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1 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

The Forgotten Art of Moxa

by Lorraine Wilcox

Introduction Background and History

T he first description of the moxa roll was written

near the beginning of the Ming dynasty (late
fourteenth or early fifteenth century). A moxa
stick is made by packing mugwort floss and rolling it
up in paper to make a stick that resembles a cigar or a
Moxa rolls were originally designed to be pressed into
the point or affected site. A doctor named Zhu Quan
(dates unknown, early Ming) left the earliest record of
the moxa roll. He wrote, “Roll up mugwort in paper.
Pack it firmly. Use paper to isolate the point. Press the
large cigarette. roll firmly into the isolating paper. Wait for the
abdomen to feel hot. When the patient sweats, he will
The original manipulation prescribed for use with it, is promptly recover.”
different than what we usually practice today. After the
stick is lit, most modern practitioners hold it over the This earliest roll was made of pure mugwort floss.
skin, whereas ancient doctors pressed it into the skin, Rolls made of mugwort mixed with powdered
which was isolated by cloth or paper. This technique is medicinals appeared later in the Ming dynasty. These
called pressing moxibustion or moxa needling (not to were first described in the Great Pharmacopoeia by Li
be confused with warm needle technique). This method Shizhen (1596) and five years later in the Great
is still described today in most Chinese books on Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by
moxibustion and some doctors in China and Japan Yang Jizhou (1601). Medicinals were added to enhance
continue to use it. It is little known outside of Asia, but the mugwort floss effects, for example Chuan Shan Jia
practitioners may find it useful in their clinic. (Squama Manitis), Ru Xiang (Gummi Olibanum), Gui
Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi), and Bai Zhi (Radix
In the Chinese language, the use of a moxa stick is Angelicae dahuricae). Other medicinals were included
sometimes called hand-held moxibustion, because the to help the mugwort qi penetrate deeply such as She
stick is often grasped in the doctor’s hand. This is Xiang (Secretio Moschus).
unlike direct or indirect moxibustion where cones are
placed on the patient’s body. Hand-held moxibustion These moxa rolls were not only used by practitioners
has two subcategories, see table 1. Suspended of acupuncture-moxibustion, but also by many well-
moxibustion means holding the moxa roll over a point known herbalists, who used moxa sticks containing
and is more commonly used today. Moxa needling or medicinals, even if they rarely used acupuncture. They
pressing moxibustion is the other subcategory and is could easily devise a formula for a specific patient or
the subject of this article. condition and make up the sticks in their own
pharmacy. Herbalists such as Ye Tianshi and Zhang
Hand-held moxibustion (Moxa stick) Jiebin recorded a number of prescriptions.
Gentle technique
Circling technique Moxa sticks were called “needles” because of the long
Suspended thin shape, and because it was felt that their qi could
moxibustion penetrate deeply, like a needle. In addition, the early
Wandering technique method of application, pressing the burning roll into
Using cloth or paper on the site, resembles the insertion of an acupuncture
the site needle. This technique will be described below.
Moxa needling or Using a medicated pad
pressing moxibustion on the site After the first recipes for moxa sticks were published,
Wrapping the stick in they quickly became popular. Before that time, direct
cloth moxibustion was the most common method but
burning cones on an isolating substance, such as ginger,
Table 1. The different categories of hand-held garlic, or Fu Zi (Radix Aconiti) was also relatively
moxibustion. popular. Today, moxa sticks are commercially
manufactured and are used by many practitioners as the
default technique instead of direct moxibustion.
2 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the instructions especially toxic and can be considered suitable for
for use were to press the moxa stick into layers of cloth moxa needling.
or paper. The stick was often used on the painful or
affected site, although it could also be applied to Tai-I Moxa Roll
acumoxa points. It was felt that the qi of the moxa Qiang Huo (Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii)
needle could extend and penetrate deep into the body Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandiae)
and that yin conditions could be counteracted with the Bai Zhi (Radix Angelicae dahuricae)
needle’s yang qi. The most common indications for Dan Shen (Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae)
treatment were pain due to wind, cold, or damp; pain in
the sinews or bones; pain from trauma; stagnation or Nien Ying Moxa Roll
stasis in the channels and network vessels; any cold or Gao Liang Jiang (Rhizoma Alpineiae officinarum)
damp disease; or yin abscesses and swellings. Doctors Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi)
also suggested that moxa needling could be used when Du Huo (Radix Angelicae pubescentis)
the patient was afraid of acupuncture. Bai Zhi (Radix Angelicae dahuricae)

Li Shizhen described the method for his thunder-fire Functions and Usage
miraculous needle, “At the time of use, light it with a
lamp and blow it out. Place ten layers of isolating The functions of moxa needling are to treat vacuity,
paper on the affected site and apply the hot ‘needle.’ coldness, and pain. It treats bi patterns, sciatica,
The hot qi will directly enter into the diseased site so incontinence, impotence, menstrual disorders, cough,
the effect is quick.” wheezing, common cold, and chronic stomach or
intestinal diseases. It can also be used on patients who
Yang Jizhou also recommended pressing the burning are not suitable for acupuncture and on regions that are
roll “for a good while” into layers of paper on top of difficult or painful to needle, such as fingers, toes,
the site. Then the ashy end was cut off. The stick was bony protuberances, the palms, soles, or heels.
lit again and applied for a total of nine times. Nine is a
yang number, so it would help fortify the yang qi of the Do not use pressing moxibustion on pregnant women
thunder-fire needle. Yang included a Daoist incantation and hypertensive patients, or on the head (except Bai
that was to be chanted each time the needle was Hui, Du 20 when indicated), face, or genitals. Be
applied. cautious on the upper body as heat rises.

Moxa Rolls, Toxicity, and Moxa Needling Moxa needling is a strong treatment and the heat
penetrates very quickly. One benefit of this is that less
Moxa needling has come to be associated with certain smoke is emitted than with suspended moxibustion.
formulas, such as the thunder-fire (lei huo) needle or This is because with moxa needling, you only need
great unity (tai yi) needle. This is because these press the point a few times, so a strong treatment takes
formulas help the mugwort qi penetrate more deeply, less than a minute per point. With suspended
so they don’t just warm the surface. However, in recent moxibustion, you often need ten or more minutes of
times, doctors have devised ways to treat the isolating treatment per point, so much more smoke is emitted.
cloth with medicinals, in which case a pure mugwort
roll can be used for moxa needling. A few recipes for Directions for Moxa Needling
this are given below.
In moxa needling, the site or point is isolated with five
Traditionally, Xiong Huang (Realgar) was used in to ten layers of paper or cloth. You can also press the
many recipes for moxa rolls, including the thunder-fire moxa roll into another substance, such as ginger.
and great unity needles. However, questions have been Whatever you decide to use, it is better to experiment
raised about the safety of Xiong Huang when burned as on yourself first before trying it on patients. You
it contains arsenic sulphide. Because of this, it is likely should experience this treatment in order to have
that toxic compounds are in the smoke. Other confidence in it and a proper sense of timing. At first, I
medicinals, especially minerals, may also be unsafe for was afraid the cloth would catch fire and I would be
burning. Therefore, unless the ingredients are known, it burned, but this proved not to be the case at all, see
is probably best to avoid commercially available moxa figure 1. However, the heat is strong, so the
rolls. If you are going to use them anyway, make sure practitioner should have experience in managing it.
the ventilation in the room is excellent.

A few types of herbal moxa rolls are available

commercially. The manufacturer of two common
products from China (Hua Tuo Brand) lists the
following ingredients, none of which are considered
3 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

between two points to give each point a little time to

cool off.

Pressing each time is referred to as “one cone.”

Remember that the word for “cone” in Chinese (壯
zhuang) does not imply shape and literally means “an
invigoration” or “a fortification.” Press the “needle”
three, five, seven, or nine times (odd numbers are
yang). Reposition or replace the isolating paper or
cloth if it begins to char.

Some books say that when the area feels hot and the
patient sweats, the treatment is completed. Others say
Figure 1. Moxa needling using layers of white cotton. the session is complete when the skin at the site
You can see it leaves some ash, but does not burn the develops a red halo. While the skin should turn red, it
cloth. should not be burned.

Traditionally, the layers were folded from one piece of Instead of laying the cloth or paper on the site, some
cloth, not cut out of many pieces. The exact number of doctors put layers of cloth around the end of the moxa
layers depends on the thickness of the paper or cloth. If stick, see figure 3. The cloth must be held with the
the patient feels the treatment is too hot, you can proper tension. If it is too loose, the cloth will burn
always add additional layers. Ye Tianshi (Qing) more easily. If it is too tight, it will extinguish the stick.
recommended using red cloth, probably to increase By holding the cloth on the stick, you can more clearly
yang and add to the fire qi, see figure 2. Below are a see the point location and can conveniently move from
few examples of recipes for treating the cloth with point to point. However, be careful: If the cloth begins
medicinals. to burn through, it is less visible to the doctor.

Figure 2. Moxa needling using red cloth, as Figure 3. Wrapping the stick with cloth.
recommended by Ye Tianshi.
Treating the Cloth
If you use paper, experiment with different types to
make sure it does not easily ignite. Cloth seems less Instead of using plain cloth or paper to isolate the moxa
prone to catch on fire, but avoid cloth made of stick, you can use cloth that has been treated. Here are
synthetic materials. Natural cotton is always best. a couple of recipes for preparing the cloth to enhance
the therapeutic effects. If you use a treated cloth, a pure
Junji Mizutani, a Japanese doctor who lives in Canada, mugwort roll may be used.
recommends one or two layers of cloth, then two layers
of newspaper on top. He says you can use a fresh Medicinal padding for moxa needling
loquat leaf – Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) – over the
cloth instead of paper. Advance preparation: If you are using a new cloth, it is
probably best to wash it first as new cloths are often
After the site is covered with the cloth or paper, press treated and may not be very absorbent.
the stick into it for one or two seconds. Press until the
patient feels the heat strongly, then lift it. Wait a few Boil 15 grams of Gan Jiang (dry Rhizoma Zingiberis)
seconds until the wave of heat sensation begins to in 300 millilitres of water see figure 4. You can add
decrease, and then press again. You can alternate other warming medicinals that move qi-blood or have a
4 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

penetrating nature, if desired. Strain the liquid and mix

it with flour to make a paste, see figure 5.

Figure 7. Add more layers.

Let it dry, preferably in the sun, to stiffen the cloth, see

Figure 4. Making a cloth pad with ginger. Simmer the figure 8. Then cut the cloth into ten centimetre squares.
ginger. I have found that if the squares are kept dry, they are
good for an indefinite period of time and do not
become mouldy.

Figure 5. Mix with flour to make a paste.

Apply the starch to a strip of cotton ten centimetres

wide. Place another strip of cotton on top and cover it
with the starch. Continue until you have five or six
layers of cloth. Make sure they stick together and are
smooth and flat, see figures 6 and 7.

Figure 8. It is hanging to dry next to some mugwort.

At the time of moxibustion: Place a square of treated

cloth on the site and perform the moxa needling. You
can press on the cloth for one to five seconds, until the
site feels burning heat. Lift the stick, pause, and press
again. Press five or seven times, see figures 9 and 10.

Figure 6. Spread it on the strips of cloth.

5 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, cut a

piece of cotton 30 to 70 centimetres long by five to ten
centimetres wide. Immerse the cloth in the Hong Hua
Liquid. Squeeze it out and let it dry in the sun. Fold the
cloth into six layers. You are now ready to treat the

At the time of moxibustion: Light the moxa stick. When

it is burning well, wrap the burning end tightly in the
six layers of the cloth. Press the moxa needle into the
affected region with a twisting motion. Hold the roll
and cloth tightly and turn it 360º as you press it. The
patient should feel warm heat and distension.
Figure 9. The pad is stiff, but the ginger helps the hot
qi penetrate. To drain, twist the stick counter-clockwise and apply it
three or five times per point. To supplement, turn it
clockwise and apply it four or six times on each point.
Treat daily or on alternating days.

Example Treatments

Prolapse of the uterus or rectum: Moxa needle Bai Hui

(Du 20). Press three or five times. Treat once a day.

Impotence due to binding depression of liver qi: Select

two to four of the following points: Gan Shu (UB 18),
Shen Shu (UB 23), Nei Guan (PC 6), Qi Men (LV 14),
Zu San Li (ST 36), San Yin Jiao (SP 6), Tai Chong
(LV 3). Press five to ten times per point. Treat once a
Figure 10. The redness in the region anterior to the
lateral malleolus is from the moxa needling. The Seminal emission due to effulgence of fire: Select two
puffiness is from an old injury. to four of the following points: Xin Shu (UB 15), Zhi
Shi (UB 52), Zhong Ji (Ren 3), Shen Men (HT 7), San
Medicated cloth for moxa needling Yin Jiao (SP 6). Press five to ten times per point. Treat
once a day.
Below are two different recipes. Use whichever one
you prefer. You could also write your own based on Bedwetting due to lung-spleen qi vacuity: Select two or
the condition to be treated. three of the following points: Lie Que (LU 7), Fei Shu
(UB 13), Pi Shu (UB 20), Qi Hai (Ren 6), Zu San Li
Advance preparation: (ST 36). Press five times per point. Treat once a day.
1. Powder together nine grams each of:
Frozen shoulder due to loss of nourishment in the
Hong Hua (Flos Carthami) channels and sinews: Alternate the following sets of
Jiang Huang (Rhizoma Curcumae) points, selecting three to six points each time:
Si Gua Luo (Fasciculus Vascularis luffae)
Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae) 1. Jian Yu (LI 15), Jian Liao (SJ 14), Bing
Feng (SI 12), Jian Zhen (SI 9), Jian Jing (GB
or 21), Da Zhu (UB 11), Bi Nao (LI 14), Qu Chi
(LI 11), Wai Guan (SJ 5).
2. Powder together twelve grams each of: 2. Tian Zong (SI 11), Tai Jian (N-UE-11),
Yun Men (LU 2), Jian Nei Ling (M-UE-48),
Hong Hua (Flos Carthami) Nao Shu (SI 10), Chi Ze (LU 5), Yang Lao
Jiang Huang (Rhizoma Curcumae) (SI 6), Hou Xi (SI 3), a shi points.
Dan Shen (Radix Salviae)
Wei Ling Xian (Radix Clematidis) Press five or seven times per point. Treat once a day or
on alternating days.
For either formula, put the powder in 250 grams of rice
vinegar and steep it for 30 minutes to two hours. Filter
the vinegar to remove the dregs. The result is called
Hong Hua Liquid (Hong Hua Ye).
6 © Chinese Medicine Times - Volume 3 Issue 3 - Late Summer 2008

Sciatica due to cold-damp: Select three to six of the References

following points: Ming Men (Du 4), Yao Yang Guan
(Du 3), Jia Ji (M-BW-25) from L2 thru L5, Zhi Bian Gu, Y.S. 顧悅善 and Hao, X.J. 郝學君. 1996. 《灸法
(UB 54), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Yang Ling Quan (GB 養 生 》 Moxibustion to nourish life. Liaoning:
34), Jue Gu (GB 39). Press five or seven times per Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House.
point. Treat once or twice a day.
He, P.R. 賀普仁. 2003. 《灸具灸法》Utensils and
Bi patterns with dual qi-blood vacuity: Alternate the methods of moxibustion. Beijing: Scientific and
following sets of points, selecting two to six points Technical Documents Publishing House.
each time:
Li, G.R. 李觀榮, editor. 2004. 《漢英對照臨床灸
1. Ge Shu (UB 17), Gao Huang (UB 43), Shen
Shu (UB 23), Pi Shu (UB 20), Wei Shu (UB 學 》 Chinese-English clinical moxibustion. Beijing:
21), Zhong Wan (Ren 12), Zhang Men (LV People’s Health Publishing House.
2. Qi Hai (Ren 6), Zu San Li (ST 36), San Yin Lin, Y.G. 藺 雲 桂 . 2006. 《 針 法 灸 法 圖 解 》
Jiao (SP 6), Qu Chi (LI 11), Yang Ling Quan Illustrated acupuncture and moxibustion. Fuzhou:
GB 34). Fujian Science and Technology Publishing House.

Also select local and distal points for the affected site. Qi, H. 漆 浩 , et al. 1995. 《 艾 灸 養 生 祛 病 法 》
Press five or seven times per point. Treat once or twice Methods of nourishing life and dispelling disease with
a day. mugwort moxibustion. Beijing: Beijing Physical
Culture University Publishing House.
Vessel bi due to cold-damp: Select two to six of the
following points: Wilcox, L. 2008. Moxibustion: the Power of Mugwort
Fire. Boulder, CO: Blue Poppy Enterprises.
Lower limbs: Zu San Li (ST 36), Yin Ling
Quan (SP 9), Jie Xi (ST 41), Xing Jian (LV 2). Xiao, S.Q. 肖少卿, editor. 1996.《中國灸法治療學》
Upper limbs: Qu Chi (LI 11), Wai Guan (SJ The study of Chinese moxibustion treatment. Yinchuan:
5), Zhong Zhu (SJ 3), He Gu (LI 4). Ningxia People’s Publishing House.

Press five or seven times per point. Treat once or twice Xie X.L. 謝 錫 亮 . 2007. 《 謝 錫 亮 灸 法 》 The
a day. This is often used during early stage of the moxibustion of Xie Xiliang. Beijing: People’s Military
disease. Medical Press.

Joint-running wind due to invasion of damp-heat: Yang, A.S., Ouyang, Q. 楊安生,歐陽颀. 2007. 《圖解
Symptoms include redness and swelling of the joints, 艾灸療法》 Illustrated mugwort moxibustion. Beijing:
acute pain, difficulty bending and stretching, etc. Select People’s Military Medical Press.
three to six of the following points: Da Zhui (Du 14),
Shen Zhu (Du 12), Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), Yin
Zhang, R. 張仁 and Liu, J. 劉堅. 2004. 《中國民間奇
Ling Quan (SP 9), San Yin Jiao (SP 6), Xing Jian (LV
2), a shi points. Press five or seven times per point. 特 灸 法 》 Unusual Chinese folk moxibustion.
Treat once a day. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology
Publishing House.
Biography Zhao, J.P., Li, J. 趙吉平,李俊. 2008. 《灸法、拔罐、
與 刮 痧 療 法 入 門 》 Introduction to moxibustion,
Lorraine Wilcox Ph.D., L.Ac. has been a licensed cupping, and gua sha. Beijing: People’s Health
acupuncturist in California since 1989. She received Publishing House.
her Ph.D. in Classical Chinese Medicine from
American University of Complementary Medicine and
has taught herself to read Chinese. Wilcox is also an
assistant to Master Larry Sang of the American Feng
Shui Institute and teaches in selected acupuncture
schools in Los Angeles. Lorraine Wilcox is the author
of Moxibustion: the Power of Mugwort Fire, published
by Blue Poppy Press. She can be contacted at

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