossom and b. on c. for
there are lots of flowers everywhere.
It's ten o'clock and David is still sleeping. His brotheq Jack, The farmer cannot do his job . . . . . his tractor is not working.
is going to wake David up. They are going to the park today. Mum a. but b. so c. because
and dad are almost ready. Mum is finishing her sandwich and dad
is drinking his coffee, ln Antarctica the sun is . . . . . the sky for six months of the year.
At 10:30 they are in the park. There are many happy faces here. a. on b. in c. at
The children are laughing. The adults are walking and talking. You can
see people with snowdrops and violets in their hands. Up in the trees, Bees cannot live here because there aren't . flowers around.
the birds are chirping. They are working to build their nests. a. much b. many c. some
The boys are riding the bikes happily. What a wonderful day!
She says she won't go . . school tomorrow.
lovely - minunatd a. to b. at c. in
in blossom - in floare, infloriti
snowdrops - ghiocei I can't make the pie because there isn't . . . . . mitk teft.
are chirping - ciripesc
nests - cuiburi a. any b. some c. no

2. Now answer the questions. 2. Write "the" or "a" where necessary.

a. What is the weather like on this Saturday morning?
b. Who is sleeping? a. We are cteaning . . . . . . schoolyard because it's autumn and there
c. Where are they going to spend the weekend? are . . lot of leaves on the ground.
d. When are they in the park?
e. Why are the birds working in the trees? * b. . pupils often sing in . Engtish ctass.

3. Use words from the text to finish the following

a. ln spring the trees are . . . d.ln. eveningleat..... . sandwich and I drink . . . cup of tea.
b. Jack is going to wake up his brother because . . .
c. The boys' father is . . . e. She is looking at her new pet - lovety bird in . blue
d. The adults in the park are hotding snowdrops and cage.
e. ln the park, David and Jack. . .
Fill in the missing rhymes to complete the poem on I- Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
this greeting card. Then write your own verses for Then act it.
your mother.
Jerry:'Hi, Bill. This is Jerry, I'm calling
Bill:'From London? What are you
Jerry: 'Well, I'm holiday.'
Mother's Day
Jerry: 'No, It isn't. It's . The is blowlng
It's Mummy's Day! Hooray! Hooray! -
and it's chilly. What's the weather ln
I wish you Happy Mother's _ ! Brasov?'
I'd like to hold you all the day. Bill:'It's . Very cold. And I can't ski because
I'd like to sing, I'd like to _ , the snow. It all the time.'
Jerry: 'So you are not having a time,
You're very special and you know. are you?'
You are so dear to me, and _
Bill: 'No, I'm . I'm having a terrible
I want to thank for what you do time. How about
- ?
I want to tell you "I love _ "! -
Jerry: 'Err, terrible time and terrible weather.'
A flower and a hug this day Bill: 'I'm sorry to hear
Will tell you what I want to
I promise I'll be good today 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
It's your day. Hip! Hip! _!
a. What is your favourite season?

b. What can you do during that season?

1, Read the following text (and the words below it). l. Give the plural to the following sentences.
Make all the necessary changes.
It's a Wild Life
I am at the circus now. There is a great show here. The actors m.q, The child's dog is wet.
are wearing shiny costumes, the clowns are funny and there are The children's dogs are wet.
many lights. The music is loud.
I like to watch the animals doing many funny things here. a. The man's mobite phone is otd.
Animals at the circus jump, climb, dance, run or play. But I think
they don't live a happy life. I think they prefer to go to the forest
or to the jungle, There they can do what they want. So, their life is b. The woman's hat is beautiful.
much better. They can hunt, they can run long distances, they can
play with other animals and they can eat when they are hungry. c. The child's schoolbag is heavy.
They can spend time with their families and they can meet friends.
Playing with friends is real fun. If they fight, it is still part of their
d. The mouse's tail is long and thin.
life. Life is not easy in the wild, but I am sure that all the animals
like to be free.
e. The goose's egg is big and white.
shiny - strblucitoare
forest - pddure
hunt - v6na
fight - se luptb 2. Read the examples attentively. Then finish the
free - libere
sentences below using your own ideas.
2. Now answer the questions,
ffi"S" I can ride the bike, but I can't ride the horse.
a. Why does he/she like to go to the circus? He must cross the street, but he mustn't cross on red.
b. What do animals at the circus do?
c. Where do animals live a better life? *
d. What can animals do in the witd? a. We can play the piano, but we
e. What kind of life do atl the animals like? * b. You must put your hand up to ask a question, but

\ 3. Choose the correct form of the verb. c. She can draw a house or a cat, but she
V a. Great shows happens I happen at the circus. d. They can make a pie, but they
b. The ctowns usuatly wear I ore wearing funny costumes. e. He must drink if he is thirsty, but he
c. The animals at the circus doesn't live I don't live a happy tife.
d. ln the jungte or in the forest animats can I connot hunt.
e. Att the animals are happy when they are spending / spend time
with their famities and friends.

Write the story by means of the drawings. 1. Circle the right question (a. or b.).

c"q. 'She can play tabte-tennis.'

Lazy is a special bear, It is It tives in
W a. 'What does she can play?'
{-5)'What can she ptay?'
Australia and it likes to eat eucalypt

lOuu Lazv walks to the -@

@ffi rtisfarfrom
'l am happy that you are here.'
a. 'Why are you happy?'
b. 'Why you are happy?'
S4S Suddenly, it sees 4 r"n walking up the 'They tike to read English books.'
a. 'What they tike?'
@ffi rhey havelgot #intheir b. 'What do they [ike?'

W 2 rn"n are carrving a big

@ 'He is drinking a glass of juice now'
a. 'What is he drink?'
They put it down and go away. There are eucalypt
b. 'What's he drinking?'

W in it. Lazy is rru6v, so it goes inside. Suddenly, 1 run 'We are going to see her tomorrow.'
a. 'When are you going to see her?'
closes the
W ot the
@' too' Lazy! It b. 'When you are going to see her?'
can't get out. - 'He ptays tennis in the park.'
a. 'Where does he play tennis?'
fhe 4- men take the to the b. 'Where does he plays tennis?'

{ffi It lives there for 3 years but it hasn't got any friends. 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
Lasy is very sad.
a. What can / can't animats do (compared to peopte)?
1 day the of the @ opens

D and a new comes in. Now Lazy has got a friend. b. Where do you think animals can tive a better tife and why?

It is happy again.
l. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Put the word in brackets in the correct position.

At the Picnic m.g" I wake up early. (always)

Hurray! We're going to spend our weekend at the picnic. Mum I always wake up early.
is going to prepare the food and Dad is going to buy some drinks. I
hope my cousins will enjoy the idea. They are English. They come His brother drinks coffee. (never)
from England and we are going to meet them at the airport. Then, His brother never drinks coffee.
we are going to take them to a hotel. They are not going to stay
with us. What a pity! a. We wash the dishes. (sometimes)
But we will have enough time to play at the picnic. I think we
will do a lot of funny things - we're going to climb the trees, we're b. My sister cteans our room. (never)
going to dive in the water or maybe we can play paint ball - if it
isn't closed. My sister and my brother will be in the other team. I'm
going to be in the same team with Bill and Jill, my cousins. c. His aunt pays him a visit at the weekend. (usuatty)

will enjoy -le va pldcea d. They go shopping in the afternoon. (atways)

What a pity! - Ce pbcat!
enough - destul
dive - (ne) scufunddm e. He plays football after school. (often)
paint ball - impugcatul cu bile de vopsea

2. Now answer the questions.

2. Givethe interrogative and the negative for the
a. Where are they going to spend their weekend? following affi rmative sentences.
b. Who is going to buy the drinks?
c. Who isn't going to stay with them? * r.,9" Aff.: I know the lesson very wett.
d. What funny things are the children going to do at the picnic? lnt.: Do I know the lesson very welt?
e. How many teams are there going to be? * Neg.: ldon't know the tesson very we[[.

3. Correct the sentences according to the information Aff.: You walk to school every morning.
in the text. lnt.:
a. The writer's mother is going to prepare supper.
b. Bitt and Jill cannot speak Engtish.. Aff.: They swim twice a week.
c. The writer is going to meet his/her cousins at the hotet. lnt.:
d. The chitdren will ptay football at the picnic. Neg.:
e. There are three chitdren in this story.
Look at the clocks and write the time in each gap. 1. Lookat the pictures and spot the differences.
Compare them making up short dialogues to talk C
about the two women. (
Weekend! No schoollGreat! I can wake up late. Every weekend
I get up at ts'-l nine o'clock I make my bed, I go to the bathroom
to wash my face and my hands, to brush my teeth and to comb i$ fc,.,rdt ir d' ./s",t,$' $r

my hair. o. fi? I have breakfast. I never eat in a

hurry. After that I watch TV - but just for half an hour because I
have many things to do.
At about ffi I tidy up my room. I always open
the window to let the fresh air come in. Then, I play the computer.
Hurray! That's what weekends are for.
At TH I have lunch with my family. I love
A: 'Mother Jessy has got dark hair. What about Mother Betty?'
being with my parents and my elder brother. We sit at the table B: 'Mother Betty hasn't got dark hair. She's got blonde hair.'
for about an hour and a half. nt ffi I have a nap.
B: 'Mother Betty has got two pieces of cheese. What about Mother
(It doesn't happen all the time. But when I stay at home, I often Jessy?'
A: 'Mother Jessy hasn't got two pieces of cheese. She's got one
sleep in the afternoon). piece of cheese.'
At ri\
I meet my friends and we play
together. We sornetimes go roller-blading. In the evening, at about 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
(i3 I come back home. I have a shower and at a. What do you usually / sometimes / never do at the weekend?
(.,r 7 we all have supper.
Next, I brush my teeth and I spend some time in my room. b. Who do you meet at the weekend?
usually read, play or watch TV. Late at night, ut LV

t. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Givethe interrogative and the negative for the
following affi rmative sentences.
There's No One Like Him
You want to know about my friend. OK, I will tell you about e.g. Aff.: Terry reads a short story every evening.
him. His name is Victor Ionescu. He is tall and thin. He doesn't like lnt.: Does Terry read a story every evening?
to eat much. But he loves ice-cream - just like me. Probably that Neg.: Terry doesn't read a story every evening.
is why he is my best friend.
Victor is 10 years old. He's got blond hair and blue eyes. Aff.: She has drama classes on Friday.
He's got a round face, a small nose and a large mouth. He likes to lnt.:
laugh a lot. We both like to say jokes and laug[logether. We have Neg.:
the same hobbies - playing foofball and playin$'the computer. We
often meet and play together because we live in the same street. Aff.: lt rains every day.
Victor is kind, friendly, polite and happy. He has good marks lnt.:
at school. He likes Maths, History and Physical Education. I like Neg.

Maths, too.
Aff.: Your uncle plays tennis twice a month.
that is why - de aceea Neg.:
round - rotundd
both - amAndurora
the same - aceleasi Aff.: He does his homework every afternoon.
polite - politicos lnt.:
2. Now answer the questions.
2. Writg "am", t'is" or "are" in thg gaps.
a. What is Victor [ike?
b. How otd is Victor? e.g. lt ... is... going to rain in Paris tomorrow.
c. What cotour are Victor's eyes?
d. What are Victor's hobbies? a. Who ... going to ptay handball tonnorrow afternoon?
e. What do they both tike? .
b. Peter and Lucy ... going to see a film next week.
\ S. Say if the next sentences are true or false.
))) c. I .. not going to tell you anything.
/ a. Victor is a short and fat boy.
b. He likes to eat ice-cream. d. I think it .......... going to snow at the mountains.
c. Victor has got brown hair and green eyes.
d. Both chitdren like to have fun together. e. Where
e. Victor's favourite subjects at school are Reading and Drawing. .. they going to go for the weekend?
Circle the correct forms of the verbs. 1. You have a new classmate and you want to find
out more about her. Match the questions to the (
98 Romana St, suitable answers. (

May, 23rd, 2007 a A

Who's Lisa's.
Dear Mary, How old is she? Fair.

am write to thank you for your invitation. I will Where does she come from? A kind of uniform.
be very glad to meeting / meet you. We will play in the parks, What cotour is her hair? Lisa, our new classmate.
we go / will go shopping together, we will visit museums '.' but How tatt is she? Too many.
I am thinking / think I witl take my sisfer with me. She's 8 and What's she wearing? Bulgaria.
she's very funny. You will tike / Iike her. Let me to tell / tell Whose is the pink schoolbag? She's got no friends.
you about her. Oh, my God! How many books has 11.
Oana (that's her name) is not very tatt and not very shott. she got there?
1 metre 25 cm.
She rc / wilt be medium height, like any other girl of her age. Why is she sad?
She's thin because she isnft eating / doesn't eat too much. She
\n/e can be her friends. Let's shake hands and
is going to look / Iooks tike daddy. talk to her.
She's dark-haired and brown-eyed. She's got a small nose, a
small mouth, but wide, intelligent eyes. We like / will like to be
together because she is friendly and cheerful. 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
Oana goes to the same school I go and she will be / is a
good pupil. Her hobby are / is dancing. Oana is a nice companY. a. What does your friend took tike?

\ What about your sister? What is she like? Tell / Tells me

// .or" about her in your next letter.
))) b. What is (are) his / her hobby (hobbies)?
Hope fo see you soon.


1. Read the following text (and the words below it). l. Give the interrogative and the negative for the
following affi rmative sentences.
My Favourite Cartoon
When I am alone at home, I play the computeri I draw, I paint o.g. A.: The man is tatking on the phone now.
or I read books. But I also watch TV - it's a good relaxing activity. l.: ls the man talking on the phone now?
I love watching TV because I can see a lot of cartoons. N.: The man isn't tatking on the phone now.
My favourite toon is "Tom and Jerry". Tom is a very funny
black and white cat. It usually tries to catch Jerry, the little mouse You are running to catch the train.
- and so the trouble begins. Jerry is grey. It's got small black eyes
and large ears, It can run very fast. When Tom wants to catch it,
Jerry runs, plays tricks on the poor cat and then hides in its house. A.: She is listening to music right now.
There is always a real disaster because of them. The house is t.:
always upside down.
They are trying to draw a monster.
tries - incearcd
trouble - necaz
plays tricks - pdcdlegte
A.: I am playing the guitar at the moment.
hides - se ascunde
upside down - cu susul in jos

2. Now answer the questions. 2. Change the sentences below according to the example.
a. When does he/she ptay the computer, draw, paint or read books? e.g. I tike to watch toons. ) I |ike watching toons.
b. Why does he/she watch TV? *
c. Who is llcm? a. Mary loves to eat burgers.
d. What is Jerry [ike?
e. Where does Jerry hide? b. John doesn't like to write letters.

c. They hate to read SF books.

d. We like to hetp peopte.

c. Tom is a brown and white cat. (-)
d. Jerry's got big btack eyes and smatl ears. (-) e. He hates to see horror movies.
e. When Tom wants to catch it, Jerry doesn't run and doesn't hide. (-) _!

(9\\ llr
1I( )1.\
The sentences in the postcard below are all jumbled. 1. Lookat the pictures below. Read the mini-
Arrange them correctly (in the logical order) and re- conversation under it. Then take turns to make c
write the postcard. The first sentence is given. up similar conversations referring to the other q
animals in the pictures.
Dear Lucy,

On Friday I'll go shopping. It'll be a short holiday, but I'm sure

it's going to be very nice. The town is great and the people are
very friendly. I knaw that on Thursday I'll see the best animated
film - Pocahontas (I have the tickets). I'm having a six day holiday
in London. On Wednesday I'll see some museums. Tomorrow is
Monday and I'll see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham
Palace. My holiday will finish on Saturday when I'll kiss my friends
good bye and I'll come back to Romania. The day after tomorrow
I'll go to the Tower of London.

Dear Lucy,
l'm having a six day holiday in London.
A: 'Look! The hippo is swimming.'
B: 'So what? I can swim better than him.'
A: 'Reatly? Are you that good?'
B: 'Yes, but I am very modest!'

Lucia Antonas
2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
No. 8 Colentina Road
E a. What is your favourite cartoon / TV programme?
) b. Why do you tike it?
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1, Match the wh-words in column A to the
corresponding part in column B to make up
Holidays are Great correct and meaningful questions.
The best way to relax is to go on holiday. You forget about
school and there are no more problems. I am always happy
when the summer or the winter holiday begins. Each holiday has A B
something special. ... do you go every morning?
Next winter I'll go to' Predeal. We're going to ski, to skate,
to ride the sleigh and to play in the snow. And we'll make a big ... tong witt you stay there?
snowman. We won't stay in a tent. We'll stay in a hotel. ... does she celebrate her
In summer my parents and I will go to Spain. We'll swim in birthday?
the sea, we'll play on the beachrand we'll lie in the sun. I am sure
my parents we'll sail. I prefer to dive and to look for fish. In the ... is this jacket?
evening we will go to the restaurant to eat and to listen to music. ... is your favourite food?
There'll be great, I know.
... knows the song very wett?
ride the sleigh - sb ne ddm cu sania ' :: ... are you crying, dear?
tent - cort
beach - plajd
lie in the sun - bronza
sail - naviga
[*% -Qo",, ( \,try1 2. Write sentences according to the model.

e"g. I / write a letter / a poem.

2. Now answer the questions. I will write a letter. I won't write o poem.
a. What is the best way to relax?
b. When is the boy / girt happy? a. He / ctimb mountains / trees
c. Where witt he / she stay in Predeal?
d. What witt he / she do ln Spain? b. Mum / cook fish / chicken
e. When will he /she listen to music? *

3. Write a suitable beginning for each sentence c. You / go to the seaside / mountains
below. Use only one word.
d. Daddy / read newspaper / magazine
E a. on hotiday is the best way to relax.*
b. Predeal they witt spend a lot of time outside.
c. family witt go to Spain in summer. e. We / ptay tennis / basketball
) d. prefers to dive and to [ook for fish.
at a restaurant is part of a holiday. .
Choose one of the two suggested words (prepositions). 1. Match each sentence ln column A with its logical
Cut the wrong one. conclusion in column B.

74 Aviatiei St. A B
July, 29th, 2007
Lovely weather; today! You'd better take an aspirin.
Dear Dan,
She's in hospital. Well, I'm all ears.
I am writing to tett you (1) apout / g+{ry wonderful holiday.
I'm (2) in / on holiday at the country side. I'm spending some The market is over He will swim and lie in the sun
time (3) with / without my parents and my pet, Spot. We will there. for sure.
stay here (4) from / for a week and then we'll go (5) in / to
I am sending you a I have a sore throat. Yeah! Let's go for a walk!
photo - we are all very funny. Lookl
Daddy is cooking. He never does this. And now he is burning the
food! Mum's parking the car (6) in / under our grandparents' Tom will be at the seaside Oh, my God! It must be
garden, But she cannot drive, so she is parking the car (7) above tomorrow. serious !

/ in the tree! Can you see the birds? They are all flying away. They
are all scared (B) at / by my mum's car... And look (9) at / for I'm going to tell you Come on, let's buy some fresh
Spot, my lovely pet. It's jumping to catch a butterfly. The poor a story. pears.
dog is looking (10) up / down and it can't see the ducks'pond. It
will splash (11) behind / in the water. And me? Can you see me
(12) in / near the photo? I am dressed like a girl. I'm wearing
a girl's hat, a long skirt and a blouse - I'm going to play a trick 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
(13) for / on my grandparents. He! He!
a. Where do you usuatty spend your summer / winter hotiday?
How (U) about / of you? How is your little brother? Where
\ are you going to spend your photo postcard
) holiday? Send me a or a
fo see the place. b. What do you usualty do during your summer / winter hotiday?

Best wishes,
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Write sentences according to the model.

My Pets #"qt I listen to music. Listenine to music is a real pleasure.

I am Linda and I love animals very much. I have a cat with two
babies. Baby cats are called kittens. They are very playful - they Jerry reads many books. is another
like to play all day long. The kittens have small heads with pointed pteasure.
ears and very thin tails. Their paws are soft, but their claws are b. We watch TV every day. is a relaxing
sharp, They like to eat milk. activity.
But I also have Tarzan, a black and white dog. Tarzan is very
young - he is only two years old. He likes to play with the cat and c. They walk in the park. is another
the kittens and he is very protective. When I feed the cats, Tarzan relaxing activity.
watches them, He does not eat'the cats'food. He eats dog food. d. My friend jogs. is a heatthy exercise.
I walk my dog every day. He likes to run in the park, to jump and to
e. They go to the gym. is another heatthy
meet other dogs. Tarzan is very friendly.
I think that my pets have a nice life because we all take care
of them.
pointed - asculite
2. Choose the correct form of the verb. Write the
tails - cozi letter in the gap.
paws - labe
soft - moi r'.g. Joanna usuatty ..b... to school.
claws -ghiare
a. is watking b. watks c. wi[[ walk
2. Now answer the questions. He. . . . . . his homework now.
Who [oves animats very much?
a. writing b. writes c. is writing
b. What do Linda's kittens tike to do?
c. How old is Tarzan?
My father never . TV in the morning.
a. watches b. watch c. is watching
d. What does Tarzan do when Linda feeds the.cats?
e. How many pets has Linda got alt in alt?. Chris . every winter.
3. Underline the correct group of words paying a. don't ski b. doesn't ski c. isn't skiing
attention to the information in the text, I . . . . . . to the seaside nextsummer.
a. gorng b. goes c. witl go
) a. Linda's pets I Lindas'pefs are very ptayful.
b. The cats' kittens t The cat's kittens want to ptay al.l, the day. We . . . . . . the bikesevery day.
c. The kittens' paws I the kitten's paws are very soft. a. aren't riding b. don't ride c. doesn't ride
) d. Tarzan doesn't tike the cat's food I the cats' food.
e. Linda thinks that her pets' Iife I her pet's life is nice.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the 1. Role play the following dialogue changing the
story. underlined words with the drawings and the c
prices around. (
One three funny little lambs decide to build their
houses in the forest.
"I'll build a of straw," says the first lamb.
A wolf comes by. He is hungry and he
the lamb.
"You can't come inr"
runs in his house. ,
to eat

the little lamb and quickly

"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down," says the &_ Customer: 'Can I have a baq of candies, ptease'i
-=] -*
wolf. And so he does. The little
"I'm not afraid of the wolf and I
house - a house of wood," says the second
runs to his brother.

build a better ffii
w"? ,,ie*, , .. :,, ,!,. 'EiqhtV pence. Anything e[se?'
But the wolf by and shouts "Let me in!" - -#/
you Customer: 'Err... I'd [ike to buy some bananas.'
The lamb answers "No, can't come in!"
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow house (WM S$-,*g: ,+r:1iruflffir"rfl; 'l'm afraid there aren't any more., w;'"
down," says the wolf, And so does.
""y/tW Customer: 'No bananas today? Then give me some plums, ptease.'
ThetwolambsrUn-theirbrother.Thethirdlittle 5ih*r:' msstst*r'r[: 'A[[ right. Here they are!'
lamb says "Okay, I'll build a house of brick''' He works and he Customer: 'How much is it now?'
builds a solid house. The wolf comes again. pn,"" ***i-.a.,. *d. rrtr^ a --- -.-r- -,-
"Let me you little lamb," he shouts. e.
r-Fr a
St+e*p m:tsi***mt: 'lt's 3 pounds and ninetv pence.,

lamb smiles and says "Oh, no, you can't come ,W

customer: 'Thank you, good-bye!' ?
$sffi*- tu" ,By€-bye.
!""^" " -63!\!'iF.,tsry: rn..- L.-^ -. .-^^ -,-:- '
inl And I'm not afraid you." .":,:16) Come again.' I
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll your house
down," says the wolf. But he can't. 'Ahaaa! I'm not stupid, 2, Use your own experience to answer these questions.
I'm thinks the wolf. "I'll climb on the roof and I'll go
\ down the chimney," - big pot on the fire. a. What is your pet (favourite animat) tike? lf you haven't got a pet,
But the third tittte tamb has tatk about you grandparents' pet or your friends' pet.
t-ha rrrnlf
Soon the falls in
wolf frllc the rpot. "Help! Help me!" shouts the
in l-ha
\ . But nobody helps him. The
- little lambs
I laugh and dance in the nice house of brick. b. Where does your pet steep and what does he / she eat?

1. Read the following interuiew (and the words below it). 1. See the example and then make up polite
questions or answers.
Betty's Favourite Star 'What would you like to have?'
'Betty, what can you tell me about your favourite
ffiil.u*6ru""rw"ft:u,*m.r 'l.-
movie star? Who is he or she?' 'l'd like to have some cake.'
Bettyr 'I like Whitney Houston. Well, she isn't a movie star. 'l'd like to te[[ you something.'
She's a singer, but she is also a good actress. She's very natural in 'What would you like to tell me?'
"The Bodyguard", I think that she is a warm and generous person,
She's got black hairi kind brown eyes and a beautiful smile. I'd like a. 'l'd tike to drink a glass of milk.'
to be like her.
$illc*6ummfl"'urrl'n 'Why would you like to be like her?'
Betty: 'You know ,.. because she's a successful woman. She's b. 'Where would you like to go?'
got a lot of money. She always wears elegant clothes. She's tall
and thin ... and she seems very young. I think she's kind, friendly c. 'l'd like to live in Germany.'
and optimistic.
$Wm*6ro ;r'tl''k'u'lu"r All right, Betty. Thank you for your time"
d. 'Who would you [ike to see?'

actress - actrild
kind - calzi. cumsecade e. 'l'd like to meet Van Damme.'
smile - zAmbet
l'd like - mi-ar plScea
seems - pare
2. Give the interrogative and the negative for the
2. Now answer the questions. following affi rmative sentences.
a. Whose favourite star is Whitney Houston? e.g. A.: We are going to see a movie tonight.
b. What is Whitney Houston? l.: Are we going to see a movie tonight?
c. What colour are her eyes?
N.: We are not going to see a movie tonight.
d. Why does Betty want to be tike Whitney Houston?
e. What does Whitney atways wear? A.: Mike is going to ptay tabte tennis on Monday.
3. Write R by each real sentence and M by the make- N.:
believe ones. They are going to tell a joke.
E a. Betty considers Whitney Houston a good actress.
b. She says that Whitney is a cotd and distant person.
c. Whitney is btonde-haired and btue-eyed. I'm going to go to ltaty next summer.
) d. Betty is impressed by the star's success and money.*
According to Betty's opinion Whitney looks etegant and young.
The sentences below can make up a dialogue but they 1. Look at the map of the town and read the dialoguec
are not in the correct order, Read them attentively and below. Then take turns to make up similar
then write the dialogue in order. conversations (replacing the buildings and the (
'No, thanks.'
A ham and cheese pizza and a salad, please.'
'What topping do you want?'
'Yes, please, I'd like some juice,'
'Good evening and welcome to our restaurant. What would
you like?'
'Pineapple. Yes, some pinqapple juice.'
And for desert?'
'What kind of juice?'
'Chocolate. I'd like some chocolate on it.'
'Would you like anything to drink?'
'Good evening!'L
'Errr ... a vanilla ice-cream, please,'
'Okay. Anything else?'

1. 'Good evening!' A: 'Hi! Are you bored? Why don't we go to the museum?'
2. 'Good B: 'Oh no! Not the museum. Let's go to the sports centrel'
3. A: 'Okay. That's a good idea. But how do we get there?'
4. B: 'We go straight on, we cross the street (junction), we keep
watking to another crossroads, we turn right and we are in
front of the sports centre.'
7. 2. Use your own experience to answer these questlons.
a. Who is your favourite (cinema) star?

. 11.
b. What can you say about him / her?
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). 1. Read and underline the correct word in each
Hopping in Australia
Kangaroos are cute animals that live in Australia. They are 'j " 'Dear cl"ritdren, you must / mustn't feed the animats,'says the
brown marsupials with two short hands and two long legs. They Zoo keeper.
have long claws on the hands and the feet. When they do not wall<,
they sit on their legs and tail. The tail is usually two times as big as a. 'l'm afraid you must / mustn't stay in bed because you are sick,'
the body and it is very important for the kangaroos. It helps them says the doctor.
keep the balance when they hop, run or sit.
Kangaroos are not very big animals - they are about half a b. 'You must / mustn't talkto strangers,'says the mother to the
metre high. l-hey all have a funny head with big ears and dark chitd.
round eyes. They have muzzles just like dogs. c. 'Pay attention! You must / mustn't look to the left before you
They are all plant eaters. They feed on leaves but they can cross,'says the father to the boy.
eat insects or bird eggs from time to time.
A baby kangaroo is called a joey. It stays in its mother's pouch d. 'You must / mustn't speak louder if you want me to hear you,'says
for 9 or 10 months. the otd man.
e. 'You must / mustn't eat during the class,'says the teacher to the
cute - drbgblage pupits.
claws - ghiare
- coadd
2. Give the interrogative and the negative for the
keep the balance - s6-9i pdstreze echilibrul
muzzles - boturi following affi rmative sentences"
2. Now answer the questions.
A.: They'[ go for a tong walk in the park.
a. Where do kangaroos [ive? l.: Witt they go for a long walk in the park?
b. Why is the tai[ so important for these animals? * N.: They won't go for a long watk in the park.
c. How high are kangaroos?
d. What do these animats eat? A.: She'[[ wash the dishes after lunch.
e. How long does a joey stay in its mother's pouch? * t.:
3. Circle a letter that best completes each sentence.
A. This is a description of a a. place b. person c. animal A.: You'tl clean your room at the weekend.
B. Kangaroos live in a. Austria b. Australia c. Africa t.:
D C. They have claws on a. the hands b. the feet c. both hands N.:
and feet
A.: We't[ buy a new TV set next month.
D. They have muzztes like a. dogs b. horses c. giraffes
) E. Kangaroos are t.:
a. carnivorous b. omnivorous c. herbivorous
Use the words in the box to form one word that fits I". Here are two dialogues, Use two pencils and
in the same numbered space in the text. The exercise separate them. Then act them,
begins with an example (O).
Hetlo, Julie.
Here '
I am in London - the citv of mv'r(o) :

Morning. ls that you Andyi

Yes, Bob. How are you?
attraction 7Hi, Donna.
dreams! situated in the heart of ingtano,
this old but modern capital (0).... .r,r.;;,-{s.... r Fine. I'm calting to ask for
millions of tourists from all over the world. Thef ,,1'm going on hotiday.
something. Yes, please, l'l[ be happy to
:: *:u':j*"y:,:^t
.... places, art galleries, :
:^"' r::
museums, r .... { 1 r I n i "to.v
: :"".(2)
un v
$ Why are you carring that suitcase?'
hetp you.
or monuments. Some of the most impoftant
Oh fine! Where are you going? Yes, I do. I have one. Where do
attractions are Big Ben, Buc*ingham Palace,
St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London.and the$(2) build Do you happen to have a big you want to go?
Houses of Parliament. suitcase? To Corfu - an island in Greece.
You can walk on the busy streets, and
To ltaty. l'[[ go on a trip. By plane.
Yff: Jl.i il""lji"3; Ll$;:[ i5;i :'3.:'?,":X$ts)
,".s" How are you going to get there? Witt you go by coach?
gardens. Hyde Park or St. James's Park are
some nice places for a rest. (4) .... birds is a Yes, tomorrow morning. No, my parents wi[[ come, too,
real pleasure, In Kensington Gardens you can $(a) feed Are you going alone? Who do you go with?
see a statue of Peter Pan. But you can also see
the whole of London if you ride on the London How long witl you stay there? And when will you come back?
Eye, an enormous wheel that gives you the$--. My teacher and my classmates. About ten days.
chance to see the city from the top. shop
London is also a good (5) .... area. There Next Thursday, I think. Thanks. Bye!
are lots of shops where you can find (6) .... Good! Then have a nice OK. Then come and take the
you want. In the centre there are the most$1O1 ilring hotiday! Bye! suitcase.
expensive shops * Harrods is very well known!
In London, (7) .... can have an exciting
life at night, too. There are lots of restaurants, 2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
theatres, cinemas or open areas where peoplefi(7) tour
can enjoy their time.
a. Which ptace (country / city) would you like to visit and why?
I don't want to miss anything. So, I'm
) (8) ..,. to visit everything, to walk and to shop (8) go b. What do you think you witl see there?
1. Read the following text (and the words below it). l. Write the followlng instructions in the right
Wow, it's snowing. And this is the last week of school, Five look at the traffic lights before you cross
more days and we are on holiday. Hooray! I'm going to write a talk with your mouth full
letterto Santa. I hope he will have enough time to prepare a nice cross the street on red
present for me. I'm going to wait for him and his reindeer. This buy a ticket before you get on the bus
time I won't miss the chance to see him coming to my house. Well, walk on the grass
if I do not fall asleep again! hold up your hand in the class when you want to talk
I love winter. Winter is a lovely season. It makes me feel so
happy. There are no leaves on the trees and there are no flowers talk during the classes
around, but there is a lot of snow. The sky is usually cloudy, the miss this film * it's great
weather is very cold, but when it snows it's fantastic. My friends
and I go outside and make a snowman. We often play or fight in
the snow. We have a lot of fun.

enough - suficient
to prepare - sd pregdteascd
reindeer - reni
chance - gansb
fall asleep-aadormi

2. Now answer the questions.

a. What is the writer going to do when the hotiday begins? I Read the sentences below and choose a word to fill
b. Who is the writer going to wait for? in the gap.
c. Why does the writer love winter? *
d. What is the weather like in winter? April Fools' Day is celebrated . . .b.. the first of Aprit.
e. Why do children go outside in winter? a. tn b. on c. at
in . . . . . when peopte tight candtes for Jesus Christ.
Easter is a Sunday
3. Circle the correct information according to the text. a. winter b. autumn c. spnng
Santa Claus bring presents for the naughty children.
a. The writer is happy because Santa / the hotiday comes. a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't
b. Santa witt bring a reindeer / nice present.
c. The writer doesn't want to fatl asteep when Santa / winter comes.
d. Winter makes the writer feet happy / sad. a. childrens' b. chitdren's c. chitdren
e. The sky in winter is bright / cloudy. On Valentine's Day peopte send cards to . . . . . friends. b. our c. their /
t ((
Read the following letter to Santa and correct the l. Your classmates are going to organize a winter
mistakes. festival. You want to know more about it so you 6
ask Fred a lot of questions, Read the answers (
To Mr, Santa Claus Bead Street below and make up the questions.
North Pole Oxford
You: 'When is the festival going to be?'
The 10th of December
fls'sd: 'On the 21st of December.'
You: 'why then?'
Dear Santa,
Fned: ,Because it,s the tast day of the semester.
I am Sandra and I'm 6 ears gld. I want you to know that I am You: 'What are you going .........?'
an good girl. I go to schol and I do my homework evry day. I Fr"edi: 'We're going to say poems, to act and to
also listen my parents and my grandparents. sing.'
You: 'What are you .....?'
You know? I love very much winter and I love you, two. In the Fr*dl 'Winter songs ... carots, of course. lt's
24th of December I wil wait for you be cause you bring my Christmas!'
much presents and many candies. Well have a nice Christmas You: 'Who is ?,

three, with many shiny ornaments and candles. tir"*ri: 'The teacher of Engtish is going to help us.'
You: 'Who ............ ?'
I would like a nais dolly and a pear
of roller-skates. If you can, Srmqi: 'Our parents or grandparents are going to
please bring me a fox of chocolates * I like to it chocolate. come. t

For my litte brother, please bring a new teddy-beer and a

You: 'Where ... ... .... ?'
$in'eci; 'ln the sports halt.'
sleigh, He like reading the sleigh
You:' ?,

Mummy is going to put a cap of hot tee and some biskits four Fned: 'At 5 p.m.'
you. She will also put some hay for you're reindeers.
2. Use your own experience to answer these questions.
Please, come son
a. What is your favourite season and why?
b. What is that season tike and what can you do during that season?
P.S. We live at the end of the hall.
1. Read the following text (and the words below). 1. Read the model and then write questions for the
grven answers.
The Wizard of Oz
My favourite film is "The Wizard of Oz".It is a musical with Judy mi.q, The children are listening to the teacher.
Garland. She plays the role of Dorothy Gale, the main character. Who are the children listening to?
Dorothy is a young girl with long brown hair and nice brown
Grandpa is tooking for his glasses.
eyes. She wears some magic red shoes. They help her find the way
What is grondpa looking [p1,?
to the wizard's country. On the way she meets lots of people - a
Scarecrow, a Tin Man and a Lion which has no courage. Everybody
a. He is talking about his tittte brother.
wants to meet the Wizard. They all think that his magic will solve
their problems. So, Dorothy with her best friend, Toto, a dog, and
the three new friends travel to th'e capital of Oz to find the Wizard. b. They are looking at the photos.
The Wizard appears three or four times to the five characters but What
each time he is different - a monsteri a fairy ... c. The children are waiting for the bus.
I like 'The Wizard of Oz" because it has music and funny scenes.

main character - personajul principal

d. She is speaking to the chitd.
way - drumul
scarecrow - sperietoare
tin man - om de tinichea
e. You are ptaying with a pencit.
solve - rezolvd

2. Now answer the questions. 2. Match the first half of a sentence to its appropriate
a. Who is the main character of the film?
second half.
b. What magic elements hetp Dorothy find the Wizard? .
c. How many friends has Dorothy got on her way? They need a tent because it's going to rain.
d. Why do they want to meet the Wizard?
e. Why is this film so nice? * He's taking the umbrella to pass the exam.

3. Rebuild correct sentences with the given jumbled She wants to make a fruit satad as they are going to go camping.
We're learning hard because he's angry.
a. best a
Toto. Dorothy's is friend catled dog
b. makes her way new Wizard. on She to the friends He's shouting so she's going to go to the
c. the hope to They meet Wzard. att
d. The travel five to characters capital the the country. of
e. fitm is The one best American the of musicals.

Read the paragraphs of the story below. Number 1. Match the questions to the answers.
I and 6 are in the correct position. The others are c
jumbled. Number them in the correct order, t nD: q
(1) ft is very late. Some stars are shining up in the sky. Terry 6ffi-
is playng in his room, Mother comes and puts him to bed. 'Sleep
tight, Terry,' says the mother to her six year-old boy and kisses him
goodnight. Terry soon falls asleep. But not long after that he hears
iW- .a lL
i Lv'
a sound. He wakes up, opens his eyes and tries to see in the dark. How are things? Yes, why not. Would you?
Suddenly, a bright light comes closer to Terry's eyes, The boy shuts
his eyes and rubs them. Then he opens them again. Are you doing something specia Pocahontas.
(_) ln the kitchen the mouse says 'Please, give me some
cheese. I'm soooo hungry!'The boy opens the fridge and takes all Would you tike to see a movie? Many years ago.
the cheese out of it. The table is full of cheese - boxes, cartons,
pieces of cheese ... everything that smells of cheese. And the mouse Do you like movies? Sad. They part. He dies.
stafts eating. Are you happy now?'asks Terry. 'Yes, yes, yummy!'
says the mouse eating without stopping. 'Now, if you are tired, you What is your favourite movie? The lndian girl and captain Smith.
may go to bed, I'll come and see you soon', says the mouse.
(_) When he opens them, he sees a mouse jumping on its Where does the action happen? No, not reatly.
back legs and moving around quickly. The mouse is dressed in a
nice red jacket and a pair of dark blue trousers. It is also wearing a When does it happen? Att right.
large red hat and a pair of glasses. 'Hi,'says the boy. He is not afraid
of the little mouse, He tries to start the conversation again. 'Hi! I'm Who is the main character? I don't know. You choose.
Terry. Who are you?'
(_) The mouse thinks for a moment. Then it says 'Do you What is the ending of the story? ln America.
know that friends help each other?' 'Yes,'answers Terry. 'OK, then I
want you to come with me to the kitchen,'says the mouse. So they
What film would you like to see Yes, I do. Don't you?
open the door and off they go.
(_) 'Who am I?' asks the mouse, He takes its glasses off its
nose and puts them in the pocket of its jacket. 'I'm ... 'I'm your new
friend, all right?' says the mouse. 'Okay,'answers the boy. 'But can 2. Use your own experience to answer theee quartlonl.
\ yo, come tomorrow to play with me? I'm a bit tired today and I
/ want to sleep.' a. What is your favourite fitm / book?
(6) When the family wakes up the next morning, mother wants
to fix breakfast - some eggs, some ham, bacon, bread, butteq but
no cheese.'My Godl,'safJshe'Where's the cheese? It's all gone! b. What is it about?
ust like that! Well ...?1...'But no answer comes back ,..

I ((
Ex"L/ page 7 a. b. b. b. a. cousin - vir (vartr)
cover - coperte
Ex.1/pagu l1 a. b. b. a. a.
crossroads - interseclie
according to - in conformitate cu crowded - aglomerat
Tcxt,/ praqr* :!"4 house kitchen bathrooms hours dishes cakes family age - vArstl
morning table plates glasses eggs bread milk tea att in alt - in concluzie, in totalitate
cucumber - castravete
cup noon lunch parents potatoes salad ice-cream fruit atmost - aproape
curtain - perdea
oranges apples evening supper angrity - cu supirare/furie
Hx.3y'u;r$e il4t) (1) d. (2) b. (3) e. (a) a. (5) c. antonym - antonim (cuvint cu inletes opus)
appear - a apirea
Lctter,/6l;n61m fr, Dear on time in We city/town/place are morning appropriate - adecvat, potrivit
daddy - tetic
after to I that for food like/love day a When dark - intuneric
"l'uxt/prarge llffi 2) 4) s) 1) 3) describe - a descrie
description - descriere
Ex. ?/paEm SS a. How much juice is there in the bottle? die - a muri
beach - ptaji
b. How many cakbs do you want / would you like to have? bead - mirgicd diet - dieti, curi
beginning - inceput disaster - dezastru
c, How much cheese does she need for the pie? dish - vas, farfurie
believe - a crede
d. How many loaves of bread (shall I buy / do you want me to
betow - mai jos distike - a(-i) dispticea
buv)? distikes - lucruri care nu ptac
btank - spaliu tiber
e. How much (money does he want)? btow-abate(vAntut) dream - vis
bone - os drop-acidea,apica
Hx. t./pnfie r$t c. b. b. a. a. bracket - parantezi during - in timput
brick - cirimidi
Hx. 2/pnue 4i" a. the, a b. The, the c. - d. the, a, a e, a, a
brightty - strhlucitor
Text/paEm 4fl Day play so you say Hooray brush - a peria/splta dinfii
busy - aglomerat, ocupal
Hx" 3/perge ffiffi Going In The He/She Eating butterfly - fluture each - fiecare
elder - mai in vArsti
Texty'pinpm ffiJ, for (5) to (6) in
(1) about (2) on (3) with (4) empty - got
(7) in (8) uv (9) at (10) up (11) in (12) in expensive - scump(6), costisitor(oare)
(13) on (14) about experience - experien!i
carnrvorous - carnrvor
f;x. ?/paEe 65 c- a- b. c. b. carol - cotind
T'ext,/pagle 74 (1) hystorical (2) buildings (3) largest (4) Feeding
(5) shopping (6) everything (7) tourists (8) going
carpet - covor
chance - gansi F
change - schimbare, a schimba fair' btond(5)
Letter/pm$m 7S 6 years ... a good girl ... school ... every... listen to my ... Do cheap - ieftin(i) fairy - zinl
you know? I love wintervery much..., too.... On the 24lh... cheek - obraz fang - col!, canin
will ... because... many presents,.. We'll have... tree... cheerful - veset(5) (a ) few - pulin(5), ciliva, citeva
a nice dolly ... a pair of ... a box of ... to eat chocolate... chick - pui de giini
fierce - fioros(oasi;, feroce
little brother ... teddy-bear... He likes ... a cup of hot tea ... chitl.y - r6coros (oasi)
biscuits for ... your reindeer ... come soon. chimney - horn
fire - foc
) choose - a alege
ffx, [,/Rrmge 79 ... to do? going to sing? ... going to help you? ... is going to
... chosen - ates (ateasi)
come? ... is it going to be/to happen? When/what time is it ctassmate - coteg(6) de ctasi
for sure - precis, desigur
going to belhappen? ctaw - ghiari fridge - frigider
friendty - prietenos(oasd)
) Hx" 1/nrmge Str Who is he talking about? What are they looking at? What are
clever - deStept (de$teapte)
coach - autocar foot (feet) - picior (picioare)
for? to? What are fur - blani

the children waiting Who is she speaking comb - a pieptina
you playing with? course - fel de mAncare fun-toving - iubitor de amuzament t
pouch - marsuplu thlck - gros, groasl
presented - prezentat(I) thin - subtire
prey - pradi tidy - ordonat(i), a ordona/aranJa
gap " gol, spallu tiber lamb - miel protective - protector(oare) tiny - minuscu[(l), mdrunt(l), mlc([)
get off - a cobori dintr-un vehicul tay (the tabte) - a ageza (masa) proud - mdndru, mAndri travel - a cititori
given - dat(l) lie in the sun - a se bronza puff-apuf5i,asufla traffic tights - semafor
gtove - m5nu96 tife - vial6 toon - desen animat
goose (geese) - g6sci (gdlte) tight - a aprlnde tooth (teeth) - dinte (dinli)
green-pepper - ardei gras likes - lucruri care plac Tower of London - Turnul Londrel
ground - pimdnt loaves franzele tub - cutie de inghelati
gym - gimnasticd louder - mai tare rest - odihn6, a se odihni twice - de doui ori
lovely - minunati rhyme - rimi
rice - orez
ride - a ci[5ri, a merge cu bicicleta/sania
rotter-blades - patine cu rotile, role
hard-working - muncitor(oare), sititor(oare) roof - acoperig ugty - urAt(d)
hay - fin make-believe - fabricate rub - a freca upside down - cu susu-n jos
heart - inimi mane - coami use - a folosi/utitiza
heavy - greu (grea) meaningful - cu inleles using - utilizAnd/fotosind
hide-a(se)ascunde medium height - de inhtlime medie
hotd ' a tine miss-apierde,atipsi
hop - a [opei missing - care lipsegte/lipsesc sad - trist(6)
Houses of Parliament - Casa Parlamentului movie - fi[m (the) same - aceeagi, acetapi
hug - imbrifigare, a imbriliga muffler - fular sand - nisip verse - vers
huff-aseumfla,apufii mushroom - ciupercd (to be) scared of - (a fi) speriat de
scene - scen6
seashell - scoica
seed - sbmAnlS
I send - a trimite
wardrobe - dulap
ice - gheali nap - somn de scurtd durati sharp - asculit(e) wave-afluturamAna
inside - iniuntru naughty - obraznic(6), riu (rea) shower - dug
wet - umed(5), ud(i)
(to be) impressed by . (a fi) impresionat(e) de neck - gAt silty - prostesc
wheel - roati
interview - interviu news - ttiri, vegti situated - situat(i), agezat(E)
whote - intreg (intreagi)
istand insutd noun - substantiv skating-rink - patinoar
wide - targ(t), tat(E)
numbered - numerotat(e) steigh - sanie
slice - felie witd - sitbatic(6), sltbiticie
wizard - vrijitor
J slow - incet, inceatS, tent(i)
soon - curAnd
South-East - sud-est
writer - scriitor(oare), autor(oare)
wood - lemn
jar - borcan
onron - ceapa spend - a petrece, a chettui
Jesus Christ - lisus Hristos
opposite - opus, antonim spoon - linguri
jumbtecl - amestecat(e)
order - ordine stranger-str6in
junction intersectie straw pai
own - propriu
\ jungte - jungtl stupid. prost, proasti yettowish - gitbui
suddenly - deodati, brusc
DK suitabte - potrivit(e)

key - cheie part-asedespirli

pie - pticintd
Zoo keeper - ingrijitor ta Zoo
kid - copit
pocket - buzunar
pond - hetegteu, iaz
take care of - a avea griji de

team - echipi
pot - oati
'ftroFood thop ll 4
Elephanto ll O
Ton{o Room ll 12
OnthaFarm ll16
ll 20
Dcar Llaa
Heabhy Food ll %[
Ha?W Olrthdayl ll 20
Dear Do{an ll 32
The Dlue Tlanal ll 56
A9prln1Weekend ll 40
Wo a}l'llldLlfcll 44
frs thaTlanlc ll 48
Thardo No Ono Llka Hlm ll 52
My Favout*b Cartnon lt 56
Holldayo are Graal ll @
My ?af,o ll U.
O6W{s Favour"ltn ?tar ll 60
Hopplng ln Australla I I 72
Dencmber ll76
TheMz.ard of fu,ll OO

Answcrv // U
En4llah-Romanlan Vocabulary // ffi

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