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Julio César Martínez Sánchez
0. Cargar y filtrar la base
1. Definir el esquema de

" Las pruebas de significancia estadística son importantes porque con frecuencia se tiende a analizar los datos 2. Subpoblaciones
de una encuesta por muestreo probabilístico como si fueran los datos provenientes de un censo"
3. Pruebas de hipótesis
4. Modelos de regresión
0. Cargar y filtrar la base

1. Definir el esquema de muestreo

1.1. Totales
1.2. Promedio
1.3. Proporción
2. Subpoblaciones (Problemas)

3. Pruebas de hipótesis
3.1. Estimadores 215
3.1. Estimadores 214
4. Modelos de regresión
4.1. Muestro Aleatorio Simple
4.2. Muestro Estratificado y por Conglomerados
4.3. Comparación entre modelos

0. Cargar y filtrar la base

Para iniciar el análisis se debe de filtrar los casos válidos, es decir, aquellos que son aquellos residentes habituales con
entrevista completa y dentro del rango de edad. Para mayor detalle ver Conociendo la base de datos de la ENOE
 Stata Source

use "C:\Users\JC\Desktop\Estadística\BUAP\sdemt215.dta", clear

gen filtro=((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=15 & eda<=98))
tab filtro [fw=fac], m

 Stata Output

filtro | Freq. Percent Cum.

0 | 34,673,635 28.22 28.22
1 | 88,192,253 71.78 100.00
Total |122,865,888 100.00

1. Definir el esquema de muestreo

Para poder analizar las encuestas se debe definir el esquema de muestro, para ello se utiliza la función svy cuya
documentación completa se encuentra en: STATA SURVEY DATA REFERENCE MANUAL. Además, para identificar las
variables de diseño se debe consultar la descripción de archivos de la ENOE.
 Stata Source

svyset upm [pw=fac], strata(est_d) vce(linearized)

 Stata Output

pweight: fac
VCE: linearized
Single unit: missing
Strata 1: est_d
SU 1: upm
FPC 1:
1.1. Totales

 Stata Source

svy, subpop(filtro): tab clase2, format(%11.3g) count se cv ci level(90)

 Stata Output

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 403865

Number of PSUs = 18440 Population size = 122865888
Subpop. no. of obs = 291231
Subpop. size = 88192253
Design df = 17994

clase2 | count se cv lb ub
0 | 0 0 0 0
1 | 50336088 212129 .421 49987150 50685026
2 | 2287633 43791 1.91 2215599 2359667
3 | 5884296 88324 1.5 5739009 6029583
4 | 29684236 175752 .592 29395134 29973338
Total | 88192253
Key: count = weighted counts
se = linearized standard errors of weighted counts
cv = coefficients of variation of weighted counts
lb = lower 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts
ub = upper 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts

Table contains a zero in the marginals.

Statistics cannot be computed.

1.2. Promedios

 Stata Source

gen int f2=((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=15 & eda<=97))
svy, subpop (f2): mean eda if (clase1==1), level(90)
estat cv

 Stata Output

(running mean on estimation sample)

Survey: Mean estimation

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 178640

Number of PSUs = 18416 Population size = 53111321
Subpop. no. obs = 177130
Subpop. size = 52592728
Design df = 17970

| Linearized
| Mean Std. Err. [90% Conf. Interval]
eda | 38.87578 .0576619 38.78093 38.97063

| Linearized
| Mean Std. Err. CV (%)
eda | 38.87578 .0576619 .148324
1.3. Proporciones

 Stata Source

svy, subpop (filtro):prop clase1, level(90)

estat cv

 Stata Output

Survey: Proportion estimation

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 403865

Number of PSUs = 18440 Population size = 122865888
Subpop. no. obs = 291231
Subpop. size = 88192253
Design df = 17994

| Linearized
| Proportion Std. Err. [90% Conf. Interval]
clase1 |
0 | . (no observations)
1 | .5966932 .0014983 .5942287 .5991578
2 | .4033068 .0014983 .4008422 .4057713

| Linearized
| Proportion Std. Err. CV (%)
clase1 |
0 | (omitted)
1 | .5966932 .0014983 .251098
2 | .4033068 .0014983 .3715

2. Subpoblaciones (Problemas)
Cuando se analizan poblaciones muy pequeñas se pueden presentar problemas. En particular al momento de calcular el
coeficiente de variación aparece la siguiente leyenda:
Note: missing standard errors because of stratum with single sampling unit

 Stata Source

gen ti=((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=12 & eda<15) & clase2==1)
tab ti [fw=fac]
svy, subpop (ti): tab rama if (sex==2 & eda==14), format(%11.3g) count se cv ci level(90)

 Stata Output

ti | Freq. Percent Cum.

0 |122,390,514 99.61 99.61
1 | 475,374 0.39 100.00
Total |122,865,888 100.00

> evel(90)
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata = 120 Number of obs = 1823

Number of PSUs = 1551 Population size = 539903
Subpop. no. of obs = 175
Subpop. size = 54411
Design df = 1431

rama | count
0 | 0
2 | 8916
3 | 21301
4 | 17608
6 | 5109
7 | 1477
Total | 54411
Key: count = weighted counts

Table contains a zero in the marginals.

Statistics cannot be computed.

Note: 284 strata omitted because they contain no subpopulation members.

Note: missing standard errors because of stratum with single sampling unit.

La solución es crear "pseudoestratos". Para ello, Stata tiene varios métidos como: missing, certainty, scaled, o

 Stata Source

svyset, clear
svyset upm [pw=fac], strata(est_d) vce(linearized) single(sca)
svy, subpop (ti): tab rama if (sex==2 & eda==14), format(%11.3g) count se cv ci level(90)

 Stata Output

pweight: fac
VCE: linearized
Single unit: scaled
Strata 1: est_d
SU 1: upm
FPC 1:

> evel(90)
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata = 120 Number of obs = 1823

Number of PSUs = 1551 Population size = 539903
Subpop. no. of obs = 175
Subpop. size = 54411
Design df = 1431

rama | count se cv lb ub
0 | 0 0 0 0
2 | 8916 2178 24.4 5331 12501
3 | 21301 3759 17.6 15114 27488
4 | 17608 3503 19.9 11842 23374
6 | 5109 1653 32.3 2389 7829
7 | 1477 976 66.1 ‐130 3084
Total | 54411
Key: count = weighted counts
se = linearized standard errors of weighted counts
cv = coefficients of variation of weighted counts
lb = lower 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts
ub = upper 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts

Table contains a zero in the marginals.

Statistics cannot be computed.

Note: 284 strata omitted because they contain no subpopulation members.

Note: variance scaled to handle strata with a single sampling unit.

3. Pruebas de hipótesis
Cuando se comparan datos de encuestas es necesario validar si el cambio en los estimadores es debido al fenómeno, o
bien, se debe a las muestras que se utilizaron para medir el fenómeno. Por lo general este procedimiento requiere que
las muestras sean independientes, sin embargo, la ENOE es una encuesta panel lo que significa que el 20% de la
muestra es similar de un año a otro. Por este motivo se requiere un ajuste a los factores de expansión

3.1. Estimación 215

 Stata Source

svyset, clear
svyset upm [pw=peso], strata(est_d) vce(linearized) single(sca)
svy, subpop(filtro): tab clase2, format(%11.3g) count se cv ci level(90)

 Stata Output

pweight: peso
VCE: linearized
Single unit: scaled
Strata 1: est_d
SU 1: upm
FPC 1:

(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 403865

Number of PSUs = 18440 Population size = 122742516
Subpop. no. of obs = 233328
Subpop. size = 88214725
Design df = 17994

clase2 | count se cv lb ub
0 | 0 0 0 0
1 | 50473590 437163 .866 49754484 51192696
2 | 2323904 52983 2.28 2236751 2411057
3 | 5809150 109485 1.88 5629053 5989247
4 | 29608081 300994 1.02 29112964 30103198
Total | 88214725
Key: count = weighted counts
se = linearized standard errors of weighted counts
cv = coefficients of variation of weighted counts
lb = lower 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts
ub = upper 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts

Table contains a zero in the marginals.

Statistics cannot be computed.

3.2. Estimación 214

 Stata Source

svyset, clear
use "C:\Users\JC\Desktop\Estadística\BUAP\sdemt214.dta", clear
svyset upm [pw=peso], strata(est_d) vce(linearized) single(sca)
gen filtro=((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=15 & eda<=98))
svy, subpop(filtro): tab clase2, format(%11.3g) count se cv ci level(90)

 Stata Output

pweight: peso
VCE: linearized
Single unit: scaled
Strata 1: est_d
SU 1: upm
FPC 1:

(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 406088
Number of PSUs = 18438 Population size = 122211594
Subpop. no. of obs = 231470
Subpop. size = 86670766
Design df = 17992

clase2 | count se cv lb ub
0 | 0 0 0 0
1 | 49178167 434500 .884 48463441 49892893
2 | 2502742 54858 2.19 2412504 2592980
3 | 5798316 109008 1.88 5619005 5977627
4 | 29191541 300429 1.03 28697355 29685727
Total | 86670766
Key: count = weighted counts
se = linearized standard errors of weighted counts
cv = coefficients of variation of weighted counts
lb = lower 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts
ub = upper 90% confidence bounds for weighted counts

Table contains a zero in the marginals.

Statistics cannot be computed.

4. Modelos de regresión

 Stata Source

svyset, clear
use "C:\Users\JC\Desktop\Estadística\BUAP\sdemt215.dta", clear
svyset upm [pw=fac], strata(est_d) vce(linearized) single(sca)

 Stata Output

pweight: fac
VCE: linearized
Single unit: scaled
Strata 1: est_d
SU 1: upm
FPC 1:

Variables ordinales

 Stata Source

gen int ocupado=(clase2==1)

gen int sexo = round(sex)
gen int nivel = round(niv_ins)
gen int econ = round(e_con)
gen int edad7 = round(eda7c)

 Stata Output

(7072 missing values generated)

(89944 missing values generated)

4.1. Muestro Aleatorio Simple

 Stata Source

logit ocupado anios_esc i.edad7 i.sexo i.econ if ((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=15 &
logit, or
estimates store modelo_1

 Stata Output
Iteration 0: log likelihood = ‐197836.53
Iteration 1: log likelihood = ‐160326.33
Iteration 2: log likelihood = ‐159937.61
Iteration 3: log likelihood = ‐159936.41
Iteration 4: log likelihood = ‐159936.41

Logistic regression Number of obs = 291072

LR chi2(13) = 75800.24
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = ‐159936.41 Pseudo R2 = 0.1916

ocupado | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
anios_esc | .0319044 .0009674 32.98 0.000 .0300084 .0338004
edad7 |
2 | 1.681314 .0163315 102.95 0.000 1.649305 1.713323
3 | 2.373402 .0186586 127.20 0.000 2.336832 2.409973
4 | 2.448655 .0193802 126.35 0.000 2.410671 2.48664
5 | 1.964312 .0199039 98.69 0.000 1.925301 2.003323
6 | .5258125 .020226 26.00 0.000 .4861703 .5654547
2.sexo | ‐1.616895 .0093264 ‐173.37 0.000 ‐1.635175 ‐1.598616
econ |
2 | .527701 .0258567 20.41 0.000 .4770228 .5783793
3 | .5518173 .0371811 14.84 0.000 .4789438 .6246908
4 | ‐.1593692 .0249566 ‐6.39 0.000 ‐.2082832 ‐.1104553
5 | ‐.2012 .0137958 ‐14.58 0.000 ‐.2282392 ‐.1741608
6 | ‐.0908275 .014951 ‐6.08 0.000 ‐.1201309 ‐.0615241
9 | ‐1.845994 .58981 ‐3.13 0.002 ‐3.002001 ‐.6899878
_cons | ‐.5598089 .0201312 ‐27.81 0.000 ‐.5992653 ‐.5203525

Logistic regression Number of obs = 291072

LR chi2(13) = 75800.24
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = ‐159936.41 Pseudo R2 = 0.1916

ocupado | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
anios_esc | 1.032419 .0009987 32.98 0.000 1.030463 1.034378
edad7 |
2 | 5.372611 .0877427 102.95 0.000 5.203362 5.547366
3 | 10.73385 .2002787 127.20 0.000 10.3484 11.13366
4 | 11.57277 .2242831 126.35 0.000 11.14143 12.02082
5 | 7.130003 .1419151 98.69 0.000 6.857211 7.413649
6 | 1.691833 .034219 26.00 0.000 1.626077 1.760248
2.sexo | .1985141 .0018514 ‐173.37 0.000 .1949183 .2021762
econ |
2 | 1.695031 .043828 20.41 0.000 1.61127 1.783146
3 | 1.736406 .0645614 14.84 0.000 1.614368 1.867668
4 | .8526815 .02128 ‐6.39 0.000 .811977 .8954264
5 | .8177489 .0112815 ‐14.58 0.000 .7959338 .8401618
6 | .9131752 .0136529 ‐6.08 0.000 .8868043 .9403303
9 | .1578683 .0931123 ‐3.13 0.002 .0496876 .5015822
_cons | .5713182 .0115013 ‐27.81 0.000 .549215 .594311

4.2. Muestro Estratificado y por Conglomerados

 Stata Source
gen f3=((c_res==1 | c_res==3) & r_def==0 & (eda>=15 & eda<=98) & (eda>=15 & eda<=97))
svy, subpop(f3): logit ocupado anios_esc i.edad7 i.sexo i.econ
logit, or
estimates store modelo_2

 Stata Output

(running logit on estimation sample)

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 403865

Number of PSUs = 18440 Population size = 122865888
Subpop. no. of obs = 291072
Subpop. size = 88140066
Design df = 17994
F( 13, 17982) = 1695.87
Prob > F = 0.0000

| Linearized
ocupado | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
anios_esc | .028724 .002202 13.04 0.000 .0244079 .03304
edad7 |
2 | 1.675739 .0275872 60.74 0.000 1.621666 1.729813
3 | 2.347418 .030226 77.66 0.000 2.288172 2.406663
4 | 2.424468 .0311733 77.77 0.000 2.363365 2.48557
5 | 2.007155 .0329516 60.91 0.000 1.942567 2.071743
6 | .6043582 .0346322 17.45 0.000 .5364758 .6722406
2.sexo | ‐1.752686 .0152963 ‐114.58 0.000 ‐1.782668 ‐1.722704
econ |
2 | .5827273 .0384924 15.14 0.000 .5072785 .658176
3 | .5755434 .0588421 9.78 0.000 .4602072 .6908797
4 | ‐.1326115 .0362316 ‐3.66 0.000 ‐.203629 ‐.0615941
5 | ‐.1801903 .0196649 ‐9.16 0.000 ‐.2187353 ‐.1416453
6 | ‐.0166378 .023152 ‐0.72 0.472 ‐.062018 .0287424
9 | ‐1.815822 1.500444 ‐1.21 0.226 ‐4.756835 1.125192
_cons | ‐.52711 .0347248 ‐15.18 0.000 ‐.5951739 ‐.4590461

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata = 446 Number of obs = 403865

Number of PSUs = 18440 Population size = 122865888
Subpop. no. of obs = 291072
Subpop. size = 88140066
Design df = 17994
F( 13, 17982) = 1695.87
Prob > F = 0.0000

| Linearized
ocupado | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
anios_esc | 1.02914 .0022661 13.04 0.000 1.024708 1.033592
edad7 |
2 | 5.342743 .1473915 60.74 0.000 5.061514 5.639598
3 | 10.45853 .3161192 77.66 0.000 9.856901 11.09687
4 | 11.29622 .3521401 77.77 0.000 10.62665 12.00797
5 | 7.442114 .2452298 60.91 0.000 6.976634 7.938651
6 | 1.830077 .0633795 17.45 0.000 1.70997 1.958621
2.sexo | .1733078 .002651 ‐114.58 0.000 .1681888 .1785826
econ |
2 | 1.790916 .0689366 15.14 0.000 1.660765 1.931267
3 | 1.778097 .104627 9.78 0.000 1.584402 1.99547
4| .8758052 .0317318 ‐3.66 0.000 .815765 .9402645
5| .8351112 .0164223 ‐9.16 0.000 .8035344 .867929
6| .9834998 .02277 ‐0.72 0.472 .9398659 1.029159
9| .1627041 .2441284 ‐1.21 0.226 .0085928 3.080807
_cons | .5903085 .0204983 ‐15.18 0.000 .5514667 .6318861

4.3. Comparación entre modelos

 Stata Source

estimates table modelo_1 modelo_2, b(%6.2f) star(0.05 0.01 .001) eform

 Stata Output

Variable | modelo_1 modelo_2

anios_esc | 1.03*** 1.03***
edad7 |
2 | 5.37*** 5.34***
3 | 10.73*** 10.46***
4 | 11.57*** 11.30***
5 | 7.13*** 7.44***
6 | 1.69*** 1.83***
sexo |
2 | 0.20*** 0.17***
econ |
2 | 1.70*** 1.79***
3 | 1.74*** 1.78***
4 | 0.85*** 0.88***
5 | 0.82*** 0.84***
6 | 0.91*** 0.98
9 | 0.16** 0.16
_cons | 0.57*** 0.59***
legend: * p<.05; ** p<.01; *** p<.001

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