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Anxiety: A Treatable Psychological Illness


A Research Paper
Submitted to
F.Torres High School


As a Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
English 9


Anxiety:A Treatable Psychological Illness

F.Torres High School


A.Significance of the Study

Anxiety disorder reflect disorders that share a general feature of excessive fear (i.e.
emotional response to perceived or real threat) and or anxiety (i.e. anticipation of future
threat and demonstrate behavioral and functional disturbances as a result. It’s normal to feal
anxious about moving to a new place,starting a new job or taking a test.This type of anxiety
is unpleasant,but it may motivate you to work harder and to do a better job. Ordinary anxiety
is a feeling that comes and goes but does not interfere with your everyday life.Anxiety is
your body’s natural response to stress.It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to
come. The first day of school going to a job interview ,or giving a speech may cause most
people to feel fearful and nervous.

B.Statement of the Problem

This research paper is about “Anxiety:A Treatable Psychological Illness”

Specifically,it aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is Anxiety?
2. How did Anxiety start?
3. When Did Anxiety become a disorder?
4. What are the symptoms of Anxiety?
5. What does Anxiety do to the body?
6. What are the signs of Anxiety?
7. Is Anxiety harmful?
8. Is Anxiety dangerous to your health?
9. What are the types of Anxiety
10. Is Anxiety treatable?
11. What is the diagnosis for Anxiety?
12. What are the best medicines that to be given to the person have a anxiety?
13. What are the ways to treat Anxiety?
14. What are the potential risk factor that may lead to Anxiety?
15. What is the average age for Anxiety?
16. What is the best medication for Anxiety?
17. Is Anxiety can be controlled?
18. Who could have Anxiety?
19. Does Anxiety worsen with age?
20. Can you die because of Anxiety Disease?

C.Definition Of Terms

The following words are defined for better understanding of this research paper.

1. Neurasthenia-a condition that is characterized especially by physical and mental

exhaustion usually with accompanying symptoms (such as headache and irritability)
is of unknown cause but is often associated with depression or emotional stress and is
sometimes considered similar to or identical with chronic fatigue syndrome.
2. Cascade-a large amount of something that flows or hangs down.
3. Chronic-continuing or occurring again and again for a long time.
4. Scrutinized-to examine carefully especially in a critical way.
5. Elevated-raise above the ground higher than normal.
6. Palpitations-to beat quickly and strongly and often in a way that is not regular because
of excitement,nervousness etc…
7. Antidepressant-are drugs used for the treatment of major depressive disorder and of
other conditions , including some anxiety disorders, some chronic pain conditions and
to help manage some addictions.Typical side-effects of andtidepressants include dry
mouth,weight gain and lack of sex drive.
8. Seizure-is a sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. It can cause
changes in your behavior movements or feelings in levels of consciousness. If you
have two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures you have
9. Recurrent-occuring often or repeatedly.
10. Anguished-experiencing or expressing severe mental or physical pain or suffering.


II. Facts about “Anxiety”


1,)A Anxiety is a state of emotional and physical disturbance induced in a person

by a real or imagined threat.In psychiatry the term refers to distrubances caused
by threats that are only apparent to the patient and cause him to behave in a way
that is noy relevant to the true situation.Many psychiatric schools define anxiety
more narrowly,based on the theories of its cause


. 1.) In April 1869, a young doctor in New York name George Miller
Beard,writing in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,coined a term for what
he believed to be a new and distinctively American affliction,one he had seen in
“weakness”.Reffering to it sometimes as “nervous exhaustion” he argued that
middle and upper classes especially the brain workers in almost every household
of the Northern and Eastern States whose nervous systems where overtaxed by a
rapidly modernizing American civilization. Beard believed that he himself had
suffered from neurasthenia but had overcome it in his early 20’s. And nowadays
Beard’s anxious suffering was prompted largely by his uncertainly about what
career to pursue.Though there is also evidence that he anguished over his lack of
religious commitment.(

C.Anxiety become a disorder

1. We all have anxiety from time to time.It’s normal human reaction that serves
us well against an impending attack,triggering ahost of biological responses that
temporary boost our immune system,suppress pain and release a surge of energy.
In simple terms, anxiety is vital to survival.But when anxiety becomes persistent
unprovoked and interferes with daily life ,it may signal a bigger problem.The
chemical changes released by stress are intended to be immediate and short-
lived.Without the chance to recede to normal levels, they wreck havoc on the
body and mind.(Bootzin,1975,97)

D.Symptoms Caused by Anxiety

Common Symptoms are:

 Feeling Nervous
 Having a sense of impending danger
 Having an increased heart rate
 Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
 Sweating
 Trembling
 Feeling weak or tired
 Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present
 Having trouble sleeping experiencing gastroinstestinal (GI) problems.
 Having difficullty controlling worry
 Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety (Roediger III,1987,66)

E. Anxiety do to the Body

1. Anxiety can have a significant effect on the body and long term anxiety increases the
risk of developing chronic physical conditions.The Medical community suspects that anxiety
develops in the amygdala ,an area of the brain that manages emotionall responses. When a
person becomes anxious,stressed or frightened the brain sends signal to other parts of the
body. The signals communicate that the body should prepare to fight or flee.

2.The flight or flight response is useful when confronting an aggressive person but it is less
helpful when going for a job interview or giving a presentation Also it is not healthy for this
response to response to persist in the long term.(

F. Signs that you have a Anxiety

A.Excessive Worrying

-One of the most common symptoms of an Anxiety disorder is disproportionate to the

events that trigger it and typically occurs it response to normal,everyday situations.

B.Feeling Agitated

-When someone is feeling anxious part of their sympathetic nervous system goes into

-These kicksoff a cascade of effects throughout the body,such as a racing pulse,sweaty

palms,shaky hands and dry mouth.


-Is another common symptom of anxiety,especially in children and teens.Is the inability to
rest or relax as aa result of anxiety or boredom.

-A lack of patience,irritation with anything that causes delay

It is characterized by:

 Showing inability to remain at rest

 Unquiet or uneasy as a peron the mind or the heart
 Never at rest ; perpetually agitated or in motion

When someone is experiencing restlessness,they often describe it as feeling “on edge” or

having an “uncomfortable urge to move”.


-Become easily fatigued is another potential symptom of generalized anxiety disorder.For

some fatigue can follow an anxiety attack,while for others the fatigue can be chronic.

E.Difficulty Concentrating

-Many people with anxiety report having difficulty concentrating.Some studies shows that
anxiety can interrupt working memory, a type of memory responsible for holding short term
information.This may help explain the dramatic decreasea in performance people often
experience during periods of high anxiety.


-Accoring to one recent study including over 6,000 adults more than 90% of those with
generalized anxiety disorder reported feeling highly irritable during periods when their
anxiety disorder was at it’s worst.

G.Tense Muscles

-Having tense muscles on most days of the week is another frequent symptom of
anxiety.While tense muscles maybe common, it’s not fully understood why their associated
with anxiety.

H,Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep

-Sleep disturbances are strongly associated with anxiety disorders.Waking up in the middle
of the night and having trouble falling asleep are the two most commonly reported problems.

I.Panic Attacks

-One type of anxiety disorder called panic disorder is associated with recurring panic
attacks.Panic attacks produce on intense, overwhelming sensation of fear that can be

J.Avoiding Social Situations

-You may be exhibiting signs of social anxiety disorder if you fing yourself:

 Feeling Anxious or fearful about upcoming social situations.

 Worried that you may be judged or scrutinized by others.
 Fearlful of being embarrassed or humiliated in front of others.
 Avoiding certain social events because of these fears.

K.Irrational Fears

-Extreme fears about specific things,such as spiders,enclosed spaces or heights,could bee a

sign of a phobia.

A phobia is defined as extreme anxiety or fear about a specific object or situation.The feeling
is severe enough that it interferes with your ability to function normally.

Some common phobias are:

 Animal Phobias
 Natural Environment Phobias
 Blood Injection,Injury Phobias
 Situational Phobias

Agoraphobia-is another phobia that involves feat at least two of the following:

 Using public transportation

 Being in open spaces
 Being in enclose spaces
 Standing in line or being in a crowd
 Being outside of the home alone

Phobias affect 12.5% of Americans at somepoint in their lives.They tend to develop in

childhood or the teenage years and are more common in women than

G.Anxiety Is not Harmful

1.While Anxiety itself isn’t harmful,the stress it credtis can be short episodes of high stress
are relatively harmless,but persistently elevated stress can harm the body,in fact its
commonly through that 94% of all illness is cause or aggravated by stress.So persistently
elevated stress isn’t something to by taken tightly.(Foster,1951,54)

H.Anxiety is Dangerous To Our Health

1.It is so very dangerous to our health because if we have anxiety it can lead to many
diseases if were not threatened correctly. Anxiety disorders can happen at any stage of
life,but they usually begin by middle age .Women are more likely to have an anxiety disorder
than men says the (National Institute of Mental Health).(Mc.Gaugh,1977,89)

I.Types Of Anxiety

They are five major types of Anxiety:

1.Generalized Anxiety Disorder

-Is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety exaggerated worry and tension even
when there is little or nothing to provoke it.

2.Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder

-Is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent unwanted thought (obsessions) and
repetitive behaviors (compulsions).Repetitive behaviors such as hand
washing,counting,checking or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing
obsessive tought or making them go away.

3.Panic Disorder

-Is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense
fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain,heart
palpitations,shortness of breath,dizziness or abdominal distress.

4.Post Traumatic -Stress Disorder (PTSD)

-Is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or deal in which
grave physical harm occurred or was threatened.

5.Social Phobia

-Is an anxiety disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self

consciousness in everyday social situations. (

J.Anxiety is Treatable

1.Fortunately,anxiety disorders are highly treatable conditions for the majority of

sufferers.As its name implies,this anxiety disorder is characterized by a general sense of
excessive worry and tension.It often begins in childhood or early adulthood.It is chronic or
ongoing and highly treatable (Roediger III,1987,67)

K.Diagnosis for Anxiety

1.Do a physical exam to llok for signs that your anxiety might be linked to medications or an
underlying medical condition.

2.Order blood or urine tests or other tests if a medical condition is suspected.

3.Ask detailed questions about your symptoms and medical history.

4.Use psychological questionnaire to help determine a diagnosis.

5.Use the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-S)
published by the American Psychiatric Association (

L.Best Medicines to be given to the person have a Anxiety

-The most prominent of anti anxiety drugs. For the purpose of immediate relief are those
known as benzodiazepines.


-Benzodiazepines,sometimes called “benzos” are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core

chemical structure is the fusion of a venzene ring and a diazepine ring.

Among these are:

Alprazolam (Xanax)

-Alprazolam,sold as the trade name Xanax among others,is a short-acting benzodiazepines.It

is most commonly used in short term management of anxiety disorders,specifically panic
disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.Other uses include nausea together with other


-Clonazepam,sold under the brand name Klonopin among others is a medication used to
prevent and treat seizures,panic disorder and for the movement disorder known as akathisia.It
is a tranquilizer of the benzodiazepine class.It is taken by mouth.

Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

-Chlordiazepoxide,trade name Librium is a sedative and hypnotic medication of the

benzodiazepine class; it is used to teat anxiety,insomnia and withdrawal symptoms from
alcohol and or drug abuse. Chlordiazepoxide has a medium to long half-life but its active
metabolite has a very long half life.


-Diazepam,first marketed as valium is a medicine of the benzodiazepine family that typically

produces a calming effect.It is commonly used to treat a range of conditions including
anxiety alcohol withdrawal syndrome,muscle spasms,seizures,trouble sleeping and restless
legs syndrome.

Lorazepam (Ativan)

-Sold under the brand name Ativan among others,is a benzodiazepine medication.It is used to
treat anxiety disorders,trouble sleeping,active seizures including status epilepticus,alcohol
withdrawal and chemotherapy included nausea and vomiting.(

M.Ways to treat Anxiety

Several ways to treat Anxiety


-Is a great way to burn off anxious energy, and research tends to support this use.


-Can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety.

3.Relaxation Exercises

-Some people unconsciously tense the muscles and clench the jaw in response to anxiety.

4, Writing

-Finding a way to express anxiety can make it feel more manageable.Some research suggests
that journaling and other form of wring can help people to cope better with anxiety.

5.Time Management Strategies

-Some people feel anxious if they have too many commitments at once.Thse may involve
family,work and health related activities.Having a plan in place for the next necessary action
can help to keep this anxiety at by.


-Smelling soothing plant oils can help to ease stress and anxiety.Certain scents work better
for some people than others, so consider experimenting with various options.

7.Cannabidiol Oil

-Is a derivative of the cannabis or marijuana plant.CBD oil is helping to reduce anxiety and

8.Herbal Teas

-Many herbal taeas promise to help with anxiety and ease sleep.

9.Herbal Supplements

-Like herbal teas,many herbal supplements claim to reduce anxiety,However little scientific
evidence support these claims.

10.Time with Animals

-Pets offer companionship,love and support.Research published in 2018 confirmed that pets
can be beneficia to people with a anxiety or a variety of mental health

N.Potential Risk Factor that may lead to Anxiety

Factors that may lead to Anxiety


-Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the mind that occurs a result of distressing
event.Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s
ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience.Trauma may result
from a single distressing experience or recurring events of being overwhelmed that can be
precipitated in weaks, years or even decadeds as the person struggles to cope with the
immediate circumstances,eventually leadting to serious, long-term negative consequences.

2.Stress due to an Illness

-Studies have found many health problems related to stress.Stress seems to worsen or
increase the risk of conditions like obesity,heart disease Alzheimers Disease, Diabeates,
Depression.Gastrointestinal problems and asthma.Before you gaet too stressed out about
being stressed out, there is some good news.

3.Stress Buildup

-The theory of culmulative stress.How to revcover when stress builds up.For most
people,stress is ismply a fact of life and you need to learn how to manage it .Simply ignoring
the stress in your life can cause it to snowball and take a physical toll .Deal with your stress
when it starts to build up.


-Is defined as the characteristics sets of behaviors,cognitions and emotional patterns that
evolve from a biological and environmental factors.While there is no generally agreed upon
definition of personality,most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions
with one’s environment.

Bipolar Disorder

-A mental condition marked by alternating periods of elation and depression.


-Is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel,the way you
think and how you act .Fortunately it is also treatable.

Eating Disorder like:

Anorexia Nervosa

-Is an eating disorder characterized by weight loss.

Bulimia Nervosa

-Also known as simply bulimia,is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed
by purging.

Binge Eating Disorder

-Is a severe life threatening and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes
of eating large quantity of food.

Having Blood Relatives with an Anxiety Disorder

-Can run in families .Drugs or alcohol .Drug or alcohol use or misuse or withdrawal can
cause or worsen anxiety.

Drugs And Alcohol

Combinations of common drug and alcohol:

 Cocaine and Alcohol

 Heroin and Alchol
 Ecstasy and Alcohol
 Marijuana and Alcohol
 Painkillers and Alcohol
 Antidepressants and Alcohol
 Sleeping Pills and Alcohol (

O.Average age for Anxiety

1, 31 years old

-The average age to ave an anxiety is 31 yrs.old because many people with an anxiety
disorder also have a co-occuring disorder or physical illness,which can make their symptoms
worse and recovery more difficult ,It’s essential to be treated for both

P.Best Medication for Anxiety


We need to give a medicines like :


 Prozac or Sarafem
 Lelexa
 Zoloft
 Paxil,Paxeva or Brisdelle
 Lexapro

SNRI’s include:

 Effexor xR (Venlaxafine)
 Cymbalta (Duloxetine)


-sometimes called “benzo”are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core chemical structure is
the fusion of a berizene ring and a diazepine ring.

 Xanax (Alprazolam)
 Klonopin (Clonazepam)
 Ativan (Lorazepam)
 Valium (Diazepam)


-Sold under the brand name Atarax among others is a medication of the antihistamine type. It
is used in the treatment of itchiness,anxiety and nausea including that due to motion sickness.

Side Effects:

 Dizziness
 Headaches
 Nausea
 Nervousness
 Light-headedness
 Excitement
 Trouble Sleeping

Beta Blockers

Also known as beta adrenergic blocking agents.Are medications that reduce your blood
pressure.Beta blaockers work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine also known
as adrenaline. (Foster,1951,59-63)

Q.Anxiety Can Be Controlled

1.It can be controlled and it can be stop feeling anxious right now.While its normal to get
nervous about an important event or life change, about 40 million Americans live with an
anxiety disorder,which is more than the occasional worry or fear.Anxiety disorders can range
from a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),Which is intense worrying that you can’t
control,to panic disorder sudden episodes of fear along with heart
palpitations,trembling,shaking or sweating.

Some Ways to Stop Anxiety:

1.Stay in your time zone

-Anxiety is a future oriented state of mind.So instead of worrying about whats going to
happen.”Fell yourself back to the present”Tamar Chansky Ph.D a psychologist and author of
Freing Yourself into Anxiety.Ask yourself,whats happening right now Am I safe? There is
something I need to do right now? If not, make an “ appointment” to check in with yourself
later in the day to revisit your worries so distant scenario don’t throw you off trap, she says.

2. Relabel whats happening

-Panic attacks can often make you feel like your dying or having a heart attack. Remind
yourself :im having a panic attack , but its harmless, its temporary, and theres nothing “ I
need to do”. Chansky says plus keep in mind it really is the opposite of a sign of impending
death. Your body is activating is tight or flight response the system that’s going to keep you
alive , she say.

3. Fast check your thoughts

-People with anxiety often fixate on worse case scenarios, chansky says to combat these
worries, thing about new realistic they are say youre nervous about a big presentation at
work. Rather than I think “Im going to bomb” for example, say “ im nervous, but im
prepared, somethings will and some may not “ she suggest”. Getting into a pattern of
rethinking your fears help trains your brain to come up with a rational way to deal with your
anxious thoughts.

4. Breath in and out

-Deep breathing helps you calm down. While you may have heard about specific breathing
exercises you don’t need to worry about counting out a certain number of breath , Chansky
says, instead just focus on evenly inhaling and exhaling. This will help slow down and re-
center your mind she says.

5.Follow the 3-3-3 rule

-Look around you and name three things you see. Then name three sound you hear. Finally,
move three parts of your body your ankle, fingers, or arm. Whenever you feel your brain
going 100 miles per hour . this mental trick can help center your mind bringing you back to
the present moment.

6. Just do something

-Stand up, take a walk throw away a piece of trash from your desk any action that interrupts
your brain helps you regain a sense of control.

7. Stand up straight

-When we are anxious, we protect our upper body, where our heart and lungs are located by
hunching over. Form an immediate physical antidote to his natural reaction, pull your
shoulders back, stand or sit with your feet apart and open your chest. This helps your body
start to sense that its back in control.

8. Stay away from sugar

-It may be tempting to reach for something sweet when your stress but that chocolate bar
cam do more harm than good as research shows that eating too much sugar can worsen
anxious feeling . instead, of reaching into a candy bowl, drink a glass of water or it protein,
chansky says which will provide as low energy can you use to recover.


9. Ask for second opinion

-Call or text a friend or family member and run through your worries with them, chansky
says, saying them aloud with someone else can help you to see them clearly for what they are
“it can also help to write your fears on paper”

10.Watch a funny video

-This final tactic maybe the easiest one cue up clips ofyour favorite comedian or funny tv
shows. Laughinng is a good prescription for an anxious mind, chansky says, research shows
that laughter has lots of benefits for mental health and well being : once study found that
humor could help lower anxiety as much as or even more than exercise.(McGaugh,1977,90-

R. People Who Could Have Anxiety

1. Anxiety disorders in seniors have been underestimated for several seasons. One of the
main reason is that all patients is most likely to emphasize their physical complaints and
downplay emotion all problems. Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect
approximately 40 Million American adults. They all involves excessice irrational, fear.
Anxiety disorders are chronic and can worsen if you untreaked. (RoedigerIII, 1987, 69)

S.Anxiety worsen with age

1. Until recently, anxiety disorder where believe to decline with age. There has been more
research to depression and alzheimers than anxiety among senior. But mental health experts
are altering their views about anxiety. In addition to psychological causes medical disorders
common in older adults can be directly responsible for anxiety we feel. This include heart
disease neurologic illness, thyroid and other homone problems. In addition anxiety can be a
drug site effect. And seniors take a lot of medicine.(Carlson, 1987,93)


T. Person can die because of Anxiety

1.Panic attacks can be one the scariest experiences to go through the attacks can range from a
sudden surge of fear than only last a few minutes to heart palpitations and shortness of breath
that mimic a heart attack. If you are experiencing panic attacks you may have a type of
anxiety disorder called panic disorder. It is estimated that almost 5% of American adults will
experience panic attacks at some point in their lives. (Gleitman,1987,47)


A.Restatement of the Problem

This research paper is about “Anxiety:A Treatable Psychological Illness”.The researacher

hopes that the following questions have been answered.

1. What is Anxiety?
2. How did it Anxiety Start?
3. When did Anxiety become a disorder?
4. What are the symptoms are cause by Anxiety?
5. What does anxiety do to the body?
6. What are the signs that you have a Anxiety?
7. Is anxiety harmful?
8. Is Anxiety dangerous to your health?
9. What are the types of Anxiety?
10. Is Anxiety treatable?
11. What is the diagnosis for Anxiety?
12. What are the medicine to be given to the person have a Anxiety?
13. What are the ways to treat Anxiety?
14. What are the potential risk factor that may lead to Anxiety?
15. What is the average age for Anxiety?
16. What is the best medication forAnxiety?
17. Is Anxiety can be controlled?
18. Who could have Anxiety?
19. Does Anxiety worsen with age?
20. Can you die because of Anxiety Disease?



I hereby recommend this research paper for all the people and to those who don’t know
things about Anxiety.This research can provide facts about Anaxiety ,information and also
aknowledge that will help others to prevent Anxiety or manage Anxiety better.I recommend
this for general reading because this research paper will help you to know facts about
Anxiety and how can you prevent it.

“Anxiety”.The Encyclopedia Americana.

II (1997 ed.),85.

“Anxiety”.The World Book Encyclopedia.

II (1997 ed.),85.

“Anxiety”.Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.

I (2010 ed.),562.

Bootzin,Richard R.Psychology Today:An Introduction.

New York:Random House Inc,1986.

Carlson,Neil R. Psychology The Science of Behavior.

United States of America: Allyn and Bacon INC.,1987.

Foster,Charles R.Psychology For Life Today.

United States of America:Psychology for life adjustment,1951.

Gleitman,Henry.Basic Psychology.
Canada:Penguin Bools Canada Ltd.,1987.
McGaugh,James L.Psychology I:An Experimental Approach.
California:Albion Publishing Company,1977.

Roediger,Henry L.Psychology Second Edition.

United States of America:Litte Brown and Company,1987

I would like to thank my teacher Mrs. Provido,whose helping me /us to do this research
paper.And I would like to say thank you again to my friends who help me do this
thesis/research paper.And especially to god for letting me overcome this challenge.Finally,I
would like to acknowledge with gratitude, the support and love of my family.They all kept
me going and this research paper would not have been possible without them.

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