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AUTUMN TERM, 2017-2018


I. Answer the following questions:

1. Why was a new treaty necessary?
A new Treaty was necessary because it provides the Union with the legal framework and tools
necessary to meet future challenges and to respond to citizens' demands.

2. When was the Treaty of Lisbon signed?

The Treaty of Lisbon was signed on 13 December 2007.

3. When did the Treaty enter into force?

The Treaty entered into force on 1 December 2009.

4. Mention the enhanced role of the European Parliament as established by the Treaty.
The European Parliament is provided with important new powers regarding EU legislation,
the EU budget and international agreements. In particular, the increase of co-decision
procedure in policy-making ensures that the European Parliament is placed on an equal
footing with the Council, representing Member States, for the vast bulk of EU legislation. The
treaty has boosted its powers as regards lawmaking, the EU budget and approval of
international agreements. The composition of the parliament has also been changed - the
number of MEPs is capped at 751 (750 plus the president of the parliament). Seats are
distributed among countries according to “degressive proportionality”, i.e. MEPs from more
populous countries will each represent more people than those from smaller countries. No
country may now have less than 6 or more than 96 MEPs.

5. Describe the role of the ordinary legislative procedure (co-decision).

the 'co-decision procedure' (renamed 'ordinary legislative procedure') has been extended to
several new fields. This means that Parliament now has the same degree of lawmaking power as
the Council in some areas where it used to be merely consulted or not involved at all. These areas
include legal immigration, penal judicial cooperation (Eurojust, crime prevention, alignment of
prison standards, offences and penalties), police cooperation (Europol) and some aspects of trade
policy and agriculture. The Parliament now has a role to play in almost all lawmaking.

6. Which is the role granted to national parliaments by the Treaty?

The treaty gives the national parliaments greater scope to participate alongside the European
institutions in the work of the Union. A new clause clearly sets out the rights and duties of the
national parliaments within the EU. It deals with their right to information, the way they
monitor subsidiarity, mechanisms for evaluating policy in the field of freedom, security and
justice, procedures for reforming the treaties, and so on.

7. What categories of powers are identified by the Treaty?

The categories of powers identified by Treaty are :
-Exclusive powers: in fields like the customs union, the common trade policy and competition,
only the Union may legislate
-Supporting, coordinating or complementary action: in areas like culture, education and industry,
the Union may only support action by the member states (by providing funding, for example)
-shared powers: in other fields, like the environment, transport and consumer protection, the
Union and the member states share lawmaking power, not forgetting subsidiarity.
8. Name the instrument provided by the Treaty which enhanced the participation of the
European citizens in the political process.

9. Define the double majority as basis for the calculation of qualified majority voting.
A double majority will be achieved when a decision is taken by 55% of the Member States
representing at least 65% of the Union’s population.

10. Which are the new positions created by the Treaty of Lisbon?

11. Name a new provision in the Treaty which grants Member States a right they did not have
A right Member States didn’t have before is the fact that for the first time the countries had the
right to withdraw from the European Union.

12. Name the seven European institutions provided by the Treaty.

The seven European institutions are :
-European Parliament
- European Council
- The Council of the European Union
- European Commission
- European Court of Justice
- European Central Bank and European Court of Auditors

13. State how the seats in the European Parliament are distributed among countries.
The seats in the European Parliament are distributed among countries according to “degressive
proportionality”, i.e. MEPs from more populous countries will each represent more people than
those from smaller countries. No country may now have less than 6 or more than 96 MEPs.

14. Which is the status of the European Council as established by the Treaty?
The European Council, which has the role of driving EU policy-making, now becomes a full EU
institution. Although it does not gain any new powers, it is headed by a newly created position of
president. Elected by the European Council for 2½ years, the main job of the president is to
prepare the Council’s work, ensure its continuity and work to secure consensus among member
countries. The president cannot simultaneously hold any elected position or office nationally.

15. Name the powers shared by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
The council of the European Union continues to share lawmaking and budget power with the
European Parliament and maintain its central role in common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
and coordinating economic policies.

16. Name the new provisions made by the Treaty with respect to the European Commission.
The new provisions made by the Treaty are :
-a direct link between the results of the European elections and the choice of candidate for
president of the Commission.
-the president is also stronger, as he/she has the power to dismiss fellow Commissioners

17. Name the new Service created by the Treaty and state its role.
The new service created by the Treaty is called “European external action service” , it’s composed
of officials from the Council, Commission and national diplomatic services and its role is to
representsthe EU’s common foreign and security policy internationally.

18. Describe the election of the President of the European Commission.

Under Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union the European Parliament’s approval has two
stages: in the first, Parliament elects the candidate proposed by the European Council for
President of the Commission. In a second stage, Parliament approves the whole Commission as a
body. To prepare for its vote it considers in detail the candidates whom the Council has proposed
as Commissioners by common accord with the President, and in the light of the portfolios that he
intends to give them.

19. Mention the role of the President of the European Commission.

The role of the President of the European Commission is controlling the Commission which
collectively has the right of initiative on Union legislation (only on matters delegated to it by
member states for collective action, as determined by the treaties) and is responsible for
ensuring its enforcement. The President controls the policy agenda of the Commission for his
term and in practice no policy can be proposed without the President's agreement.
The role of the President is to lead the Commission, and give direction to the Commission
and the Union as a whole.

20. Describe the procedure for the evaluation of the Commissioners-designate.

Parliament evaluates the Commissioners-designate on the basis of their general competence,
European commitment and personal independence. It also assesses their knowledge of the
prospective portfolio and their communication skills. Parliament takes particular account of the
need for gender balance. It may express views on the allocation of portfolios proposed by the

21. Describe the steps to be followed between the hearings of the Commissioners –designate and
the formal appointment of the European Commission.
Parliament’s approval procedure is laid down in Annex XVII to its Rules of Procedure and
consists of the following steps:
• Parliament receives the Commissioner-designates’ curriculum vitae and their declarations
of financial interests.
• Parliament puts to the Commissioners-designate a series of written questions dealing
mainly with the candidates’ policy priorities in their respective fields of responsibility. The
candidates’ written replies provide the basis for the oral stage – the hearings.
• Each Commissioner-designate is invited to a three-hour public hearing with the
parliamentary committee(s) responsible for the portfolio concerned. These hearings enable the
committees to get to know the personalities of the Commissioners-designate and have a detailed
exchange of views with the various candidates on their priorities in their prospective areas of
• The committees then evaluate each of the Commissioners-designate. They check that the
Commissioners-designate have the skills required not only to be Members of the Commission in
general, but also to be in charge of a particular portfolio.
• The results of the hearings are sent to the President of Parliament and considered by the
Conference of Presidents, comprising the President and all political group leaders, and by the
Conference of Committee Chairs.
• The Commission President presents the College of Commissioners-designate and their
programme to a plenary sitting of Parliament which the Council of the EU is invited to attend.
This presentation is followed by a debate.
• Lastly, Parliament votes on approval of the whole European Commission as a body. The
new Commission can then be formally appointed by the European Council, acting by a qualified

II. Use the terms below to fill the blanks in the following text; translate the text into

to withdraw; European Union; democratisation ; Treaty of Lisbon; citizens'

initiative; European Parliament; voluntary nature; lower chamber; Member States;
democratic foundations; Senate; democratic equality; ordinary legislative
procedure; national parliaments; representative democracy; legal personality;
assent; participatory democracy
The _Treaty of Lisbon_____ was signed by the heads of State or government of the
27 Member States_______, on 13 December 2007. The most important reforms proposed by
the defunct Constitution are taken over by the Treaty of Lisbon. First of all, the European Union
absorbed the European Community, which ceased to exist as of the coming into force of the new
treaty, the 1st December 2009. Henceforth we speak only of the _ European Union _____, but
we necessarily refer to the European Community concerning all legislation enacted on its basis.
The European Union now has a single _legal personality______ under which it can negotiate,
sign and implement all its external commitments, policies and activities, including trade, aid to
development, representation in third countries and in international organisations and foreign and
security policy. Under the new Treaty, the European Union becomes more democratic.
The powers of the _European Parliament____ are increased considerably. The ''codecision
procedure'' of the Parliament and the Council is renamed ordinary legislative procedure
________ and is extended to several new fields, including justice and home affairs, some
aspects of the common trade and agricultural policies, as well as the EU budget. Thus, the
Parliament now has the functions of a _ lower chamber ____, representing the citizens of the
Union, while the Council plays the role of a _ Senate ______, representing the governments of
the Member States. The Parliament and the Council have equal powers concerning the whole
budget, which is called ''Union budget''. The Parliament's _ assent ______ is required for all
international agreements in fields governed by the ordinary legislative procedure. The Treaty of
Lisbon contains many other elements aiming at the further democratisation _____ of the
functioning of the Union. It defines, for the first time, the democratic foundations
____________of the Union, which are based on three principles: those of participatory
democracy ________, representative democracy ________ and democratic equality
_______. It gives the national parliaments _______ greater scope to participate alongside
the European institutions in the work of the Union, clearly setting out their rights to information,
to mechanisms for evaluating policy in the field of freedom, security and justice, to procedures for
reforming the treaties and, most importantly, to monitor that the Union only acts where its action
is more effective than an action undertaken at the national level. It invites citizens to participate
in the policies of the Union thanks to the __ citizens' initiative _____, whereby one million
citizens, from a number of member countries, are able to ask the Commission to present a
proposal in any of the EU's areas of responsibility. It emphasises the __ voluntary nature
____ of the integration process, by explicitly recognising the possibility for a Member State _ to
withdraw ______from the Union.

Tratatul de la Lisabona a fost semnat de catre sefii de stat sau de guvern din 27 state
membre, pe 13 decembrie 2007. Cele mai importante reforme propuse de defuncta
Constitutiei sunt preluate de Tratatul de la Lisabona. In primul rand , Uniunea
Europeana a absorbit Comunitatea Europeana care a încetat să existe din data de 1
decembrie 2009 , de la intrarea in vigoare a noului tratat. De acum încolo vorbim doar de
Uniunea Europena, dar nu ne referim la Comunitatea Europeană privind toate legiile
adoptate pe baza acesteia. Uniunea Europeana are acum o singura personalitate
juridică cu ajutorul careia pot negocia, semna și să pună în aplicare toate
angajamentele sale exterioare, politicile și activitățile, inclusiv comertul, ajutorul
pentru dezvoltare, reprezentare in tari terte si in cadrul organizatiilor internationale ,
politica externa si de securitate. Aflata sub puterea noului tratat, Uniunea Europeana
devine mai democratica. Puterile Parlamentului European au crescut considerabil.
Procedura de codecizie a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului este redenumita
procedura legislativă ordinară și este extinsa la mai multe câmpuri noi, inclusiv
justitia si afacerilor interne, unele aspecte ale negotului comun , comerțului și
politicilor agricole, precum și bugetului UE. Astfel, Parlamentul are acum funcțiile de
Camera Deputatilor care reprezinta cetatenii Uniunii, în timp ce Consiliul are rolul de
Senat, reprezentând guvernelor statelor membre. Parlamentul si Consiliul au puteri
egale cu privire la totalitatea bugetului care este numit ''bugetul Uniunii''.
Parlamentului este necesar pentru toate acordurile internationale in domenii
reglementate de procedura legislativă ordinară. Tratatul de la Lisabona conține multe
alte elemente care vizeaza continua democratizare a functionarii Uniunii. El
definește, pentru prima dată, fundatiile democratice ale Uniunii, care se bazează pe
trei principii: cele ale democratiei participative, democratiei reprezentative si
egalitatii democratice. Acestea oferă parlamentelor nationale un rol mai important
pentru a participa alaturi de institutiile europene in dezvoltarea Uniunii, stabilirea
dreptului lor la informatie, pentru mecanisme de evaluare politica in domeniul
libertatii, securitatii si justitiei, proceduri de reformă a tratatelor si, cel mai
important, pentru a monitoriza faptele Uniunea , unde actiuniile sale sunt mai
eficiente decat o actiune intreprinsa la nivel national. Aceasta invită cetățenii să
participe la politicile Uniunii datorită initiativii lor, prin care un milioan de cetateni,
de la un număr de state terte, sunt capabile de a cere Comisiei să prezinte o
propunere în oricare din zonele de responsabilitate a UE. Acest lucru scoate în
evidență caracterul benevol al procesului de integrare, prin explicit recunoscând
posibilitatea pentru un stat membru pentru a se retrage de la Uniunea Europeana.

III. Match the terms below with the appropriate definition. Provide their Romanian
equivalents. Translate these definitions into Romanian. Use the English terms to
translate the Romanian sentences below into English.

EU institution; EU summit; informal summit; High Representative of the Union

for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy ; consent (assent procedure);
consultation procedure; multiannual financial framework (MFF); College of
Commissioners; EU accession; Citizens' Initiative; High Representative for the
Common Foreign and Security Policy; European Commissioner for External
Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy; blocking minority; Trio of
presidencies; Euro Group; ECOFIN; withdrawal agreement; Court of First
Instance; General Court; Court of Justice of the European Union; Permanent
Structured Cooperation in Defence; intergovernmental conference; Passerelle
Clause; President-elect; Commissioner-designate;EP Rules of Procedure;
Conference of Presidents; Conference of Committee Chairs; Charter of
Fundamental Rights; World Trade Organisation (WTO); Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership (TTIP); Emissions Trading System; fiscal and
macroeconomic surveillance legislation (six-pack); budgetary rules (two-pack);
European Public Prosecutor's office;

1. Permanent Structured Cooperation in Defence= The possibility, added by the Treaty

of Lisbon, for those members whose military capabilities fulfill higher criteria and which have
made more binding commitments to one another in this area with a view to the most demanding
missions to establish permanent structured cooperation within the EU framework.
2. EU institution =a supranational institution which acts independantly of the Member States
in terms of its composition and manner of operation.
3. Emissions Trading System =the first large greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in
the world, establishing the 'cap and trade' principle, under which a maximum (cap) is set on the
total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by all participating installations.
'Allowances' for emissions are then auctioned off or allocated for free, and can subsequently be
4. consultation procedure=procedure introduced by the Single European Act, under which
the Council of the European Union must obtain Parliament's acceptance before certain decisions
can be made, this procedure requiring an absolute majority of votes.
5. EP Rules of Procedure =establish the internal organisation and functioning of the EP.
6. High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy=the chief co-
ordinator and representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) within
the European Union.
7. Conference of Committee Chairs= the political body that coordinates the work of the EP
committees and ensures the smooth cooperation between them. It consists of the Chairs of all
standing and special committees and meets on Tuesdays of the Strasbourg part-sessions. The
Chair is elected from among its members for a two and a half year mandate.

8. European Public Prosecutor's office=an independent Union body with the authority to
investigate and prosecute EU-fraud and other crimes affecting the Union's financial interests, in
order to protect the Union's financial.

9. EU summit =meeting of the European Council comprising heads of

state or government of EU member states.
10. European Commissioner for External Relations and European
Neighbourhood Policy=a former member of the European Commission with responsibility
over the Commissions external representation in the world and the European
Union's Neighbourhood Policy.
11. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)=a free trade
agreement between the European Union and the United States, currently under negotiations,
with the aim of promoting multilateral economic growt
12. informal summit =meeting of the members of a council which is not organized
according to the prescribed, official, or customary way or manner.
13. Court of Justice of the European Union=the court which ensures that the law is
observed in the interpretation and application of the Treaties, reviews the legality of the acts of
the institutions of the European Union, ensures that the Member States comply with obligations
under the Treaties; and interprets European Union law at the request of the national courts and
14. fiscal and macroeconomic surveillance legislation (six-pack)=a set of European
legislative measures which introduces greater macroeconomic surveillance. These measures were
bundled into a "six pack" of regulations, The six regulations aim at strengthening the procedures
to reduce public deficits and address macroeconomic imbalances.
15. High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
=Under this procedure the Council, acting either unanimously or by a qualified majority
depending on the policy area concerned, can adopt legislation based on a proposal by
the European Commission after consulting the European Parliament.
16. Court of First Instance =name under which the General Court of the European Court of
Justice was known prior to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon.
17. Charter of Fundamental Rights =brings together into a single text all the personal,
civic, political, economic and social rights enjoyed by people within the EU.
18. College of Commissioners =The meeting format including all commissioners, including
the President and the vice-presidents of the European Commission, who meet once a week,
usually on Wednesday, in Brussels; the agendas of the meetings are determined by the President.
19. Conference of Presidents= a governing body of the European Parliament, responsible
for the organisation of Parliament, its administrative matters and agenda. It consists of
the President of Parliament and the chairmen of the political groups; it meets approximately
twice a month.
20. EU accession=The process to join the European Union after fulfilling the economic and
political conditions called the Copenhagen criteria (after the Copenhagen summit in June 1993),
which require a stable democratic government that respects the rule of law, and its corresponding
freedoms and institutions.
21. intergovernmental conference =the formal procedure for negotiating amendments to
the founding treaties of the European Union. Under the treaties, such a procedure is called into
being by the European Council, and is composed of representatives of the member states, with
the Commission, and to a lesser degree the Parliament also participating.
22. multiannual financial framework (MFF)= an official document which lays down the
maximum annual amounts which the EU may spend in different political fields over a period of
at least 5 years.
23. budgetary rules (two-pack)=measures meant to increase transparency on the
budgetary decisions of the Member States, stronger coordination in the euro area starting with
the 2014 budgetary cycle, and the recognition of the special needs of euro area Member States
under severe financial pressure.
24. Citizens’ initiative=introduced with the Treaty of Lisbon, aimed at increasing
direct democracy in the European Union, enables one million EU citizens, who are nationals of at
least one quarter of the Member States, to call directly on the European Commission to propose a
legal act in an area where the Member States have conferred powers onto the EU level .
25. President-elect =According to Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union, as amended by
the Treaty of Lisbon, the nominee for the official position which the European Council votes for
by qualified majority, taking account of the latest European elections; the proposal is then put
before Parliament which must approve or veto the appointment. If an absolute majority of MEPs
support the nominee, he/she is elected.
26. Trio of presidencies =Member states holding the presidency work together closely in
groups of three who set long-term goals and prepare a common agenda determining the topics
and major issues that will be addressed by the Council over an 18 month period.
27. World Trade Organisation (WTO)=deals with the global rules of trade between
nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as
28.the chief co-ordinator and representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy within
the European Union.
29. General Court= a constituent court of the Court of Justice of the European Union which
hears actions taken against the institutions of the European Union by individuals and member
states, although certain matters are reserved for the European Court of Justice. Decisions of the
General Court can be appealed to the Court of Justice, but only on a point of law.
30. blocking minority =a situation in which least 4 countries (or, if not all countries
participate in the vote, the minimum number of countries representing more than 35% of the
population of the participating countries, plus one country) vote against the proposal.
31. Euro Group= the recognised collective term for informal meetings of the finance
ministers of the eurozone, i.e. those member states of the European Union (EU) which have
adopted the euro as their official currency.
32. Passerelle Clause= a clause in treaties of the European Union that allows the alteration of
a legislative procedurewithout a formal amendment of the treaties. Unlike formal treaty revision
this use of this clause does not require national ratification.
33. ECOFIN =one of the oldest configurations of the Council of the European Union, composed
of the economics and finance ministers of the 28 European Union member states, as well as
Budget Ministers when budgetary issues are discussed.
34. consent (assent procedure)=the person nominated by their member state (except for
those states who provided the President and High Representative) in consultation with the
Commission President, to become a European Commissioner.
35. withdrawal agreement =according to the Treaty of Lisbon, when a Member State wants
to exit the EU, such an agreement is negotiated between the Union and the State.

Traducere :
1. Cooperarea structurată permanentă în apărare= posibilitatea, adăugata prin Tratatul de la
Lisabona, pentru acei membrii ale caror capacitati militare indeplinesc criteriile mari și care
au facut mai multe angajamente unul pentru altul în această zonă, în vederea celei mai
solicitante misiuni pentru a stabili cooperarea structurată permanentă din cadrul UE.
2. Institutia UE =o organizatie supranationala , institutie care actioneaza independent de
statele membre din punct de vedere al compozitiei sale si modul de operare.
3. Sistemul de emisie negociabila =prima mare program de emisie de gaze cu efect de sera
din lume, de instituire a " sistemul de comercializare a cotelor" principiu, sub care maximum
este setat pe cantitatea totală de gaze cu efect de seră care poate fi emis de toate instalațiile
participante. "Alocatiile familiale" pentru emisii sunt apoi vandute sau alocate gratis, și pot fi
ulterior comercializate.
4. Procedura de consultare=procedura introdus de Actul Unic European, sub care Consiliul
Uniunii Europene trebuie să obțină acceptarea Parlamentului înainte ca anumite decizii sa
poata fi făcute, această procedură care necesită o majoritate absolută de voturi.
5. EP reguli de procedura =stabilirea organizarii internă și funcționare a EP.
6. Inaltul Reprezentant pentru politica externa si de securitate comuna=seful coordonator si
reprezentant al politicii externe si de securitate comuna (PESC) din cadrul Uniunii Europene.
7. Conferinta Comitetului scaune= corpul politic care coordonează activitatea comitetelor EP
și asigură buna cooperarea dintre ele. Acesta constă in scaunele de la toate comitetele
speciale și permanente și îndeplinesc pe marți din Strasbourg parte-sesiuni. Scaunul este ales
dintre membrii sai pentru un mandat de doi ani și jumătate an.
8. Parchetul public european=independent corpul racordului cu autoritatea de a investiga și a
incrimina UE de frauda si alte infractiuni care afecteaza interesele financiare ale Uniunii, cu
scopul de a proteja financiare a Uniunii.
9. Summitul UE =reuniunea Consiliului European compus din sefii de stat sau de guvern din
statele membre UE.
10. Comisarul european pentru relații externe și Politica Europeană de Vecinătate=un fost
membru al Comisiei Europene cu responsabilitatea reprezentarii externe a comisionarilor din
lume și politica de vecinatate a Uniunii Europene.
11. Parteneriatul de trafic transatlantic si investitii =un acord de liber schimb intre Uniunea
Europeana si Statele Unite, în prezent în negocieri, cu scopul de a promova cresteri
economice multilaterale
12. Summit informal =reuniune din membrii consiliului care nu sunt organizati în funcție de
practicile legii prescrisa, oficiala .
13. Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene=Curte care asigură respectarea legii prin
interpretarea si aplicarea Tratatelor, comentarea legalitatii actelor de institutiile Uniunii
Europene, asigură faptul că statele membre respectă obligațiile conform tratatelor și
interpretează domeniul dreptului comunitar Uniunii Europene la cererea instanțelor
naționale și tribunale.
14. fiscale si legislatia de supraveghere macroeconomice =un set de măsuri legislative
europene care introduce mai mare de supraveghere macroeconomice. Aceste masuri au fost
incluse intr-un "pachet de sase" a regulamentelor, cele șase legi de reglementare au ca scop
întărirea procedurile pentru a reduce deficitele publice si dezechilibrele macroeconomice.
15. Inaltul reprezentant al Uniunii Europene pentru politica externa si de securitate comuna
=sub această procedură consiliul, fie în unanimitate sau cu o majoritate calificată în funcție
de domeniu de politica comunitara in cauza, poate adopta legislația bazata pe o propunere a
Comisiei Europene după consultarea Parlamentului European.
16. Tribunalul =numele sub care Curtea Generala a Curtii Europene de Justitie era cunoscuta
înainte de intrarea în vigoare a Tratatului de la Lisabona.
17. Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale =aduce împreună într-un singur text personal, civic,
politic, economic și social drepturile de care se bucură oamenii în cadrul UE.
18. Colegiul de comisari =reuniunea formats inclusiv din comisari, inclusiv presedintele si
vicepresedintii Comisiei Europene, care se intalnesc o dată pe săptămână, de obicei miercuri,
la Bruxelles; Agendele de întâlniri sunt stabilite de catre presedintele.
19. Conferinta presedintilor= un organism de guvernare a Parlamentului European,
responsabil de organizarea parlamentului, problemele administrative și ordinea de zi. Este
alcătuit din președintele Parlamentului si din presedintii grupurilor politice; acesta
intruneste aproximativ de două ori pe lună.
20. Aderarea la UE=procesul de aderare la Uniunea Europeana dupa care îndeplinesc
condițiile economice și politice numit criteriile de la Copenhaga (dupa summitul de la
Copenhaga în iunie 1993), care necesită un guvern democratic stbil care respectă statul de
drept, și corespune libertatiilor si institutiilor.
21. conferinte interguvernamentale = procedura oficiala de negociere a amendamentelor
tratatelelor fondatoare ale Uniunii Europene. Conform tratatelor, o astfel de procedura este
numita de Consiliul European, și este compus din reprezentanti ai statelor membre, cu
Comisia, și la un grad mai mic de Parlamentul European de asemenea participante.
22. cadru financiare multianuale = un document oficial care stabileste sumele anuale maxime
care pot fi cheltuite de UE în diferite domenii politice pe o perioadă de cel puțin 5 ani.
23. reguli bugetare =masurile menite sa mareasca transparenta pe deciziile bugetare ale
statelor membre, mai puternic coordonarea în zona euro începând cu 2014 ciclul bugetare, și
recunoașterea nevoilor speciale ale zonei euro Statele membre sub presiune financiare grave.
24. Initiativele poporului=introduse cu Tratatul de la Lisabona, vizând creșterea directă a
democratiei in Uniunea Europeana, permite un milion de cetateni ai Uniunii Europene, care
sunt cetățeni ai cel putin un sfert din statele membre, la apelul direct catre Comisia
Europeana de a propune un act juridic într-o zonă în care statele membre au conferit puteri
pe nivelul UE .
25. Presedintele-ales =conform art. 17 din Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană, modificat de
Tratatul de la Lisabona, candidatul pentru pozitia oficiala este ales de Consiliul European de
voturi pentru cu majoritate calificata, tinand cont de ultimele alegeri europene; propunerea
este apoi puneți înainte de a Parlamentului European care trebuie să aprobe sau veto
numirea. Dacă o majoritate absolută a Eurodeputații sprijini candidat, el/ea este ales.
26. Trio de presedintii =Statele membre care detin presedintia colaborează îndeaproape în
grupuri de trei iar obiectivele pe termen lung și se prepară o agenda comuna de stabilire a
subiectelor și problemelor majore care vor fi adresate de Consiliu peste 18 luni.
27. Organizatia Mondiala a Comertului (OMC)=tratează reguli globale ale comertului dintre
natiuni. Funcția sa principală este de a se asigura ca fluxurile comerciale sunt line, cum era
de așteptat și liber posibil.
28.Seful coordonator si reprezentant al politicii externe și de securitate comună în cadrul
Uniunii Europene.
29. Curtea generala= un constituent al curtii de Justiție a Uniunii Europene care afla
actiunile luate impotriva institutiile Uniunii Europene de indivizi și statele membre, deși
anumite aspecte sunt rezervate pentru Curtii Europene de Justitie. Deciziile Curtii generale
poate fi apelat la Curtea de Justitie, dar numai pe un punct de lege.
30. blocarea minoritate =o situație în care cel puțin 4 țări (sau, dacă nu toate țările participa
la vot, numărul minim de țări reprezentând mai mult de 35% din populatia din țările
participante, plus o țară) voteaza impotriva propunerii.
31. Euro Grupul= recunoscut pe termen colectiv pentru întâlnirile informale de ministrii de
finante a eurozone, adică acele state membre ale Uniunii Europene (UE) care au adoptat euro
ca moneda lor oficiala.
32. Clauza passerelle= o clauza in tratatele Uniunii Europene pentru a permite modificarea
unei proceduri fara legislatia formala de modificare a tratatelor. Spre deosebire de tratatul de
revizuire această utilizare formală a acestei clauze nu necesită nationale de ratificare.
33. ECOFIN =una dintre cele mai vechi configurații ECOFIN al Consiliului Uniunii
Europene, compus din economie si ministrii finantelor din 28 state membre ale Uniunii
Europene, precum și ministrii de buget atunci când sunt discutate problemele bugetare.
34. consimtamantul (avizul conform procedurii)=persoana desemnate de catre propriul lor
stat membru (cu excepția acelor state membre care a furnizat presedintelui si Inaltul
Reprezentant) în consultare cu presedintele Comisiei, pentru a deveni un comisar european.
35. retragerea acord =în funcție de Tratatul de la Lisabona, atunci când un stat membru
dorește să iasa din UE, un astfel de acord este negociat între racord si stat.

Translate into English:

1.In conformitate cu Tratatul de la Lisabona, Curtea de Justitie a UE este formata din Curtea de
Justitie, Curtea Generala si instantele specializate. Cu alte cuvinte, oficial, termenul Curtea de
Justitie a UE desemneaza doua nivele de jurisdictie.
2. Pe 17 iulie 2013, Comisia Europeana a adoptat o propunere legislative privind infiintarea
Parchetului European, care se va ocupa de infractiunile contra instereselor financiare ale UE.
3.Principala datorie a Eurogrupului este sa asigure o stransa coordonare a politicilor economice
ale sattelor acre folosesc moneda euro si, de asemnea, sa promoveze conditiile pentru o crestere
economica mai puternica. Totodata, Eurogrup se ocupa de organizarea intalnirii la cel mai inalt
nivel a statelor care folosesc moneda euro ca si de continuarea activitatilor de dupa reuniune.
4. Majoritatea institutiilor europene au fost create odata cu infiintarea Comunitatii Europene in
1958. De atunci s-au petrecut multe schimbari, mai ales in contextul deplasarii centrului de
putere de la Consiliu spre Parlament.
5. Ca urmare a concluziilor Consiliului European de la Koln din iunie 1999, care stabilea ca
drepturile fundamentale aplicabile in UE trebuie reunite intr-o carta care sa le asigure o mai mare
vizibilitate, s-a alcatuit o conventie foamta din cate un reprezentant al fiecarui Stat membru UE
ca si al Comisiei Europene, precum si eurodeputati si parlamentari nationali care a redactat Carta
Drepturilor Fundamentale.
6.Colegiul Comisarilor fucntioneaza pe baza principiului raspunderii colective, deoarece
hotararile se iau colectiv de catre Comisarii care raspund coelctiv fata de PE. Toti Comisarii sunt
egali in procesul decizional si poarta aceeasi raspundere pentru aceste decizii.
7. Luni, 12 octombrie 2915, Consiliul pentru Afaceri Externe, prezidat de Federica Mogherini,
Inaltul Reprezentatnt al UE pentru afaceri externe si politica de securitate s-a axat pe prioritatile
agendei internationale, mai ales asupra subiectului migratiei, ca si asupra Libiei si Siriei.
8.Minoritatea blocanta este numarul de voturi necesar in Consiliul Uniunii Europene pentru a
bloca o decizie care trebuie luata cu majoritate calificata.
9. In fiecare luna, Conferinta presedintilor de comisii prezinta Conferintei presedintilor o
recomandare privind proiectul de ordine de zi al sesiunii urmatoare, ca si o examinare privind
compatibilitatea dintre proiectele de legislatie si regulile Tratatului in materie de acte delagte si
acte de punere in aplicare.
10.Consiliul European defineste directia generala si prioritatile politicii UE, dar nu este o
institutie cu puteri legislative, adica nu negociaza si nici nu adopata legislatie europeana.
11. De la retragerea Groenlandei din UE s-a creat un precedent conform caruia, daca o tara
dorestea sa se retraga din UE, probabil putea s-o faca, dar trebuia sa se semneze acorduri speciale
si sa se stabileasca conditii din cauza angajamentele preliminare asumate fata de UE si fata de
statele membre. Procedura presupune semnarea unui tratat de retragere, asas cum stabileste
Tratatul de la Lisabona.
12.Scopul acordului de liber schimb UE-SUA este sa inlature toate diferentele de reglementare
dintre SUA si statele europene.
13. Tratatul de la Nisa prevede ca Tribunalul in prima instanta va fi alacauit din cate un judecator
din fiecare Stat Membru.Numarul exact de judecatori va fi stabilit prin statutul Curtii de Justitie.
14. Sistemul de comercializare a emisiilor aplicat de UE este cel mai amplu mechanism de
comercializare a emisiilor cu effect de gaze de sera; stabileste un plafon al totalului emisiilor
permis de mechanism, iar companiilor reglementate prin acest mechanism li se acorda credite
pana la atingerea plafonului. Companiile trebuie sa masoare sis a raporteze emisiile de carbon si
sa dea un credit pentru fiecare tona emisa. Companiile isi pot comercializa creditele , find astfel
stimulate sa-si reduca emisiile.
15. Procedura de acord, denumita anterior procedura de aviz cnform, a fost introdusa prin Actul
Unic European in 1986 in doua domenii: acordurile de asociere si acordurile de aderare la
UE,Domeniul de aplicare al procedurii a fost largit prin modificarile ulterioare ale tratatelor
16. Organizatia Mondiata a Comertului (OIM), infiintata in 1995, dupa runda Uruguay de
negocieri privind comertul al nivel global, este o puternica agentie a comertului mondial, unul
dintre mecanismele globalizarii corporatiste, care a extins Acordul general pentru Traife si
Comert (GATT), transformandu-l intr-un cod commercial aplicabil la nivel mondial.
17. Curtea de Justitie a UE aplica legislatia europeana, iar in domeniile reglementate de legislatia
europeana este cea mai inalta instanta din UE, fiind deasupra curtilor supreme nationale.
18. La conferinta de presa ulterioara consiliului informal care a i-a reunite pe sefii de stat sau de
guvern pe 23 sept 2015, presedintele Donald Tusk a prezentat rezultatele convenite ale reuniunii.
19. Cooperarea structurata permanenta in materie de aparare, mentionata in Tratatul de la
Lisabona si adusa in discutie de presedintia belgiana a Consiliului Uniunii Europene, permite
unui grup restrans de state membre care indeplinesc anumite criterii, cum ar fi angajamentul
bugetar si capacitatea de a desfasura forte militare, sa initieze o cooperare mai stransa pentru a
consolida capacitatea de aparare europeana.
20. Doua dintre motivele principale pentru care Consiliul UE a introdus sistemul de trio al
presedintiilor sunt continuitatea activitatii si utilizarea eficienta a resurselor. Este un sistem prin
care trei state membre care preiau presedintia succesiv coopereaza strans in conformitate cu
programul comun al celor trei pe durata celor 6 luni cat fiecare stat detine presedinti.
21. Legislatia pentru supraveghere fiscala si macroeconomica, asa-numitul pachet al celor 6
masuri, a intrat in vigoare pe 13 decembrie 2011 si cuprinde cinci regulamente si o directiva. Face
parte din legislatia secundara a UE si se aplica tuturor celor 28 de state membre, avand o serie de
prevederi specirfice pentru statele din zona euro, mai ales referitoare la sanctiunile financiare.
22. Initial, Tratatul de la Roma din 1957 a acordat PE doar un rol consultative in procesul
legislative, deoarece Comisia inainta propunerile legislative si Consiliul adopta legile, PE nu putea
decat sa aprobe sau sa respinga o propunere legislative. Consiliul nu avea obligatia legala de a tine
cont de opinia PE, dar conform jurisprudentel Curtii de Justitie, nu putea lua o decizie fara sa
treaca prin procedura de consultare cu PE.
23. Pentru a putea lansa o initiative a cetatenilor, acestia trebuie sa alcatuiasca un “comitet al
cetatenilor”format din cel putin 7 cetateni UE cu domiciliul in cel putin 7 state membre diferite.
Membri comitetului cetatenesc trebuie sa fie cetateni ai UE cu varsta minima necesara pentru a
putea participa in alegerile pentru PE (18 ani, cu exceptia Austriei unde varsta minima este de 16
24. Conferinta interguvernamentala initiata de Consiliul European in iunie 2007 avea sarcina de
a redacta un tratat reformator care sa consolideze eficienta si legitimitatea democratica a UE, ca si
coerenta actiunilor externe ale Uniunii.
25. Pozitia de Inalt Reprezentant pentru politica externa si de securitate comuna ca si de secretar
general al Consiliului UE a fost create prin Tratatul de la Amsterdam in 1997 si a fost ocupata de
Javier Solana intre 1999 si 2009.
26. In conformitate cu Regulamentul de procedura al PE, orice eurodeputat poate adresa o
intrebare cu solicitare de raspuns scris Presedintelui Consiliului European, Consiliului UE sau
Comisiei Europene in conformitate cu criteriile stabilite in anexa la Regulament.
27. Toate cererile de aderare la UE sunt subiectul unui aviz emis de Comisiei si a unei hotarari
luate de Consiliu
28. Cadrul financiar multianual stabileste limitele bugetelor anuale ale UE si cuprinde perioade
de la 5 la 7 ani.
29. Aflata la Buxelles, pe data de 19 mai 2009, doamna Benita Ferrero-Waldner, pe atunci
Comisar pentru relatii externe si politica europeana de vecinatate, a rostit o alocutiune pe tema
dialogului strategic dintre Europea si China.
30. In alocutiunea initiala rostita in fata EP pe date de 10 oct 2014, presedintele ales al Comisiei
Europene Jean-Claude Jubcker a subliniat o serie de modificari pe care le va face portofoliilor
comisarilor desemnati la cererea comisiilor parlamentare care au participat la audierile
comisarilor desemnati.
31. La consiliul informal ECOFIN, care a avut loc la Luxemburg pe data de 11 septembrie 2015,
ministri au abordat problema crizei refugiatilor si impactul financiar asupra UE.
32. La reuniunile conferintei presedintilor au acces toti eurodeputatii si dupa fiecare sedinta se
publica un proces verbal textual, initial intr-o versiune in mai multe limbi, apoi in traducere.
33. Pachetul celor doua masuri sau regulile bugetare curpind doua regulamente destinate sa
consolideze in continuare integrarea economica si convergenta dintre statele membre ale zonei
34. Fiecare comisar desemnat primeste o serie de cinci intrebari din partea eurodeputatilor,
membri ai comisiei EP de resort, intrebari la care trebuie sa raspunda in scris.
35. O clauza pasarela permite o derogare de la procedurile legislative stabilite de tratate,
astfel incat, in situatii specifice si in anumite conditii, se poate trece de la votul in
unanimitate la votul prin majoritate calificate intr-un anume domeniu de politica.

1.In accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon, the Court of Justice of the European Union is formed
of the Court of Justice, the Court for general and specialized courts. In other words, officially,
THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION means two levels of jurisdiction.
2. On 17 July 2013, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal on the setting up of a
European Prosecutor's Office, which will be in charge of the offenses against the financial
insteresses of the EU.
3.The main duty of Eurogroup is to ensure a close coordination of economic policies of the
sattelor acre use the euro currency, and also to promote conditions for a stronger economic
growth. At the same time, the Eurogroup is in charge of organizing the meeting at the highest
level of Member States which use the euro as their currency and to continue the work after the
4. The majority of the institutions of the European Communities have been created with the
establishment of the European Community in 1958. Since then he spent many changes,
particularly in the context of the movement of the center of power from the Council to the
5. As a result of the conclusions of the European Council meeting in Cologne in June 1999, which
ascertained that the fundamental rights applicable in the EU should be brought together in a
charter which provide greater visibility, it was a convention composed of one representative of
each Member State in the EU as well as to the European Commission, as well as the meps and
national mps who wrote the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
6.The College of Commissioners work on the basis of the principle of collective responsibility, as
the decisions taken collectively by the Commissioners. All of the commissioners are equal in the
decision-making process and bears the same responsibility for these decisions.
7. Monday, 12 October 2915, the Council on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Federica Mogherini, High
Representant of EU ministers of foreign affairs and security policy has focused on the priorities of
the international agenda, especially on the subject of migration, as well as on Libya and Syria.
8.a.minority is the number of votes necessary in the Council of the European Union in order to
block a decision to be taken by a qualified majority.
9. Each month, the Conference of Presidents of the Conference of Presidents committees shall
submit a recommendation on the draft agenda of the following session, as well as an
examination of the compatibility of the draft law and the rules of the Treaty in respect of acts
delagte and acts for the implementation.
10.The European Council defines the general direction and policy priorities of the EU, but it is not
an institution with legislative powers, i.e. do not negotiated nor adopata European legislation.
11. The withdrawal of the Greenland in the EU has created a precedent under which, if a country
wished to withdraw from the EU, you probably might do it, but I had to sign special agreements
and to establish the preliminary conditions due to the commitments undertaken toward the
European Union and the Member States. The procedure 11. The withdrawal of the Greenland in
the EU has created a precedent under which, if a country wished to withdraw from the EU, you
probably might do it, but I had to sign special agreements and to establish the preliminary
conditions due to the commitments undertaken toward the European Union and the Member
States. The procedure shall require the signature of the Treaty of withdrawal, established by the
Lisbon Treaty.
12.The Purpose of the Agreement on free trade EU-USA is to eliminate all the regulatory
differences between the United States and the European states.
13. The nice Treaty provides that the Court of First Instance in the first instance will be alacauit
from one judge from each Member .the exact number of Judges will be laid down by the Statute
of the Court of Justice.
14. The emissions trading system applied by the EU is most comprehensive marketing
mechanism with effect emissions of greenhouse gases; it shall lay down a ceiling for the total
emissions allowed by the mechanism and the companies covered by this mechanism shall be
granted credits up to the achievement of the ceiling. Companies need to measure the sis to
report carbon emissions and to give a credit for each tonne issued. The companies can sell the
credits , find such pulses to reduce emissions.
15. The procedure of agreement, hereinafter referred to as 'the notice cnform the previous
procedure, has been introduced by the Single European Act in 1986 in two areas: the association
agreements and agreements of accession to the EU, the scope of the proceeding was enlarged
by subsequent amendments of the treaties
16. World Trade Organization, founded in 1995, after the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations
on the global level, is a powerful agency of world trade, one of the mechanisms of corporate
globalization, which has extended the General Agreement for Traife and Trade (GATT),
transforming it into a commercial code applicable at world level.
17. The Court of Justice of the EU apply EU legislation, and in the areas covered by the
legislation of the European Union is the highest court in the EU, being above the supreme
national courts.
18. At the press conference the council which further informal meeting of the Heads of State or
Government on 23 September 2015, the president of the Donald Tusk has presented the results
of the meeting agreed.
19. Permanent structured cooperation in matters of defense, referred to in the Treaty of Lisbon
and brought into discussion by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union,
allows a small group of Member States who fulfill certain criteria, such as the budget commitment
and ability to carry out the military forces, to initiate a closer cooperation in order to strengthen
the European defense capacity.
20. Two of the main reasons for which the EU Council has introduced the trio of presedintiilor are
business continuity and efficient use of resources. It is a system by which the three Member
States who are to take over the presidency of the successively to cooperate closely in accordance
with the joint program of the three during the six months each member holds the presidents.
21. The legislation for macroeconomic and fiscal surveillance, the so-called pack of 6 measures,
entered into force on 13 December 2011 and includes five regulations and a directive. Part of the
secondary legislation for the EU and is applied to all of the 28 Member States, having a series of
provisions for specirfice member of the euro area, especially relating to financial penalties.
22. Initially, the Treaty of Rome in 1957 granted on only a consultative role in the legislative
process, since the Commission shall submit to the legislative proposals and the Council shall
adopt the laws, he could only to approve or to reject a legislative proposal. The Council does not
have a legal obligation to take account of the judgment on, but according to the jurisprudential
the Court of Justice, she could not take a decision without passing through the consultation
procedure with the. 23. In order to be able to launch an initiative of the citizens, they must
compile a 'Committee of Senior citizens"comprising at least 7 EU citizens residing in at least 7
different Member States. The committee members citizenship must be citizens of the European
Union with the minimum age required to be able to participate in the elections for the (18 years,
except in the case of Austria where the minimum age is 16 years).
24. The intergovernmental conference initiated by the European Council in June 2007, have the
task to draw up a treaty reformer which enhance the efficiency and democratic legitimacy of the
EU, and the consistency of the external actions of the Union.
25. The position of the High Representative for the common foreign and security policy as well as
the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union has been created by the Treaty of
Amsterdam in 1997 and was occupied by Javier Solana between 1999 and 2009.
26. In accordance with the rules of procedure of the eurodeputat, any question may address a
written reply to the request for the president of the Council of the European Parliament, the
Council of the European Union or the European Commission in accordance with the criteria laid
down in the Annex to the Regulation.
27. All applications for the accession to the EU are the subject of an opinion given by the
Commission and the decisions taken by the Council
28. The multiannual financial framework established the limits of the annual budgets of the EU
and includes periods from 5 to 7 years.
29. At Buxelles, on the date of 19 May 2009, Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner for
External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy, uttered a key note on the theme of
strategic dialog of the Europea and the People's Republic of China.
30. In the initial alocutiunea uttered in front of the EP on 10 Oct 2014, president of the European
Commission Jean Claude Jubcker pointed out a series of amendments which will make them of
the portfolios of statutory auditors appointed at the request of the parliamentary commissions
which have participated in the hearings commissioners appointed.
31. The informal ECOFIN Council, which took place in Luxembourg on 11 September 2015, the
ministers have approached the problem of the crisis of refugees and the financial impact of the
32. At meetings of the Conference of Presidents have access all meps and after each meeting
shall be published a written report, initially in a version in several languages, then in translation.
33. The package the two measures or the budgetary rules curpind two regulations intended to
further strengthen economic integration and convergence between the Member States of the
euro area.
34. Each inspector designated receives a series of five questions from the meps, members of the
commission of the EP resort, questions to which they must respond in writing to.
35. A clause gateway allows a derogation from the legislative procedures laid down by the
Treaties, so that, in specific cases and under certain conditions, it may be changes to vote
unanimously on the vote by qualified majority in a certain field of politics.

IV. Use the words/phrases below to fill the blanks in the following sentences.
Translate the sentences into Romanian:

to appoint; be removed ; voting procedure; elected position / office ; lawmaking ;

EP seats ; to place on an equal footing with; to be bound by; to submit the draft
buget to Parliament ; scrutiny of legislative proposals (legislative scrutiny); to
enforce subsidiarity ; to dismiss; to amend the Treaty ; come into effect ; term of
office ; antitrust law, cartel, merger; state aid; delegated acts; implementing acts.

1. The King had the power to appoint the Parliament.

2. The authorization of GMO’s is done on a case-by-case basis and is therefore an issue of
individual scope, so reach new authorization is adopted as an _______ .
3. The documents are removed from the premises by the customs officials.
4. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras insisted on Monday that the Greek government
lawmake to show that Greece is ready overhaul its economy by reforming its labor
markets, raising taxes, cutting spending and putting state investments up for sale.
5. Scrutiny of legislative proposals (legislative scrutiny)is a mechanism to
determine whether a particular legal instrument is effective for accomplishing the ends
for which it is or will be created.
6. He was ______Advocate General at the European Court of Justice.
7. Antitrust law refers to legislation enacted by the federal government to regulate trade
abd commerce by preventing unlawful practices , price-fixing and monopolies.
8. In the European Parliament there are several ______available, such as the roll-call vote.
9. In the EU new food labeling regulation, the Council and European Parliament used
delegated acts to allow the Commission to adjust and adapt the definition of engineered
nanomaterials to technical and scientific progress for a period of five years.
10. An official is someone who holds an elected position / office by virtue of an
election or may also be appointed to that position.
11. The new law place women on an equal footing with men.
12. The principle of subsidiarity is one of the key components of a system of multilevel
governance, but the _______ is still feeble.
13. Unless you are an influential member of an energy____ you are not going to change gas
prices in your favour.
14. The EU _____ process is long and complicated.
15. The biggest ever industrial merger was between the motor companies Daimler-Benz and
16. In the EP elections, the allocation of EP seats to each member state is based on the
principle of degressive proportionality, so that, while the size of the population of each
country is taken into account, smaller states elect more MEPs than is proportional to their
17. They dismissed the terms of the contract to finish the works if they want to be paid.
18. The Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force in December 2009, introduced new
procedures to enforce subsidiarity .
19. As my term of officecomes to an end, I would like to offer you a personal account of
what I have done over these last 30 months and the goals that I have pursued, and
hopefully, achieved.
20. The new law will come in effect on New Year’s Day.
21. State aid is defined as an advantage in any form whatsoever conferred on a selective
basis to undertakings by national public authorities.

1. Regele avea puterea de a numi in parlament.
2. Din cauza autorizarii OMG-ului adoptat de la caz la caz , este o problema de aplicare
individuale, astfel încât ajunge la noua autorizatie este adoptată ca un _______ .
3. Documentele sunt scoase de la localuri de catre autoritatile vamale.
4. Primul-ministru grec Alexis Tsipras a insistat ieri ca guvernul grec sa faca legi pentru a arăta
că Grecia este gata de revizia generală a economiei sale prin reformarea piețelor muncii sale,
ridicand taxe, cheltuieli de tăiere și punerea membru investițiile în vânzare.
5. Examinarea propunerilor legislative este un mecanism pentru a determina dacă un anumit
instrument juridic este eficient pentru realizarea capetele pentru care este sau va fi creat.
6. El a fost ______avocatului general la Curtea Europeana de Justitie.
7. Legea se referă la legislația antitrust adoptata de guvernul federal care permitea reglementarea
comertului si comertului prin prevenirea practicilor ilegale , de prețuri și de monopoluri.
8. În Parlamentul European există mai multe ______disponibile, cum ar fi apelul la vot nominal.
9. În UE regulamenttul noilor tichete, Consiliului și Parlamentului European imputerniceste
acționarea pentru a permite Comisiei reglarea și adaptarea definitiei de proiectat nanomateriale
la progresul stiintific si tehnic pentru o perioada de cinci ani.
10. Un oficial este cineva care deține o poziție aleasa / office in temeiul unei alegeri sau care poate
fi de asemenea numit la acea poziție.
11. Noua lege nu pune femeile pe picior de egalitate cu barbatii.
12. Principiul subsidiaritatii este una dintre componentele cheie ale unui sistem de multilevel
guvernari, dar _______ este încă slab.
13. Nu sunteți un influent stat de energie.____ nu veți modifica preturile gazului în favoarea ta.
15. Cea mai mare vreodată fuziune a fost între motorul companiei industriale Daimler-Benz și
16. În alegerile EP, alocarea scaunele EP pentru fiecare stat membru se bazează pe principiul
proportionalitatii degresive, astfel încât, în timp ce mărimea populației din fiecare țară este luată
în considerare, mai mici membre aleg mai multi Eurodeputații decât este proporțional cu
populațiile lor.
17. Au respins termenii contractului pentru a finaliza lucrările în cazul în care doresc să fie plătită.
18. Tratatul de la Lisabona, care a intrat în vigoare în decembrie 2009, a introdus de noi
proceduri pentru aplicarea subsidiaritatii .
19. Cum mandatului meu officese sfarseste , aș dori să vă oferim un cont personal de ceea ce am
facut peste aceste ultima 30 luni visurile pe care le-am avut, și speranța, atinse.
20. Noua lege va intra in vigoare in ziua de Anul Nou.
21. Ajutorul de stat este definit ca un avantaj în orice formă conferite pe baza selectiva
intreprinderilor de catre autoritatile publice nationale.

V. Translate into Romanian: Evolving from the failed constitutional treaty, the Lisbon Treaty
proposed greater coherence, efficiency and democratic legitimacy in an enlarged European Union.
Following protracted ratification, the Reform Treaty continues to face challenges however.
Following the treaty of Nice a Convention on the Future of Europe (aka European Convention)
was established to draw up a draft constitutional treaty for Europe between March 2002 and July
2003. The Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was the subject of an
intergovernmental conference intended to revise the structure and decision making process to
support the enlargement of the Union. Although the treaty was adopted by the Heads of State and
Government at the Brussels European Council on 17 and 18 June 2004 and signed in Rome on 29
October 2004, it was never ratified. Reflection on the reform process, prompted the
establishment of a new Inter Governmental Conference in 2007. The resulting 'Reform Treaty'
was drawn up under the Portuguese presidency, and signed at Lisbon. While the constitutional
treaty (see below) was rejected by referenda, the initial rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by
referendum of the Republic of Ireland in June 2008 was reversed in October 2009 by a 67 % vote
in favour of ratification. Unanimous ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon followed as instruments of
ratification were deposited by the final member states with the Italian government. While the
treaty entered force several months before David Cameron took office at Downing street, the new
UK government has proposed, through the Queen’s Speech of 25 May 2010, legislation to ensure
that 'British people have their say on any proposed transfer of powers to the European Union'.


Evoluând de la esec Tratatul constitutional, Tratatul de la Lisabona a propus o mai mare

coerenta, eficienta si legitimitate democratica in Uniunea Europeana extinsa.Urmarind o
prelungita, ratificare, Reforma Tratat continuă să faca totusi fata provocarilor. Ca urmare a
tratatului de la Nisa o conventie privind viitorul Europei (aka Conventia Europeana) a fost
stabilită pentru a elabora un proiect de catre Tratatul constitutional pentru Europa între
martie 2002 și iulie 2003. Proiectul de tratat de stabilire a unei Constitutii pentru Europa a
fost subiectul unei conferinte interguvernamentale destinate de revizuire a structurii si a
procesului de decizie pentru a susține extinderea Uniunii. Desi Tratatul a fost adoptat de sefii
de stat si de guvern la Consiliul European la Bruxelles pe 17 și 18 iunie 2004 și semnat la
Roma la 29 octombrie 2004, el nu fusese ratificat.Reflexia pe procesul de reforma, va solicita
stabilirea unui noi conferinte interguvernamentale in 2007. Rezultatul "Tratat" a fost
redactat sub presedintia portugheza, și semnat la Lisabona. În timp ce Tratatul constitutional
(vezi mai jos) a fost respins de referendum, inițial de respingerea Tratatului de la Lisabona
prin referendum a Republicii Irlanda în iunie 2008 a fost inversată în octombrie 2009 de
67% vot in favoarea ratificarii. Unanimitatea de ratificare a Tratatului de la Lisabona a avut
ca instrumente de ratificare si au fost depuse de catre statele membre cu guvernul italian. În
timp ce Tratatul a intrat vigoare de mai multe luni înainte de David Cameron a preluat
puterea la Downing Street, noua govern al Marii Britanii a propus, prin discursul reginei din
25 mai 2010, legislația pentru a se asigura că " populatia engleza si-a spus parerea cu privire
la orice propunere de transfer a puterilor Uniunii Europene".

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