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Jacqueline Quéniart

Paul Sanderson


Traducere de Dana Sobescianschi

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular1 1 10/12/2010 3:23:48 PM

Process Black
Redactare: Daniela Mercioniu
Tehnoredactare: Corneliu Frumosu
Coperta: Valeria Moldovan

© 2006 BORDAS/SEJER, Paris

Vocabulaire anglais par les exercices
publicatã de BORDAS, Paris

Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediþii în limba românã

aparþin Editurii CORINT, parte componentã a

ISBN 978-973-135-579-5

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naþionale a României

Limba englezã: exerciþii de vocabular. / Jacqueline Quéniart,
Paul Sanderson; trad.: Dana Sobescianschi - Bucureºti: Corint, 2010
ISBN 978-973-135-579-5

I. Sanderson, Paul
II. Sobescianschi, Dana (trad.)

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular2 2 10/12/2010 3:23:50 PM

Process Black

Dacã studiaþi limba englezã la ºcoalã sau individual, aceastã carte vã

va ajuta, simplu ºi amuzant, sã vã revizuiþi vocabularul ºi sã gãsiþi întot-
deauna cuvântul potrivit.
Cele 2 500 de cuvinte ºi expresii sunt grupate în 22 de lecþii construite
în jurul unei anumite teme.
Fiecare lecþie este alcãtuitã din exerciþii ºi vocabular.

Exerciþiile, extrem de variate, vã vor permite sã vã reactualizaþi voca-

bularul ºi sã vã însuºiþi cuvinte noi. În partea stângã a fiecãrui exerciþiu
existã un logo care indicã nivelul de dificultate al acestuia:

Nivelul claselor a IV-a ºi a V-a

Nivelul claselor a VI-a ºi a VII-a
Nivelul clasei a VIII-a (pregãtire pentru clasa a IX-a)

Numeroase exerciþii sunt ilustrate. În afarã de aspectul lor amuzant sau

ludic, ilustraþiile sunt concepute în ideea de a sprijini fixarea lexicului.

Vocabularul este organizat pe baza metodei asociative ºi a familiilor

lexicale, nu în ordine alfabeticã, ceea ce faciliteazã memorarea. Veþi
gãsi de asemenea numeroase expresii din limbajul cotidian.

Cum se foloseºte aceastã culegere de exerciþii?

Toate exerciþiile sunt rezolvate la finalul lucrãrii. Puteþi studia fãrã pro-
fesor, fãcând ºi refãcând exerciþiile ºi repetând vocabularul de bazã de
la fiecare temã.

Lecþiile sunt organizate dupã criteriul tematic: puteþi urma ordinea

propusã sau, cu ajutorul cuprinsului, puteþi merge direct la tema doritã.

O limbã strãinã se învaþã cel mai bine prin exerciþii: de aceea

aceastã carte cu exerciþii de vocabular vã va ajuta în mod eficient în
învãþarea limbii engleze pe tot parcursul anilor de gimnaziu.

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular3 3 10/12/2010 3:23:51 PM

Process Black
1 The body (Corpul omenesc)......................................................6
Exerciþii corectate p. 160

2 Family and friends (Familia ºi prietenii) ..................................12

Exerciþii corectate p. 161

3 Clothes (Îmbrãcãminte) ............................................................20

Exerciþii corectate p. 163

4 Food and drink (Alimente ºi bãuturi) .......................................28

Exerciþii corectate p. 165

5 Health and medicine (Sãnãtate ºi medicinã) .........................34

Exerciþii corectate p. 166

6 Personal hygiene (Igiena personalã) .......................................42

Exerciþii corectate p. 168

7 The house (Casa) ......................................................................46

Exerciþii corectate p. 169

8 School and education (ªcoala ºi educaþia).............................54

Exerciþii corectate p. 171

9 Sport (Sportul) ...........................................................................62

Exerciþii corectate p. 173

10 Travelling (Cãlãtoriile)................................................................70
Exerciþii corectate p. 175

11 Leisure and entertainment (Timpul liber) ...............................76

Exerciþii corectate p. 176

12 Music (Muzica) ..........................................................................84

Exerciþii corectate p. 177

13 Jobs (Meseriile) .........................................................................90

Exerciþii corectate p. 178

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular4 4 10/12/2010 3:23:51 PM

Process Black

14 In town (În oraº).........................................................................96

Exerciþii corectate p. 179

15 In the country (La þarã) .............................................................104

Exerciþii corectate p. 181

16 The animal kingdom (Regnul animal)......................................112

Exerciþii corectate p. 182

17 The environment (Mediul înconjurãtor) ...................................120

Exerciþii corectate p. 184

18 Law and order (Lege ºi ordine publicã) ...................................126

Exerciþii corectate p. 185

19 Time (Timpul) .............................................................................132

Exerciþii corectate p. 186

20 The weather (Vremea)...............................................................140

Exerciþii corectate p. 188

21 Describing objects (Descrierea obiectelor) .............................146

Exerciþii corectate p. 189

22 Countries and nationalities (Þãri ºi naþionalitãþi) ...................154

Exerciþii corectate p. 190

Exerciþii corectate ...................................................................160

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular5 5 10/12/2010 3:23:51 PM

Process Black

1 Numiþi pãrþile corpului.

3 1 ..................................................
4 2 ..................................................
10 3 ..................................................
2 4 ..................................................
5 ..................................................
5 11
6 ..................................................
7 ..................................................
6 8 ..................................................
9 9 ..................................................
7 8
10 ..................................................
11 ..................................................

2 Numiþi pãrþile feþei.

1 ....................................................
8 3 2 4
2 ....................................................
1 3 ....................................................
4 ....................................................
5 ....................................................
6 5 6 ....................................................
7 ....................................................
7 8 ....................................................

3 Completaþi
mai sus.
propoziþiile cu ajutorul desenului de

1. He’s got short ………… hair.

2. She’s got long ………… hair.
3. She’s got beautiful eyes and rosy …………
4. He’s got a long ………… and big …………
5. She’s got a lovely turned-up …………

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular6 6 10/12/2010 3:23:51 PM

Process Black

4 Completaþi propoziþiile cu unul din verbele urmãtoare:

look listen smell feel hear see

1. ……….! Did you ………. that noise?

2. What are you ………. at? I can’t ………. anything. It’s too dark.
3. I can ………. something burning.
4. Your perfume ………. very nice.
5. ………. this material. It’s so soft! Is it velvet?

A. Formaþi adjectivele corespunzãtoare substantive-

5 lor urmãtoare.
taste …………. smell …………. hair …………. nose ………….

B. Folosiþi-le apoi pentru a completa propoziþiile.

1. She’s too curious. She’s really ………….
2. Indian food is delicious. It’s really ………….
3. I don’t want that fish. It’s ………….
4. That man is very …………. He looks like a monkey!

6 Completaþi aceastã descriere cu adjectivele potrivite.

thin long long straight blonde tiny

This woman is …………. and she’s got a lot of

…………. freckles. Her hair is …………. and ………….
She’s very pretty with her …………. eyelashes and
her …………. eyebrows.

7 Gãsiþi adjectivul corespunzãtor.

1. He’s grown a beard. He’s ………….
2. She’s got beautiful fair hair. She’s ………….
3. The baby has lovely curls. His hair is ………….
4. This old man has no hair. He’s ………….

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular7 7 10/12/2010 3:23:51 PM

Process Black
Completaþi propoziþiile cu un cuvânt care desem-
8 neazã pãrþi ale corpului omenesc.
1. Will you please keep an …………. on the baby while I’m away?
2. She’s all ………….
3. Can’t you keep your …………. shut?
4. This cake looks delicious. It’s …………. -watering.
5. That boy is a pain in the ………….
6. I’ve got a frog in my ………….

9 Traduceþi în limba românã.

1. We don’t see eye to eye.
2. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
3. He was very angry but he bit his lip.
4. She has a sweet tooth.
5. Why do you always split hairs?
6. She is up to her neck in troubles.

Introduceþi cuvintele urmãtoare în rubricile cores-

10 punzãtoare.
hip fist shoulder thumb calf finger elbow palm heel wrist
thigh fingertip knee toe fingernail big toe ankle forearm

arm hand leg foot

…………............…. …………............…. …………............…. …………............….
…………............…. …………............…. …………............…. …………............….
…………............…. …………............…. …………............…. …………............….
…………............…. …………............…. …………............…. …………............….
…………............…. …………............….
…………............…. …………............….

Completaþi aceste propoziþii cu substantivul sau ver-

11 bul potrivit.
sweat stomach blood veins lungs breathe

1. …… flows in my ……
2. Playing tennis in the sun makes me ……

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular8 8 10/12/2010 3:23:52 PM

Process Black

3. The deeper you ……, the more oxygen you bring to your body.
4. …… in, …… out, keep your …… empty for a while, then …… in again.
5. I’m afraid I can’t eat anything. I’ve got …… -ache.

12 Reconstituiþi propoziþiile.
1. This girl has brains… a. when I run for more than half an hour.
2. He can’t stomach her… b. for two minutes under water.
3. I can hold my breath… c. although most people like her.
4. My heart beats faster… d. but she’s very lazy.
5. I’m out of breath… e. whenever I see him.

Cu care pãrþi ale corpului omenesc putem asocia

13 verbele prezente în coloana din stânga?
1. cross your fist ……………………………………................
2. snap your eyebrows ……………………………………................
3. shake your lips ……………………………………................
4. stretch your shoulders ……………………………………................
5. wrinkle up your fingers ……………………………………................
6. clench your fingers ……………………………………................
7. shrug your nose ……………………………………................
8. raise your arms ……………………………………................
9. purse your head ……………………………………................

14 Puneþi verbele în coloana corespunzãtoare.

clap kick kneel sit step scratch stamp slap stand wave
walk run lie bend over hold shuffle pick up straighten up

Things you do
with your hands with your feet with your body
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……
…………........……..…… …………........……..…… …………........……..……

Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular9 9 10/12/2010 3:23:52 PM

Process Black

Head: cap Arm: braþ

skull craniu shoulder umãr
forehead frunte elbow cot
temple tâmplã wrist încheietura mâinii
cheek obraz hand mânã
ear ureche fist pumn
nape of the neck ceafã thumb degetul mare (la mânã)
throat gât finger deget (la mânã)
moustache mustaþã fingernail unghie (la mânã)
beard barbã palm palmã
bearded bãrbos
freckles pistrui
mole aluniþã Leg: picior
eye ochi hip ºold
eyelid pleoapã thigh coapsã
eyelash geanã calf (calves) gambã
eyebrow sprânceanã knee genunchi
pupil pupilã ankle gleznã
nose nas foot (feet) laba piciorului
nostril narã heel cãlcâi
mouth gurã toe deget de la picior
jaw falcã big toe degetul mare (la picior)
gum gingie toenail unghie (la picior)
lip buzã
tooth (teeth) dinte (dinþi)
Trunk: bust/trunchi
chest piept
Hair: pãr breast piept/sân
a hair fir de pãr back spate
bald chel bottom fund
curly cârlionþat stomach stomac
straight drept skin piele
fair-haired blond blood sânge
brown-haired ºaten brain creier
red-haired roºcat flesh carne
curly-haired pãr cârlionþat bone os
wavy-haired pãr ondulat joint articulaþie
muscle muºchi
nerve nerv


Limba eng.Exercitii de vocabular10 10 10/12/2010 3:23:52 PM

Process Black

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