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31 August 2018
MARKS : 150
TIME: 3 Hours
EXAMINER: AR Signature:____________

MODERATOR: FB Signature:____________
This paper consists of 15 pages and 11 questions.
Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


1. Write in blue or black pen only.

2. Correction fluid, erasable pens and highlighters may not be used.
3. Answer all the questions in the answer book.
4. Unless stated otherwise, non-programmable and non-graphical calculators
may be used , in which case, answers must be correctly approximated to 2
decimal places.
5. Assume all denominators to be non-zero, unless otherwise stated.
6. Show all calculations.
7. Always provide reasons when doing Geometry.
8. Hand in the question paper.
9. The paper consists of 15 pages and 11 questions including a formula
sheet. Diagrams are not necessarily drawn to scale.

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


The data below shows the percentages which 8 candidates obtained for
Mathematics during the June Examination.

Maths 25 38 40 47 12 49 54 59

1.1 Calculate the:

1.1.1 mean percentage for Mathematics. (2)

1.1.2 standard deviation for Mathematics. (2)

1.1.3 If k (a constant value) is added to each element of the data set, (2)
write down the new mean and variance in terms of k, if necessary.

1.1.4 If each element of the data set is multiplied by m (a constant (2)

value), write down the new mean and variance in terms of m.

1.2 Determine the number of learners whose percentages in Mathematics lie (3)
within one standard deviation of the mean.

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018

1.3 Mrs R wanted to do a survey on how long it takes, in minutes (y) for 9
learners in the Maths class to complete a number of sums (x).
The results in the table below are plotted in the scatter plot.

Jade Nina Mia Enzo Louis Jarred Sarika Chelsea Audrey

(number 5 20 25 12 8 21 15 17 15
of sums)
3 25 13 9 11 15 6 13 15

1.3.1 Find the equation of the regression line which best fits the given (3)
data. Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places.

1.3.2 Use your line of regression to calculate how many minutes it would (2)
take a learner to complete 21 sums.

1.3.3 It was found that an error has been made with Mia’s data. It should (2)
have been 20 sums in 20 minutes. If the correlation coefficient for
the new least squares regression line was calculated, would it
indicate a stronger or weaker correlation? Validate your answer.


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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


Write Write down a possible data set of 9 values that would be represented by the (6)
box- and -whisker plot below:

55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Write [6]

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


In the diagram below A −1; 4 , B −2; −1 , C 3; 𝑝 and D are four points on a

Cartesian plane. M is the midpoint of AC , B = 90° and the inclination of line 𝐴𝐵 is

3.1 Determine the size of θ . (3)

3.2 Show that 𝑝 = −2. (2)

3.3 Calculate the coordinates of M. (3)

3.4 Determine the equation of the circle, with centre M and passing through (3)
points A and C. Write your answer in the form 𝑥 − 𝑎 ! + 𝑦 − 𝑏 ! = 𝑟 ! .

3.5 Determine the coordinates of D if ABCD is a rectangle. (2)

3.6 Determine the length of AB. Give your answer in surd form. (2)

3.7 Hence, prove analytically that ABCD is a square. (2)

3.8 Determine the value of 𝑘 if A, B and 𝐸(3; 𝑘) are collinear. (2)


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Grade 12 Preliminary
12 Preliminary Examination
Examination Parklands
Herschel College
Girls School Paper 2 –Paper 2 – August
September 2016 2018


4.1 3 diagram a circle with centre C touches the y-axis at 𝐴(0; −2). The[16]
In the line (3)
−3𝑥 + 4𝑦 = −23 passes through the centre C. Determine the coordinates of
In the diagram a circle
C, the centrecentre circle. the y-axis at A(0;−2) . The line −3x + 4y = −23
C touches
of the
Passes through the centre C. The point B(9;1) lies on the circle.

3.1 Determine

3.1.1 the coordinates of the centre of the circle. (4)

3.1.2 the equation of the tangent at B. (4)

3.2 Mrs. Van Schalwyk sees a penny-farthing bicycle on display in a museum in

4.2 The radius of a different circle with equation 𝑥 ! − 2𝑥 + 𝑦 ! + 4𝑦 = 𝑎
Franschoek. She investigates the larger front wheel and the smaller back wheel
is 5 units.
and finds that the equations representing the two wheels are
4.2.1 Show
x 2 + y 2 − 28x − 20y a = 20
that+ 215 = 0. and x 2 + (y − 3)2 = 16 respectively. (4)

4.2.2 Determine the equation of the tangent to the circle at A(4; 2). (4)

4.2.3 Determine whether T(−1; −2) lies inside or outside the circle. (3)

4.2.4 If the circle is shifted 3 units left and 1 unit up, determine the (3)
equation of the new circle.

Use this information to calculate the shortest distance between the two wheels
if 1 unit represents 10 centimetres. (8)

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


5.1 ° (5)
cos −𝜃 .tan (180 −𝜃)
Simplify °
cos (𝜃−90 )

5.2 Evaluate the following without using a calculator: (4)

cos69° . cos9° + cos81° . cos21°

5.3 Prove the identity: (4)

sin! 𝑥 + sin! 𝑥. cos ! 𝑥

= 1 − cos𝑥
1 + cos𝑥

5.4 Solve for 𝛼 if 𝛼 𝜖[−90° ; 360° ] and cos2𝛼 + cos𝛼 + 1 = 0. (6)

5.5 If cos35° = 10 𝑝, express sin 85° in terms of 𝑝 without using a calculator. (6)



The graphs of 𝑓 𝑥 = − cos𝑥 and 𝑔 𝑥 = sin2𝑥 for 𝑥𝜖[−90° ; 180° ] are drawn in the
diagram below. The coordinates of 𝐴 −30° ; − !
are given.

6.1 Determine the range of k if 𝑘 𝑥 = 2𝑓 𝑥 − 3. (2)

6.2 How do you need to shift ℎ 𝑥 = sin (2𝑥 + 60° ) to obtain 𝑔(𝑥) ? (1)
6.3 ° ° (3)
Determine the x-values , 𝑥𝜖[−90 ; 180 ] , for which :
𝑓! 𝑥 . 𝑔 𝑥 > 0

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


AB is a vertical tower p units high. D and C are in the same horizontal plane as B,
the foot of the tower. The angle of elevation of A from D is 𝑥. 𝐵𝐷𝐶 = 𝑦 and
𝐷𝐶𝐵 = 𝜃. The distance between D and C is k units.

7.1 𝑘.𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃.𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥 (5)

Prove that 𝑝 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑦.𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑦.𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

7.2 If it is given that 𝑥 = 51, 7° , 𝑦 = 62, 5° , 𝑝 = 80 𝑚 and 𝑘 = 95 𝑚,

7.2.1 Determine BD. (1)

7.2.2 Find BC to the nearest meter (3)


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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


8.1 Complete the theorem that states: the line from the centre of the circle to the (1)
midpoint of a chord is……

8.2 AB is a diameter of circle O. OD is drawn parallel to chord BC and intersects

AC at E. ED = 4 𝑐𝑚 and AC = 16 𝑐𝑚.

8.2.1 Prove 𝐴𝐸 = 𝐸𝐶 (2)

8.2.2 Why is E! = 90° ? (1)

8.2.3 Hence calculate the length of AB. (5)


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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


9.1 A circle with centre O through A,B,C and D is given, BC = CD

and BOD = 2x .

9.1.1 Determine reflex 𝐵𝐶𝐷 in terms of x. (3)

9.1.2 Determine D! in terms of x. (3)

9.2 In the diagram the circle with centre O passes through points A, B and T.
PR is a tangent to the circle at T. AB, BT and AT are chords.

Prove the theorem which states 𝐵𝑇𝑅 = 𝐴. (6)

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018

9.3 In the diagram below EBF and JDK are tangents to the circle. BC is drawn
such that BC = BD. ED cuts the circle at A. BA produced meets JK at J. AC
cuts BD at L. Let 𝐴! = 𝑥.

Prove that:

9.3.1 𝐵𝐶𝐷 = 𝐴! . (3)

9.3.2 𝐴! = 𝐴! . (2)

9.3.3 ALDJ is a cyclic quadrilateral. (4)


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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


ABCD is a parallelogram with diagonals BD and AC. HF // BD

CG = 72 units , DF = 24 units and FA = 40 units.

Determine, with reasons:

10.1 the length of GH. (5)

10.2 the value of (3)

!"#! !" ∆!"#

!"#! !" ∆!"#

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018


ED is a diameter of a circle with centre O. ED is extended to C. CA is a tangent to

the circle at B. AO intersects chord BE at F. BD // AO. E = 𝑥 .

Prove that:

11.1 ∆𝐶𝐵𝐷 /// ∆𝐶𝐸𝐵. (5)

11.2 2𝐸𝐹. 𝐶𝐵 = 𝐶𝐸. 𝐵𝐷 . (7)


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Mathematics 15 DBE/2017
Examination Guidelines
Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Parklands College Paper 2 – August 2018

− b ± b 2 − 4ac
A = P(1 + ni ) A = P(1 − ni ) A = P(1 − i ) n A = P(1 + i ) n
Tn = a + (n − 1)d Sn = [2a + (n − 1)d ]

Tn = ar n −1 Sn =
a r n −1) ; r ≠1 S∞ =
; −1 < r < 1
r −1 1− r

x (1 + i ) − 1
] P=
x 1 − (1 + i )
i i
f ( x + h) − f ( x )
f ' ( x) = lim
h→ 0 h
x1 + x2 y1 + y 2
d = ( x 2 − x1 ) 2 + ( y 2 − y1 ) 2 M ;
2 2
y 2 − y1
y = mx + c y − y1 = m( x − x1 ) m= m = tan θ
x 2 − x1

( x − a )2 + ( y − b )2 = r2
a b c 1
In ∆ABC: = = a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc. cos A area ∆ABC = ab. sin C
sin A sin B sin C 2

sin (α + β ) = sin α . cos β + cos α . sin β sin (α − β ) = sin α . cos β − cos α . sin β

cos(α + β ) = cos α . cos β − sin α . sin β cos(α − β ) = cos α . cos β + sin α . sin β

cos 2 α − sin 2 α
cos 2α = 1 − 2 sin 2 α sin 2α = 2 sin α . cos α
2 cos α − 1

n 2

∑x ∑ (xi − x )
x= σ2 = i =1

n n
n( A)
P( A) = P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B)
n(S )

yˆ = a + bx b=
∑ (x − x )( y − y )
∑ (x − x) 2

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