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Noua medicina germana

Din aceasi categorie

 Introducere

 Originea bolilor este in creier

 Cele doua faze ale oricarei boli

 Corpul se vindeca singur

 Importanta lateralitatii noastre biologice

 Rolul benefic al microbilor

 Punand la indoiala metastazele

 Natura tumorilor cerebrale

 Terapia GNM (pe scurt)

 Sinteza principiilor noii medicini germane

 Relatia dintre stres si boala

Paradigma Medicala a Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Vancouver, Canada

Pe 18 August 1978, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., la vremea aceea internist sef la

clinica oncologica a Universitatii din Munchen, Germania, a primit vestea socanta ca fiul

sau, Dirk, a fost impuscat. Dirk a murit in Decembrie 1978 si, cateva luni mai tarziu, Dr.

Hamer a fost diagnosticat cu cancer testicular. Din moment ce nu fusese niciodata grav

bolnav, a suspectat imediat ca dezvoltarea cancerului sau poate avea legatura directa cu

tragica pierdere a fiului sau.

Moartea lui Dirk si propria sa experienta cu cancerul l-au facut pe Dr. Hamer sa investigheze

istoricul pacientilor sai de cancer. A aflat foarte curand ca, la fel ca el, toti au trecut prin

experiente extrem de stresante, inainte ca boala sa se instaleze si sa se dezvolte.

Observarea conexiunii dintre minte si organism nu a fost surprinzatoare. Numeroase studii

aratasera deja ca atat cancerul, cat si alte bolii sunt foarte des precedate de un eveniment

traumatizant. Dar Dr. Hamer a dus cercetarile sale cu un pas mai departe. Urmarind ipoteza

ca toate evenimentele din organism sunt controlate de creier, a analizat tomografiile

pacientilor sai si le-a comparat cu istoricul lor medical.

Dr. Hamer a descoperit ca orice boala, nu numai cancerul, este controlata de o zona din

creier ce ii corespunde in mod specific si este legata, in mod particular, de un conflict soc

perfect identificabil. Rezultatul cercetarilor sale se constituie intr-o diagrama stiintifica ce

ilustreaza legatura biologica dintre psihic si creier si corelatia cu organele si tesuturile

intregului organism uman (varianta engleza a "Diagramei stiintifice a GNM" este in lucru).

Dr. Hamer a denumit descoperirile sale "Cele 5 Legi Biologice ale Noii Medicine",

datorita faptului ca aceste legi biologice valabile in cazul oricarui pacient, ofera o

perspectiva cu totul noua asupra intelegerii cauzei, a dezvoltarii si a procesului natural de

vindecare a bolii. (Ca raspuns la numarul crescand al interpretarilor gresite ale

descoperirilor sale si pentru a pastra integritatea si autenticitatea muncii sale stiintifice, Dr.

Hamer si-a protejat in mod legal materialele de cercetare, sub numele de German New

Medicine® (GNM - Noua Medicina Germana). Termenul "New Medicine" nu poate fi folosit

nicaieri la nivel international).

In 1981, Dr. Hamer a prezentat rezultatele descoperirilor sale la Facultatea de Medicina a

Universitatii din Tübingen, sub forma unei teze post-doctorat. Totusi, pana astazi,

Universitatea a refuzat sa testeze cercetarile Dr. Hamer, in ciuda obligativitatii legale de a o

face. Acesta este un caz fara precedent in istoria universitara. In mod similar, medicina

oficiala a refuzat sa aprobe descoperirile sale, in ciuda a 30 de verificari stiintifice diferite,

facute atat de medici independenti, cat si de asociatii profesionale.

La scurt timp dupa ce Dr. Hamer si-a prezentat teza, i-a fost adresat un ultimatum de a

renunta la descoperirile sale stiintifice, sau i se va refuza reinnoirea contractului sau la

Clinica Universitara. In 1986, desi munca sa nu a fost niciodata pusa la indoiala sau

dezaprobata, doctorului Hamer i-a fost ridicata licenta medicala pe motive ca a refuzat sa

se conformeze principiilor medicinei standard.Cu toate acestea, era hotarat sa-si continue

munca si, in 1987, a reusit sa-si extinda descoperirile practic catre orice boala cunoscuta de


Dr. Hamer a fost persecutat si hartuit timp de 25 ani, in special de catre autoritatile

germane si de catre cele fraceze. Din 1997, Dr. Hamer locuieste in exil in Spania, unde isi

continua cercetarile si continua sa se lupte pentru recunoasterea oficiala a "New Medicine".

Insa, din moment ce Facultatea de Medicina a Universitatii din Tübingen isi mentine tactica
de amanare, pacientilor din intreaga lume le este refuzat dreptul de a beneficia de

descoperirile revolutionare ale Dr. Hamer.

Originea bolilor este in creier

Cele 5 Legi BioLogice

Dr. Hamer a stabilit ca „orice boala este cauzata de un soc

emotional care surprinde individul total nepregatit" (Prima

Lege Biologica). In onoarea fiului sau , Dr. Hamer a denumit

acest incident stresant: Dirk Hamer Syndrome, sau DHS.

Psihologic vorbind, DHS este un incident foarte personal, conditionat si determinat de

experientele noastre trecute, de vulnerabilitati, de perceptiile personale, de valorile si

credintele personale. Cu toate acestea, DHS nu este doar un conflict emotional, ci si

biologic, care trebuie inteles in contextual evolutiei noastre personale. Animalele

experimenteaza aceste socuri biologice in urma pierderii bruste a cuibului sau teritoriului, a

pierderii unui pui, a separarii de partener sau de grup, a unei amenintari nesteptate, a unei

perioade de nemancare sau a unei amenintari de moarte.

Un barbat, de exemplu, poate suferi un soc conflictual de „pierdere a teritoriului" , cand isi

pierde casa sau locul de munca, pe neasteptate; pentru o femeie, un soc conflictual „in

camin" poate fi o grija pentru binele unuia dintre membrii familiei; un soc conflictual de tipul

„abandonului" poate fi declansat de un divort neprevazut sau de o spitalizare de urgenta;

copii sufera deseori un soc conflictual „de separare", cand mama se decide sa se intoarca la

munca sau cand se despart parintii.

Analizand mii de tomografii (CT) in relatie cu istoricul pacientului, Dr. Hamer a descoperit

ca, atunci cand are loc DHS, socul impacteaza o zona specifica, predeterminata din creier,

cauzand o leziune care este vizibila pe tomografie, ca un set clar de inele concentrice (In

1989, Siemens, producatorul german de aparate tomografice, a confirmat ca aceste inele

nu provin de la o proasta functionare a aparaturii). Dupa impact, celulele cerebrale transmit

socul impactului catre organul corespondent care, la randul lui, raspunde cu o modificare

specifica, ce poate fi anticipata. Motivul pentru care diferitele conflicte sunt legate

indisolubil de anumite zone ale creierului este acela ca, de-a lungul evolutiei noastre,

fiecare parte a creierului a fost programata sa raspunda instantaneu la posibile conflicte sau
amenintari. In timp ce „vechiul creier" (cerebelul, zona amigdaliana) este programat cu

instuctiuni de baza legate de supravietuire, care corespund respiratiei, hranirii sau

reproducerii, „noul creier" (creierul mare) este codat cu teme mult mai avansate, precum

cele legate de conflictele teritoriale, conflictele de separare, conflictele de identitate si cele

legate de autoapreciere, increderea si respectul de sine. Cercetarile medicale ale Dr. Hamer

sunt strans legate de embriologie, pentru ca, indiferent de felul in care organul raspunde

unui conflict, fie prin dezvoltarea unei tumori, prin deteriorarea tesutului sau prin dereglarea

functionarii, toate acestea sunt determinate de stratul embrionic al germenului din care

provin atat organul, cat si tesutul cerebral corespondent (A treia Lege Biologica).

GNM "Ontogenetic System of Tumors" (Sistemul Ortogenetic al tumorlor) ilustreza ca

organele controlate de „vechiul creier" care deriva din endoderm sau vechiul creier

mesoderm, precum plamanii, ficatul, colonul, prostata, uterul, pielea in profunzimea ei,

pleura, peritoneul, pericardul, glandele mamare, etc., genereaza intotdeauna proliferare

celulara, imediat ce conflictul corespondent are loc la nivelul creierului.

Tumorile acestor organe se dezvolta exclusiv pe durata fazei active a conflictului (initiata de

DHS). Sa luam exemplul cancerului de plaman: conflictul

biologic asociat cu cancerul de plaman este un soc de tipul

„frica de moarte", deoarece, in termeni biologici, panica de

moarte este echivalenta cu incapacitatea de a respira. Odata

cu socul datorat fricii de moarte, celulele pulmonare alveolare

care regleaza respiratia incep instantaneu sa se multiplice, formind o tumoare pulmonara.

Contrar parerilor conventionale, aceasta multiplicare a celulelor pulmonare nu este un

proces fara rost, ci

serveste unui scop biologic foarte bine definit, si anume sa creasca capacitatea pulmonara,

optimizand astfel sansele de supravietuire ale organismului. Analizele tomografiilor

intreprinse de Dr. Hamer demonstreaza ca fiecare persoana bolnava de cancer de plaman

prezinta o configuratie clara de tip inele concentrice in zona corespondenta din creier si ca

fiecare pacient a suferit un soc conflictual emotional total neasteptat, de tipul „frica de

moarte", inaintea declansarii cancerului. In majoritatea cazurilor teama de moarte a fost

declansata de socul unui diagnostic de cancer, ce a fost resimtit ca o sentinta la moarte.

Cancerul de san, potrivit cercetarilor Dr. Hamer, este rezultatul grijilor provocate de un
conflict de tipul "mama-copil" sau "probleme cu partnerul". Aceste tipuri de conflicte

impacteaza intotdeauna vechiul creier, in zona care controleaza glandele producatoare de

lapte. O femeie poate suferi un conflict de tipul mama-copil, intrucat isi face foarte multe

griji, atunci cand copilul ei este ranit sau se imbolnaveste grav, foarte brusc. Pe durata fazei

de stres, cat conflictul este activ, celulele glandei mamare continua sa se multiplice,

formand o tumora. Scopul biologic al proliferarii celulare este acela de a mari capacitatea

de lactatie pentru copilul suferind, grabind astfel procesul de vindecare al acestuia. Fiecare

femeie si fiecare femela din lumea animala se naste cu acest program de reactie biologica

pentru crestere si dezvoltare. Numeroasele studii ale Dr. Hamer arata ca femeile, chiar si

atunci cand nu alapteaza, dezvolta tumori ale glandelor mamare, din cauza grjilor obsesive

pentru binele celor dragi (a copilului care are probleme, a unui parinte bolnav, sau de grija

unui prieten cu probleme).

Ceea ce a fost spus despre cancerul de plaman sau de san este valabil pentru orice alt tip

de cancer ce isi are originea in „vechiul creier". Fiecare tip de cancer este declansat de un

conflict soc specific, care activeaza un „program biologic precis" (A Cincea Lege

Biologica), ce permite organismului sa depaseasca obisnuintele functionarii zilnice si sa se

confrunte fizic cu situatia urgenta. Pentru fiecare tip de conflict exista o zona cerebrala

specifica, de unde este coordonat acest program de urgenta.

In vreme ce organele controlate de vechiul creier dezvolta tumori pe durata fazei active a

conflictului- soc, situatia este opusa in cazul organelor controlate de noul creier. Toate

organele si tesuturile ce corespund si sunt coordonate de noul creier (ovarele, testiculele,

oasele, nodulii limfatici, epiderma, mucoasa colului uterin, bronhiile, vasele coronariene,

canalele de alaptare etc.) isi au originea in ectoderm sau mesoderm-ul noului creier. In

momentul producerii conflictului- soc, tesuturile organelor corespondente acestei zone a

creierului raspund prin degenerare celulara. Necrozarea ovarelor sau a testiculelor,

osteoporoza, cancerul osos sau ulcerul stomacal, de exemplu, sunt situatii care apar doar

atunci cand persoana se afla intr-o stare emotionala de stres relationata cu conflictele- soc

corespondente. Asa cum este de asteptat, distrugerile tesuturilor respective au o

semnificatie biologica precisa.

Sa luam exemplul tesuturilor canalelor de lactatie. Ele se dezvolta mult mai tarziu decat

glanda mamara, acest tesut fiind controlat de o zona mai tanara a creierului, cortexul
cerebral. Conflictul biologic ce corespunde tesutului canalelor de lactatie este unul de tip

conflict de separare, rezultat al unei experiente de tipul copilul meu (sau partenerul meu)

mi-a fost luat de la san.

O femela din lumea animala sufera un astfel de conflict, atunci cand puiul ei se pierde sau

este omorat. Ca un reflex natural la acest conflict-soc, tesutul canalelor de lactatie incepe

sa ulcereze. Scopul acestei reactii este marirea diametrului canalelor de lactatie, astfel incat

laptele nefolosit sa se poata drena mai usor si sa nu se congestioneze in interiorul

sanului.Creierul fiecarei femei este programat cu acest gen de reactie-raspuns biologic. Din

moment ce sanul femeii este asociat, biologic vorbind, cu grija si hranirea, femeile sufera un

conflict-soc cauzat de separarea brusca de o persoana iubita. Pe durata fazei active a

conflictului- soc nu exista practic nici un simptom, cu exceptia unor ocazionale puseuri

usoare in interiorul sanului.

Cele doua faze ale oricarei boli

Dr. Hamer a descoperit de asemenea ca orice conflict si orice boala are si o rezolvare,

iar desfasurarea oricei boli are loc in doua faze. (A doua Lege Biologica). In timpul primei

faze, a conflictului activ (si anume atata timp cat acesta exista) intregul organsim este

orientat catre a face fata conflictului. In timp ce, la nivel fizic, au loc dereglari celulare

specifice, psihicul si sistemul nervos vegetativ autonom se confrunta de asemenea cu

situatii neasteptate. Comutata intr-o faza de stres (sympathicotonia) , mintea devine total

preocupata de continutul conflictului. Tulburari ale somnului si lipsa apetitului sunt

simptome specifice. Biologic vorbind, acest lucru este vital, deoarece focalizarea atentiei

asupra conflictului si orele de activitate in plus constituie conditiile propice pentru

rezolvarea conflictului. Faza activa a conflictului este denumita si „faza rece". Deoarece pe

perioada stresului se produce constrictia vaselor de sange, simptomele specifice ale

activitatii conflictuale sunt extremitatile reci (in special mainile), tremurul si transpiratia

rece. Intensitatea simptomelor depinde, in mod natural, de intesitatea si impactul socului

conflictual. Daca o persoana ramane in aceasta stare prea mult timp, urmarile pot fi fatale.

Dr. Hamer a demonstrat, fara nici o indoiala, ca organismul nu poate muri niciodata de

cancer, in sine. O persoana poate muri ca rezultat al complicatiilor mecanice produse de

tumori, de exemplu blocarea unui organ vital precum colonul sau bila, dar in nici un caz
celulele canceroase, in sine, nu pot provoca moartea. In German New Medicine distinctia

dintre cancerul malign sau benign nu are nici o valoare. Termenul malign este o constructie

artificiala (la fel ca marcarii tumorali) care, pur si simplu, indica o activitate de reproducere

celulara ce a depasit o anumita limita complet arbitrara.

Daca o persoana moare pe durata fazei initiale active a conflictului, este de obicei din cauza

pierderii de energie, a slabirii exagerate, a lipsei de somn si a epuizarii mentale si

emotionale. De cele mai multe ori este vorba de impactul emotional devastator al unui

diagnostic sau a unei prognoze negative, de genul Mai ai doar sase luni de trait!, impact ce

arunca pacientii de cancer si pe cei apropiati lor intr-o stare de disperare. Cu foarte mica

speranta sau chiar deloc, sunt privati de forta lor vitala, isi consuma inutil energia si, in cele

din urma, mor in urma unui proces agonizant pentru pacientii de cancer pe care

tratamentele conventionale de cancer nu fac decat sa il accelereze. Daca pacientul nu a

facut nici un tratament conventional de cancer (in special chimioterapie sau radioterapie) ,

GNM are o rata de succes de 95 pana la 98%. Este o ironie ca aceste statistici ale

succeselor remarcabile ale Dr. Hamer au fost date chiar de autoritati. Cand Dr. Hamer a fost

arestat, in 1997, pentru acordarea de sfaturi medicale, fara a avea licenta medicala, pentru

trei persoane, politia a confiscat fisele pacientilor sai si le-a analizat. Un procuror public a

fost nevoit sa recunoasca in timpul procesului, ca dupa 5 ani, 6000 din 6500 de pacienti cu

cancer in faza terminala erau inca in viata. In cazul tratementelor conventionale, cifra

aceasta este inversa. Conform declaratiilor epidemiologului si biostatisticianului Dr. Ulrich

Abel (Germania), Succesul majoritatii chimioterapiilor este jalnic... nu exista nici o dovada

stiintifica referitoare la abilitatea de a extinde in mod apreciabil viata pacientilor care sufera

de cele mai comune forme de cancer organic...Chimioterapiile pentru cancerele maligne

prea avansate pentru operatie, care reprezinta 80% din totalul cancerelor, reprezinta un

pustiu stiintific scientific wasteland. (Lancet 1991).

Corpul se vindeca singur

Rezolvarea conflictului generat de semnalele initiale reprezinta

inceperea fazei a doua a programului biologic. Emotiile si

organismul nostru se comuta imediat in modul de reparare,

programul de vindecare fiind asistat in mod direct de sistemul

nervos vegetativ. Pe perioada fazei de vindecare, apetitul

revine, dar suntem foarte obositi (putem chiar sa nu avem puterea de a ne ridica din pat).

Odihna si furnizarea tuturor nutrientilor necesari organismului sunt esentiale pe perioada de

vindecare. A doua faza este denumita faza calda si, in aceasta perioada, vasele de sange se

maresc, incalzind extremitatile si pielea.

Odata cu rezolvarea conflictului se produce o schimbare la nivelul organelor, proliferarea

celulara (vechiul creier - controlul cresterii tumorale) si distrugerea celulara (creierul nou -

controlul degradarii tesuturilor) se opresc imediat si este declansat procesul de reparare

specific. O zona care s-a necrozat sau a prezentat ulceratii in timpul fazei active a

conflictului este acum regenerata si refacuta cu celule noi. Acest proces este insotit, de

regula, de inflamatii potential dureroase cauzate de edeme care protejeaza tesutul pe

durata vindecarii. Alte simptome tipice regenerarii sunt: hipersensibilitate, mancarimi,

spasme (daca tesuturile musculare sunt implicate) si inflamatii. Exemple de boli care apar

doar in procesele de vindecare sunt: diferite probleme de piele, hemoroizi, laringita, brosita,

artrita, ateroscleroza, disfunctii ale rinichilor si vezicii urinare, anumite boli ale ficatului si

infectii (vezi mai jos).

Bazandu-se pe observarea multiplicarii celulare (mitoza) si pe distinctia standard dintre

tumoare benigna si maligna, medicina conventionala interpreteaza procesul natural de

producere celulara a tesutului care se vindeca drept tumoare maligna. In GNM distingem la

fel doua tipuri de tumori. Dar tumorile nu sunt impartite in bune sau rele, ci mai degraba

sunt clasificate dupa tipul de tesut si zona cerebrala din care provin si de unde sunt

controlate. Exista acele tumori care se dezvolta, in mod exclusiv, in faza activa a

conflictului- soc (tumorile pulmonare, tumorile de colon, tumorile la ficat, tumorile uterului,

tumorile la prostata etc.) si cele care apar in timpul procesului natural de vindecare.

In felul in care creierul vechi controleaza cancerul, cresterea tumorala nu este nici

accidentala si nici fara sens, din moment ce proliferarea celulara se opreste, de indata ce

tesutul este reparat. Cancerul testicular, cancerul ovarian, limfomul, limfomul non-Hodgkin,

diferitele tipuri de sarcom, carcinomul bronhial si laringial si cancerul cervical, toate sunt de

natura curativa si fenomene exclusive ale fazei de vindecare. Cu conditia ca procesul de

vindecare sa nu fie intrerupt de medicamente sau de o revenire a conflictului soc, aceste

tumori dispar pana la urma, pana la sfarsitul procesului de vindecare.

Al doilea tip de cancer mamar, carcinom in situ (DCIS), intra de asemenea in aceasta
categorie. In timp ce un cancer de san este un indicator ca femeia este in faza activa a

conflictului de tip grija, un cancer in situ este un semn pozitiv ca problema asociata

conflictului de separare a fost rezolvata. O femeie nu face un cancer de san fara motiv! Asa

cum nici faptul ca el se dezvolta exact in sanul stang nu este o coincidenta.

Importanta lateralitatii noastre biologice

Dr. Hamer a descoperit ca lateralitatea determina daca o boala precum este cancerul,

se dezvolta in partea stanga sau dreapta a organismului. Aceasta este regula: o persoana

dreptace raspunde unui conflict cu mama sa sau cu copilul cu partea stanga a organismului,

si cu partea dreapta la un conflict cu tatal sau partenerul, fratii, rudele, prietenii, colegii,

etc. Pentru stangaci este invers. Exista intotdeauna o relatie inversa intre creier si organism,

pentru ca fiecare emisfera a creierului (mai putin partea amigdaliana) este in relatie directa

cu partea opusa a corpului. Cel mai simplu mod de a descoperi lateralitatea noastra

biologica este sa batem din palme. Palma care este deasupra indica daca suntem stangaci

sau dreptaci. Astfel, un cancer in sanul drept, un chist ovarian in ovarul stang, o problema

de piele pe partea dreapta sau stanga (sau amandoua), o paralizie motorie pe partea

dreapta (dupa un atac cerebral), ne dau un prim indiciu despre cine a fost implicat atunci

cand conflictul originar a avut loc. In ceea ce priveste conflictele mai avansate (si regiunile

cerebrale), statutul hormonal trebuie de asemenea luat in calcul, pentru o evaluare precisa.

Rolul benefic al microbilor

Un alt aspect al cercetarilor Dr. Hamer este acela al rolului microbilor pe durata

procesului de dezvoltare a bolii. Pe scurt, a aflat ca microbii precum ciupercile, bacteriile si

virusii sunt activi doar pe durata procesului de vindecare si maniera in care ei opereaza este

in deplina concordanta cu logica evolutiva (A Patra Lege Biologica).

Bacteria de tuberculoza, spre exemplu, populeaza doar tesuturile controlate de creierul

vechi. Functia lor pe timpul procesului de vindecare este de a descompune tumorile care

nu-si mai au rostul: tumorile pulmonare, tumorile de colon, tumorile la rinichi, tumorile la

prostata, tumorile la uter, tumorile de san, melanoamele si mesothelioma. Bacteriile

tuberculozei sunt esentiale pentru descompunerea constructiilor celulare ce au proliferat cu

un anumit scop biologic, in timpul fazei active a conflictului.

Daca bacteriile necesare nu sunt disponibile din cauza vaccinarii sau a uzului excesiv de

antibiotice sau in urma chimioterapiei, tumorile nu se pot dezintegra cum trebuie.

Ca urmare, raman pe loc si sunt incapsulate in mod inofensiv. Detectate la un control de

rutina totusi, ele pot fi diagnosticate ca si cancer si noi conflicte potentiale pot aparea in

urma aflarii vestii, cu noi simptome. Intelegand legile biologice ale desfasurarii bolilor,

aceasta perspectiva poate fi eliminata. In timp ce bacteriile descompun tumorile cu celule

care nu mai sunt necesare, virusii sunt implicati in procesul de vindecare al tesuturilor

coordonate exclusiv de cortexul cerebral (ex: bronhiile, mebrana nasala, mucoasa

stomacala, mucoasa canalelor biliare si epiderma).

Hepatita, pneumonia, herpesul, gripa si gripa stomacala indica faptul ca procese virulente

naturale de vindecare sunt in curs. In ceea ce priveste rolul virusilor, Dr. Hamer prefera sa

vorbeasca de virusi ipotetici, din cauza ca, in ultimul timp, existenta virusilor este pusa in

discutie. Acest lucru este in concordanta cu descoperirile initiale ale Dr. Hamer, care

evidentiau faptul ca procesele de reconstructie si regenerare ale tesuturilor necrozate sau

ulcerate au totusi loc chiar si in absenta virusilor specifici tesuturilor respective.

Dilema in care se gaseste medicina conventionala este aceea ca esueaza in a recunoaste

tiparul de evolutie in doua faze al fiecarei boli, prima faza, aceea a conflictului activ, fiind in

mod obisnuit scapata din vedere. Din moment ce microbii sunt activi doar in faza de

vindecare, iar activitatea acestora este in mod normal acompaniata de inflamatii, febra,

puroi, supurari si dureri, microbii sunt considerati raufacatori si cauza a bolilor infectioase.

Dar microbii nu provoaca boli.

Pana la urma, este organismul nostru cel care angajeaza microbii pentru a optimiza

procesul de vindecare. Microbii pot fi bineinteles transmisi, dar ei raman inofensivi, pana in

momentul in care persoana este in faza de vindecare a aceluiasi tip de conflict.

Punand la indoiala metastazele

Bazandu-se pe GNM "Sistemul Ontogenetic al tumorilor", teoria vast raspandita a

metastazelor care sugereaza ca celulele canceroase migreaza prin vasele de sange si limfa,

cauzand tumori si in alte locuri, este, in cuvintele Dr. Hamer, pura fictiune academica.

Celulele in general si celulele canceroase in mod special nu isi pot schimba, sub nici o

forma, structura lor histologica sau sa treaca de bariera bacteriana. De exemplu, o celula
canceroasa a unei tumori pulmonare, care este de origine endoderma, controlata de zona

amigdaliana a creierului si care prolifereaza de-a lungul fazei active a conflictului, nu se

poate transforma intr-o celula osoasa, care este de origine mesoderma si este controlata de

cortexul cerebral, celula care se deterioreaza in timpul fazei active a coflictului, in procesul

de decalcifiere. In scenariul cancerul pulmonar metastazeaza la oase, celulele cancerului

pulmonar creaza de fapt un gol (descompunere celulara!—reversul cancerului) in anumite

oase din organism.

Trebuie de asemenea sa ne intrebam de ce celulele canceroase rareori se raspandesc la

tesuturile vecine, de exemplu: de la uter la cervix. Daca celulele canceroase calatoresc prin

sange, de ce nu este atunci scanat sangele donat, pentru a cauta celule canceroase? De ce

nu sunt atunci gasite o multitudine de tumori in peretii vaselor de sange ai pacientilor

bolnavi de cancer?

Acum doi ani, pe 19 August 2004, ziarul canadian Globe and Mail a publicat un articol

intitulat, Cercetatorii urmaresc testele de sange pentru cancerele de san, continand

declaratiile revelatoare: Vanatoarea celulelor canceroase in fluxul sangvin a durat 10 ani si

pana de curand, nici o tehnologie existenta nu e reusit sa izoleze in mod cert o singura

celula tumorala, dintre milioanele de celule rosii si albe continute in orice mostra de sange

uman. In afara faptului ca vanatoarea este departe de a fi incheiata (asa cum indica

articolul), nu sugereaza asta cumva ca ipoteza metastazelor a dezinformat publicul si a

speriat de moarte milioane de pacienti de cancer, de-a lungul ultimelor patru decenii ?

Dr. Hamer nu neaga, bineinteles, posibilitatea aparitiei celui de-al doilea cancer, dar aceste

tumori succesive nu sunt cauzate de migrarea celulelor canceroase care se transforma, in

mod miraculos, intr-un tip diferit de celula, ci mai degraba sunt urmarea noului conflict-soc.

Noul DHS poate fi declansat de o alta experienta traumatizanta aditionala, sau prin socul

provocat de diagnostic. Asa cum am mentionat mai devreme, un diagnostic neasteptat de

cancer, sau a-i comunica cuiva ca are metastaze, poate declansa o spaima de tipul frica de

moarte (provocand cancer pulmonar) sau orice alt tip de diagnostic relationat cu socul

emotional, cauzand noi cancere in diferite alte parti ale organsimului. In multe cazuri, acesti

pacienti nu supravietuiesc pana in faza de vindecare, din cauza starii de stres foarte grave

care ii slabeste pana la punctul in care mai au foarte putine sanse de supravietuire extrem

de toxicului tratament chimioterapeutic.

Al doilea tip de cancer foarte intalnit dupa cancerul pulmonar este cancerul osos. Dr. Hamer

a descoperit ca oasele noastre sunt biologic legate de increderea, respectul si stima de sine.

Altfel spus, spunandu-i-se cuiva ca are o boala care ii ameninta viata, in mod special una

care se presupune ca se raspandeste ca focul prin organism, este echivalent cu: acum sunt

total inutil si, pe langa faptul ca ne simtim inutili, oasele incep sa se decalcifieze (in cazul

cancerelor de san, deseori in zona sternului si a coastelor). Tot asa cum se rupe un os,

scopul programului biologic (al bolii) apare la sfarsitul fazei de vindecare. Cand faza de

reparare este completa, osul va fi mult mai puternic in zona respectiva, asigurand in acest

fel ca suntem mai bine echipati, in eventualitatea aparitiei unui nou conflict al stimei de


Natura tumorilor cerebrale

Cele 5 Legi BioLogice

Odata ce conflictul a fost rezolvat, leziunile cerebrale

impreuna cu psihicul si organul aferent intra in faza de

vindecare. Odata cu repararea oricarei rani se dezvolta

o edema (fluid in exces) pentru a oferi protectie

tesutului cerebral ce este refacut. Pe tomografie, schimbarile sunt foarte usor de observat:

vizibilele inelele concentrice dispar in edema si apar acum neclare si inchise la culoare. In

momentul de varf al fazei de vindecare, atunci cand edemul cerebral atinge dimensiunea

maxima, creierul declanseaza un scurt si puternic impuls care expulzeaza edema. In

terminologia GNM, aceasta reglare este denumita Criza epileptica (CE).

In timpul crizei, intregul organism este aruncat, pentru scurt timp, intr-o stare de

simpaticotonie (hiperstimularea sistemului nervos simpatic), retraind simptomele tipice

fazei de conflict activ, cum ar fi transpiratie rece, extremitati reci, puls accelerat si greata.

Intesitatea si durata acestei crize pre-programate este determinata de intensitatea si durata

conflictului precedent. Atacurile cardiace, accidentele cerebrale, crizele de astm si cele

epileptice sunt doar cateva exemple ale acestui crucial punct de revenire. Tipul de criza

depinde intotdeauna de natura conflictului si de zona cerebrala corespunzatoare implicata.

Dupa ce edema cerebrala a fost impinsa afara, tesutul conectiv ce ofera suport structural

neuronilor se reface in zona respectiva, pentru a restabili functiile celulelor nervoase care

au fost afectate de socul datorat conflictului (DHS). Aceasta acumulare naturala este ceea
ce medicina conventionala denumeste tumoare cerebrala, acesta veste avand consecinte

cumplite asupra pacientului. Dr. Hamer a stabilit, in 1981, ca tumoarea cerebrala nu este o

boala in sine, ci un simptom al fazei de vindecare, care se desfasoara paralel si la nivelul

organului afectat (controlat de la nivelul creierului din zona sa specifica care se afla

simultan in faza de reparare). Astfel ca Metastazele cerebrale de fapt nu exista nici ele.

Terapia GNM (pe scurt)

Primul pas in terapia GNM este sa oferi o intelegere a naturii biologice a simptomului,

de ex: un anumit tip de cancer, in relatie cu cauzele sale pihice. O tomografie si un istoric

medical complex sunt de asemenea vitale pentru a determina daca pacientul este inca in

faza activa a conflictului, sau deja se vindeca. Daca este inca in faza activa, atentia trebuie

indreptata asupra identificarii motivului socului initial DHS si dezvoltarea unei strategii

pentru rezolvarea conflictului. Este cruciala pregatirea pacientului si informarea lui despre

simptome si despre procesul vindecarii si eventualele complicatii ce pot apare.

Simptomele sunt foarte previzibile! Descoperirile Dr-lui Hamer ne furnizeaza, pentru prima

oara in istoria medicinei, un sistem sigur care ne permite nu numai sa intelegem, dar si sa

prezicem dezvoltarea si simptomele oricarei boli. Aceasta este adevarata medicina

preventiva, un aspect al GNM care cu greu poate fi dezbatut suficient. Adevarata preventie

necesita intelegerea cauzelor reale ale bolii si aceasta este exact ceea ce cercetarile Dr-lui

Hamer furnizeaza in detaliu.

Intelegand cele "Cinci Legi Biologice" ale cauzei si ale procesului de vindecare al bolii, ne

putem elibera de teama si panica ce deseori apar odata cu instalarea unor simptome.

Aceasta cunoastere este mai mult decat putere. Ea poate salva vieti.

Despre Autor:

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.,

Pentru mai multa informatie despre GNM vizitati

Sinteza principiilor noii medicini germane

Noua Medicina Germana® este un set de descoperiri si principii care pune la baza

aparitiei si evolutiei bolilor:

- principiile universale biologice;

- interactiunea dintre cele 3 niveluri ale fiintei umane: psihic, creier si organe.
Noua Medicina Germana® priveste corpul ca un intreg, in care psihicul este integratorul

tuturor functiilor comportamentului si a tuturor ariilor de conflict, iar creierul este

calculatorul principal al tuturor functiilor comportamentale, ariilor de conflict si organelor

corespunzatoare acestora. Noua Medicina Germana® este o stiinta a naturii, bazata pe 5

legi biologice care sunt aplicabile fiecarei boli ale oamenilor sau mamiferelor.

In Noua Medicina Germana®, boala nu este o eroare a naturii ci ea are o anume

semnificatie biologica. Boala evolueaza pe baza unor programe ale naturii proiectate cu

scopul de a-l ajuta pe individ sa coopereze cu evenimentele aparute in viata lui sau sa il

elimine pe baza mecanismelor de selectie necesare evolutiei grupului din care individul face

parte Dr. Hamer a constatat faptul ca moartea sotiei sale si propriul lui cancer pot fi corelate

cu impuscarea si apoi decesul fiului lor Dirk. Ca medic, cercetator si sef al clinicii de

oncologie din munhen, dr. Hamer a ajuns la urmatoarea concluzie: Un eveniment fizic poate

crea un soc conflictual biologic care se va manifesta in transformari vizibile ale creierului, si

poate conduce la schimbari masurabile ale parametrilor sistemului nervos care la rândul lor

pot produce cresterea unor tumori canceroase, ulceratii, necroze si perturbari functionale in

organe specifice fiecarui tip de conflict biologic.

Dupa 20 de ani de cercetare si terapie a peste 31.000 de pacienti, dr. Hamer a stabilit ca un

conflict-soc biologic genereaza o faza de imbolnavire: rece, canceroasa sau necrotica, iar

daca conflictul este rezolvat, se trece la o faza de vindecare: calda prin care procesele

canceroase sau necrotice sint inversate pentru a se autorepara tesuturile afectate in faza

de imbolnavire si a restabili starea de sanatate optima.CELE 5 LEGI ALE NOII MEDICINI


1. PRIMA LEGE BIOLOGICA: regula de fier a cancerului:

A. Fiecare cancer sau afectiune echivalenta cancerului are drept cauza: sindromul Dirk

Hamer (DHS) generat de un soc foarte grav, acut, dramatic si izolat. Trairea acestui confict-

soc are loc simultan la 3 niveluri (psihic, creier si organ);

B. Tipul conflictului care a provocat DHS determina localizarea HH (cercuri concentrice

vizibile pe tomografia computerizata) in creier si a locului corespunzator intr-un anumit

organ in care va apare cancerul sau o afectiune echivalenta cancerului;

C. Continuarea conflictului la nivel psihologic determina evolutia hh in creier si a cancerului

sau a afectiunii echivalente cancerului in organul corespunzator locului aparitiei HH

2. A 2-A LEGE BIOLOGICA: fiecare afectiune generata de un conflict-soc are o evolutie in 2


A. Faza de conflict activ (de imbolnavire) in care sistemul nervos autonom simpatic este

activat, socul continua cu preocupare continua fata de evenimentul declansator si produce

o stare de tensiune si neliniste insotita de pierdere in greutate, apar dificultati la adormire si

tulburari ale somnului. Noptile devin lungi, extremitatile sint reci si leziunile sau tumorile

aparute continua sa se dezvolte;

B. Faza conflict rezolvat (de autovindecare) in care sistemul nervos autonom parasimpatic si

sistemul vagal sunt activate insotite o stare de epuizare si somnolenta si derma +

extremitati calde. In aceasta faza procesele aparute pe timpul fazei de imbolnavire sunt

reversate: tumorile sunt remise sau capsulate, iar leziunile de tip necroza sau ulcer sunt

inlaturate prin regenerarea naturala a tesuturilor afectate de acestea. La sfârsitul acestei

faze de autovindecare, tesuturile si organele afectate sunt refacute complet si deseori devin

mult mai rezistente decât au fost inainte de aparitia conflictului- soc, iar persoana are o

stare generala mai buna si devine mai inteleapta decât inainte de a se fi imbolnavit

3. A 3-A LEGE BIOLOGICA: Sistemul Ontogenetic al Tumorilor

si bolilor echivalente cancerului:

A. Un anumit tip de conflict afecteaza un anumit nivel

embrional, care la rândul lui genereaza hh (inele concentrice)

intr-o anumita zona a creierului, afectând un anumit organ ce

corespunde nivelului embrional cu o formatiune histologica

specifica acelui nivel;

B. Conflictele care genereaza hh in zona creierului arhaic (creierul ancestral generat din

endoderm si cerebelul generat din mesoderm) prezinta o multiplicare a celulelor in faza de

imbolnavire (ca conflict activ) si de distrugere (de catre fungi si micobacterii) sau

incapsulare a tumorii in faza de vindecare (pcl post conflict), pe când conflictele care

genereaza HH in zona creierului nou (cortex) determina o scadere a numarului de celule

(necroze, ulcere) sau diminuare a functiilor pâna la disfunctie completa (numite si boli
cancer echivalente) in faza de imbolnavire ca (conflict activ), urmate de multiplicarea

celulelor, reconstructia organului (de catre bacterii si virusuri) afectat si restabilirea

functionarii normale a acestuia in faza de vindecare (pcl post conflict);

C. Bolile cu cele 2 faze (imbolnavire si vindecare) sunt functii biologice deosebite care ne

permit sa depasim si sa ne redresam functional dupa ce am fost confruntati cu probleme

biologice neobisnuite sau neasteptate generate de obicei de conflicte psihologice.

4. A 4-A LEGE BIOLOGICA: in faza de autovindecare (pcl post conflict) exista o

corespondenta dintre grupurile de organe apartinând uni anumit nivel embrionar si

grupurile de microbi apartinând acelui nivel. Microbii nu sunt cei ce provoaca o anumita

simptomatologie, ci dimpotriva, ei sunt cei ce participa la autovindecare. Ei sunt comandati

de catre creier: la comanda creierului, microbii patogeni devin, prin dezactivare, microbi

apatogeni si se retrag intr-o anumita parte a organismului, iar in faza de autovindecare (pcl

post conflict)vor fi chemati si reactivati pentru a repara organul afectat.

5. A 5-A LEGE BIOLOGICA. Chintesenta: semnificatia biologica a fiecaruia din programele

biologice speciale ale naturii (bolile cu cele 2 faze: imbolnavire – conflict activ si

autovindecare – post conflict). Spaniolii au numit noua medicina germana®: la medicina

sagrada ( medicina sacra) . Conform acestei legi boala nu este o eroare fara rost a naturii

sau biologiei, ci un program special creat de natura, de-a lungul a milioane de ani de

evolutie, pentru a permite organismelor sa depaseasca functionarea standard (de zi cu zi) si

sa poata face fata unor situatii de urgenta exceptionale sau neobisnuite. Un exemplu:

cancerul osos este faza de vindecare a necrozei osoase care insoteste conflictul de auto-

subevaluare. In faza de imbolnavire( pe timpul conflictului de auto sub evaluare) are loc un

proces biologic de osteoliza (diminuarea celulelor osoase). Când conflictul de auto-

subevaluare este rezolvat in mintea pacientului, organismul trece in faza de autovindecare

(post conflict): apare o anemie care previne distrugerea oaselor slabite pe timpul

conflictului, incepe recalcifirea (diagnosticata eronat ca fiind cancer osos), continua anemia,

apar durerile osoase si se instaleaza o stare leucemica (toate acestea având ca scop

imobilizarea corpului pâna la vindecare completa).

Toate acestea dispar pe cale naturala când structura osoasa este complet refacuta, iar

rezistenta osului va fi mai mare decât inainte de a fi inceput faza de imbolnavire. Prin acest
dublu mecanism imbolnavire – autovindecare,

natura imbunatatit sansa de supravetuire a celui care si-a rezolvat conflictul de auto sub

evaluare. Daca persoana nu isi rezolva conflictul de auto-subevaluare, va fi eliminata din



1. Pacientul va deveni "seful absolut" al tratamentului si procedurilor de autovindecare a

bolii sale, el nu va mai fi tratat, ci se va trata singur, iar relatia dintre pacient si medic va fi

complet regândita si redefinita;

2. Se vor folosi mult mai putine medicamente;

3. Se vor baza pe intelegerea de catre pacient a cauzei care a provocat conflictul si implicit


4. Pacientul impreuna cu medicul vor gasi impreuna cea mai buna rezolvare a conflictului

generator al bolii si vor stabili cea mai buna strategie de evitare a acestui conflict pe viitor

de catre pacient;

Relatia dintre stres si boala

Concluzii prezentate de dr. Hamer in interviul:

In viata, fiecare dintre noi putem avea ocazia sa ne confruntam cu 2 tipuri de

conflicte sau evenimente:

- normale: evenimentele sau conflictele zilnice care nu ne surprind, deoarece avem

capacitatea de a le anticipa si de a le depasi;

- biologice (conflict – soc): evenimente sau conflicte aparute pe neasteptate (nu au putut fi

anticipate), care ne dau sentimentul de neputinta si ne aduc in imposibilitatea de a

reactiona ne vor induce o stare de soc insotita de panica.

Aparitia unui astfel de eveniment genereaza Sindromul Dirk Hamer (DHS) care la rândul lui

induce si dezvolta cancerul sau alte boli cancer – echivalente specifice fazei de imbolnavire

(ca conflict active) pana cand conflictul va fi rezolvat. Dupa rezolvarea conflictului va apare

faza de autovindecare (pcl post conflict) a carui durata va depinde de masa conflictului

(durata si intensitatea conflictului) pe timpul careia toate modificarile functionale si

morfologice aparute in faza de imbolnavire vor fi reversate, iar persoana va revenii la o

stare mai buna decât inaintea conflictului.

De exemplu: o mama, cu copilul de mana, sta de vorba la marginea soselei cu o

vecina. Copilul se desprinde de mana mamei (fara ca ea sa observe) si trece in fuga

soseaua, fiind accidentat de o masina. Mama a fost surprinsa de acest eveniment

neasteptat si pe toata perioada cat copilul este la spital mainile sunt reci, nu poate dormi si

nici manca, traieste o continua stare de stres si observa dezvoltarea unui nodul malign in

sanul stang (faza de imbolnavire ca conflict activa). Dupa ce copilul este externat si medicul

ii spune "noi suntem norocosi deoarece copilul este bine din nou", mâinile mamei se vor

incalzi, va dormi bine, apetitul va reveni la normal si in urmatoarea perioada nodulul malign

se va resorbi pe cale naturala (faza de autovindecare pcl post conflict).

 O persoana sanatoasa, bine hranita si odihnita va avea de infruntat mult mai putine

conflicte biologice si le va face fata mult mai usor;

 Persoanele cu o situatie materiala buna au un risc de a se imbolnavi (de cancer sau

de alte boli cancer echivalente) de 10 ori mai mic decât persoanele sarace (care nu isi

pot rezolva cele mai multe conflicte din lipsa banilor);

 Cel mai important factor in faza de autovindecare este ca pacientul sa inteleaga ce se

intampla cu el, deoarece numai atunci el va putea sa adopte o atitudine constructiva

si relaxata fata de procesele de autovindecare;

 Daca pe timpul fazei de imbolnavire sau pe timpul fazei de autovindecare, pacientului

ii este teama de cancer, aceasta teama va induce un nou conflict biologic care pe

timpul unei noi faze de imbolnavire va genera cancer pulmonar, iar daca va apare la

acelasi bolnav si teama de moarte aceasta va induce un alt conflict biologic care in

faza de imbolnavire va genera un proces de decalcefiere a intregului sistem osos.

Conflictul biologic nu este determinat direct de eveniment (de ce se petrece) ci de

modul in care persoana resimte sau traieste la nivel psihic evenimentul declansator

(de stresul interpretat). Functie de aceasta dimensiune interioara a evenimentului

poate apare sau nu un conflict biologic, iar intensitatea si localizarea efectelor

acestuia vor depinde de intensitatea si tipul trairii interioare.

Exemplu: O sotie isi surprinde sotul in pat cu cea mai buna prietena, dar functie de modul

in care sotia interpreteaza acest eveniment vor apare urmatoarele efecte:

 daca sotia isi iubeste sotul, ea va suferi un conflict de tip frustrare sexual care in faza

de imbolnavire ii va provoca un carcinom la uter;

 daca sotia nu isi iubeste sotul si abia asteapta un motiv de divort, ea va trai un

conflict – soc biologic de tip conflict cu partenerul care pe timpul fazei de imbolnavire

se va genera un nodul malign la sanul drept (suparari externe);

 daca sotul este surprins in pat cu o prostituata, sotia va avea un conflict – soc de tip

teama – revolta, care pe timpul fazei de imbolnavire se va manifesta prin


 daca sotul e surprins in pat cu o persoana cu 20 de ani mai tânara decât sotia,

aceasta (indiferent daca isi iubeste sau nu sotul) va trai un conflict de subevaluare

sexuala (spunand in gandul ei: eu nu pot sa o concurez pe ea si nu mai pot acum sa ii

ofer ce ii ofera ea), care pe timpul fazei de imbolnavire va suferi de o decalcefiere

(osteoliza) a pelvisului. Faza de imbolnavire (conflict activ ) inceteaza numai când

conflictul – soc este rezolvat. Imediat se va instala faza de autovindecare (pcl post

Interview with Dr. Hamer on The Germanic/German New Medicine
The following has been translated from a tape recording produced in German by "Amici di Dirk" Verlag,
Koln, Germany in 1992.
It is meant as an introduction to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's "NEW MEDICINE" and his books "CANCER,
DISEASE OF THE PSYCHE" and "LEGACY OF A NEW MEDICINE, Volume 1, The Ontogenetic System
of Tumors including Cancer, Leukemia, Psychosis and Epilepsy".
This information will familiarise you with the subject of these books
It is also necessary in order to understand the tape recording in which specific diseases are discussed;
for example, different kinds of cancers and cancer-equivalent diseases.
Question 1 - Dr. Hamer, what prompted your research into cancer and making a connection between the
psyche and disease?
I didn't really occupy myself with this until 1978. I was a doctor of internal medicine and had worked in
university clinics for fifteen years, five of them as a professor. I also had my own private practice for a few
years until 1978. Then a terrible thing happened: while asleep on a boat, my son Dirk was shot, for no
reason, by a madman, an Italian prince. This was a terrible shock for me, sudden and unexpected, and I
was powerless to react.
Everyday events or conflicts don't usually catch us so "off guard". We generally have a chance to
anticipate the normal conflicts that we face in life, but the conflicts we are unable to prepare for and
which cause this helplessness and inability to react, create, in essence, a. panic shock. We call these
biological conflicts.
In 1978 1 developed testicular cancer from such a biological conflict, a so-called "loss conflict". Since I
had never been seriously ill, I wondered if my condition had anything to do with the death of my son.
Three years later, as chief of internal medicine in a gynecology-oncology clinic at Munich University, I
had the opportunity to study female patients with cancer and to compare my findings to see if their
mechanism was the same as mine; if they too had experienced such a terrible shock.
I found that all of them, without exception, had experienced the same type of biological conflict as I had.
They were able to recollect the shock, the resulting sleeplessness, weightloss, cold hands and the
beginning of tumor growth. At the time, my point of view was very different from all the current medical
concepts, and when I presented these discoveries to my colleagues, they gave me an ultimatum: either
to deny my findings or leave the clinic immediately.
Question 2 - It sounds like the Middle Ages! How did you react?
I couldn't deny what I believed to be the truth, so of course I left. This unjust dismissal caused me
another biological conflict; I lost my self confidence. I vividly recall my frustration and disappointment at
being expelled from the clinic for presenting well-researched, incontestable and new scientific
knowledge. I had not thought such a thing possible. It was very traumatic and I had a difficult time
examining the last two hundred patients. I finished my studies, however, and on the last day, the IRC -
the IRON RULE OF CANCER - was born.
Question 3 - Perhaps you can explain in simple terms what the essential criteria of the IRC are?
The IRC is a biological law. It has three criteria. The first is that every cancer or cancer-equivalent
ailment develops with a DHS. This is a very severe, highly acute, dramatic and isolating conflict-
occurrence shock that registers simultaneously on three levels:
a) in the psyche
b) in the brain
c) on the organ
The DHS is the DIRK HAMER SYNDROME. I called it this because the shock of my son's death caused
my testicular cancer. This DHS has since become the main focal point of the German New Medicine.
In every individual case of disease, we have to conscientiously find the DHS with all its variables. We
have to think back to the specific occurrence to understand why someone has become afflicted with this
biological conflict problem; the reason why it was so traumatic; why there was nobody to discuss it with
and why it was a problem.
A good doctor has to be able to transpose himself into the soul of an infant, an embryo, an old man, a
young girl or even an animal. He must transpose himself into the actual time of the DHS. Only then will
he be able to discover the biological conflict and distinguish it from hundreds of other problems.
Question 4 - The IRC has two more criteria?
Yes. The second is that at the time of the DHS it is the conflict-content that determines (a) the HH, which
is the specific location in the brain, and (b) the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent in the body's
organs. Each conflict has a very specific content that defines itself at exactly the same moment as the
DHS. The product/result of the conflict-content is “associative", which means that it happens
unconsciously and will therefore bypass our conscious understanding. For example, a driver involved in
an accident whose truck loses all its oil, or a milkman whose truck loses all its milk, are examples of
typical “water-related” or “liquid-related” conflicts. The association of the shock from the accident with the
liquid causes a water-related biological conflict that registers as a specific ailment - cancer of the kidney.
Question 5 - That means then that every conflict-content or event relates to a well-defined kind of cancer
and is registered in a specific area of the brain?
Yes, a very specific relay in the brain. In the case of the kidney cancer caused by a water or liquid related
occurrence, a short circuit occurs at the moment of the DHS in a pre-determined place in the brain,
causing a problem in the right or left kidney, as the case may be.
This short-circuit, which shows up as a lesion on the brain, can be photographed with a computed-
tomography (CT) and looks like the concentric rings on a target, or like a picture of a surface of water into
which a stone has been dropped. Radiologists mistake these rings as a defect in the equipment. This
relay in the brain is called the HH. This name, by the way, comes from my opponents who mockingly
called these areas the 'Hamersche Herd' - Hamer's comical seats.
Question 6 - And what is the third criterion of the IRC?
The third criterion is that the conflict course corresponds with a specific course of the HH in the brain and
a very specific course of cancer or cancer equivalent disease in the organ.
In other words, this biological conflict strikes on three levels simultaneously: the psyche, the brain and
the organ. It is now obvious and proven that the course of the conflict is synchronized on all three levels.
The point is that it is a pre-determined system in the strongest scientific sense because, if you know the
exact location of any one of the levels, the other two can be found and unlocked. This means we have an
organism that we can think of in three levels, but it is actually one unit.
The following story will illustrate this point: after a lecture I gave in Vienna in May 1991, a doctor handed
me a brain computed-tomogram of a patient and asked me to disclose the person's organic state and to
which conflict it belonged. There were twenty colleagues present, including some radiologists and CT
specialists. Of the three levels, I had only the brain level in front of me. From these brain CT scans I was
able to diagnose a fresh bleeding bladder carcinoma in the healing phase, an old prostate carcinoma,
diabetes, an old lung carcinoma and a sensoric paralysis of a specific area in the body and, of course,
the corresponding conflicts. The doctor stood up and congratulated me. “Five diagnoses and five hits.
That's exactly what the patient has, and you were even able to differentiate what he has now and what
he had before. Fantastic!" One of the radiologists told me " I'm convinced of your method. How could you
have guessed the fresh bleeding bladder carcinoma? I could find nothing in the CT scan but now that
you have shown us the relay, I can follow the findings."
Question 7 - Perhaps we could talk for a moment about the psychic level. How would I know that I have
had a shock from which a cancer might result? How would I recognize it?
There are very specific signs which clearly distinguish the ordinary conflicts and problems in our daily
lives. From the very first moment of a DHS, you would experience continuous stress on the sympathetic
nervous system. The symptoms would include cold hands and/or feet, loss of appetite, weight loss,
sleeplessness and dwelling day and night on the conflict content. This situation will only change when
the conflict has been resolved. In contrast to normal everyday problems, we see the patient falling into a
lasting stress phase that will cause specific symptoms and a growing cancer. The HH in the brain, which
is immediately visible, shows that the patient's psyche has very precise, defined symptoms that cannot
be overlooked.
Question 8 - What happens then, when such a biological conflict has been solved?
When a biological conflict has been solved we can see very clear symptoms, on the psychic level, the
brain level and on the organ level. On the psychic and vegetative level, we see that the patient is no
longer dwelling on the conflict content. Hands suddenly get warm again, appetite improves, weight
normalizes and the patient sleeps better. There may also be fatigue and weakness and a need to rest.
This is in no way the beginning of the end, but it's a very positive sign. This healing phase varies in
duration, depending on the duration of the prior conflict. At the height of the healing phase, when the
body retains a lot of water, we see the epileptic or epileptoid crisis, which shows a different symptom for
every disease.
After the epileptic-epileptoid crisis, the body expels water from the edema (infiltration of tissues with
water) and slowly returns to normality and the patient feels his strength returning. On the brain level we
see the parallel development - where the HH in the conflict active phase showed a target ring
configuration, during the healing phase it shows an edema. We can see on the CT scan how the rings of
the HH darken and blur as the whole relay swells at this point in time. This epileptic or epileptoid crisis,
triggered by the brain, marks the high point of the edema and, respectively, the turning point to normality.
In the second half of the healing phase, the brain's harmless connective tissue, the glia, fills the HH to
repair it. This really harmless connective tissue, which we can colour white on the CT scan with an iodine
contrast substance, was previously mistaken as a brain tumor and operated on. Since the brain cells
themselves CANNOT multiply after birth, REAL brain tumors cannot exist.
On the organ level we see that the cancer growth stops. This means that the biological conflict has been
solved - we call this "conflictolysis". This is a very important perception that charts the therapy ahead. On
the organ level we see very distinct healing improvements which we will discuss later. Even the epileptic
crisis appears on the corresponding two levels as well as on the organ level (psyche, brain and organ).
Question 9 - Can you describe such an epileptic crisis?
The epileptic crisis is something Mother Nature devised a billion years ago. It runs on all three levels at
the same time. It happens at the height of the healing phase, its purpose being to normalize again. What
we usually call an epileptic cramp-spasm with muscle cramps is only one form of the epileptic crisis,
namely, after resolving a motoric conflict.
Epileptoid crises occur in every disease but with some variations in each. Mother Nature created quite a
trick for this meaningful event. In the middle of the healing phase, the patient experiences a recurrence of
the physiological conflict, which means the patient experiences his/her conflict for a short time (stress
phase) all over again including cold hands, centralized cold sweat and all the symptoms of the conflict
active phase. This happens so that the brain edema gets suppressed and the fluid eliminated from it and
the patient can return to normal.
After the epileptic crisis, the patient will warm up and then experience the first small urinary phase. From
this epileptic crisis on, the patient is on the road to normality. In other words, if the patient can get past
this crisis, a further complicated or serious crisis is unlikely. The second urinary phase occurs at the end
of the healing phase when the body eliminates a mass of urine which is the rest of the edema. The
danger point lies just before the end of the epileptic-epileptoid crisis when it will become evident whether
or not the epileptic crisis was enough to steer the regulator or controller (in the brain) around. The best-
known epileptic crisis is the heart infarct. The epileptoid crisis is a lung embolism, hepatitis crisis or
pneumonia crisis.
To assist the body in making the necessary changes, especially in conflicts of long duration, a strong
cortisone injection is sometimes necessary. In very difficult cases, the cortisone may be given sooner.
Question 10 - Could you describe some typical conflicts and explain why you call them "biological
The reason we call them biological conflicts is because historical evolution has to be understood and an
analogy found, as the conflicts run analogously in humans and animals. Biological conflicts have nothing
to do with our intellectual or psychological conflicts or problems. They are of a fundamentally different
quality. They are, by nature, quasi-implanted trouble-events in the archaic behaviour program of our
brain. You think that you think. In reality, the conflict has already associatively hit a fraction of a second
before you even began to think. For example, when a wolf preys on a young lamb, the lamb's mother will
suffer a mother-child conflict just as a human mother would. She will get teat cancer on the same side as
a human mother would get breast cancer. The side depends on whether the human is left or right-
handed or, in the case of an animal, left or right-footed.
The HH for the mother-child "nest territory" conflict will be in the same place in the mother's brain as the
relay for the mother-child "relationship". The HH for the child-mother conflict, especially the suck-
behaviour conflict, will also be in the same place in the infant's brain as the relay for the child-mother
child relationship. All our biological conflicts can be categorized according to this historical evolution.
When the special behaviour was programmed throughout our historical evolution, not only the organs
and brain areas belonged together but even the conflicts became related.
All these psyche-related trouble events lie historically and organically very close together in our brain.
They even have the same histological (organic tissues) cell formation. We can see such wonderful order
in nature once we learn to look at our organism from its historical evolution.
Question 11 - Could you give a few examples from daily life?
Suppose a mother is standing on the sidewalk holding her child by the hand, and chatting with her
neighbour. The child pulls away and runs onto the street. The screech of brakes is heard as the child is
hit by a car. The mother has no warning and is caught totally off guard. She freezes from the shock. The
child is taken to the hospital and is in critical condition for days. The mother gets ice cold hands, cannot
sleep or eat and experiences constant stress from which a knot begins to grow in her left breast, if she is
right handed. She suffers a typical mother-child conflict, with a target formation in the right cerebellum.
From the moment the child returns home and the doctor says "We were lucky, the child is well again" the
mother's hands will warm up and the conflict-solving phase will start; she will sleep better and regain her
appetite. This is a typical conflict with the same consequences in humans and animals.
Another example: a woman catches her husband in bed with her best girlfriend. She will suffer a sexual-
frustration conflict. In biological language, the conflict being copulation, it will cause a carcinoma in the
uterus of a right handed woman. Not everyone would necessarily get such a conflict in the same
situation. For instance, if the woman didn't love her husband and was contemplating divorcing him, she
would not feel this shock as a sexual conflict but rather as a human conflict because of the lack of
togetherness in the family. The conflict would then be a partner-conflict that would cause breast cancer in
the right breast if the woman was right-handed. What appears to be the same event will have a different
psychological significance for every individual.
The decisive issue is not what happened but how the patient felt the experience in the psychic moment
of the DHS. This same event could also be a fear-revolt conflict, bringing on hypoglycemia (abnormally
low blood sugar), if the woman caught her husband in a very ugly situation, perhaps with a prostitute. Or
it could bring on a feeling of self-worthlessness with or without a sexual conflict, if the woman caught her
husband with a girl twenty years younger than her. Her feeling then might be "I can't compete" or "I can't
offer him what she can." In such a case, it would be the skeleton, the pubic bone of the pelvis, that would
be stricken, where one would see osteolysis (calcium deficiency) as a sign of feelings of sexual self-
You have to know all this to find out what the patient thought at the time of the DHS because it is in that
instant that the path is laid on which the course of the disease will continue. This path paints a very
significant picture because all eventual setbacks and residual problems will be contingent on this one-
time event. We can even talk here about a conflict allergy.
Question 12 - Dr. Hamer, can one already treat a patient with the IRC?
In principle, yes, but the IRC is only the first law of the biological process of the German New Medicine.
Altogether, we have five biological processes which I have found empirically, which means they are now
observable in up to 15,000 collected and documented cases. If one works conscientiously, one should
examine all five biological processes.
Question 13 - Let us follow the sequence. What is the second law of the biological process that you
The second biological law of the German New Medicine is the fact that every disease has two phases.
Question 14 - All diseases? Not only cancer?
Yes, all diseases have two phases - "cold" and "hot". In the past, doctors saw about 1,000 diseases but
were unaware of these two phases. 500 would have been "cold" diseases when the blood vessels
contract, causing pallor and weight loss. The other 500 would have been "hot" diseases with fever,
dilated blood vessels, great tiredness and a good appetite. All these avoidable diseases were thought of
as separate diseases. We now know that this was incorrect. According to our present knowledge, only
500 diseases have two phases. The first is always the "cold" conflict active phase with the stress on the
sympathetic nervous system, and the second, if the conflict can be solved, is always the "hot" recovery-
healing phase. Of course, the HH for these two phases lies in the same place in the brain, so you can
consider them as the same HH. In the conflict active phase, the CT scan shows a sharp ring target and,
in the healing phase, the rings dissolve in the edema.
From this example, we see that this biological law is important not only for cancer but for all medicine.
Even an old hart (a deer's mate) which has been driven out of his territory by a young hart will be in
lasting stress, enduring a biological conflict - namely, a territorial conflict, with an HH over the right ear in
the brain. The hart will charge the younger one, wanting to win back his territory. He can't eat or sleep, he
loses weight and eventually gets a heart cramp or angina pectoris. Organically speaking, he has an
ulcera, which means he has small abscesses in the coronary artery. He charges the younger hart
because it is the only way to get the rival out of his territory. After this, he will go into a long-lasting
healing (vagotony) phase. He will get his warm extremities back, will eat again and then be very tired. At
the height of the healing phase, he will experience a heart infarct as an epileptoid crisis. If he survives,
he will be able to keep his territory. It is the same in the animal world as with humans. For a man, his
territory could be his farm, his own business, the family, his workplace, etc. We have several share-
territories; even a car can be a territory.
In humans, a heart infarct will only be noticeable if the conflict has lasted at least three or four months;
however, if the conflict has lasted more than a year and the start of the second phase has been
overlooked, it is usually fatal. The brain CT scan is a very quick way to diagnose this. One could ask why
medicine has not discovered this law of the two phases long ago since it is so obvious. The answer is as
easy as it was difficult before. If the conflict does not get solved, the disease stays in the first phase,
meaning that the individual stays in the conflict active phase, gradually getting thinner and in the end,
dying from enervation or cachexia. The law of the two phases in all diseases applies only where the
individual can solve the conflict. Nevertheless, this law applies to every disease and, respectively, to
every conflict because, in principle, every conflict can be solved in various ways.
Question 15 - Dr. Hamer, what is the third biological law you found?
It is the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents.
Question 16 - What does the technical term "ontogenetic" mean?
Ontogenetic means that all diseases in medicine derive from the historical evolution of man.
Question 17 - How did you discover it?
I discovered the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalents after observing about 10,000
cases. I worked absolutely empirically, like a good scientist should. I documented all the collected cases
and the CT scans of the brain with their histological findings. Only after I had put them all together and
compared them did I see that there was a system. It was breathtaking, particularly since we had never
thought it possible.
There were many patients in whom compact tumors grew with cell augmentation in the conflict active
phase (or sympathicotony phase) but others grew something in the healing phase (or vagotony phase)
after the conflict had been solved (conflictolysis). It just couldn't be the same disease. So there were two
sorts of cell augmentations:
(i) one in the conflict active phase; and
(ii) the other in the healing phase.
Diseases which have cell-dwindling or cell-shrinkage (holes, necroses or ulcers, also called abscesses)
in the active phase - have cell-augmentation in the healing phase. I compared these different findings
and always saw the system. The tumors that formed in the conflict active phase cell augmentation
always had their relays together in the brain stem and cerebellum. These two brain parts are together
called "the old brain"".
All cancer diseases, therefore, which build cell-augmentation in the conflict active phase, have their relay
in the old brain from where they get their directions. And all so-called tumors, which are really only an
overflowing kind of healing symptom built through cell-augmentation during the healing phase, have their
relays in the cerebrum.
This systematic connection was discovered in 1987 and called the “ontogenetic system of tumors and
cancer-equivalents". With the Iron Rule of Cancer and the law that there are two phases in all diseases,
the very first systematic classification of the German New Medicine was laid out.
'Ontogenesis' means the origin and development of the individual living being. 'Ontogenetic' means
relating to the development of the individual being. So the ontogenetic system of tumors means that
neither the location of the HH in the brain nor the kind of tumor or necrosis that subsequently develops,
happen simply by chance, because everything has been logically predestined in the historical evolution
of man.
It is said that ontogeny is a recapitulation of phylogeny (the evolutionary development of an organism or
groups of organisms), which means that the development of the different species up to the human is
repeated in the embryonic time of the child and during infancy. We know that the three primary cell layers
are created in the first weeks of human embryonic development and all the organs derive from these
three primary cell layers:
(i) the inner or endoderm
(ii) the middle or mesoderm; and
(iii) the outer or ectoderm
Every cell and every organ in our body can be seen in relation to one of these cell layers. The organs
that develop from the inner cell layer have their relay or steering place in the brain stem, the oldest part
of the brain. In cancer cases, they produce cell-augmentation with compact tumors of the adeno cell
The cells, respectively organs, which develop from the outer cell layer have their relay or steering place
in the cerebral cortex of the cerebrum, the youngest part of our brain. In cancer cases they all cause cell
dwindling in the form of abscesses or ulcera or they sacrifice a function on the organic level, like diabetes
or paralysis.
In the middle cell layer, we must differentiate between the older and the younger group. The cells,
respectively organs, which belong to the older group of the middle cell layer, have their relays in the
cerebellum, which means they still belong to the old brain, and therefore produce a compact tumor of the
adenoid cell type in the conflict active phase.
The cells, respectively organs, which belong to the younger group of the middle cell layers, have their
steering place in the medullary layer of the cerebrum. They therefore produce necroses or tissue holes,
respectively, cell dwindling like holes in bones, the spleen, the kidneys or ovaries, named bone-, spleen-,
kidney-osteolyse or ovary necrosis, in the conflict active phase.
From this one can see that cancer is not a nonsensical development of wildly growing cells. It is an
understandable and even foreseeable occurrence which adheres precisely to the ontogenetic system.
Question 18 - Not all growths are the same. Perhaps you could clarify and explain the differences in
growths in specific diseases?
Yes, that’s exactly why, until now, one couldn’t detect a system in cancer formation. The present school
of medicine, which I now call the “medicine of pupils”, has a classification with no systematic connection.
People say there is cancer when cells produce an overflowing growth but, as we can now see, cells can
build different overflowing growth in different phases, as in the conflict phase and the healing phase.
For instance, a patient has an indigestion-conflict, as if he has half swallowed a big chunk but can't
digest it. Let's say he bought a house and suddenly found that the sale contract was not valid, he had
been taken in and he lost the house. From this shock he could develop a cell-augmentation in the
stomach called adeno carcinoma which is a cauliflower-like growth in the stomach. This carcinoma
happens in the conflict active phase with the HH on the right side of the brain stem, the oldest part of the
brain, in the so-called “pons".
Another example: a patient suffers a conflict with water, liquid or an equivalent; while swimming in the
ocean, the young patient loses his strength, is close to drowning but is saved at the last minute. For
months he dreams about drowning and can't go close to water. He suffers from kidney cancer
(parenchyma necrosis) and develops cell decay (necrosis) in the kidney tissue (parenchyma ), until the
kidney can no longer function. Years later, the patient goes on holiday with his family to the ocean. As his
daughter loves the water, he joins her; with this action he solves his conflict. In the healing phase, a big
kidney cyst grows, a cell augmentation. This cyst gets hard (indurates) from a kind of connective tissue
that helps the kidney in its task of urination. And so we arrive at the original reason for the tumor. These
cancers or tumors are by no means senseless; on the contrary, they are something rather useful.
As in our example, when a big chunk is swallowed but cannot be digested, the organism produces a big
tumor. This is not senseless because the digestive cells and intestinal cells produce a lot of digestive
juice in order to make the chunk more digestible.
This same intelligence can be seen with the kidney cyst which built a big new kidney to urinate again.
This is the reason for the different cell growth tumors which we couldn't distinguish before.
We can now precisely differentiate between them and distinguish them in the brain according to the
histological formation and conflicts. All these connections are summarized in this ontogenetic system of
tumors and cancer equivalents.
Every disease we know in medicine runs along these five biological laws. They can be examined and
reproduced after this ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents.
The phenomena in the psyche and in the brain are equal during the same phase, but on the organic level
they differ. Here we see the old brain steering organs which build cell-augmentation in the conflict active
phase, while the cerebrum steers the organs to form holes, necroses and ulcers in the conflict active
phase. In the healing phase they act in reverse. In the healing phase the old brain steers organs to break
down tumors with the help of special microbes, while the cerebrum is steering organs to fill the holes,
necroses and ulcers with the help of viruses and bacteria, by swelling.
Question 19 - I suppose we now come to the fourth law?
Yes, the ontogenetic system of microbes.
Question 20 - Dr. Hamer, what role do microbes play in your system? One hears in this connection a lot
about the immune system.
Up until now, we had thought that microbes caused infections. This view seemed correct as microbes are
found in every infection. In reality, it is not true. The whole immune system is only a 'fata morgana', built
on hypothesis.
In avoidable diseases we also forgot or overlooked the first phase, the conflict active phase. Only after
the conflict is solved do the microbes become active. Indeed, they are directed and activated by the
brain. They are NOT our enemies; they help us and work on the ordering of our organism. Since they are
directed from the brain, they help break down cancer tumors after their task is fulfilled, or build up the
holes, necroses and tissue damage from the other cerebrum groups. They are our faithful helpers, our
guest workers! The concept of the immune system, the army that fights against the bad microbes, is
simply wrong.
Question 21 - This connection brings lung tuberculosis to mind. How could all those people, fifty years
ago, who had to stay in sanatoriums, heal their lung TBC?
If we leave the rib cage TBC to one side and concentrate on the real lung TBC, then we can say that lung
TB was always the healing phase after an advanced pulmonary cancer. This pulmonary cancer was
always a death-fear conflict and always directed from our brain stem. The tumor grows in the conflict
active phase, but reduces in the healing phase through the tubercular fungi bacteria, if some of these
bacteria are present. They will then be coughed out, often with blood sputum called expectoration, which
is what frightened people and brought on a new death-fear. One can recognize it was a vicious circle.
In animals it functions true to the pattern; the lung tumors are coughed out and what is left are the
cavities which allow better breathing than before; but if the tubercular fungi bacteria are missing, then the
round lesions in the lungs will remain.
Today, after all these decades, we still find some of the old pulmonary lesions although they are inactive
since they can no longer grow. In former days we saw the cavities, empty tuberculomen, because there
were tubercular fungi bacteria everywhere.
Question 22 - Can you tell us something of the 5th Biological Law?
The 5th Biological Natural Law is truly the quintessence of the previous four Laws. This quintessence
contains not only the previous strictly scientific laws, but also opens a new dimension. It is, as it were, the
soul of the German New Medicine. To take yet another step; in one stride, this 5th Natural Law allows us
to connect the scientific facts with that which we have previously thought to be something
transcendental, supernatural, parapsychological, or explainable only by religion, something which we feel
and experience, but for which there has been no room in scientific thinking models. This law gives us an
understandable connection to the universe that surrounds us and of which we are part.
In essence, every disease should be understood as an evolutionary meaningful biological program of
nature. In other words, every disease presents a specific program that solves an exceptional,
unanticipated biological conflict. It is a new way of looking at disease as a significant biological program
of nature interpreted through the evolution of species.
We can now see and comprehend for the first time not only that there is a natural order, but that each
individual process in nature has significance with respect to everything that exists.
Question 23 - Dr. Hamer, perhaps we could come to the practical therapy of the conflicts. Is conversation
therapy your first step.
Not really. We don't need conversation therapy as it is used in psychotherapy, but we must of course talk
about the problem. Let's look at the animal kingdom again. An animal can only survive by real conflict
resolution. The hart will only be able to survive if he regains his territory. The animal mother robbed of her
cub can only survive if she gets her cub back. Mother Nature has a built-in remedy so that the mother
quickly gets a new offspring and solves her conflict.
We should solve our conflicts as practically and as realistically as the animals. A man whose wife has left
him either needs to get his wife back or get another woman. The hart needs his territory back or another
territory. A permanent solution is the best solution.
If this cannot be done, we try talk therapy as a second possibility. The traditional therapy used up until
now has been "Take some tranquillizers to calm you down".
Mother Nature has not created this stress phase without purpose, since it is only because of the stress
that the individual will be able to solve his or her conflict. This stress must be activated to allow the
patient the possibility to solve their conflict. If you were to give tranquillizers to the hart, he would be
unable to fight and regain his territory; instead, he would be paralysed from fighting off any intruder.
One can see in psychiatry how patients who have been given tranquillizers often become chronically ill.
Their natural ability to solve their conflicts has been taken from them with the consequence that some of
them have to live the rest of their lives in psychiatric wards.
Question 24 - Dr. Hamer, how can one work therapeutically with the five biological laws that you
We have to imagine that a patient has three levels: the psyche, the brain and the organ which, together,
form the organism. The new therapy should be thought of in terms of these three levels or as extensions
of them.
First of all, it is necessary to find the DHS (conflict shock) and the conflict content, if possible, on all three
levels, and this has to be done very conscientiously and carefully. Consideration has to be given as to
whether the patient is right or left-handed to establish on which of the two cerebral hemispheres the
patient works. We have to establish the hormonal situation: is a female patient sexually mature or is she
pregnant? Is she taking birth control pills (which cause blocking of the hormone production in the
ovaries), or is she in menopause? The same is true for a man: through hormonal changes, the brain side
on which the patient works changes. So, a woman who takes the pill will react in a masculine fashion,
with male characteristics; a woman taking birth control pills will get a territorial conflict when her husband
walks out on her, walks out of her territory.
We don't look for the conflict on the level of the psyche only; one has to localize it exactly in the brain
according to the conflict phase in which we are at the moment of the anamnesis (the patient's account of
his past history) and examination. The HH in the brain has to correspond exactly with the cancer disease
of the organ. Each specific localization in the brain belongs to a very specific organ in the body or vice
versa. The conflict must be solved starting at the psychic level, as the real problem is the basis of the
The mother's child who had an accident must get healthy again. A man who had a territorial conflict
because he lost his job must either find another job or territory, retire, join a club or devote his time to a
hobby. There are many possible solutions for every conflict. In nature, the solutions are built-in. For
example, when the sheep was robbed of her lamb, she solved her conflict by bearing another lamb. In
humans too, pregnancy has absolute precedence from the third month on - no cancer can continue to
grow as pregnancy has absolute priority.
We experience most complications on the brain level when the edema develops as a sign of healing. The
patient's brain pressure has to be watched so that he or she does not fall into a coma. In light cases,
during this phase, coffee, tea, dextropur, vitamin C, Coca Cola or an ice pack can be of some help. In
more difficult cases, cortisone (in the compatible retard form) is the choice we make today. Cortisone
does not cure cancer; it is used only as a symptomatic drug against the brain and organic edemas in the
healing phase, like for bone pain which happens through bone skin swelling. In difficult cases, patients
should take little fluid, keep their heads up and avoid direct sunlight. In the case of a side edema, one
should not lie on that side.
On the organic level, what doctors saw as a tumor was always cut out, whether in the conflict active
phase or in the healing phase. On this level we now have a new perspective for the future. If the conflict
has been solved, it will become an exception rather than the rule to operate or radiate and then only if
the growth bothers the patient mechanically, for example, with a big kidney cyst or a big spleen
enlargement which has developed after a spleen necrosis in the healing phase. (The spleen necrosis
was the organic substratum of a bleeding and injury conflict with reduced thrombocytes (blood platelets)
in the conflict active phase.)
This means we have to shuffle the cards again. With our knowledge of the German New Medicine we
have to consider: what must still be done, what is meaningful and what should not be done any more. If a
patient today has the choice of whether he or she would like to have an intestinal tumor operated on,
when the patient knows that the conflict has been solved and the tumor will more than likely never grow
again, he or she will say, in 99.9 per cent of the cases, "Doctor, if it doesn't irritate me in the next thirty or
forty years, I'll take that chance; leave it where it is."
Question 25 - Dr. Hamer, could you explain why the IRC is called an 'Iron' Law?
It is called 'iron' because it is a biological law. The fact that a child must always have a father and a
mother is an example of a biological law; there must always be two participants to bring about a child. In
the German New Medicine there are five biological laws:
- the IRC (Iron Rule of Cancer)
- the two phases of all diseases
- the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases
- the ontogenetic-dependent system of microbes
- understanding every so-called disease which follows the law (understood ontogenetically and
phylogenetically) of a unique program in nature and is at the same time full of significance.
- psyche programs. When a conflict is solved, a certain program becomes activated and the therapy
follows automatically; but if a patient is unable to resolve the conflict, according to these biological laws,
the program will not proceed and the individual will die. This strict law is the reason it is called "The Iron
Rule of Cancer".
Question 26 - Dr. Hamer, what is the time factor that can be expected, especially with regard to the
complications that can be expected in the healing phase?
The patient will naturally ask the doctor how long it will take for his/her disease to heal. If one works
carefully and finds the DHS as well as the time it took before the conflict was solved, then it is possible to
calculate how long the conflict lasted. With a good anamnesis, one can also find out how strong the
intensity of the conflict content was. From this duration time and the intensity, it is possible to estimate
the conflict mass.
Epileptic or epileptoid crisis within the healing phase. One has to know these complications as they can
sometimes lead to death. However, we can save those lives by preparing ourselves to counteract some
of the complications during the healing phase with medication, especially cortisone.
The most important factor in all this is that the patient knows the complications and has complete
confidence that the doctor understands the whole process of the disease, because only then will he or
she have a completely different and relaxed attitude towards the disease. The doctor will be aware of the
conflict active phase and the conflictolysis phase and will be able to direct the course of therapy in a
meaningful way depending on the situation or circumstance. Because of this, great trust will be built
between the patient and the doctor.
A patient is less likely to panic when told by a doctor that he/she has purulent angina. What is purulent
angina? It is the healing phase after a tonsil adeno carcinoma. Doctors have increased the practice of
taking samples from a patient's tonsils. The doctor then tells the patient that he/she has a tonsil
carcinoma, which is true, but the likely result will be the patient going into a total panic. This panic can be
responsible for a new conflict shock - for example, cancer-fear-panic or mortal-death-panic - triggering a
new cancer which, on the face of it, will confirm the doctor's first diagnosis.
Question 27 - Dr. Hamer, are you saying that metastasis does not exist?
Absolutely! What the ignorant doctor sees is a new cancer and from his diagnosis and prognosis gives
the patient a new conflict shock. The fairy tale of the metastasis is a fairy tale of unknown and unproven
hypothesis. No cancer scientist has ever seen cancer cells in the arterial blood of a cancer patient, which
is where one would find them if they were to swim in the peripheral parts of the body.
Question 28 - Dr. Hamer, what role is played by carcinogenic substances, and can healthy nutrition
prevent or hinder cancer?
Carcinogenic substances do not exist! Scientists have experimented on so many animals and never
found anything that caused cancer. There was an idiotic experiment conducted with rats when, for a
whole year, the rats had concentrated formaldehyde sprayed into their noses, a substance they would
normally avoid. These poor animals got mucous membrane cancer in their noses. They did not get it
from the formaldehyde but because they couldn't stand the formaldehyde so they ended up with a DHS -
a biological conflict of NOT-WANTING-TO-SMELL the substance!
Question 29 - What is the danger of radioactive radiation?
The radioactive radiation caused by the accident in Chernobyl will indiscriminately destroy body cells,
particularly the primitive cells and the bone marrow cells because they naturally have the greatest
dividing rate. If the bone marrow, where the blood is made, gets damaged, and the body manages to
heal, then we see leukemia which, in principle, is the same as the leukemia in the healing phase after
bone cancer. The DHS for bone cancer is "I am worthless". To be rigorous, one must say that the blood
symptoms of leukemia are unspecific, not only in cancer, but in every healing of the bone marrow. The
fact that hardly a single patient has survived leukemia is caused by the ignorance of doctors who are
administering chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy until the existing bone marrow is exhausted. It is
exactly the opposite of what is needed. In short, radiation is bad; it kills cells, but it does not create
cancer as cancer can only start from the brain.
Question 30 - What about healthy nutrition?
The idea that health food can prevent cancer is also nonsense. A healthy and well-nourished individual,
human or animal, will naturally be less subject to all kinds of conflicts, as are the rich, who are ten times
less likely to get cancer than the poor because they can solve so many conflicts with a cheque book.
Question 31 - Dr. Hamer, what is the significance of pain in the German New Medicine? At present, it is
taken as a negative sign.
Yes, pain is an especially difficult problem. We have different pain groups: pain in the conflict active
phase, like in angina pectoris or a stomach ulcer, and pain in the healing phase which is caused through
swelling, edema or scar tissue formation. The pain in the conflict active phase of the angina pectoris
disappears the moment the conflict is solved. This pain can be solved on the psychic level.
Of course they know. But it is more convenient to take the dogmatic point of view that pain is the
beginning of the end and that there is nothing else to do but shorten the suffering right away. The body's
own natural healing is simply ignored, so cancer remains a deadly disease for the ignorant patient who
can be manipulated.
Question 32 - How would you summarize the importance of the German New Medicine; what is its
The German New Medicine is a complete reversal of the present 'hypothetical medicine'. That medicine
needs 500 to 1,000 hypotheses and some 1,000 extra hypotheses because, with their collection of facts,
they know nothing other than working statistically.
Question 33 - Dr. Hamer, what is the meaning of the title 'Legacy of a German New Medicine’?
I believe that the knowledge of the German New Medicine is the legacy of my dead son, Dirk. Through
his death I myself became ill with cancer. With an honest heart, I have the authority of this legacy to pass
on to all those stricken with disease so that they, with the help of the German New Medicine, can
understand their disease, overcome it and recover their health.
Glossary of Terms
Anamnesia: Recollection of the past
Brain stem: The oldest brain
Cachexia: Ill health or death induced through prognosis, medication, overdose, radiation and/or
Carcinoma: A cancer (in traditional medical terms)
Cerebellum: The old brain
Cerebrum: The new brain divided into two hemispheres - a right handed patient .. right brain side is the
male side and left brain side is the female side. In a left-handed patient it is reversed
Conflict active phase: "Active phase" - from the old brain, it is tissue growth; from the new brain, it is
tissue breakdown. This is reversed in the healing phase
Conflictolysis: Resolution of conflict
CT Scan: Computed Tomography of the brain
DHS: Dirk Hamer Syndrome - conflict shock - the conflict content determines the HH in the brain and the
location of cancer on the organ
Edema: Infiltration of tissue with fluid; sign of restitution/ healing phase
Enervation: Deprivation of nerve force or vigour
Fata Morgana: Mirage - anything that appears to be real but is not
Healing Phase: "Hot" healing phase only after a conflict has been solved (cancer stops)
HH: HAMERschenHerd - HH in the brain is the relay area from the brain to the organ location
Histology: Study of tissues
IRC: Iron Rule of Cancer
Sympathicotonia: Active disease phase
Vagotonia: Healing phase

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