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Capability chart for generator-transformer units

A. Losi M. Russo P. Verde D. Meyiti

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemktica
Universiti degli Studi di Cassino Universiti degli Studi della Calabria
03043 Cassino, via Di Biasio 43, Italy 87036 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
Ph. (39) 776-299643 e-mail: Ph. (39) 984-494707 Fax (39) 984-494713

Abstract- The concept of capability chart, traditionally Further help is provided by this capability chart in the
related to the synchronous machines, is extended to the case of unit step-up transformers with off-nominal turns
whole generator-transformer unit, including not only the ratios, which are sometimes equipped with under-load tap
limitations due to the generator technical limits hut also the changer (ULTC); it is often the case of generating units
Characteristics of the step-up transformer and of the connected to industrial electrical systems [6,7]. Beyond
electrical power system the unit is connected to. The protecting the synchronous machine from large voltage
capability chart for generator-transformer units proves to be fluctuations of the high-voltage busbar, the ULTC assures
an effective tool in planning and design activities; different high operating flexibility to the generating unit but, on the
solutions can be compared in terms of active and reactive other hand, significantly increases the cost of the step-up
powers actuaily injected by the generating unit into the transformer Capability chart applied to the generating
high-voltage busbar. To highlight the effectiveness of the tool units equipped with ULTC may prove to be an effective
numerical applications are presented with reference to a tool bccause it evidences the benefits, in terms o f both
typical generating unit. active and reactive powers, introduced by a ULTC, thus
allowing a detailed cost-benefit analysis.
In the paper, it is described a model to obtain the
I. INTRODUCTION capability chart of the generating unit in terms of active
and reactive powers injected by the unit into the high-
The concept of capability chart is traditionally related to voltage busbar. The model takes into account all the
synchronous machines, and has been widely accepted as technical and operating constraints of both the
an indispensable tool for planning of power systems and, synchronous machine and the step-up transformer.
in particular, of generating units. Moreover, capability Different representations of the electrical power system
chart has already been extended to HVDC links [l] and are adopted to take into account the effects of the injected
electric power systems [ 2 , 3 ] . The great advantage of powers on the voltage of the high-voltage busbar.
capability charts is the clear way in which they relate Moreover, the capability chart of a generating unit is
active and reactive powers, thus allowing an easy and extended to the case of step-up transformers equipped with
direct understanding of the abilities of the system in study. ULTC. The general model is a constrained non-linear
With reference to synchronous machine, recent studies optimisation problem and cannot be solved analytically:
[4,5] have underlined the importance of determining the the problem must be repeatedly solved numerically to
possible operating range the generator is capable of in obtain the capability chart of the generating unit. With
actual operation; in fact, the operating conditions of the reference to a study case, significant numerical
generating plant and of the electrical power system may applications are presented to evidence, in particular, the
effectively limit the possible operating range of the effects of power system operating conditions and of the
generator, with a significant reduction with respect to the step-up transformer characteristics on the capability chart
synchronous machine capability chart furnished by the of the generating unit.
manufacturer. In this connection, it can be useful to look
at the whole generating unit, that is to the system 11. CAPABILITY CHART FOR GENERATING UNITS
composed of the generator and the related step-up
transformer. For such a system, a capability chart can be The capability chart for generating units refers to the
defined as the domain of possible operating conditions in general schematic system in Fig. 1.a; the steady-state
the plane of active and reactive powers injected into the electrical equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 1.b .
high-voltage busbar. This capability chart can be a useful The prime mover is supposed to limit the active power
tool to perform a direct evaluation of the limitations generated by the synchronous machine within a fixed
introduced by the step-up transformer and by the power range according to:
system characteristics; it is useful in planning activities
because it helps to choose the best values of the 'gmin 5 g' 'P g m a 1 (1)
transformer parameters and it can prevent overestimation where P is the active power generated by the synchronous
of the generating unit capability. machine.

0-7803-3 1 -09-S/96/$S.00 1996 IEEE

the high-voltage busbar, a is the transformer ratio, and PI,
and Q, represent the transformer active and reactive
power losses, respectively. Auxiliary powers Pa and Qa
Auxiliaries I depend on the generated power in a way that is specified
Hv accoxding to the particular generating plant considered
(4 [SI.The general representation of the step-up transformer
provides for a nominal or off-nominal ratio, and, if EL
ULTC is adopted, the ratio is a discrete variable that can1
be iidjusted within a fixed range:

Vft amin I a < amax .

Other technical limitations related to the transformer

can be neglected because the step-up transformer is:

usually sized on a larger and more conservative basis than
the synchronous machine, and, consequently, the technical
Fig. 1. Generating nnit diagram and equivalent electrical circuit.
constraints of the synchronous machine are more
restrictive than the ones of the transformer.
The operating capability of the synchronous machine is The high-voltage busbar operating conditions are
usually boundcd by thtrx limits. The first boundary stritstly related to the electrical system the generating unit
represents the rotor field thermal limit specified by a DC is connected to. Two extreme cases are possible:
current rating; the second boundary represents the thermal i. the generating unit is connected to a "stiP' electrical
limitation on the stator current; the third boundan power system, that is, the high-voltage busbar voltage is
represcnts the underexcitation limiter OJEL) action. The fixed at a constant value by the power system regardless
three allowable operating regions of the synchronous the: active and reactive powers injected by the
machine can be represented by three circles described, generating group;
respectively, by the following inequalities [4,5,8,9]: ii.the generating unit is connected to an islanded
electrical system, that is, the high-voltage busbar
voltage is determined only by the generating unit
operating conditions.
In the first case, a further equation represents the W E '
electrical power system:
Vb =eonst , ' (9)
whereas, in the second case, the voltage v b is determined
by The operating conditions of the generating unit, and
must be kept within a technical operating range to
where Q, is the generaied reactive power, V, is the gua:rantee a good voltage profile in the islanded electrical
voltage amplitude at the generator terminals, Vfnlax IS the system:
e.m.f. corresponding to the rnaximum exciting current, Xd 'bmin b" "bmax . (10)
is the synchronous reactance, Igmaxis the maximum stator In betvveen the two ,ex<reme cases, various operating
current, K m and Kuc determine, respectively, the radius conditions are possible in which the generating unit is
and the centre of a circular IJEL limit [9]. conne:cted. to a "weak" electrical power system and the
Moreover, the voltage amplitude at the synchronous high-voltage busbar voltage is influenced by the operating
machine terminals is limitcd according to: conditions of both the electrical power system and the
(5) generating unit. In these cases, a relationship in the
Vg min 2 Vg 5 Vg max .
follov,ing general form
From the equivalent circuit of the step-up transformer
(Fig. l.b), two operating equality constraints are derived vb 'Vb(Pb9Qb) (11)
in the following general formulation: can be written and specified according to the particular
representation of the electrical power system. It is worlhy
g - pa - st, cos 'Pb - PL cvg > v b ,F bg > a) = 0 3 (6) noting that inequality (10) might be used together with
Qg -Qa -Sb sincpb - QL ('Jg ,vb >6bg,a) = 0 , (7) (11) to describe the requirements of good voltage on the
highi-voltage busbar.
where P, and Q, are the auxiliary active and reactivc The: border of the capability chart of the generating unit
powers, s b is the apparent power injected by the can be obtained, similarly to [2], by maximising and
generating unit into the high-voltage busbar and <Pbis the min:imising the apparent power injected by the generating
related power angle, V, is the voltage amplitude of the unit into the high-voltage busbar for fixed value of the
high-voltage busbar, 8bg is the phase shift between the powmix angle. For each value of 'pb the following
voltage phasors related to the synchronous terminals and optiniisation problems must be solved:
min Sb or rnax Sb (12) assuming a total exiemal equivalent reactance of 0.3 p.u. .
subject to: Auxiliary powers are neglected in this application, due to
their strict dependence on the generation plant
- constraints (1)-(7), characteristics.
- constraint (8) if a load tap changer is adopted, It is interesting to compare the results for different
- constraints representing the power system, that is either operating conditions of the power system the unit is
constraint (9), or (lo), or (11), or (10) and (11). connected to and for dif€erent types of step-up
In their most general formulation, the optimisation transformer. In particular, regarding the power system,
problems cannot be solvcd analytically and numerical the two extreme cases described in Sect. I1 are considered.
solutions must be obtained by means of well-known non- Concerning the unit transformer, the following three
linear programming algorithms. The solutions are different cases are considered and their results are
repeatedly evaluated for different values of the power compared:
angle 'pb, so as to obtain the border of the closed domain a) nominal turns ratio (a = l,O),
of possible operating conditions of the generating unit in b) off-nominal turns ratio (a = 0.98),
the (Pb.Qb) plane. c) transformer equipped with ULTC ( +in 5 a 5 amax).
If the step-up transformer is equipped with a ULTC,
then the optimisation problenis are non-linear mixed-
integer problems. However, their solutions can be obtained
assuming a continuous variable for the transformer tums
ratio if the discrete steps of variations of the ratio are
small enough.
In the case of unit transformers equipped with ULTC,
all the operating conditions allowed by the capability chart
can be attained in actual operation only if the generator 0-
voltage regulator and the ULTC control law are properly (13 04 05 06 07 08 09
-0 2~~
designed. It is not the case of present day industrial
practice [6]: usually, the gencrator excitation system is
regulated to assure the reactive power output according to
an optimal setpoint, while the ULTC is adjusted to
maintain the voltage at the generator terminals within its
.081 --ULTC ----a=O98 a=10
allowed operating range. To help overcoming this Fig 2 Capability charts for vb = 0 95 p U
limitation and eqloiting the whole capability of the unit,
the solutions of the optimisation problems that describe
the capability chart border, in particular the solutions of
the maximisation problems, can be used to build up some
look-up tables for the generator voltage regulator and the
ULTC control, which give the appropriate values of the
references for given load power angle 'pb and for given
power system operating conditions, 0-
C3 04 0.5 06 01

Several applications for different generating units have

been studied. In the following the results for a typical
generating unit are presented. The per-unit data of the -o$ -ULTC ----a=O98 a=lO
components of the generating unit are reported in Table I; Fig 3 Capability charts for Vb = 1 0 p U
the values for the UEL limitation are derived from the
static stability limit according to the standard practice [9],
Table I. Generating unit data (D.u.)
IPrime mover I pWin = 0.30 1 Pwax = 1.00 I
t I


VWax= 1.05

1 Synchronous I Vfmax = 2.60 I Igmax = 1.10
1 machine I K,, = 1.37 I KLJR = 1.97 1
lTrmsfomcr 1 XT =0.08
amin = 0.95
1 KT
= 1.05
1 0 4 __ U L T C ----a=O98
Fig 4 Capability charts for Vb = 1 05 p U
In the case of the generating unit connected to a "stiff" IV. CONCLUSIONS
power system, Figs. 2 to ,4 report the capability charts
obtained for v b equad to 0.95, 1.0 and 1.05 p.u. The concept of capability chart has been extended to the
respectively. From the: comparison among the three generator-transformer unit in terms of active and reactive
different solutions considcre:d for the unit transformer, it is powers injected into the high-voltage busbar. Moreover,
evident that the ULTC guarantees the best performance of the unit transformer turns ratio is taken into account,
the generating unit regardless the variation of the power inclluding the possibility of adopting a ULTC. The
system operating conditions. Moreover, in the cases capability chart of the generating unit proves to be a useful
considered, ULTC improvias thc maximum active and tooll to:
reactive powers that the generating unit can inject into the i. take into account the actual operating conditions of the
high-voltage busbar around the rated power factor, that is power system the unit is connected to, and their
around the typical operating conditions of the unit. influence on the capability chart of the generating unit;
In the case of the generating unit supplying an islanded ii. evaluate accurately all the benefits of equipping the
electrical system, Fig. 5 shows the capability charts drawn step-up transformer with a ULTC;
assuming Vbmin = 1.0 p.u and Vb,, = 1.05 p.a. in eqn. iii. help defining control laws that assure the best
(10). In this case, sincc: the voltage amplitude v b is exploitation of the generating unit capability while
determined by the generating unit, the differencesbetween operating conditions change.
the off-nominal turns ratio and the ULTC solutions are Numerical applications have been presented with
negligible. The benefits introduced by UTLC arc more refercmce to a typical generating unit to highlight the
significant if thc value cif Vbmin must be increased to effectiveness of the tool in companng the performances of
guarantee a better voltage profile in the islanded electrical the generating unit rclatcd to different charactenstics of
system; it can be cvide:nced from the capability charts the step-up transformer and different operating conditions
shown in Fig. 6 that are derived changing \'bmin to ofthe electncal power system.
1.02p.u. .

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