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Vocabulary Worksheets

Basic English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 4: Using the Present Progressive

Worksheet 5. Verbs: Present activities

Look at the pictures in Chart A. Then complete the sentences in Chart B below.
Chart A

Cars are not

turning left
Julie is Sam is here.
bending her hanging
body. his jacket
on a

Bob is
Harold is lying
Hans is standing up down on
sitting the sofa.
on a

Write the correct verbs in the blank spaces. Use the verbs from Chart A.

Chart B

2. The dresses are 3. This man is

1. The boat is
______________________ _____________ in a chair.
in the closet.
in the water.

4. This woman is 5. The trees are

6. The horse is
in the wind.
down on the floor.
up on four legs.

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