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Student’s Name:
Postsecondary Education and Training Goal: Measurable Annual Goal
After high school, M will attend the local Community College for a program for paraprofessionals in education and health Yes/No
care. (Document in Section V)

Courses of Study:

Health, PE, Social Studies, Family and Consumer Science, Science, Math, English
Projected Anticipated Person(s)/Agency
Service/Activity Location Frequency Beginning Date Duration Responsible

Special Educator,
Tour the local Community College Local Community College Once 3/17/17 3/11/18 College Representative
*Instruction in study skills and time 30 minutes Special Educator
Local School (Clarion Area) 3/17/17 3/11/18
management weekly

Employment Goal: Measurable Annual Goal

After high school, M will work as a paraprofessional in a classroom. (Document in Section V)

Courses of Study:

Health, PE, Social Studies, Family and Consumer Science, Science, Math, English
Projected Anticipated Person(s)/Agency
Service/Activity Location Frequency Beginning Date Duration Responsible

Local School District Special Educator,

Job shadow a paraprofessional 3 times 3/17/17 3/11/18
(Clarion Area) Paraprofessional
Special Educator,
Local High School (Clarion 30 minutes
*Instruction in CPR 3/17/17 3/11/18 Health Care
Area) weekly Professional

Independent Living Goal, if appropriate:

Measurable Annual Goal
After high school, M will acquire her driver’s license. Yes/No
(Document in Section V)

Courses of Study:

Health, PE, Social Studies, Family and Consumer Science, Science, Math, English

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Student’s Name:
Projected Anticipated Person(s)/Agency
Service/Activity Location Frequency Beginning Date Duration Responsible

Local High School (Clarion 30 minutes Drivers Ed. Instructor,

*Instruction in Drivers Ed. 3/17/17 3/11/18
Area) biweekly Special Educator
30 minutes Special Educator, Drivers Ed.
Practice Driving Clarion Area 3/17/17 3/11/18
biweekly Instructor, Parents

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Student’s Name:
V. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Include, as appropriate, academic and functional goals. Use as many copies of this page as needed to plan appropriately.
Specially designed instruction may be listed with each goal/objective or listed in Section VI.


Describe WHEN periodic
Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria student’s progress toward
reports on progress will be Report of Progress
(Refer to Annotated IEP for description of these meeting this goal will be
provided to parents
components) measured

When given a drivers education manual, M will • Test corrections After every practice test.
complete the practice test with 90% accuracy,
across 4 out of 5 trials.

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