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Desi Anglia nu este o regiune cu munti inalti are o varietate frumoasa de dealuri.
Daca intrebi majoritatea britanicilor sa isi imagineze un scenariu, cu siguranta va
include o priveliste de pe varful unui deal si o cascada. Doar in cateva regiuni din
estul Angliei, sunt campii netede. Altfel, peisajele sunt pline de dealuri, mai mari
sau mai mici si reprezinta un factor important in viata englezilor. Dealurile separa
un oras sau un sat de altul si au rolul de paravan in fata vanturilor puternice.
Culorile sunt mereu altele in functie de lumina soarelui si sunt un simbol al
aventurii. Varfurile cele mai inalte se afla in Tara Galilor in partea de vest si in
nordul Scotiei. Ambele regiuni au si munti in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Zonele
muntoase scotiene sunt deosebite, acoperite cu straturi groase de granit si brazdate
de lagune inguste.


Ajung la munca la 7.00 in fiecare zi. Asa ma asigur ca am timp ca toate conditiile
pentru pacientii mei sunt perfecte. Trebuie sa iau probe de sange de la pacienti si sa
verific nivelul urgentelor. De la ora 9, vin rezidentii . Sunt doua grupe si vin in ture
in fiecare saptamana. De la ora 9 am pana la 9 pm sunt la datorie. Ma asigur ca
programul chirurgilor este corect scris si ca toate lucrurile se intampla in timp util.
In restul zilei vizitez pacientii, le verific fisele si starea de sanatate. Am mereu o
asistenta cu mine sau rezidenti care ma ajuta sa administrez dozele de
medicamente corespunzatoare. Unele tratamente trebuie schimbate in functie de
evolutia pacientilor asa ca uneori prescriu si retete. Cand termin cu vizitele si
medicamentele , pun la punct documentatia pacientilor. Toate sunt ordonate pentru
a avea o evidenta cat mai clara. Procedurile sunt destul simple. Necesita doar
atentie si putina concentrare.

II.Read through the text and choose ONE answer for each question.

1. Pet Doctor There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with
children or animals". It's a pity that Herman Gross has never heard this piece
of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay attention to it. It's not so much that
Pet Doctor is a bad film, although I can't really find many reasons for saying
it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry. Gross is a good actor. His
appearance on the New York stage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and
Juliet showed that he really can act. So what's he doing in this nonsense? It's
a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by
looking after the local children's pets than he is by looking after humans.
Then he gets into trouble with the police, because he doesn't have the right
sort of licence to do this and, surprise, surprise, the children and their pets
find a way to solve his problems. I won't say how, as it's the only part of the
film that's even slightly original or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd be
annoyed with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a
cinema near you stay in and shampoo the cat
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
a. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.
b. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.
c. Give his or her opinion about Pet Doctor.
2. The text gives the reader ...
a. information about a new film.
b. ideas about how animals should be cared for.
c. news about the lives of film stars.

3. The writer thinks that Pet Doctor is ...

a. amusing.
b. original.
c. not worth seeing.
4. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet?
a. It's an example of a really good play.
b. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.
c. The central characters are very young.

5. Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor?

a. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything
goes wrong and he is sent to prison.
b. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed.
But it all finishes happily.
c. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients.
People are dying, the animals are cured, then the police arrive . . .

2. The Body Shop When I opened the first 'Body Shop' in 1976 my only object
was to earn enough to feed my children. Today `The Body Shop' is an
international company rapidly growing all around the world. In the years
since we began I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be
found in this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something
worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what
we really believe in. It's not a normal business book, nor is it just about my
life. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different.
Business can be fun, a business can be run with love and it can do good. In
business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of family and to
feel excited by the unexpected. I have always wanted the people who work
for 'The Body Shop' to feel the same way. Now this book sends these ideas
of mine out into the world, makes them public. I'd like to think there are no
limits to our 'family', no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting
thought. I hope you do, too.

1. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this text?
a. To tell the reader her life story.
b. To introduce her ideas to the reader.
c. To explain how international companies operate.

2. What would someone learn from this text?

a. How to make a lot of money.
b. How to write a book about business.
c. What the writer's book is about.

3. How does the writer feel about the business she runs?
a. She just runs it for her own entertainment.
b. It is not like any other company.
c. It is likely to become even more successful.

4. What kinds of workers does the writer like to employ?

a. Workers who get on well with the public.
b. Workers who have the same attitude as she does.
c. Workers who have their own families.

5. What kind of person does the writer seem to be?

a. She seems to be someone with strong opinions.

b. She doesn't seem to be very confident.
c. She sees running a business as just a job.

3. Photo printing firm pays out compensation Charlotte King made a once-in-a-
lifetime visit to China last October and took lots of photographs. When she
got back she decided to send away her films for printing one at a time. In
this way she would more easily be able to match her photographs to the
diary she had kept while she was there. It was a good thing that she did,
because the first film she sent to the company for printing was lost. Miss
King was very upset that she would never see her precious pictures of
Shanghai and Souzhou. The company offered her a free roll of film, but
Miss King refused to accept this offer and wrote back to say that their offer
wasn't enough. They then offered her £20 but she refused this too and asked
for £75, which she thought was quite fair. When the firm refused to pay she
said she would go to court. Before the matter went to court, however, the
firm decided to pay Miss King £75. This shows what can be done if you
make the effort to complain to a firm or manufacturer and insist on getting
fair treatment.
1. What is the writer trying to do?
a. To complain about photographic printing.
b. To give advice on how to complain.
c. To inform us about legal problems.

2. This text is from ...

a. a diary.
b. a letter. c.
a newspaper.

3. Before her visit, Charlotte had ...

a. been to China once before.
b. never been to China before.
c. already been to China several times.

4. It was a good thing that Miss King sent her films away one at a time because ...
a. not all the films were lost.
b. she was offered a free roll of film.
c. she was able to complete her diary.

5. When Miss King said she would go to court, the company ...
a. offered her £20.
b. said their offer wasn't enough.
c. made the decision to pay £75.
4. The Toy Museum This museum is in the centre of the town, a few metres from
the cathedral, and near the market. It contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games
and pastimes, mechanical and constructional toys. In this collection there are toys
made by all sorts of toy manufacturers from the most important to the smallest,
including the most ordinary toys and the most precious. There are also records of
children's pastimes over the last hundred and fifty years. Most major
manufacturing countries of Europe had toy industries in the last century; French
and German factories produced millions of toys each year. Many collectors of toys
think that the second half of the nineteenth century was the best period for toy
production and the museum has many examples of toys from this period which are
still in perfect condition. There is now a growing interest in the toys of the 1920s
and 1930s and as a result of this the museum has begun to build up a collection
from these years. Visitors to the museum will find that someone is always
available to answer questions - we hope you will visit us. Hours of opening 10.00-
17.30 every day (except December 25 and 26)

1. This writing is from ...
a. an advertisement.
b. a school history book.
c. a storybook.

2. What is the writer trying to do?

a. To give advice.
b. To give opinions.
c. To give information.

3. The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because ...
a. it is located in the middle of town.
b. many consider this period the best for manufactured toys.
c. visitors are interested in toys from that time.

4. What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased attention?

a. Every day except in December.
b. The 1920s and 1930s.
c. The 20th century.
5. Which of the following advertisements would you find outside the Toy
a. Toys of Ancient Civilizations
b. BEFORE TV! - a special exhibition of indoor games from 1890 to 1940
c. How Children Dressed 1600 - 1900 "Clothes for all Ages"

6.Crystal Cruises - Luxury Every Day

Come and sail on a Crystal Cruise ship. We have three ships: The Crystal Queen,
The Crystal Princess, The Crystal Palace.

Come and sail in luxury on cruises around the Caribbean Sea for 7 or 14 days.

Our seven-day cruise costs $2000 and our two-week cruise is $3500.

A typical one week cruise

 Day One - departure from Miami

 Day Two - free day in Nassau, in The Bahamas

 Day Three - near Haiti

 Day Four - visit Puerto Rico and Antigua

 Day Five - free day in Barbados

 Day Six - free day in Port of Spain, Trinidad

 Day Seven - travel to Caracas, Venezuela

 Day Eight - fly home.

All food and drink is included in the price of your cruise (except for alcoholic
drinks). Our cruise ships all have a casino, a cinema, a five-star restaurant, a
theatre, a library and a fully equipped gymnasium.
If you prefer to go on a cruise in another part of the world, we also organize cruises
in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean.

Our ships carry over 2000 passengers and we have nearly 600 crew members.

So come on board today for the holiday of a lifetime!

Call immediately: 020-4455832

Your cruise starts in The Bahamas.


2. You have a free day in Antigua.


3. You can go on a cruise for two weeks.


4. There are three different ships in the Crystal Cruises company.


5. There is a cinema on board each ship.


6. The cruise finishes in a different country.

7. You can keep fit while you are on board the cruise ship.

8. The company only does cruises in the Caribbean.


III.Choose the correct verb form.

1 - I have / am having a great time on this holiday.

2 - She's Italian- she comes / is coming from Pisa.

3 - 'Are you enjoying / do you enjoy your meal?' 'Yes, it's very good.'

4 - This term, I study / am studying Latin.

5 - Do you come / are you coming to see us next month?

6 - Let me know when you receive / are receiving this letter.

8 - Water boils / is boiling at a hundred degrees.

10 - I make / am making a lot of progress at the moment.

11 - It worries / is worrying me a lot at the moment.

12 - I get / am getting up at seven o'clock on weekdays.

IV.Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense or
present continuous tense.
1. Right now I (watch) _____________ a movie. I (watch) _______ a lot of
2. Rickie (be) _______ my friend. We (like) _______ to talk together. Right
now we (talk) ______________ about school.
3. The police officer (wear) ________ a badge and a gun to work every day.
4. Jaime usually (eat) _______ cold cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat)
_______ ________ oatmeal instead.
5. Alison and I (study) _______ _______ for the exam. We (not, want)
_______ ______________ to fail it!
6. Jonas (sing) ________ in the band on Saturdays, and Veda (play) _______
the guitar.
7. My uncle (live) _______ in Tennessee. I (live) _______ in North Carolina.
8. My mom (cook) ______________ dinner tonight. (You, want)
_______ to eat with us?
9. Tiffany and Mark (travel) ______________ to Spain. They will stay in
10. We (read) _______ the newspaper every morning.

V.Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense or
present continuous tense.

1. My favourite aunt, Monica, ____________ (teach) archeology at the

university. Right now she ____________ (give) a class on the art of ancient
She ____________ (do) a lot of sports and ____________ (go) to the cinema
regularly. This month, she ____________ (learn) to hang glide. But she also
____________ (climb) mountains every weekend and ____________ (do)
scuba diving when she is on holidays.

VI. Use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses.

1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.

2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now?
3. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak) Dutch.
4. My friend always (tell) me the truth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now.
5. I usually (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast.
6. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one.
7. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don`t worry! I (know) what I (do).
8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet, the photographer
(watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.
9. You (eat) fruit every day? What`s the name of the fruit you (eat) with such
10.She (adore) French perfume but I can`t guess what perfume she (wear)
11.She (not understand) what the teacher (explain) now.
12.She (say) she (love) him very much now.
13.I (not recognize) the man who (give) a talk.
14.You usually (not drink) coffee at this time? What is that you (drink) now?
15.I (hear) Nick (want) to know where you (live) now.
16.I (feel) he (have) a lot of problems with his elder son at the moment.
17.I generally (feel) well in summer but right now I (feel) miserable.
18.Paul (feel) that his uncle John (notice) all his faults.
19.Frieda (hate) it when it (rain) outdoors.
20.We (think) they (try) to make up quarrel.
21.The pop-concert (take) place on Saturday. They still (sell) the tickets.
22.What platform the train for Sochi (leave)? – According to the time-table it
always (start) from platform two.
23.The night-show (open) at 10.30 this evening.
24.It`s a national holiday today. The bank (work)?
25.Nelly, why you (hurry) so much? – My plane (leave) at 7.45.

VII. Present Simple Tense OR Present Continuous Tense

 She ____________ (run) because she’s late for her lesson.
 Our teacher always ____________ (give) us lots of homework.
 We _________________ (not/want) to g oto the concert.
 People ___________ (speak) Turkish in Turkey.
 Richard ______________ (not/use) his computer at the moment.
 ____________ (he/live) near the park?
 Sally ____________ (get up) at 8.00 o’clock every morning.
 John often _____________ (do) his homework every evening, but he
__________ (play) football at the moment.
 Look! They ____________ (watch) TV.
 At weekends my mother ___________ (wake up) late because she
___________ (not/work) on Satudays and Sundays.
 I ____________ (like) hanging out with my friends.
 Listen! Suzy ___________ (sing) in the bathroom.
 I ____________ (chat) with my friends at the moment.
 Cats ____________ (eat) mice.
 Shhhhh! Be quiet! My daughter ____________ (sleep).
 I can’t come to the party because I _____________ (go) to cinema tonight.
 Where is Mrs Brown?
She ________________ (talk) on the phone.
VIII.Choose A, AN or THE for each blank below, then click the "Check" button to check your

1.Do you have bigger room in the hotel? In fact, I'd like
biggest room you have available. How much would that cost night?

2. Honestly, this is last time I am going to tell you to clean up your room.
You are messiest kid on the planet.

3. He's much fitter person than I am; he jogs at least five times

4. Fred always says dogs make best pets. But between his cat and his
dog, his cat is more loyal of the two.

5. I think this is worst idea you have ever had. We need to find
better way to do this.

6. Tomorrow, we will take second train from Suzhou to Shanghai,

and following day, we will fly to Beijing.

7. That brand of organic coffee costs $85 pound! That's most

outrageous price I've ever seen. I think I need to look for cheaper brand.

8. The computer science instructor thought Fikret was more gifted

programmer than most professionals she had worked with. In fact, she told me he
was most gifted programmer she had taught in many years.
9. I bought lightest backpacking tent the company makes. It's made
of much stronger material than my last tent.

10. Last week was first time that I had ever played golf, and I really felt
like I was worst player ever. But this week, I played with my boss and
he's even worse player than I am. It may be shocking, but between me
and my boss, I think I am actually better player.

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