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Minutes of the meeting of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council on Monday 7th January 2019

190107-1 Present
John Heap, Alison Nelson, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Pat Bell (SLDC), Hazel Hodgson (SLDC), Arthur Robinson
(clerk) and ten parishioners
John Shorrock was elected to be chairman for this meeting (proposed by John Heap, seconded by Ruth Rigg)

190107-2 Apologies
Steve Capstick and Anne Fitzherbert

190107-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting

The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 13-12-2018 as a true and accurate record.

190107-4 Chairman’s announcements

a) During the three months from 7th January, Middleshaw Lane will be closed from Limefoot to its junction with
the B6254 for two days for resurfacing work.
b) The annual parish litter pick will be held on Saturday 23rd March starting at 1pm

190107-5 Declaration of interests

John Heap declared an interest in item 7a and took no part in the discussion of it.

190107-6 Open session

A question was asked about a new road entrance along Gatebeck Lane opposite the entrance to Holmescales Quarry.
Further enquiries will be made.

190107-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2018/0999 - Dormer to east elevation with glazed doors leading to balcony and external escape steps at
Helm View, Popplemire Lane. The Council had no objection to the proposed dormer window but had
reservations about the proposed fire escape on the front of the building as less-intrusive alternatives seem to
be available.
b) The progress of the following applications was noted:
SL/2018/0917, 0918 and 0921 - Construction Method Statements & Traffic Management Plan for the UU
compounds for the pipeline project. Permission granted on 10-12-2018.
SL/2018/0973 - Single storey rear extension with overhanging roof and raising roof to existing former side
extension to create additional first floor accommodation at Middleshaw House. The parish Council had no
objection to this application.

190107-8 Re-opening of Holmescales Quarry

Whether the screening and scoping report published by Aggregate Industries UK Ltd includes all issues to be
addressed in the environment impact assessment which the company has to prepare as part of a future planning
application to extend quarrying at Holmescales Quarry was discussed at length. The following issues will be submitted
for inclusion:
 There are many proposed desk-top surveys; most of the issues should be examined through field surveys.
 Section 106 conditions to previous planning approvals have not always been observed. The EIA must show
how policies and practices for implementing section 106 conditions relating to the environment will be
 A safe environment is needed around Old Hutton School. The previous planning approval required that no
lorries must pass it between 8am and 9am and between 3pm and 4pm. The same restrictions are sought.
 Road safety along a longer length of the B6254 is also needed. Between Middleshaw and the Hutton Gate
crossroads there are steep hills. The possibility of introducing a 20mph limit should be explored.
 Since the previous planning permission was granted more cars are being parked along the B6254 in St.John’s
and Bridge End, sometimes on both sides of the road. As it is proposed that work will start at the quarry at
7am, it will sometimes happen that the large lorries will not be able to get through the narrow gaps between
parked cars. The EIA should examine how this problem will be solved.
 During the construction of the extension to the Hutton Substation, the large lorries damaged the retaining
walls beside the B6254 on St.Sunday’s Hill (just east of St.Sunday’s Beck). Stones fell and destroyed the
tyres of several cars. The lorries also cut the corner immediately east of St.Sunday’s Bridge creating a deep
rut in the verge with a sharp edge to the tarmac. The rut has never been filled and is a continuing danger to
vehicles. The EIA must address how monitoring of damage to the road and its edges is to be maintained. It
could be done by a preliminary photographic survey like Google’s Street View.
 The EIA should examine whether more and longer passing places are needed along the narrow lane from the
Hutton Gate crossroads to Gatebeck and beyond.
 When the previous planning permission was granted, the quarry’s owners erected a stock-proof fence on the
eastern side of the quarry. However, it was not placed on their land. It was erected on the eastern side of the
quarry boundary wall. The wall has been allowed to collapse along much of its length. Walls form a habitat for
many species and collapsed walls are unsightly in the environment. The EIA should address the rebuilding
and maintenance of the boundary walls.
 The wider area surrounding the quarry has a network of ancient walls. Neighbouring landowners have
complained that on many occasions blasting has shaken the ground and formed wall gaps. As it is proposed
that blasting will occur every two years, the blasts are likely to be large. It is suggested that the quarry owners
should use a drone to photograph all walls within, say, 1Km just before a blast and again two weeks
afterwards. Comparison will quickly identify gaps caused by the explosions and the quarry’s owners can then
pay for repairs to maintain the surrounding environment.
 The deepening and extension of the quarry will cause more water to accumulate in it. The EIA should
describe how it is to be purified and returned to a local beck. A full ecological survey of the streams
(Barkhouse Beck? and Peasey Beck) is needed before quarrying is resumed and annually during it. There is
concern that the rare white clawed crayfish and other species will be harmed by increased particulate matter
flowing from the quarry.
 A detailed ecological survey done in the field is needed for the quarry and the immediate area around it. It is
known that the oldest part of the quarry has nesting peregrine falcons, two pairs of ravens, great crested
newts and bats. A chough has also been seen occasionally. It is possible that species have now colonised the
newer part of the quarry as there has been little industrial activity there for several years. Proposals to
safeguard these and other species are needed.
 The Parish Council urged that community engagement is needed and Aggregate Industries should consider
setting up a Community Fund for all issues in the affected parishes.

190107-9 Payment of accounts none

190107-10 Financial report

The Community Account balance is currently £1775.79 with £639.95 in the Business Saver Account.

190107-11 Budget 2019/20

a) The purchase of two speed indicator devices is likely to increase the insurance premium for 2019/20 by £50.
b) The Helm Youth Group will be given a section 137 award each year to meet the cost of the standing charge of
their electricity meter as the main user of power is the B4RN broadband cabinet which supplies the whole of
the parish and parts of the parishes of New Hutton and Preston Patrick (proposed by Ruth Rigg, seconded by
Alison Nelson). £100 was allocated to this for 2019/20.
c) The amended budget and precept for 2019/20 was confirmed (proposed by John Heap, seconded by John
Shorrock) [see the revised budget on the parish website]

190107-12 Correspondence
20-12-2018 – from CALC – December newsletter [forwarded to councillors]

190107-13 Community resilience

a) The construction of a parish emergency plan was begun. Nine residents were identified who, it was thought,
might wish to be on the priority services register, especially for electricity and water. All residents will also be
informed of how to be placed on the register. Details of how to be on the Cumbria Community Messaging
System will also be sent to all residents on the parish council’s email list.
b) Work on an emergency plan (potential emergencies, triggers, available resources and contacts, and risk
assessment) will begin at the next Parish Council meeting.

190107-14 Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be on either the 7th, 14th or 21st March.

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone – 01539-725955 e-mail –

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