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Economics – Spring 2019

Ms. Sharp, Instructor

Welcome Students! I am Ms. Sharp and I’m a graduate student at the University of Arizona. I have a B.S. in
Business Administration from California State University. Mrs. Hering is my cooperating teacher, and we will be working
together this semester to strengthen student understanding of the content and skills needed to navigate the exciting
subjects of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Personal Finance.

Success: The key to success in this class is Effort, not perfection!

*Come to class. *Ask questions.
*Participate in discussions. *Make use of Conference periods.
*Turn in assignments on time. *Keep track of your grades and turn in missing work!

Syllabus: Each quarter, students receive a syllabus with daily agenda, quiz and exam dates, and important deadlines.
The syllabus will also be posted in class.

Quizzes and Tests: There will be several open-note quizzes. The purpose of these quizzes is to test student
application of economic concepts. There will only be two high-stakes exams: a mid-term and a final. If student is absent
for the mid-term or has a 55% or below at the end of the semester, there will be one semester final exam covering the
entire course.

Grades: Attendance is essential to student success. Grades are calculated on a total point basis. Borderline grades that
are .5% short will be rounded up only if student has less than 5 absences, no unexcused absences, and less than 4 tardies
(see below for tardy and absence policies). If student has violated the cell phone policy (see below) or is removed from
class for disruption, they will not receive credit for that day’s assignments.

Personal Finance Notebook: Student is required to purchase an 8 ½ x 11-inch, 1-3 subject spiral notebook. The
purpose of this notebook is to prepare students to be good stewards of their finances. Notebooks will be graded on a
regular basis.

Tardiness: Tardies are viewed as a disruption to the classroom environment. If you are tardy (excused or unexcused),
sign your name in the tardy notebook by the door and be seated quietly.
* Each tardy = 2 points are subtracted from bellwork.
* 3 tardies = 1 administrative referral.
* 6+ tardies = no credit for the bellwork that day.

Bellwork: Bellwork is a 5-10-minute assignment to prepare students for the day’s lesson. Bellwork will be stamped
daily and collected approximately every 2 weeks. For full points, student must be present, on time, and complete it within
the allotted time. Bellwork may be made up during conferences for excused absences only.

Absences: Student is responsible for all notes and information missed. To make up points for an excused absence,
student must outline the assigned sections/chapter, or write an essay for cases of missed quizzes.
* You have the number of days absent, plus 1 day to turn in make-up work. However, if a due date has been posted in
advance for an assignment, it will be due promptly on day of return from excused absence.
* Late assignments will be accepted, subject to a 50%-point deduction, only until the last conference period of the current
quarter. No late assignments will be accepted from previous quarters.
* In accordance with Arizona state laws and Amphitheater Public School District’s Governing Board Policy, students
cannot miss more than 10% of each class. Students enrolled in semester-long courses may only have 9 excused absences
after which, each additional absence will be marked as “unexcused.” Please note, teachers are not required to provide
make-up work for any absence that is marked “unexcused.” Regular school attendance is essential for success in school.
Cell Phones: No cell phones or personal electronic devices are permitted during class. Student will receive a 0 for the
day’s assignments if cell phone is not off and packed away. Cell phone may be confiscated at any time and will be
returned at the end of the school day.

Hall Passes – Spring Semester 2019

If a hall pass is needed, fill out one of the boxes and bring it to me to sign. This sheet must be signed at the bottom by the
student AND parent to be valid. Each unused pass is worth 2 points extra credit, plus 10 points for turning in this sheet at
the end of the semester. **Cannot be used during lectures of videos.
At the end of semester turn this sheet in for a potential 20 points extra credit.

Date: _____________ 2 points EC forfeited

Reason for pass: bathroom drinking fountain
Other: explain ________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________

Date: _____________ 2 points EC forfeited

Reason for pass: bathroom drinking fountain
Other: explain ________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________

Date: _____________ 2 points EC forfeited

Reason for pass: bathroom drinking fountain
Other: explain ________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________

Date: _____________ 2 points EC forfeited

Reason for pass: bathroom drinking fountain
Other: explain ________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________

Date: _____________ 2 points EC forfeited

Reason for pass: bathroom drinking fountain
Other: explain ________________

Teacher signature: ___________________________

Use the passes above wisely. Once used, you may not be excused from class. For any medical considerations, please see
the school nurse. You will still be required to use your hall passes first.

Student Name (Printed): ______________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________

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