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Innovation. Experience. Flexibility. Quality.

Table of Contents
1. Overview................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Program START......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Program start....................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Login.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. The main window.................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Menubar............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1. Conrac.................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.2. Layout.................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3. Local.................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4. View.................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.5. Help.................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Toolbar............................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.1. Logout / Login...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2. Send data connected layouts to the server............................................................................................... 11
3.2.3. Test layouts on display:.......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.4. Remove actual layout from the system..................................................................................................... 13
3.2.5. Save.................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.6. Clone Layout........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.7. Send file to the server............................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.8. RSS feed............................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3. Layouts.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1. Table selection / Data selection / Special selection................................................................................... 16
3.3.2. Field selection area............................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.3. Format code......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.4. Format................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.3.5. Code Page........................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.6. Fonts.................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.7. Database fields..................................................................................................................................... 21
4. Configuration files of Page Manager.............................................................................................. 21
4.1. The file PageManager.ini.................................................................................................................................... 21

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Table of Figures
Figure 1…Splash screen Page Manager................................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2…Login window...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3…Main window....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4…Main window after selecting a layout..................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5…Dialog box „Config Paths“.................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6…Dialog box „Config Paths“ - Server IP..................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 7…Dialog box „Used pages“...................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 8…Dialog box „Synchronise files“............................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 9…Dialog box „Rename Page/Carousel“.................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 10…Dialog box „Delete“........................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 11…Dialog box „Change font“.................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 12…Dialog box: Test layout on display..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 13…Send data connected layouts to the server.......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 14…Dialog box „Included files“............................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 15…Dialog box „Paths“........................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 16…Copy existing pages / carousels........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 17…Send file to the server....................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 18…Layouts........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 19…Table selection / Data selection / Special selection.............................................................................................. 16
Figure 20…Field format..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 21…Section Items and Codeshares.......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 22…Field selection area.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 23…Dialog box „Format code“................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 24…Dialog box „Format“........................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 25…Dialog box „Code Page“.................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 26…Dialog box „Fonts“........................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 27…Dialog box „Database fields“............................................................................................................................ 21

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1. Overview
The Page Manager program allows the user to integrate layouts, which are created with the dZine
Pageeditor, into the FIDS. It is also possible to configure the layouts regarding selections and some other
special features, which will further be illustrated in this document.



Copyright CONRAC GmbH 2005-2011

Figure 1…Splash screen Page Manager

2. Program START
2.1. Program start
To start the program, simply double-
click the Page Manager icon on your

2.2. Login
After starting the program, the program will establish a
connection to the server. If the connection is established
the login mask will be displayed.
To login, the user must input the username and password.
If the user enters the wrong password or username, the
process has to be repeated.

Figure 2…Login window

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The main window

3. The main window

After a successful login the main screen appears. The
windows shows the menubar 1 , the toolbar 2 and the
layouts 3 . To show a complete view of all different
sections, open the subfolder in the “Layouts” tree and
double-click on an existing layout. The selected
configuration will be loaded into the Page Manager.

Figure 3…Main window

Figure 4…Main window after selecting a layout

The main screen is divided into 7 sections.

1 Menubar

2 Toolbar
3 Layouts

4 Table selection / Data selection

5 Field format selection

6 Fields section

7 Special settings

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The main window

3.1. Menubar
The menubar has 5 entries: Conrac, Layout, Local, View, Help.

3.1.1. Conrac Logout
Used to log the user out securely and setup for the next login. Properties
By clicking on the menu item „Properties“ an new window „Config Paths“ opens. Basic configurations have
to be set like project file path and server IP addresses. Path

Figure 5…Dialog box „Config Paths“

Project path: Defines the general path of the project

Paths: Subfolders ot the project path: in these folders all necessary files for the content are
stored, like pages, images, videos, media and fonts.

Check included...: with those checkboxes the user can decide if the files and folders will be checked
and that the files can be uploaded to the server.

Close button: Closes the dialog box and saves all changes

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The main window Server IP

Figure 6…Dialog box „Config Paths“ - Server IP

Server (IP or Hostname) Part 1: Identification of the server name to which the application will
connect. (Alias; normally HOST = fids)

Server (IP or Hostname) Part 2: Second part of the host/server name. With this parameter the user
can adjust the connection sequence of the client to the server
(Stand-by server concept).
Example: Server (IP or Hostname) Part 1 = fids
Server (IP or Hostname) Part 2 = 5,3,4
The connection will be attempted starting from fids5 then fids3 and
finally fids4 Exit
Used to close the application securely.

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The main window

3.1.2. Layout Show used pages

Opens the window „Used Pages“. The user can set four different filters (Gtp/Gtc, Type Display, Used or
Active) to get an overview about all pages.

Figure 7…Dialog box „Used pages“

Delete button: Erases the current selected server file

Close button: Closes the dialog box without any changes
Test Layout button: Opens the test layout window Synchronise

Figure 8…Dialog box „Synchronise files“

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The main window

The dialog box „Synchronise files“ provides the user with an easy way to synchronise files between the
server and the local workstation

Filter: Set a predefined filter or enter a free filter string

Sync?: Automatically checks if files have to be updated. If an update is wanted, check the
box manually

File: Name of the file

Time local: Timestamp of the file on the local workstation
Time remote: Timetstamp of the file on the server
Done: Shows 100% after complete synchronisation
Download: Executes the synchronisation
Close: Closes the dialog box without any changes
Right mouse button: By pressing the right mouse button three options are available:
Download from server: Downloads the current selected file
Select all: Checks the „Sync?“ checkbox for all files
Unselect all: Unchecks the „Sync?“ checkbox for all files Rename
Opens a dialog box to change the name of the selected
file. If the checkbox „Rename local file“ is checked the
local file name will also be changed.

Figure 9…Dialog box „Rename Page/Carousel“ Delete
Deletes the current selected server file

Figure 10…Dialog box „Delete“ Change font

Select a font field in the page to open the „Change font“
dialog box.

Old: Shows the current used font

New: Shows the new selected font

Figure 11…Dialog box „Change font“

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The main window Test
This activates the dialog box where the user can test
layouts directly on a display. The settings from the FIDS-
user terminal are not overwritten. They will be deactivated
by a layout with higher priority.

Figure 12…Dialog box: Test layout on display

Device: Choose the monitor on which the layout should be tested

File: Choose the layout file
Properties: Set if the layout should be tested in free form or data connected mode
Activate button: Activates the layout on the selected monitor
Restore button: Removes the layout from the monitor and activates the old layout again
Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without any changes

3.1.3. Local Save configuration

Saves the current open page configuration as a *.cfg file. In the *.cfg file all settings are stored from the
following window areas:

ƒ ƒ Table selection
ƒ ƒ FIDS - Data selection
ƒ ƒ Field format selection
ƒ ƒ Special settings Load configuration

Loads the page configuration settings of a *.cfg file into a selected page.

3.1.4. View
Toolbar: Enables or disables the toolbar
Statusbar: Enables or disables the statusbar

3.1.5. Help
About Page Manager: Shows the version info of the Page Manager

3.2. Toolbar
The toolbar enables the user to control the “Page Manager” program. The following table describes the
individual icons.

Used to log the user out securely and setup for the next login
Send data connected layouts to the server
Opens a dialog box to transfer new or changed data connected layout
files from the local workstation to the server

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The main window

Test layout on displays

Opens a dialog box where the user can choose a layout to test it directly
on a monitor from inside the Page Manager program
Remove current layout from the server


Clone layout
Opens a dialog box where the user can duplicate existing layouts
Send files to server
Opens a dialog box where the user can choose a file (image, font or
video) to transfer it to the server. This function can be used instead an ftp
RSS feed
Opens a dialog box where the user can configure the RSS Feeds

3.2.1. Logout / Login

Used to log the user out securely and setup for the next login

3.2.2. Send data connected layouts to the server

This button activates the dialog box ”send file to server”. The file transfer option is for data
connected layouts. Those are layouts that get content information via the database form the server.
The user can add new or updated laout files, transfer and integrate them to the server. File

Figure 13…Send data connected layouts to the server

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The main window

File: Choose a layout file that should be transferred to the server. The last selected layout file
is automatically adjusted to upload per default

Type: Type is a filter setting for the browsing button “…”

Additionally the user can add a useful description that is later shown in the „Open
Configuration” dialog or the user terminal

Name: The Filename can be entered manually or by selecting a file via the browsing button

”…” button: The “…” button opens the browser window

Group: Add the layout to a defined group.
Comment: Additionally the user can add a useful description, that comment is also shown in other
MACS applications.

Send file button: Transfers the layout to the server and adds the entry automatically to the system tables.
Close button: Closes the dialog box without any changes. Included files

Figure 14…Dialog box „Included files“

Those files are needed to show all elements of the layout.

For most data connected layouts the included files list is empty because the data is defined automatically
from the database.

The field description is nearly the same as in the „Synchronise files“ window.
Show included files button: Press the „Show included files“ button to check if static elements are
implemented in that file.. The user gets also an info in the „Time remote“
field if the file is already available on the server.
Send included files button: Transfer all selected files to the server.

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The main window Paths

Figure 15…Dialog box „Paths“

All settings are linked with the „Server IP“ dialog box.

3.2.3. Test layouts on display:

This activates the dialog box, where the user can test layouts directly on a display.See detailed
description under chapter “ Test”.

3.2.4. Remove actual layout from the system

The file itself is not deleted from the server. Only the database connections will be lost and the file is
no longer available in the „displaymode“ table.

3.2.5. Save
Saves the current configuration to the system. If the configuration is displayed on a screen in the
system, it will be immediately refreshed.

3.2.6. Clone Layout

Opens a dialog box where the user can clone existing layouts

Existing file: Select a file from the dropdown box. A file

format filter format can also be set. Press the „...“ button
to browse existing layouts.
New File:
New filename: enter the new filename
Copy local file: activate the checkbox to save the file to
the local workstation
Send button: Clone the existing layout
Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without any
Figure 16…Copy existing pages / carousels

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The main window

3.2.7. Send file to the server

Opens the dialog box „send file to server“ where the user can choose a file (image, font or video) to
transfer it to the server. The user can add new or updated layout files, transfer and integrate them to
the server.

Figure 17…Send file to the server

The field description is similar to the chapter „3.2.2. Send data connected layouts to the server“.
Checkbox Add file to “files lookup table”: Analyses the layout and links all files in the lookup table of
the server

3.2.8. RSS feed

Opens a dialog box where the user can configure the RSS feed.

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The main window

3.3. Layouts
„Layouts” shows the system integrated layouts in a tree view. The subfolder names depend on the project.
In the subfolders are the layouts. They have a blue icon in front of their name. The green icon shows the
currently selected file. To open the layout, double-click on the left mouse button.

Figure 18…Layouts

By pressing the right mouse button on a selected layout, the following functions are available:
ƒ ƒ Rename
ƒ ƒ Delete
ƒ ƒ Clone
ƒ ƒ Send to server (send data connected layouts to the server)
ƒ ƒ Test
ƒ ƒ Reload config*
ƒ ƒ Reload font**
* Reload config creates a new configuration file (*.cfg) for the selected layout (*.gtp or *.gtc file). The cfg
file is necessary to show the details of the field selection area, field format area, table data and special
** Reload font: reloads the fonts of the selected file

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The main window

3.3.1. Table selection / Data selection / Special selection

The table selection area allows the user to decide which records with their specific selections should be
displayed on a layout.

Figure 19…Table selection / Data selection / Special selection

Following are the individual options: (only some will be descripted)

Table If a layout has more than one table with different data
1 selections the user can select them here
2 Selection1 Set a pre-selection to the data. The values are taken
from the “” table on the server and can be
overwritten through the “displaymode” table in the
User terminal
3 Selection2 Set a second pre-selection to the data. The values
are taken from the “” table on the server and
can be overwritten through the “displaymode” table
in the User terminal
4 Type The datatype for the table (Arrival, Departure,
5 Sorting Order Sorting order for the data (scheduled time,
estimated time, actual time)
6 Cluster If a layout should follow a particular layout, it needs
to be activated
7 Use FIDS Activates the use of the FIDS database, which allows
Database the use of specific sort & filter, otherwise there is
only a SQL based selection to the ODB, which
allows non FIDS tables to be displayed
8 Use 2 Lines Allows the user to set the data structure for a second
row in the field selection area. This means a data
record can use up to two lines if necessary
Skip Lines Skip a number of rows for a table, if two tables
9 on one layout should show data with the same

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The main window Field format area

The field format area is used to adjust the data format of
every column in the layout individually.
Once the user has chosen a field, the settings for this field
are displayed in the field format area. These settings can
now be changed and updated.

Figure 20…Field format

Following is a list of options:

Cutspace Removes trailing spaces from a data field (required for centering text)
Uppercase Converts the data to capital letters
Lowercase Converts the data to small letters
Codeshare field Mark a field as codeshare field (this is used for codeshare handling)
Codeshare only Mark a field as codeshare field only without the master flight number (this is used
for codeshare handling for codeshare display fields)
Arabic adjust Activates right to left and codepage conversion for the field
Show empty items Shows empty items on layouts with more than one text item Items and Codeshares

This area is used to adjust special layout options that are
not possible with standard graphical editors or other FIDS.

Figure 21…Section Items and Codeshares

Following is a list of options:

„Number of Items“ Chose the actual active row in the field selection area
„Codeshares“ This box defines codeshare handling. Possible values are:
(0) No Codeshare (codeshares are not displayed)
(1) Alternating (codeshares are displayed alternating in the marked fields only)
(2) Master first CS Alternating (master-record in first row, in the next line the
code shares alternating)

(3) Master first CS Append (master-record in first row, in the next lines the code
shares appended)

(4) CS App (traffic Master+CS Alternate) (master-record in first row, in the next
lines the code shares appended) on high traffic show like (1)

(5) CS App (traffic Master+CS Append) (master-record in first row, in the next
lines the code shares appended) on high traffic show like (2)
„Codesharetime“ Min. Time in minutes between first and last flight on display to activate
Codeshare handling (4) and (5)

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The main window

3.3.2. Field selection area

In this area it is possible to make specific adjustments for each column of the layout.

Figure 22…Field selection area

The field selection area has its own reserved column for each of the layout columns (columns 1-n). Column
0 is used to describe the rows and the active selected row.
Following is a list of options:

(Item): 1 Shows the field records from item number 1

2…n Shows the field records from item number 2 to n (only visible if max items is set to > 1)
Format Special format for this column:
E.g. If “pageeditor” is used to create a time format for a field, this column is predefined
with “%H:%M”). If a graphics file needs to be displayed, a filename needs to be
generated from the field value. This is done by using “%s_100.GIF”. This adds the
“_100.GIF” to the field value. Hence ‘LH’ will become ‘LH_100.GIF.
Maxlength The length of the field value will be shortened to maxlength (E.g.: For maxlength = 3,
LUFTHANSA will be shortened to LUF)
Pre Text The text in this field will be in front of the data (in the expert mode, additional fields can
be added)
Post Text The text in this field will be after the data (in the expert mode, additional fields can be
Field Format The value in this field is a bit combination from the checkboxes in the field format area.
Codepage Set a codepage for a font (e.g. 1256 for Text in Arabic)

By double-clicking on any field, the value can be edited directly in the edit field window.
If a field is selected from the active row (Item 1…n) and the right mouse button is pressed a dialog box
appears where the user can choose a field name.

The user can then choose the field and select it by double-clicking on it. In the expert mode the user can
write line-format numbers from the “” in brackets (e.g. [160] to choose line-format 160 for this field).
With this format very complex layout descriptions and dependencies to other fields that are not possible
with other design tools can be created.
In the rows Pre and Post-text the user may not only enter only fixed text but also other field values of
the record. Therefore the characters ‘<’ and ‘>’ must be used (e.g. <est>, this shows the estimated
time). To add a time format to this field, put the format directly behind the closing character ‘>’ (e.g.
<est>[%H:%M] ). This shows the estimated time in the standard format.
By pressing the right mouse button in the Field selection area, following functions are available
ƒ ƒ Show field
ƒ ƒ Change font
With “Show fields” different types of windows open depending on the selected field type of the field
selection area

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The main window Hotkeys

Function Key Requirements Description Function open windows

F2 Select a field of the “Field Enter the Edit Mode
selection area”
F7 Select a field of the “Field Open the differennet types 1-x:
selection area” of windows, depends on the “”
selected field type
Pre Text: “
Post Text: “”
Codepage: “”
F8 Select a field “Pre Text” or Open the differnent types 1-x:
“Post Text” of the “Field of windows, depends on the “”
selection area”, Enter the selected field type
Edit Mode Format:
Pre Text: “
Post Text: “”
Codepage: “”
F9 Select a field “Pre Text” or Open the differenent types 1-x:
“Post Text” of the “Field of windows, depends on the “”
selection area”, Enter the selected field type
Edit Mode Format:
Pre Text: “”
Post Text: “”
Codepage: “”
F10 Focus toggle between
Menubar and the previous
selected field

3.3.3. Format code

The file „“ contains some standard
commands which can be used in the Pre Text and Post
Text fields oft he field selection area.

Figure 23…Dialog box „Format code“

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The main window

3.3.4. Format
The file „“ contains parameters including some
predefined formats which can be used in the format field
of the field selection area.

Figure 24…Dialog box „Format“

3.3.5. Code Page

The file „“ contains predefined code pages
which can be used in the codepage field of the field
selection area.

Figure 25…Dialog box „Code Page“

3.3.6. Fonts
The file „“ contains available fonts which can
be used in the Pre Text and Post Text field of the field
selection area.

Figure 26…Dialog box „Fonts“

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Configuration files of Page Manager

3.3.7. Database fields

The file „“ contains all available fields of
the server database, which can be used in the 1-x field of
the field selection area.

Figure 27…Dialog box „Database fields“

4. Configuration files of Page Manager

4.1. The file PageManager.ini
This file contains all the relevant parameters that are necessary for the application.
Following are the available options:

[_NET] HOST Identification of the server name to which the application will connect.
(Alias; normally HOST=fids)
START Second part of the host/server name. With this parameter the user
can adjust the connection sequence of the client to the server
(Stand-by server concept)
Example: HOST=fids and START=5,3,4
The connection will be attempted starting from fids5
then fids3, and finally fids4
PORT Communication port of the application with the server
[_SYS] INBUFFSIZE Reserved parameter for later use
FORMATFILE Filename of the “” file
[_PROJECT] EXT Standard extensions of the locally stored pageeditor files

IDS_WORKSPACE Workspace folder

NAME KRW (Turkmenbashi)
MAIN_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder
PAGE_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder \pages
IMAGE_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder\Images
VIDEOS_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder\Mpegs
MEDIA_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder\Media
CHECK_PAGES 1 = enable, 0 = disable
CHECK_VIDEOS 1 = enable, 0 = disable
CHECK_FONTS 1 = enable, 0 = disable
CHECK_IMAGES 1 = enable, 0 = disable
CHECK_MEDIA 1 = enable, 0 = disable
FONTS_PATH Dzine “Pageeditor/Display Studio” Project folder\Images
DIR Standard directory of the locally stored „pageeditor“ files

PageManager_1.0030_rev00 Page 21
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