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Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

Interpretation The The The The The
/10 interpretation ofinterpretation of interpretation of interpretation interpretation of
the source is the source is the source is of the source the source is
insightful and logical and generalized. is limited and inaccurate
sophisticated. intentional. Synthesis is confused. and/or
Convincing Shows adept conventional Synthesis is incomplete.
synthesis of synthesis of and analysis is confused
ideas and ideas and straightforward. and/or
insightful capable repetitive and
analysis. analysis. analysis is
simplistic and

Evidence Evidence is Evidence is Evidence is Evidence is Evidence is

/10 fully specific and conventional potentially irrelevant or
developed purposeful and and relevant and inaccurate and
and clearly supports straightforward unfocused does not support
effectively the and generally and the interpretation
supports the interpretation supports the superficially using minimal to
interpretatio using sound interpretation supports the no details.
n using details. using basic interpretation
specific details. using
details. incomplete or

Communicati Writing is Writing is clear Writing is Writing is Writing is

on fluent and and purposeful. straightforward awkward and unclear and
/5 sophisticate Vocabulary is and organized. lacks disorganized.
d. appropriate and Vocabulary is organization. Vocabulary is
Vocabulary specific. Minor conventional Vocabulary is inappropriate.
is precise errors in spelling and imprecise or Errors in spelling
and skilfully or grammar but generalized. inappropriate. and grammar
chosen. does not inhibit Some errors in Errors in impede
Little to no understanding. spelling and spelling and understanding.
spelling or grammar that grammar
grammatical occasionally often impede
errors. inhibits understanding

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