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am51 So clad
l/8/1/Tech. Aud. 28.12.2018
My Ns. nab

The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka,
20 I I 5, Wij erama Mawatha,
Colombo 07.

Dear Sir / Madam,

Awareness on Technical Auiitins

Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA), legal successor to ICTAD, as the regulatory authority
of the construction industry is mandated to carry out Technical Auditing of any identified construction works if
requested to do so by the Owner as per Section No 45 of Construction Industry Development Act, No. 33 of
2014. The regulation on Technical Auditing has been published in the Gazette No 2057/5 dated 05.02.2018,
prescribing the requirements for Technical Auditing and fees.

As per the provision of CID Act No 33 of 2014 the Authority shall carry out Technical Auditing of any
identified construction work if requested to do so by the owner. 'Technical Auditing' means the inspection of
identified construction works, which include construction process and management process as well as the final
product and examination of contract documents and documents pertaining to payments requested to be made
on contracts, in order to verify;

a). the compliance of the documentation relating to identified construction works which are prepared
in compliance with the requirements of the Act;

b). the execution of identified construction work in conformity with the provisions of the contract and
the provisions of the Act;

c). the compliance by parties referred to in the contract, with their respective obligations under the
contract; and

d). the compliance with the basic public health, occupational health and environmental standards and
technical standards which include efficient resource and energy utilization standards.

These Audits shall be carried out by the Auditors registered in CIDA as Quality Management Auditors as per
the Section No 45 (4) of Construction Industry Development Act No.33 of 2014 to carry out Tecirnical
Auditing. The regulation gazetted on 05ft April 2018 spells out the process of registration of Quality
Management Auditors and Qualifications required for such registration.

Any person who wishes to obtain Technical Auditing Services could send a request to Director General,
CIDA, "Savsiripaya",123, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Further information as to the process can be obtained from Director (Advisory Services) on 011-2 688 143.

Relevant alrnexures are attached herewith for your information.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Construction Industry Development Authority
g,r{ a,K M Priyanvada
Director (Advisory Services) att. to. Duties ' -

2of 3
6Oces eoo gQ68@ g@cb>c.coo

9Q669 zslbgcnla e.r"O6O:l g8zoc6co (CIDA)

fotr5lAu(roil rl0rl!iliY
zlczslo.eE 6cog6:ce r5u:tt550R r0 r ialj;

9Q669 qto):r€o c,oco esoO6Oar qco:nmod (ICTAD) oomdzsr qggcddzo:coc Om 9Q689 zo5@czrfo: es"OSOar
qEzor6or (CIDA) 9Q68O rl5@czrlzaooi OgcogrJ 6ocO:r qEn:c8o Oseocoal 2014 q"a 33 q6a gQdSO
nSgczrJa es.O6Oo err:onJ 45Or> dcorr}dcs gzocdO, og orgororf gQ6Sg OlOa'l eegOb-JOocoal qSdzoe E8trl
todp gOr:: gCegzrl @rr $@ eogmcozrl 9Q689 O1O eegOzdOocoaf ncnJe<6 Eco6anc^x0i 6890 crrrio oO q"6)
205715 OrB?rJ 2018.02.02 Qtrr 96:rJ Ogco oOd6 s1O 86.

nczoJe<6 Eor<6mce csp,

OUe 2014 g.zo 33 q6<r gQdB@ zo:5Oc:rJo eo"OSOa ermn qBO gQdSg @cocqcOco eoo zo:gO:r:cn:dzl oOerc5ce
o9rrJ@ qOeozri 6dercq:::<e qla2gaJOnlzrrcQ eogmconf 9Q689 O1O er6zo'lec 68@ ese: EOggO gqcg oglOzr eeor
cBEgO 9ar zo:dg 6Om ooE@ OgO eo@DzrlO oglOm o8nlec 6BOq oO.

q) Obe2014 q.zor 33 qd<6 ermooJ qOca>acOgO qAAeO alzoeo6) eq orgzr:ooaf 9Q6SO OIOO3O eegOzrlO
gogfO5) oc qg4g E9;

qc) d@ errr:onl E66Oczr:OgO eeeo ESgo@ ES8OczrOeO qAAeO ogmconJ 9Q6So O1O $cocrfgzo: 669;
E() 6EgoO qnlOc q16 ercSoOcozrl E8rri 6Eg@ oOool OQafoc.J 6co@a fuQ@OgO E€ASO @cocdBg ; eeo

qz) zo:c6ozofeg ee9elrJ eoto O6craa.l6 6,oocoCe5zr: g@6zrf q1qgzrlOafmrQ 9€n @erda oeseO> , oaof6@cs
oe,rsA)5 eseo oc6es8zo g66rd e,srr zrcb'Je<6 g@6rd toc ggapg E@.

d q€O, 9Q66e zorSgczrJar so"OSOo oaorO qgO gEoc6c,o EBzd oO eogzr:coaf gQ689 OIOaJ eo@OzdOocetrf
g86zo:d1 EEal ardg gC€groJ On dg ogr:cooJ 9Q689 OlO rogOafOocoal orczole<6 Eo<6:lc,:zol zs:g g4co.

ozrozif 45 (4) OaolEcl gzorcdO zaczoJe6 5cr€6rrlc0 Egd8o@ n:c6coos CIDA E @cocelQ.Szo:g c2<rrolgzo
torg@.6czordm So.6zoOdr?rf 88?tl zo€ gb26.

oczoJe6 Eo6m 6Oco169O zo1196 gm1@ gooro2 gO>nlo 8at6tg!, gQdSO zs:59cafn
oe,jOcO es"OSOzr
q8zo:c8o, "eoD88occ,l", 123,6o8cn9 @cOn, ozocgO 07 oOor qogg zorg g4co.

O16gd 8e,ind qO>nJe (6,ero{caar oe,JOc) gdn:Om q.zo: 0l l-2688143 @6rr} gOconr ?rr?o.

3of 3
Constructiotr Industry Developrnent 33
Act,l$0. 33 of 2014



45' (l) The Authority.shail carry out technical auditing Technicar

of any indentified construction wOrk if requested to do so Auditing.
by the owner of such construction work or iny Government
organization. r

Q) lny proced.ure and rates for the levying of fees in

respect ofsuch technical auditing shall be as prescribed

(3) For the purposes of this Act, .Technicat Auditing,,

means the inspection of identified conshuction works, whiJh
include construction'process and management process as
well as the final product and examin-ation oi contract
documents and documents pertaining to paymenis requested
to be made on confiacts, in order to verify_

(a) the compliance of the docunentation relating to

identified construction works which are prepared
in compliance with the requirementtof this AcU
. .
(e) the executiori of identified construftion works in
.conformity with the provisions of rtre contract and
the provisions of this Act;

(c) the compliance by parties referf.ed to in the

contract, with their respecive oblifj.tions under
'the contract; and

d the compliance with the basic public health,

occupational heaith and enyironmintal srandards
and technical standards which include efficient
resource and energy utilization standards.

(4) The Authority shall register and maintain a register

quality management auditors for the puryose of Jarrying
out techflical auditing. The procedure for registration and
the qualifications required of such auditori shall be as
determined by the rules rnade by the Aurhority.
0 f;06)r gdrnrC$r dndeiocC QriO 0CIr3
The Gnnetttof the l)emocrafic SocialistRepublic of $ri lanka
e.oa 2A57 /5 - 2018 oE:OdOr6 @ee O5 O18 eegqr - 2Aft.AZ.Os
No. 2057/5 - MONDAY, FEBRtiARy 05. 2018

(Published by Authority)


Government Notifications
L. D. B 15t2014


REGULATIONS made by the l\4inister of Housing and Construction under Section 2{> and Section 30 of the
Industry f)eveloptnent Act. No. 33 of 2014 read with Section 58 of'the aforesaid ztrct.

Sa;tru PRgltnnrrsrr,
Minister of Housing and Construction.

03rd January 2018.


1. These Regulation may be cited as ion Indusky Development (Registration ot'eualifided persons)
Regulation of 2017.

2. Any person who wished to register as a lified Person under the Consfiuction Industry f)el'elopment. Act,
No. 33 of 2014 shall rnake an application direc{ly to rhe truction lnduslry De velopment Authoriry (hereinafter referred
to as the "Authority") or ro the Authorit_v througli the re professional body, as the case may be. to register such person
as a Qualified Person.

3. The criteria for regisfiation ofpersons specified in pd {d) and (e) of Subsection { I ) of Section 26 otl tbe
said Act or any orher person other than a person specified in para phs (a), (b) and (c.)of subsection (l) of Secrion 26 of
the saidAct shali be as specified in part i of the Schedule hereto.

4. Any person registered i.vith tlre Authority as a eualified perso ll, upon paynent of the applicable registration
fee as specified in Part Il of the Schedule hereto. be assigned rvith a regis\; ion nrimber and issued
with a Certif-rcate of
Regisotion which shall be valid for a periorl as specified in such certificare)

1.4 G 27058-57 {82t2018)

This Gazelle Efit uordiilal, cun l-t", dawnlotrlad .fiotn wqw.riocumcnts._ror,.lk
22A I orrroes ' (I) odE$ - @ g.roc ge5crrlreri$zo eselrdaeQ 4a6e5orl 98 Se.iaee arlelo ?lp,c - 2018.02.0s
I'."tnrI:Sgc-(11-GAZETTE tsx1'RAoRDINAR!' oF THE DEMocRMrc soctAtlsr REpuBLIc oF'
sRI LANKA ()s.a2.2att

(c ) Piling Construction Contra

Grade Financiol Linit (X) Regislration Fee/

(R,s. Million) Renewal .Fee
per \:ea/

t,o 25.000.00+vAI

GP B] *'N 50.000.00+vAT

GP-B2 l5o>x>h 25-0OfJ.00+vAT

GP-83 50>x>1{r \ 11.500.00+vAT

GP-84 IO>X \, 6,500.00+vAI


L. D. B 1512014

coNSTRI-rcrIoN INDUSTRY DEvELopi}IENT AC! No. 33 oF 2014

Regulations made by the Minister of Housing and Construction under subsec.tion (2) of Section 45 of the
Industry DevelopmentAct. No. 33 of 2014 r'eacl with Section 58 of the afbresaid Act.

Minisler of Housing and Construction.

03rd January 20i8.


l. These Reguiation may be c:ited as the Construction Industry Development (Technical Au<liting proce<Jure and Fees)
Regulation of 2017.

2. The pt'ocedure fbr lechnical auditing of any identifie<l constmction rvolk shall be carried out in the manner a$
spec:ified in the i'irsl Schedule hereto.

3. The f-ees fbl: snch Tec.hnical Auditing shall be levied at the rates as specified in the Second Schedule hereto.

4. In these regulations -

"ldentified Conshuction Wbrk" shall have the same meaning as in the Consrruclion Industry Developmenr
Act. No. 33 af 2tJ14 :

"'Teolinical Auditing" shall have the same nreaning as in the Construcrion in<lustly Development
Aot. No. 33
of 2014 :
I e-:srco'ue , (J) rr-6qcs - @ 6'r,-tt gdcnrrr:r$r.r es,gcdoc{ ejcrddo.€l
9.6 Eo.oeo olaoo ev* - 2018.02,0-5 23A EXTRAORDINARY oF TFIE DEIvIoCRATIC soctALIsT RF,pLlBLrc
OF SRI LANKA 05.02.2?ft

Procedure for Ttchnical Auditing of Any Identified Construction lVork

1' Ilequest for Technical Audiling shall be forwardect to the Authoriry in tlrc ibmr of applicant on
for technical
aud:iting available at the Authoritv.

2' The Authority shall ascertain whether the u,oi'k r-eferred 1o in the lequest is technically
auditable or not. If the
request is not technically auditable. it shall be informed to the Applicant is writing within
4 wcxking days fiom
the receipt of such request.

3' Authority shall rvithin 14 working days fiom the date of receipt of rhe application, appoint
euality Management
Anditorls selected from amorg the persons rvho are lisfed in the Register of quAity Managenent
maintained by theAuthority. '

4 ' The Qualiry Managemenf Auditors shall stucly the application for audit and pr-epare
the audit scope statement and
cost proposal.

5' The scope statement and the cost proposal received shall be evaluated by an Evaluation panel
appointe4 by the
Authority and shall be approved by the ALrtho rity after making necessary rer.isions, if any

6' The Authority shall enter in to an agreement with the Applicant r.vhich includes
scope. csst a.nd duration of the
technical audit and responsibilities and obligations of the trvo parties.

7' Depending on the extent and complexity, the auditing teamma.y consist of a maximum
of three melnbers.

8' IfitistwoorthreemembrAu<titTeam,theAuthorityshall decicietheleaderoftheteaminconsultationwiththe

Quality ManagementAuditors selected, Decision of theAuthority shalt be final and binding.

9" 'I'he rc"piacenren of Quality ManagementAuditors shall be at the discretion of the Aut6ority in the evenlhar the
Quality Managnent Auditors are unable to perfomr or found not suitable.

10- Authority shall have the right to terminate services of any

euality ManagementAuditors if he is founcl guilty of
any misconducl with immediate effect of fbr otherreasons such as conflict of interest as ilecide<l Uy tne n'ttrorit ,
*'ith 14 working days prior notice. In such cases. works carried or-rt by
Quality Managernenr Auditor will not be

I I ' In case of Quality Management Auditor r.vithrirawing frorn the audir due to falling iii for prolonged
a period or
under any acceptabie reason. the rvork akeady carried out by such
Qualitv Management Auditor is considererl
valid and the Authority may or may nol decicle to appoint another person as a replacement
as the case may be.

l2' TheApplicant and otherreiatedparties shall furnish all infbrmation required by the
euality N4an.agementAuditors.

13. The Quality ManagementAuditors may visit the sites of the Identified Conso.uction Work ancl o1trer locations as
'required fnr Technical Auditing purposes. The party w:ho is in possession of sites and such other locations
receipt of sucli writlen insfiuctions by the Authority shall allorv the pe1sons authorized
by the Authority to enter
into such premises to caffy out Teclmical Auditing.

14' The QualityManagementAuditors mat'. throught theAuthority, sururon any party ra.&ohas connectionrvith t1e
Identilied Construction- Work to obtain erridence orallv. in rvriring by aftidavit. or any other acceptable
24A I ecr:Ces , (l) <g-idqc - @ gozoc geJcorc:ri$zo es$J,cdAfi, {o$&o.d e8 Sooel ctlelO erye - 2018.02.05
l5. The Technical Auditing reporl shail essentially include date of issue, an intr oducrion, an execurive sulllmary.;
scope ofthe Technical Auditing. detailed descriptions ofthe TeclrnicalAuditing done. applicable analysis nrethods,
standards ref-ened for thecking compliance andior conformif;i. r'ecornmendations and conclusions. It shall aiso
include copies of all relevant docunrents and conespondence refen'ed to and in substantialion of the repoft.


Rates for Levving of Fees of Technical Auditing

Ilent Description Amount (Rs)

1. Application fee for requesting Technical Auditing Rs. 5,000.0Ct

2. Advanced Payment 1o proceed with Technical Auditing 50% af the cost estirrate

3. Payment to be made before issuing the repofi Balarce 50% ofthe cosf


PIUi\"Tl:)) AT 1'l'll:: DI:PARI14l,lN-l 0I COVE.RNMENT t'l{lt'll'tNC. SRI I.ANKA

Ministry of Housing, Construction and Culture Affairs ;;

Construction lndustry Development Authority (CIDA) i:

Registration of Qualified Persons (rr\srr.r(irr(r\ r{rr( jsrfi }

lnvitation for Registration as a Qualified Person

Construction lndustry Development Authority (CIDA), legal successor to ICTAD, as the regulatory authority of
the construction industry is mandated to maintain a Register of qualified persons to promote the standards
of professionalism as per the Section No 26 of Construction lndustry Development Act, No. 33 of 2014. The
regulation on Registration of Qualified Persons has been published in the Gazette No 2057/5 dated
05.02.2018, prescribingthe criteria for registration of qualified persons, fees and renewalfees and standards
of design and documentation to be adhered to'

Accordingly, CIDA intends to register persons in following categories;

1. A person who is a member of a Sri Lankan professional institute (IESL, SLIA, IQSSL)/ board of
registration established by Act of Parliament in the disciplines of Engineering, Architecture and
Quantity Surveying,
2. A person who is not a mernber/registrant of a Sri Lankan professional institute (lESL, SLIA, IQSSL)/
board of registration established by Act of Parliament, but related to such disciplines and is a Sri
Lankan citizen
3. Any other person who ls a member/registrant of a Sri Lankan professional institute (other than
above)/ board of registration established by Act of Parliament relating to the construction industry

professionals who fall into the category (a) will be registered through the respective professional body. The
details of the registration scheme and fees including the application form can be downloaded in CIDA website
f$pf:Vw:g".eda,,gglik .Application forms for categories of (b) and (c) can also be collected free of charge
from the information centre of CIDA all23, "Savsiripaya",Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo AT,from 9.00 am to
3.00 pm during working days. Duly filled applications together with relevant information should be submitted
to Director General, CIDA, "savsiripaya" ,Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.

Section No 31 of the Act, stipulates that no local authority, shall entertain any application for building
approval for any identified construction works unless the architectural, structural, electrical and water
supply, sewerage and other designs and services relating to such construction are carried out by a Qualified

Allthe qualified persons are required to obtain the registration from CIDA since CIDA intends to send the list
of eualified Persons registered with CIDA to UDA and to all localauthorities by 31" of January 2019 in order
to ensure that only registered qualified persons are engaged in designing, preparation of contract
documentation and supervision of ldentified Construction Works as per the regulation published in the

Further information as to the registration can be obtained from Director (Advisory Services) on 0112- 688
6Ores, g€66@ cDl €oodcoa6ao eoOgcU ;::,
tu .

ge6OO EDb@rdtl eooObOel *d&

ilb.!.:lr..ii -:.r:

g?56@ qt'Aleo ell esooboel q:csoelocd (lcrAD) 6 ooerSo qpord6ocsr

oer eob@rdo eoooboel qoeofic,:,
(clDA) 9e66@ zob@ldorccs ogc,:gd 6c::@el qOer:6cs ooocsd z0l4 qoo- 9Q6o@g€5O@
33 E6el erb@rd' esoobOel
oeroC, 26 oa ocodSco 9o1160, oadScsooQ g@6cs goboeocr zo6@o@
ootiorocoel csr@ esqeD o6c,r oeoop gao 8o. 6g6ar@g]E g{cog8d
e6g6d 6g6ro@gr6d eleeredodocd o@oor,:d
@csrcloo oEo*oc,:percs / o6q@rg g@oe oaeso
SooEexr. og@cs qo: eal S@oaQcs ea €g€eDo@:6 gdoo8J@r,sle€"o 56o@ gooter
/ Sbdrrr,rzo
56o esgor rordQ eol eszg6@, Eb@r6sco eoeo go@oel CIoee 86oe g@6d 6bo{o eo6@d qon ordq o: elcoor qgd
20s7/seo: 20tE.02.0s
q6a acaO oqoc5 ergo6 qao.
d ego 9e56o orb@ldo tsoobfJtl qozor6cs (clDA) ceoo EeoSooel goboog / o)6soog g{cogad
qoe3oleot eoo8. @csloQoo 6CI@o

(q) 9o8od6e oEno, oldq Ogr€ esel g@tdr t3@dedcc,: coel Oe6 oodooo erfi@o@dq erpood @6d
geQ @GrcQoo 66o@ @6'50@r,:zo / @ goeu goSod6a q)cooercs (IESL),
do€o o6p
(SLIA), 6 @olD) 9@16r eo@deeo8docd qlcsn{rco (IQSSL) or8
6 ooeo: orde2 oEocqcsdocd qr...oerci

esl@t8znoc,:q Oel g{ogoc,:ap

6 go6eo oaddcsooedocd qrcaoercoel
(eT:) 6 @]oSto oad6r,:oo€ ql6et€t(0eD (IESL, sLlA, IQSSL) / arb@o@dq erert'6d do€er eo6g gae
6CIo@ @6fococszo esr@r8zoocsq / @cexrQoo Qoq oeuoer, oeoed 06 oLr,: odpog q€Jg o€, eo: eroodoer eseo
@ gozlioO g6OeSoc:q Oel qor,:q
(Ec) 6 @lodcs oao56csooQ qlcsb)etcszD (gem; eoqeld qlcseD€r 5)z6) I ofieo@do oemldd do€o eodel gq @csxrQog
56o@ @drioecseo tgQSO@ zob@:dox,ro qqrg oel) esl@r8oocse2 / @csroQo6 e ooeld €elzo qoc,:au
(qil gobroc'ro / olldJOceo oeooel oao56r,soOQd, sete oaoJ6cso€Q q)c,5oter / @6dOg o6ro: @c,'erQo6 or6p geo6.
qc':g@opc,: / gxla6erpc,: qeqa)o, @csrcQoO 56o@ oc,:Jdel: q@ocd Odof croi
eot eelo co:goz t6ati6 o06
qo8c,: oel ,rr.ij,r.,r*:r):r,r,!-ldr.jir',ll! oodd olcoor (downroad) zo6 coor oed co.

(qr) eseo (qr) gobol / eoroio ogeo: oel qc,rg@od / q:em6op,

6:eJofi €e€o oo.o. 9.00 go et.o. 3.oo qdot oal:go
0/, ooddl@ @€otd, "eso86erlco", qob). 123 E, CIDA (Eo:) 6, oan6o)6e @Ondolercc${
oel:@o@ gOr corl e".'co.5E
eloQ es@gb6r ZDdp gzQ qc,:g@od qE:g oo:6o26r gdor6 m@co oeo:g@ 07, .esog6o:rn,,
a@g6l@ @:ood, s gE60@
orb@rdo rsooboel qoofico (crDA) 6, qoneseo e9er6l@ ooor
9Q6eld eD@ erD c,3.
ererooj qoo 31 e6el ocoddoc,5 6ce@ a6 qeE o3f 58g ergd g6zofc,soi /
(g:o{6cs og @65ogcs) ogd
gdoeocoal o8d 696zo@9,5
ee-ro e€6o@ o;06o2090 rs@odoo, J,oldq
eo oqnroJ@aDo, oger6cs, og@
eo@orEel, @6:aooea o:
cooexd e€56@oeo qe)@ €3d@€@ eor odol Sgzoddeld oa6, elo6 oeo5 -e4er:cod
qp@e8c,r eogeo: 5)89 qcrg@ood o16 @erlroo
eeaoo oro esgol, ooroeoe6@
.qo2 c0.

cleeso opocS og el6el @e esoe eogelxod 9Q56@ oeo, qoo5eo6no, ooldp:o5

@go@oer g@oc,sg do@, coegg@o66r-
r'rerrQocs6, @c':rcQoO Q pg6tD@goJ oleordod er@6rd Ecseogel Ooo oelede
o:6 coe6o@ q6g:oocsd 6qo CIDA es@co
@aroQo8 8 g{cogEdocd ee8dood, UDA (erxo3eo esoobOel q6or6cs) eal gc:g
qa9't oggzo@ooj
ereloj oeOlod /
tylcooelc'ld ooor clrro@o clDA (9e56@ ofi@rdtl esoobOeo qoeo:Oo) qqerd
o6el oeoBd gcog@ 6g6ro@gd
ozaadald CIDA oOSd D@ @c:rceoOcs gOl crrD 6e OeO Eap@ ogp gcofl.

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