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Band 3

Performance Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking,

Standard reading and writing
Descriptor B3 DL1
Requesting assistance, expressing appreciation and
Evidence B3 DL1 E1
Able to request assistance when facing a problem and to
express gratitude for the assistance rendered

Sample Instrument
Work in pairs. Take turns to request assistance when facing a problem. Then, express
gratitude for the assistance rendered. You may choose any two of the situations given
below or you are encouraged to come up with your own situations.

Situation 1

Student A: To request assistance when facing a problem

Student B: To respond
Student A: To express gratitude for the assistance rendered

Situation 2

Student B: To request assistance when facing a problem

Student A: To respond
Student B: To express gratitude for the assistance rendered

Suggested situations:

Situation A:
You are unable to understand some Mathematical concepts.

Situation B:
You are unable to complete your Geography project.

Situation C:
You are a new student in the school. You do not know the way to the library.

Situation D:
You are unable to return a book that you borrowed from the library.

Situation E:
You have had an argument with your friend.

Situation F:
You have received a police summons for riding a scooter without a licence.
Sample Answer

Situation B:

You are unable to complete your Geography project. Request assistance from your
friend and express gratitude for the assistance rendered.

You : Hi Lina.
Lina : Hi Jane. Come in.
You : I have a problem, Lina. I don’t know how to do my Geography project.
Lina : Which part of the project are you having problems in?
You : Part 1 – looking for information and Part 2 – preparing a questionnaire.
Lina : Don’t worry. For Part 1, you can surf the Internet to get the required
information. Just google the place or factory you are going to visit. It’s as
simple as that, Jane!
You : What about the questionnaire? I’ve no idea how to do it.
Lina : I’ve done mine. Perhaps you could have a look at it. Let me get it
for you.
You : Thank you very much, Lina. You’ve been a great help.
Lina : It’s my pleasure. Just relax and don’t get too stressed, Jane.
You : Ok, Lina. Thank you again. Bye!
Lina : Bye!

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