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A. Rounded numbers

The maximum a rounded number could be is called the upper bound and the minimum
the rounded number could be is called the lower bound.

Example: A number rounded to the nearest 10 is 50.

The lower bound is 5 lower = 45 The upper bound is 5 greater = 55
We can show all the possible values the rounded number could be using inequalities.
45 ≤ n < 55 (The integer values of n could be 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54)
If the data was continuous then it could go as high as anything less than 55,
however 55 is always used as the upper bound.

B. Writing upper and lower bounds

We always go half the rounded value up and half the rounded value down

1. These numbers are rounded to the nearest 10. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 80 b. 240kg c. 430
nearest 10
75 85 ±5 235kg 245kg 425 435
2. These numbers are rounded to the nearest 100. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 200 b. 700g c. £2000
nearest 100
150 250 ± 50 650g 750g £1950 £2050
3. These numbers are rounded to the nearest whole. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 3 b. 22 c. 100
nearest whole
2.5 3.5 ± 0.5 21.5 22.5 99.5 100.5
4. These numbers are rounded to 1 decimal place. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 5.7 b. 0.4 c. 14.9
1 dp
5.65 5.75 ± 0.05 0.35 0.45 14.85 14.95
5. These numbers are rounded to 2 decimal places. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 0.65 b. 0.09 c. 1.07
2 dp
0.645 0.655 ± 0.005 0.085 0.095 1.065 1.075
6. These numbers are rounded to 1 significant figure. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 8 b. 20 c. 0.08
7.5 8.5 15 25 0.075 0.085
7. These numbers are rounded to 2 significant figures. Write the upper and lower bounds.
a. 90 b. 340 c. 0.026
89.5 90.5 335 345 0.0255 0.0265
8. A mass is given as 5.8 kg to 1 decimal place.
Using limits show the upper and lower bounds 5.75 ≤ mass < 5.85
9. A length is given as 60 m to 1 significant figure.
Using limits show the upper and lower bounds. 55 ≤ length < 65

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C. Using upper and lower bounds

Look for the clue in the question!

When you are asked to find a maximum or minimum value you will have to use the
upper and lower bounds of the numbers given in the question.

1. The attendance at a football stadium on two Saturdays was 43000 correct to 2 significant
figures and 40000 correct to 1 significant figure.
What is the minimum number of people that could have attended in total?

43000 (2sf) 40000 (1sf)

Writing the upper and lower
42500 43500 35000 45000
bounds for each number will
score marks in a test
42500 + 35000 = 77500
The correct
answer will
Using correct bounds and
score marks
correct method for the
question will score marks

2. A = 250 correct to the nearest 10 B = 30 correct to 1 significant figure

a. Find the maximum value of B
b. Find the minimum value of B

250 30
245 255 25 35

A Max 255 A Min 245

Max = = = 10.2 Min = = =7
B Min 25 B Max 35

Q− R
3. The value of P is found using the formula P =
Q = 64 correct to the nearest whole
R = 8.5 correct to 1 decimal place
T = 47 correct to 2 significant figures
By considering bounds work out the value of P to a suitable degree of accuracy.

64 8.5 47
63.5 64.5 7.45 8.55 46.5 47.5

Q−R Max − Min 64.5 − 7.45 To 1 decimal place both of these answers
Max = = = 1.22688172
T Min 46.5 round to 1.2 so
P = 1.2 correct to 1 decimal place
Q−R Min − Max 63.5 − 8.55
Min = = = 1.156842105
T Max 47.5
To 2 significant figures both of these
There are two possible conclusions: answers round to 1.2 so
P = 1.2 correct to 2 significant figures

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Exercise A These numbers have been rounded.
Using limits show the upper and lower bounds.
1. 60 (nearest 10) 2. 300 (nearest 100)

3. 42 (nearest whole) 4. 17.5 (1 decimal place)

5. 0.9 (nearest ) 6. 5.39 (2 decimal places)

7. 40 (1 significant figure) 8. 64 (2 significant figures)

9. 800 (2 significant figures) 10. 200 (3 significant figures)

Exercise B A = 200 correct to 1 significant figure B = 70 correct to the nearest 10

1. Find the maximum value of 2. Find the minimum value of

Exercise C P = 60 correct to 2 significant figures Q = 8.5 correct to 1 decimal place

1. Find the maximum value of 2. Find the minimum value of

Exercise D The rectangle has length 12 cm correct to the nearest cm,

and width 4.5 cm correct to 1 decimal place. 12 cm
1. Find the minimum perimeter of the rectangle.
4.5 cm
2. Find the maximum area of the rectangle.

Exercise E K = 40 correct to the nearest 10

L = 5.1 correct to 1 decimal place
M = 2.65 correct to 3 significant figures

1. Find the maximum value of 2. Find the minimum value of
L− M L− M

Exercise F T = 55 correct to 2 significant figures U = 4.5 correct to 1 decimal place

1. By considering bounds work out the value of T to a suitable degree of accuracy.
Give a reason for your answer.

1. Some numbers when rounded to 1 significant figure have become powers of 10.
Using limits show the upper and lower bounds.
a. 100 b. 10 c. 1
2. Some numbers when rounded to 2 significant figures have become powers of 10.
Using limits show the upper and lower bounds.
a. 1000 b. 100 c. 10

3. Expain what has happened to the bounds when using significant figures and powers of 10.

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Exercise A
1. 55 ≤ n < 65 2. 250 ≤ n < 350

3. 41.5 ≤ n < 42.5 4. 17.45 ≤ n < 17.55

5. 0.85 ≤ n < 0.95 6. 5.385 ≤ n < 5.395

7. 35 ≤ n < 45 8. 63.5 ≤ n < 64.5

9. 795 ≤ n < 805 10. 199.5 ≤ n < 200.5

Exercise B A = 200 correct to 1 significant figure B = 70 correct to the nearest 10

250 150
1. Max = = 3.846153846 2. Min = =2
65 75

Exercise C P = 60 correct to 2 significant figures Q = 8.5 correct to 1 decimal place

60.5 59.5
1. Max = = 7.159763314 2. Min = = 6.959064327
8.45 8.55

Exercise D 1. 11.5 + 11.5 + 4.45 + 4.45 = 31.9 cm

2. 12.5 x 4.55 = 56.875 cm2

Exercise E K = 40 correct to the nearest 10
L = 5.1 correct to 1 decimal place
M = 2.65 correct to 3 significant figures
45 35
1. Max = = 18.78914405 2. Min = = 13.97205589
5.05 − 2.655 5.15 − 2.645

Exercise F T = 55 correct to 2 significant figures U = 4.5 correct to 1 decimal place

U Max 4.55 U Min 4.45
1. Max = = = 0.083486238 Min = = = 0.08018018
T Min 54.5 T Max 55.5
To 2 decimal places both answers round to 0.08 so = 0.08 correct to 2 decimal places.
To 1 significant figure both answers round to 0.08 so = 0.08 correct to 1 significant


1. a. 95 ≤ n < 150 b. 9.5 ≤ n < 15 c. 0.95 ≤ n < 1.5

2. a. 995 ≤ n < 1050 b. 99.5 ≤ n < 105 c. 9.95 ≤ n < 10.5

3. When using significant figures and powers of 10 the upper bound is found as normal,
however the gap to the lower bound is one tenth of the gap to the upper bound.

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