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A utho r 's n am e
Dr. D in es h K. 8agga
Professor & Head
Deptt. of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthodpaedics,
I.T.5. Ce ntre for Denta l Studies & Resea rc h, Murad f'\.iagar, Ghaziabad (UP)

Abstract lingual orthodontics came into existence to e liminate the visibility of the appliance by sparing the labial surfaces
and making use of lingual surfaces to fix orthodontic attachments for esthetic reasons on the demands of adu lts.
This lingual technique presented a challe nge being much different in treatment approach as compared to labial
orthodontics due to working area with poor accessibility, anatomical variations of lingual surfaces posing difficulty
in getting accuracy of bracket positioning, djfferent mechanica l considerations due to the position of orthodontic
attachments having different relationship with centre of resista nce, different nature of problems to the patients
due to its different location and various other factors. It requires a lot of patience, efforts, skill and time from the
orthodontist and good cooperation from the patients understa nding the extended chair time, increased cost,
increased duration as well as the discomfort associated with it especially speech and tongue soreness. This article
is an attemptto present an overview of lingual orthodontics as compared to labial orthodontics.


Keywords Ungual Orthodontics, Labial Orthodontics.

I NTRODUCTI ON labi al/b u cca l surfa ce but different trealm e nl

Fixed orthodont ic appliance has been brought into co nsid erations are required in lingual orthod ontics than
practi ce by making attac hm ents fixed o n th e labial o rthodonti cs.
labial/bu cca l surface. Teeth have only lab ial/bucca l Co n s ide ra ti o n s RegardingAp p lia nce placement
surfaces and lingual surfaces available for fixing the
Lingual o rthod o ntics presents diffic ulty for appliance
alLachments of th e appliance to facilitate the delivery of
placement firstly, du e to difficu lty in direct accessibi lity
th e desired force. Labial/b ucca l surfaces allow more
to lingual surfaces and secondl y, due to anatomic
co nvenient approach for m anipul ati o n of fixed
variati o n s of the lingu al surfaces and thereby, increasi ng
appliance. The need of fixing th e attachme n ts on th e
the chances of inaccuracy of brac ket positio ning.
lingual surfaces better known as lingual orth od o ntics has
Precise bracket pOSitioning is important for successful
evo lved in an attempt to hide th e appliance due to
treatment. A change in bracket position on lingual sid e
estheti c reasons. The demand especially ca me from the
wi ll have a greater effect on th e final tooth position than
adu lts due to psych osoc ial reason s. Lingua l orthodontics
the same change when app lied o n labial aspect beca use
came into ex iste nce as a viable option for orthodontic
lingu al brackets are b o nd ed distally from the labial
pati ents in 1970's with the pioneering works of C rave n 1
surface that has to be aliened. Precise bracket
Kurz of USA and Kinya Fujita of Japan.' Three-
positioning is achieved either by direct bonding with
dimensional control of crown and root position is
lingu al jies. l which also enab les indirec t bondingor by
possible with attach m e n ts o n th e lingual surface as

indirect bo nding using TARG syste m (To rqu e Angulation ce ntre of resistance whereas that of retroclined teeth is
Reference G uide),4 th e slo t m ac hin e, ~ the CLASS system accompanied b y further lingual tipping du e to fo rce
(C usto mized Lingual Appl ia nce Setup Service)," th e vecto r passing lingual to th e centre of resistan ce. In labial
CRCS syste m (Co nvertibl e Resin Core Syste m )/ the orthodontics, ex tru sion is accompani ed by labial root
bending arch technique, ft'l the TOP syste m <Transfe r m ove m e nt, but in lingual orthodon ti cs, extru sio n shows
Optimized Pos itioning). rolf Direct b o nding is less compl ex ity in th at teeth with differe nt inclinati o ns
accu rate, th erefore indirect bonding is preferred. The except those with m o re than 20% inclinati o ns to th e
practi ce of lingual o rtho dontics requires th e support of a occlusal p la ne sho w lingual root move m ent latter
labo rato ry. A few diffe rent set of instrum en ts are added showing labi al roo t movem ent. "
to t he armamentarium to fac ilitate working o n th e Redu ced arch pe rimeter in the anteri o r reg io n o f lingual
lingual aspect of th e d ental arc h . tooth aspect makes it diffi cult to apply light forces and
Co ns iderat io n s Regard in g Mec h a nics also reduces acti va ti o n ra nge as well as con stan cy of
force. I nc reas ing th e wire le ngth by in corporatingly
Wire bending is more co mpl ica ted as it requires th e
loops is not possible beca use of limited space. H ence,
sizea bl e first order be nd o n the lingual side betwee n
the o ption s for increasing th e res ili e ncy of th e wire are
cani ne and the premo lar making the archwire in a
ei th er by th e use of resi lie nt wires with d ecreased
mushroo m shape. This problem is overcom e to some
m o dulu s of e lasti c ity suc h as shape m e m ory wires or
extent b y th e use of prefabric ated archwires wi th a
decreased cross section of the wire. r ~
straight w ire conce pt. Tho ugh th e usual approach of
pl ac ement of orthodontic attachments is th e use of The smaller arch pe rim ete r, b y in creasing the rigidity of
cu stom brackets with elaborate prescription all owing lin gual arch wi res, increa ses the anchorage control
th e u se of preformed archwires w ith littl e or no wire during retra cti o n .'" Th e highe r anc h o rage va lu e of
bending but, recently the o ption of using less ex pen sive poste rior teeth wi th the lingual appl ian ces is firstl y, du e
brackets with little o r no straight w ire co mpen sa tion s to th e n ea rn ess o f the lingual brackets to the ce ntre of
with arc h wires having all the be nd s incorporated by a resistance of the teeth reduc ing the c hances of tipping
wire bending robot using laser sca ns is being ex plored . and secondly, by c rea tin g a bucc al root torque and
The robot arch wire fabrica ti o n is too ex pe nsive at di sto ling ual rota ti o n of the rnolar crown during following
present. 11 spa ce closure, in turn providing co rti ca l bon e
anchorage r~
Th e int erbra cket span is redu ced espec ially in the
anterior regio n co n Side rably, m aking th e wi re see m Retrac ti o n fo rce u sed with lingual techn iq ue is threefold
approximate ly thre e times as stiff as wh en u sed with lower than that with the lab ial techniqu e b ecau se o f the
lab ia l fixed appliance fo r first order, seco nd o rde r bends u se o f sliding m echan ics wi th ela sto m e ric c hain showing
and approximately one and a half times as stiff fo r third m o re than 50% fo rce decay in four weeks. """ In lingual
o rd er be nd s. Point of fo rce applica tion is differe nt in orthodon tics retra c ti on fo rce wi th intrusive force in an
linaual orthodontics influ enc ing the relationship of lin e equal arnount app lied to norma lly incl ined or proclined
of fo rce with centre of resistance. Therefo re, tooth tee th sh ow s a net force vector pa ssing lingual to ce n tre of
m ove m e nts with lingua l orthodontics need a different resistan ce leading to lingual tipping of m aX illary anteri o r
biomechanical con sid e ration than that w ith labial teeth in contrast to th e labial tec hniqu e where the net
orthodontics. Redu ced di stan ce between point of force force vector passes through the centre of resistance.
appli ca ti on and centre of resistance in th e lingua l Hence, in lingual orthodontics thi s lingual tippin g
technique leads to sm all er m o m e nts of fo rce m akin g co upl ed with ante rior bite plan e e ffect of lingual
to rque contro l more difficult as well as influ enCi ng first, brac kets o n m ax illary anterior teeth ca using posterior
sec ond and third ord er bends. r~ Verical forces in lingual discl usi on lead to loss of lateral occl u sa l function
o rthodo nti cs may produce muc h m ore complicated and resulting in vertic al bowing effect. The refore, retraction
unpredictable tooth movement beca use these ve rti ca l is c arried out using stiff wires alongwith less force with
forc es affect th e teeth differe ntl y with change in too th more intrusi o n and to rquing fo rce in lingual
incl ination and al so muc h more sen siti ve to the bracket orthodon tics. The sliding mechani cs wi th lingual
p osition than that in labial orthodonti cs. I ~ In labia l o rth odontics also has th e ad va ntage of be ing effecti ve in
orthodonti cs, intrusion is accompanied bv labi al tipping preve nti ng tran sve rse bowing effec t lead ing to
du e to fo rce vector pa ss ing labial to ce ntre of res istance. undesired bucca l tipping of premolars a nd di stolingual
In lingual orthodontics, intru sio n o f normally inclin ed o r rotation of m o lar without using any auxiliary such as
procl ined teeth is accompanied b y little or no labial tran spalatal arch . The lingual orth odontics shows
tipping du e to forc e vector pa ssing through or closer to ex pansive nature especiall y du ring alignme nt. Thi s

effect was first attributed to increase in to ngu e pressure high a ngl e cases, severe class II discre pancy and acute
, 1ft
as a resu lt of p lacem ent of app lianc e on th e lingual TMJ dysfun ction. ·
as pect but later it was rea l ized to be a m echani ca l sid e
Conclu s io n
effect/bowing effect, which ca n be contro ll ed b y u se of
stiff w ires w hile retra ctio n I Lingua l appl ian ce is a viabl e o ptio n fo r the patients
see king fixed orthodontic treatment. It is a we ll -
Con s ide ratio n s Regarding Pa ti e nt's Accepta bility tolerated appliance. Speech probl em and tongue
to the Applia n ce sore ness m ay require so m e m o re time for adaptati on to
Bo th labial and lingual patients fee l so m e di scomfort at t he app li a nce. Lingua l tec h niqu e du e to poo r
th e beginningof th e treatment and ad aptatio n pe rio d for accessi bility, variations in anatomy of lingual surfaces,
the patient to be comfo rtab le with the app li ance was th e need o f a laboratory and compli cated m echanics,
sim il ar in t.he patie n ts with e ithe r of th e technique i. e. 4 increased du ratio n and cost , need s a mu ch diffe renl
weeks. ltm Pati en ts fe lt d isco mfort loca lized in lip and consid erati o n as compa red to labial o rth odontics.
cheek areas w ith labial app li ance, w he reas those with H e n ce, a good co mmuni ca ti o n betw ee n the
lingual appliance complai ned of tongu e so re ness as a o rtho d o ntist and the patie nt is required so that patient is
c o mmo n occurre nce. l< s No differe nce was observed ab le to unde rstand the problem s associated with lingual
in the ea ling and o ral h ygie ne maintenance, but food o rthodo ntics and ad o pts a positive attitud e to accept th e
sti cki ng was reported hi gher in lingual group .lO Speech appliance with good coo pe ration.
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Address for correspondence

Dr. D in esh K. Bagga
Professor & H ead
D eptt. o f O rtho d o nti cs & D ento facial Ortho dpaedics,
I. T.S. Centre fo r D e n ta l Studies & Resea rc h,
Murad N aga r, Gh az ia bad (UP)
Phone No : 0 986807 1 583, 01 2 0 - 326 3 0 3 0


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