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Once upon a time there were those who chose to lead and those who chose to
follow. Those that followed began to slowly forget to think for themselves and in
that way they gave their power away to those who chose to lead.

How can we think for ourselves, without the freedom of expression and the
experience of learning from our mistakes, the confidence of seeing how our plans
are put into action successfully, or ending up as beneficial after adjustments?

Those who chose to lead, noticed that those who followed began to stop thinking
for themselves and so… those who felt flattered by the idea of being leaders, felt
inclined to think for the followers, more and more.

And this is how it happened that those who were leading, grew accustomed to their
role of being in charge, by seeing the effect of control they had over others. That’s
also how religion turned into man made institutes warning the “sinners” to repent,
declaring that human beings are born as sinners. With a saviour ready to step in.
“Repent oh children…..or else!”

We all say that power corrupts, it’s a truth as ancient as planet Earth. But do we take
notice of how that works out in our daily reality? I wonder how we grow accustomed
to the blind spots in our life. The place where sudden change reveals them, triggers
them into our awareness.

The effect and result of giving away our power, is that we begin to stop thinking for
ourselves and lose the ability to self-reflect and pay attention to our inner life, the
stirrings of our inner shadow and the cover up of our light, by that same ignorance.

We’re gradually weaned off of our sovereignty and that’s exactly what’s intended
too, so that those who are leading will find their role secured and the addiction to
power as well, although it’s experienced as a right and privilege, as long as
conscience is in a state of deep-freeze in absence of empathy. Power corrupts and
dumbs down from within as well.

Imagine… this:
The gradual change in our education system has led to a programming of students,
trained to live up to collecting material gain, a consumptive lifestyle and an
achievement of results born in fierce competition, a picking order as well.
All circumstances are projected externally, it’s literally about the tricks of the trade,
with a conviction that all misery is caused by external forces.

Without the presence of an inner stance, obtained by a learning curve and
experiences that are based on freedom of choice, a freedom to try things out and
experience how trial and error shows up, how it feels like and what it is that can be
learned from it, changed for the better or brought to a stop, when it’s evident that a
whole new choice needs to be made. A fresh start so to speak. A change of plan.

Which is fully outside the agenda of taking linear steps toward an end-result: “First
do this, than do that and this is the end-result” like a formulae applied in the
practice of chemistry in a lab. That rational and linear approach prevents a learning
curve that includes emotions and feelings, trial and error. Contrary to the laws of
nature. It also prevents the development of emotional maturity, the ability to
practice self-reflection and contemplation, sorting out one’s priorities from within.

Nowadays, it’s as if school children and students are baked like donuts, all similar
in size and taste, rolling out of school and university, one size fits all and don’t
expect to think for yourself, don’t try to bring up an original thought or inquiry.
Just be the donut that is right on the right spot and don’t try to turn into a tea-

That’s what it means to follow a leader, isn’t it? Like a life in a hive, or like cyborgs.
It’s in politics and employment, in the army and in professional sport, in high levels
of the entertainment industry, the exploitation of Hollywood celebrities. Whored
out. Where large amounts of money are involved and practices that are kept secret.
The object is the means to financial success and when that object is a human being,
its value as a human being is possibly number 10 on the list. Or entirely absent.
When the toy is broken, it gets destroyed, done away with.

Imagine… this:
That those who lead, create a continuous stream of issues that distract human
beings from looking within. By the growth of consumerism, be it food, drink, drugs,
television entertainment, social media, short term satisfaction, creating a want of
more of the same and more varieties of the same. Instantly and immediate.

Those that follow blindly behave like cattle that needs to be fed hay every day.
Those that don’t follow blindly and begin to ask questions, which is the natural
state of children usually, are told how to think, how to feel and how to behave, with
a long list of taboos:

1. Don’t mention ghosts or out of body experiences or intuitive knowing.

2. Don’t mention death, illness, discomfort, sadness and depression, risking
exclusion from the circle of peers, the pretenders who are keeping up

appearances, following the program of those that lead.
3. Don’t try to do things different, for it doesn’t pay well and it injures your
reputation of being a loyal follower, with a hive mind, fitting in and welcomed
by those who only “get” you when you’re one of them.
4. Don’t try to improve yourself or outgrow the circle where you’re part of,
either in a family you grow up with or as member of a team at work.
5. ………fill in this point for yourself, using your own imagination please.

The one thing that shows up as example of control and a method to prevent
initiative in followers, the freedom to think for oneself, is the creation of external
forces, sensations and imprints, keeping the attention of those who follow.

All eyes are fixed on…. a constant flow of distraction, away from awareness of an
inner world and a choice to shape that world, educate and develop that world from

Imagine… this:
How the story of climate change, formerly called “global warming” is created with
the intention to distract our attention from our inner environment, our inhibition of
feelings, emotions and awareness of motives, drives, trampling along like elephants
in a Chinese shop?

We’re told that by breathing out carbon dioxide we’re causing damage to our
environment, that we’re the cause of climate change and that we’re held
responsible for change by living in fear for losing our sure-footedness during an
increase of earthquakes and solar flares, our dependency on clean air to breathe.

There’s no denial that we’re collectively causing havoc to large parts of Earth’s
environment, by exploiting her resources. But hey, think for a moment. Who’s
exploiting? Who’s interested in Earth’s resources? Who’s taking the profit? You?
Where on planet Earth is austerity not on the political agenda? Does your
government represent your interests, values?

Isn’t it time that we begin to think for ourselves and ask ourselves if we’re willing to
accept that corporations rule our world and determine our level of well-being and
freedom of expression? By telling us that we’re the ones who are responsible and
therefore should be held accountable…. for ruining Earth’s environment, living in
guilt for the fact that we’re breathing out? Please find the fairy tale in what we’re
being told and made to believe.

Please dare to step out of line and start looking at the programs that hold us
captive, realising that the way climate change is presented to us is partly also a
program, an orchestration of keeping us within the shackles of dependency.

Believing in the benefit of following leaders who only appear to be genuine and well
meaning, blaming the decline of Earth’s health on us followers, so that we grow
even more dependent on those who seemingly “know better” but who only pretend
to know best what’s good for us.

Who are they, who are in truth trying to make us followers, to keep us from leading
ourselves, submissive to their program, their agenda, while pretending that it’s
normal that we live in a state of guilt, as would be criminals?

Does that ring a bell, reminding you of the Wizard of Oz? Behind his curtains?
Please, start thinking for yourself, find out what’s behind the veils that keeps us

I believe that when our inner environment is clear and vibrant to our liking, in sync
with self-respect and our own autonomy, that this is the foundation on which we’re
able to build changes for the better and organise our lives without paying respect to
the Wizards of Oz, who desperately try to be present in our lives. How to save
yourself from yourself?

I believe that when our internal environment is sorted, our shadow acknowledged
and embraced in the presence of our affinity for ourselves in our hearts, our light
uncovered in that way, that our planetary environment will begin to reflect that
inner stance. We will experience again that we are planet Earth and she is us as well.
She’s the nurturing force bringing our physical bodies into existence, offering us a
firm ground to stand on, isn’t it?

We will have restored our power to be the change we want to see in our world. That
will bring us to actions that include creativity and innovation, regeneration of our
human nature and the confidence by experience, that we can bring change.

With the freedom of expression that allows us to choose each moment anew. That’s
how creation loves to see us, the creators of our reality, bringing power-games to
an end and a new beginning. A life in freedom of expression, that’s what love is
about, I believe.

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