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Couples for Christ

South B Zambales
Music Ministry
The Blessing of Music – a gift and an

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
The Blessing of Music – a gift and an

“we express our

prayer using
melody and
music is
pleasing to

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
The CFC Music Ministry

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
Worship is the main reason why we form the
music ministry
Worship in Spirit of awe,
reverence and attentiveness

Worship in truth and must

always conform to the
teachings inScriptures and
the teachings of the
Catholic Church

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
CFC Worship Pattern (in HH Meetings, Chapter
Assembly, Sector Assembly, Teaching Night, Praise fest)
1. Gathering Song Signals to settle down and allow the Spirit
to move and draw all to posture of
2. Exhortation Words from worship leader to set the
atmosphere of worship
3. Praise and Worship Song (3 songs, 2 fast and 1 slow) with
spontaneous praising
4. Praising and Singing in Spirit
5. Silence followed by readings/prophecy, revelation
6. Prayers in HH, thanksgiving and lifting up prayers
ending in structured prayer (our father, Hail
Mary, Glory be). In large gatherings, general
prayer ending in structured prayer
Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
Heart and Spirit of God’s Musician
1. Live as authentic Christians Everything must be
2. We are not a performer Spirit-led
entertaining the assembly, God
is our audience
3. Generous with his time, talent Let us draw people
and treasure
to God’s presence
4. Personal holiness takes priority
than improving talents and skills
with a clean heart
5. Not self centered
and right spirit!

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014
Harmony is important to be able to encourage
more people to worship God intimately

Harmony within
the relationship
of the team and
Harmony of our
relationship with
the Lord

Source: Couples for Christ Music Ministry Handbook, December 20, 2014

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