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levels of awareness

conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

In freudian terms, thoughts or motives that a person is currently aware of or is remembering
Freud's term for thoughts, motives, or memories that exist just beneath the surface of awareness and
can be easily retrieved
Freud's term for thoughts, motives, and memories blocked from normal awareness, which still exert
great influence
Freud's personality structure : id, ego, superego
according to Freud, the primitive, instinctive component of personality, which works on the pleasure
pleasure principle
in Freud's theory, the principle on which that idea operates -seeking inmediate gratification
in Freud's theory, the rational, decision-making component of personality that operates according to
the reality principle
reality principle
according to Freud, the principle of which the conscious you go operates as it seeks to delay
gratification of the ID's and impulses until appropriate outlets and situations can be found
in Freud's theory, the "conscious" or moral component of the personality that incorporate parental
and societal standards for morality
morality principle
the principal on which the superego may operate, which results in feelings of guilt if its rules are
defense mechanisms
In Freudian theory, the ego's protective method of reducing anxiety by distorting reality and self
Freud's first and most basic defense mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming
into awareness
2ND defense mechanism. Redirecting socially unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities
3Rd defense mechanism. Refusing to recognize an unpleasant reality
4th defense mechanism. creating a socially acceptable excuse to justify unacceptable behavior
5th. ignoring troubling emotional aspects by focusing on abstract thoughts or ideas
6th. transferring unacceptable thoughts, motives, or impulses to others
reaction formation
7th. not acknowledging unacceptable impulses and over emphasizing the opposite
8th. reverting to immature ways of responding
9th. redirecting impulses from original source toward a less threatening person or object
psychosexual stages of development
In Freudian theory, five developmental periods (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) during which
particular kinds of pleasures must be gratified if personality development is to proceed normally
The Unconscious Mind
Freud (1900, 1905) developed a topographical model of the mind, whereby he described the features
of the mind’s structure and function. Freud used the analogy of an iceberg to describe the three
levels of the mind.
On the surface is consciousness, which consists of those thoughts that are the focus of our attention
now, and this is seen as the tip of the iceberg. The preconscious consists of all which can be retrieved
from memory.
The third and most significant region is the unconscious. Here lie the processes that are the real
cause of most behavior. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot
The unconscious mind acts as a repository, a ‘cauldron’ of primitive wishes and impulse kept at bay
and mediated by the preconscious area.For example, Freud (1915) found that some events and
desires were often too frightening or painful for his patients to acknowledge, and believed such
information was locked away in the unconscious mind. This can happen through the process
of repression.
Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, and a primary assumption of
Freudian theory is that the unconscious mind governs behavior to a greater degree than people
suspect. Indeed, the goal of psychoanalysis is to make the unconscious conscious.
The Psyche
Freud (1923) later developed a more structural model of the mind comprising the entities id, ego, and
superego (what Freud called “the psychic apparatus”). These are not physical areas within the brain,
but rather hypothetical conceptualizations of important mental functions.
Freud assumed the id operated at an unconscious level according to the pleasure principle
(gratification from satisfying basic instincts). The id comprises two kinds of biological instincts (or
drives) which Freud called Eros and Thanatos.
Eros, or life instinct, helps the individual to survive; it directs life-sustaining activities such as
respiration, eating, and sex (Freud, 1925). The energy created by the life instincts is known as libido.
In contrast, Thanatos or death instinct, is viewed as a set of destructive forces present in all human
beings (Freud, 1920). When this energy is directed outward onto others, it is expressed as aggression
and violence. Freud believed that Eros is stronger than Thanatos, thus enabling people to survive
rather than self-destruct.
The ego develops from the id during infancy. The ego's goal is to satisfy the demands of the id in a
safe a socially acceptable way. In contrast to the id, the ego follows the reality principle as it operates
in both the conscious and unconscious mind.
The superego develops during early childhood (when the child identifies with the same sex parent)
and is responsible for ensuring moral standards are followed. The superego operates on the morality
principle and motivates us to behave in a socially responsible and acceptable manner.
The basic dilemma of all human existence is that each element of the psychic apparatus makes
demands upon us that are incompatible with the other two. Inner conflict is inevitable.
For example, the superego can make a person feel guilty if rules are not followed. When there is a
conflict between the goals of the id and superego, the ego must act as a referee and mediate this
conflict. The ego can deploy various defense mechanisms (Freud, 1894, 1896) to prevent it from
becoming overwhelmed by anxiety.
Acceptance of a situation that has been causing anxiety is one technique that we might use to live
with an undesirable circumstances or feelings. For instance, someone may acknowledge that they
have behaved unreasonably towards their father owing to an Oedipus Complex, or accept their new
circumstances after separating from a partner.
The anticipation of a potentially stressful event is one way a person might mentally prepare for it.
Anticipation might involve rehearsing possible outcomes in one’s mind or telling oneself that will not
be as bad as they imagine. A person with a phobia of dentists might anticipate an appointment to
have a tooth filling by telling themselves that the procedure will be over in just a few minutes, and
reminding themselves that they have had one previously without any problems.
An act of goodwill towards another person, known as altruistic behavior, can be used as a way of
diffusing a potentially anxious situation. Altruism may be used as a defence mechanism, for example,
by being particularly helpful to a person who we feel might dislike us or neutralising an argument
with kind words and positivity.
When a perceived situation creates anxiety, one convenient option is sometimes to avoid it. Although
avoidance can provide an escape from a particular event, it neglects to deal with the cause of the
anxiety. For example, a person might know that they are are due to give a stressful presentations to
colleagues at work, and take a sick day in order to avoid giving it. Avoidance in this situation might be
only a short term option, however, if the presentation is rescheduled to another day. Someone may
also avoid thinking about something which causes anxiety, preferring to leave it unresolved instead of
confronting it.
Conversion is a defence mechanism whereby the anxiety caused by repressed impulses and feelings
are ‘converted’ into a physical complaint such as a cough or feelings of paralysis. Freud observed this
physical manifestation of anxieties in clients such as Dora, who complained of a cough, losing her
voice and feelings resembling appendicitis. Upon investigation, Freud attributed her cough to fixation
during the oral stage of psychosexual development, and linked her appendicitis to a “childbirth
The self denial of one’s feelings or previous actions is one defence mechanism to avoid damage to the
ego caused by the anxiety or guilt of accepting them. A married woman might deny to herself that
she hold affections for her husband’s friend, rather than accepting her true feelings. A person might
also deny to their physical behavior, such as theft, preferring to think that someone forced them into
committing the crime, in order to avoid dealing with the guilt should they accept their actions. Denial
is an undesirable defense mechanism as it contravenes the reality principle that the id adheres to,
delving into an imaginary world that is separate from our actual environment.
Displacement occurs when a person represses affection, fear or impulses that they feel towards
another person. Accepting that it is irrational or socially unacceptable to demonstrate such feelings,
the psyche prevents them from being converted into actions. However, the feelings are instead
displaced towards a person or animal whom it is acceptable to express such sentiments for.
A person who dislikes their teacher after being given low grades may feel that they would be
punished if they express their hostility towards them. Therefore, they may unconsciously displace
their antipathy onto their best friend, making excuses for treating them badly without justification.
In the case of Little Hans, Freud believed that the boy had displaced a fear of his father onto horses,
whose blinkers and facial features reminded him of his parent. Instead of misbehaving towards his
father, he felt anxious at being in the presence of horses and would avoid leaving the house when
People who use dissociation as a defense mechanism tend to momentarily lose their connection to
the world around them. They may feel separated from the outside world, as though they exist in
another realm. Dissociation often helps people to cope with uncomfortable situations by ‘removing’
themselves from them. The may enter a state of daydreaming, staring into space and letting their
mind wander until someone nudges them, prompting them to acknowledge reality once more.
A case which Freud analysed after reading an autobiographical account of an illness was that
of Daniel Schreber, a German judge who described the dissociative feeling that he and the rest of the
world were separated by a veil. Schreber felt as though he was not entirely a part of his environment
and that he was in some way separate from it.
When life seems mundane or distressing, people often use fantasy as a way of escaping reality. They
may fantasise about winning the lottery or idealised outcomes of their lives changing for the better in
some way. Fantasies help us to explore alternatives to situations that we are unhappy with but
unrealistic expectations of them being fulfilled can lead to us losing touch with reality and taking
more viable actions to improve our lives.
George Vaillant described the use of humor as a “mature” defense mechanism - a primarily adaptive
technique to help us to cope with tense or stressful situations. Looking for a funny aspect in an
environment in which we lack control can help us to endure it, and can even be an altruistic act in
helping others to better cope as well.
Showing humility involves lowering our expectations and view of our self importance, sacrificing our
pride and often focussing on others. Humility can enable us to pacify those around us in tense
conflicts and encourage cooperation with other people to take place. For example, someone who is
known to boast about their abilities may show humility whilst trying to complete a difficult task. This
might encourage others to empathise with, and help, them.
Idealisation involves creating an ideal impression of a person, place or object by emphasising their
positive qualities and neglecting the those that are negative. Idealisation adjusts the way in which we
perceive the world around us and can lead us to make judgement that support our idealised
concepts. People often idealise their recollections of being on holiday or memories from childhood,
seeing them as ‘happier times’, but fail to recollect arguments or stresses during those periods. We
often idealise the image we hold of people we admire - relatives, partners or celebrities, making
excuses for their failures and emphasising their more admirable qualities.
According to Freud’s concept of the Oedipus Complex, a child may experience feelings of resentment
towards their father as they compete for the affection of their mother and the resulting castration
anxiety - an irrational fear directed towards the father - may lead them to feel the need to appease
the father. In order to pacify a person whom we perceive to be a threat, we may emulate aspects of
their behavior. By adopting their mannerisms, repeating phrases or language patterns that they tend
to use and mirroring their character traits, a person may attempt to appease a person. This defense
mechanism was described by Anna Freud as identification with an aggressor.
A person moving schools or countries, starting a new job or entering a new social circle might adopt
the social norms or attitudes of classmates, neighbors, colleagues or other people whom they seek
acceptance from, for example, in order to avoid being rejected by their new peers.
When a person is attached emotionally to an issue, they may be tempted to consider it in intellectual
terms. This often involves standing back from the situation and attempting to take a cold, neutral
view of it. For instance, a person who has been made redundant after twenty years of service to a
company may intellectualise it, acknowledging the management’s view that redundancies needed to
be made for the company to survive. However, this defense mechanism of intellectualisation would
not necessarily prevent the person’s passionate feeling that they have been betrayed after
committing to work for the company for so long.
Introjection occurs when a person takes stimuli in their environment and adopts them as their own
ideas. This may involve internalising criticism from another person and believing the other person’s
points to be valid. A person may introject religious ideas that they have heard at church, or political
opinions that friends espouse. Behavior can also be introjected - the mannerisms of a father may be
observed by his son and then replicated.
The defense mechanism of isolation can lead a person to separate ideas or feelings from the rest of
their thoughts. In distinguishing an emotion or impulse from others in this way, a person attempts to
protect the ego from anxieties caused by a specific situation. For example, a person with a
particularly stressful job may use isolation to separate their work life from their family life, avoiding
the stress affecting their relationships.
Passive Aggression
Displays of aggression are considered unsociable and undesirable in many societies, so when
aggressive or violent impulses are experienced, people tend to avoid them as much as possible.
However, the remaining energy driving such aggression may prove to be more difficult contain, and
may manifest in other forms, known as passive aggression. A passive aggressive person may be
uncooperative in carrying out their duties or other tasks, may deliberately ignore someone when
spoken to and might adopt a negative view of their situation, such as their job, and of those around
them (e.g. colleagues).
When we experience feelings or desires that cause anxiety, or that we are unable to act on owing to
the negative impact that they would have on us or those around us, we may defend the ego from
resulting anxieties by projecting those ideas onto another person. A person who is afraid of crossing a
bridge with a friend might accuse them of having a fear of heights, for example, and in doing so,
avoids accepting their own weaknesses. In the case of Daniel Schreber, who accused his therapist of
attempting to harm him, projection may have occurred when he attributed his own feelings and
desires onto his therapist, Professor Flechsig.
Rationalisation occurs when a person attempts to explain or create excuses for an event or action in
rational terms. In doing so, they are able to avoid accepting the true cause or reason resulting in the
present situation.
Examples of rationalisation include a shoplifter blaming the high price of sweets to justify their theft
of a chocolate bar, when in reality they simply enjoyed the act of shoplifting. If a person fails an exam,
they may excuse themselves from blame by rationalising that they were too busy to revise during the
revision period.
Reaction Formation
When the insatiable desires of the id conflict with the ego and super ego, a person may formulate a
reaction to those impulses. Often, this action is the direct opposite to the demans of the original
desire, and helps to counteract impulses which may be unacceptable to act out or fulfill.
For example, a man may experience feelings of love towards a married woman. The super ego
recognises that the fulfillment of his desires would contradict social norms regarding acceptable
behavior, and so a reaction formation would occur - the man may experience feelings of dislike
towards her - the opposite of the original feelings.
Repression is perhaps the most significant of defense mechanisms in that repressed feelings and
impulses can lead to the use of many other mechanisms. According to Sigmund Freud’s
psychodynamic theory, the impulsive desires of the psyche’s id are prevented by being fulfilled by the
ego, which observes the Reality Principle - that our actions are restricted by our environment,
including social etiquette. Moreover, the superego acts as our moral compass, inducing feelings of
guilt at having experienced the irrational desires that the id creates.
Tensions inevitably arise between the id, ego and super ego and the guilt induced by the latter can
lead to feelings of anxiety and shame. In order to live with such feelings, Freud believed that our
minds repress the thoughts at the source of our anxieties: instead of contemplating them consciously,
they are ‘bottled up’ in the unconscious mind, emerging in symbolic dreams and unexplained
patterns of behavior.
Freud and his colleague, Josef Breuer, used techniques such as hypnosis, regression and free
association to encourage clients to recall and accept repressed memories and impulses.
Regression occurs when a person reverts to the types of behavior that they exhibited at an earlier
age. Stress of adult life and the associated anxiety may lead to a person seeking comfort in things
which they associate with more secure, happier times. They might regress by eating meals that they
were given as a child, watching old films or cartoons, acting without thought for the consequences of
their actions.
Self Serving Bias
The self serving bias arises from our need to protect the ego from self criticism and to defend
ourselves from the complaints of others. We show a self serving bias when we exaggerate the
importance of our own achievements - after passing a test, we might over-estimate the significance
of that particular exam, and take credit for completing it without acknowledging the role that tutors
played in our success. Similarly, when faced with potential criticism we might deflect blame,
apportioning responsibility for failure to anybody but ourselves. Whilst many of us show signs of this
self serving bias, it can be an ineffective method of defence as it distort our view of reality and our
ability to rationalise and interpret events effectively.
Social Comparison
When people feel that they have been victims of unjust actions, they may defend the ego by
comparing themselves to those worse off. Similarly, we may see similarities between ourselves and
others in a better position to improve our self image. These defense mechanisms are known as
download or upward social comparisons. For example, a man who has broken a leg and confined to a
wheelchair may make a downwards social comparison with a person who has been diagnosed with a
more serious condition to make their own situation seem less troublesome. Alternatively, a person
might seek to identify with a person of a perceived higher social position, such as when they learn
that a celebrity is eating at the same restaurant as they are.
Splitting occurs when the ego attempts to reconcile multiple aspects or rationales, but resorts to
understanding the world in “black and white” terms. A person who experiences splitting may take an
“either-or” approach when making evaluations of the world around them, including objects,
situations, and people. They tend to view ideas as either right or wrong, with no middle ground or
compromise. Similarly, they may take a “good versus bad” approach in relationships, admiring one
group of people whilst completely rejecting those who do not live upto their expectations.
Sublimation is considered to be a more adaptive defence mechanism in that it can transform negative
anxiety into a more positive energy. Psychiatrist George Vaillant identified it as a mature defense
mechanism, which we can use to adapt to arising anxieties.
When the energy of the libido surfaces in the form of impulses in the psyche’s id, these desires are
disabled by the ego, and the super ego may produce guilt at having experienced unacceptable
feelings. Whilst these impulses may be repressed, the energy behind them remains. Instead of
converting this energy into socially unacceptable behavior, a person may use sublimation to redirect
this motivation into more acceptable, even productive, endeavours.
Freud believed that artists’ creative energies were often a refocusing of carnal impulses or other
anxieties, through sublimation, onto their work. Athletes may also use sublimation to concentrate
their energy on productive activities such as training.
The somatization defence mechanism occurs when the internal conflicts between the drives of the id,
ego and super ego take on physical characteristics.
Josef Breuer, a colleague of Sigmund Freud, observed this in the case of Anna O, who sought help
from Breuer for hysteria. Breuer discovered that Anna’s anxieties had resulted from traumatic events
that had been repressed, but later manifested themselves physically. For example, she experienced
paralysis on one side, which Breuer linked to a dream in which she felt paralysed whilst trying to fend
off a snake from her bed-bound father.
Unlike many other defense mechanisms, the suppression of thoughts and emotions is something
which occurs consciously and we may be entirely aware that we are attempting to suppress anxieties.
Suppression involves attempting not to think about a memory or feelings - a person may try to think
of another subject when an uneasy thought enters their mind or they might preoccupy their minds by
undertaking an unrelated task to distract themselves. A person may also suppress feelings of love or
dislike towards a person, behaving normally towards them as though they felt dispassionate towards
When we act on an idea or impulse that we later regret, we may adopt a defense mechanism of
attempting to “undo” that action in order to protect the ego from feelings of guilt or shame. A person
may intentionally push past someone in a shop, but realising that the person was frail, feel guilty with
regards to their behavior. They may try to undo their action by apologising or offering to help the
Wishful Thinking
We all engage in wishful thinking to some extent in an attempt to avoid facing undesirable realities. A
football fan might deceive themselves that the ailing team that they support will miraculously turn
themselves around and win all of the future matches of the season. Such wishful thinking enables the
person to avoid disappointment and sadness for as long as possible.

Herbert marcuse:Aggressiveness in Advanced Industrial Society

14 Ekim 2017 Cumartesi
AFFLUENT SOCIETY ( affluent means rich, wealth to describe contemporary american society
(1) an abundant industrial and technical capacity which is to a great extent spent in the production
and distribution of luxury goods, gadgets, waste, planned obsolescence, military or semimilitary
equipment – in short, in what economists and sociologists used to call “unproductive” goods and
(2) a rising standard of living, which also extends to previously underprivileged parts of the
(3) a high degree of concentration of economic and political power, combined with a high degree of
organization and government intervention in the economy;
(4) scientific and pseudoscientific investigation, control, and manipulation of private and group
behavior, both at work and at leisure (including the behavior of the psyche, the soul, the unconscious,
and the subconscious) for commercial and political purposes.

that the strains and stresses suffered by the individual in the affluent society are grounded in the
normal functioning of this society (and of the individual!) rather than in its disturbances and diseases.
Doktor için tanımını yapıyor. Tanımlamak kolay : "healty "
Psychiatrics için tanım yapıyor. Burası zor
Normal functioning of mind. Çocuk ya da büyük mü olup olmadığına gçre . Fakat society burada
Normal functioning of digestive tract Beden için healthy olmak standarttır
Mınd için external influence. : army de, prisonda , v.s
Structurelar, relationlar, institutionlar kişilerin satisfaction of basic needs ine izin vermeyince oluyor.
Toplumun büyümesi ya da ilerlemesi ile değil, toplumun inşa ediliş şeklinin devamı için gerekli.
İndividuallar strains and stress oluştutur.
Normal working of social processes: adjustment and submission: işini ve ya statüs ünü kaybetmekle
Fakat discreapency btw established ile human freedom arasındaki fazla olunca :mental coordination
of individual ı daha systemic halde sağlamak gerekiyor.
Social engineering , manipulatioon of institual needs : general blindness.
Note :
Surpluss repsession required derken consciously inaugurated (başlayan) policilerden değil,
TENDENCYlerden bahsediyor, existing society nin analiziyle ortaya çıkan hatta policy makerlerin bile
farkında olmadığı tendencyler. Bu poliyler continued functioning of the apparatus için yapılıyor. Sosyal
relationlar da bu apparatus için build ediliyor.
Libidinal cathexis of merchandise the indvidual has to buy or sell
IN other words, social needs must become individual needs, instinctual needs.
Bu toplumun üretimi startlaşığ generalize olmalu.
Topluma distribute değil- diffuse edilmiş
RELEASE OF AGRESSION OLUR BOYLE BIR DURUMDA - psikolojik değil political bir strrugge ileçözülür
durum. Ü,

TOPLUM : VITIATES : eğer prevailing strains are related to the very structure of scoiety
DEVELOPS UNDER technological changes -- alienated labor -- development of established system :
daha çok boş zaman yaratıyor : massive self-realization.
"BOGEY(gulyabani) OF AUTOMATION" is an ideoogy. İt serves
Obsolate jobs&unemployment
Education and training : prolong and enlarge control and manipulation.
DANGER OF ESTABLISHED SYSTEM : not abolition of labor
possibility of nonalienated labor as the basis of the reproduction of society. : çalışmaya
zorlanmamaları değil, belli sosyal amaçlara ulaşmak için çalışmaya zorlanmaları. : socially necessary
Daha önce anlatılanlar : real contradictionlardı : social structure dan mental structure of individuals a
giden. ---
activates destructiveness , Sublimated
Socially useful: on private and political.
Destructive energy becomes
Socially usefulaggresive energy
Aggresive behaviour impels growth.
aggression activates destruction which “aims” at death, while libido seeks the preservation,
protection, and amelioration of life.
Therefore, it is only as long as destruction works in the service of Eros that it serves civilization and
the individual;
AGRESSİON EROStan daha fazla olursa: REVERED
Thus: the instinctual dynamic is mechanistic, distributing an available quantum of energy between
the two antagonists.
New forms of freedom
Subversion of established
Repressive use of these capabilities.
Contadictionlar : ubiquitious aggression a sebep olur toplumda : MİLİTARY MOBİLİZATİON VE
ZİHİNSEl davranışlar üzerindeki etkisidir. Ama temel olarak aggression bir çok kaynaktan beslenir
The dehumanization of the process of production and consumption.
elimination of personal initiative, taste
The conditions of crowding, noise, and overtness characteristic of mass society.
Freud has emphasized the “asocial” character of Eros – the mass society achieves an
“oversocialization” to which the individual reacts “with all sorts of frustrations, repressions,
aggressions, and fears which soon develop into genuine neuroses.”
I mentioned, as the most conspicuous social mobilization of aggressiveness, the militarization of the
affluent society.
The brutalization of language and image, the presentation of killing, burning, and poisoning and
torture inflicted upon the victims of neocolonial slaughter is made in a
PSYCHOLICAL HABITATION OF War : is the consequence.
he brutality of power is further normalized
Administrative language : identity of opposite - in the mounth of enemy : peace means war
Communist threatten dolayı değil : by the dehumanization which its wasteful and parasitic affluence
demands. The senseless war is itself part of this irrationality and thus of the essence of the system.
Buralarde economic nedenlerden bahsediyor : o dönemle alakalı yorumlar yapıyo olabilir.
Başta minor bir test olan savaş üretim ilikişi whole e yayılır diyor.
Belong to HISTORICAL structure of civilization.
Bogey man of automation
Quantitative decline in labor
Ya dont enlarge individual consumption
Ya da enlarge with luxuries.
Luxury olunca anlamsız işler yaratılır economik ve poltiical olaral. İş gereksiz fakat ekmek parası gereki

technological aggression and satisfaction. :
high degree of automation : energy and power activated and used by electrical, nuclear power.
Aggression tranferred and mediated by object .
Target is destroyed by a thşng rather than a person.
Human ve material energy arasında bir change var.
the instinctual satisfaction of the human person is “interrupted,” reduced, frustrated, “super-
sublimated. Bir iki cümle daha devam ediyor. Sense of gult , defense ve resentment oluyorç
The commanding officer yada government makine aracığıyla bu sosyal aggression i substitute ediyor:
a machine.
The machine tanımı yapıyro : human being in substitute edildiği fakat machine de sense of guilt
ÖZETLE : the more powerful and “technological” aggression becomes, the less is it apt to satisfy and
pacify the primary impulse, and the more it tends toward repetition and escalation.
Differences btw tech aggression and primitive
Primitive is a crime
Technological is not, the killer remains clean, physically as well as mentally.
Diğer teknik ve politik apparatuser restrain ve sublimate aggression
Militarization of society is a tendency
Cultural dimention:
Disintegration of the value of truth.
Truth is the matter of sublimated life instincts, eros
Aesthetic values have been stromg protectors of eros in civilization.
Nature is the part of that dimension
Agrressive businesses turn into midum of commercial fullfilment.
PERMANENT REPETITION : aynı reklam ve görseli farklı yerlerde tekrar tekrar görüyoruz.
Freud arrived at his concept of the death instinct in the context of his analysis of the “repetition
compulsion”: he associated with it the striving for a state of complete inertia, absence of tension,
return to the womb, annihilation.
Hitler also used this techniques.

According to Marcuse, Freud fails to develop the emancipatory possibility of his own theory.
Marcuse's task is two-fold.
First, he must show that human instincts or drives are not merely biological and fixed, but rather, are
social, historical, and malleable.
Secondly, he must show that the repressive society also produces the possibility of the abolition of
repression (Marcuse 1955: 5).
That the instincts can be repressed already suggest that society and its form of organization plays a
role in shaping the instincts. If this is the case, the instincts cannot be fixed. As society and its
mechanisms of repression change so does the instincts. Marcuse claims that:
Marcuse introduces two new terms to distinguish between the biological vicissitudes of the instincts
and the social. Basic repression refers to the type of repression or modification of the instincts that is
necessary “for the perpetuation of the human race in civilization” (Marcuse 1955: 35). At this level
repression does not lend itself to domination or oppression. Surplus repression, on the other hand,
refers to “the restrictions necessitated by social domination” (Marcuse 1955: 35). The purpose of
surplus repression is to shape the instincts in accordance with the present “performance principle”
which is “the prevailing form of the reality principle” (Marcuse 1955: 35).
As Marcuse maintained in his later Aggressiveness in Advanced Industrial Society, what constitutes
‘normality’ in advanced capitalist society is essentially destructive to the mental and emotional well-
being of its members, even if they do not immediately recognise this as such. The perpetuation of
domination is made in accordance with a ‘rational’ order-but rational only in the sense of its own
functional reproduction. Under such instrumental prerequisites, human beings are subsumed by
forces beyond their control in which the world remains external to their own lives: Freedom in this
sense is defined as the extent to which they can retreat from it. As Marcuse further notes in the same
work, life under such a system is characterised by the manipulation and reproduction of anxiety in
accordance with submission, just as this is demanded as necessary for survival. From ‘Reality TV’ to
the use of psychometric testing for recruitment purposes, the necessity of “continuing the struggle
for existence in painful, costly, and obsolete forms” (Marcuse, 1968, pg. 256) finds its functionally
representative form in an individual and social mindset that is in Marcuse’s words, characterised by a
feeling of “being ready for anything at the expense of everyone else”(Ibid, pg. 262).

ADORNO discussion.
Thibks bout post-ww environment. How people follow those leaders- bu liderler topluma bir şey
sunmamasına ragmen nasıl kitleler onları takip eyiyor.
Freud la alakalı mekanismleri de ortaya koyuyor .
Günümüz politikasını da anlamıza yardımcı oluyor- trump gibi.
In the larger collection the essay :
Emphasis mode of production and capitalism : leasure time: capitalist mode of prouction leads to
Recent needs are created for leisure time.
Mass production, oumping of consumption, emergence of mass societies and political system build
upon it. They feel that they are free.What makes people let live that.
Mass are depicted as irrational. Ciritics of frankfurl school : social movementstan ve industrial
productiondan bahsediyorlar fakat industrial kısmın dışında kalan bir dünya da var diyor.
Fascism is depicted as negative psychology :
Adorno and marcuse : take freudian concepts and show the applications

iİSMLERLE SCHOOL DİYİNCE BURADAKİ İNSANLARIN BİR araya gelip benzer sorulara cevap üretmesi
1923de yaratılmış okul. Freud bu dönemde çoktan yazmıştı.
1922 - DE BİR SEMİNAR oluyor.Interdiscidplinary bir group bulusur ve marxist üzerine düşünmek için
bir araya gelir. Marxisim o dönemde popülar. Wealth industrialist tarafından fund ediliyor ve institute
ediliyor. Üniversiteye bağlı ama ayrı ;: eric fromm, adorno, polac gibi isimler var.
Neden marxısm?
Rise of nazism, rise of nationalistm
After ww1- big socio economic changes in europe.
Individualism had lost.
Massive social mkvements in Europe.
Great Depression: wider socio-econ changes in Europe.
Expected revolution happened in non-industrial countries. : BOLSHEVİCS
Expansion of capitalism: fordism, mass production and automation.
Marx : hegel, weber, freud. Gibi isimler de var.
Significant countribution
Suprstructure a dikkat çekip : infra structure da onun gibi önemlidir dediler.: Culture da önemli asıl
insanlara etki etti. Cultural context ve individual concepte bakıp in that sense,
Bu insanlar 1933 e genova ya daha sonra da US e yerleşmek durumunda kaldılar.
They saw the war and after war. After the war they war not optimistic about human emancipation. :
Opression of human autonomy . Illusion of freedom.
Overall question : what happened to the enlightenment project : critical thinking, individuation etc.
Why individual not able to resist authorities and obey, follow them, energise by them.


MASSES : what turns people into masses.
Freud : society e interested değildi. Fakat individuaları inceleyerek upcoming trendlere döndü diyor
Narcistic identification:
Adorno references hitler.
Narcistic are the personality : person existed with himself and connection with outside world is
superficial. Psychoanalitic perfpective de freud diyor ki : baby doğdugunda perception ı yoktur ve
kendini ayrıt edemez. Freud : primary needs are fed by mother, başka biri var onunn ihtiyaclaını
karşılayan. This perception and evolves in time. Ve relationship oluşturmaya başlar bebek. But if for
some reason, if the outside world baby i outside world de seperate being olarak tanımlanmazsa the
person stays in capsulated in herself.
Narcissus is a myth -- diverts all the libidonal energy to himself- outside world exists to satisfy them
Grandius Narcism : kendisini superior görüyor. Kendi self esteem için dışarıdan feed bck bekliyor.
Kendileri hakkında konuşulmasını istiyor. The are concerned about feeling good, they do no
necessarily connect with people.
Identification through idealization
IDENTIFICATION : başkasıının karakteristiğini alıyoruz . İn a baby : NURTURING aspect of mother: I am
pretty as moy mother vs. kendimizi annemizle idenficate ediyoruz. Ya da teenage döneminde
celebrity ile identify ediyoruz. Inspring quality of that person u alıyoruz. Couplelar da zamanla kendini
identify ediyor. It is sometimes healing- kendini iyi hissediyorsun identify edince
Political identification :
Kendini olumlu yönleriyle identify ediyosun: empowering characttisrin
Bad taraflarıyla, aggresionla, aggresor la identify ediyosun. Feeling empower with the other person.
IDEALIZATION : another beings able to take care of us:ARE SEEN AS PERFECT. OMNIPOTENT OLARAK
görülüyor having no defect. Bizi de mükemmel göstermeye yardımcı oluyor.
Child büyütürken parents perfect olmuyor her zaman.
SPLITTING DEFENSE MECHANISM : birini all good or all bad olarak görüyoruz ya da devaluate
ediyoruz. Idealizing some and devaluate others
The leader
Characteristics of those leaders :
Excludes and denounces intellectuals and opposition proposes alternatives. They use rhetorical
SPLITTING : in group and out group psychology
Libidinal energy for the group, agressive energy for the out group
They depict themselves a somnipotent : they can do whatever they want.
In terms of trump supporters :dedi ki birini vursam bile sokakta insanlar yine beni support ederdi.
They talk very SIMPLE AND REPETITIVE: adorno diyorki there is subsance, they do not propose
somethşng substancial, there is no necessarily rational arguement. They do not make sense.
"AD HOMINEM ATTACK" : attacks on person instead of argument. Personalization of the arguement
He talks about GREAT LITTLE MAN : he does not expres love: rather narcistic and popular.
The leader is idelaized extremeley, lead the masses with idealization. They become popular however,
they are semi educated people has to resonate with common man.
They have rhetorc mind
The paradox : he has to idealize above all and has to resonate with COMMON PERSON. How is his
Compeletely interested and invested in himself- diğerleri ona yatırım yapmak için. Fakat dışarıda
kendisine onay bekliyor. Rejection ya da failure olursa : narcisting injury ve collapse oluyor. Küçük bir
başarısızlık ya da onarılacak bir şeymiş gibi değil ama kişisel olarak başarısızlıkları olarak alıyorlar.
Adorno bunu paylaşıyor liderlerin özelliklerinde.
Self-love : group love - aggression to outsiders: RELIGION
RELİON I KABUL EMEYEnler outsiderlara garip olarak bakıyorlar demiş freud.
authority of leader is not questioned.
They seem they appeal like each other ama içerilerinde bir envy var. " REACTION FORMATION"
REACTION FORMATION : certain emotion to someone , but you can not express that envy or emotion
ve opposite olanı sergiliyorsun. Mesela kardeşin için düşün. Baby e sarılıyor ama sarılırken çimdiriyor
İşte grouplar da da böyle
Adorno says it is not genuine group.
Why in fascism it happens?
He takes the drives and energy theory of freud: libido and aggressive drive : we channel it in a
appropiate wat. Libito enerjisi kullanıyor ve toplumda kullanılıyor.
Suggestion ve manipulation aspect is repressed: speechlerde love kelimesi kullanılmıyor. Represses
love energy and chanels it to the bonding of group and attach it to the leader. He relies on what freud
wrote earlier freud worked on group psychology.
GROUP PSY : CHANNELİNG LOVE to the group, feeling superior through the group and feeling
empower, and diverting aggresive energy to the outside group.
İndividuals regressing into the time where idealized the mother or father so the fascist propaganda
and the leader appears like all powerful father: enigmatic personalization of the leader and overall
gesturing, self confident -- agression comes from the leader. They identify with this leader throug
idealizing leader.
THEY EMPOWER THEMSELF AND they feel empowered through the part of propaganado and power
of group.
SUGGESTION : bunlar konuşmalarda tekrarlarnıyor : superiority. Propoaganda bu superiority ve ideal
aspectleri tekrarlıyorlar sürekli.
İDEALİZİNG him as superior and protecting :
At the same time , you want to be him. Anyone can become like them.
Conclusion : is liberation possible?
Adorno diyor ki benim atlattıkları fascism içinde geçerli. Neden fascism:
its not that those fascist leaders,

Excerp okuyoruz genel olarak. Onların worklerini tek bir okumadan judge etmeyin.

Thinkingimizi nereye lead ediyor: adorno

He is writing about : he is not generalizing aal social movements: facsism hakkında yazıyor . Ve belli
retorikle konuşuyor. Freud saw : as a balance. Civilization and inastiittuiton to balance indv. And indv
balances the society iself
Adorno at the end of article: facsim movement a dayalı spesifik şeyleri söylüyor. "cult of a leader":
leaders prsence and discourse. Narcistic leader saw himself omnipotent Followers: lar gücü liderden
alıyorlar. The content of leader is propogenga and repetitve. "ad hominom attacks
For these movement neler olduğunu anlatıyor.
Socio-economic: followers of such leader ekonomik nedenlerle taki edyorlar.
Political framework.
Bu fascıst leaderler nerden biliyor etkilemeyi
Popular opinion 'a ters olarak : are masterminds influencing people.: çok akıllı olup, eğitimli
olmalarına gerek yok. Adorno için : their psychological mechanisms are narscistiC. Narcist olmaları da
bu movement in design ını belirliyor.
Sosyo political dinamiklere bakıp bu kontexte yaşayana liderlere bakılıyor.

EXPLAINS the freudian mechanism : aggresive and libidinal drive. Political ve social context e
Bu maintained system i elde etmek için bu set up ve freudien concept lerş kullanıyorç
Suggestion : basic tension btw organisation of civilization to individual.
Focus : societal norms dan tension btw repressan and aggression dan geçiyor
Toplumun inşa edilme dynamicleri- continuous production and grown, seperation from
nature,crowdedness bu tension ı yaratıyor.
Bu aggression : surplus aggression olarak tanımlanıyor.
İf we can get out of economic system, then we will be libreated.
He is more optimistic about emancipation compare to adorno.
He allows space for fantsy.
Kendi society description ı var. Fakat diğer çalışmalarında emancipation olabileceğini söylüyor. :
DahaSONRA hippi movement i tahmin etmiş gibi duruyor.
Repressive-desublimation. Libidonal energy sporla yayılıyor . Buna sublimation deniyor.
Desublimation are satisfied through product with advertisement. They invoke sexual energy and they
satify within consumption in the capitalist system.
Context of wars : violence as experienced technollogically. Teknoloji ilerledikçe aggresive drivelarımız
Tüketim toplumunda reptititon da kullanıyor: verbal ve musical. It numbs us.
REPTITION COMPULSION : (FREUD)early childhood da familiar ve comforitng olyor. Familiarity makes
the minf
Marcuse : hoe the society in terms of advertisemetn industry and etc. : those are so repetitive and
situmulates. NUMBS US
Adorno : bu liderler için conceptual framework vermek istedi. Scholars lar larger surveyler tutabilmek
Adorno : did nıt necessarily any systemetic outcomes. Sadece conservative movementlar için değil
aynı zamanda başka movementlardaki liderler için de bulunda. Personalities ve authoritarianism e
RATİONAL : reason and love relation olunca otorite rationa- olmayınca irrational oluyor.
He is not critical all types of authority.
He tries to understand irrationality by absence of love and irrationality.
Authoritarian can not act indepently and does not rely on himself. But mature person can grasp and
embrace the world as it is.
"how he located into personality development and type of authrity"is it the type of personity or
psychic developmet(mature) or is it more the situation.

ADORNO : EMRİPİKLERE DE baktı- daha çok unconscious şeylere- görülmeyenleri anlatmaya çalıştı.
Positivistik açıklamalar direk empriklere değil uncoscoious olabiliyo.r

CENTURY OF THE SELF. (BBC DOCUMENTARY-vimeo ): its a three part documentary. How freud works
onun nephew u tarafından ele alınıyor gibi
MILGRAM EXPERIMENT 1962(youtube ): insanlar otoriteye nasıl obey ediyor. Hatta otorite nasıl onları
obey edilecek hale getiriyor. Overall finding : most of the parcipamts did obey even they injure the
Proximity : otorite bize yakın olunca neler oluyor, ya da otorite bize uzak olunca nasıl oluyor. Victimla
yüz yüze gelince neler oluyo
INSTITUTIONAL GENDERHe was looking for institutional authority: people still trust to the
experimenters and they dont give up. Even if it is not a trustable experiment group- people still truts
to the group. Institutional setting : yale falan olunca extra credibility oluyo outhority e
GENDER : what happens
Person değil group olunca neler oluyor? Do ypu tend to participate more or less?


İnsanlar kendilerini tatmin ederken tüketim toplumunda obeyin bireyler ve uslu çocuklar haline
Devletler insanların içindeki bu gizlenen duyguları çıkarmıştı- savaş freud için beklenen bir şeyd
Paris barış konferansı : wilson kahraman olarak görülmüştü ve massler odaklandı.
World fair in new york : capitalism and democracy. Democracy olması için capitalism olması
gerekiyormuş gibi. İt was consumerist and democracy and capitalism goes together. Aktif citizens
değil passive consumerist olarak görğyordu insanları. Ancak human rationa mı irrational mı olduğu
mücadeleris var.
Anscluss : 1938 - hitlerin avusturya isgali.
Ww2 : insanların democracy 'e bakış larını nasıl değiştirdiğini anlatıyor.
40 MALES :
Small wold effect : 6 degrees . USA da insalar paket gönderioyr ve bulmasını sağlıyor
Experimental designs : standardixed the each condition the situation that a parcipants in.
Major questionn is : the given the same situaiton : authority figure do people obey.
His placing his theoretşcal standpoint and : egp development and devellopment of personality and he
looks in to social situations .
Major finding at the end : put any person in this situation: katılan insanlar normal insanlar olduğu için
kimi argumana koysan fit olur. Obey ediyoruz diyo. Everyday people join to the experiment. Ü
Abrahams predicament to kill his son. : you though to obey
Conceptualization in the beginnin
They are not looking for personality dispositions. Durum yaratım how the actions shifht
Demogratic vsariables: age profession.
İnterestingly : the participant observed what happens- çünkü acı çeken odaya bağlandı. All the verbal
cues : yelling are taped before. They standardized or emotional cues.
Proximity of authority: proximity arttıkça obedience increase. Phone aracılığıyla order verilince : daha
az elektrik verdiler. Distance of the learner. : the learner is in the other room - or in the same room-
physical proximity of the subject. Marcuse da benzerini söylüyo.
The victim : if there is eye contatn with to student - it is less klikel to execute electro shock .
Are the readings are related to each other diye sordu:
Milgram also influences by the given political& historical context : what leads people to obey
Milgram : take the question to more social psy and methodhology is experimental : there are
controlled situation.
Milgram in the article : he discuss the implication of results. Along with the experiment they ask the
participant obey yapanların sayısını estimaye etmesini istiyor. They ask psychiatrist.
A lot of people underetimated the obedience rate.
People with different backgrounds
People were like to obey.
Social situations create behaviour.

For ethical reasons those reaseaches are hard to do.

Creating those kind of things : is not possible.
Lots of social scientist influenced from the study.

MILGRAM :at the end of the article : larger experiment

Experiment olduğunu bildikleri halde böyle bir şey oluyorsa devlet gibi bir kurum ypınc anolur.

Experiment in the similar setting

Agression executed on a victim. Mesela sokakta kadın dövülüyor ne yapardın.
Those experiment led to other studies.


SOCIAL SITUATION : social psy trainin geçirdi zimbardo : they are thinking about same reaserch
question with Zimbardo : farklı setting de olursa yine aynı şekilde mi davranırız.
Conclusion: People will readily conform to the social roles they are expected to play, especially if the
roles are as strongly stereotyped as those of the prison guards. The “prison” environment was an
important factor in creating the guards’ brutal behavior (none of the participants who acted as guards
showed sadistic tendencies before the study). Therefore, the findings support the situational
explanation of behavior rather than the dispositional one.
During vietnam war : a ot of student protest to authority.OTORITE hakkında kritical lar ama bunu
prison experiment ine döksek nasıl olur. Prison environment'ın da role larını ve powerlarını nasıl
shape ederler.
Experriment first advertised to the local people: last for 2 weeks: they can drop out any time they
They make psy test. They select target population. Select people similar in terms of background and
testing. No apparent differences in terms of dynamics. They informed about the experiment. They
will be randomly assigned. Most of them say they dont want to be aguard- they hate from authority.
No systemic bias. Half of them guards, others are prisoners.
Akşam birden bire evlerinden alındılar- gerçek bir deneyim gibi evlerinden alındılar.
Participants immeaditely given their roles and taken their uniforms- they are numerated. They can
not use their names. They have prisoners uniform and they are not allowed to wear underwear
Within 24 hours they started to become real guard and they imitate southern accent
Physical violence ghappened, revolt happened as well
One of the particiopant really disturbed and leaved and caused so much stressed.
How study ended? On the 6 day, the guards were taking to toilet which is autside. Outsider person
gelince, emotionally disturbed. She stopped it. Because she were outsider and zimbardonunmanitası
oldugu için yakın olarak biliyordu.
Some guard acted softer : the good guards there, escalated the dynamic and tension in a way:
because they did not intervene and they did not prevent others. Some of the prisoners gain their
respect. They tried to gain credibility and favors and they try to behave in compliant ways.
This is a very confined setting : physically and psychologically.

He draws conclusions on finding and ethical effect:

Similar perspective as milgram : situations make behaviour, institutions make roles. Stanford
institution olduğu için revealing and imposible to replicate as a studyş. eSPECİALLY, İF THİS İS a new
setting, be comply more reaily.
They know rthey are roleplaying. He is making strong conclusion: good people can be seduced into
behaving in waysthey normally do not do. They do not neccessaily
Genocide etc. : what happens to

THERE ARE TWO FOOTNOTES : in a genocidal setting e bakıyor. Methpdoological chanllenging :
perpetratorsları bulmak zor.
She goes through record of rescuer those who helped to jews listed. SNOWBALL teknik ile yakınlarına
Similar traitler bulmaya çalışıyor.
She interviews with them about war. And what they did. In the article she focuses on 4-5 of them
Those who lived in Netharlands:
Dutch culture might be humanitarian for her. So maybe this is why SHE DECİDED to work on them
TONY'S COUSIN: BEATRICE : similar background like tony but she did not do much
Tony's Friend : helped nazi's : FRED
He says that as lookin into similar setting and similar place : she takesn psych approach.
She describes interviews in detail
Monroe identify somethings about behaviour. Small group of people- she is making generalizations, it
is difficult
How poeple perceive themselves is the central variable
Tony : he saw himself as a humanitarian person : himself being connected to larger humanity.
Nationality do not matter for him. Larger sense of bonding with other
BEATRICE : by standard thşngs : hayatında çok seçim yapamadığını söyledi. She said : ı coulndt do
anything, sense of little contral over situatin. Not being able to chage
They felt threated by the jews : being surrounded by threat.
REST OF RELEVANT THEMES COME FROM: how person perceive thelselves effect their choices : and
shape their positions.
WHETHER OR NOT HELP OTHERS : coming play that cognitive choice field.
İf person suffered from discrimination: tony military deydi arkadaşları öldü ve herkese yardım istedi.
Beatrice violence gördü öncedeb ve kendini koruma gibi bir sense neden oldu. Sonuç olarak past
experiecne iki tarafa da itebilirç
EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHTAN FARKLI : not a lab environment but everyday observation.
She looks at people not in terms of same background'da insanlar farklı davranabilir Her approaches
based on perception of self based on relations to otherç: kendimi dışarıdaki insanlarla nasıl identify
ediyorum ya da larger groupla.
Her conclusion : I will be less likely to dispkay
Even the cognitive system : İN GROUP AND OUT GROUP CONFLICT : is also shaped by this : if people ,
nazi sympatizer, if there are categorization scheme, they are more likely to display themselves away.
She makes observations about. Ctagorizations also are making about dehumization and this process
might lead to violence.
1955 sept 6-7
People go to istiklal on the streetÇ. Most of the foreing non muslimpeople
Lynch culture :
Holocout question da da aynı ekilde soruluyor.

Monroe : identify stages and mass killing e bakınca certain patterns var diyo.
Şeril coopman s article : study of trauvma where extreme : how trauvma can be studied in political
context - trauvmatic experinces did not studies. And which dimentsion of trauvma are relevat subject
for political psy
Those articles are review literature
Woolf, L. M., & Hulsizer, M. R. (2005). Ps ychosocial roots of genocide: Risk, prevention, and
intervention, Journal of Genocide Research, 7, 101-128.
They do 4 thing s
They identify political and psy context which effect mass killing . Thak llok to conflict areas which
people are killed and cleasned and deported. They look into historical backgorund nd cultural effect,
regime characters, situational factors, social cognştive factors they review the literatur
They identify stages that lead to genocide: towards the end killings accelerated so much : not only
because of the escalation in killings but also all global political authorities could not intervene :
ruwanda mesela. Un did not intervene. After the genocide : various ngos went in to do work and
aggrement. International actor olay bitince oraya gitti. Critical evalution of the post conflict
Shorter section : refer of the role of by standards:
They talked about intervention : pre int and post ntervention

Common characteristics they identify :

How poeple behave e baktığımızda bu metinde diğer makalelerden gelen ortak noktalar görüyoruz.
Cultural history regarding: glorification of violence, normalizing aggression : ideology of antagonism. :
at the end - in group- out group identification based on etnicity religion etc Those who belong to
dominant group dirive more power thrpugh antagonism
The whole culture of martytdom across ideologies - the ideology of antagonism comes glorification of
They refer the such groups : diversity increse tolerance diminish- tolerace for etnic group sexual
choice. De individualization. Bireyler kendi komplexityleriyle değil de kolektif bir parça olarak görülrse.
Diğer gurubu dehuminize ediyoruz.
Authoritarin leader : are in power they secure their own escape if needed
Social psy factors :
Cognitive dissonance : when somebody living a different life style and mesela vejeteryansın diyelim
ama birden insanları görüyosun, insanlar seni sorgulamaya başlıyor. Seni anlamak için değik onlara
farklı geliyor bi anlamda eleştirmek için ve kabule tmiyorlar. Ve uncomfortable hissediyoalr
Political context : conflictual zone ladar fazla
Role of propoagando : at that time : radio, tv. Absobtion of expression space for propoganda --
propooganda iyi bir şekilde devam ediyor.
Regardıng the stages :
Holocoust Ruwanda Bosniaü Gibi caselere bakılıyor
İn group- out group identification Discrimination in daily life-
İn intensifies- the minority groups: refer to stripping them of from their right of existence- lost of civil
Once that happens : then they argue that deportation- : fiizksel olarak yerlerini yaşamları değiştrimek
daha kolay oluyor. Bu aşamada physical manipulation başlıyor
Loss of human rights and violation of human rights:
İf there is such human rights organizations intervnee.
Then it turns into wider forms of violence: which is genocide.

Systamization : at the end leads denial.

They refer to the role of by standards: people live in that context and not knowing - kendi
neighbourhood unda olup they dpo no accept the full picture. They say " i was not know "- some kind
of denial was a significant things.

Text te bir chart var. Article yazdığı gibi.

Trauma nedir üzerinde çalışıyor olacağız.
Medya rölü, şiddeti ve körüklemeyi
Uluslararsı medya
Slidelarla anlattı :
Ptsd : it is trap
Because of the permanesnt alteration
Reponse to any thing remidn the event is there.
Cognitive schmeme change as well.
Once whole fizyoloji adapted, it changes. And it become a trap once its developes

Compulsie reexposure to the trauma: freud'da olduğu gibi repetititon compulsion oldu.
Revictimation Early chilhood traume da etkili bu durumda
Numbing: uyuşma
Avoiding & numbing : rate of alcohol use vs falan

What happends during a traumatic event

Flight : escape and leave the context
Fight : kalıp , savaşmak
Freezing : hayvanların ölüymüş gibi davranması
Psychobiologically 2 things happens
Hyperarousal : increasing in certain neuto transmittence dopamin v.s artıyor, they highten sense
Excitatory toxicity
Brain is flouded with these neurotransmitters.
İnhibitary alonlar azalmış

TRAUMA : biological-physcho-social /political model.
What can be cosidered as serious trauma in terms of threat of losing integrity of body or experiencing
of the loss of loved one.
Key aspect : during the experience it is overwhelming- they go into survival mode.

This model : biological-physcho-social

Biological :
Physiological reponse: bi atak varsa kendini korumak için FIGHT&FLIGHT&FREEZING&SURRENDER . İt
makes sense fizyologically.
Alterations in brain functions
Frontal lob functions are inhibited because inhibited parts the kind of brain function are helpful for
forming ideas, speech etc. Bu yüzden aslında significant bir olay. Traumatic experiences remain in the
Ptsd: the person is shocked then he saw intrusions, flashbacks are coming. They are not even
repressed. Repression require some kind of thinking fucntion. ANYTH,NG that reminds people that
event, they all bring up to intrisive memories. Rexexperiencing event as a coherecnt experience. İt
starts to avoid l
Cognitive function
Alteration in personality

Contextialitize dissociative disorder in global context
They look across contexts: farklı kıtalarda farklı example
Review various themes and forms of oppression : human trafficking, sexual violance
A lot of statistic with global picture and they argue political regime, ideology ,i democracy etc.
They say : this forms of oppressiın can happen everywhere where it can.
Democracies cna be discussed
İt is not well organised , they could organize the event and cases while creating better transitions.

They are patterned and do not happen in a vacuum
Treatment, research and policy formation happens in a political context
Fakat çalışırken sınırlar var , araştırma yapma konusund abazen yasla restriitonlar ve political pressure
de olabiliyor. Özellikle


İt is a defence mechanism : it is disconnection of body from the moind as tevent happends : sense
,thaough, during and after event
Depersonaization : eventin içinde olmana rağmen sanki sadece observer gibisin. You do no feel
connected with the event. It is overwhelmng and painful. The mind, in order to survive, you
Derealization: feeling like, a lot happening but it does not make feel that it is real. İn order to
minimize the pain in event. Memores are fragmented and they are not connected as an whole.
Early childhood da yaşanırsa dissociative stages become permenant. Mesela repetitive trauma olursa,
dissociative response change the character. Anında dissociative olur.
TRANSGENERATİONAL transmissionlal of trauvma: force displace, people as a collective being . FOR
GENERATİONs it continues. Even when they not talk about, similar syotoms evoke responses.
Study in israil : dsecond generation holocoust survivors.

Article larda bahsetti - torture ile alakalı : legitimate torture &united states torture systematically
executed on people.
3rd article : amer. Psych association controversty, psych ex experts, will harm the psyche.
Reason : especially on toruture debeta : how psy and politics intertined.

There are two main pieces
First :
qualtiative study : war rape on child.
Consequences of sexual violence during war.
Generations born out of such experiences.
Boys are not included in the research : reprodutiın of menhood.
Wood :
That article significant for the methodological issues. Read with the attention in the background
The data
The arguemetn are important.
What she does : there two components of analysis
She introduces rigorous review of existing research and CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE
SPECİFİCALLLY : during armed conflict, "rome statue international crisis" womn ve menler içeren bir
tanım ekliyor. Forced pragnancy, forced sex etc.
She looks into PATTERNED VIOLENCE : regularly engaged, targeted indidvidual and frequency
Challenges in studying this
Studying sexual violence is challenging : reporting is difficult and shame and guilt. A LOT OF STİGMA
ATTACHED. Political pressure altında olabilirler. They might also retraumatized. There are ethical
question to asking people.
Conflict zones are very hard to get into:
Cross context : what constitutes the rape might change from context to context - legal definitions
vary.researches have to start with clear definitions.
She reviews wide range of conflicts. Looking cross context- and in some context violence takes more
attention by global organizations or journalist. So there might be some places underdocumented
because of lack of attention.
They are looking into patterns: control group olması lazım. Yani savaş zamanında rape böyleyse-
peacetime da nasıldır. What was the patterns before.


She looks into existing data sets: she present question "why does it vary across context, and why in
other context?
BİOLOGİCALLY EXPERIENCES: linbedenal drives Patriarcheal societies- male and female roles highly
define. Throguh exering masculanity - such roles are reinstituted.
Biological cultural şeylere bakıyor.
Broad approach associate d patriarchy arguement in a way overestimated.
Her arguement involves lookinninto the motives & the types of patterned sexual viloence. She has
three categories
FIRST TYPE LIKE IN BOSNIA : is order typed: it is top-down and existing strategy from leaders.And it is
Second type : it is tolerated ":commenders dilemma" order falan yok, fakat açık bir punishment da
Third form : opportunistic- types of sexual violece without letting leaders know.
Whether they are strategically palnned or tolerated- it is really internal mechanism and ideology of
institution so those changes from context to context.
In institutions where there are high ideologically training have to incorporate with civilians. Böyle
olunca sexual violence çok olmuyor.
Other institutions where there are ethics of behaviour.: strict forms of punishment for disobedience
olunca- soldier lar comply with institution. It could go the opposite way. Bosnia case i gibi sexual
She argue that : is there are strategy for sexual violence, leaders should held responsible.
UN gibi peacekeeping olunca : if it is patterned, tolerated olmuş oluyor.



What conceptual,zation does : from ethical-moral responsibility
Boulanger article
They provided impunity from legal action for themselves.

Video commetns
Filmler aslında torture un işe yaradığını gösteriyor.
Cıa unlimited role verildi "unprecedented interrogation "
Abu zubeydahsecretly taken : kimseye gösterilmeden yakalandı. 9-11 ile alakası oldugu öğrenildi.
Grayson swiggert : psychologist.
Sere program : ameikanlar yakalanırsa nasıl torture dan kaçmaları gerektiği öğretildi.
Nudşty, music, tempreture manipulation-slapping, waterboarding,
Law clearly says you can not subject poeple waterboarding but inside the cia situatios wee different.
Cia bakanı diyor ki ben yasaların koydugu torture tanımına uymaya çalıştım. İkinci arguman tekrar 9-
11 olursa nolur. Bizim usa i korumamaız lazım. Abu zubeydah : pending terrorsit attach yapacak diye
Political ve legal cove rı elde ettiler
Aterbourding te unresponsive oldu abu zubeyda : psychological breakdown everyday bu practice
Cia deid ki usama bin ladin ile yakın v.s dedi. Senate torture report dedi ki he was not a senior
member of al kaida aslında

Medical and political perspectiv

14 Kasım 2017 Salı
İt is not gender spesific.
Elizabeth genewood:
Her method : lots opf cases
Systametically caselere bakıyor ve comparet it the peace time
Main question : why it does happn somethime and not in another time.
Patriarchal society : masculinity through sex.
She looks into variation and moves into arguement.

Systematic sexual violence and forced abortion.
Mehology : small group of interviewe


CİA officiers tries to cover up investigateion.
We watch the half of it.
Why the legal dimention is so sigbificant. Un dimension of the torture clearly states : all forms of
suffering, to extracitng information liable under criminal law.
Torture yerine enhanced introgation dediler. Wolfendale cite some of them
Zero dark thşirty.
Terror olunca böyle interrıogation yapılmalıydı
Is torture justifiybale when there are immenet threat
BAŞOĞLU bu soruya cevap veriyor

Smaller sample that they were used for this article. They are mostly man from bosnia
Ptsd : terimi kullanılıyo. Ptsd has list of symptoms,
The article : they have been studying torture for a long time
"enhanced interrogation " arguement"
How it is used justfy the torture
The severity of symptoms is not similar to every body : some people obviously suffer fakat aynı
derece etkilenmiyorlar.
For political activist endure suffering seem to have less symptoms- if the individuals involved
somehow, then they become more resilient.
Boulanger : these technş
Positive language has been used : "enhanced interrogation" gibi diyoruz.
Woolf & Hulsizer (2005) Psychosocial roots of genocide
• They review a series of interconnected factors that model genocide.

• Cultural history: a culture of violence (aggression, ideology of supremacy as instituted and

practiced, conflict orientation)
– They review research on various contexts re. perceived threat and aggressive
behavior, susceptibility to manipulation by the elite, dehumanization as
institutionalized policy, etc.
• Situational factors: Situations that lead up to mass scale violence
– Economic and/or political crisis, authoritarian leaders (and elimination of opposition,
centralization of power, polarization and building of an infrastructure of destruction)
• Social psychological factors:
– Social cognition: In group – out group formation (inevitable, but discrimination and
violence reflect enmity), confirmation bias, belief perseverance, attribution error.
In short, they argue that our cognition tends towards confirming our biases and eliminating
information that might challenge our positions (cognitive dissonance)
– Social influence: They highlight the significance of confirmity, obedience; role of
propaganda, control of media, militarization (anonymity and deinviduation in a
militarized group
– Social relations: Conflict theories
– Phases of violence leading to genocide:
– 1. Cultural conditions reviewed in the lit.
– 2. Process of institutionalizing discrimination, stigmatization
– 3. Loss of civil rights, dehumanization through propaganda
– 4-5. Moral disengagement, further denial of rights
– 6. Violence
– 7. Denial
– They reference the role of bystanders (diffusion of responsibility ?, ideology and self-interest
at the international level)
– They outline some potential factors that might help with intervention
– Political Trauma:
– Koopman, p. 831: “The term traumatic events is being used generally here to refer to
any experience, either within or outside of the range of normal experience, which
would be expected by most people to be extremely stressful to persons having to
endure its effects”.
– Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: DSM V:
– Acute Stress Disorder: Different from PTSD in that, it is experienced immediately after
the traumatic event (within the first month) and emphasis on dissociative symptoms
(although DSM V has some revisions here)
Psychological Trauma
• Feeling of intense fear, helplessness, loss of control and threat of annihilation in response to a
traumatic event, which overwhelms the ordinary human adaptations to life.
Traumatic Event
An external (objectifiable) event that involves an actual or perceived threat to life or bodily
integrity which is likely to physically and/or psychologically overwhelm most people.
Severe Trauma
• Threat to life and bodily integrity
• Fear of annihilation
• Severe physical harm or injury
• Violent/sudden loss of a loved one
• Witnessing or learning of violence to a loved one

Traumatic Event to Chronic Psychological Traumatization

• Some people who experience these events go on with their lives without being haunted by
the event,
• They still become traumatized and preoccupied with the events; however, they eventually
develop a tolerance for the content of these memories
• PTSD is when that fails to happen. So instead, they develop specific patterns of avoidance
and hyperarousal (increased anxiety and fear)– they start ORGANIZING their lives around
Politics of Trauma
• The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them out loud
is the central dialectic of psychological trauma
• The meaning of “unspeakable”, the force of denial, and the necessity to face and own the
• To study psychological trauma is to come face to face with human vulnerability in the natural
world and the capacity for harm in human nature
Trauma’s Challenge to Society
• Victims of trauma are vulnerable to be used for political, social and personal ends – they can
be idealized or devalued (--stigmatized and rejected)
• Blaming the victim in order to restore sense of peace and equilibrium, also facilitated by the
victim feeling ashamed, guilty and responsible for what has happened.
• If not processed trauma is passed onto future generations.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• A complex dynamic entity
• fluctuating, not static
• variable in terms of symptoms each person experiences
• modulating feeling states
• A multidimensional bio-psycho-social model
Useful to explain trauma and post-trauma experiences.
What happens during a traumatic event?
• Flight or Fight
• Freezing and Numbing
• Submission
Traumatic event
Induces several pathogenic processes
1- A permanent alteration of neurobiological processes (biological)
2- Conditioned fear responses to trauma-related stimuli even after the event (behavioral)
3- Altered cognitive schemata (cognitive), altered interactions (social) and altered responses from
others (social)
Psychobiological Alterations
• The core physiology of traumatic stress is the physiology of arousal of the central nervous
system (CNS), the autonomic nervous systems and various neuroendocrine effector
• At the same time constriction (or inhibition) of certain functions of the brain
• Thus, hyperarousal regarding fear and anxiety AND inhibition in symbolic functioning (such as
forming mental representations of the event).
• As a result the person remains with raw (unprocessed) fragments of the experience (such as
images, sounds, smells), these fragments continue to intrude into the mind, continue to
induce fear and anxiety. Yet at the same time the person does not have the capacity to put
them into words or other symbols. If she/he does not get treatment, continues to live with
them in their raw, fragmented form.
Course of PTSD
Emergence and course impacted by :
1- nature of traumatic event (how overwhelming it was, who caused it: natural disaster or human
caused trauma?, who the perpetrator is, is it a one time event or is it repetitive or ongoing, etc)
2- characteristics of the traumatized individual
3- nature of the recovery environment (if supportive, recovery relatively easy, if not, ptsd likely to
become chronic)
Repetition of Harm
• If ptsd becomes chronic, there is a likelihood of the traumatized person to reenact or repeat
the experience of trauma, through:
– Victimizing others
– Revictimization
– Increased attachment in the face of danger (identifying with oppressor)

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