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Estimated Creep & Temperature Shift Values Ref. Electra N°.75 4. Conductor Detatis Type of conductor Drake AL Conductor 2s eve Stranding Configuration 3/7 Every Day Stret at Nowf Aluninam wires & Size 30x 4039 an Every Day Teapera’ 20 Steel core wires & size 7x 4.259 an Fretensioning as % of UIS 2m ross Section Art 260.9 ant PreTensioning reriod 2 nee Conductor UTS 250.4 Lastio Vedslus 7553 ke/an* thermal elongation aexi0“/¢ Mi. Conductor Greep due to gecnetrical settlenent & net Lectra N75 ett = Kee oti72® vargical creep using predic (. Byal) Electra 2°75 here ot 3090 average stress on conductor ( kg/nn*) t 2» Everyday Texperature in °C te 57600 Tine period of creep in hours (12.10 years! Hy 0, 0, ud dare creep coefficients for ACSR 30/7, with m= 187 the Greep cceffictents are H=22, © 90,0107, eOL37S, pA0183 & 90.0365 | Ref. Table T of Electra NU75) Therefore from Zqn(d) Total Estinated Creep, uty = 13 $v, Creep due to pre-tenstoning ae Kee oytite 6 Eqn) wnere 6516 Prefensioning stress (xg/nn°) = » Tenperatare in °C ne cd Fre-Tensicning tine in hours for ACSR 30/7, with m= 187 the Oreep cceffictents are Hx2.2 0 0.0107, 01.375, weO.183 & 6=0.0565 | Red, Table Tot Eleotra To.75) ‘from gull estimated Creep due to pre-tensicning , «, = 2 un /n ‘vs Creep Correction & Squivalent temperature shift Effective Creep correction required, t= toteyt) 93-62 #151 po /a Ooefficient of thersal expansion of conductor, a = 18x104/-0 tnererore Squivaient tesperawure snirt , e/a= ania8

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