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Unit 3 Lesson 1​ ​Is milk an essential part of our diet?

January 10, 2019

Name: ___________________________________ Per: ______

Do Now

The posters above are from the “Got Milk?” campaign.

a. Propose​ why this campaign might have been put in place and ​identify​ the
subliminal message of the campaign posters.
b. Describe​ why it is important to drink milk.

Criteria For Success Your Response

❏ Written in full a.
❏ Proposes​ an
appropriate reason
for the campaign
❏ Identifies​ a possible
subliminal message b.
❏ Thoroughly
importance of milk

_____ / 4 points

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ ​Is milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019


Objective Restate Objective in Your Own Words

You will be able to use

scientific evidence to
propose a claim of the
necessity of milk in human

Vocabulary Definition

Per capita

Map Analysis

Analyze​ the ​two​ maps provided using at I​2​ Analysis. Take at least​ 3 observations​ and
use them to come to a general ​conclusion​.

Map I​2​ Analysis

1 I see…

It means…

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ ​Is milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019

2 I see…

It means…

Answer​ the questions below before continuing on to the describe prompt. Responses
must be written in full sentences to receive credit.

1. What is different about the data being shown in the second map?

2. What is the second map showing? What does that mean?

3. Why might the African countries have overall low consumption, but high infant
milk consumption? What does that imply?

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ ​Is milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019

Describe ​the total milk consumption per capita world-wide. ​Provide ​data​ from ​both
figures to support your response.

Criteria For Success Your Response

❏ Written in full
sentences (4
❏ Includes specific data
from ​both​ maps
❏ Explains why the
example data is
❏ Clearly describes
how milk is
consumed per capita
around the world

Answer this prompt below, following the criteria for success.

Is milk an essential part of the human diet?

Criteria For Success Your Response

❏ Written in full
sentences (4
❏ References
observations from
figures above
❏ Takes a clear
position on the
question (yes or no)
❏ Defends position with

Vitamin D Blood Levels

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ I​ s milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019
Vitamin D is an important nutrient found in milk. What does the figure tell us about how
much milk contributes to our Vitamin D levels as we age? Does it make a big
difference how much milk we drink at age 60? What about when we were younger?

Does this graph support your answer to the question “Is milk an essential part of the
human diet?”? Why or why not?

Close Out
In October of 1993, the California Milk Processor Board launched the first TV ad for
the infamous, “Got Milk?” campaign. Thousands of celebrities, including Beyoncé
(pictured in slide) were involved in the promotions, hoping to spur massive growth in
international milk-consumption.

a. Based on the information you discussed in class, provide a claim regarding the
necessity of milk in human diets. Support your claim using evidence from the

b. Identify the contradiction between your claim and the ‘Got Milk’ campaign.
Propose ONE reason why the ‘Got Milk’ campaign may then have been

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ I​ s milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019

Section 2: Free Response

Directions: ​Question 10 is a​ l​ ong free-response questions that should require about 20
minutes to answer. Read each prompt carefully and write your response. Only material
written in the space provided will be scores. Answers must be written out in complete
sentences to earn credit. Outlines, bulleted lists, or diagrams alone are not acceptable.

The following experiment was designed to test whether different concentration gradients
affect the rate of diffusion. In this experiment, four solutions (0% NaCl, 1% NaCl, 5%
NaCl, and 10% NaCl) were tested under identical conditions. Fifteen milliliters (mL) of
0% NaCl were put into a bag formed of dialysis tubing that is permeable to Na​+​, Cl​-​, and
water. The same was done for each NaCl solution. Each bag was submerged in a
separate beaker containing 300mL of distilled water. The concentrations of NaCl in
mg/L in the water outside each bag was measured at 40-second intervals. The results
from the 5% bag are shown in the table below.

a. On the axes provided, ​graph​ the data for the 5% NaCl solution.
b. Using the same set of axes, ​draw ​and ​label​ three additional lines
representing the results that you would predict for the 0% NaCl, 1% NaCl,
and 10% NaCl solutions. ​Explain​ your predictions.
c. Farmlands located near coastal regions are being threatened by encroaching
seawater seeping into the soil. In terms of water movement into or out of plant
cells, ​explain ​why seawater could decrease crop production.

Unit 3 Lesson 1​ I​ s milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019


Unit 3 Lesson 1​ I​ s milk an essential part of our diet?
January 10, 2019

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