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Django documentation

.. rubric:: Everything you need to know about Django.

Getting help

Having trouble? We'd like to help!

* Try the :doc:`FAQ <faq/index>` -- it's got answers to many common questions.

* Looking for specific information? Try the :ref:`genindex`, :ref:`modindex` or

the :doc:`detailed table of contents <contents>`.

* Search for information in the archives of the |django-users| mailing list, or

`post a question`_.

* Ask a question in the `#django IRC channel`_.

* Report bugs with Django in our `ticket tracker`_.

.. _archives:
.. _post a question:
.. _#django IRC channel: irc://
.. _ticket tracker:

How the documentation is organized


Django has a lot of documentation. A high-level overview of how it's organized

will help you know where to look for certain things:

* :doc:`Tutorials </intro/index>` take you by the hand through a series of

steps to create a Web application. Start here if you're new to Django or Web
application development. Also look at the ":ref:`index-first-steps`" below.

* :doc:`Topic guides </topics/index>` discuss key topics and concepts at a

fairly high level and provide useful background information and explanation.

* :doc:`Reference guides </ref/index>` contain technical reference for APIs and

other aspects of Django's machinery. They describe how it works and how to
use it but assume that you have a basic understanding of key concepts.

* :doc:`How-to guides </howto/index>` are recipes. They guide you through the
steps involved in addressing key problems and use-cases. They are more
advanced than tutorials and assume some knowledge of how Django works.

.. _index-first-steps:

First steps

Are you new to Django or to programming? This is the place to start!

* **From scratch:**
:doc:`Overview <intro/overview>` |
:doc:`Installation <intro/install>`
* **Tutorial:**
:doc:`Part 1: Requests and responses <intro/tutorial01>` |
:doc:`Part 2: Models and the admin site <intro/tutorial02>` |
:doc:`Part 3: Views and templates <intro/tutorial03>` |
:doc:`Part 4: Forms and generic views <intro/tutorial04>` |
:doc:`Part 5: Testing <intro/tutorial05>` |
:doc:`Part 6: Static files <intro/tutorial06>` |
:doc:`Part 7: Customizing the admin site <intro/tutorial07>`

* **Advanced Tutorials:**
:doc:`How to write reusable apps <intro/reusable-apps>` |
:doc:`Writing your first patch for Django <intro/contributing>`

The model layer


Django provides an abstraction layer (the "models") for structuring and

manipulating the data of your Web application. Learn more about it below:

* **Models:**
:doc:`Introduction to models <topics/db/models>` |
:doc:`Field types <ref/models/fields>` |
:doc:`Indexes <ref/models/indexes>` |
:doc:`Meta options <ref/models/options>` |
:doc:`Model class <ref/models/class>`

* **QuerySets:**
:doc:`Making queries <topics/db/queries>` |
:doc:`QuerySet method reference <ref/models/querysets>` |
:doc:`Lookup expressions <ref/models/lookups>`

* **Model instances:**
:doc:`Instance methods <ref/models/instances>` |
:doc:`Accessing related objects <ref/models/relations>`

* **Migrations:**
:doc:`Introduction to Migrations<topics/migrations>` |
:doc:`Operations reference <ref/migration-operations>` |
:doc:`SchemaEditor <ref/schema-editor>` |
:doc:`Writing migrations <howto/writing-migrations>`

* **Advanced:**
:doc:`Managers <topics/db/managers>` |
:doc:`Raw SQL <topics/db/sql>` |
:doc:`Transactions <topics/db/transactions>` |
:doc:`Aggregation <topics/db/aggregation>` |
:doc:`Search <topics/db/search>` |
:doc:`Custom fields <howto/custom-model-fields>` |
:doc:`Multiple databases <topics/db/multi-db>` |
:doc:`Custom lookups <howto/custom-lookups>` |
:doc:`Query Expressions <ref/models/expressions>` |
:doc:`Conditional Expressions <ref/models/conditional-expressions>` |
:doc:`Database Functions <ref/models/database-functions>`

* **Other:**
:doc:`Supported databases <ref/databases>` |
:doc:`Legacy databases <howto/legacy-databases>` |
:doc:`Providing initial data <howto/initial-data>` |
:doc:`Optimize database access <topics/db/optimization>` |
:doc:`PostgreSQL specific features <ref/contrib/postgres/index>`

The view layer


Django has the concept of "views" to encapsulate the logic responsible for
processing a user's request and for returning the response. Find all you need
to know about views via the links below:

* **The basics:**
:doc:`URLconfs <topics/http/urls>` |
:doc:`View functions <topics/http/views>` |
:doc:`Shortcuts <topics/http/shortcuts>` |
:doc:`Decorators <topics/http/decorators>`

* **Reference:**
:doc:`Built-in Views <ref/views>` |
:doc:`Request/response objects <ref/request-response>` |
:doc:`TemplateResponse objects <ref/template-response>`

* **File uploads:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/http/file-uploads>` |
:doc:`File objects <ref/files/file>` |
:doc:`Storage API <ref/files/storage>` |
:doc:`Managing files <topics/files>` |
:doc:`Custom storage <howto/custom-file-storage>`

* **Class-based views:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/class-based-views/index>` |
:doc:`Built-in display views <topics/class-based-views/generic-display>` |
:doc:`Built-in editing views <topics/class-based-views/generic-editing>` |
:doc:`Using mixins <topics/class-based-views/mixins>` |
:doc:`API reference <ref/class-based-views/index>` |
:doc:`Flattened index<ref/class-based-views/flattened-index>`

* **Advanced:**
:doc:`Generating CSV <howto/outputting-csv>` |
:doc:`Generating PDF <howto/outputting-pdf>`

* **Middleware:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/http/middleware>` |
:doc:`Built-in middleware classes <ref/middleware>`

The template layer


The template layer provides a designer-friendly syntax for rendering the

information to be presented to the user. Learn how this syntax can be used by
designers and how it can be extended by programmers:

* **The basics:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/templates>`

* **For designers:**
:doc:`Language overview <ref/templates/language>` |
:doc:`Built-in tags and filters <ref/templates/builtins>` |
:doc:`Humanization <ref/contrib/humanize>`
* **For programmers:**
:doc:`Template API <ref/templates/api>` |
:doc:`Custom tags and filters <howto/custom-template-tags>`


Django provides a rich framework to facilitate the creation of forms and the
manipulation of form data.

* **The basics:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/forms/index>` |
:doc:`Form API <ref/forms/api>` |
:doc:`Built-in fields <ref/forms/fields>` |
:doc:`Built-in widgets <ref/forms/widgets>`

* **Advanced:**
:doc:`Forms for models <topics/forms/modelforms>` |
:doc:`Integrating media <topics/forms/media>` |
:doc:`Formsets <topics/forms/formsets>` |
:doc:`Customizing validation <ref/forms/validation>`

The development process


Learn about the various components and tools to help you in the development and
testing of Django applications:

* **Settings:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/settings>` |
:doc:`Full list of settings <ref/settings>`

* **Applications:**
:doc:`Overview <ref/applications>`

* **Exceptions:**
:doc:`Overview <ref/exceptions>`

* **django-admin and**

:doc:`Overview <ref/django-admin>` |
:doc:`Adding custom commands <howto/custom-management-commands>`

* **Testing:**
:doc:`Introduction <topics/testing/index>` |
:doc:`Writing and running tests <topics/testing/overview>` |
:doc:`Included testing tools <topics/testing/tools>` |
:doc:`Advanced topics <topics/testing/advanced>`

* **Deployment:**
:doc:`Overview <howto/deployment/index>` |
:doc:`WSGI servers <howto/deployment/wsgi/index>` |
:doc:`Deploying static files <howto/static-files/deployment>` |
:doc:`Tracking code errors by email <howto/error-reporting>`

The admin

Find all you need to know about the automated admin interface, one of Django's
most popular features:
* :doc:`Admin site <ref/contrib/admin/index>`
* :doc:`Admin actions <ref/contrib/admin/actions>`
* :doc:`Admin documentation generator<ref/contrib/admin/admindocs>`


Security is a topic of paramount importance in the development of Web

applications and Django provides multiple protection tools and mechanisms:

* :doc:`Security overview <topics/security>`

* :doc:`Disclosed security issues in Django <releases/security>`
* :doc:`Clickjacking protection <ref/clickjacking>`
* :doc:`Cross Site Request Forgery protection <ref/csrf>`
* :doc:`Cryptographic signing <topics/signing>`
* :ref:`Security Middleware <security-middleware>`

Internationalization and localization


Django offers a robust internationalization and localization framework to

assist you in the development of applications for multiple languages and world

* :doc:`Overview <topics/i18n/index>` |
:doc:`Internationalization <topics/i18n/translation>` |
:ref:`Localization <how-to-create-language-files>` |
:doc:`Localized Web UI formatting and form input <topics/i18n/formatting>`
* :doc:`Time zones </topics/i18n/timezones>`

Performance and optimization


There are a variety of techniques and tools that can help get your code running
more efficiently - faster, and using fewer system resources.

* :doc:`Performance and optimization overview <topics/performance>`

Geographic framework

:doc:`GeoDjango <ref/contrib/gis/index>` intends to be a world-class geographic

Web framework. Its goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS Web
applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data.

Common Web application tools


Django offers multiple tools commonly needed in the development of Web


* **Authentication:**
:doc:`Overview <topics/auth/index>` |
:doc:`Using the authentication system <topics/auth/default>` |
:doc:`Password management <topics/auth/passwords>` |
:doc:`Customizing authentication <topics/auth/customizing>` |
:doc:`API Reference <ref/contrib/auth>`
* :doc:`Caching <topics/cache>`
* :doc:`Logging <topics/logging>`
* :doc:`Sending emails <topics/email>`
* :doc:`Syndication feeds (RSS/Atom) <ref/contrib/syndication>`
* :doc:`Pagination <topics/pagination>`
* :doc:`Messages framework <ref/contrib/messages>`
* :doc:`Serialization <topics/serialization>`
* :doc:`Sessions <topics/http/sessions>`
* :doc:`Sitemaps <ref/contrib/sitemaps>`
* :doc:`Static files management <ref/contrib/staticfiles>`
* :doc:`Data validation <ref/validators>`

Other core functionalities


Learn about some other core functionalities of the Django framework:

* :doc:`Conditional content processing <topics/conditional-view-processing>`

* :doc:`Content types and generic relations <ref/contrib/contenttypes>`
* :doc:`Flatpages <ref/contrib/flatpages>`
* :doc:`Redirects <ref/contrib/redirects>`
* :doc:`Signals <topics/signals>`
* :doc:`System check framework <topics/checks>`
* :doc:`The sites framework <ref/contrib/sites>`
* :doc:`Unicode in Django <ref/unicode>`

The Django open-source project


Learn about the development process for the Django project itself and about how
you can contribute:

* **Community:**
:doc:`How to get involved <internals/contributing/index>` |
:doc:`The release process <internals/release-process>` |
:doc:`Team organization <internals/organization>` |
:doc:`The Django source code repository <internals/git>` |
:doc:`Security policies <internals/security>` |
:doc:`Mailing lists <internals/mailing-lists>`

* **Design philosophies:**
:doc:`Overview <misc/design-philosophies>`

* **Documentation:**
:doc:`About this documentation <internals/contributing/writing-documentation>`

* **Third-party distributions:**
:doc:`Overview <misc/distributions>`

* **Django over time:**

:doc:`API stability <misc/api-stability>` |
:doc:`Release notes and upgrading instructions <releases/index>` |
:doc:`Deprecation Timeline <internals/deprecation>`

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