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J Perinat Neonat Nurs

CONTINUING EDUCATION Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 333–340

c 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Management of the Neonate With Patent

Ductus Arteriosus
Lisa DiMenna, MS, RNC, NNP; Cindy Laabs, MS, RNC, NNP;
Lisa McCoskey, MS, RNC, NNP; Amanda Seals, MS, RNC, NNP

Care of the preterm infant with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) is a frequent challenge for the neonatal nurse. Management of term
infants with cardiac lesions dependent upon a PDA can be even more challenging. It is
vital for neonatal nurses to understand the normal cardiovascular and pulmonary
changes that occur at birth so they can anticipate pathological processes influencing
the clinical course of an infant with a PDA. In addition, knowledge of current and
effective treatment approaches is essential to providing optimal care for these
vulnerable infants, as well as in guiding their parents. The purpose of this article is to
review current information about PDA, including physiology, pathophysiology,
pharmacological approaches, surgical considerations, complications and outcomes,
parental support, and areas for future research. Key words: cardiac disease, ibuprofen,
indomethacin, neonates, patent ductus arteriosus

T he ductus arteriosus (DA) is a vital structure in fetal

life that connects the pulmonary artery with the
descending aorta and normally closes with transition
titude, congenital syndromes (congenital rubella, tri-
somy 13 & 18, and Rubinstein-Taybi), and congenital
heart disease are also associated with higher incidence
to extrauterine life.1 Failure of the ductus to close after of PDA. Antenatal steroids, fetal growth restriction, and
birth may result in significant clinical problems.2 Patent prolonged rupture of membranes prior to delivery are
ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common condition in the associated with a lower incidence of PDA, as outlined
premature infant. Although less common, term infants in Table 1. Females are affected twice as often as males
with congenital heart disease may require patency of when PDA occurs as an isolated event; otherwise, the
the DA for survival while awaiting correction of their distribution between sexes is equal.3
cardiac defect. The article describes the physiology and pathophysi-
PDA occurs in only approximately 0.02% to 0.006% ology of the DA with emphasis on premature infants. In
of full-term live births.3,4 Premature infants have a addition, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests, sup-
much higher incidence of PDA, up to 45% in neonates portive interventions and management goals, compli-
weighing less than 1750 g at birth, and up to 80% of cations, and follow-up of the infant with a PDA are re-
extremely low birth weight (ELBW) neonates weighing viewed and areas for future research are suggested.
less than 1000 g.4–6 The incidence of PDA is inversely
related to gestational age and the etiology is thought to
be the result of hypoxia, acidosis, and immature mech- PHYSIOLOGY
anisms for ductal closure.1 Perinatal asphyxia, high al-
Fetal physiology

From the College of Nursing, Arizona State University, Tempe. The DA is a remnant of the distal portion of the left sixth
aortic arch. It connects the main pulmonary artery to
Corresponding author: Lisa DiMenna, MS, RNC, NNP, 1335 E June
St, #215, Mesa, AZ 85203 (e-mail: the aorta just below the level of the left subclavian
Submitted for publication: May 10, 2005
artery.2,7 During fetal life, the DA is a normal struc-
Accepted for publication: May 24, 2005 ture that allows right-to-left diversion of the majority
334 Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing/October–December 2006

Table 1. Factors that affect patent ductus


Factors increasing incidence of patent ductus arteriosus

• Perinatal asphyxia
• High altitude at birth
• Congenital syndromes
Congenital rubella
Trisomy 13 & 18
• Congenital heart disease
• Prematurity
• Sepsis
• Hypoxemia
• Excess IV fluid therapy
Factors decreasing incidence of patent ductus arteriosus
• Maternal steroids
• Fluid restriction
• Increased gestational age
• Intrauterine growth restriction Figure 1. Pediatric cardiovascular certification course pre-
• Prolonged rupture of membranes sented at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center 1999–
2003 (Author: Suzan Miller-Hoover, MS, RN, CCRN, and
Patricia Hassing, RN, BSN)
of blood leaving the right ventricle away from the high
resistance and low metabolic needs of the pulmonary ductus.2,6 In preterm infants, ductal closure is often
bed to the lower pressure systemic circulation via the delayed.
descending aorta (Fig 1). A classic PDA connects at the
junction of the main pulmonary artery and the left pul-
monary artery to the medial aorta below the level of Functional closure of the DA occurs usually within the
the left subclavian artery.3 The DA is adequately de- first 24 to 96 hours of life in a healthy term infant, with
veloped by 6 weeks’ gestation to carry up to 60% of structural obliteration of the DA occurring within 2 to
the combined ventricular output.2 Ductus arteriosus 3 months.1 The process involves necrosis of the inti-
patency in utero is thought to be due to the com- mal (inner) wall of the DA, followed by formation of
bined effects of a low arterial oxygen tension (PaO2 ) fibrous tissue, the ligamentum arteriosum, which per-
and a high level of circulating prostaglandins, namely, manently seals the ductal lumen.2 Delayed closure of
PGE1 , PGE2 , and prostacyclin (PGI2 ). PGE2 is the ma- the ductus in the term neonate is due to anatomic de-
jor factor responsible for relaxation of the smooth fects consisting of an abnormal distribution of elastic
muscle wall of the DA. Prostaglandins are elevated in material in ductal tissue and a subendothelial lamina,
the fetus because of the minimal blood flow through which interferes with intimal cushion development.2
the lungs where prostaglandins are metabolized and Several factors contribute to delayed closure of
increased production of prostaglandins within the the DA in preterm infants. The smooth muscle of
placenta.2,8 the immature ductus has a diminished response
At birth, normal lung oxygenation and ventilation to oxygen and greater sensitivity to the dilating
causes the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) to de- action of prostaglandins. Circulating prostaglandins
crease, allowing the right ventricular output to enter are also frequently elevated in preterm infants be-
the pulmonary circulation. Concurrently, the systemic cause of reduced pulmonary metabolism of prostagla-
vascular resistance (SVR) increases with clamping of ndins.2 Surfactant therapy further contributes to the
the cord and removal of the low-pressure placenta.2 As rapid decrease in PVR, often resulting in a large left-
pulmonary blood flow increases, PaO2 rises and PGE2 to-right shunt through the PDA to the pulmonary cir-
is metabolized. In response to this rise in PaO2 and de- culation, especially with earlier gestation infants.5
crease in circulating prostaglandins, the DA constricts. The preterm myocardium has fewer contractile ele-
The DA remains partially patent in all infants during ments and more water, with incomplete sympathetic
early extrauterine adaptation, during which time some stimulation of the left ventricle, and low serum cal-
right-to-left blood flow may occur through the ductus cium levels—common in preterm infants—also affect
and blood of higher oxygen concentration perfuses the myocardial performance. Left ventricular failure may
PDA Management in Neonates 335

occur with a PDA because of increased circulation Diagnostic tests

through the left atrium, left ventricle, and the aorta.
An echocardiogram (ECHO) is the definitive diagnos-
There is overperfusion of the lungs because of elevated
tic test to evaluate the presence of a PDA and to as-
pulmonary blood flow and diastolic pressure, resulting
sess whether or not there is a ductal-dependent le-
in a lack of normal postnatal maturational changes of
sion. An ECHO works by transmitting high frequency
the small pulmonary arteries.2
sound waves that bounce off structures and different
tissue densities to form a visual picture of the heart.10
ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS The PDA is best viewed and evaluated through the
suprasternal notch and the parasternal short axis view.
During the ECHO, the diameter of a patent DA can
Classic clinical signs of PDA include a systolic or con-
usually be measured and a color Doppler can show
tinuous machinery murmur loudest at the left upper
the direction of blood flow across the PDA. Another
sternal border, widening pulse pressures, hypotension,
method for assessing the direction of the shunting in a
palmar pulses and/or bounding peripheral pulses, over-
PDA is comparing preductal and postductal oxygen sat-
active precordium, and tachycardia.3,4,9 The quality of
urations. The preductal saturation monitor should be
the murmur in the premature infant may be rough in
placed on the right hand or wrist and the postductal sat-
nature. Bounding peripheral pulses are the effect of
uration monitor placed on another extremity, for exam-
high left ventricular stroke volume simulating a systolic
ple, the left hand or wrist. Postductal saturations may
hypertension, followed by a low diastolic pressure due
be 5% to 10% higher than preductal saturations with
to overflow into the pulmonary artery from the aorta.
more typical left-to-right shunting. In right-to-left shunt-
The widened pulse pressure creates a large gradient
ing, preductal saturations will be greater than postduc-
and resultant bounding pulse. The drop in diastolic
tal saturations (ie, right-hand saturation of 98% versus
pressure brings the mean arterial pressure down and
left-hand saturation of 93%). Preductal and postductal
accounts for the systemic hypotension associated with
saturation differences do not always occur and a differ-
PDA. This compromised systemic diastolic arterial cir-
ence in pulse oximeter readings may vary, as affected
culation can result in systemic hypoperfusion, affect-
by the degree of shunting and whether there is arterial-
ing the kidneys and potentially contributing to de-
venous blood mixing depending on an additional car-
velopment of volume overload and congestive heart
diac malformation such as a patent foramen ovale or
ventricular septal defect. Preductal and postductal sat-
Later signs of a symptomatic PDA are tachyp-
uration readings cannot be considered diagnostic for
nea, tachycardia, apnea, increased precordial activity,
PDA; the information should be used only as additional
moderate to severe respiratory distress, and cardiac
clinical data if other signs and symptoms of a PDA exist.
failure.3,4 Most PDAs result in a left-to-right shunt.
Blood travels the path of least resistance and the higher
Differential diagnoses
systemic pressure drives some of the cardiac output
from the aorta back through the DA into the pulmonary Since the signs and symptoms of PDA may initially
artery. The blood then recirculates through the lungs in be nonspecific, several differential diagnoses must
addition to the normal blood flow from the right ven- be considered. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
tricle. The additional volume overloads the low pres- must be differentiated from other respiratory distress
sures of the pulmonary bed and distention of the vas- since most PDAs occur in premature infants who of-
cular bed occurs. The primary effect is a ventilation ten also have surfactant deficiency, and respiratory
perfusion mismatch; there is too much blood in the distress is often one of the first clinical signs of a
pulmonary capillaries pushing on the alveoli and im- functional DA in these neonates. A chest x-ray can
pairing gas exchange. These fragile capillaries then be- help differentiate RDS versus PDA; lucent or dark air
come leaky and fluid fills the alveolar sacs, causing the bronchograms resembling tree branches are indicative
lung tissue to become thick and less permeable to oxy- of RDS whereas fluid in the pulmonary vasculature
gen and carbon dioxide. If the PDA persists, fluid will from the PDA will appear opaque or white. Symp-
continue to seep and occupy critical space in the avail- tomatic PDA after RDS treatment with surfactant is
able alveoli for gas exchange to occur. The increased common because of the abrupt increase in compli-
blood return from the lungs to the left atrium and ulti- ance of the lungs creating a low resistance area for
mately left ventricle causes an increased preload. Over blood flow unless the infant is on high ventilatory
time, the left ventricle will enlarge and lose functional- pressures. Sepsis must also be considered in an in-
ity, resulting in a left-sided heart failure.4 fant with respiratory distress, tachycardia, and overall
336 Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing/October–December 2006

monary blood flow and reducing the risk of pulmonary

Table 2. Management strategies4 edema. Oxygen-carrying capacity is directly associated
with hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, which must
• Prevent hypoxemia and acidosis be monitored closely. Myocardial oxygen delivery de-
• Restrict fluids
• Optimize nutrition
pends on blood oxygen content and a low hemoglobin
• Maintain central venous hemoglobin 13 g/dL may increase the potential for ischemia.5 Maintaining
optimal oxygen-carrying capacity improves oxygena-
tion and ventilation, encourages ductal constriction,
clinical deterioration. Premature infants are exposed to and helps insure delivery of oxygen and nutrients to
numerous people and inanimate objects in the NICU the systemic tissues and cells, promoting acid-base
that along with their immature immune system predis- balance.5 Fluid restriction can help to minimize the in-
pose them to infection. Sepsis must therefore be con- travascular volume that promotes patency of the PDA
sidered a serious risk and treatment initiated in the in- and the left-to-right shunting of blood contributing to
fant who shows signs of PDA and sepsis. accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Infant vital signs and
cardiopulmonary status must be closely monitored to
time and evaluate interventions and assess for any signs
MANAGEMENT of decompensation. Clinical assessments should focus
on cardiopulmonary functioning, hemodynamic status
including blood pressure and peripheral pulses, venti-
Ongoing management goals
lation and oxygenation, and acid-base balance.
Management goals for the infant at risk for and with
a PDA begin at admission and continue through- Pharmacologic management
out the hospitalization whether the PDA is closed Randomized clinical trials for treatment of PDA in
with medication or surgically ligated. Initial manage- preterm infants generally fall into 3 categories: prophy-
ment requires keen assessment of respiratory status. lactic treatment within 24 hours of birth, treatment fol-
Standard management goals and strategies include lowing ultrasound evidence of a PDA before symptoms
close clinical monitoring, ventilatory support and fluid present or with presentation of the first clinical signs,
restriction, and insuring adequate/optimal oxygen- and treatment when there is evidence of hemody-
carrying capacity, while facilitating closure of the namic changes.11 The optimum timing for intervention
PDA (Table 2).4 Following nonsurgical ductal closure, remains controversial. Data pooled from randomized
preventing reopening and clinical decompensation trials in which prophylactic indomethacin doses were
secondary to increased pulmonary blood flow requires begun in the first 24 hours after birth have revealed a
effective ventilatory support and fluid management reduction in IVH and the need to subsequently treat a
with fluid restriction and cautious fluid adjustments. PDA but no changes in mortality, bronchopulmonary
Comprehensive clinical management of premature dysplasia (BPD), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), or
infants also includes prevention of acidosis, hypoten- retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).11
sion, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, intraventricular hemor- Pharmacological closure of a PDA can be attained
rhage (IVH), and infection. Acidosis, hypotension, and with prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors.12 Of these, in-
hypoxemia encourage ductal dilation and premature in- domethacin has been used in the treatment of PDA
fants are at greater risk for perinatal stress, hypoxia, and since 1976.13 This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
IVH. Optimizing nutritional status is also an important (NSAID) has been effective in treatment, but is as-
focus of care for premature infants. sociated with a number of side effects. The use of
indomethacin results in a marked decrease in cere-
bral, mesenteric, and renal blood flow.14 It has also
Supportive interventions and
been associated with electrolyte imbalances, decreased
evaluative goals
glomerular filtration rate, and oliguria.15
Respiratory distress secondary to a PDA often requires Intravenous administration of indomethacin in sev-
endotracheal intubation and assisted ventilation. In- eral doses or courses has been shown to promote duc-
creasing positive end-expiratory pressure can reduce tal closure in the first 3 to 4 weeks of age, after which
the effects of pulmonary edema. Blood gases for mon- time efficacy diminishes. Other sources describe in-
itoring acidosis, hypoxia, and/or hypercapnia along domethacin as less effective in closing a PDA after
with the neonate’s supplemental oxygen requirements the first 10 to 14 days of life.4,7 Indomethacin can be
are useful in assessing and managing increased pul- given prophylactically, after early signs, or later when
PDA Management in Neonates 337

signs persist and compromise the neonate. Often, the Surgical ligation has a low mortality rate but risks in-
neonate given prophylactic indomethacin has received clude hypotension from anesthesia, transient hypoxia
surfactant therapy for RDS. A concern regarding pro- during surgery, infection, postsurgical ventilatory sup-
phylactic indomethacin is the lack of evidence that an port due to lung manipulation, the need for pain man-
infant ever actually had a PDA, potentially resulting in agement, and additional nutritional needs. The most
unnecessary treatment.16 common risk of a PDA ligation, as with any surgery,
Use of indomethacin upon the neonate’s earliest sign is infection. This is especially critical because of the
of a PDA is more common and indomethacin along with breakdown of the pleural barrier that protects the
fluid restriction may be the first treatments in manag- heart and lungs. Other potential complications in-
ing a PDA. Contraindications for using indomethacin clude bleeding, ligation of the pulmonary artery or
include IVH, thrombocytopenia, bleeding other than aorta, pneumothoraces, chylothorax, atelectasis, laryn-
pulmonary hemorrhage, NEC, and renal dysfunction. geal nerve palsy with paralysis of the vocal cords, and
Neonatal clinical literature also provides information hypotension. The procedure takes approximately 45
on the use of intravenous ibuprofen for pharmaco- minutes from the time the incision is made to when the
logic closure of PDA. Researchers outside of the United incision is closed. Once the DA is visualized (Fig 2), the
States have examined the use of ibuprofen, another surgeon ties several sutures around the ductus or places
NSAID and cyclooxygenase blocker, as an alternative 1 to 2 metal clamps across the ductus (Fig 3). Verifi-
treatment for PDA with fewer side effects compared cation that the correct blood vessel is clamped is de-
with indomethacin.17 A recent trial describes success termined by the infant’s continued hemodynamic sta-
in significantly reducing the incidence of PDA in the bility. Inadvertent clamping of the aorta instead of the
preterm infant with a 66% to 80% efficacy rate and with- DA would result in a severe drop in the infant’s blood
out significant adverse effects such as thrombocytope- pressure.
nia or compromised urinary output.18 Table 3 presents Management of a term infant with PDA is determined
general guidelines on indomethacin and ibuprofen ad- by the clinical severity of symptoms. Cautious fluid re-
ministration; dosing and frequency vary depending on striction and diuretics may be sufficient with a small
hours of age. At least one management handbook states PDA. Ten percent of all congenital heart disease in term
that clinical studies suggest ibuprofen is as effective as infants however presents as a PDA.4 The presence of
indomethacin in the treatment of PDA, without reduc- ductal-dependent lesions must therefore be ruled out
ing mesenteric and renal blood flow.4 before therapies to close the PDA are initiated. Of-
ten, with the term infant, supportive therapies and
Surgical management indomethacin are not effective and these infants re-
Surgical ligation is the other treatment for PDA. “Most quire surgical ligation because of impeding pulmonary
neonatal units choose indomethacin initially, followed congestion.
by surgical closure if the ductus remains patent, al-
though some units with the ready availability of a pe-
diatric cardiothoracic team opt for surgical ligation as
the initial treatment.”11(p69) Surgery is often necessary
when an infant does not respond to pharmacological Follow-up for closure of a PDA largely depends on
treatment and the PDA is symptomatic causing respira- the type of treatment used to close the ductus. If the
tory compromise. PDA is small in size and the infant is asymptomatic,

Table 3. Pharmacological management of patent ductus arteriosus19–21

Length of
Route Dose/frequency treatment

Prophylactic indomethacin IV 0.1 mg/kg q24 h 2–3 d

Short-course indomethacin IV 0.2 mg/kg for 1 dose and 0.1 mg/kg for 3d
2 doses q24 h
Long-course indomethacin IV 0.1 mg/kg q24 h 5–7 d
Ibuprofen IV 3-dose course: 10 mg/kg 1 dose, 5 mg/kg 3d
2 and 3 dose, q24 h
338 Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing/October–December 2006

Figure 2. Retrieved from CardioAccess International Clinical Outcomes Database (

Figure 3. Retrieved from CardioAccess International Clinical Outcomes Database (

medical management may include only fluid restriction itoring for postsurgical recovery and complications
and clinical observation. If the infant does well over (Table 4).3,22
several weeks, no further follow-up may be warranted.
A moderate to large PDA is usually treated initially with POTENTIAL SEQUELAE
indomethacin and followed by an ECHO within 24 to
48 hours after the last dose to evaluate treatment effec- Infant outcome following PDA closure is related to the
tiveness. If indomethacin administration fails to close infant’s preexisting medical condition. Morbidity and
the PDA (usually multiple courses are attempted), sur- mortality rates have decreased over time for infants
gical ligation is performed, and follow-up includes mon- with PDA, yet complications can result, especially if
PDA Management in Neonates 339

Recent studies recommend the use of indomethacin or

Table 4. Complications of patent ductus arterio-
ibuprofen prophylactically to prevent a PDA in prema-
sus treatment
ture infants.11,26 However, long-term outcomes remain
unknown for these study groups and additional trials
• Decreased urinary output
are recommended to address potential adverse effects
• Electrolyte imbalances such as pulmonary hypertension and long-term neu-
• Gastrointestinal bleeding/feeding intolerance rodevelopment outcomes.11,18 A Cochrane Review ex-
• Compromised platelet function and thrombocytopenia amined the use of Furosemide for the prevention of
• Potential for mesenteric vasoconstriction morbidity in indomethacin-treated infants with PDA;
compromising blood flow and resulting
in necrotizing enterocolitis
the authors concluded that Furosemide was not a sup-
Surgical ligation portive therapy, especially in the presence of dehydra-
• Hypotension from anesthesia tion, and may encourage ductal opening by affecting
• Hypoxemia during surgery prostaglandin metabolism.27 Given that PDA is a pri-
• Infection mary problem in premature infants, an indirect way of
• Pneumothorax, atelectasis, laryngeal
nerve palsy
preventing the occurrence of PDA is through preven-
• Wound healing complications tion of premature births.

pulmonary hypertension or other pulmonary morbid- ANTICIPATORY GUIDANCE/PARENT

ity is involved.3,5 Early ductal closure may improve an EDUCATION
infant’s outcome and alter the clinical course,5 espe-
cially if pulmonary edema and prolonged ventilatory Parental stress in the neonatal intensive care unit is well
support can be minimized. The less symptomatic an known to neonatal nurses and parental support is a
infant is prior to closure of the PDA and the more sta- major focus of neonatal nursing care. Any diagnosis or
ble other organ systems are, the more favorable the problem in an infant can be very concerning to parents.
prognosis. Providing emotional support and educational informa-
Treatment risks exist for medical and surgical PDA tion can help parents gain knowledge and understand-
closure. The risk of mortality from surgery is low ing regarding what is going on with their infant. Sup-
and complications including bleeding and risk for plying pictures of the heart showing the PDA may be
infection are usually minimal.11,22 Fluid restriction an effective visual tool. In addition, providing referrals
may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and resources can help parents obtain information and
with potential hypotension due to hypovolemia.23 connect with other sources of support (Table 5). Keep-
Indomethacin can result in increased incidence of ing parents informed of their infant’s condition, pro-
NEC, feeding intolerance, oliguria, hypoglycemia, viding information regarding what to expect, allowing
and thrombocytopenia.24 Extremely premature infants them to ask questions and fully participate in the plan
with significant PDA are at greater risk to develop of care, and engaging them in the care of their infant are
BPD because of the need for mechanical ventilatory essential aspects of anticipatory guidance and partner-
support.22 Most infants, however, usually respond well ship building. A multidisciplinary approach facilitates
to PDA management and improve once the ductus is consistency of information and continuity of care.
closed. Posttreatment, the infant usually has enhanced
cardiopulmonary functioning with better hemodynam-
ics, a stable blood pressure and steady pulses, improved
ventilation, oxygenation, and resolving acidosis. Suc-
Table 5. Resources/Web sites on neonatal patent
cessful PDA treatment benefits outweigh the risks and
ductus arteriosus (PDA) for parents
the significant potential complications associated with
persistent PDA, including congestive heart failure, in-
1. Social services/case management
fective endocarditis, pulmonary vascular obstructive 2. Emily Anderson Center
disease, and aortic rupture.25 3. Other parents whose infant had a PDA
6. (Medline Plus)
7. (Nemours Foundation)
Antenatal use of steroids for premature lung matura- 8. (For Parents of Preemies)
tion may reduce the incidence of PDA in neonates.16
340 Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing/October–December 2006

CONCLUSION/IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE severity of postnatal PDA may be considered. Random-

RESEARCH ized, experimental control trials may prove beneficial
in comparing other cyclooxygenase inhibitors for the
Neonatal nursing care focuses on optimizing care for treatment of PDA closure. Respiratory management ad-
fragile premature infants. Neonatal research is impera- vances and correlation with the incidence and severity
tive in determining the best therapies and practices for of PDA is another area for further examination. Finally,
the survival and outcomes. Although PDA is a common comparative study of alternative treatments effectively
condition in the premature infant population, the tim- utilized in other countries might advance evidence-
ing and mode of treatments continue to vary. Prompt based practice. It is important for nurses to stay abreast
and early recognition, as well as anticipation of the of current research and practice literature and utilize
clinical signs of a PDA, are essential in providing ef- best practices that will positively influence the out-
fective treatment and minimizing complications. Fu- come of high-risk neonates. Increased knowledge and
ture research may provide guidelines for care providers understanding of physiology/pathophysiology, phar-
for specific approaches to management. For exam- macology, and management of infant conditions will
ple, antenatal interventions to minimize frequency and promote better care and outcomes related to PDA.

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