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Name: _____Amanda McGarry ___________

Lesson Title: __Cyber- Bullying Awareness & Prevention________ Grade(s):__6 th-8th___

# of Lessons in Unit: _6_____ Lesson # __1___ Time Required: _45 min_

PA and/or ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):

M1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional
and physical well-being

M2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed

B-LS 5 Apply media and technology skills

B-LS 9 Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions

B-SMS 1 Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility

B-SMS 2 Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control

B-SMS 7 Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem

B-SS 2 Create positive and supportive relationships with other students

B-SS 3 Create relationships with adults that support success

B-SS 4 Demonstrate empathy

B-SS 5 Demonstrate ethical decision- making and social responsibility

B-SS 6 Use effective collaboration and cooperation skills

B-SS 7 Use leadership and teamwork skills to work effectively in diverse teams

B-SS 8 Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary

B-SS 9 Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment
Learning Objective(s):
 Identify what other members perceive trust in a group setting, and what others know
about cyber-bullying behaviors/ symptoms
 Research statistical evidence pertaining to cyber-bullying cases
 Locate an activity that build group relationships to be comfortable enough to work with
in the future

SMART goal:
By the end of this lesson, students will have shared what trust means to them and formed specific
rules and goals for this course, allowing for comfort and ease to find partners with similar
outlooks to research cyber-bullying statistics, gaining awareness.

-Computers with internet access

-Chairs set up in a circular formation

-Pencil & paper

3:00- 10 minutes- Introductions- *have students hand in their pre-test they took on their own
time about knowledge of Cyber-Bullying. Begin session with an introduction to myself and why
I choose to form this group and what I struggle with in group settings. Then go around the circle
and have everyone introduce themselves (name, grade, and one characteristic trait to describe
yourself beginning wit the same letter as your name).

3:10- 2 minutes- Discuss group format (expectations – roles and responsibilities, confidentiality,
purpose of group, goals of group, and trust).

3:12- 5 minutes- Trust exercise- Go around the room asking what trust means to them

3:17- 10 minutes- Break into pairs- to create a rule and goal they would like to see added to the
list of rules and goals

3:27- 3 minutes- Come back together- Add what each pair has come up with to the board of rules
and goals.

3:30 – 10 minutes- Break into a new set of pairs to research some statistics of cyber bullying.

3:40- 5 minutes- Closing- Tell members to save their stats for next session to go over, but to do
an closing exercise and we will go back around the room stating our name and characteristics
from earlier, but this time each member after must repeat each name and characteristic from the
previous members (to ensure we know each other and our traits).

Plan for Evaluation

(How will each of the following be collected?)
Process Data:
 All 6-8th grade students will participate in a 45 minute lesson (over 6 lessons) that
focuses their awareness to cyber- bullying
 9 students
 6 lessons to be held one lesson per week on Wednesday after school for 45 minutes.

Perception Data:
 Students will research statistical evidence pertaining to cyber-bullying cases, preventative
strategies, and ways to help peers.
 Students will then write down their findings and share in discussions
 Students will then demonstrate their knowledge of cyber-bullying during the discussion
portion at the end of class.
Outcome Data:
 Students will be able to independently research and identify cyber- bullying symptoms,
behaviors, and evidence.
 Students will be able to independently and in pairs create preventative strategies to use
within our school.
 Students will be able to be comfortable to share personal experience and input to the

Follow Up:
 Counselor should periodically reach out to students and parents to see if they have any
questions or concerns about the group sessions.
 Encourage students to look into preventative strategies or scenarios on personal time.
 In the next session they will review what statistics they have discovered, and share any
experiences or stories of cyber- bullying, to begin discussion of the importance of
awareness and prevention.
Lesson Source:
-ASCA National Model
-Student Handbook of Conduct

Unit Data
(Add post-unit data after lesson has been completed.)
Process Data: There is six, forty-five minute lessons over the course of six weeks to 9 students, 3
(How many lessons provided to students in each grade from 6th-8th grade.
how many students?)
Pre Post
Questions or Demonstration
Date # or % Date # or %
Students are unaware of the
Perception Data: importance of cyber-bullying
(What do students or adults think
knowledge 10/11/17 95% 11/22/17 0%
that students know, believe or can
Students are unaware of
positive preventative
strategies to cyber-bullying
10/11/17 100% 11/22/17 0%
Achievement or Related Pre Post Pre Post
Data Element Date # or % Date # or %
Students will be able to
research preventative
Results Data:
strategies to use for peers
(Student achievement or student
that are displaying cyber-
bullying behaviors, or peers
that display symptoms of
victim to cyber-bullying. 10/11/17 10% 11/22/17 95%

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