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© John Mesina 2011

ePub design and production by Flipside team

eISBN 978-971-9922-15-5

This e-book edition published 2011

by Flipside Digital Content Company, Inc.
Quezon City, Philippines
1. How Taurus can be a great entrepreneur
2. Is ideal love on Taurus’ horizon?
3. The Taurus zodiac diet
4. Secrets for making your wishes come true
5. How to deal with anger and stress
6. Whom you Taureans attract and why
7. Taurus keys to success
8. Great gifts for Taurus
9. Taurus’ changing love nature
10. Taurus’ best romantic compatibility
11. Are you the marrying kind?
12. Secrets that could change your relationships
13. How to handle your Taurus boss
14. Delightful hobbies just for you!
15. How to win a Taurus heart at christmas
16. Taurus’ secrets to better health
17. Secrets of getting ahead
18. Taurus and the opposite sex
19. Your powerful Taurus love nature
20. Have you a secret fear of success?
21. How to win and hold a lover
22. How to tap your moneymaking powers
23. Taurus’ brilliant creative reservoir!
24. How to conquer defeating habits
25. Who is your ideal mate?
26. How to cope with a stressful relationship
27. Where to find your perfect vacation spot
28. How to put fear behind you, Taurus
29. Taurus’ “Top Ten” relationship needs
30. Health secrets for your sign
31. The Taurus love test
32. Better communication for success
33. How to increase your personal magnetism
34. Taurus’ ten keys to career success
35. How to use four natural talents to grow rich
36. What makes Taurus a great date?
37. The key to compatibility with each sign
38. Smart talk: Taurus’ verbal advantage
39. Taurus’ irresistible romantic powers
40. How Taurus makes more money
41. Powerful secrets of Taurus
42. Taurus’ power of attraction
43. How to recapture your Taurus youth
44. Are you in the right location for love, money and success?
45. Love secrets of the water signs
46. How sincere is your Taurus lover?
47. What makes Taurus naturally irresistible?
48. Taurus’ instant keys to a better memory
49. How Taurus can create more time
50. Making maximum use of your Taurus traits to get ahead faster!
51. Love – where to find it
52. Your perfect valentine, Taurus...
53. How to increase your popularity
54. Gifts to buy for Taurus
55. Knowing when Taurus’ hunch is right
56. How to boost your self-esteem
57. How to get along better with everyone
58. Signs of lasting love for Taurus
59. How to make your love life more fulfilling
60. How to cope with changes in your life
61. How to enjoy a more romantic vacation
62. Love talk that will win hearts
63. What kind of Taurus lover are you?
64. Four ways to improve your relationship
65. Moneymaking secrets of your sign
66. Taurus’ guide to lasting romance
67. How Taurus stays on a winning track
68. Use Taurus’ mind-power for success!
69. Taurus’ fastest way to wealth
70. How Taurus can make love last
71. Great holiday gifts for Taurus
72. What you need in a lover to be fulfilled
73. How Taurus makes the workplace work best
74. How to make a first-rate impression
75. Your hidden strengths – how to use them success
76. Have you found your true love
77. Secrets of intimacy for Taurus
78. How to impress the opposite sex
79. How to stay on the right course to success
80. How to have a happy love relationship
81. Who will be fortunate for you financially?
82. How to bring more luck into your life
83. The sexual side of Taurus
84. How Taurus makes more money and keeps it
85. How to overcome relationship challenges
86. How to improve your love life
How Taurus can be a great entrepreneur

WITH YOUR DETERMINATION, persistence and charm, you Bulls seem a cinch to achieve success as an
entrepreneur. You have an innate money sense and often possess artistic, musical or literary talents that
win you acclaim. But when you’re ultra conservative, overly patient or take too long to make a decision,
you can miss chances to advance. This is especially true when you focus too much on possessions,
creature comforts, even cozy old routines. The secret to your entrepreneurial mastery lies in borrowing
certain qualities from the Sign Aquarius, which rules the career and achievement area of your solar chart:

1) When fashioning your game plan, look at the big picture and list all the ways your product can benefit
others. This will push your creativity in inventive new directions and fuel futuristic ideas.
2) Using your friends and associates as sounding boards will help you round out and trust more in your
3) Expand your connections, including some who are a bit unusual, as they will help you see things in new
ways. Joining a networking group when you’re in the start-up phase will link you to new contacts, bring
needed publicity and open doors.
4) Combining your steady, responsible ways with vision and inventiveness (important Aquarian traits) is
your secret weapon for becoming a great entrepreneur.
Is ideal love on Taurus’ horizon?

Your alluring appeal, enduring loyalty and classic tastes make you the Rolls Royce of love, Taurus.
Because you woo an amor in a cozy setting replete with gourmet fare and other sensual pleasures, he or
she invariably falls under your spell. But often, you favor form over substance, caring more about how a
lover behaves or whether he or she showers you with material trinkets than the depth of his or her
feelings. That may have been true in the past, but with the long stay of Neptune (planet of romantic ideals)
in Aquarius, things are changing in a deep part of your being–your tender heart.

Many times over your lifetime, you’ve been unyielding in love and resisted changing your pattern to
accommodate your amor. Now you’re becoming more flexible and spontaneous. As you give your
impetuous side freer rein, the more cooperative and progressive part of your nature is growing
increasingly apparent – and appealing – to your beloved. Instead of insisting on things being done your
way, you’re willing to let your special someone have more say. By assuming more responsibility for your
loved one’s happiness, you are drawing closer to finding and holding on to the ideal love you’ve dreamed
The Taurus zodiac diet

You Bulls are more likely to stick to a diet that is compatible with your temperament, taste and lifestyle.
Here are Taurus tips to lose weight, improve health or increase your energy level:

Though you eating habits are often fixed and difficult to change, you can do it by edging gradually
into new ways of eating, one step at a time.

Begin by spending less time socializing at mealtime as you’ll likely eat more than you intend to
without realizing it. Exercise with friends instead.

Seek out the most satisfying low-calories substitutes for the rich, creamy or sweet foods you love.

Capitalize on your wonderful persistence by making up a definite menu plan in advance and sticking
to it loyally.

Appeal to your sensuous nature by serving your new, lighter menus in elegant surroundings, with
candlelight, fine linens and good china. Savor each bite.

Natural protectors for Taurus’s good health are beef, spinach, apples, flax, and chamomile tea.

Taurus rules the neck and throat. Drink herb teas containing Echinacea to keep infections away.

Secrets for making your wishes come true

You Bulls are endowed with great persistence and determination for making your wishes come true.
Your perseverance, however, can sometimes cause you to remain in no-win situations.
Learning when to let go of a method or pursuit that isn’t really working is a key secret for realizing your
hopes and dreams. Your best assets to apply constantly are your excellent money sense, artistic tastes,
creative ability, and impressive speaking voice. Associates luckiest for you are those who are sensitive,
imaginative, inspirational and intuitively understand your Taurean nature. Erratic, unstable or poorly
organized projects, companies, environments or people undermine your success because you operate best
in a secure, well-ordered atmosphere. Avoid persons who are too independent or indecisive as they
unsettle you and challenge your need for stability. You’re most likely to succeed in taking risks when
you’re allowed to exercise your innately conservative approach and knack for follow-through.

How to deal with anger and stress

Your Taurus anger is slow to surface. Once aroused, however, you quickly become a “raging Bull”.
Combine psychological techniques with astrological insight and you will turn this stress into energy that
can fuel success. Here are ways to deal with anger constructively:
... Listen to your thoughts. Spot irrational expectations that may lead to anger.
... Recognize and let go of hidden anger that may be expressed by giving others the silent treatment,
procrastinating, or forgetting to keep promises.
... Notice the fine line between the anger you choose to express and the anger you can’t help; just because
a red flag is waved, you don’t have to react.
... Or tell yourself, “Others may anger me, but I can choose how intense or long my anger will be.”
... When someone’s actions upset you, instead of fuming, explain how such behavior makes you feel.
... Breathe deeply and let go of tension. When your muscles relax, it’s difficult to be angry.
... Clear your mind of past hurts. Dwelling on an annoying incident only leads to future anger.
Whom you Taureans attract and why

You mellow, relaxed Bulls frequently attract mates, partners, or associates who are quite different from
you in personality and temperament.

Their Traits: They are less likely than you to be easy going, artistic or overindulgent. They’re more apt to
be emotionally intense, secretive and want to transform everything around them.
Traits Partners Will Especially Appreciate in You: Your affection, patience, practicality, sensuous love
of pleasure, your ability to follow through and your ease in acquiring the goods of the world.
Winning ways on a Date: Be intriguing, mysterious, a puzzle to solve. Go heavy on candlelight, music;
suggest a small, secluded café, a walk by the sea or lake. Pursue deep, meaningful conversation and eye-
to-eye contact. Avoid superficial small-talk.
Winning ways in Marriage: The potential is strong for deep passions and stormy differences with a mate
as strong-willed as you are. Be willing to say no and then, “I’m sorry,” or “You’re right”. In money
matters, don’t be too preoccupied with what’s “yours” —your mate will appreciate sharing.
Taurus keys to success

All Taureans are not alike! The decanate (10-day period) you were born in reveals the talents most
likely to bring you success. Look below for your birthdate, or if born on a dividing date, the traits before
or after that fit you best.

April 20 – 30: You are the most typical Taurus, endowed with a Midas Touch and the determination to
achieve the finer things of life. Venus is doubly strong in your chart, denoting a keen artistic sense that is
valued in any creative field. Warm and charming, you must resist the temptation to be indulgent at times.
May 1 – 10: Flexible Virgo qualities complement the fixity of your Taurus nature. You are persevering
and staunch, yet able to see others’ points of view easily. You have a keen ability to analyze needs and
provide valuable services to others, and your excellent verbal skills can help you gain riches. Guard
against being critical of your self and others.
May 11 – 20: Your Taurus money sense is especially keen. Strengthened by the business and executive
qualities of Capricorn, your Bull determination and strong sense of duty can take you far up the ladder of
success. Protective of your loved ones, you must guard against feeling overly responsible for them.
Great gifts for Taurus
Color: Lt. Blue, Pink
Gemstone: Apr. – Diamond / May – Emerald
When buying for a Taurus, keep in mind these words: comfort... sensual... practical. Money-loving
Bulls appreciate things of value, so choose quality items that will last, such as elegant luggage or fine
jewelry. Sensible, casual apparel in gentle colors and soft natural fabrics also appeal to this comfort-
loving Sign. To please their sensual side, you can’t miss with a gift certificate for a massage, facial or
manicure. Often musically inclined, Taurus will adore CDs, tapes or concert tickets. Bulls relish foods,
so gourmet goodies, fine wines, recipe books or a garlic baker will draw raves. Since this practical Sign
has deep respect for money, gift of cash, stock or savings bonds will win their hearts. Or consider
something useful, such as an electric blanket or multi-use pocketknife. For Taurus Children: shovels and
buckets for the sandbox, crafts, window box garden or building blocks will delight young Calves who
love to use their hands.
Taurus’ changing love nature

In the past: You looked for a romantic partner who was constant, practical, dependable and provided
both emotional and financial security-one who could match your well balanced, sensible Taurean nature.

Now: You’ve become more unpredictable, restless and impulsive. And, you’ve found your needs changing
in relationships. Uranus (planet of sudden change) is in aspect to your Sign, indicating you need more
excitement and adventure in your love life. Suddenly, you may even have found your self more attracted to
people who are avant garde, foreign or unusual. While you’ll always be steadfast, Taurus, you now are
more interested in experimenting, trying less restrictive arrangements in your partnership. Before, you
may have secretly enjoyed an amor who displayed jealously or even possessiveness. But now, you need
more space and independence. You also have an added sense of fun that enables you and your loved one
to ride happily over any rough spot.
Taurus’ best romantic compatibility

Some people are intensely attracted to each other but are not necessarily compatible. Yet, romances
which is slow to catch fire often burn the longest. The chart below shows how you are likely to relate
romantically to all Signs, including your own. Taurus Women read left column and Taurus Men – right
column, matched with Sign in center column.

Taurus Woman → Matched With ← Taurus Man

Very erotic Aries Passionate
Well-suited Taurus Well-suited
A difficult duo Gemini Not a success
A cozy atmosphere Cancer Caring & sharing
Truly emotional Leo Extremely Caring
Steady and enjoyable Virgo Lots in common
Very sensual Libra Sensual
Rewarding Scorpio Quite magnetic
Some conflict Sagittarius Very rocky
Good prospects Capricorn Terrific
Too stubborn Aquarius Very strong
An excellent match Pisces Charming
Are you the marrying kind?

Your Taurus choices and chances regarding marriage are revealed by your opposite sign of Scorpio:
A MUST FOR YOU IN MARRIAGE: An intense physical relationship with strong chemistry between
YOUR IDEAL PARTNER: Someone who’s sexy and sensuous, yet extremely loyal and steadfast.
SECRET TURN-ONS: An amor who’s subtle, even a bit mysterious, but a tower of strength as well.
GREATEST CHALLENGE IN MARRIAGE: Clashes of wills with a domineering or manipulative
HOW YOU CAN RESOLVE THIS: Admit you wouldn’t be happy with someone who couldn’t stand up
to you.
PROBLEMS IN COMMITTING TO MARRIAGE: Not many, but you may have to be coaxed down
the aisle.
REASONS YOU MAY MARRY: Usually love, not money, but you require a comfortable home and
WHY YOU MAY PUT OFF MARRIAGE: Finances. Either you or an amor is opting for more money in
the bank.


(1) Do I approach things 50–50?
(2) Can I settle for less than I’d hoped for?
(3) Do I adjust easily on the moods and desires of others?
If you answered yes to 2 out of 3, you’re the marrying kind.

Secrets that could change your relationships

Improve your relationships, Taurus, by knowing what the other members of the zodiac need and want
most: The Earth Signs (Virgo, Capricorn and other
Bulls) share your practicality and know-how about material things. They’ll relate to your love of
comfort, home and family. But any attempt to dominate can quickly turn them
off. The Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) also are compatible, quiet types, as self-protective as
you are. Your dependability could make you seem a tower of strength; but,
be sensitive to their nuances and depths of feeling. The Fire Signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) could be a
challenge unless you are tolerant of their unbridled lust for life and
fast-lane living. Do these “type A” a favor: get them to slow down and smell the flowers now and then.
The Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) won’t always
see eye-to-eye with you either. Friendly but detached, they’ll fly high, seldom listening to your solid
advice. While you can’t own them, you can be there when they land.

How to handle your Taurus boss

Like any Bull, your Taurus boss can be amiable and easy-going, but can also turn fighting mad when
goaded. Any employee who tries to push this sweet-tempered individual too far may soon be out the door.
Slipshod work and lengthy lunches may be tolerated for a while, but this executive wants you to be as
punctual and conscientious as he or she is. The Taurus boss won’t mind if you’re a bit slow in catching
on to established procedures but will mind if you try to changes those ways. Suggestions and new ideas
need to be delivered delicately, one step at a time. You’ll be a delight if you, too, love what’s tried and
true, practical and efficient. Short cuts, hyperbole or risk-taking won’t be popular. You’ll impress with
impeccable manners, quality clothes, and an interest in art or music. This executive has a knack for
making money, but slowly and surely, sticking to a project until it’s done. If this determined boss can count
on you, long-range job security is virtually assured.

Delightful hobbies just for you!

You Bulls have a soft spot for beauty, harmony and the good life that may not necessarily find an outlet in
your everyday work. It’s essential, therefore, that you adopt leisure-time activities that express the real
you. An ideal Taurus hobby would revolve around aesthetic enjoyment, money, or practical projects that
improve personal property. Your artistic side can be expressed through painting, sculpturing or jewelry-
making. Your Sign corresponds to the throat, so you’re a natural as a singer or at using your distinctive
voice as a spokesperson for a favorite cause. Your acquisitive urge can be fulfilled by collecting coins,
precious stones or art objects. Your down-to-earth nature can find pleasure in do-it-yourself projects
around the home: decorating, cabinet-making, gardening or cooking with flair. Supplies that will help you
or a loved one begin a satisfying new hobby should certainly be considered when making out holiday gift

How to win a Taurus heart at christmas

Here’s the Taurus version of the ideal holiday celebration. Follow these simple suggestions if you want
to delight a typical Bull. Let tradition be your guide when deciding on food, activities, gifts and
decorations. Plan on a leisurely family feast. An elaborate old-style menu with several courses and all the
trimmings will thrill this hearty eater. Bring out your best china and silver to satisfy Taurus love of
luxury. Also accent aesthetic and sensuous elegance in gift wraps and decorations. Any present you select
should be beautiful, personalized, wonderful to touch – and expensive. Jewelry, cologne, flowers or
plants, satin sheets, even gifts of music or art are ideal. So is money. Or try sports equipment for these
outdoor lovers. And Taurus will adore pleasant, slow-tempo events and entertainment. A family sing-
along around the piano, a colorful video, even a relaxed drive through the countryside to grandmother’s
house will appeal to them. In all you do, encourage your Bulls fine talents; that, and plenty of affection,
will win you a place in Taurus’ heart forever.

Taurus’ secrets to better health

Early physicians were also Astrologers who planned their treatments by the phases of the Moon and
movements of the planets. Knowing that Taurus is an earth Sign associated with the lower jaw, throat
and neck, the Ancients prescribed chamomile tea to warm and soothe this area and keep colds and
influenza away. You can lessen your susceptibility to sore throats by taking Echinacea herb the minute
your throat becomes dry or scratchy. Your love of rich foods can lead to over-acidity; to balance this
condition, eat plenty of beef, spinach, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, flax, apples, pumpkin,
honey, and follow your meal with licorice tea. Aromatherapy is ideal for lessening Taurus’ stress: place
4 drops jasmine oil mixed with 1 teaspoon milk to your bath water for a soothing soak. Taurus’ energy
can be increased with a power drink: mix Goldenseal with your favorite juice. The Ancients’ secret: start
extensive health regiments one day after the New Moon and end them on or before the Full Moon.

Secrets of getting ahead

With your determination, persistence and outgoing nature, you Bulls, seem a cinch to achieve success.
You have an innate money sense and often possess artistic, musical or literary talents that could win you
acclaim. But when you pursue chances for advancement, you often charge Bull- like right into a brick
wall. This is especially true when you are overly focused on possessions, creature comforts, even your
cozy old routine. The real secret of making your mark in the world at large lies in borrowing some of the
qualities of the Sign Aquarius, which rules the career area of your solar chart. Try to incorporate the
Water Bearer’s world view and ability to see the big picture into your own game plan, rather than
remaining comfortably in your home pasture, You’ll rise to new heights when you realize how much you
can contribute to improving the quality of life of many. Your steady, responsible ways deserve real praise;
they’ll always be valued assets. When you combine them with Aquarian vision and daring, you’ll have
the secret of success solidly within your grasp.

Taurus and the opposite sex

Taurus Men. You do not choose hastily, but only after much thoughtful examination. When you find her,
nothing can sway you from capturing her heart. The woman in your life is so precious to you that only
after a process of heartfelt selection can you give yourself to the degree which you feel she deserves. But
when you do find your ideal mate you will hold on to her and protect her with all your ardor.

Taurus Women: You are the foundation on which the happiest homes are built. Once inside your door, the
radiant feelings of devotion and unity can be felt. You are a giving creature and your man will never lack
for the tender touch of love. If he needs an understanding heart, you will be there. Your steady hand will
always be there should he need it. He will be a luckier man because he knows you.
Your powerful Taurus love nature

As well-balanced and sensible as you are, Taurus, you’re also a powerhouse of vibrant energy that
radiates with warm, earthy charm. You’re as strong as the Bull that symbolizes your sign. But underneath
you rock-solid exterior beats a soft, passionate heart.

You appreciate life’s sensual pleasure —fine food and wines, sumptuous surroundings and music, all of
which put you in the mood for romance. You are at your most irresistible when entertaining a partner over
a candlelit gourmet meal, or perhaps on a goodland walk amid the natural beauty that stirs your soul.
Though your rich, melodic voice is one of your biggest romantic assets, you often prefer to demonstrate
the depth of your feelings through generous daily doses of hugs and kisses. The love you give is as
elemental and wholesome as whole wheat bread, and just as sustaining. The enduring patience you bring
to a relationship enables you and your amor to ride triumphantly over any rough spots.
Romance with a Taurus is like a beautifully wrapped gift. And what’s waiting inside is a heart filled
with rare warmth and do-or-die-loyalty.

Have you a secret fear of success?

Steady, tenacious and usually quite talented, you seem to be a sure-fire candidate for success, Taurus.
But you Bulls have been known to drop out of the race to smell the flowers rather than pursue your full
potential. Subtle psychological fears often underlie such contrariness. Indeed success may secretly
frighten you because of what it can entail. You love a comfortable tranquil existence and might fear that
too much will be demanded of you on the competitive path upwards. You may even pass up a job or
promotion if you believe it will require a hard-driving attitude or fast-lane lifestyle. In fact, upward
mobility itself may seem threatening to you if it means leaving your present security behind for an
unknown future. Though often creatively gifted, you’re apt to fear the lean years that usually precede a big
break in the arts. But when you recognize and confront these negative attitudes, you’ll be on your way
towards developing a healthier attitude about the future.

How to win and hold a lover

Your strong, determined nature Taurus, can either inspire a potential mate – or turn him or her off. But if
you know the secrets of each Sign, you’ll win love easily.
First, focus mainly on the Signs most compatible with yours – Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces – and
study their emotional needs. Woo Cancer over a
well-laden table with talk about home, family and how clever you are with money. Crabs will fasten
onto you for life if you will help allay their little insecurities with your gentle reassurances.
To win discriminating Virgo accent you patience and common sense. Take a sincere interest in their
work and talk shop until they’re ready to talk relationship. You’ll melt a cool
Capricorn heart with prestigious invitations and quality gifts (leave the price tags on). But your
warmth and practicality will be their real turn-ons. To catch a Pisces, use your choicest bait—the stability
to free them from mundane worries and your deep sensuality to fire their wildest fantasies.

How to tap your moneymaking powers

You Bulls have strong moneymaking know-how, but you may not have tapped your lesser-known earning
skills yet. You’ve probably been told the best way for you to get ahead is through your practical savvy,
financial flair or musical or artistic talents. Not often mentioned is your Taurean way with words. You
can turn this into fiscal success in the world of communications. Study how Taureans Mike Wallace,
Orson Welles and Edward R. Murrow made their marks in broadcasting, or how fellow Bull William
Randolph Hearst built a newspaper empire. The literary triumphs of William Shakespeare and Robert
Browning also may offer clues. If you prefer to get your message across with humor, comedians Carol
Burnett and Don Rickles attest to the Taurus funnybone. Whatever you do, you’re more adept than most
people realize at marketing your abilities with a resume or phone call. You fail only when you resist
taking steps towards a more profitable career.

Taurus’ brilliant creative reservoir!

You have wonderful taste and a refined artistic flair, Taurus, along with great determination,
perseverance and patience. This gives you the ability to come up with imaginative, yet practical concepts
and not be sidetracked until you see them in concrete form. Sometimes, however, such strong focus can
turn to tunnel vision and stem your imaginative flow. It also can make you resistant to change. Taking
pleasure in exploring diverse ideas and trying to find different ways to express your artistry will build
your flexibility and replenish your creative reservoir.

The motivation for your creativity is often closely linked to your main concern in life—to meet your
physical needs and acquire some of its luxuries.
Your Greatest Assets: Practicality, endurance, dependability.
Your imagination thrives in warm, comfortable, secure settings, preferably with soft background music.

Remember, Taurus, progress demands change.

How to conquer defeating habits

Your easy-going Taurus charm is one of your key assets in winning friends and making strides in the
material world. But at times, your inner tensions swell to explosive levels and you become a raging Bull.
Such outbursts work against you in maintaining good relationships with others. You also can become your
own worst enemy when your Taurus determination turns to stubborn resistance.

These self-defeating patterns are associated with your Solar Twelfth House of Hidden Liabilities.
Because you sometimes have difficulty voicing disagreement, anger or aggression, you hold such feelings
in and they give rise either to passive resistance or sudden eruptions of hot temper. You can curb these
tendencies if you’ll speak out at appropriate times rather than simply swallowing resentments. Once you
become more assertive about little things, you’ll be less prone to express yourself heatedly and leave
others with the wrong impression about you.

Who is your ideal mate?

You Bulls often overvalue looks or financial security when choosing a lover. You might end up with a
stunning charmer or a moneybag but not a person you can really live with. To find a mate who is better
suited for you, consider your real needs in a lover. Your basic romantic necessities as a Taurus are a
stable relationship and sensuous, sexual fulfillment.
Your peace of mind and happiness depends on finding someone both physically and temperamentally
attuned to you. Your ideal partner will be sexy, loyal and deeply inclined towards home, family and
traditional values. But, be sure the sexual attraction is mutual. Too often you Bulls decide you simply
must have someone who turns you on and doggedly pursue that person. And because you are so
determined, you could win and wed someone who doesn’t really love you. Your ideal mate, however,
won’t need to be pursued or brought. He or she will relish the sensuous pleasures of life with you, and
won’t even think of straying from your side.

How to cope with a stressful relationship

You’re caring and content as can be when your love life is running smoothly, Taurus, but the stress of an
incompatible relationship can turn you into a raging
Bull. To help alleviate such tensions, take a look at how your laid-back attitude may be contributing to
the problem. You’ll benefit by being more expressive, by letting others
know how you feel before feelings get out of hand. Your placid manner is sometimes deceptive and can
cause a partner to go too far. But also try to be more attuned to another’s needs. You
Taureans revive most quickly from stress through the serenity of music and art or by closer contact
with the earth and its beauty. Gardening, landscape painting or just lolling in the
sun is good therapy for you. You’ll also lessen strife, by choosing a more compatible partner in the first
place, such as a Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Piscean.

Where to find your perfect vacation spot

Have you ever wondered why, Taurus, when you visit a place that you just fell in love with it? Chances
are that the city or place was “born” under a Sign that is compatible with yours. In other instances a
locale may be beautiful, but you don’t like it... because it’s not astrologically favorable for you.

The ideal environment to soothe you should be fairly level, unhampered by brush or woods, and dry,
like the savannahs of Africa or the rolling plains of the United States. You’re not exactly keen or
“roughing it,” but you’ll enjoy a bit of nature via a guided tour with comfortable transportation. If you’re
set on donning your adventuresome shoes, consider the Taurus-ruled countries of Ireland, Cyprus and
Austria, or the cities of Honolulu, Rhodes, Parma, Palermo and Moscow during the month of July or the
last three weeks of August. Plan long trips anytime from the end of September thru December.

How to put fear behind you, Taurus

Steady, tenacious and usually quite talented, you seem to be a sure-fire candidate for success, Taurus.
But you Bulls have been known to drop out of the race to smell the flowers rather than pursue your full
potential. Subtle psychological fears often underlie such contrariness. Indeed, success may secretly
frighten you because of what you think it may entail.
You love a comfortable, tranquil existence and might fear that too much will be demanded of you on the
competitive path upwards. You even may pass up a job or promotion if you believe it will require a hard-
driving attitude or fastlane lifestyle. In fact, upward mobility itself may seem threatening to you if it means
leaving your present security behind for an unknown future. Though often creatively gifted, you are apt to
fear the lean years that usually precede a big break in the arts. The first step to putting fear behind you is
to realize that fear is not an inherited trait. The capacity to achieve outstanding success lies within you.
You have the natural ability to reach any goal you personally want to attain. It is a scientific fact, “each of
us is the end result of what we think.” courage, enthusiasm and confidence come from within. Think you
can... believe you can...and you will!

Taurus’ “Top Ten” relationship needs

Each Astrological Sign has essential needs which must be met to keep a relationship burning brightly. If
you can answer “Yes” to 7 of the 10 following questions, Taurus, you’ve found a romance that won’t die
out, but instead could fan love’s embers forever. Is your partner someone who....

1. ...shares your love of creature comfort and sensual pleasure?

2. ...has a need of security to equal your own and enjoys building a nest egg?
3. ...understands that the objects in your home must be functional as well as beautiful?
4. ...loves music as much as you do?
5. happy to give (and get) long messages?
6. ...enjoys hearing you sing in the shower?
7. ...loves to cook or eat delicious meals with you?
8. ...admires your great taste and fashion sense?
9. can see yourself living within that dream cottage in the country?
10. enjoy holding hands with and who knows that you often say “I’m sorry “with a gentle touch?

(Refer to your partner’s Sign to see if you’re the one who lights his or her life.)

Health secrets for your sign

The earliest physicians were also astrologers who monitored the stars and planned their treatments by the
phases of the Moon. The secrets of these ancients, developed over the centuries, can help you maintain
good health today. As a Taurus, your Sign all but assures you robust vitality and great endurance. Your
fondness for sweets, gourmet fare and luxury living, however, can add needless pounds. Try to resist
being a “couch potato” and exercise regularly to ensure healthy circulation. Your Sign rules the throat
area, making you especially susceptible to colds and sore throat. Early treatment of such infections is
advised because they can hang on quite stubbornly otherwise; You Bulls are also more sensitive than most
people to any negative emotions around you; it’s especially vital for you to keep a positive outlook on
health. Avoid brooding about situations you can’t change. Foods that are natural remedies for you Bulls
include beets, spinach, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, flax, apples, pumpkin, honey and
camomile tea.

The Taurus love test

As a Taurus, you possess a sure, steady and deliberate mind, with a special flair for making money and
creating beauty. But when it comes to love and your emotional reactions, how do you rate? If you have
learned to use your Taurus traits to good advantage, you’ll score high on this test. If not, better study the
answers you missed for some valuable tips.

1. Are you slow to make a romantic move?

2. Are you sensuous person?
3. Do you resist changing romantic routines?
4. Does loyalty come naturally to you?
5. Do sweethearts call you stubborn?
6. Do you make a lover feel secure?

HOW TO SCORE: Start with a base of 100. Add 10 points for each yes to even-numbered questions.
Deduct 10 points for each yes to odd-numbered questions.
70 – 100 Below average. Be more adaptable.
100 – 120 Very Good. Skilled in relationships.
120 – 130 Excellent. You’re irresistible!
Better communication for success

Good communication is one of the best tools for getting ahead for you determined Bulls. By using your
Taurus Solar Chart wisely, you can say the right things in just the right way to key people. Since Cancer
in your chart is associated with communication, you can soften Bull-headed ways thru Cancer kindness,
sensitivity and emotional awareness on the impact of your words. By applying the traits of the Signs in
your Solar horoscope associated with the people most important in your life, you can favorably impress
each of these types:

BOSSES: In making requests or putting ideas across, use Aquarian foresight and vision. Accent what is
original, unusual or for the good of all involved.
CO-WORKERS: Using Libra-like tack and charm when airing ideas will win over jobmates. Being able
to see both sides of a question removes roadblocks.
PARTNERS: A Scorpio-like sharing of resources and ideas will gain cooperation from your mate. And,
passionate love talk can be especially effective.
FRIENDS: To win popularity at social events and among friends, discuss ideals, dreams or interests in
the arts. An air of Piscean mystery can be intriguing.

How to increase your personal magnetism

Some people compellingly draw others to them through the power of their personality. Others fail to
achieve the happiness they deserve because they have not fully developed their own personal magnetism.
If you are one of the latter, here are a few valuable tips. As a Taurus, you tend to be affectionate but
passive, content to enjoy your ease and let others make the first move. There is a hidden side of you,
however, that when activated can add new force to your people power. Allow the more active, assertive,
uninhibited elements of your personality to emerge.
Don’t wait until your natural drive explodes like the fiery aggression of a charging Bull. Release this
powerful energy a bit at a time in a ready smile, an extended hand, a bright conversational opener, even a
flirtatious glance. If attracted to someone, move quickly to show it. Tone up with regular exercise or
sports: you’ll feel more alive and outgoing if you do. Observe Aries people around you: their genial
warmth is just what you need to bring out your eager, aspiring self.

Taurus’ ten keys to career success

Here are ten practical ways to use your determined and reliable Taurus traits to assure career success.
1. Patient and enduring, you’ll thrive in a job that allows you to be thorough rather than fast.
2. Don’t let your innate Taurus stability keep you in a rut instead of making changes that will advance
3. Your Midas touch with money suggests you’ll be good as gold in banking or other financial fields.
4. Trade on your Taurus artistic tastes by dealing in fields that use your creative eye and talents.
5. Because you thrive when feeling secure, choose a job that provides insurance and other benefits.
6. You need a solid base to work from, so buying a home as soon as possible is a springboard to success.
7. You’re a Bull of few words, but on interviews and resumes, be more wordy about your good points.
8. Your pleasant Taurus voice is a tremendous asset in sales, customer service, public speaking, even
9. Your greatest strength is dedication to your goals; keep setting specific objectives and aim high.
10. To reach your goal, regularly say these power words aloud as you visualize your desire: I can, I will,
I believe!
How to use four natural talents to grow rich

You money-minded Bulls will persist ’till the cows come home. To achieve success, use the positive
aspects of your natural abilities (and downplay the negative ones):

You’ll fare best in an occupation that rewards steadiness, endurance and follow-through rather than
competition, fast action or constant innovation.

Also, choose a field in which you’ll handle money or be around it. Your fiscal savvy will thrive in
banking, financial planning or shrewd investments.

Or use you artistic know-how to create, promote or sell fine jewelry, art works, cosmetics, clothing,
home furnishings or fashion accessories.

And, trade on your pride of possession by collecting paintings, Oriental rugs, antiques or other items
that will increase in value over the years.

Let the earth make you rich: invest in land, agriculture, tree farms, mining or oil wells.

Use you natural caution to stay away from risky deals, pie-in-the-sky schemes or heavy debt.

Yet, don’t let you fixity of purpose blind you to lucrative new ideas, products or ventures.

What makes Taurus a great date?

You’re a charming, warm-hearted companion at social events, Taurus, especially when you play up your
good points and tone down negative traits. You Bulls enjoy fine food, luxury living and material goods,
but may turn a potential lover off if you pursue the material delights too avidly. Even if you’ve been very
successful in acquiring fine possessions, don’t rely on these to impress your dates and win hearts. Instead,
display your fondness for beauty and music and your distinctive voice. Sing or hum a love song in your
mellow voice or engage in warm, intimate conversation. Your ability to smile, relax and enjoy the moment
will win hearts. Since you’re at your best in slow-moving, pastoral environments, take your date to a
quaint, countryside restaurant or on a stroll through a scenic wonderland. Be open, however, to untried
activities that your partner may enjoy. Your calm, stable nature is reassuring, but too stubborn a manner
can be a drawback in your one-on-one relationships.

The key to compatibility with each sign

With fiery Aries, you can share art, your dreams and ideals, even though the Ram marches to a quicker
beat. Join another Bull for good food, solid pleasures, gardening, money talk. You and Gemini are both
genial types at heart; your warmth and their breeziness make fair weather. Cancer and you share a love of
security and cozy cottages for two: a long-lasting duo. Both you and Leo are born romantics capable of
enduring love. Practical Virgo is an alter ego for your down-to-earth, methodical side; a natural ally.
Sing, dance, paint with Libra; you’ll draw out one another’s artistic nature. A common link with Scorpio
is your mutual strength and financial savvy: a dynamic pair. Sagittarius enjoys indulging in the good
things of life as much as you do; celebrate together. Capricorn shares your cautious, steady, forward-
moving pace; you two can make great strides as a team. You and Aquarius are both warm, kind and
creative despite your many differences. With Pisces, deep feelings and a shared love of music can be a
binding tie.

Smart talk: Taurus’ verbal advantage

Relationships are often made or broken by one’s conversational style. It’s not just what you say, but how
you say it. Through you Bulls are loyal and caring, your talk may be slow to expose the depth of your
feelings. Here are some tips from communication experts that are especially attuned to your Sign.

Because your conversational style tends to be deliberate, you may be cut off by quick-talking types.
Watch your pacing and pauses. Conversation is a turn-taking game. If you leave long pauses, another is
likely to jump in before you can complete your thoughts. It’s okay to say, “Let me finish what I was telling
you.” Get your intentions across, Taurus. An exchange can end in a deadlock if you try to reach agreement
with one who hasn’t heard all your points. Practice emotional openness. If you’re slow to disclose how
you feel, associates may see you as uncaring. When you just can’t get feelings into words right away,
stave off trouble with a here-and-now disclosure, such as, “I’m too upset to talk about it right now.”
Taurus’ irresistible romantic powers

Your devotion is like a Rolls-Royce, Taurus – steady and reliable, luxurious in style and built to last
forever. Loyal and determined, you pursue a potential partner earnestly and are as generous as a
maharajah in your efforts to win the object of your affection. In fact, you sink so much of value into the
hunt that once you’ve landed your prey, you can become a tad possessive. However, consistency,
devotion, perseverance and stability are your most irresistible traits. But to prevent your romantic game
plan from becoming predictable, be open to suggestions of new places to visit so you don’t fall into a
dating rut. If you’re getting nowhere with a particular individual yet find your Taurus determination is on
autopilot propelling you down the same dead-end road, exit at the nearest off-ramp and search for more
fruitful romantic routes to explore.

One of your greatest charms is your distinctive voice – you’re irresistible when uttering warm words of
appreciation. Use your flair for gourmet food to attract a sensuous type who shares your enjoyment for
fine dining. If you’re a typical Taurus, you’ll be a top player in the Monopoly game of life, steadily
acquiring assets. Advance past “Go” and collect true love by sending enough flowers to fill a room, but
not grasping the bloom of love too tightly. Once you’ve found someone to match your loyalty, you can
make romance a perennial.
How Taurus makes more money

Your Sign is directly associated with the Second House of Money and Possessions, Taurus, and you
have a natural talent for financial management, approaching it almost as an art. You have good taste and an
eye for quality, and you often prosper by putting a creative flourish on an existing product or service.
Being a fixed Sign, your ability to hold to your vision until it becomes a reality is one of your major
success keys. You’re also practical and willing to save as long as necessary to buy items of superior
quality or to accumulate the down-payment for a house or business. And, your persistence through hard
times builds slow but sure financial success.

Naturally patient, you enjoy collecting things that appreciate in value, such as land, art or jewels, and
you’re usually rewarded with high returns over time. You have the endurance to work hard and persevere
when others quit, but won’t hesitate to leave for more affluent pastures if you sniff out greater potential.
Even though you’re steadfast, a willingness to change your investment strategy as the financial climate
shifts is key to added gains. You’re also known to have steady nerves and a poker face, which helps you
amass wealth through skillful negotiations or risk-taking. You prosper most easily in banking, accounting
and securities, as well as in people-oriented or artistic fields such as decorating, graphic design, fashion,
beauty, music, flowers and food.

Powerful secrets of Taurus

You succeed through easygoing charm rather than any fierce competitive streak, Taurus. Generally,
you’re laid back, with all the aggressive qualities of Aries bottled up in your Twelfth House of Hidden
Matters. If goaded too far, however, you become a raging Bull. But you have difficulty expressing normal
irritation on a daily basis, so tension builds to volcanic proportions before it’s released. You manage to
remain calm and patient in part by sublimating your anger into action-oriented endeavors. Secretly, you
probably possess more ambition than most realize, even a sense of competition that makes you feel guilty.
And, you’re often at your most confident and courageous when leading from behind the scenes.
Though highly sensuous, you may appear shy in you sexual expression because you’re uncomfortable
being the aggressor. Your hidden power lies in confronting issues head on, pioneering efforts or blazing
trails where others have not gone before. When you combine these with your nose for value, you are

Taurus’ power of attraction

Men: Your rich, distinctive voice is expressive, and quite irresistible... Women are impressed with your
good taste and love of quality... Your caring and consideration as a lover as well as your wooing with
tasteful cards, flowers and trinkets win many a heart... Your reliability and dependability gives security
that is reassuring... A woman soon learns to appreciate your love of tradition, family, children and hard
work to support them.

Women: You have a graceful bearing and move in rhythmic, sensuous way that instantly sets hearts afire...
Your eyes speak volumes, and a few subtle glances are all it takes to make a man feel comfortable with
you... Taurus rule the throat; emphasizing yours with a scarf, a small diamond-like pendant or emerald
necklace enhances your attractiveness... You’re sexiest when wearing pastels or earth tones... You’re
often at your best when entertaining at home with candlelight, flowers, and a gourmet meal... Your
expression of affection and loyalty are your endearing traits.
How to recapture your Taurus youth

You were bom with characteristics that put a unique stamp on your personality. Calling up these traits
that you later may have suppressed can help you rekindle the zest of youth – and give you an edge in
establishing rewarding relationships with Taurus youngsters.

As natural charmers, Taurus children capture hearts easily with their warmth, affectionate natures.
Some are so talented in music or dance that their parents eagerly seek out talent agents, as in the budding
career of Taurus child star Shirley Temple. Certainly many of these children become stars in their own
families, beguiling everyone with their dimples and precocity. But behind their lollipop smiles lies a
stubborn determination. Adults are often aghast to see these amiable tots turn into enfants terrible,
exploding in a Bull-like rage – or with heels firmly planted in the ground, simply saying “No!”
These displays are most likely to occur when their territories or toys are threatened. Naturally
possessive, Taurus tykes need to learn to share. The best approach with them is to avoid confrontations
and provide healthy outlets for the expression of their talents. And, because they love ease, comfort and
good food, a restaurant visit can win their hearts.
Are you in the right location for love, money and success?

Every place on earth has its own astrological chart, some more favorable for you Bulls than others.
Here’s a list of Taurus-related cities where you may be especially attuned to factors that bring love,
money or success.


New Orleans Honolulu Houston Manila
Wellington Auckland Yokohama Tokyo
Mexico City Anchorage Winnipeg Dallas

San Francisco Vancouver Detroit Chicago
New Orleans Singapore Hong Kong Miami
Kansas City Cleveland Atlanta Bogota
Washington DC Winnipeg Houston Lima


Boston Quebec Toronto Moscow
New Haven Ankara Bangor Hartford
Concord Kiev Cairo Newport

For additional compatible places, see the Virgo and Capricorn Astro-Signs.
Love secrets of the water signs

TAURUS born April 20 thru 29 is sensuous and wants a lover to be extremely affectionate.
TAURUS born April 30 thru May 9 is mental and wants romance along with good conversation.

TAURUS born May 10 thru 20 is a rock of stability and looks for character in a lover.

VIRGO born August 23 thru September 1 is intellectual and wants a lover who is sharp.

VIRGO born September 2 thru 11 is serious and looks for a dignified and reserved lover.

VIRGO born September 12 thru 22 is social and needs a sweetheart to be witty and charming.

CAPRICORN born December 22 thru 31 is a climber and wants a lover to be equally ambitious.

CAPRICORN born January 1 thru 10 is cultured and wants a companion who is gracious.

CAPRICORN born January 11 thru 19 is brainy and looks for intelligence in a lover.

How sincere is your Taurus lover?

The sincere Bull will manifest his or her Sign’s finest qualities, not the darker, shadowy ones. Here’s a
guide to show if your lover is expressing the most desirable Taurus traits. Being reliable and showing an
awareness of what you need for security are signs of a high-minded Taurean. Emotionally as well as
financially, this Bull will be considerate of your needs, quick to lend you a dollar and pamper you with
chicken soup if you sneeze. He or she will be punctual, yet tolerant if you’re late.
Thoughtful gifts, even if small tokens, and gentle physical contact are other positives. Notice if your
Taurus creates a relaxing mood with background music; higher types have a special sensitivity to sound.
The less desirable type will be inflexible about which movie to see or restaurant to patronize. These
stubborn Bulls are likely to dampen your dreams and dwell on your weaknesses. An insecure Taurus can
become too possessive or jealous. Another red light is stinginess with money, indicating you may have
one who is emotionally selfish.

What makes Taurus naturally irresistible?

You, Taurean “Promoters of Stability,” are so dependable that friends can count on you like the rising
and setting Sun. You may be selective about who you cultivate, but when you strike up a friendship, you
are in it for the long haul. And, you are the stable one who helps instill patience when others grow
restless in the face of delays. Pals are eternally grateful to you for your unflappable stick-to-itiveness, as
it inspires them to persevere and not sabotage themselves by abandoning promising pursuits the minute
they run into roadblocks.

You sensuous Bulls are lovers of luxury and like to go first class. And you’re so kind and thoughtful
that you unselfishly delight in giving your friends the red-carpet treatment as well. It is always the best
you can afford, and nothing but the best for those close to you. This unstinting generosity touches them
Your steady, down-to-earth manner acts as a ground wire when others are in a tizzy. Your soothing
voice and practical advice calms their frazzled nerves. And this solicitousness usually is accompanied by
a good helping of delectable cuisine you effortlessly whip up and serve along with your loving and sound
advice. Your ability to provide a safe harbor is one of the many things that makes you irresistible.
Taurus’ instant keys to a better memory

There are many tricks and techniques for sharpening memory power, but not all of them suit you Bulls.
Based on your special qualities, here’s what will work best for you.

1) VISUALIZATION – You often remember details better when you process them visually. To recall a
shopping list, for example, clearly picture each item in your mind’s eye and in vivid color as you write it.
2) SAY IT OUT LOUD – The sound of your own distinctive Taurean voice is also very effective in
imprinting information on your mind. Before starting to read something you wish to absorb, tell yourself
aloud, “I want to learn and retain this material.” Or simply read it out loud.
3) VERBAL REMINDERS – Use this same technique to recall where you have placed certain objects.
Say, “I’m now putting this key in the desk drawer.” Or while driving on a rainy day, remind yourself
aloud. “I have turned on the car lights. I’ll remember to turn them off when I switch off the ignition.”
You’ll be amazed at how well this work. Experts purport that ginkgo biloba, estrogen, Vitamin E, choline,
gotu kola, Siberian ginseng, amalaki and purple sage improve mental functioning. However, be sure to
consult your physician before taking any dietary supplements.
How Taurus can create more time

Reliability and steadiness make you trustworthy and much sought-after in worldly matters, Taurus. Your
tireless determination to reach a goal has elevated you to MVP status on many a winning team. But
sometimes, inflexibility causes you to stick with unworkable objectives. Then, time is wasted that could
be better spent on other things.

To free up more time, develop your hidden strengths – adaptability, creativity, expressiveness-by doing
the following:
1) the way you focus on one thing until its done is admirable. But if you feel “stuck,” you’ll get a fresh
perspective and be more productive by switching to other projects that need finishing.
2) You often ignore your own brilliant ideas, feeling deep down that old, proven ways are best. Trusting
your imaginative concepts will spur time-saving methods.
3) You’re wonderfully self-sufficient but doing more brainstorming could reap tips on how to get jobs
done faster and make you more time-efficient.

A practical Earth Sign, you’ll benefit by associating with more spontaneous, mental types because they
offer you food for thought and spur you to break outdated rules you’ve set for yourself. The Air Signs
—Gemini, Libra and Aquarius–are idea-driven and will inspire you to change your way of doing things.
With more ingenuity, you’ll get things done faster and rack up more “time vouchers” to enjoy as you

Making maximum use of your Taurus traits to get ahead faster!

You Bulls don’t need to work against time, but can let time work for you instead. There are ways to use
your best traits and favorite leisure pursuits to make every waking hour more productive. Since you’re
most comfortable in a familiar routine, try to build some learning outlets into your regular schedule—
preferably classes or workshops where you can also socialize while sharpening your skills and talents.
Many of you Bulls have impressive voices that can help you get ahead – consider joining a Toastmasters’
Club or a debate team where you can gain public speaking experience in genial surroundings. Your knack
for handling money can be enhanced by serving as treasurer of a club or charity fund drive. This will look
good on your resume and make employers aware of your natural fiscal skills. Finally, Taurus, use your
love of fine dining to become an expert on restaurants and local caterers.
This can give you an edge not only when entertaining clients, but also in helping plan company parties.

Love – where to find it

Knowing where to look to find love can be a challenge for any Sign of the Zodiac. For you laid-back
Bulls it’s even more difficult if you begin without a deliberate plan, but if you take your cue from
astrology, you can be at the right place at just the right time to meet your match. Start your search on a
Wednesday around the dinner hour when you’ll feel relaxed and sociable. You’re at your charming best
when surrounded by good food, soft lights and music so select a spot that appeals to your aesthetic nature.
A restaurant, café or work-related gathering would be ideal. Or head for locales where mental and
intellectual interests are shared — lectures classes even libraries and bookstores. During the day, you can
find likely romantic prospects in a doctor’s office or health food store. And any kind of meeting with
people who share your vocation would be a happy hunting ground. For long-range love luck, seek
employment in a setting where members of the opposite sex abound. Wherever you go, be on the lookout
for compatible Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces types.

Your perfect valentine, Taurus...

Is the person: Meticulously dressed and carrying a book or briefcase. This individual has sparkling,
intelligent eyes and maybe in the corner observing the action.

Can be found at: Book or health food stores, academic classes, gyms, libraries or working late at the

Likes to hear: “You’re much too modest; to me, you seem very close to perfect.”

Enjoys dining at: Quiet, tasteful cafes with efficient service and fine tableware. This Valentine adores
salads and vegetables, freshly-baked bread and mineral water.

Will be won by: Sincerity, humility, thoughtful gifts and gestures, intelligent conversation and healthy

Melts when you: Offer a helping hand in difficult times, are direct about your feelings and give

Will admire: Your good money sense, loyalty, dependability, organized routine, warm, sensuous nature
and love of art and beauty.

Great valentine gift: A fruit basket, gourmet teas, herb garden, potted plant. Hand-knit sweater or best-

(To break the ice, share this with your prospect).

How to increase your popularity

With your sympathetic nature and enduring loyalty, you can be a true and devoted friend, Taurus. Your
hearty appreciation for art, music, good food and good company can make you an appealing, sought-after
guest or host at social gatherings. At least, that is the case when you are projecting your positive, upbeat
Taurean qualities and toning down less amiable traits. But to increase your popularity, you need to
escape from routine and be more adventuresome by attending parties, dances and other events and making
new contacts. Cultivate some fresh interests that add zest to your personality; master a new language for
example, or travel, study history, art or music, even learn a new sport. Greater flexibility in your views
also can help win friends, just as a stubborn need to be “right” can drive them away. Also learn to give of
yourself: a flower you have grown or an hour’s sincere attention may please a pal more than costly
material gifts. It’s all part of the formula for real Taurus popularity.

Gifts to buy for Taurus

Practical Taureans usually already have everything they need. So a luxury item makes the perfect gift
especially if it will enhance their appearance, like jewelry, cosmetics or a gift certificate to a luxurious
salon or spa. Personal items like fragrant perfumes or bath oils are also good choices, as are music
cassettes, CDs or stereo equipment. A good reproduction of an art masterpiece, a subscription to an
elegant food magazine, or a picnic basket overflowing with such goodies as chocolate truffles, exotic
cheeses and fine wines, will keep you constantly in the Taurus mind. Camping and hiking gear are other
good ideas for these outdoor lovers, as are plants of all shapes and sizes. Bulls will love teakwood
goblets, sterling silver table accessories and unusual cooking equipment. Also consider these sensual
delights: satin sheets, furry slippers, a velvet jacket, velour robe or shower massager. Since Taureans
crave security, they’d also appreciate a savings bond, stock certificate or a simple gift of money.

Knowing when Taurus’ hunch is right

When you have a hunch about something, it actually is Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) working – a sixth
sense beyond the traditional five senses. Your ESP, Taurus, is tied closely to your exceptional tactile
sense. Psychic impressions flow to you through touch as well as your keen awareness of movement space,
textures and weight. This means you’re able to pick up an object and know through “common sense” and
the “feel” of the item what it’s worth. When you shake hands with a person, you can sense if he or she is
sincere. You are practical and like things to be concrete, so you sometimes consider a valid hunch
whimsical. To “test” your ESP, zero in on the following when making a decision: Make sure you touch
something related to the issue, such as the contract, a person’s letter or blueprint of the plan. Ask yourself,
“How does my body feel?” If your throat feels restricted it is likely to be a wrong direction for you. Sit
quietly – you’ll detect physical sensations and have the answer inside, and know it’s right.

How to boost your self-esteem

Your success in life depends to a great extent on the image you have of yourself. As a Taurus, you
generally project a sure-and-steady image to others. But you may not always feel quite as sure of yourself
as you appear. Because material success is so important to a Bull’s feelings of self-worth, amassing
money and possessions can be a major preoccupation. But if your financial schemes don’t land you in the
lap of luxury, you needn’t feel down in the dumps. Give your self-esteem a boost with these three positive
things that all of you Bulls can do to feel – and be – more successful.

1. Understand that not everyone shares your high regard for money and material objects. Many esteem you
for what you are, not just for what you own.
2. Invest in your real interests and talents as well as in high interest-bearing accounts. Have you nurtured
and developed your musical skills or other artistic gifts? These could pay off in great satisfaction as well
as future income.
3. Count the blessings you have and be thankful – a sure way to boost your sense of prosperity.
How to get along better with everyone

It’s puzzling how some people don’t want you to be you, Taurus. They can’t seem to appreciate your
strong, sterling qualities or practical, comfort-loving nature. Chances are, such persons are less
compatible with you astrologically. Since you Bulls were born under the Earth Sign, individuals born in
some of the other Signs may be turned off by your focus on material acquisitions. Though they’ll never
fully understand you, you can learn to relate more smoothly to these types.

Those in your opposite Sign – Scorpio – might feel you are too preoccupied with your possessions, but
you can make points if you are willing to share. The Fire Signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – don’t mean
to arouse your Taurean temper; they’ll be less impatient if you’ll speed up your pace. And, your
pragmatism can help balance their impulsiveness. Your earthiness may seem heavy to the cerebral Air
Signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Be more open to their ethereal points of view and they might even
accept your solid logic.
Signs of lasting love for Taurus

You maybe intensely attracted but incompatible in the long run with some Signs. Your chances for an
enduring relationship are outlined below:
ARIES: They dance to a faster beat than you. The sensuous Taurus tango isn’t the Ram tempo.
TAURUS: Delightful contentment or locked-horn combat. Works if you both accent your easy going side.
GEMINI: A flirty Twin may be too variety-minded for your loyal nature. Don’t lose your heart.
CANCER: Loves home and family as much as you do. A cozy companion for a long-range association.
LEO: Will want too much devotion and compliance from you. And neither of you is apt to give in!
VIRGO: They’ll understand your money and material desires. A compatible partner in every way.
LIBRA: Not the pushover you think. Libra charm can mask a basic bossiness you’ll want to resist.
SCORPIO: You’ll be drawn magnetically, but huge battles can erupt with this intense powerhouse.
SAGITTARIUS: They fill from here to there; you seldom change your pace. Not much of a chance.
CAPRICORN: A sure and reliable romance that may lead to riches. You two speak the same language.
AQUARIUS: Your patience could be strained to the limit by this unpredictable type. Expect quakes.
PISCES: You’ll tenderly protect this sensitive and romantic soul. A warm, loving relationship.
How to make your love life more fulfilling

No one could ask for a more loyal lover than you faithful, dependable Bulls. But because you hold to
such a steady path, it can become a rut. You need to inject some variety and spontaneity into your love-
making if you expect to keep your amor intrigued. It’s true you can be a warm, passionate lover. You have
what it takes to cast a sensuous spell – your caressing voice and soft, loving touch can thrill another, and
you know how to create magical romantic settings with fine food and good times. But overindulgence in
these pleasures also can be your downfall, causing a lack of depth in your alliances.

With your eye for elegance, you are able to select the perfect gifts as tokens of your affection. While
this is pleasing to an amor, your tendency to try and buy love can be a turn-off if directed towards
someone who does not want to be owned. Avoid resorting to such tactics and you can take title to a
relationship that’s solid gold.
How to cope with changes in your life

Your need for a solid, steady lifestyle can make big changes especially stressful for you Taureans. Most
likely to be challenging for you now are relationship adjustments and the evolution – or revolution – in
your belief systems, philosophy or long-range plans. Here are some practical tips to alleviate stress and
make such changes with the greatest success:
1. Be open to improvements in relationships rather than insisting on maintaining the status quo.
2. Take pressure off your partner by not expecting him or her to meet all your emotional needs.
3. The fear that you may not find another partner or amor is no reason to remain in a hurtful union.
4. If a relationship ends, don’t give up on love or tell yourself there is something wrong with you.
5. New ways of thinking and objectives will be easier to achieve if you avoid trying to defend them; you
need not justify changing your views to anyone.
6. A daily period of meditation can relieve stress, break-up patterns of worrisome thoughts and evoke
insights that logical thinking may have missed.
How to enjoy a more romantic vacation

Start off, Taurus, by seeking out tasteful surroundings that reflect your love of beauty, art, music, good
food or the grandeur of nature. You’re at your best in a setting that appeals to your strongly sensuous
nature – and your obvious delight will spread to your amor or attract someone who is ideally suited to

Plan an itinerary that will take you to intriguing restaurants where you can indulge your gourmet taste.
Or head for a country inn and savor the scent of fragrant gardens. Your love for the land also suggests
visiting a farm or dude ranch, perhaps even a national park. Another Taurean, a Virgo or Capricorn
would be the perfect partner for such an earthy outing.
Treat your artistic side to a tour of art galleries or colorful amusement parks. After dark, you can
restore your soul by watching an opera or concert with someone delightful at your side. The ideal
companion for such an enchanting fling would be a sensitive and deeply-feeling Cancer, Scorpio or

Love talk that will win hearts

You Bulls are slow to express the depths of your sentiment and loyal feelings. But you can improve your
love life if you pay some genuine compliments now and then. Whether on a first date or a lifetime journey,
here’s what the Signs most compatible with your own would like to hear. CANCER: Praise their
appreciation of fine food, their whimsical wit and warm nature. Tell them you feel right at home with
them – that you must be meant for each other. VIRGO: Admire the way they think and their practical
nature that’s so attuned to yours. Say “You’re clever and yet so sensible – just the person I’ve been
looking for all my life.” CAPRICORN: Appreciate the Goat’s ambitions and conventional good taste, but
hint that you’re also turned on by the warm and sexy person you sense beneath their calm, unruffled
PISCES: Heap praise on the Fish’s gentle charm, imagination and mysterious, intriguing ways. Say
something endearing and sentimental such as, “I could spend a lifetime happily trying to figure you out.”

What kind of Taurus lover are you?

Your Taurus Sun Sign describes your character traits. Your Venus Sign (Constellation in which the
planet appears at your birth), shows how you approach romance. See which of these Venus/love traits
sounds like you:

Venus in Aries: Open, direct and charming you pursue love with fiery dash and passionate determination.
Your affectionate gestures show your serious intentions: you’ll serenade all night in the cold if you have
Venus in Taurus: Slow to commit but once you do you’re 100% devoted. You’d rather attract love than
pursue it, and do so with sincerity, depth and earthy wisdom. You’ll forgive anything and wait forever for
the one you’ve chosen.
Venus in Gemini: Your steady style and ready wit draw many to your side. Your enjoy light-hearted
romantic flirting and are fascinated by stimulating mental types. Deep down you’re home-loving and
Venus in Cancer: Delightfully domestic, you have warm, encouraging ways and can make a simple meal
romantic. Loyal, dependable and demonstrative, you make an amor feel loved and doted on with your
Venus in Pisces: A private person, you dream of mystical romances. Your artistry, spirituality and
intuitive insights give you a deeper understanding on how to make love special.
Four ways to improve your relationship

You’re a loyal, affectionate lover, Taurus, and seldom stray. But keeping love aglow may need special
attention. Here are four ways to improve relationships:
1. GOOD COMMUNICATION is always vital. You Bulls sometimes assume a loved one knows how
much you care. To relate best, a sentimental card, note or word is often needed to put a new spark in those
old feelings.
2. In ENTERTAINMENT & ROMANTIC STYLE, you love dining out and good company, but mental
stimulation and sharing ideas or work experiences with an amor is also important. Plays, movies and cozy
fireside chats are good preludes to warmer moments.
3. COOPERATION BETWEEN PARTNERS means checking any possessiveness or power drives.
Even efforts to subtly manipulate one another must be recognized and addressed for you to be really
4. Your GOALS IN LIFE are deeply felt, but best expressed in the company of a kindly, compassionate
mate who cheers you on. Then for love to thrive, it’s up to you to make those dreams come true.

Moneymaking secrets of your sign

Many billionaires and money moguls secretly have long used astrology to their financial advantage. And
you can, too, Taurus. Astrology can unlock the secrets of how to apply your most productive
moneymaking powers. Here are a few hints for you Bulls. You’ll make money best by applying practical
logic, perfecting details and acting when the time is right. Work in a field that rewards quality output,
dependability and good follow-thru skills. Invest in real estate, stocks, long-term bonds or Venus-ruled
products such as works of art and jewelry. Despite your caution and love of routine, don’t hang on to
investments past the point where they’re ripe for selling. Don’t be too slow either, to update methods or
techniques that can lead to greater profits. And when buying stocks or bonds, be sure to diversify to cut
your risk of loss. Finally, Taurus, don’t buy or invest when you’re feeling low or you’re likely to attract
losing propositions. And don’t take risks when you feel reckless. Buy instead when you’re serene and

Taurus’ guide to lasting romance

In your quest for romance, Taurus, you can begin enjoying the thrills of a love life you’ve always
desired. If you’re unattached, seek someone who possesses the character traits listed below for greatest
compatibility, affection and passion. For all you Bulls, here are the ideal and the most promising
conditions for romance.

A Taurus should be involved with someone who is affectionate and sensual and whose powerful
feelings of devotion match you own staunch loyalty. A strong, silent type who radiates quite strength and
appreciates comfort and luxury..... An individual who shares a relationship with you as solid as the Rock
of Gibraltar.

How Taurus stays on a winning track

Powerful, determined and possessing a strong constitution, yours is the Sign of endurance, Taurus. While
some members of the zodiac may move faster, you slowly but surely reach the finish line, pushing on even
when exhausted. To stay productive and maintain stamina, however, it is crucial for you to balance your
daily activities with occasional time-outs from your hard-driving, no-nonsense approach. More than most,
you need equilibrium-restoring social times and merriment to keep your spirits up and your momentum
strong. Your productivity soars in beautiful, peaceful surroundings. Pleasant décor, fragrant fresh flowers
on your desk and comfortable clothing are essential to keep you focused on accomplishing your
objectives. When pressure builds, you’ll find that two heads are better than one. Brainstorming with a
partner is the quickest route for you to find your way around obstacles. During the workday, you’ll keep
your energy levels at peak by eating lighter lunches, rather than heavy foods, and focusing on cheerful
conversation with a colleague. You’re more apt to stick with an energy-boosting exercise regimen when
you do it with a workout buddy and the program incorporates music or dance. Also, the latest in
motivational tapes and books will help keep you going strong and travelling a winning track.

Use Taurus’ mind-power for success!

There are three general Taurus mental types based on the three possible zodiac (star)
constellations in which Mercury could have been positioned when you were born. See which
description below fits you best. Chances are this will match up with Mercury’s position at your time of
birth. This knowledge will give you the advantage of knowing how to use your intellectual strengths for

1. Mercury positioned in the constellation Taurus at birth. Indicates a steady, practical Taurus’ mind.
Stable and determined, you reach conclusions slowly, then stick firmly to your point of view. Mentally,
you’re shrewd and sensible. Best advice for success: Avoid becoming too set in your opinions as too
2. Mercury positioned in the constellation Aries at birth. Indicates the quick, direct Taurus mind. You
seem calm and composed, but mentally seek out challenges or contests. You’re quick with a comeback,
ready to use your words like swords if your territory is challenged. Best advice for success: Be more
tolerant and trusting of others.
3. Mercury positioned in the constellation Gemini at birth. Indicates the bright, versatile Taurus mind.
Your distinctive Taurus voice is rich with wit and eloquence. You’re never at a loss for words. You want
to know everything, whether trivial or profound. Best advice for success: Educate your good mind and
rise above superficialities in all matters.

Taurus’ fastest way to wealth

You Taurus, were born knowing the value of money. In fact, banking is synonymous with your Sign. You
naturally possess remarkable instincts for buying and selling, a savvy for saving often makes your most
rewarding investments in real estate because you like the durability of bricks and mortar. You need
stability to build wealth-a steady income from your work and an environment that is secure and pleasant.
Though you generally see a financial goal as something to reach with persistent effort and never giving up,
your “Money planet,”
Mercury, signals that when you develop the art of knowing when to stop, changing your strategy when
needed, and zeroing in on short-term trends in the marketplace, you increase your wealth fastest. Using the
media skillfully in getting the word out about your products or services and keeping abreast of the latest
innovative ideas are also important keys to attain financial success speedily.

How Taurus can make love last

For love to last, apply these solutions for overcoming the natural differences between men and women.

Taurus Women: Soft, yet strong and passionate, you love a man who gives you security and stability. You
realize that every so often-even when he loves you–a man needs to pull away. This periodic need to
distance himself is to fulfill his need for independence and not because you’ve done something wrong or
he doesn’t love you. If you apply your patience, he’ll snap back of his own accord with a renewed need to
be close again.

Taurus Men: You’re the “strong, silent hero” type, always calm in a crisis. But at times you may not
understand a woman’s moods or emotional needs. When she’s feeling down, she needs more than a pat on
the hand or sensible advice. During these low periods, she may be less able to love herself or others. You
can help her regain her equilibrium by being supportive and demonstrating more tender love rather than
pulling away.

Great holiday gifts for Taurus

Money-minded Taurus enjoys amassing or collecting things of value. They’re also artistic, so anything
that combines these qualities will please them, such as a signed lithograph, antique brass clock or framed
vintage stock certificate. Gifts to enhance their appearance —body lotion, jewelry or a visit to an elegant
“makeover” salon or health resort — also should delight them. So will anything musical, from a stereo
system or CDs to laser discs. An automatic pasta or bread maker or herb garden for their culinary skills
will draw raves. And you can’t miss with fragrant perfume or dinner for two at a posh eatery. Outdoor-
loving Bulls will adore camping equipment. Or, consider these sensual delights: angora slippers, a down
comforter or wooly afghan. For Taurus Children: a backyard tepee, Monopoly, books on wildlife, a
stuffed animal, tapes, CDs, toy cash register (preferably with some real money in it) will please a young

What you need in a lover to be fulfilled

When you give your heart, Taurus, it’s liable to be for keeps, so choose wisely when considering a love
relationship. Here’s what you need to feel truly fulfilled. This perfect amor of yours should be warm and
affectionate, someone who’ll share your passion and sensuality and comprehend the word fidelity as well.
Seek out someone who loves music, especially the mellow tones of your distinctive voice. Find your soul
mate in a creative type who values beauty, art and luxurious surroundings as much as you do. If this
person is solid-gold both in character and bank account, you’ll find the emotional security you seek. Steer
clear of flirts, flakes, airheads and superstar types. Seek a mate who enjoys traditions, fine food and a
stable home life with all the creature comforts. The one for you will understand your stubborn side, your
shows of temper or jealously and will know just how to coax you into a more mellow mood. If this person
is a Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, all the better for you!

How Taurus makes the workplace work best

You determined Bulls can feel frustrated when you’re job doesn’t allow you the time to fully develop
your solid ideas. Whether commerce, beauty or art are involved, you are most comfortable with long-term
projects. Here’s how you can best influence others to make your workplace work for you.

Superiors: Your loyalty, financial savvy and practical thinking give you an edge in appealing to VIPs.
But to be really influential, don’t be too predictable. Surprise decision-makers now and then with your
ability to sense coming trends and adapt them.

Co-workers: Your efficiency and systematic order readily convince others that they can rely on you to
get things done on time. But charm and graciousness will also go a long way towards winning cooperation
from job mates. Don’t be so fixed in you habits that you are closed to other ideas; working in partnership
with associates can be lucky for you, Taurus. And, be willing to adjust to a rigid schedule if needed.
How to make a first-rate impression

When you meet someone new and want to make a good impression, Taurus, your first words are
important. With your distinctive voice, often so rich and resonant, you should be an instant stand out. But
your reluctance to initiate the first move can hold you back. To attract lovers, friends or colleagues, be
willing to speak up sooner. You may need to memorize a few stock opening lines that are light and witty
but still sincere and in character. Then zero in on some common interests that will help achieve rapid
rapport without giving away your too-serious intentions. Here, you could take a cue from your opposite
Sign – Scorpio – and be more direct and clever in your tactics.

You’ll always make a hit with members of the Signs most compatible with yours if you show your
stability without seeming too inflexible. Another Taurus will appreciate your love of luxury. The other
Earth Signs – Virgo and Capricorn – will like your practical ways. The Water Signs – Cancer and
Pisces – will be drawn by your gentle strength.

Your hidden strengths – wow to use them success

As a Taurus, your obvious strengths are your persistence, dependability and practical manner. These
traits are second nature and easy to use for success. But, your hidden strengths may be even more
effective, once tapped. Since they are buried deep in your subconscious mind, a special technique may be
needed to activate them. Your greatest hidden strength is your ability to radically change repressive
circumstances through bold action. Next time you feel you’re in an uncomfortable rut, instead of placidly
accepting a dead-end path, try to connect consciously with your inner strength of purpose. Relax, close
your eyes for a few moments and breathe deeply. Visualize what you want to accomplish. Then repeat, “I
now align with the power of right action.” Let your mind be receptive. Once you have harnessed this
potent force, you’ll know how to move ahead confidently, taking the necessary steps calmly and

Have you found your true love

Once you fall in love, Taurus, your devotion is deep. Even if you give your heart to the wrong person,
you seldom retrieve it with ease. With such loyalty, you deserve an amor who sincerely appreciates you.
To determine this in advance, put a check beside the qualities that apply to your potential mate:

Understands and appreciates your economy of effort.

Realizes that Rome wasn’t built in a day; possesses patience.
Doesn’t nag you about your diet or exercise.
Has a green thumb with plants.
Enjoys music and art.
Likes you just the way you are and wouldn’t presume to try to change you.
Is sensible with money.
Prefers the country to the city.
Believes in home, family, marriage – all the traditional values.
Has a record of loyalty in relationships.
Enjoys sensuous lovemaking in romantic surroundings.
Was born under the Sign of Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces

8–12 Great match

5–7 Lukewarm prospect
0–4 Remote!

Secrets of intimacy for Taurus

Intimacy means being honest and totally accepting of another person. Both partners must feel they can be
completely themselves and safely expose their inadequacies, knowing they will not be judged or
criticized. When companions are accepting, a warm trusting bond is kindled that can endure almost any
obstacle. In Astrology, each Sign has its own unique way of creating and maintaining intimacy. Your
House of Intimacy Taurus, is ruled by Jupiter (planet of humor). Your key to greater intimacy is to keep
looking for the humor in situations. You are a focused, down-to-earth person by nature but when you’re
able to push day-to-day concerns to the back of your mind and lift your sights, you get more enjoyment out
of each moment and see the lighter side of life. For you, laughter is essential. When you are light-hearted
and joke with your amor, intense feelings ease and your love one feels more free to open up. Then you
connect intimately and keep renewing the magic and depth of your love.

How to impress the opposite sex

The lucky person who receives your affection, Taurus, should be prepared for a slow, deliberate
campaign rather than a fast and furious assault. Your favorite tactic is to progressively weaken a
prospective amor with a steady stream of generous gifts that delight the senses and eventually erode all

To increase your odds of winning, emphasize your stability, money sense and warm, sensuous nature.
Ply your love with gourmet meals and luxurious evenings. Dazzle with soft lights, sweet music and
glamorous surroundings. Replace cost-cutting and bargain hunting for shopping sprees. Go first-class.
Whiz your love around town in a shiny sportscar or limo, even if you only rented it. Send fragrant
flowers, silks and satins, and tease with tidbits for the taste buds. Give the impression that you will
always provide – or enjoy- the good life. (You will if you put your Taurus talents to work). Whisper
words of love in your relaxed, melodious voice. Talk about your investments and that home you own or
will own someday. When you say always, you generally mean it, so make sure you’ve found a truly
compatible love. Then go for broke, even though that’s the last thing you’re likely to be. If you’re banking
a prospect who was born under a practical Earth Sign like yourself (Virgo and Capricorn) or a Water
Sign like Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, then you’ll really be in business.

How to stay on the right course to success

Astrology can help keep you on track in pursuing career, love or money success, Taurus. Your natural
strength and determination can be enhanced by certain people, attitudes or strategies that further your
quest. In your career, you Bulls will benefit through objective thinking, futuristic plans, using technology
and links with Librans and Aquarians. Focus more on socializing, meeting new faces, original ideas and
surprise moves. To advance in romance, try emulating Virgo’s flexibility or Scorpio’s passion. Also try
helpfulness, sensitivity, love notes and sultry glances. Love will last if you focus on what to share and not
on what you own. To help your money fortunes maintain a steady upward climb, keep well informed and
open to new opportunities and consider import/export pursuits. A lecture, news item, long-distance call or
dealings with a Gemini or Sagittarius also could profit you. Combine these factors with your steady,
reliable ways for the key to fabulous success.

How to have a happy love relationship

Your affectionate, dependable nature is likely to attract many prospects. But a long-term love
relationship may not be easy for you Bulls. You can achieve lasting happiness in amor or a committed
union, though, if you look closely at the trade-offs needed. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty,
you require a mate who’s kind, sympathetic and home-loving. But, in return, to maintain romantic
harmony, you may have to curb the possessive, stubborn, rigid side of your make-up. Try being more open
to the needs and desires of your mate, including a more varied and exiting social life. Be willing to back
down at times and say, “I’m sorry” or “You’re right.” Even though you’re strong, don’t bottle up your
tender feelings or vulnerability; openly express what’s inside. You’ll relate most easily to a home-loving
Cancer, helpful Virgo, sultry Scorpio, capable Capricorn, romantic Pisces, or another sensuous Taurus.
If you’re already in a twosome, read your mate’s Sign for added understanding.

Who will be fortunate for you financially?

Some Signs of the zodiac can work like magic charms, for you Taurus, when it comes to advancing
financially. A Gemini, for example, innately understands your talents and how you can expand your
earning power. This person gets around, hears about opportunities and can be a good head hunter, agent or
promoter who’ll help “sell” you to the world.
As a partner or employee in your moneymaking venture, Gemini also can market your product or
service. When it comes to investments, tax savings and joint endeavors, a Sagittarius can help you see
the “big picture.” Though you’re a born investor, the Archer may be more abreast on news, events or
conditions abroad and how these can impact on your money deals. Virgo’s quick mind and helpful nature
may be invaluable in gathering data on speculative issues helping you see profitable alternatives. Then, if
you want to be lucky for yourself financially, don’t be so rigid that you refuse the aid of others on the road
to riches.

How to bring more luck into your life

Are some people luckier than others? It may seem so at times. But there are definite ways each
astrological type can increase his or her good fortune. The secret lies in emulating certain qualities of the
Sign just four Signs after your own. For you Taurus, that’s Virgo– and all Virgo- and Mercury-ruled
activities, places, people and attitudes. To bring more luck into your life, wear Virgo colors – russet,
green, beige. Be versatile, communicative, and analytical. You’ll be especially fotunate at word games,
puzzles, or contests that require written essays. Lucky places for you around the globe include Brazil,
Greece, Uruguay, the West Indies, Turkey, Paris, France, Heidelberg, West Germany; Los Angeles,
California; Basel, Switzerland. The number 5 often brings you luck. Favorable investments for you
involve stamps, rare books, low-risk stocks and bonds, office equipment, employment agencies and health
foods. In many ways, you Bulls create your own luck through your solid reliability and practical good
sense, especially where money is concerned.

The sexual side of Taurus

You, Taurean, may not be openly demonstrative, but you are extremely affectionate and passionate when
the drapes are drawn. Sex to you is fun and people with inhibitions about it are a puzzle to you. Romantic
interludes for you are a pleasurable type of mental and physical tranquilizer.

The three things that may bring problems to your love affairs are your traits of stubbornness,
possessiveness and jealousy. Once these are subdued, no one could ask for a lover who is more generous,
affectionate and sexy than you, tantalizing Taureans.
In the early stages of you sexual development (which usually begins at a tender age,) you generally
have a strong affinity for another Taurus or the other Earth group members – Virgo and Capricorn. As
you mature and want to explore new depths of intimacy, you could develop a strong attraction to Cancer
and Pisces. If you really want thrill and don’t mind throwing caution to the wind, get involved with a
How Taurus makes more money and keeps it

Though you’re often slow to get started on the road to success, it’s money rather than a red flag that sets
you Bulls in motion. Your special affinity for wealth makes you a natural in acquiring it, particularly in a
position where you can use your patience and determination to follow through on projects that others have
begun. You’re likely to gain you maximum earning power in situations that use your distinctive voice,
creative skills or financial know-how. Management, the arts, building, woodworking, announcing and the
investment field should value your talents.

To grow real money free from the seeds you earned, be open to new ideas as well as conservative
trends. Savings accounts and real estate are always excellent for long-term cultivation of funds. But also
consider investing in a budding company and escalating to a key position as you bring success to the firm
and yourself.

How to overcome relationship challenges

You Taureans are ruled by the planet Venus, the goddess of love in Greek mythology. This makes
romance especially important to you. A loyal and affectionate lover, you have great appeal as a mate. In
your case, however, Venus also represents money and possessions, which too often leads you to equate
love with ownership. This can cause real problems of jealousy and possessiveness or attempts to “buy”
love that should be freely given. You also can become fixated on a person who is not really right for you
due to your Bull-like determination to get what you want. To overcome this relationship challenge, focus
more on the other person’s needs and desires instead of trying to dominate. Let love blossom naturally –
or not at all. Keep in mind, with your strong, rigid temperament, more flexible types may be wary of you.
Thus, you can wind up with an equally rigid and stubborn mate who has a personality discordant to yours.
To avoid endless rifts and stalemates, Taurus, don’t just charge blindly into an alliance. But if you are
presently in a match that isn’t working, don’t let your aversion to change prevent you from letting go.

How to improve your love life

Within every Taurus heart, there’s a Rock of Gibraltar: steady, sure and everlasting in romance. Taurus
represents “fixed earth,” but you can carry stony steadfastness too far. In affairs of the heart, don’t allow
yourself to become too earthbound. You deeply enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and will enjoy bestowing
upon your mate, fine foods, rich gifts and material mementos. Don’t, however, neglect food for the soul as
well. Sing a love song in your mellow, distinctive voice. Quote Keats or Shelley instead of Dow Jones. In
dealing with an amor, you’ll also benefit by incorporating traits of your opposite Sign of Scorpio.
Emulate the spiritual, deep-feeling side of Scorpio to put more purple in your passionate moments. That
should make a lovely contrast to the “green stuff,” money, you Taurus, have such a talent in gathering.

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