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1. We acquire knowledge through experiencing, learning and
2. Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills.
3. Education is the imparting of knowledge, good judgments and
4. General aim of education is knowledge, skills and attitudes.
5. Specific aim of education is culture across generations.
6. Formal education is the process of training and developing
people in knowledge, skills and mind.
7. Formal education system provided schools and universities. Usually
continuous and full time.
8. Informal education takes place outside of the formally organized
9. Informal school cater to person of all ages. The program include
adult literacy, basic education for out-of-children, technical
skill and culture.
10. Life long education will lead to change, developing and a desire
to learn more.
11. Life long education human being able to survive and develop their
full capacities also improve qualities of life.
12. Life-long skills include basic skills (literacy, numeracy), psycho-
social skills (problem solving, critical thinking), and practical
/functional skills (manual and vocational skills, health and civic).
13. Traditional education is what they want to be told what they
need to know and it is limited life experience.
14. Traditional education include motivation as to improve quality of
15. Modern education known as knowledge is socially constructed
in collaborative atmospheres, high relevant life experiences to
share, greater flexibility for faculty student and work alongside
existing system.
16. THE PROMISES OF EDUCATION means what education can do for
individual of all aged child to adult to senior citizens, in particular
17. THE LIMITS OF EDUCATION is lack infrastructures (building,
classrooms), human capital (administration, teachers & supporting
staffs), school location (far from village, town, cities, mountain &
material needs problem), mental and physical abilities (needs
special learning aids for mentally retarded), large amount of
subjects (face selecting subject problem) and skill to learn and
others facilities.
18. “Multidisciplinary approach in understanding of education”
means “understanding of education through many separate
disciplines of knowledge”.
19. Two different disciplines of knowledge are sociological foundations
of education & teacher professionalism which came from the
20. Interdisciplinary knowledge are the philosophical foundations of
education and the historical foundations of education.
21. Politics influence education from a major government actors,
special-interest groups, and the knowledge industry.
22. The major conflicts in education are caused by competition among
groups and individuals to influence the knowledge being
disseminated to the students.
23. Knowledge is power.


What is education?
- Education can be defined as ‘’the growth process of the
individuals and society’’. Education encompasses teaching and
learning specific skills. It is also the imparting of knowledge,
good judgement and wisdom.

Give 9 domain of education?

1) Cognitive domain
2) Psychomotor domain
3) Affective domain
4) Social Domain
5) Productive domain
6) Physical domain
7) Aesthetic domain
8) Moral domain
9) Spiritual domain

What is the purpose of schooling? Give an examples?

- The purpose of schooling is those given by The Educational Policies
Commission (USA) and those given by the Cardinal Principles of
Secondary School Education. The Educational Policies Commission
listed four purposes of American schooling: (1) self-realization, (2)
human relationships, (3) economic efficiency, and (4) civic
- The purpose of self-realization is to encourage inquiry, mental
capabilities, speech, reading, writing, numbers, sight and hearing,
health knowledge, health habits, public health, recreation, intellectual
interests, and character formation.
- The purpose of human relationships includes humanity, friendship,
cooperation with others, courtesy, appreciation of the home,
conservation of the home, homemaking, and democracy in the home.
- The purpose of economic efficiency includes work, occupational
appreciation, personal economic, consumer judgment, efficiency in
buying, and consumer protection.
- The purpose of civic responsibility includes social justice, social
activity, social understanding, critical judgement, tolerance,
observance, conserving of resources, social application of science,
world citizenship, economic literacy, political citizenship, and
devotion to democracy.
- The Cardinal Principles of Secondary School Education listed seven
major areas of purposes of secondary schooling: (1) health, (2)
command of fundamental processes (living skills), (3) worthy
home membership, (4) vocational education, (5) civic
education, (6) worthy used of leisure, and (7) ethical
1) Intellectual purposes of schooling to teach basic cognitive skills
such as reading, writing, and mathematics. To transmit specific
knowledge, e.g., literature, history and sciences. To help students
acquire higher order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation
and synthesis.
2) Political purposes of school based on to inculcate allegiance to the
existing political order (patriotism). To prepare citizens who will
participate in this political order. To help assimilate diverse cultural
groups into a common political order. To teach children the basic
laws of the society.
3) Social purposes of schooling is to socialize children into the
various roles, behaviors and values of the society. It enables
members to help to solve social problems. By participating in
socialization, school work with other institutions such as family and
religion, will ensure social cohesion.
4) Economical purposes of schooling to prepare students for their
later occupational roles and to select, train, and allocate individuals
into the division of labor.

Give 5 types of philosophical of education & briefly explain each.

- As we know, focuses on the values, beliefs and attitudes in relation
to the growth process of individuals and society. These values, beliefs
and attitudes determine the direction of our education, particularly the
aims, goals, objectives, contents, delivery and assessment of
- Social Reconstructionism: “Social reconstruction” means “a conception that
the social problems; It views that education should prepare people to create new
good and just society and to bring the have-nots into a better society. Other than
those who are fortunate helping out those who are unfortunate, education can play
its role by preparing students to meet their intellectual, emotional, personal, and
social needs, to solve their social problems. Solve social problem and create
better world.
- Idealism: “Ideal” means “a conception of objects as something that are perfect,
having noble character, visionary, and existing only in imagination”. Idealism views
that education should focus on moral, spiritual and mental aspects of human
being; and that the truth and values are absolute, timeless, and universal. Education
should concern with ideas and concepts and their relationship, with the final
outcomes of education are the most general and abstract subjects. Mathematics is
important to develop abstract thinking; while history and literature are important to
develop moral and culture. Reality lies in our consciousness or in our intellect
(Plato). The knowledge should rule.

- Realism: “Real” means “a conception of objects as something that are actual,

existence, and authentic, rather than imaginary”. Realism views the world in terms of
objects and matter; and everything is derived from nature and is subjected to its
laws. Realism suggests that education should focus on objects and matter; and
views that people can learn about the world through their senses and
reasons. However, just like idealist, realist views that the ultimate goals of education
are the most general and abstract subjects. Realist stresses that the subjects such as
ethical, political and economics are important in life; while reading, writing and
arithmetic are necessary as basic education.

- Pragmatism: “Pragmatic” means “a conception of objects as something that are

real, and having cause-effect relationship and practical values”. Pragmatism views
the world as not fixed, but constantly changing; and views knowledge as process
and not as product. Education, therefore, should focus on experiencing the process,
for example, learning occurs as pupil engages in problem solving. Knowing is an
interaction between the learner and environment (both are undergoing constant
changes). Teaching is not focused on “what to think”, but on “how to think critically”;
and hence, it should be more exploratory than explanatory. The ultimate goal
of education is for the learner to acquire the process of solving problems in an
intelligent manner.

- Existentialism: “Existential” means “a conception of objects as actual being,

existing, occurring, appearing, or emerging”. Existentialism views the world as
subjective, depending upon one’s perception; and that knowledge is a personal
choice. Education should focus on emotional, aesthetic and philosophical
subjects; such as literature, drama and arts. Learners are allowed to choose the
subject(s) for their self-fulfillment. Curriculum should stress on self-expressive and
experimentation activities that will create emotions, feelings and insights. The
ultimate goal of education is to develop consciousness about freedom to choose, and
the meaning one’s choices and responsibility in relation to these choices.

What is the sociology of education?

- we defined “sociology” as “the branch of knowledge that deals with the origin, development,
organization and functioning of human society”. Since, sociology of education is a branch of
sociology that focuses on education, it can be defined as “the origin, development, organization
and functioning of human society that are associated with the growth process of the
individuals and society”.

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