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The MMPI-2 online!

Ridgerunner Man of many names Feb '14

The first time I took this test I was in the Navy. Afterward the pdoc told me that they think I should stay
there if it was all right with me… That was the start of about a month long stay in the psych ward, as I
waited for my discharge. The pdoc did say he thought I should get out… I did get a honorable
discharge. That means I didn’t get caught doing anything I was not suppose too.

Peace be with you Ridgerunner

anon79999497 Feb '14

My T scores over 60: depression 89 paranoia 86 psychathenia 85 Psychopathic deviate 69

schizophrenia 82 social introversion 85 subjective depression 93 psychomotor retardation 65 physical
malfunction 83 mental dullness 101 brooding 85 lassitude-malaise 70 social alienation 78 and 80 self
alienation 82 persecutory ideas 106 emotional alienation 78 lack of ego mastery,cognitive 84 Lack of
Ego Mastery, Conative 87 Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition 61 Bizarre Sensory Experiences 70
Ego Inflation 63 Shyness/Self-Consciousness 74 Social Avoidance 71 Self/Other Alienation 71 Anxiety
85 Fears 67 Obsessiveness 73 Depression 78 Health concerns 62 Bizarre mentation 67 Low self
esteem 91 Social discomfort 81 Work interference 78 Negative treatment indicators 84 Anxiety 77
Repression 76 College Maladjustment 77 Depression, Obvious 97 Hysteria, Obvious 64 Paranoia,
Obvious 89 Demoralization 79 Somatic Complaints 60 Low Positive Emotions 94 Ideas of Persecution
76 Dysfunctional Negative Emotions 70 Psychoticism 62 Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism 76
Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 88 Generalized Fearfulness 62 Multiple Fears 67 Lack of Drive
84 Dysphoria 74 Self-Depreciation 83 Suicidal Ideation 62 Neurological Symtoms 60 General Health
Concerns 64 Psychotic Symptomatology 64 Schizotypal Characteristics 67 Self-Doubt 90
Submissiveness 76 Introversion 73 Shyness 74 Low Motivation 95 Inability to Disclose 60

I guess it flags up anxiety/depression/introversion/paranoia/ some psychotic traits/ lack of drive and

motivation amongst other things and that i’m not an easy person to treat…

BakedBeans Feb '14

Now I understand what firemonkey did with T scores.

Psycopathic Deviate: T Score- 80

Paranoia- T Score -72



Brooding- 80

Persecutary Ideas- 90

Obsessiveness- 84

Psycopathic deviate again: 82

Paranoia- 89

Psychotism- 84


Do these results sound bad to you guys?

pob Off on a lark Feb '14

How do you sort through alll that + interpret it?


pob Off on a lark Feb '14

Did you do something to get those single numbers? Baked beans has sets of three.

anon79999497 Feb '14

I just posted the T scores . gives an interpretation

of T scores.

alien99 Feb '14

I finally took this myself, and scored high T scores on bizarre mentation, psychopathic deviate,
paranoia, persecutory beliefs, schizophrenia, and familial discord. Interesting…a psychopathic

BakedBeans Feb '14

“Persons who are antisocial and psychopathic can also have a major mental illness such as
schizophrenia. If they manifest extreme aggression and difficult to manage behaviors, they may require
intensive treatment in a maximum security hospital”

alien99 Feb '14

This may apply to me. I don’t stay in hospitals willingly, and my pdoc has me on Haldol to control
agitation. I’m also prescribed Depakote which I don’t take due to side effects.


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