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DeAMX, trc_'s .amx -> .

pwn decompiler


You may:
- Use this program free of charge
- Modify it
- Redistribute it with your changes, provided you keep
the name of the original author (i.e. don't pretend you
made it all by yourself) and this licence, and mention
that you changed it (plus eventually what changes you made).
- Use parts of this program in your own scripts, again
provided you mention that you used code from DeAMX and
name its author.

You are not allowed to:

- Distribute this program, with or without changes, with the
name of the author and/or this licence removed, and/or with
the claim that you or someone else than the original author
made it, because you didn't.
- Sell this program or a derivation of it.


The author is in no way responsible for what you do with this

decompiler. You are not allowed to decompile someone else's
script and re-release it as your own script, unless explicitely
approved by the script's author.


DeAMX is a collection of Lua scripts, which means you need

Lua to run it. If you don't have Lua yet, you can get it for
free from the official download page:

Once you have Lua, there are two ways to decompile a script:
- Place the .lua files and the .bat file in some folder,
edit the bat file in a text editor like Notepad, and make
sure the path to lua5.1.exe is correct. Save the file and
close it.

To run, open a command prompt in the folder where you placed

deamx, and type:

deamx path\to\amxfile.amx

- Or, place the .lua files in the folder where you installed
Lua, open a command prompt in the Lua folder, and type:

lua5.1 deamx.lua path\to\amxfile.amx

In both cases, the .amx file will be decompiled and the

resulting code will be placed in a .pwn file in the same
directory as the .amx file.

2008/02/08: v0.3
- Feature: Recognized types of function arguments are now propagated
- Feature: Return types of functions are now recognized
- Some minor fixes

2008/02/03: v0.2.1
- Fix: dimensions of global arrays with dimensions of the form [1][X]
were not recognized correctly

2008/02/01: v0.2
- Fix: signed number -64 was loaded as +64 during decompression
- Feature: ternary operators (condition ? truepart : falsepart) are now
- Feature: pre-/post increment/decrement are now recognized
- Several other minor fixes

2008/01/30: v0.1
initial public release

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