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1/23/2019 135th Anniversary--Favorite Hymn Song Service - immanuelmankato.



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Saturday 7:00 PM Saturday 6:00 PM Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 345-3027

135th Anniversary--Favorite Hymn Song Service

Nov 17, 2002
Pastor Paul D Nolting
Topic(s):  135th Anniversary (/sermon-topics/135th-
anniversary) WELCOME this morning to our worship service—a very
special worship service on this, our 135th Anniversary. For
over six generations God has seen fit to entrust Immanuel
congregation with Christian ministry here in the Mankato
area. For over six generations we have experienced His
grace, as we have sought to proclaim His gospel to lost
souls and as we have undertaken the task of instructing
those souls He has reclaimed through the work of His

We are encouraged by St. Paul to “let the word of Christ

dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
Lord” (Colossians 3:16
search=Colossians+3%3A16&version=NKJV)). This we will
do this morning, combining a series of familiar Scripture
lessons with those hymns and liturgical settings identified
by you as favorites.

Yes, welcome on this anniversary day in the name of

Jesus, who has so richly blessed us in the past, and to
whom we look and upon whom we depend for blessings in
the future! May our blessed Savior be with us and bless us
this day as we worship in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen.

Confession of Sins:

One only as to listen to the nightly news to know that

something is dreadfully wrong in our world. While
politicians and academics may argue about the causes,
God’s Word is very clear. The problem is sin, and its roots
go very deep. We human beings are sinful by nature. Our
sins have separated us from God and would continue to
separate us from Him were it not for His grace and the
redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The heart of the ministry
entrusted to us here at Immanuel for 135 years has been
the preaching of repentance and the forgiveness of sins. 1/4
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To emphasis that point, to confess our sins, and to remind

us of God’s promise of forgiveness, let us read
responsively Psalm 32:1-5
search=Psalm+32%3A1-5&version=NKJV) and 1 John 1:8-
9 (
search=1+John+1%3A8-9&version=NKJV), as printed on
page 2 in your service folder.

We continue with the Liturgical Setting "O Lord, Have

Mercy." The congregation is asked to remain standing and
to join in on the refrain.

Part One: Hymns of Praise and Thanksgiving!

When one considers the sacrifices Jesus made to save us, one can only respond with praise and thanksgiving. The first of our
Scripture Readings is Psalm 100 (, in which the Psalmist
encourages us to shout for joy before the Lord, to serve Him all our days, and to come into His presence with singing. Why such a
happy response? He has created us as unique individuals; He has claimed us as His very own; He is good to us all the time; and His
truth endures through the generations. We read…

We will now sing three special hymns of praise:

Beautiful Savior, hymn 657, stanzas 1,3,4, which emphasizes the general blessings we received from our Savior;

The Lamb, a favorite of our children, which speaks directly to the offering Jesus made for us as our substitute. This hymn is
found in your service folder; and

An Easter Psalm Setting, “I Will Praise You” based upon the words of Psalm 118 (
search=Psalm+118&version=NKJV) and found in our Worship Supplement on page 29. The congregation is asked to rise for the
Psalm Setting.

Part Two: Hymns of Instruction

Our God has not left us without guidance in this world. Rather, as was noted in a quotation by Lowell Schreyer in a history prepared
for our 125th Anniversary and cited on a special historical reference sheet prepared for this day, “While changes in personnel and
property were many in the first 125 years, one factor remained constant for the critical decisions that enabled Immanuel Lutheran
Church to endure—adherence to Scripture in the face of forces that would have veered it from that course.” Our second Scripture
Reading is John 3:1-21 ( In this reading Jesus instructs
Nicodemus in the basic truths of our faith. Man, in view of sin, needs to be born again through water and the Spirit. God loves us so
much that He was willing to send His Son to be our Savior. Those who believe in Jesus as their Savior from sin will be saved, while
those who reject Jesus as the Father’s love will be condemned. We read…

We continue with four more special hymns of praise:

Amazing Grace, hymn 777, which as its title suggests emphasizes God’s amazing grace in saving sinners, such as us;

The Advent Liturgical Song, Star of Wonder, which is found in your service folder and speaks of Jesus as our glorious King;

What Bread is This?, hymn 755, which emphasizes the precious assurance of forgiveness to be found in the Lord’s Supper;

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less, hymn 370, stanzas 1-4. Notice that stanza 2 will be sung by the women and girls of the
congregation, while stanza 3 will be sung by the men and boys.

Part Three: Hymns of Personal Devotion

The kingdom of God is not impersonal. The Bible says that “God is love” (1 John 4:8 (
search=1+John+4%3A8&version=NKJV)), and that He directed His love towards us as individuals. When the Spirit of God leads us
to rejoice by faith in that love, we cannot but respond. St. Paul addresses that response in our third Scripture Reading —Romans
12:1-2,9-21 ( Here St. Paul encourages us to 2/4
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becoming living sacrifices to God, conforming our lives to His will, and responding to each other with love as we lead our daily lives.
We read…

We continue with three hymn selections:

What a Friend We Have in Jesus, which you will find printed in your service folder. Stanza two will be sung with the "left" half of
the congregation (baptismal side) singing the first portion, and the "right" half of the congregation (pulpit side) singing the second

The Reformation Psalm Setting He Who Dwells, based upon Psalm 91 (
search=Psalm+91&version=NKJV) and found in the Worship Supplement on page 33. The congregation is asked to rise for the
Psalm Setting; and

Children of the Heavenly Father, hymn 785, which speaks of the blessed relationship we have with God, our heavenly Father,
through faith in Jesus, His dear Son.

Part Four: Hymns of Petition

One of the greatest privileges we enjoy as God’s dear children is that of prayer. In view of Jesus’ redemptive work, we have been
reconciled to God and can now come boldly as His invitation into His presence with prayer. Our fourth Bible Reading, Philippians
4:4-7 (, emphasizes this truth and is result, the
blessed peace on heart and mind that only God can give us. We read…

We continue with four hymn selections:

Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me, hymn 784, which expresses the precious confidence we can have in our Savior God
presence in our lives;

The Lenten Liturgical Song, Lamb of God, in which the High School will sing the Choir Portion;

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, hymn 54, which requests God’s guidance as we walk the path to heaven; and

On My Heart Imprint Thine Image, hymn 179, which is that precious Lenten prayer that our entire life may be characterized by
the love of our Savior. The congregation is asked to rise for the singing of that final hymn.


Prayer: Our Anniversary; Special Prayer for Marvin Doring

Lord God, our blessed Savior, for 135 years you have watched over this Christian congregation. You have proclaimed your
Word through its pastors. You have brought children into your kingdom through the power of Baptism and nourished their
souls with your truths at the hands of its teachers. You have moved its members to confess their faith openly and boldly, so
that today we enjoy a strong heritage of Bible-based teaching, which provides a solid foundation for our lives. You have
blessed this congregation materially, providing a beautiful sanctuary in which to come for worship. You have moved the
hearts of your people to dedicate their time and talents to bring us music and praise. You have enabled us to reach out into
our community through radio and television broadcast, bringing them the good news of your love in Christ Jesus and the
salvation He brings lost souls. O Lord, You have been so gracious, so forgiving, so supportive, so merciful—and for this we
do thank You! We pray that You would continue to be with us, to guide us, and inspire us to greater love, devotion, and
service. We also this day come before You on behalf of our brother in Christ, Marvin Doring. Please be with him, Lord, even
as You have promised. Guide the surgeons tomorrow and grant them success. Give Marvin patience as he learns to deal
with the lost of his foot. Sustain Cathy as she seeks to comfort and encourage Marvin during this most difficult of times. May
they place their whole faith in You, laying out all of their concerns in prayer. Then give them joy and confidence in the
knowledge of Your abiding presence and blessing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Part Five: Hymns of Witness and Glory

We live in this world as part of God’s "Church Militant." We are opposed by Satan, his evil hosts, this wicked world, and our own
sinful flesh. Our final Scripture Reading,Ephesians 6:10-20 (
20&version=NKJV), emphasizes the importance of putting on the whole armor of God in view of our enemies, but with confidence in
our God and the victory He ultimately has won for us. We read…

We continue with four hymn selections: 3/4
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Onward, Christian Soldiers, hymn 658, encouraging us in our battles against God’s foes;

Lift High the Cross, hymn 769, which reminds us of God’s great commission to share the gospel with all people;

Behold a Host Arrayed in White, which points our sometimes weary eyes ahead to heaven, and which is found printed in our
service bulletin. Stanza two is divided between the women and girls and men and boys;

God’s Word is Our Great Heritage, emphasizing the solid foundation provided us by the Bible. The congregation is asked to
rise for that final hymn.


Closing Hymn: Go, My Children, With My Blessing, hymn 800

Pastor Paul D. Nolting; Mr. Lane Fischer 4/4

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