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The perception of
musical timbre1
Stephen McAdams and Bruno L. Giordano

IMBRE is a misleadingly simple and vague ways in which sounds are perceived to differ.
word encompassing a very complex set of Early research on the perceptual nature of tim-
auditory attributes, as well as a plethora of bre focused on preconceived aspects such as the
psychological and musical issues. It covers many relative weights of different frequencies present
parameters of perception that are not accounted in a given sound, or its ‘sound color’ (Slawson
for by pitch, loudness, spatial position, duration, 1985). A voice singing a constant middle C while
and various environmental characteristics such as varying the vowel being sung, or a brass player
room reverberation. This leaves a wealth of possi- holding a given note while varying the embou-
bilities that have been explored over the last 40 chure and mouth cavity shape would both vary
years or so. We now understand timbre to have the shape of the sound spectrum, which repre-
two broad characteristics that contribute to the sents the level of each sound partial as a func-
perception of music: (1) it is a multifarious set of tion of its frequency (cf. McAdams et al. 2004b).
abstract sensory attributes, some of which are con- Helmholtz (1885/1954) invented some rather
tinuously varying (e.g. attack sharpness, bright- ingenious resonating devices for controlling
ness, nasality, richness), others of which are spectral shape to explore these aspects of tim-
discrete or categorical (e.g., the ‘blatt’ at the begin- bre. However, the real advances in understand-
ning of a sforzando trombone sound or the ing the perceptual representation of timbre had
pinched offset of a harpsichord sound), and (2) it to wait for the development of multidimen-
is one of the primary perceptual vehicles for the sional data analysis techniques in the 1960s and
recognition, identification, and tracking over time signal processing techniques in the 1970s. Plomp
of a sound source (singer’s voice, clarinet, set of (1970) and Wessel (1973) first applied these to
carillon bells), and thus involves the absolute cate- timbre perception.
gorization of a sound (Hajda et al. 1997; McAdams
1993; Risset and Wessel 1999). The psychological Timbre space
approach to timbre has also included work on the
musical implications of timbre as a set of form- Multidimensional scaling makes no preconcep-
bearing dimensions in music (McAdams 1989). tions about the physical or perceptual structure
of timbre. Listeners simply rate on a scale vary-
ing from very similar to very dissimilar all pairs
Timbre as a multidimensional from a given set of sounds. The sounds are usu-
set of auditory attributes ally equalized in terms of pitch, loudness, and
duration so that only the timbre varies in order
One of the main approaches to timbre percep-
to focus listeners’ attention on this attribute.
tion attempts to characterize quantitatively the
The dissimilarity ratings are then fit to a dis-
This chapter is an updated version of two previous sum- tance model in which sounds with similar tim-
maries of musical timbre research (McAdams, 1999, 2003). bres are close together and those with dissimilar
Timbre as a multidimensional set of auditory attributes · 73

timbres are far apart. The graphic representation dimensions by correlating the position along
is called a ‘timbre space’. The basic model is the perceptual dimension with a unidimen-
expressed in terms of continuous dimensions sional acoustic parameter extracted from the
that are shared among the timbres, the underly- sounds (e.g. Grey and Gordon 1978; Krimphoff
ing assumption being that all listeners use the et al. 1994). The most ubiquitous correlates
same perceptual dimensions to compare the tim- derived from musical instrument sounds include
bres. More complex models also include dimen- spectral centroid (representing the relative
sions or features that are specific to individual weights of high and low frequencies and corre-
timbres (called ‘specificities’) and different per- sponding to timbral brightness: an oboe has a
ceptual weights accorded to the dimensions and higher spectral centroid than a French horn),
specificities by individual listeners or classes of the logarithm of the attack time (distinguishing
listeners (Grey 1977; McAdams et al. 1995). Such continuant instruments that are blown or bowed
techniques have been applied to synthetic sounds from impulsive instruments that are struck or
(Miller and Carterette 1975; Plomp 1970), resyn- plucked), spectral flux (the degree of evolution
thesized or simulated instrument sounds (Grey of the spectral shape over a tone’s duration
1977; Krumhansl 1989; McAdams et al. 1995; which is high for brass and lower for single
Wessel 1979), recorded instrument sounds reeds), and spectral irregularity (the degree of
(Iverson and Krumhansl 1993; Lakatos 2000), jaggedness of the spectral shape, which is high
and even dyads of recorded instrument sounds for clarinet and vibraphone and low for trum-
(Kendall and Carterette 1991). pet). A confirmatory study employing dissimi-
Specificities are often found for complex larity ratings on purely synthetic sounds in
acoustic and synthesized sounds. They are con- which the exact nature of the stimulus dimen-
sidered to represent the presence of a unique fea- sions could be controlled was performed by
ture that distinguishes a sound from all others in Caclin et al. (2005). These authors confirmed
a given context. For example, in a set of brass, the perception of stimulus dimensions related
woodwind, and string sounds, a harpsichord has to spectral centroid, attack time and spectral
a feature shared with no other sound: the return irregularity, but did not confirm spectral flux.
of the hopper which creates a slight ‘thump’ and The combination of a quantitative model of
quickly damps the sound at the end. This might perceptual relations among timbres and the
appear as a strong specificity in the distance psychophysical explanation of the parameters of
model (Krumhansl 1989; McAdams et al. 1995). the model is an important step in gaining pre-
The models integrate individual and class dif- dictive control of timbre in several domains
ferences as weighting factors on the different such as sound analysis and synthesis and intelli-
dimensions and the set of specificities. Some lis- gent search in sound databases (Peeters et al.
teners pay more attention to spectral properties 2000). Such representations are only useful to
and ignore temporal aspects, whereas others have the extent that they are: (a) generalizable beyond
the inverse pattern. Such variability may reflect the set of sounds actually studied, (b) robust
either differences in sensory processing or in lis- with respect to changes in musical context, and
tening and rating strategies. Interestingly, no study (c) generalizable to other kinds of listening tasks
to date has demonstrated that such individual dif- than those used to construct the model. To the
ferences have anything to do with musical experi- degree that a representation has these proper-
ence or training (McAdams et al. 1995). It may be ties, it may be considered as an accurate account
that because timbre perception is so closely allied of musical timbre, characterized by an impor-
with the ability to recognize sound sources in eve- tant feature of a scientific model, the ability to
ryday life, everybody is an expert to some degree. predict new empirical phenomena.
Timbre space models have been useful in pre-
dicting listeners’ perception in situations beyond
Acoustic correlates of timbral
those specifically measured in the experiments,
dimensions which suggests that they do in fact capture
In many studies, independent acoustic corre- important aspects of timbre representation.
lates have been determined for the continuous Consistent with the predictions of a timbre
74 · CHAPTER 7 The perception of musical timbre

model, Grey and Gordon (1978) found that by (1964) studied identification of isolated musical
exchanging the spectral envelopes on pairs of instrument sounds from the Western orchestra
sounds that differed primarily along the spectral played with and without vibrato. They were
dimension, these sounds switched positions in interested in the relative importance of onset
the space. Timbre space has also been useful in and offset transients, spectral envelope of the
predicting the perception of intervals between sustain portion of the sound, and vibrato.
timbres, as well as stream segregation based on Identification of isolated sounds is surprisingly
timbre-related acoustic cues (see below). poor for some instruments. When attacks and
decays were excised, identification decreased
Effects of pitch change on timbre markedly for some instruments, particularly for
relations the attack portion in sounds without vibrato.
However, when vibrato was present, the effect
Marozeau and colleagues (2003) have shown of cutting the attack was less, identification
that timbre spaces for recorded musical instru- being better. These results suggest that impor-
ment tones are similar at different pitches (B3, tant information for instrument identification is
C#4, B 4). Listeners are also able to ignore pitch present in the attack portion, but that in the
differences within an octave when asked to com- absence of this information, additional informa-
pare only the timbres of the tones. When the tion is still available in the sustain portion (although
pitch variation is greater than an octave, inter- it is more important for some instruments than
actions between the two attributes occur. others), particularly when vibrato is present. The
Marozeau and de Cheveigné (2007) varied the vibrato may increase our ability to extract infor-
brightness of a set of synthesized sounds, while mation relative to the resonance structure of the
also varying the pitch over a range of 18 semi- instrument (McAdams and Rodet 1988).
tones. They found that differences in pitch Giordano (2005) analysed previously pub-
affected timbre relations in two ways: lished data on the identification and dissimilar-
1 Pitch shows up in the timbre space representa- ity ratings of musical tones. The goal of this
tion as a dimension orthogonal to the timbre study was to ascertain the extent to which tones
dimensions (indicating simply that listeners were generated with large differences in the mecha-
no longer ignoring the pitch difference), and nisms for sound production were recovered in
2 Pitch differences systematically affect the tim- the perceptual data. Across all identification
bre dimension related to spectral centroid. studies, listeners frequently confused tones gen-
erated by musical instruments with a similar
These results suggest a close relation between
physical structure (e.g., clarinets and saxo-
timbral brightness and pitch height. This link
phones, both single-reed instruments), and sel-
would be consistent with underlying neural rep-
dom confused tones generated by very different
resentations that share common attributes, such
physical systems (e.g., the trumpet, a lip-reed
as a tonotopic organization.
instrument, and the bassoon, a double-reed
instrument). Consistently, the vast majority of
Timbre as a vehicle for previously published timbre spaces revealed that
tones generated with similar resonating struc-
source identity tures (e.g., string instruments vs wind instru-
The second approach to timbre concerns its role ments) or with similar excitation mechanisms
in the recognition of the identity of a musical (e.g., impulsive excitation as in piano tones vs
instrument or, in general, of a sound-generating sustained excitation as in flute tones) occupied
event. One reasonable hypothesis is that the the same region in the space. These results sug-
sensory dimensions that compose timbre serve gest that listeners can reliably identify large dif-
as indicators used in the categorization, recog- ferences in the mechanisms of tone production,
nition, and identification of sound events and focusing on the timbre attributes used to evalu-
sound sources (McAdams 1993; Handel 1995). ate the dissimilarity of musical sounds.
Research on musical instrument identifica- Several investigations on the perception of
tion is relevant to this issue. Saldanha and Corso everyday sounds extend the concept of timbre
Timbral intervals · 75

beyond the musical context (see McAdams across instrumental timbres, e.g., the
1993; Handel 1995; Lutfi 2008 for reviews). Klangfarbenmelodien of Schoenberg (1911/1978).
Among them, studies on impact sounds provide Our predisposition to identify the sound source
information on the timbre attributes useful to and follow it through time would impede a more
the perception of the properties of percussion relative perception in which the timbral differ-
instruments: bar geometry (Lakatos et al. 1997), ences were perceived as a movement through
bar material (McAdams et al. 2004a), plate mate- timbre space rather than as a simple change of
rial (Giordano and McAdams 2006), and mallet sound source. For cases in which such timbral
hardness (Freed 1990). The timbral factors rele- compositions work, the composers have often
vant to perceptual judgements vary with the task taken special precautions to create a musical sit-
at hand. Spectral factors are primary for the per- uation that draws the listener more into a rela-
ception of the geometry (Lakatos et al. 1997). tive than into an absolute mode of perceiving.
Spectrotemporal factors (e.g., the rate of temporal
change of the spectral centroid and of loudness)
dominate the perception of the material of struck
Timbral intervals
objects (McAdams et al. 2004a, Giordano and If timbral interval perception can be demon-
McAdams 2006) and of mallets (Freed 1990). strated, it opens the door to musical operations
The perception of an instrument’s identity in on timbre sequences that are commonly used
spite of variations in pitch may be related to on pitch sequences (Slawson 1985). Another
timbral invariance, those aspects of timbre that interest of this exploration is that it extends the
remain constant with change in pitch and loud- use of the timbre space as a perceptual model
ness. Handel and Erickson (2001) found that beyond the dissimilarity paradigm.
musically untrained listeners are able to recog- Ehresman and Wessel (1978; Wessel 1979)
nize two sounds produced at different pitches as took a first step forward in this direction, devel-
coming from the same instrument or voice only oping a task in which listeners were asked to
within a pitch range of about an octave. Steele make judgements on the similarity of intervals
and Williams (2006) found that musically formed between pairs of timbres. The basic idea
trained listeners could perform this task at about was that timbre intervals may have properties
80 per cent correct even with pitch differences similar to pitch intervals; that is, a pitch interval
on the order of 2.5 octaves. These results suggest is a relation along a well-ordered dimension that
that there are limits to timbral invariance across retains a degree of invariance under certain kinds
pitch, but that they depend on musical training. of transformation, such as translation along the
Its role in source identification and categori- dimension, or what musicians call ‘transposi-
zation is perhaps the more neglected aspect of tion’. What does transposition mean in a multi-
timbre, and brings with it advantages and disad- dimensional space? A timbre interval can be
vantages for the use of timbre as a form-bearing considered as a vector in space connecting two
dimension in music (McAdams 1989). One of timbres. It has a specific length (the distance
the advantages is that categorization and identi- between the timbres) and a specific orientation.
fication of a sound source may bring into play Together these two properties define the amount
perceptual knowledge (acquired by listeners of change along each dimension of the space that
implicitly through experience in the everyday is needed to move from one timbre to another. If
world and in musical situations) that helps them we assume these dimensions to be continuous
track a given voice or instrument in a complex and linear from a perceptual point of view, then
musical texture. Listeners do this easily and pairs of timbres characterized by the same vector
some research has shown that timbral factors relation should have the same relative perceptual
may make an important contribution in such relation and thus embody the same timbre inter-
voice tracking (Culling and Darwin 1993; val. Transposition thus consists of translating
Gregory 1994), which is particularly important the vector anywhere else in the space as long as
in polyphonic settings. its length and orientation are preserved.
The disadvantages may arise in situations in Ehresman and Wessel tested this hypothesis
which the composer seeks to create melodies using a task in which listeners had to compare
76 · CHAPTER 7 The perception of musical timbre

two timbral intervals (e.g. A–B vs C–D) and

rank various timbre D’s according to how well
Timbre and musical grouping
they fulfilled the analogy: timbre A is to timbre An important way in which timbre can contrib-
B as timbre C is to timbre D. They essentially ute to the organization of musical structure is
found that the closer timbre D was to the ideal related to the fact that listeners tend to connect
point defined by the vector model in timbre perceptually sound events that arise from the
space (i.e. the ideal C–D vector was a simple same sound source. In general, a given source
translation of the A–B vector), the higher the will produce sounds that are relatively similar
ranking. in pitch, loudness, timbre and spatial position
McAdams and Cunibile (1992) subsequently from one event to the next (cf. Bregman 1990;
tested the vector model using the 3D space from McAdams and Bregman 1979 for reviews). The
Krumhansl (1989) (ignoring the specificities). perceptual connection of successive sound
Five sets of timbres at different places in timbre events into a coherent ‘message’ through time is
space were chosen for each comparison to test referred to as auditory stream integration, and
for the generality of the results. Both electroa- the separation of events into distinct messages is
coustic composers and non-musicians were called auditory stream segregation (Bregman
tested to see if musical training and experience and Campbell 1971). One guiding principle that
had any effect. All listeners found the task rather seems to operate in the formation of auditory
difficult to do, which is not surprising given that streams is the following: successive events that
even professional composers have had almost are relatively similar in their spectrotemporal
no experience with music that uses timbre inter- properties (i.e. in their timbres) may have arisen
vals in a systematic way. The main result is from the same source and should be grouped
encouraging in that globally the data support together; individual sources do not tend to
the vector model, although this support was change their acoustic properties suddenly and
much stronger for composers than for non- repeatedly from one event to the next. Early
musicians. However, when one examines in detail demonstrations of auditory streaming on the
the five different versions of each comparison basis of timbre (Wessel 1979) suggest a link
type, it is clear that not all timbre comparisons between the timbre–space representation and
go in the direction of the model predictions. the tendency for auditory streaming on the basis
One confounding factor is that the specifici- of the spectral differences that were created
ties on some timbres in this set were ignored. (McAdams and Bregman 1979). Early research-
These, quite to the contrary, would necessarily ers were convinced that it was primarily the spec-
distort the vectors that were used to choose the tral aspects of timbre (such as spectral centroid)
timbres, because the specificities are like an that were responsible for auditory streaming and
additional dimension for each timbre. As such, that temporal aspects (such as attack time) had
certain timbre intervals correspond well to what little effect (Hartmann and Johnson 1991).
is predicted because specificities are absent or Recently the picture has changed significantly
low in value, whereas others would be seriously and several studies indicate an important role
distorted and thus not perceived as similar to for both spectral and temporal attributes of tim-
other intervals due to moderate or high specifi- bre in auditory stream segregation (Moore and
city values. What this line of reasoning suggests Gockel 2002). Iverson (1995) used sequences
is that the use of timbre intervals as an integral alternating between two recorded instrument
part of a musical discourse runs the risk of being tones with the same pitch and loudness and
very difficult to achieve with very complex and asked listeners to judge the degree of segrega-
idiosyncratic sound sources, because they will in tion. Multidimensional scaling of the segrega-
all probability have specificities of some kind or tion judgments treated as a measure of
another. The use of timbre intervals may, in the dissimilarity was performed to determine which
long run, be limited to synthesized sounds or acoustic attributes contributed to the impres-
blended sounds created through the combination sion of auditory stream segregation. A compari-
of several instruments. son with previous timbre–space work using the
Timbre as a structuring force in music perception · 77

same sounds (Iverson and Krumhansl 1993) 2 timbral augmentation in which one instru-
showed that both static acoustic cues (such as ment embellishes another one that perceptually
spectral centroid) and dynamic acoustic cues dominates the combination, and
(such as attack time and spectral flux) were 3 timbral emergence in which a new sound
implicated in segregation. Other results consist- results that is identified as none of its
ent with this study have also been reported (Bey constituents.
and McAdams 2003; Singh and Bregman 1997).
Blend appears to depend on a number of acous-
All of these results are important for auditory
tic factors such as onset synchrony of the con-
stream segregation theory on the one hand,
stituent sounds and others that are more directly
because they show that several of a source’s
related to timbre, such as the similarity of the
acoustic properties are taken into account when
attacks, the difference in the spectral centroids,
forming auditory streams. On the other hand,
and the overall centroid of the combination.
they are important for music-making (whether
it be with computer or acoustic instruments),
Role of timbre in building and
because they show that many aspects of timbre
strongly affect the basic organization of the release of musical tension
musical surface into streams. Different orches- Timbre can also contribute to larger-scale musi-
trations of a given pitch sequence can com- cal form and in particular to the sense of move-
pletely change what is heard as melody and ment between tension and relaxation. This
rhythm, as has been demonstrated by Wessel movement has been considered by many music
(1979). Timbre is also an important component theorists as one of the primary bases for the per-
in the perception of musical groupings, whether ception of larger-scale form in music. It has tra-
they are at the level of sequences of notes distin- ditionally been tied to harmony in Western
guished by changes in timbre (Deliège 1987) or music and plays an important role in Lerdahl
of larger-scale musical sections delimited by and Jackendoff’s (1983)A generative theory of
marked changes in orchestration and timbral tonal music. Experimental work on the role of
texture (Deliège 1989). harmony in the perception of musical tension
and relaxation (or inversely, in the sense of ten-
Timbre as a structuring force sion that accompanies a moment at which the
music must continue and the sense of relaxation
in music perception that accompanies the completion of the musical
Timbre perception is at the heart of orchestra- phrase) has suggested that auditory roughness is
tion, a realm of musical practice that has received an important component of perceived tension
relatively little experimental study. Instrumental (Bigand et al. 1996). Roughness is an elementary
combinations can give rise to new timbres if the timbral attribute based on the sensation of rapid
sounds are perceived as blended, and timbre can fluctuations in the amplitude envelope. It can be
play a role in creating and releasing musical generated by proximal frequency components
tension. that beat with one another. Dissonant intervals
tend to have more such beating than consonant
intervals. As such, a fairly direct relation between
Timbral blend
sensory dissonance and roughness has been
The creation of new timbres through orchestra- demonstrated (cf. Parncutt 1989; Plomp 1976
tion necessarily depends on the degree to which for reviews).
the constituent sound sources fuse together or As a first step toward understanding how this
blend to create the newly emerged sound (Brant operates in music, Paraskeva and McAdams
1971; Erickson 1975). Sandell (1995) has pro- (1997) measured the inflection of musical ten-
posed that there are three classes of perceptual sion and relaxation due to timbral change.
goals in combining instruments: Listeners were asked to make judgments on a
1 timbral heterogeneity in which one seeks to 7-point scale concerning the perceived degree of
keep the instruments perceptually distinct, completion of the music at several points at
78 · CHAPTER 7 The perception of musical timbre

which the music stopped. What results is a com- instruments horizontally. So the attack asyn-
pletion profile, which can be used to infer musi- chrony and the decomposition of verticalities
cal tension by equating completion with release into horizontalities would concur to reduce the
and lack of completion with tension. Two pieces degree of perceptual fusion. Reduced fusion
were tested: a fragment from the Ricercar from would mean greater segregation. Thus the
the Musical Offering for six voices by Bach roughness in the orchestral version would be
(tonal) and the first movement of the Six Pieces computed on each individually grouped audi-
for Orchestra by Webern (non-tonal). Each piece tory event rather than on the whole sound mass.
was played in an orchestral version (the Webern These individual roughnesses in the orchestral
instrumentation was used for the Bach), and a version would most likely be much less than
direct transcription of this orchestral version for that of the piano version. So once again, timbral
piano on a digital sampler. There were signifi- composition can have a very tight interaction
cant differences between the piano and orches- with auditory stream formation processes.
tral versions, indicating a significant effect of
timbre change on perceived musical tension.
However, when they were significantly differ- Conclusion
ent, the orchestral version was always more Musical timbre is a combination of continuous
relaxed than the piano version. perceptual dimensions and discrete features to
The hypothesis advanced by Paraskeva and which listeners are differentially sensitive. The
McAdams (1997) for this effect was that the continuous dimensions often have quantifiable
higher relaxation of the orchestral version might acoustic correlates. The timbre–space represen-
have been due to processes involved in auditory tation is a powerful psychological model that
stream formation and the dependence of per- allows predictions to be made about timbre per-
ceived roughness on the results of such proc- ception in situations beyond those used to
esses (Wright and Bregman 1987). Roughness, derive the model in the first place. Timbre inter-
or any other auditory attribute of a single sound vals, for example, can be conceived as vectors
event, is computed after auditory organization within the space of common dimensions. Timbre
processes have grouped the bits of acoustic space also makes at least qualitative predictions
information together. Piano sounds have a about the magnitude of timbre differences that
rather sharp attack. If several notes occur at the will provoke auditory stream segregation.
same time in the score and are played with a Timbre can play a role in larger-scale move-
piano sound, they will be quite synchronous. ments of tension and relaxation and thus con-
Because they all start at the same time and have tribute to the expression inherent in musical
similar amplitude envelopes, they will tend to be form. Under conditions of high blend among
fused together and the computed roughness will instruments composing a vertical sonority, tim-
result from the interactions of all the frequency bral roughness is a major component of musical
components of all the notes. tension. However, it strongly depends on the
The situation may be quite different for the way auditory grouping processes have parsed
orchestral version for two reasons. The first is the incoming acoustic information into events
that the same timing is used for piano and and streams.
orchestra versions. In the latter, many instru-
ments are used that have slow attacks whereas
others have faster attacks. There could then be a References
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1987). In addition, because the timbres of these stream formation. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
instruments are often quite different, several Human Perception and Performance, 29, 267–279.
Bigand E, Parncutt R and Lerdahl F (1996). Perception of
different voices with different timbres arrive
musical tension in short chord sequences: the influence
momentarily at a given vertical sonority, but the of harmonic function, sensory dissonance, horizontal
verticality is not perceived because the listener motion, and musical training. Perception and
would more likely continue to track individual Psychophysics, 58, 125–141.
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