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What you should know about

liquid thermal expansion
Decision flowchart aids in correct thermal relief valve requirements
S. NOROUZI, Sazeh Consultants, Engineering and Construction, Tehran, Iran;
and S. RAHIMI MOFRAD, Petrofac Engineering and Construction, Sharjah, UAE

ipe rupcure due to the rma l expansio n of blocked liquid

berwcen process valves may cause Ii miring effects, bur ir Any 1. Is the system completely full of liquid?
coul d produce unacceptable consequences, especially wi t h no1 2. Is the line or equipment normally blocked in for
dangero us liq uids. Most references provide p ro per guidel ines operational/emergency purposes?
regarding t herm al expansion rel ief valve requ irements; howeve r, 3. Is the heating system temperature higher than
there is no stra ight forward method to specify when a t he rmal operating liquid temperature?
relief valve CJ 'R.V) is requi red . Furthe rmo re, in the absence of a
All yes
step-wise approach, so metimes t he T RY is provided based on the
Auid's volume or narure (hua rdous o r Aam mability) while check- 4. Is the estimated final pressure lower than the system
ing thermal expansion's iniri:il requirements has been mistakenly design limits?
neglected. 5. Is there any other form of pressure safety device on
Any protected system?
TRV requ irement. Fig. I i~ a s im ple flowcha rt represenr- yes2 6. Is there any administrative operating procedure, reliable
system or skillful operator for draining the liquid before
ing queMions rega rding decisions for a TRY requirem e nt for the system is blocked in?
a specific pipe o r equipmenr. Eq uipme nt refe rs to any process 7. Is there any provision preventing the tight blockage
volume incl ud ing diffe rent ty pes of heat excha ngers, air cool- Of liquid?
e rs, vessels a nd pumps chat sa tisfy t he liquid rhe rmal expansio n 8. Is there any weak point in the system where expansion
inicial requiremencs. The decis io n flowchart consists of th ree could be relieved without any major consequence?
boxes. Box I c hecks the inicial req ui remenrs needed fo r iniciar- All no
ing cherma l ex pansio n , while Box 2 investigates existing safety
meas ures, desig n provisions and o che r alterna rives cha t may be 9. Is the liquid lethal, toxic or corrosive?
urilized insteaJ of'J'RVs. T he co nseque nces of equipme nt/pipe 10. Is the liquid combustible or explosive?
All 11. Is the liquid environmentally harmful?
rupcure o n human health . safcry and e nviro nme n tal ai.pec ts, 3
cquipmenc inrcgriry, and e<.:onomical and operatio nal cost fol - no 12. Is the liquid highly volatile?
13. Is the pipe/equipment in critical need of service from a
lowed by ru ptures, a re reviewed in Box 3. If a ny of t hese con- plant operation viewpoint?
sequences arc nor ro le ra ced, the n a T RY sho uld be provided to 14. Is the pipe/equipment size so large that the rupture cost
di rect the excess blocked liquid ro rhe confined volume such as is not tolerable?
another vessel o r Aa re ne two rk.
Each q uestion in the decision flowchart is described below in
greater detail.
I. T he syste m is considered completely liquid- fi lled at 95% o r
greate r volume. For a f\vo-phase system with lower liquid frac tio n
and gas system, a TRY is not usually required because existing gas 1TRV Is not required because thennaJexpansion will not occur.
ca n absorb the increase in liq uid volume due ro thermal expa n- 2TRV Is not required since existing safeguard will remove rupture risk but thermal
sion. Small vapo r o r gas pockets can d isappear upon heating due expansion will occur.
3TRV IS not required sinee l1le rupture risk is acceptable bUI some provisions
ro compre~ ion a nd/or solu bili1..ario n. In contrast, multi-compo- should be considered for handling rupture consequences.
nent mixtures with a wide boiling rangt: can have sufficicm va po r
present ro preclude becoming completely liquid- LJlled. T he liquid Decision flowchart for TRV requirements.
volume change due co heating sho uld be estimated co determ inc if
the vapor pocket volume is sufficient for liq uid expansion . 1
2. P ro <.:ess pla n r pip ing (o n- plot piping) is nor normally Exception. Process lines o r e q ui pmcnc that handle fluid s
blocked in, but sto rage or t ranspo rt piping sections are regularly lo we r t ha n a mbient tem perature arc exce ptions. l n t his case,
shut in during no rmal opera ri o n. T his is why few process lines the a nswe r to q uestio n two is y es, whcchcr liquid h lockagc is
haveTRVs. normally do ne or not.




pressure will raise abou r 4 bars for each l °C increase in water

(\4-in. hole)
-l>l<l-----'*1- ~ -
r.1.a -in. hole) blocked in temperature a L20°C as per Eq. 3 calculation:

l1P a 2.1 x I0
(foe) ( )
11T = ; = 4.56 xio-s(X )=4.6 bafoc
~ 5. The required relief rate due to liquid thermal expansion
is very small , so if another pressure safery device is provided to
~ ~Closed valve JMil 3-way valve prQ(ecr the system from a ny other e me rgency case, it will relieve
1>4 Check valve t><J Open valve the pressure hy pop-up action.
6. Draining the liquid trapped benveen block valves is a nor-
mal practice done by the operaror within the process plant; hence,
Design provisions for releasing the pressure due to
a TRY is not normally provided for on-plot piping. If there is
thermal expansion. any specific req uirement for liquid draining, ir should be clearly
mentioned .i n shutdown o r mai ntenance procedures. Draining
l 0% liquid volume is enough ro prevent thermal expansion .
3. The heat source can be internal or external. J\n imernal Conversely, storage area piping or liquid transport lines (off-plot
hear source is usually a chemical reacrion. A heating coil, heat- piping) due to the operation type and accessibility limitation are
ing jacket, heat tracing, solar radiation, radiation from fla res and regularly blocked in without liyuid draining. Utilizing lock-open
ambient temperature are external heating sources. Unlike steam (LO) valves can be considered a reliable preventive device si nce
and hot fluid tracing, electrical Lracing is nor considered a hearing t his valve type is locked in the open position during operation and
source since rhe remperarure is maintained by a control system. closed only under permic.
The maximum temperature expected from solar hearing is usu- 7. T he process designer can consider some provisions such as
ally about 60°C-70°C. A TR.Vis not req uired iffluid temperature drilling a small hole in the check or block valve (if it is gate) or
is greater than heat source temperature. This is because blocked addi ng an open bypass aro und the check valve or block valve if
liquid with relatively high operating temperature tends to cool or leakage through additional faci lities is acceptable. Placing a check
keep its temperature instead of hearing. Flar.e heat rad iation can valve around one block valve is another alternative. The check
increase rhe metal surface temperature to a much higher tempera- valve is closed during normal operation and it will be opened
ture depending on flare gas flowrate, distance from the flare and when thermal expansion takes place. A three-way valve can also
burning duration. be installed instead of a block valve 2 (w here applicable) to ensure
External foe is not considered a heat source if thermal expan- that the piping system never becomes completely blocked in. Fig.
sion is studied for a system consisting of only pipes. The fire case 2 illustrates these alternatives.
is a hear source if rhe system includes liquid-full equipment. In 8. One of rhe piping items that is considered as a weak point,
this case, if rhe liquid's initial boiling point at relieving pressure is a c heck valve. Af>l-521 section 5. 14.4.2 takes no credit for
is lower than the fire temperature, an external fire leads to three reverse A.ow-back (leakage) through a check valve; however, other
stages: lic1uid thermal expansion, two-phase relieving and vapor references consider the check valve's leakage sufficienr to relieve
relieving (fire case- liquid vaporization). From a pressure safety excess liquid.
valve (PSV) sizing viewpoint, a PSY sized for rhe vapor relieving 9. If the blocked liquid is dangerous ro personnel health or
stage is adequate because the first two stages are short transient is highly corrosive, rupture is nor tolerable and a TRV should be
periods. If the fluid's boiling point is very high, rhe relief device provided.
should be sized only for thermal expansion. l 0. If the blocked liquid is combustible or explosive, rupture
4. Jn estimating pressure rise due to thermal expansion, equa- is not tolerable from a plant safety vicwpoinr, then a TRY should
rions recommended in APT-521 section 5. I 4.4. l 1 are used. The be provided.
APT relation needs many design parameters. If parameters are 11 . If releasing liquid through a rupture has a major envi-
unknown, the following simplified equation may be utilized: ronmenral impact, rupture is not tolerated and a TRV should be
provided to direct the liquid to a closed system.
Pf.= p + av (rf - T;) (l) 12. lf highly volatile ma rerials continue ro release through a
, x rupture until liyuid is totally vaporized, maimenance performance
may not be possible for a long time depending on the system's
where: total liyuid inventory. Aside from downtime due to maintenance,
valuable material loss a nd volatile organic compound emissions
(2) are other concerns.
13. If the line or equipment is not critical, it can be hypassed
in a rupture case without any major interruption in a process
When ca lculating final pressure, the final temperature needs ro operation; then, a TRV is not reyuired.
be known. The hearing source temperarure can he considered the 14. Generally, pipes with a diameter more than l V2 in. or
final temperature. Generally, a TRY will pop up long before liquid longer than :30 mare considered large pipes. 3 If pipe diameter or
temperature reaches the source temperature. In other words, a length is less than l l/2 in. and shorter rban 30 m, the pipe rup-
5°C-l 0°C increase in liyuid temperature is sufficient to increase ture cost is expected to be lower than the TRV cost, so no TRY is
the pressure from operating to design pressure. For example, the required in this case. This advice should be considered carefully


p Pressure, kPa (psia)
and approved by the project owner. Equipmenr operating full of Volumetric rdief rate, m 3/sec
liquid should be provided with a TRV if the quancicy of blocked- r Tcmperaru re, •c ( H
in liquid is higher rhan 0.5 m3. ' v Spe<.illc volume of li4uid, m3/kg (ft 1/ lb)
<I> Heat t r.msfor rare, \\/all
av CubiCJI expansion co~fficicnr of the liquid. ll°C ( 1rr)
TRV relief rate. for a liquid-full system, Eq. 4 (in SI), can be
used co calculace the approximate relief race value: x lsothernul compressibility coefficient of 1hc liquid. l/kPa (!/psi)

av<P (4)
q = l,000 dC I First condirion
2 Second condition
Reference 3 prescnrs differenr correlations for calculating rhe Initial rnndition
cubical expansion coefficienc. f Hnal rnndition
for calcularing thermal relief race, some assumptions shall be
• ror heat exchangers, the maximum exchanger duty during American Petroleum Institute, API RP 52 1, "Pressure relieving and tkpressur-

ing sy11nns' 5th Ed., January 2007.

operation is taken as Lhe heat transfer race. The trapped liquid heat 2 Wong, W. Y., "Safer relief valve si1ing", Chcmical Engineering, May 1989.
transfer coefficienr is substantially lower than rhe flowing liquid pp. 137-140.
hear transfer coeffkien r, and the heat transfer rate is generally 1 Bravo, F. and B. 0. Beatty, "Decide whethe1 10 use thermal relief valves,..

controlled by free convection of rrapped liquid inside the pipe. CE!', December I993. pp. 35-J8.
Therefore, using maximum exchanger dury is the mosr conserva-
tive assumption. Sanaz No rouzi is a process engineer with Sazeh Consultants,
• lf the fluid properties vary significantly with temperature, Engineering & Co11struction. Tet11a11. Iran . She has a BS degree 1n
rhe most severe operating conditions should be used. chemical engineering from Iran University of Science and Technol -
09y, Iran.
• Fuel co fired hearers or healing medium lO ocher equipment
is continuously flowing at maximum conditions. Concrol valves
on heater fuel or heating fluids will be assumed to be fully open.
• Eliminating TRYs due to die presence of remperatun.: con- Saeid Rahimi M o frad 1~ a process engineer with Petrofac
Eng u1eering and Conwuction, Shaq.ih, UAE He hcl~ published
trol system chat will dose the heat source in case ofliquid block- many articles on pressure relief system design. Mr Rah1m1 h<is an
age, is nor allowed. MS d1!9ree 1n chemical eng1neenng from Shani Un1vers1ty of Tech-
nol09y and a BS degree from Sh1ra1 University, Iran
TRV sizing. Since it is not easy to determine the rdicf rate
through a TRV, in mosr systems N PS -M x NPS l (DN20 x DN25)
relief valve can be used, even rhough it is commonly oversiL.ed.
Two general applications where TRYs are larger rhan DN20 x
DN25 valves arc long pipelines o f large diameter in uninsulated,
aboveground inscallarions and large vessels or exchanger~ opcrar-
ing liquid-full. for Lhese cases, relief rate calculation and TRY size
checking arc recommended.

TRV location. Usually, any location on a pipe or equipmenr is

suitable for installing a TRV The availabiliry of a suitable discharge
rome and maintenance requiremcnrs may limir rhc opt ions. A
relief valve may be located on a pipe rather than on the equipment
if both belong to the same blocked -in sysrem. for ease ofservice, a
TRY should be located at the lowest elevation and at platforms.
RSI Simeon, an IFP group company, is a leading global supplier
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in the flowchart is yes, the liquid muse be discharged into a dosed Petrochemicals, Chemicals, LNG, and Power industries.
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discharge shall be taken imo accounr. If a liquid is not dangerous, rhe Our Dynamic Engineering Simulators (DES) are used to validate
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