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Lesson Plan in English

Grade 3


October 10, 2018

I. Objectives

After a 60 minute class discussion the Grade 3 pupils must have:

a. understood the message of the selection,

b. distinguished works of different persons in the community,

c. showed care to the community by citing examples of actions that can help the

community correctly.

II. Subject Matter

a. Skill: Caring the Community and Forests

b. Reference: English Essential page 141

c. SIM: pictures, story

d. Strategy: DRTA
Develops care to the community and forests
e. Value Focus:

III. Learning Tasks:

a. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

(Everybody stand up and let us pray!)

2. Checking of Attendance

(Say present as I call your name!)

3. Motivation

(What do you usually do to help your community? I have here pictures on the

board. Let us identify these pictures and tell what do they do to help our


4. Motive Question

(What do foresters and forest rangers do?)

b. Presentation of the Lesson

I will read to you the selection “People Who Work in Forests”. Listen

carefully because I will ask you questions as the same time. When done, you will

read the selection together afterwards.)

People Who Works in Forests

Foresters and forest rangers protect the trees from insects, animals, and diseases that

might damage them. They cut down old tress and plant new ones. They help tress make new

seeds. (Who protect the trees from insects, animals, and diseases that might damage them?

Why do they plant new trees after cutting the old ones?)

One of a forester’s important jobs is to guard against fire, for a fire can destroy a whole

forest. (What are the foresters and forest rangers most important jobs? Why do you think fire

can destroy the whole forest?) Often, foresters will spend days on a lookout station, high on a

mountainside. They also watch for smoke that will warn for a fire starting. Then, the foresters

direct the firefighters in the struggle against fire, the biggest enemy of the forest.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who are the persons that work in the forests?

2. What do they do?

3. How can you say that they can help our community?

c. Generalization

What was the selection trying to tell us?

d. Application

I have here words in the box. Match the names of the community helpers in the word

box with their place of work.

accountant teacher mayor baker pastor

dentist nurse firefighter cook

1. hospital

2. bakery

3. school

4. church

5. clinic

IV. Evaluation

Which of the following you can do to help your barangay? Draw a smiley face ( ) on
the space provided before the number.

__________ 1. Throw waste and garbage anywhere.

__________ 2. Avoid writing messages on walls.

__________ 3. Spit in public places.

__________ 4. Throw garbage in assigned places.

__________ 5. Observe the schedule of garbage collection.

V. Assignment

Draw what you wanted to be in the future and write 2 sentences on how you can help
your community.

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