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Occupational Therapy for Mothers with Autistic Children

The prevalence rate of autism in India is 1 in 250 and currently 10 million people
suffer in India. (Indian era, Ahmadabad, April 2, 2013). The Diagnostics of the American
Psychiatric Association and the Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, the Fifth Edition,
defines ASD as a category that includes "Autistic disorders (autism), Asperger's disorder,
childhood disintegrative disorders, and pervasive development disorders not specified". Some
women experience setress and depression caused by a critical situation due to their disabled
and depressed children, because their responsibilities and roles in the family, anxiety and
depression affect the negative quality of life of the mother. Occupational therapy is carried out
This treatment strategy helps overcome problems, how to maintain a schedule, how to reduce
difficulties and control irritation and to maintain sleep cycles and mothers can get more
confidence and can provide an environment that helps their own children. Data analysis is done
by software (SPSS), Statistical Package for social sciences (version 22). Paired t-test was used
for pre-post single group design to evaluate the efficacy of occupational therapy interventions
in Depression and Quality of life in mothers autistic child.
Occupational therapy showed a significant increase in BDI and WHOQOL-BREF post
scores. The graph shows a comparison between the average QOL-BREF post score and BDI
post average value. After occupational therapy the mother has a strategy to reduce anxiety
Strategy coping (time, planning, sharing load, knowledge is strength, lifting the boundaries of
labels, recognizing joy).Aerobic exercise helps mothers reduce fatigue and increase energy. To
deal with visual imaginary daily stressors, slow repetitive breathing, Jacobson. Relaxation
training is a powerful tool. This exercise helps the mother to maintain the sleep cycle. In
breathing it works as a sedative. Valerie Custer (1985), describes a visual image, slow,
repetitive, in breathing; and progressive muscle relaxation as a way to reduce overall anxiety.
Motivational interviews and games play an important role in mother's self-esteem, feelings of
self-esteem, body image and make their thinking more positive towards their lives and increase
their self-confidence to fight anything. Every day and role playing are used to solve difficult
social problems and to improve patients' social skills. Maternal education booklets were also
given to mothers and given to them on two different therapies. In light of these findings
occupational therapy interventions are beneficial for mothers to deal with daily stress and
improve their quality of life.







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