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1 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: infinitive -+- to, bare infinitive, or -ing


1. I hope he'll remember (post) my letter. It's very important.

2. Do you really enjoy (work) until ten in the evening?
3. They stopped (eat) because they were so hungry.
4. We didn't like the idea of writing a test, so we refused (do) it.
5. When you were at school, were you made (play) football on Saturdays?
6. I saw him (put) the chocolate in his mouth, and (swallow) it.
7. I'd like (get up) early on Sundays, but it's difficult.
8. I must admit that I regret (leave) the job I had in Leicester.
9. You wouldn't mind (help) me push the car, would you?
10. I don't think you'd better (leave) until the rain stops.
11. What exactly do you remember (do) when you got there?
12. Have you tried (drink) lemon and honey? That's good for colds.

2 Some of the sentences are not correct. Tick the right ones, and correct the wrong

1. Pedro enjoys to have a coffee after dinner

2. Edward tends to do thing at the last possible moment
3. Sylvie spent three weeks to revise for her exams
4. My mother helped me to do my homework
5. These shoes need to mend, don’t you think?
6. We asked him appying for the job
7. I think you need to buy a warm coat
8. We can’t help to laugh at him

3 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form:infinitive + to, bare infinitive, or -ing

1. Don’t forget _________him for coffee when you see him. (invite)
2. Their house really needs _______________. (paint)
3. Her aunt remembers _____________ the first car in her village. (see)
4. How could anyone forget ___________the cooker and__________? (turn off/go
5. When I was twelve I used to ___________ with my friends everyday. (go out)
6. If you really enjoy (dance), then we could enter the competition.
7. She didn't stop (eat) all day; no wonder she is overweight.
8. I’m afraid I’m very bad at _____________ languages. (learn)
9. They stopped the car ______________ a chat with their friends. (have)
10. Will he remember _____________ the bill? I told him he should do it today.
11. _____________ old bottles is a strange hobby. (collect)
12. Demetrio is fed up with _________ a student. (be)
13. Since coming here, I’ ve got used to to _____________to bed early. (go)
14. He stopped ______________ because I was sleepy. (drive)
15. Liz needs ______________ a job. She’s short of money. (get)
16. The snow prevented the train from ______________ on time. (arrive)
17. It’s no use____________ him. He isn’t interested. (tell)

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