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Project Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 NG NEER & Partners

Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page

Location Level -1 Base B1 RMW 30-Jan-19 289
PAD FOUNDATION DESIGN to EN 1992-1 : 2004 (without UK NA) Single column base Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCCen81.xls v 3.1 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC chg - R68
Usage: Office
MATERIALS fck 30 N/mm² dg 20 mm γc 1.5 concrete
fyk 500 N/mm² cover 50 mm γs 1.15 steel
Densities - Concrete 25 kN/m³ Soil 18 kN/m³
Bearing pressure 200 kN/m² (net allowable increase)
Steel class A
L = 3000 h = 500
B = 3000 b = 500
depth H = 500
ex =0 ey = 0

COLUMN REACTIONS kN, kNm characteristic Plot (to scale) Key

Axial (kN) 1500.0 128.0
Grnd Brg Pressure 94%
Mx (kNm) -20.0
My (kNm)
As/Asprov σsx 57%
Hx (kN)
Hy (kN) σsy 55%
y0 = 0.7 0.5
see EN 1990 - Table A1.1 Shear vEd xx 47%
vEd yy 49%

BEARING PRESSURES kN/m² characteristic

Punching 99%
CORNER 1 2 3 4
no wind 188.8 179.9 188.8 179.9 0.0% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 100.0% 125.0%
with wind 188.8 179.9 188.8 179.9 Efficiency
STR/GEO max bearing pressure = 258.8 kN/m²

REINFORCEMENT ⅔ of As within 1,820 mm ⅔ of As within 1,760 mm

Mxx = 567.1 kNm Myy = 562.3 kNm
b= 3000 mm b = 3000 mm
d= 440 mm d = 420 mm
As = 3120 mm² As = 3242 mm²
Provide 18H20 @ 150 & 195 B1 Provide 18H20 @ 145 & 205 B2
As prov = 5655 mm² As prov = 5655 mm²
Asx increased 76% for shear Asy increased 68% for shear
VEdxx = 587.9 kN at d from col face VEDyy = 597.4 kN at d from col face
vEd = 0.445 N/mm² vEd = 0.474 N/mm²
or VEdxx = 269.2 kN at 2d from col face or VEDyy = 295.1 kN at 2d from col face
vEd = 0.204 N/mm² vEd = 0.234 N/mm²
vRd,c = 0.471 N/mm² vRd,c = 0.482 N/mm²

d ave = 430 mm u crit = 7404 mm
As prov = 0.438 % vEd max = 2.750 N/mm² at col face
vEd = 0.471 N/mm² vRd,c = 0.476 N/mm²
Project Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 NG NEER & Partners
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Base B3/B4 RMW 30-Jan-19 290
PAD FOUNDATION DESIGN to EN 1992-1 : 2004 (without UK NA) Combined base Checked Revision Job No

Originated from RCCen81.xls v 3.1 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC chg - R68

Usage: Office
MATERIALS fck 30 N/mm² dg 20 mm γc 1.5 concrete
fyk 500 N/mm² cover 50 mm γs 1.15 steel
Densities - Concrete 25 kN/m³ Soil 18 kN/m³ teel class A
Bearing pressure 125 kN/m² (net allowable)

COLUMN REACTIONS kN, kNm characteristic

Column 1 (rhs) DEAD IMPOSED WIND Column 2 (lhs) DEAD IMPOSED WIND
Axial 225.0 225.0 112.5 Axial 225.0 225.0 112.5
Mx Mx
My My 50.0
Hx Hx
Hy Hy 25.0

BASE COLUMN 1 (rhs) COLUMN 2 (lhs)
L = 3000 h1 = 300 h2 = 300
B = 3000 b1 = 300 b2 = 300
depth H = 475
∑ex = 300 ex1 = 150 ex2 = 150
∑ey = 1000 ey1 = 500 ey2 = 500

STATUS Err:520
PLOT (to scale)
BEARING PRESSURES kN/m² characteristic
Grnd Brg Pressure 91%
CORNER 1 2 3 4
no wind 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 As/Asprov σsx
with wind 142.1 142.1 114.6 114.6
STR/GEO max bearing pressure = 174.5 kN/m²
Btm Mxx - 421.7 kNm Myy - 222.4
vEd yy
b = 3000 mm b = 3000
d = Err:520 mm d = Err:520 Punching
As = Err:520 mm² As = Err:520
0.0% 133.1%
Err:520 Err:520 Efficiency
As prov = Err:520 mm² As prov = Err:520
0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500
Err:520 Err:520
Top Mxx + 0.0 kNm Myy + 0.0
d = Err:520 mm d = Err:520
As = Err:520 mm² As = Err:520 -200.0
Err:520 Err:520 -250.0
As,prov = Err:520 mm² As,prov = Err:520 -300.0
Err:520 Err:520 -350.0 Moment Columns Zero axis

BEAM SHEAR . . Mx Diagram (1.35G+1.05Q)

Vxx = Err:520 kN at d Vyy = Err:520 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500
vEd = Err:520 N/mm² vEd = Err:520
or Vxx = Err:520 kN at 2d or Vyy = Err:520 -40.0
vEd = Err:520 N/mm² vEd = Err:520
vRdc = Err:520 N/mm² vRdc = Err:520 -100.0
PUNCHING SHEAR Err:520 -140.0 Err:520
d ave = Err:520 mm u crit = Err:520 mm -180.0
RCC81 Foundation Pads.xls

Project Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 Made by RMW
Location Level -1 Base B1 Job No R68
PAD FOUNDATION DESIGN to EN 1992-1 : 2004 (without UK NA) Date
Originated from RCCen81.xls v 3.1 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC

Gross base wt 112.50 L= 3 B= 3

P kN 1740.50 1740.50 OK 1612.50
Mx kNm -20.00 -20.00 -20.00
My kNm 0.00 0.00 0.00
ex m -0.011 -0.011 -0.012
ey m 0.000 0.000 0.000
6ex/L -0.0230 -0.0230 -0.0248 Rebar areas
if ex>L/6 1.3436 1.3436 1.3445 Area Dia
k 2-4 0.9770 0.9770 0.9752 0.0 8
k 1-3 1.0230 1.0230 1.0248 113.1 10
6ey/B 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 201.1 12
if ey>B/6 1.3333 1.3333 1.3333 314.2 16
k 1-2 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 490.9 20
k 3-4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 804.2 25
P/A kN/m² 193.39 193.39 179.17 1256.6 32
corner 1 kN/m² 197.83 197.83 183.61 Gross 2000.0 40
corner 2 kN/m² 188.94 188.94 174.72 Gross
corner 3 kN/m² 197.83 197.83 183.61 Gross
corner 4 kN/m² 188.94 188.94 174.72 Gross
P kN 1643.25 1643.25 OK 1451.25 6.10
Mx kNm -18.00 -18.00 -18.00 γG,sup 1.35
My kNm 0.00 0.00 0.00 γG,inf 1
ex/L 0.004 0.004 0.004 γQ,1 1.5
ey/B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 γQ,2 0.75
ULTIMATE PRESSURES 0.0073 0.0073 0.0083
γG 1.35 1.25 1.35 1.25 1.00
γQ,1 1.05 1.50 1.05 1.50 0.00
γQ,2 0.75 0.75 1.50
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W Uplift?
N kN 2311.28 2205.61 2311.28 2205.61 1612.50 OK
Mx kNm -27.00 -24.98 -27.00 -24.98 -20.00
My kNm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ex m -0.012 -0.011 -0.012 -0.011 -0.012
ey m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Lef m 2.977 2.977 2.977 2.977 2.975
Bef m 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
Pressure kN/m2 258.82 246.93 258.82 246.93 180.66
N/Lef kN/m 776.47 740.80 776.47 740.80 541.98
edge 2-4 kN/m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Right
edge 1-3 kN/m 776.47 740.80 776.47 740.80 541.98 Left
N/Bef kN/m 770.43 735.20 770.43 735.20 537.50
edge 1-2 kN/m 770.43 735.20 770.43 735.20 537.50 Top
edge 3-4 kN/m 770.43 735.20 770.43 735.20 537.50 Bottom

XX MOMENTS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from right m 1.750 1.250
from left m 1.250 1.750
M1 kNm 606.6 606.6 578.7 578.7 606.6 606.6 578.7 578.7 423.4 423.4
M2 kNm 584.2 584.2 558.0 558.0 584.2 584.2 558.0 558.0 406.8 406.8
M3 kNm -550.8 -550.8 -3283.4 -3283.4 -3439.9 -3439.9 -3283.4 -3283.4 -2398.8 -2398.8
choose M kNm 567.1 544.6 542.2 521.4 567.1 544.6 542.2 521.4 394.1 377.5
Design Mxx kNm 567.1
XX SHEARS @ d from col face
from right m 2.190 0.810
from left m 0.810 2.190
V1 kN 628.9 628.9 600.0 600.0 628.9 628.9 600.0 600.0 439.0 439.0
V2 kN 610.8 610.8 583.3 583.3 610.8 610.8 583.3 583.3 425.6 425.6
V3 kN 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 1612.5 1612.5
choose V kN 587.9 569.8 562.1 545.3 587.9 569.8 562.1 545.3 408.6 395.2
Design Vxx kN 587.9
@ 2d from col face
from right m 2.630 0.370
from left m 0.370 2.630
V1 kN 287.3 287.3 274.1 274.1 287.3 287.3 274.1 274.1 200.5 200.5
V2 kN 269.2 269.2 257.3 257.3 269.2 269.2 257.3 257.3 187.1 187.1
V3 kN 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 1612.5 1612.5
choose V kN 268.6 269.2 256.8 257.3 268.6 269.2 256.8 257.3 186.7 187.1
Design Vxx kN 269.2

YY MOMENTS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from top m 1.750 1.250
from btm m 1.250 1.750
M1 kNm 601.9 601.9 574.4 574.4 601.9 601.9 574.4 574.4 419.9 419.9
M2 kNm 601.9 601.9 574.4 574.4 601.9 601.9 574.4 574.4 419.9 419.9
M3 kNm -577.8 -577.8 -3308.4 -3308.4 -3466.9 -3466.9 -3308.4 -3308.4 -2418.8 -2418.8
choose M kNm 562.3 562.3 537.8 537.8 562.3 562.3 537.8 537.8 390.6 390.6
Design Myy kNm 562.3
YY SHEARS @ d from col face
from top m 2.170 0.830
from btm m 0.830 2.170
V1 kN 639.5 639.5 610.2 610.2 639.5 639.5 610.2 610.2 446.1 446.1
V2 kN 639.5 639.5 610.2 610.2 639.5 639.5 610.2 610.2 446.1 446.1
V3 kN 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 1612.5 1612.5
choose V kN 597.4 597.4 571.4 571.4 597.4 597.4 571.4 571.4 415.0 415.0
Design Vyy kN 597.4
@ 2d from col face
from top m 2.590 0.410
from btm m 0.410 2.590
V1 kN 315.9 315.9 301.4 301.4 315.9 315.9 301.4 301.4 220.4 220.4
V2 kN 315.9 315.9 301.4 301.4 315.9 315.9 301.4 301.4 220.4 220.4
V3 kN 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 2311.3 2311.3 2205.6 2205.6 1612.5 1612.5
choose V kN 295.1 295.1 282.2 282.2 295.1 295.1 282.2 282.2 205.0 205.0
Design Vyy kN 295.1

min As 0.15% fctm = 2.896 η.fcd(v) = 20.000 ν=

REINFORCEMENT X-X Y-Y εcu2 = 0.0035 λ = 0.8 rw,min =
b mm 3000 choose dia 3000 choose dia 100ρ0 = 0.5477 √fck = 5.477 fctd =
dia mm 20 20 20 20 x/d max = 0.60 η.αcc =
d mm 440 440 420 420 αcw.ν.fcd = 10.56
xmax mm 264 264 252 252
K' 0.2067 0.2067 0.2067 0.2067
K 0.0325 0.0325 0.0354 0.0354
z mm 418.0 418.0 399.0 399.0 Punching
As basic mm² 3120 3120 3242 3242 ave ρ 0.00424
As shear mm² 5486 5486 5440 5440 As X 5486
x 1st crack = mm 255 255 255 255 As Y 5440
Act = mm² 733870 733870 735023 735023 ave ρ 0.00424
As,minσs = 850253 850253 851589 851589 As X 5486
As crack mm² 1701 1701 1703 1703 As Y 5440
As final mm² 5486 5486 1988 5440 5440 1898
No 18 8.20 18 8.10
ave centres mm 175 400 175 400
As prov mm² 5655 5655
= % 0.428 0.449
Lc mm 1500 1500
Lc max mm 1365 < 1,500 1320 < 1,500
b central mm 1820 1760
Final centres mm 150 & 195 145 & 205
vEd @ d N/mm² 0.4454 0.4454 6.2.1 (8) 0.4742 0.4742
vEd @ 2d N/mm² 0.2039 0.2039 0.2342 0.2342
rL % 0.428 0.236 6.2.2 (1) 0.449 0.257
vRd,c N/mm² 0.4706 OK equation (6.2) 0.4825 OK
As enhanced % 75.81% 75.81% 67.82% 67.82%
As shear mm² 599 599 671 671

PUNCHING SHEAR from right from left from top from btm
d ave 430 2180 2180 2180 2180
2 x d ave 860 2610 2610 2610 2610
to edges mm 1500 1500 1500 1500
to 2d perimeter mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
No of sides 4 4 INTERNAL 0 0
U mm 500 500 500 500 5404 U1/U1* = 1.565 2.919
within base? Y,N 1 1 1 1 1 U1/W1 = 0.001624
2d perimeter falls within base and on 4 sides c1/2c2 = 0.5
to d perimeter mm 680 680 680 680 k= 0.45
No of sides 4 4 INTERNAL 0 0
U mm 500 500 500 500 2702 U1/U1* = 1.286 2.299
within base? Y,N 1 1 1 1 1 U1/W1 = 0.000812
d perimeter falls within base and on 4 sides c1/2c2 = 0.5
at 2d at d vRd,max N/mm² 6.2118 k= 0.45
U crit mm 7404 4702 100rL % 0.438
Area m² 4.294 1.691 vRd,c N/mm² 0.4765
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W
N kN 2311.3 2205.6 2311.3 2205.6 1612.5
vEd max N/mm² 2.750 OK 2.624 OK 2.612 OK 2.624 OK 1.822 OK
Pressure factor X 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Pressure factor Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ex mm 12.50 12.09 12.50 12.09 13.33
ey mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
β internal 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.011
β edge 1.575 1.574 1.575 1.574 1.575
Choose β 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.011
βVEd @ 2d kN 1212.2 1156.6 1212.2 1156.6 845.9
Pressure factor X 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Pressure factor Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
β internal 1.017 1.016 1.017 1.016 1.018
β edge 1.291 1.286 1.286 1.286 1.286
Choose β 1.017 1.016 1.017 1.016 1.018
βVEd @ d kN 1904.6 1816.7 1904.6 1816.7 1330.1
vEd N/mm² 0.4710 OK 0.4493 OK 0.4710 OK 0.4493 OK 0.3289 OK
SIZING TIPS Net press = 203.5


N kN 1740.5 1740.5 1612.5
Mx kNm -20.0 -20.0 -20.0
My kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0
ex m 11 11 12
ey m 0 0 0
min A m² 8.55 6.84 6.34
min L mm 500
min B mm 500
sq base iteration 0 2.925 2.925 2.815
0 0 0
-120 -120 -120
sq base iteration 1 5.849 5.849 5.630
30541 30541 27234
30421 30421 27114
sq base iteration 2 2.959 2.959 2.852
123 123 121
3 3 1
sq base iteration 3 2.959 2.959 2.851
121 121 120
1 1 0
L&B mm 2958 2958 2851 2960 SQ
if L = 3000
594 594 551
B mm 2916 2333 2165 or 3000 x 2920
if B = 3000
580 580 538
L mm 2918 2348 2185 or 2920 x 3000
Made by RMW
Job No R68


6.2.1 (8)
6.2.2 (5)

6.2.1 (8)
6.2.2 (5)

6.2.1 (8)
6.2.2 (5)

6.2.1 (8)
6.2.2 (5)


Project Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 Made by RMW
Location Base B3/B4 Job No R68
PAD FOUNDATION DESIGN to EN 1992-1 : 2004 (without UK NA) Date 30-Jan-19
Originated from RCCen81.xls v 3.1 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC


Gross base wt 106.88 L= 3.00 B= 3.00

N1 kN 450.0 562.5 337.5
N2 kN 450.0 562.5 337.5
Total N kN 1006.9 1231.9 OK 781.9 Rebar areas
Mx1 kNm 67.5 84.4 50.6 Area Dia
Mx2 kNm -67.5 -84.4 -50.6 0.0 8
Total Mx kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0 113.1 10
ex m 0.000 0.000 0.000 201.1 12
My1 kNm 225.0 281.3 168.8 314.2 16
My2 kNm -225.0 -219.4 -106.9 490.9 20
Total My kNm 0.0 61.9 61.9 804.2 25
ey m 0.000 0.050 0.079 1256.6 32
6ex/L 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2000.0 40
if ex>L/6 1.3333 1.3333 1.3333
k 2-4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Suggested values for 'e'
k 1-3 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 N= 900.0
6ey/B 0.0000 0.1005 0.1583 Mx=0 My = 0
if ey>B/6 1.3333 1.3795 1.4076 ex'
=0 ey' = 0
k 1-2 1.0000 1.1005 1.1583 ∑ex= 300 ∑ey = 1000
k 3-4 1.0000 0.8995 0.8417 ex1 ex2 ey1 ey2
N/A kN/m² 111.88 136.88 86.88 150 150 500 500
corner 1 kN/m² 111.88 150.63 100.63 Gross
corner 2 kN/m² 111.88 150.63 100.63 Gross
corner 3 kN/m² 111.88 123.13 73.13 Gross
corner 4 kN/m² 111.88 123.13 73.13 Gross
P kN 1176.19 1344.94 OK 838.69
Mx kNm 0.00 0.00 0.00
My kNm 0.00 46.41 92.81
ex/L 0.000 0.000 0.000
ey/B 0.000 0.012 0.037 FS o'turn 100 0
ULTIMATE PRESSURES 0.0000 0.0230 0.0738
γG 1.35 1.25 1.35 1.25 1.00
γQ,1 1.05 1.50 1.05 1.50 0.00
γQ,2 0.75 0.75 1.50
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W Uplift?
N1 kN 540.0 618.5 624.4 702.8 393.8 OK
N2 kN 540.0 618.5 624.4 702.8 393.8
Total N kN 1224.3 1370.4 1393.0 1539.1 894.4
Mx1 kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mx2 kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
∑Mx kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
My1 kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
My2 kNm 0.0 0.0 46.4 46.4 92.8
∑My kNm 0.0 0.0 46.4 46.4 92.8
ex m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
ey m 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.030 0.104
Lef m 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
Bef m 3.000 3.000 2.933 2.940 2.792
Pressure kN/m2 136.03 152.27 158.30 174.52 106.76
N/Lef kN/m 408.09 456.80 464.34 513.05 298.13
edge 2-4 kN/m 408.09 456.80 464.34 513.05 298.13 Right
edge 1-3 kN/m 408.09 456.80 464.34 513.05 298.13 Left
N/Bef kN/m 408.09 456.80 474.89 523.57 320.28
edge 1-2 kN/m 408.09 456.80 474.89 523.57 320.28 Top
edge 3-4 kN/m 408.09 456.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bottom

XX MOMENTS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from right m 1.500 1.200
from left m 1.500 1.800
M1 kNm 459.1 293.8 513.9 328.9 522.4 334.3 577.2 369.4 335.4 214.7
M2 kNm 459.1 293.8 513.9 328.9 522.4 334.3 577.2 369.4 335.4 214.7
M3 kNm 0.0 -367.3 0.0 -411.1 0.0 -417.9 0.0 -461.7 0.0 -268.3
add kNm -81.0 -92.8 -93.7 -105.4 -59.1
choose M kNm 324.0 259.2 371.1 296.9 374.6 299.7 421.7 337.4 236.3 189.0
Column 2

408033568.xls 21:39:55 01/30/2019 11

from right m 1.800 1.500
from left m 1.200 1.500
M1 kNm 293.8 459.1 328.9 513.9 334.3 522.4 369.4 577.2 214.7 335.4
M2 kNm 293.8 459.1 328.9 513.9 334.3 522.4 369.4 577.2 214.7 335.4
M3 kNm -367.3 0.0 -411.1 0.0 -417.9 0.0 -461.7 0.0 -268.3 0.0
add kNm -81.0 -92.8 -93.7 -105.4 -59.1
choose M kNm 259.2 324.0 296.9 371.1 299.7 374.6 337.4 421.7 189.0 236.3
Design Mxx+ kNm 421.7

408033568.xls 21:40:01 01/30/2019 12

clear span m 0.000
Base UD kN/m 48.1 44.5 48.1 44.5 35.6
X1 m 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
X2 m 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
X3 m 14.228 -11.228 16.902 -13.902 15.982 -12.982 18.799 -15.799 14.053 -11.053
choose X bar m 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
M from col + base kNm 135.1 977.8 990.7 1104.3 630.7
M from pressure kNm 459.1 513.9 522.4 577.2 335.4
Total M kNm -324.0 463.9 468.3 527.1 295.3
Design Mxx- kNm 0.0

XX SHEARS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520
@ 2d from col face
from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520
Column 2 @ d from col face
from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0
Design Vxx (d) kN Err:520
@ 2d from col face
from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.398 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.148 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0 Err:520 0.0
Design Vxx (2d) kN Err:520

YY MOMENTS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from top m 1.150 0.850
from btm m 1.850 2.150
M1 kNm 698.4 147.4 781.7 165.0 812.7 171.6 896.0 189.1 548.1 115.7
M2 kNm 698.4 147.4 781.7 165.0 755.2 145.7 838.5 163.3 432.0 66.1
M3 kNm 428.5 -795.8 479.6 -890.8 534.0 -859.1 585.1 -954.0 405.8 -488.5
add kNm -459.0 -525.7 -484.3 -551.0 -241.9
choose M kNm 157.1 130.1 179.9 148.9 188.6 154.2 211.4 173.1 129.2 102.8
Column 2
from top m 2.150 1.850
from btm m 0.850 1.150
M1 kNm 147.4 698.4 165.0 781.7 171.6 812.7 189.1 896.0 115.7 548.1
M2 kNm 147.4 698.4 165.0 781.7 145.7 755.2 163.3 838.5 66.1 432.0
M3 kNm -795.8 428.5 -890.8 479.6 -859.1 534.0 -954.0 585.1 -488.5 405.8
add kNm -459.0 -525.7 -530.7 -597.4 -334.7
choose M kNm 130.1 157.1 148.9 179.9 128.3 199.6 147.2 222.4 53.2 152.4
Design Mxx+ kNm 222.4

408033568.xls 21:40:01 01/30/2019 13

clear span m 0.700
Base UD kN/m 48.1 44.5 48.1 44.5 35.6
X1 m 1.500 1.500 1.463 1.467 1.383
X2 m 1.500 1.500 1.537 1.533 1.617
X3 m 14.228 -11.228 16.902 -13.902 15.982 -12.982 18.799 -15.799 14.053 -11.053
choose X bar m 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.463 1.537 1.467 1.533 1.383 1.617
M from col + base kNm 324.1 359.3 294.1 329.7 92.2
M from pressure kNm 459.1 513.9 462.9 518.1 221.4
Total M kNm -135.0 -154.6 -168.8 -188.3 -129.2
Design Myy- kNm 0.0

YY SHEARS 1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W

from top m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from btm m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
@ 2d from col face
from top m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from btm m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Column 2 @ d from col face
from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Design Vyy (d) kN Err:520
@ 2d from col face
from right m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8)
from left m Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (5)
V1 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V2 kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
V3 kN 1224.3 1224.3 1370.4 1370.4 1393.0 1393.0 1539.1 1539.1 894.4 894.4
choose V kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Design Vyy (2d) kN Err:520

REINFORCEMENT min As 0.15% fctm = 2.896 η.fcd(v) = 20.000 ν = 0.53

Bottom steel X-X Y-Y εcu2 = 0.0035 λ = 0.8 rw,min = 0.88
b mm 3000 choose dia 3000 choose dia 100ρ0 = 0.5477 √fck = 5.477 fctd = 1.149
dia mm Err:520 20 Err:520 20 x/d max = 0.60 η.αcc = 0.85
d mm Err:520 415 Err:520 Err:520 αcw.ν.fcd = 10.56
K' 0.2067 0.2067
K Err:520 0.0272 Err:520 Err:520
z mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As basic mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 X-X Y-Y
As shear mm² Err:520 Err:520 Assumed As Err:520 Err:520
x 1st crack = mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 As as % Err:520 Err:520
Act = mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 for punching
As,minσs = Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As crack mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As final mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
No Err:520 8.20 Err:520 Err:520
ave centres mm Err:520 400 Err:520 Err:520
As prov mm² Err:520 Err:520
= % Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Lc mm 1000 1350
Lc max mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
b central mm Err:520 Err:520
Final centres mm Err:520 Err:520

408033568.xls 21:40:06 01/30/2019 14

Top steel X-X Y-Y
b mm 3000 choose dia 3000 choose dia
dia mm Err:520 20 Err:520 20
d mm Err:520 415 Err:520 Err:520
K' 0.2067 0.2067
K Err:520 0.0000 Err:520 Err:520
z mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As basic mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 X-X Y-Y
As shear mm² Err:520 Err:520 Assumed As Err:520 Err:520
x 1st crack = mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 As as % Err:520 Err:520
Act = mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 for punching
As,minσs = Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As crack mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
As final mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
No Err:520 9.86 Err:520 Err:520
ave centres mm Err:520 325 Err:520 Err:520
As prov mm² Err:520 Err:520
= % Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Lc mm 1000 1350
Lc max mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
b central mm Err:520 Err:520
Final centres mm Err:520 Err:520
critical d mm Err:520 415 Err:520 Err:520
vEd @ d N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 6.2.1 (8) Err:520 Err:520
vEd @ 2d N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
rL % Err:520 Err:520 6.2.2 (1) Err:520 Err:520
vRd,c N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 equation (6.2) Err:520 Err:520
As enhanced % Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520

PUNCHING SHEAR from right from left from top from btm
d ave Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
2 x d ave Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
to edges mm 1650 1350 2000 1000
to 2d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
to d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 k= Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
at 2d at d vRd,max N/mm² 6.21 k= Err:520
U crit mm Err:520 Err:520 100rL % Err:520
Area m² Err:520 Err:520 vRd,c N/mm² Err:520
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W
N kN 540.0 618.5 624.4 702.8 393.8
vEd max N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
ex mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ey mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ 2d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 % needed
vEd N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520

from right from left from top from btm

Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
to edges mm 1350 1650 1000 2000
to 2d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
to d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 k = Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520

408033568.xls 21:40:11 01/30/2019 15

U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
at 2d at d k = Err:520
U crit mm Err:520 Err:520
Area m² Err:520 Err:520
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W
N kN 540.0 618.5 624.4 702.8 393.8
vEd max N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
ex mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ey mm 0.00 0.00 60.06 53.35 190.48
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ 2d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 % needed
vEd N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520

from right from left from top from btm

Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 600 combined column h
Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 1300 combined column b
to edges mm 1350 1350 1000 1000
to 2d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
to d perimeter mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 k= Err:520
No of sides Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
U mm Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/U1* = Err:520 Err:520
within base? Y,N Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 U1/W1 = Err:520
Err:520 c1/2c2 = Err:520
at 2d at d k= Err:520
U crit mm Err:520 Err:520
Area m² Err:520 Err:520
1.35G+1.05Q 1.25G+1.5Q 1.35G+1.05Q+0.75W 1.25G+1.5Q+0.75W 1.0G+1.5W
N kN 1080.0 1236.9 1248.8 1405.7 787.5
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
ex mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ey mm 0.00 0.00 35.84 32.54 121.21
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ 2d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor X Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Pressure factor Y Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β internal Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
β edge Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
Choose β Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520
βVEd @ d kN Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 % needed
vEd N/mm² Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520 Err:520

408033568.xls 21:40:16 01/30/2019 16

SIZING TIPS Net press = 121.7
N kN 900.0 1125.0 675.0
Mx kNm 0.0 0.0 0.0
My kNm 0.0 61.9 61.9
ex m 0 0 0
ey m 0 55 92
min A m² 7.40 7.40 4.44
min L mm 600
1500 1875 1125
12328 12650 7911
min B mm 1300
692 1085 739
5690 7134 4858
L mm 5690 7134 4858
B mm 1300 1300 1300 5690 x 1300
if L = 3000
300 375 225
B mm 2466 2760 1906 3000 x 2765
if B = 3000
300 416 266
L mm 2466 2737 1751 2740 x 3000

408033568.xls 21:40:21 01/30/2019 17





408033568.xls 21:40:22 01/30/2019 18





408033568.xls 21:40:22 01/30/2019 19

408033568.xls 21:40:23 01/30/2019 20
Project Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 Made by RMW
Location Base B3/B4 For Graphs Job No R68
PAD FOUNDATION DESIGN to EN 1992-1 : 2004 (without UK NA) Date 30-Jan-19
Originated from RCCen81.xls v 3.1 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC


Punching 98.9% Punching Err:520

vEd yy 49.1% vEd yy Err:520
Shear vEd xx 47.3% Shear vEd xx Err:520
σsy 55.2% σsy Err:520
As/Asprov σsx 57.3% As/Asprov σsx Err:520
Grnd Brg Pressure 94.4% Grnd Brg Pressure 90.9%

Mx DIAGRAM 48.1 ase length 3.000 Pressure = 408.09 from 0.000 to 3.000 equals 3.0 1.4 dif col M
Left 2L c/l 2R 0.000 0.0
distance 0.000 0.120 0.240 0.360 0.480 0.600 0.720 0.840 0.960 1.080 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Base M 0.0 0.3 1.4 3.1 5.5 8.7 12.5 17.0 22.2 28.0 54.1 54.1 54.1
pressure M 0.0 2.9 11.8 26.4 47.0 73.5 105.8 144.0 188.0 238.0 459.1 459.1 459.1
Col M 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 81.0 81.0 81.0
M 0.0 -2.6 -10.4 -23.3 -41.5 -64.8 -93.3 -127.0 -165.9 -210.0 -259.2 -291.6 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0
Base 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8
0.0 -324.0 0.0 -324.0 0.0 -324.0 0.0 -324.0

My DIAGRAM 48.1 ase length 3.000 Pressure = 408.09 from 0.000 to 3.000 equals 3.0 1.0 dif col M
Left 2L c/l 2R 0.070 0.0
distance 0.000 0.085 0.170 0.255 0.340 0.425 0.510 0.595 0.680 0.765 0.850 1.000 1.150 1.220 1.290 1.360
Base M 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.6 2.8 4.3 6.3 8.5 11.1 14.1 35.8 40.0 44.5
pressure M 0.0 1.5 5.9 13.3 23.6 36.9 53.1 72.2 94.4 119.4 303.7 339.6 377.4
Col M 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 118.8 156.6 194.4
M 0.0 -1.3 -5.2 -11.7 -20.8 -32.5 -46.8 -63.7 -83.2 -105.3 -130.1 -143.6 -157.1 -149.1 -142.9 -138.5
0.9 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.2
0.0 -157.1 0.0 -157.1 0.0 -157.1 0.0 -157.1

408033568.xls 21:40:23 01/30/2019 21

2L c/l 2R 1L 1R
1.200 1.350 1.500 1.500 1.800 1.7 dif col M
-259.2 -291.6 -324.0 -324.0 -259.2 1L 1R 0.120 0.0 Right
1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.800 1.920 2.040 2.160 2.280 2.400 2.520 2.640 2.760 2.880 3.000
54.1 54.1 54.1 54.1 54.1 54.1 88.6 100.1 112.2 125.0 138.5 152.7 167.6 183.2 199.5 0.0
459.1 459.1 459.1 459.1 459.1 459.1 752.2 849.2 952.0 1060.7 1175.3 1295.8 1422.1 1554.3 1692.4 0.0
81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 453.6 583.2 712.8 842.4 972.0 1101.6 1231.2 1360.8 1490.4 0.0
-324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -324.0 -259.2 -210.0 -165.9 -127.0 -93.3 -64.8 -41.5 -23.3 -10.4 -2.6 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2L c/l 2R 1L 1R
0.850 1.000 1.150 1.850 2.150 2.0 dif col M
-130.1 -143.6 -157.1 -157.1 -130.1 1L 1R 0.085 0.0 Right
1.430 1.500 1.570 1.640 1.710 1.780 1.850 2.150 2.235 2.320 2.405 2.490 2.575 2.660 2.745 2.830 2.915 3.000
49.2 54.1 59.3 64.7 70.3 76.2 120.1 129.4 139.1 149.1 159.4 170.1 181.2 192.6 204.3 0.0
417.3 459.1 503.0 548.8 596.7 646.5 1019.3 1098.3 1180.2 1265.1 1353.0 1443.8 1537.5 1634.2 1733.8 0.0
232.2 270.0 307.8 345.6 383.4 421.2 793.8 885.6 977.4 1069.2 1161.0 1252.8 1344.6 1436.4 1528.2 0.0
-135.9 -135.0 -135.9 -138.5 -142.9 -149.1 -157.1 -130.1 -105.3 -83.2 -63.7 -46.8 -32.5 -20.8 -11.7 -5.2 -1.3 0.0

408033568.xls 21:40:27 01/30/2019 22

National Annex values
EC2 Ref Function Value
EN 1990 g G,sup 1.35 Table A1.2(B), Note 2
EN 1990 g G,inf 1 -=-
EN 1990 gQ 1.5 -=-
EN 1990 x 0.925 -=-
EN 1990 6.10a & 6.10b? Y Table A1.2(B), Note 1
EN 1990 g G,sup 1.5 Table A1.2(A), Note 1
EN 1990 g G,inf 0.9 -=- Traffic, 30 to 160kN
Table 2.2 gc 1.5 concrete
Table 2.2 gs 1.15 steel
3.1.6 (1)P αcc 0.85 strength factor - flexure
3.1.6 (1)P αcc 1.00 strength factor - shear
5.5 (4) k1 = k3 0.40 x/d limit
-=- k2a = k4a 1 a(b+c/ecu2)
-=- k2b = k4b 0.6 -=-
-=- k2c = k4c 0.0014 -=-
6.2.2 (1) CRd,c 0.18 basic shear stress
-=- vmin 0.035 x k3/2fck1/2
6.2.3(3) acw 1 for VRdmax
8.2(2) k1 1 min bar spacing
-=- k2 5 -=- (1) Equn (9.1) 0.26 min steel
-=- Equn (9.1) 0.0013 -=- As/Ac max 4% max steel
9.2.2(5) rw,min 0.08 x fck1/2/fyk
9.2.2(6) St,max 0.75 xd
9.2.2 (8) St,max 600 max trans link spacing (3) Smax,slabs, MAIN 400 UD max slab spacing PL 250
-=- -=- 3 UD or x h PL 2
9.5.2 (1) fmin 12 min column bar dia
9.5.2 (2) As,min 0.2% min column steel 0.1
9.5.2(3) As,max 4.0% max column steel
9.5.3(3) Sd,max f,
20 b, h, or
TABLE A1.1 EN1990 ψ0 ψ1 ψ2
Dwelling 0.7 0.5 0.3
Office 0.7 0.5 0.3
Crowds 0.7 0.7 0.6
Shopping 0.7 0.7 0.6
Storage 1 0.9 0.8
Traffic<=30kN 0.7 0.7 0.6
Traffic, 30 to 160kN 0.7 0.5 0.3
Roofs 0 0 0
Snow 0.5 0.2 0
0.85 0.85
1.5 1.5
0.9 0.9
1.5 1.5
1.15 1.15
1 0.85
1 1
0.44 0.4
1.25 1
0.6 0.6
0.0014 0.0014
0.18 1.2 0.18 1.2
0.035 0.035
1 1
1 ?
5 ?
0.26 0.26
0.0013 0.0013
4% 4%
0.08 0.08
0.75 0.75
600 600
400 250 400 250
3 2 3 2
8 12
0.20% 0.1 0.20% 0.1
4.00% 4.00%
20 400 20 400
All advice or information from the British Cement Association and/or The Concrete Centre is intended for
those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take responsibility for its use
and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or
information is accepted by the BCA, TCC or their subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Users should note
that all TCC software and publications are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore
ensure that they are in possession of the latest version.

This spreadsheet should be used in compliance with the accompanying publication 'User Guide RC
Spreadsheets: v3' available from The Concrete Bookshop,, Tel +44 (0)700 4
607777 or +44 (0)1276 607140

Status of spreadsheet This spreadsheet is shareware. It may be distributed freely, but

may not be used for commercial purposes until the user has
First public release
registered with the TCC via The Concrete Bookshop.

Revision history TCC81 Foundation Pads

Date Version Action
Updated to rectangular bearing pressure distribution at
28-Jun-06 TCC81 v3.1 ULS. Improvement to calculation of β for punching. Zero
top steel now in double base when not required.
v3 release. Page nos, User Guide and registration details
Improvement to calculation of corner bearing pressures
2-Apr-06 TCC81 v1.2
when load eccentric about both axes.
20-Mar-06 TCC81 v1.1 Diferentiation between flexure and shear for α cc.
RE-BADGED. Correction to inclusion of base weight for
27-May-05 TCC81 v1.0
combined punching shear on 'DoubleDet'.
9-Aug-04 RCCen81 β2 Correction to shears when resultant outside middle third.
15-May-03 RCCen81 β1 First β version for group comment.
Centre is intended for
esponsibility for its use
g from such advice or
ors. Users should note
and should therefore

cation 'User Guide RC

com, Tel +44 (0)700 4

ibuted freely, but

ntil the user has
e Bookshop.

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