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Directions. Encircle the letter of the best answer. Directions. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the belief of a progressivist? 1. What is the belief of a progressivist?

a. Education must be based on the fact that humans learn best in real life activities a. Education must be based on the fact that humans learn best in real life activities
b. Education is a matter of trial and error. b. Education is a matter of trial and error.
c. Education promotes cultural and social changes. c. Education promotes cultural and social changes.
d. Education fulfils human hunger for knowledge and truth. d. Education fulfils human hunger for knowledge and truth.
2. Who is the proponent of progressivism? 2. Who is the proponent of progressivism?
a. John Dewey c. B. F. Skinner a. John Dewey c. B. F. Skinner
b. Jerome Bruner d. Ralph Tyler b. Jerome Bruner d. Ralph Tyler
3. The following are characteristics of progressivist curriculum except____________. 3. The following are characteristics of progressivist curriculum except____________.
a. It emphasizes study of natural and social sciences. a. It emphasizes study of natural and social sciences.
b. Teachers push students towards higher order thinking b. Teachers push students towards higher order thinking
c. Students are to be exposed to a more democratic curriculum c. Students are to be exposed to a more democratic curriculum
d. Students are encouraged to dwell to social issues. d. Students are encouraged to dwell to social issues.
4. It is a philosophy in education that believes in the rebuilding of social and cultural 4. It is a philosophy in education that believes in the rebuilding of social and cultural
infrastructures. infrastructures.
a. Reconstructionism c. Constructivism a. Reconstructionism c. Constructivism
b. Cognitivism d. Humanism b. Cognitivism d. Humanism
5. Who founded Reconstructionism? 5. Who founded Reconstructionism?
a. Wilhelm Wundt c. Ivan Pavlov a. Wilhelm Wundt c. Ivan Pavlov
b. Theodore Brameld d. Ralph Tyler b. Theodore Brameld d. Ralph Tyler
6. What discipline does Reconstructionist curriculum focus? 6. What discipline does Reconstructionist curriculum focus?
a. Science c. English a. Science c. English
b. Math d. Philosophy b. Math d. Philosophy
7. Who is the proponent of behaviorism? 7. Who is the proponent of behaviorism?
a. Wilhelm Wundt c. Abraham Maslow a. Wilhelm Wundt c. Abraham Maslow
b. Jerome Bruner d. Jean Piaget b. Jerome Bruner d. Jean Piaget
8. He is a Russian physiologist who introduced the theory of classical conditioning. 8. He is a Russian physiologist who introduced the theory of classical conditioning.
a. Albert Bandura c. Edward Thorndike a. Albert Bandura c. Edward Thorndike
b. Ivan Pavlov d. Jean Piaget b. Ivan Pavlov d. Jean Piaget
9. It’s a law of learning proposed by Thorndike that if the response is followed by 9. It’s a law of learning proposed by Thorndike that if the response is followed by
rewarding experience, the response will be strengthened. rewarding experience, the response will be strengthened.
a. Law of Effect c. Law of Exercise a. Law of Effect c. Law of Exercise
b. Law of Association d. Law of Readiness b. Law of Association d. Law of Readiness
10. What kind of process does behaviorism use in order to study human thought? 10. What kind of process does behaviorism use in order to study human thought?
a. introspection c. conversion a. introspection c. conversion
b. inversion d. deletion b. inversion d. deletion

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