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Nama : Yunita Sulistyowati

NIM : 13435 FA

A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has a relentless
dread of a situation, living creature, place or thing.

Individuals with a phobia go to great lengths to avoid a perceived danger which is much
greater in their minds than in real life. If confronted with the source of their phobia, the person will
suffer enormous distress, which can interfere with their normal function; it can sometimes lead to
total panic. For some people, even thinking about their phobia is immensely distressing.

A phobia starts when a person begins organizing their lives around avoiding the object of
their fear. A phobia is much more serious than a simple fear. Sufferers have an overpowering need
to steer clear of anything which triggers their anxiety.

If the phobia is of something the phobic person very rarely comes into contact with, such as
snakes, their daily lives will not be affected. However, some complex phobias are impossible to
avoid, such as agoraphobia (fear of leaving home or public places) or social phobia (fear of being
among groups of people

The symptoms appear in people with a phobia is generally very similar to the symptoms of
anxiety, but there are symptoms that focused on the specific circumstances (not exhaustive). Some
of the symptoms found in patients with phobia disorders:
1) Frequent headaches, migraine.
2) Want to sleep longer.
3) Excessive Sweating.
4) muscles tensed.
5) Taste want to vomit.
6) Increased anxiety
7) Think unrealistic, fear and imagine something will happen.
8) It's hard to concentrate.
9) Easy to feel tired or fatigued.
10) Trembling.
11) Precautions to excess (overt alertness)
12) A phobia is closely related to previous traumatic experiences
13) Fear of something specific conditions or situations that cause anxiety but anxiety was reduced
when the feared situation or object that is not being around people

Amongst the various types of anxiety disorders there are also phobias, which are specific
fears that a person develops, which may be intense and are often irrational. Common phobias may
include closed in spaces, a fear of heights, driving, water, flying, spiders and blood. However, what is
the difference between phobias and anxiety disorder. Having a healthy fear of something is one
thing but having an anxiety related phobia is something totally different.
Phobias can be very specific and there are many recorded cases in which common objects
were specified, and even extremely rare objects or situations were the source of much anxiety.
These fears are usually without merit, and the sufferer may realize that. That does not change the
level of anxiety, however.

The anxiety caused by the phobia may lead to other disorders such as panic disorder or
obsessive compulsive disorder. The more common the phobia, the more the person affected by it
will seek isolation in a desperate attempt to avoid the source of anxiety. If the phobia relates to
something in ordinary life such as large crowds, open spaces, small rooms, meeting new people or
travel, then it obviously will affect the person's ability to enjoy life
Common causes for specific (simple) phobias

These usually develop when the child is between four and eight years of age. In some cases
it may be the result of something that happened early in life. The trigger might have been an
unpleasant experience in a confined space, which festered and developed into claustrophobia over

As mentioned above, witnessing a family member's phobia is a common cause for phobias
which started during childhood. A kid whose mother suffers from arachnophobia is much more likely
to develop the same phobia as well. Experts stress that phobias picked up from parents are learned
fears - they are not genetically inherited.
How to overcome phobias such
a. speech therapy includes konselig, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy
b. Self-exposure therapy (Desensitisation).
People who have simple phobias can be treated by using a form of behavioral therapy
known as exposure therapy themselves. This therapy is done in stages over a period of time
with a particular object or situation involving frightened. Gradually a person will begin to
feel anxious or afraid anymore to it. Sometimes combined with medication and behavioral
c. Using drugs.
The use of drugs is actually not recommended for treating phobias, because usually with talk
therapy alone is quite successful. However, these drugs are used to overcome the effects of
phobias such as excessive anxiety.
There are 3 types of drugs recommended to treat anxiety, namely:
, Antidepressants, tranquilizers, beta-blockers:Common causes for complex phobiasThe
causes of agoraphobia or social phobia are still a mystery, nobody is really sure. Health care
professionals believe they are caused by a combination of life experiences, brain chemistry and
Social phobias are more likely to be caused by an extremely stressful experience than agoraphobia.
Types of Phobias:
There are three types of phobias:
Social phobias—fear of social situations.
Agoraphobia—fear of being trapped in an inescapable place or situation

Everyone has fears, as is the case with me who have a fear of snakes ular.karena I
think it's disgusting, scary, poisonous, and can bite

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