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Done By : Ahed Da’na

Edited By :

Lect. Date : 10/12/2018

Doctor : Labib Sharif

Subject : Cancers

Final Check the

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Types of cancers according to the type of cell they start in :
• Carcinoma – cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover
internal organs. There are a number of subtypes, including adenocarcinoma,
basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and transitional cell carcinoma

• Sarcoma – cancer that begins in the connective or supportive tissues such

as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, or blood vessels

• Leukaemia – cancer that starts in blood forming tissue such as the bone
marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and
go into the blood

• Lymphoma and myeloma – cancers that begin in the cells of the immune

• Brain and spinal cord cancers– these are known as central nervous system

• ‫اللي مظلل باألصفر هو حكي الدكتور الزيادة عن الساليدات‬

notes from the DR. :

the cancer starts from one cell so it depends on what type of cell it started
from .the most important thing to know about carcinoma is : it start from
skin and epithelium cells (mucosa)

lymphoma : we know that B and T lymphocytes are the cells responsible for
the immune system and in AIDS the T helper cells will be affected beside all
other immune cells .

Brain cancer : most of brain tumor are benign but still dangerous , why ?

Bcz it will make pressure in the nerve cells present at the site of tumor

And according to this site there will be a consequences ,

And the ttx is always surgical to remove it from the brain and the risk is very
high ( but nowdays if the tumor is small they can do surgical procedure
through the nose without opening the skull wich is very risky). 1

Carcinomas start in epithelial tissues. These cover the outside of the body as the
skin. They also cover and line all the organs inside the body, such as the organs of
the digestive system. And they line the body cavities, such as the inside of the
chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.

99% of the cancers are Carcinomas

so 1% sarcoma and 99% carcinoma


Sarcomas start in connective tissues, which are the supporting tissues of the
body. Connective tissues include the bones, cartilage, tendons and fibrous tissue
that support the body organs

Sarcomas are much less common than carcinomas. They are usually grouped into
two main types – bone sarcomas (osteosarcoma) and soft tissue sarcomas.
Altogether, these make up less than 1 in every 100 cancers diagnosed (1%).

We as a dentists the most important type of cancer and we must consider most is oral
cancer  which is carcinoma (epth. Of the mouth ) and we have a major role in
discovering the oral cancer in its early stages thus increasing the surviving rate

 Clinical synptomes

1- Ulcers that do not heal

A broken area of skin (ulcer) that doesn't heal is one of the two most common
symptoms of mouth cancer. This is not always painful

2- Persistent discomfort or pain in the mouth

Ongoing pain or discomfort in the mouth is the other most common symptom of
mouth cancer.

3- White or red patches in the mouth or throat

An abnormal looking patch in the mouth could be a sign of cancer or

precancerous changes.

Patch means a lesion that hasn’t a define outline and it doesn’t heal

But ulcer for ex.  has a circular outline and it will heal .

And sometime we may miss diagnose these patches with fungal infection
(candida) where in candida the tongue become white esp. in pt who takes
Antibiotics for long period of time so it will kill the bacteria compete with the
fungi causing candida infection but here if we stop the AB it will heal

But in cancer it will not heal (its persistent )

4- Difficulty in swallowing

Mouth cancer can cause pain or a burning sensation when chewing and
swallowing food. Or you may feel that your food is sticking in your throat. And its
persistent .

5- Speech problems

Cancer in your mouth or throat can affect your voice. Your voice may sound
different. It may be quieter, husky, or sound as if you have a cold all the time. Or
you may slur some of your words or have trouble pronouncing some sounds.

6-A lump in the neck

You may have a lump in your neck caused by an enlarged lymph node. Swelling of
one or more lymph nodes in the neck is a common symptom of mouth and
oropharyngeal cancers.

But here this sign is advanced and usually its unilateral and this will help us in the
diagnosis by comparing it with the other normal lymph node

And it could be bilateral.

7- Weight loss

Weight loss is a common symptom of many cancers. With mouth or

oropharyngeal cancer you may eat less due to mouth pain or because it is difficult
for you to swallow. Extreme weight loss may be a sign of advanced cancer

‫طبعا المريض بقعد فترة طويلة ليفقد وزن مو بيومين‬

8- Bad breath (halitosis)

Most people have bad breath at some time in their life and it is not a sign of
cancer. But if you have cancer, bad breath may be worse and happen more often
because of your illness.

How common mouth cancer is ?

Overall, about 2 out of every 100 cancers diagnosed
(2%) are mouth or oropharynx cancers.
Important note : if the pt has oral cancer its not a must to see or notice all of
these signs and symptoms .. it’s enough to notice one of them to suspect the
oral cancer

 Risk factors

1-Smoking and alcohol

Smoking tobacco (cigarettes, cigars and pipes) and drinking a lot of alcohol are the
main risk factors for mouth and oropharyngeal cancers in the western world. If
you smoke you are at a higher than average risk of developing these types of
cancers. A study in 2011 estimated that more than half of mouth and throat
cancers in the UK are caused by smoking.

Lip cancer is very common in people who use to smoke pipes.

And about the study above :lets say that the % is 60% what does it mean

It means that 60% of all oral cancer cases caused by smoking = population at
reputable risk

‫ من حاالت السرطان في الفم كان من الممكن منعها اذا ما كانو يدخنو‬%60 ‫يعني‬

60% of oral cancer attributed to smoking .

2- Diet

A poor diet may increase your risk of certain types of mouth and oropharyngeal
cancer. This may be due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, such as iron or folic
acid. Poor diet can lead to a break down in the oral mucosa and this can make it
more prone to developing cancer. If you eat a well balanced diet with plenty of
protein, you are unlikely to be short of vitamins and minerals.

‫احيانا أخصائيين التغذية ببالغو في اثار األكل الصحي مثال بعتبرو حبة البركة شفاء لكل االمراض هاد‬
‫مبالغ فيه بالرغم انه االكل الصحي اله دور في الوقاية من السرطان‬

3- Human papilloma virus (HPV)

Viruses can help to cause some cancers. But this doesn't mean that you can catch
these cancers like an infection. The virus can cause genetic changes in cells that
make them more likely to become cancerous in the future

Oncogene : it’s the gene that cause cancer and its presented normally in our
bodies but its suppressed .. there is some factors like HPV will cause genetic
changes in the cell in which it will activate the oncogene in the cell changing it
from normal cell to cancer cell (uncontrolled growth in the cell will occur )

4- Low immunity

Research has found that people have an increased risk of mouth cancer if they
have a reduced immunity due to HIV or AIDS. Taking medicines to suppress
immunity after organ transplants also gives a higher risk of mouth cancer than in
the general population.

When for ex they do kidney transplant to someone thy give the pt medications
to suppress the immunity to avoid kidney rejection .. buy on the other hand it will
increase the risk of having oral cancer.

5- previous cancer

People who have had mouth or oropharyngeal cancer have an increased risk of
getting a second one.

Pic showing oral cancer

here this ulcer will cause difficulity in eating and taking

Good luck .

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